Everything Is Futile

Open Your Bible

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, Psalm 39:1-13, Matthew 11:28-30

“Am I the only one in this house who knows how to load the dishwasher?!” I bark my question loudly to everyone within earshot and no one in particular. Instead of listening for an answer, I groan and scrub another bowl with cereal flakes glued to the inside. I’m annoyed, and I need them to know it. But underneath my irritated sighs, there is another feeling—a fleeting but familiar twinge of disappointment in my heart’s bent toward temporary things.

This was the scene at my home last night. And banal as it is, it’s the one that comes to mind when I think of the word that echoes throughout the book of Ecclesiastes: futility. Looking for lasting meaning apart from God is futile—as futile as trying to keep the kitchen sink empty in a house filled with snack-obsessed kids and coffee-dependent adults. “‘Absolute futility,’ says the Teacher. ‘Absolute futility. Everything is futile’” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

It feels silly to compare King Solmon’s words to my kitchen drama, and even to admit the drama to begin with. I’m a grown woman, for crying out loud! Do I really expect an empty sink to fill me up? The honest answer is, yes, I sometimes do. In the same way that I tie some bit of my self-worth to the cleanliness of my countertop, I try to craft meaning in a thousand other things: the work I do, the clothes I wear, the photos I take and captions I create, the behavior of my children, the affection of my husband, the size of my bank account and my waistline. It’s exhausting, really. Solomon knew it too: “All things are wearisome, more than anyone can say” (v.8).

Ecclesiastes is the wise king’s record of his own search for meaning in life “under the sun” (v.3)—that is, life here on earth. In it, Solomon found what we, too, find if we tug on our meaning threads hard enough: every earthly thing unravels. Nothing lasts. No man-crafted meaning can fill the human heart in a full and lasting way.

As hopeless as it sounds, this is good news because it points us to the only source of true meaning and fulfillment: Jesus Christ. In the kingdom of God, life’s meaning is not determined by a mortal king’s earthly research, but by the Eternal King’s perfect goodness, justice, and love. The world we see with our eyes is temporary and fraught with futility, but our life in Christ is everlasting and marked by mercy.

Ecclesiastes isn’t a light read, but it’s a worthwhile one. Like every other book of the Bible, it is the true and inspired Word of God, given to us that we might know and walk with Him. So, settle in and get out your spiritual bifocals, friends. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you learn to view life through a kingdom lens. As we read, may we learn to find our heart’s home in Christ alone.

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210 thoughts on "Everything Is Futile"

  1. melissa berthelot says:

    Keeping a kingdom focus amongst all the distractions of this world is such a battle. I’m thankful for the reminder and encouragement. Through & in Christ we are & have more than enough ❤️

  2. Sumire Arai says:

    I want to see what is meaning of life of “under the sun”. Still I don’t know it and everything is futile is really true and I make futile my room and I need it clean up and if I know it all, I believe I understand what is “Life”.

  3. Isabelle Hebert says:

    Prayer: Lord, I ask that I may find fulfillment and delight in you & not in the world that will leave me empty.

  4. Hope Bladow says:

    “Things that matter” I’m going to finish listening to the podcast tomorrow on my way to work.

  5. Hope Bladow says:

    God sets me in assignments to accomplish good things. If what I’m doing is not kingdom building, I should be careful. God’s destinations and callings trump “under the sun.”

  6. Clarissa Chapman says:

    God guided me to this reading and i can’t wait to learn why! He continues to provide for me and show me love that i don’t deserve.

  7. Sumire Arai says:

    Help me how to love my relatives,

  8. Katie Jenkins says:

    Do I find myself trying to get filled by my sink, my clean floors, and my husbands love and wanting for me? Yes I absolutely do. I now understand why Holy Spirit prompted me to read this devotional and journey along these few weeks in Ecclesiastes.

  9. Susan S says:

    It’s so comforting to know that when we are misdirecting our worth, happiness, etc. in this world that there is a way already made for us that allows us to live outside of those silly places we used to find fulfillment. To know that this world, us, and everything in it is fleeting really is an eye-opener and should truly move us all to be more at the feet of the Lord.

  10. Briana Yancy says:

    I’m excited to read more!

  11. Holly Krylo says:

    I’m a little late to listening to the Podcast. I just got to the episode where they started this study (which was this same time last year!). Solomon’s struggle is so relatable to my deep thoughts of life and meaning. I am so excited to dive into this study!

  12. Caprice Robinson says:

    So true. This hits my heart in the same place

  13. Christy Edge says:

    It’s always a good reminder that nothing here on Earth will ever give us fulfillment. Jesus Christ is the only that can provide that fulfillment.

  14. Alyssa McKee says:

    I needed to hear this- such a good word! I am excited to see what I will find out while diving in the word with this study

  15. Lynn Buckalew says:

    Enough? I will only be enough when I meet Jesus face to face. What I wear-where I go-what I do, unless it is for the kingdom of God, really is-at the end of the day-futile.

  16. Stephanie Lofton says:

    Our church is about to do a sermon series on ecclesiastes so I’m excited be able to read ahead and then expanding my understanding even more. I need to be reminded of what is really important – storing up treasure in heaven. Everthing here on earth is futile!

  17. Sabrina Alcarsz says:

    As someone that is constantly looking for meaning in the things around me. Whether it be to satisfy me or for it all to make sense. The peace that comes with knowing that the only “meaning” I find in my life comes from my Lord. That God is ever constant, present, and never changing is humbling. For me to look at myself for purpose or meaning is in fact futile and leads to heartache at the end of it. Who I ultimately abide in is Him and that’s truly what brings my soul satisfaction.

  18. madeline yates says:

    a good reminder for my heart: the only thing that matters is Christ and Christ alone. i’ve noticed how easily I get my feelings and worries wrapped up in earthly things lately… so excited to see how this book will help reshape my eyes and ears to see the Lord.

  19. Kate S says:

    Such a timely post for me and a great reminder of WHO (not WHAT) to find satisfaction and joy in rather than our worldly desires

  20. Janissa Maasen says:

    Oh my, I felt like you were summarizing a moment in MY kitchen! This is me. The futility and weariness are real. I needed this reminder today!

  21. Leslie Orellana says:

    These past few days I’ve been extremely frustrated with everything around me, but I try to remind myself that all is temporary, but Gods love is everlasting. I’ve also found that if I don’t start my day in Gods word and prayer, I tend to have a really bad day.

  22. Heather Green says:

    Looking for encouragement and accountability.

    1. Katis Cullum says:

      I’m here with ya! Just started this study and excited for it.

  23. Olivia de Mik says:

    Great reminder!! I’ve found myself easily frustrated lately by all kinds of things I am tying my worth to but need to keep rooting myself in Jesus!

  24. Kailey Wiggers says:

    My life is a tiny little paradise yet a still feel discontented , it made no sense until I read this and realised I have slipped away from a God centered life. Time to majorly reorganize!

