Scripture Reading: Haggai 2:1-23, Romans 8:9-10, Hebrews 12:26
I suppose we’re all a little skeptical in the promises department. We feel like we need some collateral when someone makes one. But as a woman, as a Christ-follower, and as a broken person in desperate need of healing—nothing has changed me more than the Word of God, and more specifically, His promises to His people.
As the scattered Israelites stared at their ruined temple, God’s promises, voiced through Haggai, must have seemed impossible. And yet He fulfilled His promises in ways they never could have fathomed. Jesus would one day restore the temple. In fact, He would become the temple (John 2:19).
He will keep His promises to us too. Everywhere we see destruction in our lives, we will one day see restoration. Where we feel only brokenness, we will one day experience healing. The grief we know so intimately now will one day be replaced with deep, lasting joy. Right now, this very moment, Jesus is working to make all things new. It won’t be long now.
Death will die. Tears will dry. All brokenness will mend. And where we currently see rubble, we will see a world re-built on the bedrock promises of God.
When? In the words of the Lord Himself, “in a little while” (Haggai 2:6). The time between this moment and the fulfillment of the beautiful promises of God is short. On the radar screen of eternity, the time between now and the realization of His promises is just a blip. And as we wait, He tells us, “My Spirit is present among you; don’t be afraid” (Haggai 2:5; see also Romans 8:10). His words are not just an encouragement, but a promise too.
Based on the evidence of their current circumstances, the Israelites had reason to believe that God had abandoned them and reneged on His promises. Yet through the prophet Haggai, God reminded them to get their eyes off the brokeness because He is a God who comes through. If they’d only turn toward Him, they would see it! The call is the same for us, to lift our eyes from the brokenness inside us and all around us. We can look forward with great hope because God’s promises are true!
“For people swear by something greater than themselves, and for them a confirming oath ends every dispute. Because God wanted to show his unchangeable purpose even more clearly to the heirs of the promise, he guaranteed it with an oath, so that through two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to seize the hope set before us” (Hebrews 6:16–18).
Hung on a cross, Jesus chose to die for us. His finished work there is our collateral. We are a broken yet redeemed people, stitched together with a promise. There is something better coming. It won’t be long now. Just a little while.
Erin Davis is an author, blogger, and speaker who loves to see women of all ages run to the deep well of God’s Word. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.
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38 thoughts on "Encouragement and Promise"
I needed this. God’s promises are coming and He is faithful always.
I am thankful that my Daddy God keeps His promises. And I am ever grateful for this reminder – He promised to take care of me as I step out on faith as a missionary and I KNOW He will do so.
What a wonderful day that will be, when Jesus returns. How incredible is God’s narrative, his story. From the beginning of time, God weaves such hope through brokenness and life through storms. He had the Israelites backs consistently despite their rejection. And the hope of the new promise and the new temple puts everything into perspective.
This was something I needed to read right now. I am scheduled for a c section in 11 days with my second baby! That’s the exciting part. The scary part is that my husband and I have been discussing me not returning to work after maternity leave in order to stay home with my toddler and newborn. I’m 27 and have held a job since I was 16, so that’s a big difference for me. What really concerns me is the loss of my income.
Mathematically, it’s impossible. With Christ, anything can be done. I’m focusing on the “do not be afraid” message of today’s reading. However, I am definitely accepting prayer right now! Please pray for my peace of mind if I do stay home, and my peace of mind if I am unable. I know it is all in God’s hands.
Just wanted to encourage you Kristy, I made the decision to stay home 7 yrs ago after our first was born with some medical issues and the numbers didn’t add up for us either, but God has always provided abundantly. My husband and I were just talking yesterday about how the numbers haven’t always make sense but we’re somehow doing ok. I just delivered our 3rd last month. They’re worth it.
I will pray for you right now Kristy. I often feel like God speaks to me through where I feel peace. I faced a similar decision 8 years ago. I wrestled for a long time with God about it. Deep down I knew where I felt peace. Once I made the decision it was at times hard road as a lot of my identity was stripped away but I will say I am grateful I took that leap of faith. God opened some doors that I never would have anticipated. I have had some failures along the way too, but my relationship with Jesus has grown so much more. Hugs and prayers and know that His spirit is at work in it all.
