We’re halfway through This Is the Old Testament, our thematic overview of the Old Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the books of Wisdom Literature and begin the last sections of the Old Testament, the Major and Minor Prophets.
What Is Ecclesiastes? The book of Ecclesiastes, likely written by Solomon, examines practical and philosophical questions, observing that following wisdom doesn’t guarantee a positive outcome. Ecclesiastes wrestles with the tension and difficulties of life.
How Ecclesiastes Fits Into the Story: Ecclesiastes awakens us to our own mortality, begging us to seriously consider how we should live with the time we’ve been given. It removes the façades we use to disguise the fact that life is short and all our accomplishments in this world will pass away. In this way, Ecclesiastes anticipates the New Testament teaching that only God’s grace, and not our zeal, saves us.
Reflection Questions:
1. How might reflecting on eternity influence how you live in the present?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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49 thoughts on "Ecclesiastes"
Life is short so make each part on earth true meaning and pay attention what matters the most stay close and connected with GOD.
Everything we do, apart from our surrender to Jesus, wastes away…will become food for moths, and will not stand the test f time. But His Word, His deeds, His goodness lasts forever. How can I partner with Him in His eternal work?
When we focus on eternity, we truly see what matters and what does not.
Ecclesiastes is weirdly comforting to me. It’s a relief to know that there is nothing new, nothing lasts other than gods love, redemption, and grace.
I love getting an understanding because once you have that able to truly know what you are required/ expected to do or not do
I just love the reminder that there is nothing that I can do in my own strength that will be fruitful and meaningful. It is only through Christ and His grace that I can produce the fruit that matters… eternal fruit of the spirit and in other people! Thinking like that really does shift my eyes off of myself and to others (bc the only eternal things and God and ppl!)
This has been a deep dive of a bible study today. God has instilled so much of his wisdom and knowledge in me because I have been seeking him through his word. I love how the proverbs verse says “faithful followers….will understand righteousness, justice, and integrity” These are the same characteristics that Solomon used to describe his dad David in 1Kings—he walked before God in “faithfulness,” “righteousness,” and integrity. I love the connection! God has drawn me so near to him it is such a delight anytime he speaks to me. I’ve been told I have SO much wisdom for my age countless times (I’m 23), and now I can see such wisdom truly comes from God—also, I resonated with 1 Kings verse about Solomon not being a leader and only a youth. Sometimes I feel that way, how could someone insignificant like me do something great for God? This reaffirmed in my heart that God uses all people for his greater good.
My boyfriend is still in ICU, everything stable they are taking him off breathing machine so they can try to get him to breathe on his own. Nothing has declined so thank you for prayers for his strength, we’re moving in positive direction! Drs had written him off, but God is showing his supernatural power in Derek (boyfriend) and through Him anything is possible—my faith of a mustard seed has truly grown to new heights with God. We are all just sitting around waiting for his BP and his breathing to be strong so that he can get on list—he needs liver AND kidney now, I prophesy and believe that God is using this time of waiting and patience while he works behind the scenes. He did not have insurance and his insurance kicks in July 1 I think God is waiting for that and for the perfect kidney and liver to be readily available. Please continue to keep me in your prayers, God has given me such strength I didn’t know I could have in such a difficult situation. He is coming off sedation, been in ICU a week now after he had huge vericeal vein burst when I was visiting him—since then, he has been sedated on breathing machine but staying strong through our prayers. Please pray specifically that God gives him a supernatural strength that just baffles the doctors. He’s in end stage liver failure so time is crucial, but I know in God’s perfect timing all with fall perfectly into place and we will see how his hand was there and involved through it all. What a testimony this will be!
Reading parts of Ecclesiastes today really got me thinking about how the people back then must have felt. Solomon says everthing is futile. There is nothing we can do earthside to earn a place in Heaven. And the People of that time did not know that Jesus would come to save us all. They didnt have the comfort of knowing that they had salvation and a way to God thru Jesus. How must that have felt? Its a scary and sobering thought for me.
Hello Tina! So glad you checked in!❤️
This reading today reminded me that so many things in our lives are out of our control. I’m so glad that we have a holy, righteous God who is in control.
Tina it’s so good to hear from you again. Love sent to you from across the pond and praying for you.
SarahJoy I so agree with what you said.
Taylor what you posted is so on point.
Phoebe I will rest and have joy in Him too. Love what you wrote.
Angie I’ve never looked at the book of Ecclesiastes in that way. Thank you for explaining it to us in a different light and way.