  25. Alexis Donaldson says:

    If we live our lives in turmoil guessing if we are right or wrong, everything in our life would be futile. But we should place in our minds to become heavenly in our spirits and full of life, capable to accomplish all things with belief of our heavenly (spiritual) desire.

  26. Abigail Muñoz says:

    The thing is, if we have figured it out, or at least read about it and become a bit more aware than nothing can fulfill our hearts and lives (like Jesus does and wants to), why is still so hard for us to leave those things behind or put them on second, third, last place? Why is it so hard to let them go? Why do we keep lookin for validation in things, money, work, partners and even dreams?
    This is why probably frustrates me the most, that if I know better, why can’t it do better?

    1. Caitlin Scott says:

      I feel the exact same way. But it really is just the human struggle as Christians. We still have human nature and want to have fulfillment within the world. Which isn’t really our place. So we will never be satisfied and will always feel a sense of loss or inadequacy until we realize Christ should be our only fulfillment. If we’re not doing enough for Him, there is no point to our earthly lives.

  27. Autumn Christmas says:

    Such a good reminder to not put all your worries on earthly things. Though its so easy to do as it’s what society tells us to. But instead fix your eyes on Jesus and the kingdom of God.

  28. Lauren Clement says:

    This!!! Ugh. Exactly what my little heart needed.

  29. Natalie Villacis says:

    Reminded me that all the worries I have right now about needing to make a decision, I’m putting too much weight and energy into that instead of redirecting my energy into growing my relationship with God who will point me in the right direction

    1. Autumn Christmas says:

      Love this! Whenever I feel the weight of a decision I always try and back up and just work on getting to God, through that you’ll see what he wants for you. He only wants good.

  30. Maria Guevara says:

    Nothing can fulfill us like Jesus. We need to keep our eyes on him and the eternity ahead. We can’t get wrapped up in temporary things but focus on eternal things. So much easier said then done. But this such a good reminder!! 

  31. Amber Charles says:

    Futility. For some reason, this is so heavy for me. Lately I’ve been struggling with so much, worrying about work, family, Med school decisions, and just life period that I too often forget God. My distractions are many. What meaning do I have in life if I don’t have God in it? I would be completely lost without Him. Everything is futile but God is infinite and I am trying to be more intentional with the time I have with him and his word. I needed this devotional so badly, especially with everything going on with our world. I am looking forward to reading more in scripture and meditating on it.

    1. Jess Phelts says:

      Ditto, I’m right there with you!!

    2. Autumn Christmas says:

      Agreed!! Worrying about small earthly things that are in fact futile, useless and pointless! Hard to do as it’s what society points us towards. But keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and the decisions will easier.

  32. Taylor says:

    This is exactly what my soul has been needing to hear. I’m so so thankful I found this study this morning. Thank you!

  33. Jeanene Rhoden says:

    This is definitely a good reminder to be mindful to keep my eyes, heart, and mind fixed on Jesus. The world and things around me cannot fulfill me. This is one of the reasons I decided to get off social media for a while. I need to readjust my heart, eyes, and mind.

  34. Nicole Trimper says:

    Good reminder to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and not outside circumstances. ❤️

  35. Yarizza Francisco says:

    this devotional is so relevant! i am so glad i came across this bible plan.. so excited to continue this reading plan to grow as a teen and learn from older and much wiser women. this is going to make my faith stronger.

  36. Ashley Reid says:

    Futile futile futile. Frankly being stuck at home for months has left my heart so desperate for the “real things”—the things that are going to last eternally. Prayers that I can let go of the vanities and steadfastly hang on to His work and His way.

  37. Valerie Griffith says:

    Today’s devotional is so relevant. Thank you!

  38. Harley JustineNuñez says:

    I found She Reads by chance. This is my first study in my journey back into the word and correcting my path in life. Proverbs and Psalms are two of my favorite books. I haven’t read Ecclesiastes fully, so I’m excited for this reading. I am prayerfully asking God to speak through this study to me so that I may come out with a better understanding of my life’s direction. Futility is something I have felt but not thought much about.

  39. Ashley Kilby says:

    I so needed this today. Thank you!

  40. Barb Cole says:

    My first study with SRT. Recommended by one of my lovely Christian sisters. Going deeper to give God this futile mindset I’ve had. Praying the Holy Spirit will speak through these words.

  41. Emma Hlad says:

    Excited to be here ❤️ I just journeyed through the book of Ecclesiastes on my own. I was deciding whether or not I wanted to move on to a different book of the Bible, but I opening this app and the ‘Ecclesiastes’ study was the first thing I laid eyes on! God laid it on my heart to study it again —with you all! I’m excited to begin applying the wisdom of this text to my everyday life ❤️

  42. Pamela Moretz says:

    When I read this … I was reminded of God’s natural and moral laws that bring balanced and meaning to life. What we do will pass, what we do for Him will last! Jesus gave us the formula to life when He spoke about Martha and her sister Mary and then in Luke 2:52 when He grew in wisdom, in stature, in favor with God and man. God’s natural law brings a balance when a tree limbs breaks … another one takes its place therefore creating balance … God’s moral law like the sisters bring balance by choice … both are designed to glorify the Creator, Preserver and Government of our God. This is the meaning of life … all things design to glorify God. Now we are left with choices!

  43. Holly Barrett says:

    So true. I find myself trying to find my worth in a clean home and when it isn’t to my expectations, I get upset. You are right! Our worth comes from Jesus not a clean home or a large bank account. Thank you for the reminder.

  44. Gabrielle Madrigal says:

    I love this ! This is my first SRT bible study. I often get stuck thinking my job isn’t good enough , my life isn’t good enough , I’m not successful enough , etc. but I love how this plan brings to life how that is all futile. I can’t wait to continue !

  45. Cindi Tillapaw says:

    More, more of God and less of me! Praying for the Holy Spirit to help me every day ! With having so much time at home I need a different routine with God in the center!

  46. Connie Patenaude says:

    Once again reminded that my worth comes from God alone!

  47. Lisa Caroline says:

    I love the juxtaposition of these thee passages. It’s hard sometimes to come to terms with my own feelings of insignificance. Important to remember that my significance is in Christ.

  48. Kat O’Brien says:

    Such an important reminder. It’s so easy to get sucked into day to day tasks and chores.. or feeing like I have to workout to look a certain way and for it to make me “feel good” about myself. It’s actually a relief to read that all these things are futile. Please help me to remember this going forward, Lord.

  49. Morgan Gast says:

    Love this. I often find myself looking for the next best thing or wanting everything to be perfect—hoping to find value and happiness. Great reminder that true fulfillment and happiness comes from Jesus Christ.

  50. Brooke Caron says:

    I agree that this couldn’t have come at a better time! This season has certainly been a very big reminder that no matter how hard we try, only God can provide us with certainty.

  51. Tricia Baxter says:

    It is so easy to get caught up in this world and trying to live up to an image or a standard that we or someone else has painted for us and to judge our worth by that standard…but none of it matters really! All of it will fade away. Set my focus on YOU God as I walk through this storm.

