Elisha’s Ministry

Open Your Bible

2 Kings 3:1-27, 2 Kings 4:1-44, 2 Kings 5:1-27, John 4:10

In Genesis chapter 18, the Lord asked the patriarch Abraham this very important question: “Is anything impossible for the LORD?” (v.14). It was a rhetorical question, of course. I doubt that God was expecting Abraham to somehow calculate and answer Him based on some silly human formula. He was, after all, about to give Abraham a baby at the age of one hundred, and then use Abraham’s family line to birth both a nation and a Savior.

The answer to God’s question was “no,” of course—nothing is impossible for God. The angel Gabriel came right out with it when he told Mary she would become the mother of the world’s Savior (Luke 1:37). And Jesus Himself relayed the same truth in Matthew 19, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (v.26).

A core belief in God’s unlimited power seems to be the backbone of Elisha’s ministry, a steel rod running through His life that allowed him to pray and serve with remarkable conviction, and with good cause. He had seen a number of astonishing miracles: wicked kings dethroned (1 Kings 22:37), armies consumed by fire from heaven (2 Kings 1:10), his mentor, Elijah, carried up into heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11), and unhealthy water transformed into clean water with a pinch of salt (2 Kings 2:21–22).

Over and over again, Elisha had a front row seat to the power of God. So when the kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom commanded him to bring forth water from a dry ditch, Elisha’s faith was automatic, when he responded, “This is an easy thing in the LORD’s sight” (2 Kings 3:18).

Maybe, like me, you’re tempted to compare notes with Elisha, to explain away weak faith with all you haven’t seen. True, I’ve never seen an army consumed with fire from heaven, and I haven’t watched anyone ride a whirlwind up to heaven. But I’ve seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). I’ve seen Him heal. I’ve felt His comfort. I’ve been transformed by His grace.

When faced with the impossible, I press in to this truth: the greatest indicator of what God will do is what He has already done. He is a God who does not change, the healer who keeps healing, the deliverer who keeps delivering, and our Savior who keeps saving.

Go on. Look around your life. Do you see the dry places where you need God’s Spirit to move? Dare to ask the angel’s question, “Is anything impossible for the Lord?” The answer is in every moment of goodness and mercy He has already shown you. May you pray with renewed confidence knowing that, whatever your need is, it is an easy thing in the Lord’s sight.

(15) Comments

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15 thoughts on "Elisha’s Ministry"

  1. Donna Jamar says:

    Great lesson for today

  2. Maya Bulos says:

    I needed to read this today. Reminding me of His powerful and faithfulness. So many seemingly impossible situations, truly the Word of God brings peace, comfort, and hope. R

  3. Kathryn Green says:

    So well written, Erin, thank you!

  4. MsAmy Vann* says:

    Wow! Wow! Wow! This message is timely. I’ve been battling unbelief and yesterday, I heard something that me secretly ask “can God do this for me?” “Can God provide me with job I’ve been praying for over a year?” “Can come through for me financially?” But today’s bible study reminded me that yes, He can. I just need to be obedient and trust in his goodness. It still blows my mind that God, the creator of the heaven and earth, the universe, the billion stars, the beginning and the end, longs for me to trust Him and come to Him boldly. Wow! Who am I to deserve such access? such generosity? Such grace? Thank you, Lord. And. I love you. Help me with my unbelief and help me to love you more + loudly, amen.

  5. Taylor says:

    In college I read The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson with my friends and it radically changed how I prayed. It talks about praying boldly before the throne of God which echoes the past 2 devotions here on SRT. If anyone feels stuck in a rut with their prayers or struggles to believe that God WILL answer your prayers, I highly recommend reading this book! The past few years I will admit I have not prayed as boldly as I did back then, and it it something I seek to regain the courage to do. There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain!

