Esther Approaches the King

Open Your Bible

Esther 5:1-14, Proverbs 16:18, Mark 6:14-29

Haman’s gallows were built with the whispers of his wife and friends. I’m mortified by the power of these diabolical words. Though their intent was to plot for the downfall of Haman’s enemy, Mordecai, they instead set the stage for the execution of Haman and his sons (Esther 9:25). In the most jarring way, Zeresh and Haman’s friends serve as archetypes of the kind of person I never want to be. 

There are other examples embedded in this chapter of Esther. Let’s start with Haman. His appetite for power was insatiable. His pride, it seems, knew no bounds. When Mordecai refused to stand and honor him, Haman became enraged. In his anger at Mordecai, he became a threat to the well-being of all the Israelites living in Persia.

In Haman, I’m reminded of a more powerful enemy, the one who seeks to harm all of God’s children everywhere. The devil is the enemy of God and His people, seeking to devour and destroy (1Peter 5:8). Haman’s plot to eradicate the Jewish people in Persia is simply one strand of a larger, deadlier sickness. The devil’s efforts to destroy God’s people began long before Haman ordered the genocide of God’s people, and they have continued long after.

This danger compels me to open my Bible, to remember the hero who can rescue me from unrelenting evil. In today’s reading, we find that because Esther had found favor with King Ahasuerus, he offered her whatever she wanted, “even to half of the kingdom” (Esther 5:3). How much better is the offer from our good and perfect King? King Jesus is our true hope. Our Jesus extended grace to us, inviting us into the work of His kingdom, one that could not be shaken (Hebrews 12:28).  

This reality takes the story of Esther out of the history books and into our lives. The threat continues. The enemy is still plotting the destruction of the people of God. He is set on our death through sin. The proverbial gallows have been built for us. But look! Our good King has extended grace toward us. He invites us to boldly approach His throne, “so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). 

Plan ahead to read Joshua and Mark with us starting February 15Shop the collection now for Digital Study Books for Lent!

(75) Comments

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75 thoughts on "Esther Approaches the King"

  1. Gayle R says:

    Thank you, God, for y

  2. Lady Di KP-2 says:

    What is it the king asks of us. I want you Jesus.

  3. Megan Beach says:

    I think one bigger sin we as a whole don’t discuss or want to address is the sin of pride. But our pride will be our downfall and the devil knows it. Such a great reminder how destructive our own pride and need to control things can actually be our downfall. I walked away from this story today reminded—God knows everything and his way is best. Also… he has won the war. It never ends well for those who try to mess with people who have found favor in the eye of the Lord

  4. Micaela Deegan says:

    Wow this is so good.

  5. Dyani Straube says:


  6. Well written & done my friend!
    I began writing a blog iin the last few days and realized that many blogs simply rehash old content
    but add very little of benefit. It’s good to see ann enlightening write-up of
    some genuine value to ypur readers.
    It’s on my list of details I ned to replicate being a new blogger.
    Audience engagement and content quality are king.

    Manny excellent thoughts; you have certainly made iit on my
    list of people tto follow!

    Keep up the fantastic work!

  7. Mariah Montanez says:


  8. Tammy Patton says:

    Only ask.

  9. Karen Roper says:

    I love that Esther said come back tomorrow and I will tell you. She would never have realised on the day she said it why? Why would God ask me to have lunch twice with my enemy? Isn’t once enough. Sometimes the situations around us may need to change before we can see the reason. So when God says wait another day- let’s just trust and continue to hope

  10. Sarah Nelson says:

    Beth S, I truly value your comment and take away. It is encouraging for me this morning to stand strong in my faith so that the generations that follow through my children will always remember my love for our Father and Creator. Thank you!