  52. Elisabeth Soto says:

    Wow so good! Thank you for this reminder. Lord please help me to store my treasures in heaven and develop a true relationship with the source of all life – you!

  53. Lauren McDonald says:

    7 All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow,
    there they flow again.
    Wow – if this isn’t the verse I needed – I can be chasing a bigger paycheck, a nicer apartment, a thinner figure but none of those temporary things will fill me. Only an identity found in Christ will fill me.

  54. Kylie Payne says:

    I can totally relate to this! I spend so much time having everything perfect and
    trying to be the best at it all (or look like I am) that I am constantly exhausted. I really need to work on my relationship with God. I need God to be the anchor of my heart not the things

  55. Annelle Rosales says:

    “no man-crafted meaning can fill the human heart in a full and lasting way”
    WOW! so good!!

  56. Amanda Joyce says:

    I definitely feel this way as a mom and a teacher. It is God who we have to find rest in and work through everything and know that temporary things will never give us the hope, love, peace. And fulfillment that God gives us.

  57. Mary Jane Zynda says:

    Perfect timing!!!

  58. Leslie Orellana says:

    This couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m finally learning to rest in this season of quarantine we are all in. I realized a few short days ago, this wasn’t a time to be a busy body, but instead to deepen my relationship with God.

    1. Leisa Larson says:

      Love this! Amen.

  59. Jacqulyn Borton says:

    I am an achiever, I try to juggle everything and, when it nearly falls, I pile more on. This was a fresh look at what really matters and a great start to my journey with SRT. Al is for not if it means the sacrifice of your relationship with the Lord!!

  60. Helen Boeve says:

    Yes and Amen!
    So ready for this study as this season of my life and it timely wraps into things I have been wrestling with for purpose

  61. Jaden Miller says:

    There is a beautiful meditation by the Liturgists based off this book. You can find it on Spotify: Vapor (a Meditation) by the Liturgists. There’s a song, too, to go with it, which is just called Vapor.

    I highly recommend listening to it along with this reading plan!

  62. Hunter Collins says:

    I am reminded that I don’t have to be on a perfect schedule because it doesn’t matter.
    I’m thankful to reading others words on this study.

  63. Blake Ennis says:


  64. Emily Rodriguez says:

    This study could not have come at a better time.

  65. Sarah Garcia says:

    Yesterday I was asked by my professor to take a self esteem exam and make a narrative about it. I got a below average score. I was so busy in life as a medical student that I forgot to take care of myself including my relationship with the Lord. I ended my report with this

    “If one day, I become a doctor yet I am not confident with my diagnosis and treatment then I guess it is meaningless. If one day, I become a doctor but has difficulty in communicating with my patient then it is meaningless. The way I see myself today is part of who will I become tomorrow. Then I guess, I really have to work with my relationship with the Lord, the creator of my identity, so I could be the best physician to my future patients.”

    I realized the value of my relationship to the Lord. It is the Anchor of my soul. This devotion is indeed very timely and I’m excited to what has God instore for me in these passages. God bless

    1. Helena Rose says:

      Wow this is awesome!! So so true.

    2. Alyssa Myers says:

      Love this! Thanks for sharing!! And BT the way, you WILL BE and amazing Doctor!!!

  66. Brandy Yell says:

    What a perfect time for this study ! I’m so excited to be a part of this journey

  67. Kristen Suddeth says:

    Does anyone understand the study book? I don’t get what goes in each column

    1. Emily McTiernan says:

      I have the same question!

    2. Elizabeth Carlock says:

      I used it to review my reactions to the reading but what I feel. For example, I may be here “under the sun” temporarily but I have eternal life “in the Kingdom” through Jesus. But that is only my usage and others may vary.

    3. Nikki Perkins says:

      I’m struggling with it too

  68. Sarah Menckowski says:

    I’m excited for this reading. It is a difficult book for me to understand at times so I’m intrigued to dig deep.

  69. Lehua K. says:

    Thank you Lhara. Very insightful, depend on God alone and His strength. Only He can sustain us and bring lasting comfort.

    This isn’t an easy book, as Amanda mentioned… I actually hesitated after our last devotional because it was so uplifting. But I know I’m meant to read Ecclesiastes right now because while it’s not the lightest of reads, the truth will set me free.

    1. Rebecca Sas-Winnicki says:

      Totally agree! The truth will set us free ❤️

  70. Lhara Larah says:

    Because we are made for the heavens, only heavenly pleasures can fill us. When we become weary of chasing our dreams, or when we are confused and burdened from pressures the world throws at us, Jesus calls us to come to Him for rest. He doesn’t say, “rest for a bit, then carry on”. He tells us to rest in Him fully and He will be the one carry our load for us.

    1. Nikki Perkins says:

      I love this

  71. Beth says:

    Dear Elaine T. I so agree with Diane F. She is giving very wise counsel. My husband and I are profesional family and life counselors and the number one problems we see in couples that have been married for some years always goes back to a very root cause, sex before marriage. Young people don’t see it in their early years and inexperience. But years down the road it’s ugly head always rises up and is the root of so many marital problems way in the future. God has called sex before marriage sin and we can not get away from the consequences of such sin, even though it may not manifest itself for some time. But we always reap later than we sow, we reap more (much more) than we sow, and we always affect many more than just the one or ones that sow. Your church is not trying to forbid you something good or what looks good to you at the moment, and logical in a financial way. Many are mature people that know there are serious long lasting consequences and don’t want you to make a mistake. God may not want you to work your financial situation out as you see is reasonable or best. He may want to show you that He can provide for you in a miraculous way by trusting Him instead of your own understanding, Prov. 3:1-10. It is always better to obey God. It know, I work with couples all the time that say it seemed like the right thing, it’s what everyone else was and is doing. If only we had known then we would have made very different decisions. But their consequences have been so much hurt pain and much hard work to try to repair the damage. May the Lord guide you in His truth!

  72. Ally Stephens says:

    I have struggled to find my place in this world but all that really matters is that I find my peace in Him.

    1. Mikayla Little says:

      This sentence is so powerful and brings me a lot of hope. Thank you for sharing :)

    2. Cindy Harmon says:


  73. Ofelia Lawrence says:

    Jesus is the only One that can truly satisfy my thirsty soul! ❤️

  74. Diana Fleenor says:

    ELAINE T, I hear your asking for advice regarding your plans to move in with your boyfriend before you are married. I wish we could sit down together and I could ask you questions to get a better understanding of your situation and the reasons you believe God is calling you to this move. Because we don’t have that opportunity for this kind of interaction, I aim to walk carefully in my words, praying the Lord grants wisdom. One thing that is coming to mind is how has the word of God informed your decision. I know from hard experiences that it’s possible to have “peace” about something because we want it so much. Our desire can blind us from what the Lord is really saying. And a second question to consider has your community group brought the word of God and prayer into your conversations? One passage that comes to mind in thinking about your desire to move into together relates to how this kind of thing looks to a watching world who have a low view of keeping sex for marriage. Though you may not intend to consummate your marriage until after married, those around you may see this as you living just like the “Gentiles”. In 1 Peter 2:12 we are told, “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoesrs, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.” Our actions are to reflect the purity of the Lord. This is just one passage to consider, there are many others that need to be brought into your prayers and your conversations with your church. Oh how I pray that your church will disciple you well and I pray that you will be opened to be discipled! And finally I pray that you know that my intent in responding to your request for advice is to speak truth in love to you as I pray you and your boyfriend will be very cautious about your decision.