  6. Nicole says:

    This was a beautiful message to read this morning. We have a little 5 year old beautiful girl at our church, who is dying from a rare, incurable disease. And it’s so incredibly sad to see her each week, health declining rapidly.
    I have a 5 year old myself and I think of if it was him and it wrecks me.
    We as a church pray for her constantly, for a miracle to heal her precious body.
    I believe nothing is impossible with God, and keep praying for this child.
    Will you please pray for her as well. ❤️

    1. Ana Silva says:

      I pray the armies of the Lord are sent to fight her battle for healing. The Lord Most High at their command. Lord you can touch and all will be healed but we know the spiritual warfare to get there is a ruthless battle. I believe this little girl is doing big things for Your name. I pray we all see You in her through this time. I pray for you comfort to cover her family, for Nicole’s church family to never cease support. Make this child brave. Make this child well. Make this child strong. It is in Your Highest Name, Jesus, that we pray. That we beg. Amen.

  7. Cathy Simpkins says:

    Thank you, Angie and Churchmouse. Challenging words on this devotion. God can.

  8. Maura says:

    Praying for you Rocio to our God who restores our soul. He is the Almighty, so thankful for all You have given us Lord! May your name Jesus be lifted high and glorified in our words and actions. Peace sisters.

  9. Rocio says:

    I’ve been in a bit of an unbelief. God has always come through when I’ve needed him and He is so good. These past months have just been rough. Prayers please.

  10. Bessie says:

    I have been pondering how I limit the power of God. If questioned, I would say that I believe that God can do anything. Yet, I think small and don’t really ask or expect that He will do HUGE things. Jesus says that we have not because we ask not and if we ask God to do something He will do it. There is power in the Holy Spirit. The evils of this world cannot overcome our God.
    God wants us to come boldly to His throne and ask. Not only to ask, but to believe that He will hear and answer. I’ve been struck by how Elisha had such confidence in the power of God. Also, how he was faithful. It didn’t seem to occur to him to not ask God and that God would answer.
    May I live in the knowledge that God wants us to trust Him and to ask for His will to be done.

  11. Angie says:

    These readings in 1st and 2nd Kings have felt like biographies into the lives of two men of God. Men who lived faithfully, boldly, day by day in service to God. They were not priests, in service in the temple but, prophets, among the people. And yes, the “story,” biographies are about the happenings in their lives, AND YET, the power in their stories is Only God. What matters is not the parting of waters, rising in a flaming chariot, raising a child from death, making stew edible, declaring victory in battle or the many other miracles. The part to be remembered, the part that matters is, God can.

    Which makes me think and ask, when my life on this earth is done, what will my biography read? Will the words on the page read about service and activity done well, or will the words on the page read about The Word on the pages of my life – step by step obedience, daily faith, breath by breath peace, life and actions that matter because of the power of the One God, the Only God, the God who can – the God who does.

    Savior and Creator, God and King, You alone. May You alone be the legacy left in this life you have given. Amen.

    1. Kerry Rowley says:

      Wow Angie. This really touched me. Thank you for your thoughts this morning. So powerful. God used you to speak to me today.

  12. Kristen says:

    Beautifully said. Thank you! Also, I heard a message about grace and how we become believers. It focused on Naaman’s life. It’s a good one to listen to. Here is a link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/timothy-keller-sermons-podcast-by-gospel-in-life/id352660924?i=1000451259187

    Or go to http://www.gospelinlife.com and find episode 304.

  13. Churchmouse says:

    There are many folks for whom I pray for earthly healing. I pray knowing God can but I don’t know that He will at this time, in my lifetime, before my eyes, before theirs. I know there is no sickness or death in heaven so I’m comforted knowing there is ultimate healing. Yet, to be honest, I still pray here with that tension of He can but will He? He might heal on earth. He might not. He always can. He is always able. When it comes to praying for healing, my prayer often becomes “I believe, Lord. Help my unbelief.” And I pray that if healing doesn’t come on this side of heaven, that God would still be glorified in the suffering. I pray that sharing in His suffering would bring its own comfort and intimacy with Him. Faith is required. Trust is a necessity. Peace is the gift. And that is itself a miracle He gives.