
Open Your Bible

Ecclesiastes 1:1-18, Ecclesiastes 12:9-14, 1 Kings 3:5-9, Proverbs 2:1-15, Ephesians 5:15-17

We’re halfway through This Is the Old Testament, our thematic overview of the Old Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the books of Wisdom Literature and begin the last sections of the Old Testament, the Major and Minor Prophets.

What Is Ecclesiastes? The book of Ecclesiastes, likely written by Solomon, examines practical and philosophical questions, observing that following wisdom doesn’t guarantee a positive outcome. Ecclesiastes wrestles with the tension and difficulties of life.

How Ecclesiastes Fits Into the Story: Ecclesiastes awakens us to our own mortality, begging us to seriously consider how we should live with the time we’ve been given. It removes the façades we use to disguise the fact that life is short and all our accomplishments in this world will pass away. In this way, Ecclesiastes anticipates the New Testament teaching that only God’s grace, and not our zeal, saves us.

Reflection Questions: 
1. How might reflecting on eternity influence how you live in the present? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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48 thoughts on "Ecclesiastes"

  1. Tiffany Aleta says:

    Everything we do, apart from our surrender to Jesus, wastes away…will become food for moths, and will not stand the test f time. But His Word, His deeds, His goodness lasts forever. How can I partner with Him in His eternal work?

  2. Jordan Ogletree says:

    When we focus on eternity, we truly see what matters and what does not.

  3. Rea Fowler says:

    Ecclesiastes is weirdly comforting to me. It’s a relief to know that there is nothing new, nothing lasts other than gods love, redemption, and grace.

  4. Joyce Walker says:

    I love getting an understanding because once you have that able to truly know what you are required/ expected to do or not do

  5. Holly Cavender says:

    I just love the reminder that there is nothing that I can do in my own strength that will be fruitful and meaningful. It is only through Christ and His grace that I can produce the fruit that matters… eternal fruit of the spirit and in other people! Thinking like that really does shift my eyes off of myself and to others (bc the only eternal things and God and ppl!)

  6. Kaitlin Schroeder says:

    This has been a deep dive of a bible study today. God has instilled so much of his wisdom and knowledge in me because I have been seeking him through his word. I love how the proverbs verse says “faithful followers….will understand righteousness, justice, and integrity” These are the same characteristics that Solomon used to describe his dad David in 1Kings—he walked before God in “faithfulness,” “righteousness,” and integrity. I love the connection! God has drawn me so near to him it is such a delight anytime he speaks to me. I’ve been told I have SO much wisdom for my age countless times (I’m 23), and now I can see such wisdom truly comes from God—also, I resonated with 1 Kings verse about Solomon not being a leader and only a youth. Sometimes I feel that way, how could someone insignificant like me do something great for God? This reaffirmed in my heart that God uses all people for his greater good.

    My boyfriend is still in ICU, everything stable they are taking him off breathing machine so they can try to get him to breathe on his own. Nothing has declined so thank you for prayers for his strength, we’re moving in positive direction! Drs had written him off, but God is showing his supernatural power in Derek (boyfriend) and through Him anything is possible—my faith of a mustard seed has truly grown to new heights with God. We are all just sitting around waiting for his BP and his breathing to be strong so that he can get on list—he needs liver AND kidney now, I prophesy and believe that God is using this time of waiting and patience while he works behind the scenes. He did not have insurance and his insurance kicks in July 1 I think God is waiting for that and for the perfect kidney and liver to be readily available. Please continue to keep me in your prayers, God has given me such strength I didn’t know I could have in such a difficult situation. He is coming off sedation, been in ICU a week now after he had huge vericeal vein burst when I was visiting him—since then, he has been sedated on breathing machine but staying strong through our prayers. Please pray specifically that God gives him a supernatural strength that just baffles the doctors. He’s in end stage liver failure so time is crucial, but I know in God’s perfect timing all with fall perfectly into place and we will see how his hand was there and involved through it all. What a testimony this will be!