  75. Diana Fleenor says:

    DAYNA R, thank you for your prayers!

  76. Ashley Ruiz says:

    The only constant is Jesus:)

  77. Vicki Judd says:

    We’re remodeling the house we’ve owned since 1984. It’s kinda stressing us out. I needed this reminder about the futility of placing undo importance on the things of this work!

  78. Rosalie Piper says:

    Isn’t this oddly encouraging? It is reminding me that often times my stresses are meaningless. I want to take the yoke of Jesus. I want a light burden. For me a lot of this means having this perspective and eternal view of life. How quickly I forget!

  79. Wanda says:

    Wow! You touched on so many of the same struggles I spend way too much time on, from the kitchen sink to my part-time job and waistline; clearly our little ‘worlds’ with it’s challenges and struggles are so very temporary. I have never spent a lot of time in Ecclesiastes but the first eleven verses are eye-opening!

  80. Shivaun Haynes says:

    It’s funny how God will give you a right on time word right when your falling short! This was such a needed word especially during this pandemic when so many of us are falling into traps of finding comfort in worldly possessions, playing the comparison game on social media, and obsessing with our bodies not for health reasons, but for vanity. Loved this!

  81. K D says:

    I am so thankful for the reminder of hope that is found in these passages. This world is not my home.

  82. Erica Kaminski says:

    So good. Thanks for making this so relatable and being honest! Refreshing to read some of my thoughts and actions from others experiences and to know I’m not the only one doing those things. I should think of this whenever doing everyday chores that seem never ending during this time. ❤️

  83. Dayna R says:

    Diana Fleenor – Praying for you. May you find peace and comfort in the Healer today.

  84. Melanie Holiday says:

    Weeping into my coffee. I needed this so much.

  85. Moriah Nichols says:

    The struggle for me is balancing the two different emotions. Wanting to workout and eat healthy for my bodies sake, but not wanting to fall into the trap of doing it because I want a nice body. Or wanting to save money and make smart financial decisions but also not wanting to store up wealth here on earth. It is all so hard for me to balance between “right” and “wrong”. My heart sways from one way to another at any given moment. I so badly want to do the “right” thing, but sometimes get so caught up in that, that I lose sight of doing what God wants of me.

  86. Melissa Mcronney says:


  87. Deborah Pumarejo says:

    Breathe, that’s where God has me now… Embrace his stillness, embrace love, embrace his peace.

  88. Paula JeanShelby says:

    I’ve been diving into this book of the Bible for the last month so I am excited

  89. Jessica Nicolas says:

    I love that we see two different scriptures showing how wearisome life can be, followed by a promise from Christ that He will give us rest. And it makes the words of David ring stronger “my hope is in you!” Christ offers us that hope and rest we need from this world. ♡

  90. Ellie says:

    I’m meditating on what it means to be a stream continuing to flow towards the sea, while knowing that my effort will never fill the sea. The futility comes from the perspective that the stream is meant to fill the sea. If we adopt the mindset that the purpose of the stream is to fill the sea, this will always seem futile. However, we know that the stream is part of a much bigger system with a much bigger purpose and this change of perspective extinguishes the sense of futility. I’m praying that God will continually remind me to switch my perspective to His greater purpose even when my actions feel futile.

    1. Margaret Terry says:

      I love the way you put that! I’m going to adopt that perspective, even the smallest happening is part of the bigger picture. SO glad He is sovereign over all of it!

    2. Alyssa Myers says:

      Wow!! I love that perspective!! What YOU might think the purpose is (fill the sea) is not GOD’s purpose (be a fluid, willing obedient vessel for the Lord to use.) As he has said, his ways are not our ways… thank you for sharing your thoughts!!! So cool!

  91. BelleV says:

    I am excited to start this. All is futile if not with Christ…In a time of several changes that hit me most. Guide me to what IS.

    1. Candace Johnson says:

      Yes! This.

  92. Mariah Addington says:

    Tracking my weight and waistline is futile.
    What a graceful God we have who already knows our bodies will be something we spiritually trip over.

  93. Keturah Monet says:

    Everything passes away and only the Lord remains. Today I was so insistent on doing a deep spring clean and tried to continue on even during a migraine. I needed this study.

  94. RuthR says:

    This plan can easily be called,- Life Without Christ. All IS futile, but with Christ, there is meaning and purpose in all we do.

  95. Jessica ElizabethHolmes says:

    I’ve been feeling like Solomon, feeling like I can fight and fight to build something, to amount to something, to protect others or myself, but then like David in the Psalm I just feel crushed, and punished and the constant burden of my sins and mistakes always on top of me. And then there is Jesus, dropping into this sin-warped story line and while I feel crushed and feel meaningless, he’s taken on the full weight of death and despair and crushed it, so that I can stand up today and know that even when it feels pointless, I’m not trapped in this broken down system, I have freedom to rejoice because I’m a part of His story again, a story of glory, a part of the royal family forever, now and into eternity. Because He carried the weight I’m not stained and sealed and delivered over to death and destruction, I’m redeemed and sealed for Him and his kingdom for him and his glory now and forever (and that has all the meaning in the world) and no good news or bad news or tired repetition of “the same old story” today, under this sun can change that because I live under the son and his life-giving, life-changing forgiveness.

  96. Sara Moore says:

    “All streams flow to the sea, yet the sea is never full”. We can never be full unless we are full of God. This struck me today. Praying that God will use this study to make me more full of him.

  97. Valerie Withers says:

    My biggest question is: how do I reconcile my futile self with his infinite one? How do I live my life for Him so that what is done in my life isn’t futile?

    This study comes on the eve of my 40th birthday and I cannot be more excited— because I, like Solomon, am trying to find my place.

    1. Stephanie Heshka says:

      Happy birthday! Praying for joy and blessings for you in this year for you

  98. Hannah Tidwell says:

    Very excited about this reading!

  99. Megan Saller says:

    Looking forward to studying the book of Ecclesiastes and to view it with bifocals, as the study book puts it – Solomon’s view “under the sun”, and “in the kingdom” by keeping God’s redemptive plan and eternity and seeing things from heaven’s point of view.