  11. Beth S says:

    Kristen Cole, I was thinking that exact same thing as I read these passages. We, as women, have a responsibility to build up the men in our lives and influence them for good to honor and glorify God. To go even further, consider the impact of parents/ caregivers on the women that they then used on the men in the stories. Our influence isn’t just on the people immediately surrounding us. It is a ripple that continues generationally. Mordecai raised Esther to have morals and values, and that showed in her character when she was faced with trials in her life. Heroidias clearly did NOT raise her daughter with morals, and that showed in her daughter’s character, as well. Both women then used what they had been taught growing up in their interactions and choices in their own lives and with the men they interacted with. For all the ladies saying they are calling out the sin in their children’s lives, even though it is hard and heartbreaking, we see clear examples in these readings of why that is exactly what you should be doing and why it is so important. Keep up the good work! Let’s be mom’s and mentors to the next generation that boldly proclaim Christ and the truth found in His Word. It makes a difference, and will continue to do so for generations.

  12. Ashley Icard says:

    Pride goeth before a fall! Help me to always remember this!

  13. Erin King says:

    Rachel, what a perfect song for this piece of scripture!! It was beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Jessica Vice says:

    Me too Maura! Take a moment to think, to breathe and to listen.

  15. Stacy J says:

    What an important reminder of both the enemy and hero in the lives of God’s children. There is an enemy seeking the destruction of God’s children. There is also a powerful hero ready to rescue me. He is merciful and invites me to approach Him with my needs.

  16. Carlee N says:

    Wow. There is so much to unpack in this today. Thankful and humbled by our King who we have found favor in, and who loves us so much that we are saved from the gallows that the enemy has planned for us.

  17. Emily McGrath says:


  18. Leanne Stokes says:

    And we also can receive favor and mercy when we approach our King, Jesus!

  19. Angela Sutherland says:

    I love how, even in the face of the threat of death, Esther didn’t overreact. She knew she needed to wait, to seek God, to make a calculated move instead of a knee-jerk reaction. She took time, even when time seemed pressing, to wait for wisdom. Lord, may I do so in my days as well. To seek your direction instead of relying on fight or flight.

  20. McLean Murphy says:

    It is after her praying and fasting that Esther is at her strongest! She has emptied herself to be completely filled by God! And now she is ready for this mission.

  21. ILIANA CANALS says:

    DAY 5: WOW, Esther is a smart woman and I see her plot thickens… this is the Jesus time of a novela. She asked for half the kingdom, cannot wait to see how the story unfolds… this story has me on the edge of my seat! John the Baptist, unfortunately it always saddens and breaks my heart to hear how he dies and how it was a little rotten girl who ordered it too. What is worse the King gave her, her way!

  22. Dianne Pacewicz says:


  23. Eryn Murray says:

    When pride becomes your downfall! Whew!!!

  24. Sara Farrell says:

    I love the build up from the previous chapter. The fasting. The praying. The group fasting. All for this moment when Esther walks in. And he extends the scepter. ❤️

  25. Mercy says:

    I also cannot see Jaedyn’s comments yesterday or today. Perhaps a glitch in the system is happening. Praying for quick healing and recovery over Jaedyn’s family, from reading others’ comments.
    Praying for Dorothy, may you have a great birthday lunch,. Happy birthday!! May the weather be good, may you have a wonderful time celebrating, in a loving atmosphere with all those who attend. God loves you.
    @Lynn Paiter: Praying for your father. The righteous cry out, the Lord hears and delivers them from all of their troubles. May He deliver you from all troubles you are facing and grant you your heart’s desires. Amen.
    Praying for Greg’s mother to be supernaturally healed even though having life support removed. May Jehovah Rapha be with her. By Jesus’ stripes, she was healed and is now healed.

    I am very thankful for all the wisdom and insights posted. I have been growing a lot bolder and wiser because of you all! You make a big difference in my life since knowing this SRT platform. May we grow together for the glory of Jesus!!!