Traci Gendron I don’t know if you listen to the podcast for week 3 or have the study book but both have references to history and the Bible. In the study book there is a fold-out that shows where in history many of the Biblical stories occurred. Also there are books and other items you can check on that will reinforce this. You can probably even find something on the internet. I’ll be praying for you.
Sarah D. amen, amen.
Bridget Vaschak you are sooo right. Love what you wrote.
Victoria E. I know the loss of a child is hard, I lost my son in 2003 at the age of 18 and my niece last year two days before her 34th birthday, my greatest asset was my faith. I remember when I lost my son my father told me God has a reason for everything. Well I’m finding the reason for my loss might be to help my sister through her loss. You see she is a recovering alcoholic. Each day my faith grows stronger especially with the SRT community and my church to help me through it. Remember you are not alone.
Jessica sometimes it is best to wait because sometimes God has something better in store for you.
Praying for all those others who need prayers.
Thank you Dorothy ❤️
These readings illustrate that God gives us the instruction we need to walk with Him in our lives here on earth, and doing that is the only way to eternal life with Him forever. He says wisdom is understanding the fear of the Lord, which is reflected in our daily choices and our ultimate choice to follow Jesus.
God is the point of everything. The end. (lol)
I don’t know if any of the rest of you noticed but Solomon changed his attitude toward life and what he was writing in Ecclesiastes compared to Proverbs. Proverbs is much more upbeat and Ecclesiastes is more downcast and matter-of-fact. His wisdom, I feel, has become too much for him. I wouldn’t mind some wisdom but I don’t know that I would want to be so wise that I would question God and everything in the world.
Have a blessed hump day sisters.
Just thanking the Lord for your check-in Tina. So good to hear from you. You will be in my prayers.
Angie and Phoebe your comments this morning really spoke to my heart. Like Sarah D I’ve been here a lot of years and the wisdom shared here…the relationships we share…they are an anchor that lead us to the Lord. Thanks and love to you all.
Mari V I’m about an hour north of you as you sit in Sac airport praying for you & your daughter to have a safe, wonderful trip.
Praying for you all this morning! so glad to see you back Tina! I am so encouraged by this community, I wish we could all meet in person and give each other big hugs. We are truly one family under Christ, sisters in Him. Like Philippians 1:3, I thank God every time I think of you all and SRT. I think it was 5 or 6 years ago that I started following along with SRT and reading my Bible daily. I’ve grown so much and have learned so much about the Lord. Praise God, he is just as faithful as he was 6 and even 10 years ago! All of my life he has been faithful. Praying others would come to know the good news in Jesus, as we have found in him. As the SRT Bible devo says in Ecclesiasted, God invites us into a relationship with Him that will continue through the ages! Praise God!
Maura , Searching, and everyone who prayed for me thank you. I am feeling better about the procedure today. It is in 2 weeks, continued prayer is so very much appreciated- it is powerful and works! I will be praying for the requests listed here! Tina, so good to hear from you! Angie, your comment really made so much sense out of a book that usually depresses me and makes me wonder why we are even here if everything is meaningless and futile? I love everyone’s perspective, especially those who said it “takes the pressure off” as I struggle with intense anxiety at times. Bless you all and have a wonderful day!
Hi Tina!!
Todays study I found myself reflecting on my married side of the family. They pursue knowledge more than most. I appreciate their intelligence, but I find that it hinders them from believing in God. I was told recently that the Bible was written so far back that it isn’t meant for us. I find so much comfort and wisdom through studying the Bible and I find it sad that so many miss out on God’s word. I’m not strong enough in my knowledge to share. They always trip me up. I pray that God will give me the words to share when these comments are made. I have nothing without the love of God. I pray that todays readings will shape my days. To truly see what is important and what is not.
For those that pray for my son, I thought I should update. I believe he had another stroke back in October. He has neuropathy from that incident. We are working with a PT to bring his balance back and some strength. Tanner has beat the odds so many times, that I know God is with him. When he was young he said to me, “mom I bet you wish you had a child without Cystinosis.” What a hard question from your 8 year old. I told him that for him yes, for me it has taught me what is important in life. It changed who I am. It brought me to God. Thank you SRT ladies for continued prayers for us.
Angie, thank you for the word picture of playing a game and the time spent together. May we all seek to spend time with our Gracious Lord and gain wisdom to navigate the challenges we face. Praying for you all. Tina, glad to know you are well.