  100. Angie says:

    When I was just out of college Ecclesiastes was my favorite book of the Bible. I’m excited for this study! I find such promise in the fact that all this doesn’t really matter. And although this is temporary and futile, God in His great love does so much…every moment of every day to bless us in this time. Today I saw the brightest red cardinal. The trees are getting their leaves and I have one on the side of my house with the most beautiful flowers. Every day that He gives me I have a choice. Will I wallow in the mundane and messy or thank Him for whatever He has planned in that day. It doesn’t mean I don’t have responsibilities, I do…oh my. But those responsibilities don’t chain me.
    I share this, only just now getting to spend time in my SRT at 8 pm, but, I am getting to spend time here. Praise God! A full day spent taking care of my husband who is on day 10 of Covid. I would say today showed a slight improvement though, and I thank God for that. Over the weekend I was not feeling well, but today was better. I give God the glory. We are so blessed by the prayers of people on our behalf before the Father. Today friends at school gathered my students supplies because I cannot. Another teacher friend stopped in with soup and left it on the porch. I cried, humble tears of thankfulness for God’s provision. This place is temporary…this stuff doesn’t really matter. So, if God’s blessings are so rich here…can you imagine what we have to look forward to!
    Terri, thank you for your continued prayers (and other SRT sisters) and the mentioning of the song, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. I love that song. Friday when I wasn’t feeling well I needed to mow the lawn – my husband’s job usually…the grass was so high it was like making hay BUT, I turned on a gospel channel on his radio headphones and God met me there. I raised my hands and worshipped and cried tears of gratitude for God’s faithfulness. God is faithful, every moment…even in this stuff that doesn’t matter eternally. How amazing is that. Yes Lord, remind us of what really matters – You! Amen!

  101. Theresa Leonardo says:

    I often think about all the distractions we have in our lives, what they’re all about and how they can often take us away from our relationship with God. I’m grateful for this slowing down in life to reconnect with and recommit to God. Especially now when work and play all seem futile and pointless it’s comforting to draw closer to God and know he has a plan and a purpose for His children.

  102. Pam D says:

    Deanna. You just took the words out of my mouth, it seems at about the same time I thought them. I really needed this today. How awesome is God’s word that it’s alive and powerful and healing and always a firm foundation to attach to when mine is wobbly (which is daily). It was that way when I was 14 and it is that way today as (a not-14 year old Lol). He never disappoints and meets us when we seek Him every single time with exactly what we need. So cool to see that same encouragement happening with my sisters here all over the world. Be encouraged friends. God loves and cares for us all. So thankful for this Word today!

  103. Melissa Graves says:

    Please pray for me. Growing weary in caregiving my father in law.

    1. Angie Allen says:

      Praying for you and your loved one. May God sustain you as you lean into Him for strength!

    2. Melissa Graves says:

      Thank you, sweet sisters, for your prayers on my behalf! I hadn’t seen the others of you who expressed your prayer support when I read Angie’s comment. What I wrote to her, applies equally to each of you! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all!

  104. Helen Wilson says:

    I have never enjoyed Ecclesiastes, the tone always sound depressive to me, so I’m going to do this study and improve my understanding of and attitude to this book.

    1. Sandy Munter says:

      Me too! I want to see the hope in it, not the futility! I want to keep my eyes on the kingdom!

  105. Jenna says:

    I like the book of Ecclesiastes but also find it kind of challenging. The Bible Project has a really helpful overview of the book that I’ll link below.

    It talks about how the word often translated “meaningless” or “futile” actually means vapor or smoke. This word shows us how life is fleeting and temporary as well as how life is a mystery and hard to understand. We see and experience good things in life, but can never grasp or hold onto them for very long. Similarly, we see believers walking in wisdom and obedience but these are often the same people who suffer a great deal. Of course, there is hope in fearing the Lord, but I think in our current moment in history we are really feeling the tension of those ideas. Praying God uses these things to change our perspective and draw us closer to Him.


  106. Angelique Michele says:

    Wow! There is such good news in there! At first, the verses made my heart feel heavy but the answer is Jesus; always Jesus. How cool is that!?

  107. Elaine T. says:

    This reading was very impactful for me today. During this time a lot of the things that I found my identity in/ let hold weight in my life have been taken away. To sit and read that everything is futile and temporary but the Lord is constant was a relief and nice reminder during this time.

    I am in need of advice. My boyfriend and I have been together for three years and are hoping to get married this year. With all that has been going on, we both have been put in financial situations where we are expediting our process of moving in together and have received a lot of pushback from the church and were told that we could no longer be apart of our community group. We have sat in prayer and believe this is the right step for us but are upset to lose our community. The Lord feels near in this situation but our people don’t.

  108. Kirsten Summers says:

    I can definitely relate to endeavoring to fill myself up with trivial things- clean house, nice things, accomplishments, etc. Never truly does though. I’m hoping to shift that focus with studying the Bible daily

  109. April Pettefer says:

    In Psalm 104, the Psalmist found comfort and praise for God in the same things that Solomon felt pointed to futility. When we are seeking God, we see the order and constancy of His creation as reflections of His faithfulness and care. And we praise Him for those things!

    1. Kinda Johnson says:

      Amen, so very true!

  110. Kerry Terry says:

    In this morning’s, this day’s reading I am all at once taken in by the truly deep empty feeling of the vanity, the futility of the doing and meaning of my life. My sigh is big and my breath gone. Then, just as quickly, I am filled up by God, and reminded of His plan, reminded of Jesus and the work He has done at the cross for us all. I can breathe again. My path may be challenged, but it is clear. May I be used today to be His blessing to others. May your cups be filled to overflowing with His grace, comfort, mercy, and love.

    1. Laurie Crary says:

      Thank you for your words.

  111. Kim says:

    Very interesting for me to read the responses from others,and how mine is different. I am much older than many of you, and the dishes in the sink, constantly picking up, stopping squabbles, finding lost shoes and socks, the many many time consuming things that take so much of your day, is not my struggle now. What this pointed out to me was how I tie my self-worth into all of the things that I do. . . calling others, sending cards, serving at church and in the community. . . whatever it is. Am I doing enough? Am I worthy? It doesn’t matter if it isn’t THROUGH and FOR Him. We know that, but it is always good to be reminded to take a step back,pray,and make sure that our efforts are aligned with where He is leading us.

  112. Makenzie Benish says:

    I loved how Amanda said “let us view life through a kingdom lens.” That will be on my prayer list this week! It’s also a good thing to keep in mind when determining what’s a priority. I have been making more of an effort to make prayer and daily bible study a priority but I am a nurse and the first thing to go during my work stretches where I only have ten hours off in between seems to always be my quiet time. Why! It’s the one thing that matters. I’m glad that God spoke through this study to remind me of what is futile and what is steadfast. Lord please help me to continue seeing through your kingdom lens!

  113. Elise Pinheiro says:

    Woo! Any discussion questions or insta lives to look out for—for more diving deeper?