  26. Taylor says:

    Praying against the enemy’s temptations in my own life – that although the world can be so tempting at times – that I may cling to the Truth of the Gospel and cling to Jesus, the author and perfector of my faith

  27. Dorothy says:

    I will “boldly approach His throne.” I will take the offer from Jesus my one and only King. I accept the invitation “into the work of His kingdom, one that could not be shaken (Hebrews 12:28).” Most of all I will accept with open heart, open mind and open soul the grace and hope Jesus has extended to me.
    Sisters, please pray for me tomorrow, my son and d-i-l are having a birthday celebration lunch for me a few friends of mine. A couple of my friends can be very negative and try to spread that negativity. It’s an hour drive from my friend’s place to my son’s place and there might be some snow, not a lot. The friend that is driving has an all wheel drive so we will be fine but it’s the negative attitudes I don’t like. Thanks ahead of time.
    Have a blessed weekend all my sister in Christ.

  28. Beth Truax says:

    Lynn, I’ll be praying for your dad.

  29. Tanya Lister says:

    Wow! I love that too, thanks for sharing!

  30. Becky says:

    Ah-ha! That could very well make sense…
    (There’s a further update today…that is not visible here)
    But praying along…

  31. annalee kimble says:

    Allison, I would love to try that podcast. Thanks! Wondering if anyone else has good suggestions?

  32. annalee kimble says:

    Lynn Painter, praying for your father. May the bless you and your family.

  33. annalee kimble says:

    what a wonderful reminder to walk in the way of the Lord. Amen!!

  34. Susanna Unruh says:

    Such a great observation Kristin! There’s been several mentions contrasting Esther to Daniel’s refusal of the king’s food, etc. Part of the difference is that Esther was a woman in a culture where women were objectified. And although she was not aware at first, she was there on a different mission. When the time came for Esther to stand, she used the favor she had won, and the power of female persuasion to turn the heart of the king, reversing the wave of evil that was sure to come over her people. It has been my experience that as women, if we will submit in the places that God has ordained us to be, that He will raise us up in due time, and cause our influence to reach farther, with eternal weight. The God-designed power we have to either bring life or destroy life is incredible!

  35. Lynn Painter says:

    Please lift my father up in prayer for healing. He has pneumonia and his heart is failing. He is 90 years old but desires to live. His name is Don and he knows Jesus

  36. KJ Johnson says:

    I have never liked Haman and his arrogance and pride, but even less today after being convicted of my own pride recently. I need to weed this out of my life and pray God grant me humility. Jayden your family really has a lot they carry praying for a quick and strong recovery esp for your Dad. God encouraged to hear he is stable today.

  37. Lynn Painter says:

    Laura. I hear your frustration and I’m right with you. I have a 25 year old daughter too that has decided to give her everything to a 39 year old non believer, just because he is nice. I pray every day for her to desire Gods best for her and to remember her desires of her youth. She didn’t talk to us for a year and when she did it was lies. It breaks my heart to have had to let her go in a sense but God will not

  38. Kerry Rowley says:

    This is from the devotional in the SRT Bible for Esther 4. “Our refusal to take part in God’s work doesn’t thwart God. It limits our privilege to take part in what He is doing.” I really liked this.

  39. Angela White says:

    So excited to hear from you Jaedyn! Still praying for your dad, mom and family! Thanking God for a this update. Also, Laura, I am praying for you and your family. This world has convoluted so much that it makes it so hard for Christians to see what truth is or stand for it anymore and the world makes everything right in their own eyes. It’s scary. But, we serve a BIG God who has overcome. I pray your daughter will return to the foundation of your teaching as God promises his word will do. I can only imagine the feelings and emotions this must bring. I’m a mom of two teens. Praying for you!

  40. Sarah Eral says:

    I’ve sent up a prayer, Keegan!

  41. Angela White says:

    @Angie!! Thank you so much for that word. So much truth!! I love all that you said about meekness! Wow!