@ Tina, Thankful you are well! Just know you have been greatly missed! Prayers that things calm down for you, But God. ❤️
Angie, your words so good, the teacher in you blesses me. Thankful for all the ways you serve Jesus. Solomon’s words while full of the futility of life, also show me the nothing we have in the world without our Lord. And, if my focus is in my accomplishments, the work of my hands, the things that make me feel good momentarily instead of the God who provides the opportunities, made these hands, and brings me joy in the moments then I am left with nothing. But the love of the Almighty gives me joy in the sorrow, strength when I am weary and peace in the storm. I have been angry in this turning of my life, please Lord release any emotions that are not from You and guide me in strength and wisdom, for I know who You are, and all the ways You provide for me. Praying for you Sisters, Mari V, happy for you and your daughter, may your travels and the wedding all be full of joy. praying safety and His blessings on your nephews marriage. Victoria E, praying His peace to cover you. For you and your husband, and all to be blessed and a blessed little miracle. Sarah Joy, praying with you. Praying they know that Jesus is with them in the depths and knows and feel His love meeting them there. Blessed Beth, I could feel the smile of your heart in your words. Praying joy in your fellowship. God is good. Brenda Johnson, praying for Brayden to find Jesus in these years, the One who gives wisdom and joy. And communication, peace for you.
ERB – I so loved your post this morning. Especially about the potsherd, lovely to consider. Isn’t He good. He who formed the light and created the darkness, made all things and stretched out the sky. Sent part of Himself, even after man fell, even into our lost souls, to shed His very blood, for these worms. I am sorry my friend I did read and there is much more to say, but I just realized the time and must get myself going. Hugs and Joy to your day. Love to all of you Sisters.
Ecclesiastes takes the pressure off. It reminds me of when you give a child a new game. They need to be taught how to play it. Sometimes they will win, sometimes they will lose. They may gain strategies, and improve in their skill as time passes. Sometimes it will be great fun, and other times frustrated by loss. But the game is temporary, it is not what really matters. The real value comes in the time spent together, the relationship, the love.
Ecclesiastes reminds us that this life on earth is temporary. We have a Father, our King, who has created us with purpose for eternity. As we play this game of “life” we learn, grow, and change. It is not about the victories or loses. What really matters is the relationship-the time we spend with the “Teacher” of the game. What really matters is the love, fear, and awe for God that prepares us for our purpose in eternity with Him. That takes a lot off my shoulders as I trust Him with yesterday, today, and eternity. We already have a winner in this game of “Life.” His name is Jesus and He loves me (and you).
Ecclesiastes 12:13 “…the conclusion of the matter is this: fear God and keep his commands…”
I can’t do anything truly worthwhile apart from fearing God. I can’t do anything to earn my own salvation apart from believing in Jesus. Everything that I may do in my life will fade away, which can be sobering/depressing, but it can also be a source of peace. Since redemption isn’t mine to accomplish I can rest in Him, have peace in Him, and enjoy!
Amen Phoebe! Thanks for this
Proverbs 2:7-8 stood out to me today: “He holds success in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones.” I’m so glad we live on this side of the cross that we have the Holy Spirit guiding us and revealing to us God’s plans and His ways for our lives. It’s so easy to live for ourselves and want to do things OUR way, but when we put things in light of eternity, God’s way is best!
Good morning sisters it is 4:45 AM Pacific time in California. I have read the Scriptures but will take more time at the airport to finish my devotions. Prayers are appreciated for my daughter and I. Due to a rude We are arriving at the airport early and will depart at 10:20 AM bound to Oklahoma City for my nephews wedding
This verse really struck a chord with me today: “18 For with much wisdom is much sorrow; as knowledge increases, grief increases.”
Man. Don’t you just feel that sorrow sometimes? That heaviness, that sense of futility that is so present throughout Solomon’s writings?
But there is so much BEAUTY in this world! I’m looking out my window right now at roses and lilies blooming in abundance, at chickadees at the bird feeder, and at the mountains beyond, just a faint purple swath. My dog is sleeping at my feet, and the day stretches before me with promise.
Personally, I am so thankful that the hope I have in Jesus is so much stronger than the futility of the world.
I am so glad to hear you are okay! You’ve had sisters from around the globe actively praying for you. I am so thankful for you and for all of the ways you have ministered to me through this site!
I loved the way SRT described how Ecclesiastes “fits” in the story!! SO good and so true!!!