  114. Lauren Mills says:

    I’m so glad I found this study! I’d kinda been pushing off finding a new one after finishing a study that really enjoyed but I decided that today was gonna be the day that I find a daily study. Thankfully this one has just started and I found so much truth and inspiration in the chapter. It’s so comforting to know that God knows all things and that he has a plan. Even through this whole pandemic I hope all who are reading this remember that no matter what happens God has a plan and that he’s working all things for good!! “I will never leave you or forsake you” I pray that you all are leaning on Jesus Christ and know that I’m praying for you all!!

  115. Lindsay C. says:

    I love that these scripture readings were placed together. First we see Solomon asking, what is the point of this life? Followed by his father David saying that life is only a vapor. Finally, in comes Jesus, telling us to give these burdens to Him. We can hand over our hopeless feelings of futility and know that true contentment and satisfaction are found in Him alone.

    1. Jessie Pipp says:

      I didn’t put them together like that, love your insight!

    2. Rachel Thompson says:

      That’s really good, thanks for sharing!

  116. Traci Gendron says:

    This lesson has perfect timing. As I’ve gotten older, I have questioned this life. What is the point? Well there really isn’t one without my relationship with God. Without Him, tasks feel futile. Wants feel pointless. I want to take refuge in Christ. To have my burdens made light. To keep my eyes on my Father.

  117. Mari V says:

    Very excited about the study! Going to listen to the podcast on my run as it helps me to better understand what we are reading. right now I can really relate to Matthew 11:28-30. I want to stay positive knowing my God has it all under control.

  118. Tammy SadlerHicks says:

    Something that really stood out to me today was how is bow under the sun “All things are wearisome…” EC 1:8 However, when we seek His kingdom he will give us rest. I forget to pray for Him to take up burdens and give me comfort, and this was a great reminder.

  119. Elisha Anne says:

    So thankful for His invitation to go to Him. If we have unrest it’s because we’re not with Him. We’re trying to do this on our own. His burden is light, for we have His yoke which is carrying the burden also, we’re going through it together. He gives us power when we’re weak and helplessly dependant upon Him. As soon as we think we got it, we’re not relying on Him and unrest comes. Oh how I want to always abide in Him. The mind set on the spirit is life and peace. This is the mark of living with Him, having His yoke. He longs to be with us! He is such a wonderful Father! Praise God!

  120. Savannah Wood says:

    I needed to read this study today. I spend all weekend deep cleaning and going through belongings because I worry if my house isn’t clean enough, or it doesn’t look like what I see on Pinterest. Does it really matter? No! Only Jesus can give me true fulfillment. Seeking that in a home that is “perfect” is futile, I should be enjoying my time with my family and spending time in the Word

  121. Diana Fleenor says:

    I am a broken woman. “Breathe. Sometimes I feel it’s all that I can do. Pain so deep I can hardly move. Just keep my eyes completely fixed on you. Lord, take hold and pull me through.” These lyrics from Mercy Me’s song The Hurt and the Healer meet my heart exactly where I am this morning. After listening to this song, I went to SRT and read today’s passages and had confirmed these very thoughts and feelings of futility and perplexity that have been roaming around in my head and heart.

    “Why? The question that is never far away. The healing doesn’t come from the explained.” The questions are rising again in me as deep feelings of futility press on my heart again. Though in some ways I’ve learned the secret of contentment in this long-term (more than 12 years) of being homebound to ME/CFS & EI/MCS, I still have moments like Job where it seems like “months of futility”. The spiritual battle then becomes the cry, “Jesus, please don’t let this go in vain. You’re all I have; all that remains.” With this plea, I pause and say, “So here I am, what’s left of me. Where glory meets my suffering…When the hurt and the healer collide.”

    1. Jennifer Wing says:

      Diana – Just here to say I understand and praying for purpose and peace today in the midst of the pain. To feel “seen” by God and others. Home bound isn’t my story but I’m intimately familiar with all the letters — we joke in our small group it’s the club no one ever wanted to join

  122. Jacqueline Garrus says:

    I’m new to this bible study, but when I started reading it spoke to me. I had just come back to my room from a sink full of dishes. Food stuck on a bowl and I was fussing at my family for always leaving the dishes In the sink. I feel like God has sent me hear to speak to me.

  123. Darla says:

    The gal who mentioned that song “keep your eyes on Jesus, look full in his wonderful face…” I have thought of that song so many times during this social distancing time. And that’s why I wanted to do this study in particular, because it seems so timely to what we are still in. I have said all along, that if we don’t come out of this time changed, that would be the greatest travesty of all.

  124. Brooke Parker says:

    I am so excited for this study! Seriously a beautiful way to read this & a new perspective to have two lenses. Praise God!

  125. Susan Crosby says:

    A few months ago I decided to follow just a few people on Instagram. I didn’t even know where to begin but soon realized it’s quite different than Facebook. Looking in at all the pretty things from clothes to flowers to makeup to cute little plates and on and on it goes. Looking around at my own life especially home decor and comparing seems so futile that’s for sure. Most days I think this Instagram decision was a mistake. I have been a Christian for many years and a student of His word for a long time and it’s still so easy to get drawn in by the worldly pleasures. A believers life is not futile but it’s eternal. In Him we find solace and hope and steadfastness. Also the weekly podcast from today was so good. I may listen again.❤️

    1. Brooke Parker says:

      I am no longer on social media partly because of this reason, I absolutely love my life but my discontent grew by the scroll, the time consumption also grew. At the end of my time spent on Instagram I had gained more negativity for my own futile things than anything good that I could have gained from it. It was a pattern of time consumption and a foot hold for the devil to grab my spirit & make little nests of negativity all over my outlook of my life. Those I followed were wonderful mothers and Christians too, so it was not the accounts themselves, but my own problems that developed while partaking in it. Without social media, I am fully present & able to have the mind space to address different emotions as they arise in a biblical manor. I am thankful for my self reflection and God’s sanctification to show me what I personally could not handle or be part of. I am thankful for this community of sisters & encouragement here!

    2. Chandi Jackson says:

      I just dumped Instagram too! It was a real time and joy waster… I only deleted it yesterday and feel lighter already. We are going to have so much time on our hands to do wonderful things and be with the people we love! Honestly – I was listening to pastor Jeffres during “pajama church” and knew it was time. The Ecclesiastes reading was so calming for me – God’s been here before and there’s nothing new under the sun.

  126. Christin Killingsworth says:

    I’ve always used Ecesiastes as a place of solace for the depression I battle, the hopelessness of everything being meaningless matching the stories that depression weaves. Looking at it through the lense of finding my heart’s home in Christ is an entirely new perspective that brings the most peace and hope, and battles the lie that everything is meaningless and there is nothing more than that fact. Looking forward to this study.

  127. Deane Smith says:

    This made me laugh because I went to bed with a sink full of dishes (which I never do) and woke up to an empty sink thanks to my husband, and I told him “Man, this just makes me so happy!”… So while it shouldn’t, so often an empty sink does fill me up, though very temporarily, because there will, in fact, be more dishes as soon as I make breakfast this morning. These are sweet truths and sweet reminders! Excited to start this study!