  42. Tara HoltJackson says:

    Keep telling the Truth, Laura! We’ve been dealing with this in our family as well. You’re right – today’s society celebrates sin and what is wrong is now right. Keep praying and speaking truth!! And remember that quote from yesterday, “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, but you are only aware of three.” God IS at work, even though we may not “see” it with our earthly eyes. Joining you in prayer for your daughter and family!

  43. Allison Bentley says:

    @Laura- you should listen to Allie Beth Stuckey’s podcast! This weeks show really hits hone on this!!!

  44. Ana Valenzuela says:

    “The fear of the Lord prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short.” Proverbs 27 Hamans gallows setting the stage for his and his sons end.

  45. Kristina Mari says:

    Jaedyn – happy to hear your Dad is doing better :) We will continue to pray for your Mom and the rest of your family. What a beautiful community of faith-filled women this is ❤️

  46. Keegan Starkey says:

    Hello everyone! I rarely post, I enjoy reading all of your thoughts instead and praying behind the scenes. I have a request. A dear family friend of ours told me yesterday he was leaving to go see his mom as the doctors did not think she would last the night. I heard this morning they are going to take her off life support soon. Ladies pray for a miracle! Our God is so big and powerful he can do anything! And Lord do we need a big crazy miracle in this day and age. Thank you so much ladies! My friend’s name is Greg by the way, he has never told me what his mothers name is.

  47. Kristin Cole says:

    I am so struck today by the power of Women. Esther’s power of the King as he offers her half of his kingdom, the power of Zeresh over Haman as it is her plan for the gallows, Herodias’s daughter over Herod as she pleased him with her dance. It is so important for us to remember the strong influence we, females, have over the the men in our lives so we can be cognizant of what we are influencing them to do.

  48. Nicole VazquezNorcross says:


  49. Rachel from Texas says:

    Also, I see from yesterday that I am not the only one not seeing Jaedyn’s comments :/ I hope the SRT team can see and fix this. My guess is that she is using the app for her comments, and those using the website can’t see them? Maybe just a thought!

  50. Rachel from Texas says:

    This reminded me of a song heard in a documentary about the church in Iran – it’s called gallows by Jess Ray. She sings/records it in Christ Church Cathedral in Jerusalem. It’s a bit eerie but hopeful for us as believers!

  51. Crystal Ellis says:

    Praying for your family

  52. Kristin Sparkman says:

    Laura my prayers are with you. My mama. Heart hurts and was talking with my teens about this yesterday. We as Christ followers don’t know what could happen but we know who wins, we very much need to be bold and stand up for truth even when in society we get told we are haters and judge mental. ❤️

  53. Kristin Sparkman says:

    Thank you Jaedyn for the update

  54. Gretchen S says:

    This danger compels me to open my Bible and remember the hero who can rescue me….Amen

  55. Paola Hidalgo De Lara says:


  56. Meredith Exline says:

    “All scripture is Inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be completely equipped for every good work.” 1 Tim 3:16-17 – I would also reference the fruits of the spirit and Jesus’ command to love first. I absolutely believe we are called to help our brothers and sisters who might need rebuking. I believe we must have a relationship – in love – to do so. The rebuking and teaching is so God can equip us to do his good works. I hope this helps.

  57. Katherine says:

    Alison – my reflections are landed in those parallels as well. Thanks for sharing yours.


  58. ERB says:

    AMEN!!!! I agree completely!!
    And I just have to say how MUCH I respect you for lovingly holding the line with your daughter and her friend. That..I know, is NOT easy!!! But WOW what an example of God and His Love and how He only wants His BEST for His children. Thank you for holding the line that you are and for being such an amazing loving example (don’t let anyone sway you differently) of the truth of God!!! Be Blessed dear sister!! I am praying!!!

  59. Sharon Chaput says:


  60. ERB says:

    @ALISON …What you wrote is NOT off topic, in fact, it is very relevant and important. And I LOVE that you brought this up!!! There is so much wisdom and truth in your statement: “I feel like everywhere I look, I am cautioned to not speak the Truth if it threatens someone else’s “truth”, even in Christian circles!”