We just prayed for you and by now you may have already had your little blessing. God will provide and please just see this time with your babies as reward enough as the passage of today life is but a blip. God Bless
I was really grabbed by this little phrase in Haggai 2:4, “Be strong, all you people of the land, declares the Lord. Work, for I am with you”. Be strong and work knowing that the Lord is with us. Whether I apply this to my job as an icu nurse in a stressful hospital unit or doing God’s work as I move through life, how encouraging to remember, “Be strong …. Work, for I am with you”.
Okay, I was blown away by this:
While reading Haggai 2, the phrase “a little while” (v. 6) caught my eye and I could’ve sworn I’d heard it somewhere else in Scripture. I tried John 16 and sure enough…
[Jesus speaking in John 16:18] “A little while and you will see me no longer; and again a little while and you will see me.”
As I read all of John 16, I was BLOWN AWAY by the parallels with Haggai 2!
Promises of redemption, a new place of worship, peace through the Father, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit…it’s all so incredibly rich!
We’re not just promised restoration in the short term—God in Haggai 2 and Jesus in John 16 are making the same promise: He will redeem, bring justice, and come back for His people and give them a new, restored home of relationship with and worship of God.
I am coming to you humbly asking for prayers for my husband.
We all have our own suffering in our lives or those around us. Praying we stay focused on what is true, like this devotional points out in so many eloquent ways.
If you are struggling today, sending up a prayer for an added measure of strength for you. :)
Praying for you and your husband Samone!
I am praying!
Lifting up your husband in prayer! May God cover you in His peace, Samone.
I just orayed for him and you. And yes I would love all the prayers I get.
This is such a timely message today. I’ve been sad because of my brokenness, my losing battle with weight, with spending etc., and now that seems small. My neighbors to the north lost their town.. their entire town. My husband’s boss lost his, and now the Camp fire is headed for his parent’s home south of Chico. Only the 99 is holding the fire right now. The horror of it is just beyond comprehension. But God…even in this…we are to be strong and brave. We need to turn our eyes to God. He is our sanctuary, our Savior Jesus, our peace in the face of devestation. Pray for Paradise & Chico & all the surrounding towns, ranches & farms. Thank you in advance for hour prayers, Sisters.
Y’all have gone through so much, I am praying right now.
Thank you
My family survived the Santa Rosa fires last year, but my grandpa lost his old house in paradise yesterday. Praying for safety and peace and hope.
I was close to tears reading Haggai 2 and this devotional. Thank you for you words and this study on God’s promises. This is my favorite bit that I plan to hold close to my heart:
He will keep His promises to us too. Everywhere we see destruction in our lives, we will one day see restoration. Where we feel only brokenness, we will one day experience healing. The grief we know so intimately now will one day be replaced with deep, lasting joy. Right now, this very moment, Jesus is working to make all things new. It won’t be long now.
Death will die. Tears will dry. All brokenness will mend. And where we currently see rubble, we will see a world re-built on the bedrock promises of God.
Amen. Amen. Amen <3
I really liked what ERIN said, “ The call is the same for us, to lift our eyes from the brokenness inside us and all around us. We look forward with great hope because God‘s promises are true”’. There’s been a lot of that around me. BUT God… Oh but God… He is my God! He gives me strength to do what I do. ALL the glory is HIS and not mine.
Please pray for my children. We had something happen late last night but I can see that my kids have gotten stronger themselves
Praying <3
Praying for your kids!
This world is broken and we are broken people. Thank God there is more then this life and God one day will restore everything to be right with Him. While I am on this Earth, I daily need to acknowledge my brokenness before the Lord and trust that he is making me new every day and using my experiences to bring Glory to Him.
Oh I needed this. Thank you Lord. Thank you SRT
Needed this reminder today that God comes through! and that if I’d “only turn toward Him, (I) would see it!” All I need to do is lift my eyes from the brokenness inside… and all around (me). (I) can look forward with great hope because God’s promises are true!” I need to look ONLY to Christ. I need to get my eyes off of the world and all the circumstances.
The temple was the place for the people of Israel to meet God and experience shalom.
As they looked over their broken temple, I too, can look out today and see brokenness.
God wanted His temple to be rebuilt through the people of Judah, and he wants to change the world through us.
As I think carefully this morning may I heed Haggai’s words. May I be strong and work so others may know the temple of Jesus, experience His shalom, and partake in His promises.
Me too!