  128. Sharon says:

    Hi Meghan, I’m in the same boat, what town are you in? You can call me 7272646021

  129. KC Derond says:

    Today’s scripture reading seemed to be written with a downer kind of notation, like the author was depressed. However, I found reassurance in verses 9 and 10 – they stuck out to me: “There is nothing new under the sun.” and “It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.”
    What we’re dealing with during this social distancing time isn’t new to God! These things have happened before, this isn’t the first time humanity is going through this. It makes it easier for me to trust God through this time when I think of Him as kind of saying “been there, done that. I know what I’m doing.” He’s got everything under control :)
    That’s just something that jumped out at me this morning.

    1. Makenzie Benish says:

      This was a really good point! Thank you for posting this I never looked at this verse this way!

  130. Laurie Parish says:

    Oh how I need this today. I have found that being at home leaves me so dissatisfied with my house – I want it to be more picture worthy and I feel like I need to up my decor. Or I find myself criticizing my own body. Lord have Mercy! It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one but my prayer today is I can cling to the everlasting and know 99% of my thoughts and concerns are futile.

  131. Lisa Dengel says:

    Blessings to every lady! Remember you are amazing, you are loved, and you are more than enough!

  132. Meghan Hampton says:

    I have really struggled during this quarantine time with wanting more in a lot of areas of my life. I live alone with my dog in a fairly small apartment that just doesn’t feel too much like home and I’ve let become a mess. Most of my friends are married with kids living in beautiful homes. I’ve found myself wanting a house with a yard and a pool. I feel lonely and wish I had a family of my own. I wish I had more friends, etc. I need to focus on what really matters and trust that God is giving me what I need when I need it and that all of these things are futile.

    1. Ellie Collett says:

      I am so sorry you are going through that! I get it. I am similar in the way of being single and getting to the point in my life when most of my friends are getting married or are married. Don’t let that get you down! Your relationship status does not define you. I do not know you but I’m sure you are an amazing girl that has goals and dreams that you can chase after right now and not until you find that person. I have no doubt in my mind that if you reach out to your friends and say you need some girl time or meet up for a walk, they won’t hesitate to connect in some way. Just because they are married and/or have kids doesn’t mean that they won’t stop being a good friend to you and come alongside you.

      1. Meghan Hampton says:

        Thank you so much. I really appreciate your response! And you are totally right about reaching out to friends. Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there.

    2. Jennifer Martin says:

      Even though I am at my parents’ place, I have also been struggling with wanting a family of my own

  133. Rachael Kasprzak says:

    So excited to begin this study and look at life through two lenses. Under the sun and In the Kingdom. This place is not our home. So we cannot expect it to fill our longings or desires.

  134. DOROTHY says:

    When I read “In the kingdom of God, life’s meaning is not determined by a mortal king’s earthly research, but by the Eternal King’s perfect goodness, justice, and love. The world we see with our eyes is temporary and fraught with futility, but our life in Christ is everlasting and marked by mercy.” I thought how true. I pulled out my pen and underlined it in my book. I am excited to study this book because I don’t know many verses from it. Happy Monday sisters. Hope all is well with everyone and have a blessed day.

  135. Twila Senter says:

    Good message to start the day and week with. I have spent way to much time chasing after the meaningless things. Looking forward to this study.

  136. Terri says:

    Angie. I continue to pray for you and your husband’s complete and rapid healing. I pray for your sense of isolation. I can’t be with you and yet I am with you in my heart and soul. I pray for strength in all ways. The words to a song came to mind. “Keep your eyes upon Jesus. Look full into His wonderful face and the things of this world will look strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” I pray for wisdom for all that you are to do and that which you don’t need to do now and that which is okay for you to do just because you would like to do it in your time of quarantine.

  137. Anne Clase says:

    Feeling and knowing God’s even more so today as I sit with a brain monitor attached for just a few more hours and 2 doctors appointments this week. I’ve felt so calm through it all, and reading these verses that I previously knew as “negative”, they became so beautiful.

  138. McKara Johnston says:

    Every human has a God-sized hold in them that cannot be filled by anything less than glory Himself.

  139. Chelsa says:

    At first glance it seems as though this is just depressing. Everything is futile? Then what’s the point? But that’s the beauty of it: dig a little deeper and you realize/find that Jesus is the point. It is all futile without HIM. He is all that matters in this life. He is all that can fulfill.

  140. Lizzie says:

    Yes, He is enough!!
    “Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
    —John 11:26
    Matthew 11:28-30,”Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
    All things are futile, so do not seek the world, seek Him. Cease striving. Know Him. He will work it out. He holds the world. Matthew 6:33-32. Psalm 86:5,15,17.
    Thank you Lord, I believe, I will trust you, you are enough, you are love!
    2 Corinthians 4:16-18.

  141. Cristine says:

    Such a timely, heart changing sermon for me this morning. “Earthly things unravel” will be on repeat in my mind and heart all day.

  142. Nicole Norris says:

    Love this so much especially as our times are changing and my role as a wife and mom has changed ….. futile ….. it’s all futile

  143. Deanna says:

    Oh, how I need these words today. Proverbs 25:11, 12

  144. Morgan Vines says:

    He knows what our hearts NEED to hear, not what they want to hear.

    1. Cristina Higgins says:

      Thankyou Morgan❣️. I needed to be reminded of that.

  145. Megan Huskey says:

    Wow, so convicted this morning! Much of what consume my daily thoughts are futile in light of God’s kingdom. Excited for this study!

  146. Erricka Hager says:

    Wow, just the beginning alone makes me think that this is going to be a tough, yet necessary read. I’ve often wondered about Solomon. He was so wise and yet, he made such foolish choices. Even though Solomon was gifted with such a special ability, he chose against his better judgment. That decision caused him to miss out on the wonder of God. He thought he knew everything “under the sun” and believed that life was meaningless or futile. However we can rest assured that when life seems meaningless, Christ gives us meaning.

  147. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    I sometimes wonder if I’m the only one who feels the weight of futility in the mundane of dishes, laundry, cleaning and on and on. Then this reminder that no, I’m not alone, and more importantly the reminder that my focus is to be on God, not the futility. Have read Ecclesiastes before but it’s been several years and excited to be doing this study with the SRT community!

  148. Taylor says:

    Nothing but Jesus can fill that “void” in our lives, whatever that void may be. My HUGE void is to feel loved, included, wanted, needed. I’ve spent many years seeking to fill that void through relationships – and not God-honoring relationships. God never stopped pursuing me, saying over and over “I am enough. Come to me. I will give you rest.” 6 days ago I finally decided to listen. So thankful for this study that will remind me every attempt at filling the void is futile outside of filling it with Him. He is ENOUGH.