    Speaking truth and drawing people up to a higher place of existence, but doing it with love, patience and in the timing of God is SO powerful!!! And it is very MUCH needed!!! You asked for thoughts on how to do this solely for the Glory of God (again SO GOOD, if only more of us would ask this question of ourselves before we spoke/acted) …I can only tell you what God has me do (it might be different for you) …First He gives me eyes to see (no judgements, I have enough planks of my own) then, I listen intently and He gives me prayers to pray.. then when it’s time (His time, not mine) God ALWAYS provides a way to speak His truth in a way that you, on your own, never could. I am always surprised by how God does this!! Sometimes I don’t even realize what I’m saying (or doing) until it comes out of my mouth (or after I’ve typed it). ALL that matters is that we are WILLING vessels. GOD is the one who does the work!! We just need to be OBEDIENT in what He is asking of us, no matter the consequences or how it makes us look. Because all that matters IS the GLORY of God!!! I hope this helps… please feel free to reach out anytime!! Much love in the Lord Always, Emily

  61. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Allison and Laura, it can be such a struggle. I’m right there with you. I think we need to pray for the Lord to guide us and give us discernment as to what to say and when. Only He really knows the best course.
    I’m praying today that all of us who are in situations that stretch out beliefs will stand strong and firm in our Father God.

  62. Angie says:

    Laura, praying for you and your daughter specifically.

  63. Nancy Singleton says:

    Thankful for your father’s improvement, Jaedyn. And praying for him & your mom & siblings who are also fighting Covid. Lord please give them your strength & peace in this storm.

  64. Angie says:

    Amen Churchmouse!

    Also, thank you ladies for sharing your needs and allowing us to pray. Not only do I pray for you and the needs, but last night they confirmed something for me. Six 17 year old girls come to my home on Thursdays for Bible study. The forecast was that a winter storm with rain, snow, and ice could come in, however things were totally calm, when I was trying to make the decision of whether they should come or not. I thought about leaving the decision with their parents, since nothing was happening at that point. Wise counsel reminded me of what it can be like to be the parent of a teen, how many stands you need to take, and how well/or not the teens sometimes handle those. In the end I made the decision and told the girls I was canceling. I explained why. They all understood, and while we really miss when we are not together, they appreciated the care for their safety. Within 30 minutes of the decision, the storm hit and I was praising God they were not driving in it. Several of you shared about young people in your lives you have lost. There were so many of you. It was an affirmation that canceling this week was needed. It also reminded me to thank God for these young people in our lives, for the days and time we do have with them. For those of you who have loved young people you lost, I’m thankful for that time they had with you to be loved. And, for the gift of their love to you. I pray for you now as God continues to have a purpose and calling on your life. May His healing hand and heart comfort and sustain you.

    Then in response to today’s scripture. I was thinking about the characters in our story. Mordecai was strong in his faith and his stand. Haman was strong in his desire for power and evil. Esther was strong, but in a meek, gentle way. I am reading a devotional by Lisa Bevere titled, Strong. In the very first devotion she wrote: “Meek is best defined as strength under control. Moses and Jesus were meek, but not weak. The meek know their strength comes from God. Esther was meek, but she was no weakling. The meek are also humble because they understand that their strength comes from a higher power. The meek know how and when to fight, but they are not looking for one. Strength is a two-edged sword that can be used as a weapon of destruction or a means of release that sets the captives free.”

    May we, brothers and sisters, live strong in the strength and power of our God. May His goodness and grace shine from us into a dark, weary, and evil world. When we come into the throne room of our King we do not need to hover at the corner and wait, hoping our King’s scepter will be raised to grant us entrance and life. The veil was torn and the scepter raised once for all, on a cross at Calvary, as Jesus Christ paid for our sin offering us eternal life. May we praise our King with lives lived strong in faith, according to His call. Amen.