I love reading pieces of scripture that prove the Lord’s fulfilled promises. We know that our God is a God who does not change. If he was willing to fulfill his promise to the Israelites, then he is going to fulfill his promises to me. Instead of feeling worn that I am not able to hold up my end of our relationship, I am amazed as His grace. His plans will not waver due to my shortcomings. What a powerful and loving God we serve.
Wanted to say thank you to everyone who prayed for me yesterday. Keep it up! As a pastor’s wife, it’s a daily news. But, don’t we all need the Lord daily! Thankful for this devotion! For this comment section that brought needed prayer and support to me yesterday! Thankful for the hope set before mentioned there in Hebrews! Thanks again ladies!
There is much in this world that makes me tremble. I am reminded from today’s reading in Haggai to be strong and not afraid. Strength and courage are surely needed in my society. Again and again the Lord speaks through Haggai telling the Israeltes (and me) to “think carefully” about what brought them to the state they are in. (Who wants to think about sin , pride and selfishness?) Yet, God tells them (and me) to face the reality of the situation and personal responsibility. But He also says don’t despair! Draw strength and courage from the promise of God that He blesses His chosen people and those who have chosen Him. Peace comes in this place today, in the here and now, as I contemplate and trust the promises of my God. And eternal peace awaits me. There is hope. He, who cannot lie, promises.
“My Spirit is present among you; don’t be afraid” Haggai 2:5
Oh my, I needed this reminder today after yesterday. Another mass shooting. I. CAN’T. EVEN!!! And the rhetoric has already started… “our thoughts and prayers…” “we have to protect our 2nd amendment rights…” “we have to get rid of all guns…” Blah, blah, blah, the same old same old and nothing ever gets done. I went to bed last night so discouraged and heartbroken for those families and for our country.
BUT GOD…Haggai is such a beautiful reminder to me of who God is. He keeps His promises. He is completely trustworthy and faithful. I needed that reminder. One day all things will be made right. But in the meanwhile, in the in-between times, while we wait, I want to wait well. For me waiting well looks like praying constantly and consistently, being in His word daily, being thankful, loving His people even when we don’t agree and they are getting on every nerve I have!!! Laughing, celebrating, weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and those in prison, taking in the stranger. Taking care of the last, the least, and the lost.
Every Friday I give my high school students a post-it note and have them write down three things they are thankful for. I have a wall where they can post those notes on. It’s our “practicing gratitude” wall. Today I am thankful that The Lord of Armies is with me. I am thankful that I still have breath in my lungs and can do the work He has called me to do. I am thankful that I am a daughter of the Most High Kings. He is faithful. He is trustworthy. He is sovereign.
Be blessed today and this weekend.
Kathy, you are on my prayer list. I often pray for you and your siblings as you try to work together to care for your parents. I also pray for your church and the new pastor. Has he arrived? How is that going? I also pray for you as you teach young people. I pray for all teachers as they are walk up to the firing line each day. There is so much anger and hate in our world and it takes great courage and wisdom to face it on a daily basis. Thank you for all you do and know that you are prayed for.
I am sitting at my desk trying not to cry because my students are coming in. Thank you so much for your precious words. My parents are doing really well. My dad finally let us hire someone to come in and help him with my mom. He is in such a better place right now and as a result, my mom is doing better. Our new pastor is here and it’s wonderful! Thank you for your precious prayers. There is a smile on my face and peace in my heart.
“Nothing ever gets done”. But God. Would you feel any different if he had driven a truck into the bar? What about if he had used a bomb which would have killed many more people? Anger and hate are in this world. But God. Please pray for our country and it’s leaders. What we are called to DO is love and pray.
May I suggest turning off the “news” and anything else that is spewing negativity at you.
Thankful that God is not a man that He should lie. I just read another devotional on my First 5 app for Proverbs 31 Ministry. The main focus point is that our Savior is the one man in all of history that could save us from destruction. How did he bare all that pain, mocking, beatings, sufferings, and hate? I would have wanted to put them in their place and show my power. He humbled himself by coming here and being born in a dirty, filthy place with animals. He showed obedience to the utmost by dying the worst death, death on a cross. His love is amazing! His sacrifice unfathomable! In a world, where people let us down all the time, lie, don’t keep promises, and disappoint, He never does! I know I’ve been hurt in ways I never thought would happen. I’ve been betrayed and lied to. Oh the tears and the pain when we are blindsided. However, we are never forgotten or unloved. I’m thankful for that today! His plans are always best and His love is never ending! Let’s rest in that today and let our lives shine for Him wherever we go!