  149. Remy Webb says:

    Wow! This one hit home… The other night I was sitting in despair after a long day where I worked, provided, cleaned, cooked… did all the things… I was feeling very unnoticed by the other 4 members of my family. I sat in my closet and cried out to my Father, sharing my hurt, and asking for my own heart to change and grow, that my worth would be found in Him and not in the gratitude of my family. It was also no accident that I felt compelled to open the app this morning and found this study to be on day 1!

  150. Nancy Singleton says:

    We keep saying we’ve never experienced anything like the Corona virus before, & yet it is no surprise to God! His promises to carry our burdens, to lighten our load, to be with us even when we feel most alone apply no matter what the current crisis is. But we must trust Him & keep our thoughts fixed on heavenly things. Thankful that SRT helps me to do just that!

  151. DianeM says:

    I so appreciate you all and the opportunity to learn more about our Lord. Thank you all for sharing!

  152. Ashton Lewis says:

    Oh how I needed this today. The dog is barking to be let out, I have dishes in the sink, I am dreading work…. this world is futile, but praise God that life with him is everlasting!

  153. Michelle Buzek says:

    Thank you so much, I needed this! The whole dishwasher thing sounds exactly where I’ve been this week in my house! Such a great reminder that when I take my eyes off Jesus and what really matters, how everything can become quickly frustrating- especially during this quarantine time!

  154. Lindsay Graham says:

    This was just what I needed this morning. I have been focused on my weight for the past 3 years, losing a bunch and regaining some over this past year. I spent the last 4 weeks in what felt like futile efforts as that scale just wont budge.

    Before reading this, I was beginning to realize that what I am doing is good. I am caring for my body – I am making sure I can play with my kids, I am not putting food above people – however, doing all only for the goal of a more appealing earthly body will never leave me satisfied. I need to do the work so I feel better, so I parent better, so I serve better.

    The reading, that every earthly effort is futile, described exactly how I feel and reinforced that serving God by caring for my body does not equal exalting my appearance as a god to be served and pursued. I love that we serve an eternal God and pray that I can maintain an eternal mindset.

    1. Samara Smith says:

      Thanks for sharing this! ❤️

    2. Marcela Lima says:

      Wow! I could’ve thought I was reading my own thoughts in your words! Lord may we love and take care of our bodies because it houses the Holy Spirit and not because we want to look a certain way or meet a certain standard.

  155. Shellie says:

    I have to admit I was not excited about this study. Everything from the dishes in the sink to my husbands affections made me cringe. You hit the nail on the head and so did Solomon. Thank you so much!

  156. April Beck says:

    What a great community. This is my first study together…. looking forward to learning a lot.

    1. Traci Gendron says:

      Welcome April! I have done several SRT studies and enjoy them all. It is a great way to keep me in God’s word everyday. On my own I get distracted.

  157. Sherry says:

    “ In the same way that I tie some bit of my self-worth to the cleanliness of my countertop, I try to craft meaning in a thousand other things: the work I do, the clothes I wear, the photos I take and captions I create, the behavior of my children, the affection of my husband, the size of my bank account and my waistline.” These words are what I needed to hear today, what I’ve been guilty of lately. Searching for fulfillment in everything but my Lord. I need this study right now and I need to remember my home is in Christ.

  158. Darilyn BrowningHamilton says:

    I am hoping this study relieves idols that are holding me back with a deeper relationship with Him. Praying for an awakening & balance.

  159. Tiffany Harkey says:

    I definitely needed this today. I’ve definitely felt overwhelmed with things of this life (housekeeping, exercise, cooking, etc) lately. What a wonderful reminder, I can find rest in Him and to not stress over futile things.

  160. Roshanda Richmond says:

    “His yoke is easy and burden is light.” Being weary is not part of God’s plan for believers. The things of the world that capitalize our time, thoughts, and mind are futile producing no spiritual results. Nothing lasts without God. Glory to God!!!

  161. Ann says:

    Joining the study. This is wonderful. Thank you for all the work.

  162. BC says:

    Thank you God for your word! May you teach us to number our days and use each day to do only what you want us to do. Let us not waste it on futile things in a world that is passing away. May we use each day to bring you honor and glory and to share your name with those who do not know you.

  163. Blessed Beth says:

    I love the way God draws us to Him especially when we start to get wrapped up in earthly desires, for me shows me what I have and asks me if I really need more. The answer is no, He is enough so I pray for a continued simple life at home with Him showing me all I need is Him.

  164. Melinda says:

    I am so joyful to dig deeper into the Ecclesiastes with everyone here at SRT. Thank you for sharing your thoughts keeping my spirit on track and grounded!

  165. Churchmouse says:

    Life is monotony and futility for those whose focus is “under the sun.” Impact is fleeting. All is gray. Hope is a myth.
    for those whose focus is beyond the sun, life has infinite purpose. Those who know themselves to be created by God as part of His divine plan and who know Him personally, life is a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors. Impact extends for generations. Hope is reality.
    Let us keep our focus where it needs to be – on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Any other focus is blowing in the wind.

    1. Victoria Fowlkes says:

      Lovely. Well said

  166. Krissy Rusnok says:

    Amazing timing for this study. Was actively caught up in online window shopping for things I don’t need, nerding out over budgeting and dreaming of the endless wants. Thank you for helping me refocus back to God!

  167. S J says:

    I need this right now. To remember even seeking fulfillment in other people is futile

  168. Joy Phillips says:

    God wants a relationship with me. That is the amazing thing. He wants a deep relationship because He knows that when we really love Him and pursue a deep meaningful relationship with Him is when our crazy, busy life…..the futile chase for things we think will fill that void, finally becomes clear. The chaos becomes simplicity and what we have needed all along was simply Jesus. When things get bad, chaotic, or just plain uncontrollable the chant I repeat to myself is, “Go to Jesus. Go to Jesus. Go to Jesus.” And when I do, the result is peace and simple purpose and it makes all the difference in the world

  169. Jo says:

    I love this lesson. As I’m planning renovations of our home, and poring over every last detail I’m finding it making me restless more than anything. Because does it really even matter? While I’m sure to get some compliments and praise, I know in my heart that it is all pointless in the grand scheme of things. What matters most is that I come to know Christ as King and that I can relay this to my children.

  170. Frances Simeon says:

    I am so excited to dive into this book with everyone. I hope at the end of this studies my arm and hearts are open to whatever comes my way for however long or short of a time God allows. I pray I look at control differently.

  171. Cynthia Ramain says:

    It’s so very hard not to get caught up in the constant ‘wants’ of the world… a bigger house, bigger paycheck, bigger bank account, perfect children, exemplary marriage, Barbie doll figure, etc. I could go on for days, but God ALWAYS gives us exactly what we need. It’s our responsibility to recognize it and always be thankful. I am very guilty of this and must remind myself of this on those days of wants. SO needed this reading today… thank you SRT for keeping me spiritually sane and grounded!❤️

  172. Holli-Ann says:

    We’ve moved our whole lives overseas to share with people and yet here we are washing dishes day after day in quarantine. Such a very important word today. Our identity must be found in Him.