  65. Amy W says:

    Good news for your dad, Jaedyn!! I’ll continue to pray for him, as well as your mom, siblings and you. May He give you peace, strength, healing and hope!

  66. Julie Allison says:

    Thank you for the update! I have been praying for your dad and family and will continue to do so.

  67. Rachel Elizabeth says:

    I’ve never noticed before that the story of Esther is also an image of the Gospel. This makes this book of the Bible so much more beautiful to me that yes, while there is a very real enemy that there is also a VERY REAL KING! This King loves and favors His people, and has a plan of rescue and redemption for us.

  68. Laura says:

    I would like to add to Alison’s comment that yes, I feel very deeply that we as Christians must be bolder, like John the Baptist, and speak truth. I think we have lost our saltiness, so to speak, and have blended in with the world way too much. Satan has used any “truth-telling” as being judgmental. It’s the world’s way of saying, stop telling me I can’t do whatever I want. We are dealing with this in our own family. Our daughter has chosen her own way, is living in sin, and wants her family to accept it and celebrate it. When we can’t, she and her friend tell us that we hate them, that we are judgmental Christians. That this isn’t how “religious” people should be. There are many who do not agree with us, some of them Christians, and most that are not. Love is love, how could Christ not look favorably on love. Things are so twisted in our world today, young people are confused as to what is right and wrong. The lines are so blurred and following your own path, whatever that is, should be accepted. How dare we say anything against it. It has been a heart sore for me as a mom and I know others are going through it as well. But I believe with all of my heart that we need to stand for truth, whatever consequences come our way. Because the Enemy wants the Truth hidden, and by being silent, we are falling into his schemes.

  69. Maura says:

    Esther took the risk in going to the King that he would even acknowledge her. This risk could have required her very life and knowing the King’s previous anger with Vashti, she asked for prayer and fasting. Jesus our King asks us to come to him for rest, communion, restoration, forgiveness, healing, peace. Esther chose the right things prayer fasting, listening and doing what God called her to do. Lord please help me to do the same, no matter my fear or the circumstance, to bring it to you and know that You are always working, and give me ears to hear, a heart to obey, feet to move and a voice to speak the words you give me and not my own. In Jesus name may this life bring you glory. Praying His peace and beauty over your day Sisters. His love never fails, never ever.

  70. Karen says:

    Observing Esther’s way of approaching problems…..FIRST, asking for others to fast and pray with her. That is powerful. She paused and took time to listen to God’s voice first, and let God do His work. She kept calm. She approached slowly. I need to be more like Esther.

  71. Alison says:

    This question might seem off topic from the devotional but it comes from the reading in Mark. In mark 6:18 and 20 we see that John the Baptist said perplexing words to Herod, even calling out his sin. I’m thinking these words that john spoke were probably about the true kingdom of God and about Jesus, the Lord of all, words that would’ve been blasphemous in their time because they would have undermined Caesar. I feel like everywhere I look, I am cautioned to not speak the Truth if it threatens someone else’s “truth”, even in Christian circles! So I struggle. I know to not judge, I know to look at my own heart/motivations and to remove my own plank first, I know the Holy Spirit convicts people, not anything I do or say. But are we ever to be like John the Baptist and boldly call out moral sin? I usually take the least combative approach of just letting people continue to go down their own path, hoping they find the Only Way and knowing that they will be judged appropriately if not. But I feel like, after reading this passage, it’s actually okay to call people over to the right way of living, even if we risk our lives to do so. Would love your thoughts on how to do this in love, solely in Jesus name for His glory and for the redemption of His lost sheep.

  72. Deborah Bassoff says:


  73. Searching says:

    Praying for JAEDYN and family, also for NADS.

    overwhelmed with thankfulness for Christ’s sacrifice, the Lord’s endless pursuit of us and my salvation.

  74. Kelly says:

    Lord, may we be brave and come to You!

  75. Churchmouse says:

    Every story needs a hero. Every human being needs a Savior. King Jesus is both.