Tina, thank you for sharing your prompting story…it’s definitely a testimony!! God is so good!!!
MAURA, I hope you are well today dear sister… my day is starting earlier than normal, but I am looking forward to it!!
Isaiah 45.. another great chapter!!! I love how God is declaring Himself!! Such an AMAZING God we have!!! Here are the verses I highlighted:
Isaiah 45:9-12 …I looked up what potsherds meant: ‘pottery fragment usually unearthed as an archaeological relic.’ …the meaning behind this put a whole new spin on things for me!! What sort of fragment am I? Do I blend in to my surroundings or do I stand out? God calls us to be different from the world. Am I leaving the fragrance of God with me wherever I go? I also loved how the scripture asks “Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’” …it made me stop and take note!! How many times have I tried (& still try) to take the wheel away from God..because “I know better” when actually I have no idea what He’s making/doing..I just want control. LOVE how God calls us out on this and that He declares Himself the Marshal of the starry hosts. SO good!!
Isaiah 45:16-20 Love how these verses cover the idols we’ve been reading about and also how God declares What and Who He is… absolutely LOVED verse 18 “ For this is what the Lord says—he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited—he says: “I am the Lord, and there is no other.” Amen!!!
Isaiah 45:22-24 ..a declaration and a promise!! “Every knee will bow” SOOO Good!!!
Hope all you wonderful ladies have an amazing day!!!
A couple more things:
TINA – it was good to “see” you. :)
My brother Nate and his fiancé continue to need prayers. It’s hard because it’s not my story to share. My heart grieves as they struggle because I love them both so dearly. God can do the miraculous, and I am clinging to the truth of His faithfulness.
1. Reflecting on eternity puts the things of this world in perspective. Oh that I could keep that perspective and allow it to shape my days. The junk that I can’t let go – temporary. (Literal junk and internal junk.) The ways I fill my days instead of putting things aside to enjoy our girls. I want to make my priority things that will matter in 1,000 years.
2. Without redemption it all is futile or meaningless! People without Jesus often feel the weight of “why am I here?” God’s story gives our lives meaning. We have a part to play in His story.
When we were are eternity focused, things matter less. It is the relationships that matter so we can connect, minister, & help others see the need for Jesus in their life in light of eternity.
I’m so encouraged by the community I observe in the comments. You ladies are relationally focused as well!
So good to see you this morning TINA…and all of you girls of faith.
I just read through these scriptures twice and I have such peace in my heart. This morning I am meeting with a friend and we are going to disciple each other and hold each other accountable. We have been Christians for most of our lives. We are both retired from teaching but realize we will never stop the need to be disciples , this was brought out at a recent church board meeting. I can’t wait to get started and will be reading some of these verses to get started.
TINA! Hallelujah you are ok! Thank you for checking in. Will be praying for you.
1. Reflecting on eternity influences how I interact with this world. I hold on to THINGS loosely. I desire that it would influence how I interact with people. I pray that people will come to trust in Jesus but don’t actively share the gospel with people. I am willing if someone asks, but I have never initiated a conversation.
2.Ecclesiastes points to the need for God’s grace in my life. The Teacher’s wisdom may be helpful but it does not offer HOPE or bring peace. That is only found in God, my Redeemer.
TINA – thank you for checking in! You are loved and appreciated ❤️
Praying for requests – RHONDA JOHNSON, ERRICKA HAGER, LAUREN AND VICTORIA E. Other requests were mentioned but I don’t see a post about them – praying for any I’ve overlooked or that were unspoken because the Lord knows what we are going through.
GOOD MORNING sweet sisters in Christ..
I know this message will warm hearts, it was not by chance that I was awake at silly o’clock this morning. Not able to sleep I felt nudged to visit the SRT home, to touch base, and what did I find in the comments, but loving care and concern for myself and Churchmouse.. (I did leave a message on yesterdays’ page, but just in case you missed it..)
It is well sisters. I am well. A tad overwhelmed with work and life ..
But God..
But God..
Is good and He is my portion and strength..
I do stop here from time to time, but not enough time to respond.. and I listen to the podcasts as and when, so very much here in spirit! I am not far away..
I love and thank you all for your love and care.
Thank you again absolutely wrapped in love and gratitude for you!❤
Tina- thankful you are well. Good to “see” you this morning. We have missed you. Take care.
@Tina!! So glad to hear from you!!
Oh, Tina, so glad you are good ♥️
tina so glad you checked in and all is well.