Text: Matthew 28:1-20
“Don’t be afraid.”
The lightning-clad angel sat on the stone that had sealed the entrance to Jesus’ borrowed tomb. The guards lay shocked and crumpled on the ground where they once stood to guard the dead body of the man they’d mocked as “King of the Jews” just days before. The Marys—Mary Magdalene and the other—approached, surely shaken by the scene they’d come upon.
“Don’t be afraid,” the angel told them, “because I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said.” And then? “Go,” he said to the women. “Go quickly and tell his disciples” (Matthew 28:5-7).
So they went, and quickly. Leaving the tomb “with fear and great joy,” the women hurried to tell the twelve-turned-eleven the news. Could it be?
And then they saw Him.
“Greetings!” Jesus said to the women, and they fell to His feet in worship.
“Do not be afraid,” He said. “Go… tell my brothers…”
So they went, and they told. And the eleven went on to Galilee as instructed, heads hanging low yet hearts beating with hope. Could it be?
And then they saw Him.
Some believed, some doubted. All worshiped.
The risen Christ was standing there in front of them, the ones He came to save. The saving work—all of it—was finished (John 19:30).
And here’s what He said to them, to us (Lean in close):
“All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.” There was and is and will be nothing or no one more powerful than Jesus. He sits at the right hand of God the Father, His reign without end.
“Go, therefore,” Jesus continued, “and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.” Go. Tell.
“And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20). He is with us and will never leave us. Remember. Always.
Oh, the glory of this blessed day—the day our Christ walked out of the grave, saying, “Greetings!” How can we but celebrate?
Our promised Savior has come, and His work is complete. We cannot add to it or take away from it. It cannot be undone (Ephesians 2:8; John 10:28).
Our Redeemer has risen. “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” The risen Jesus is the “yes” to all God’s promises, echoing throughout eternity (1 Corinthians 15:54; 2 Corinthians 1:20).
Our hope is eternally secure. The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our future glory sealed in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:22).
We will not find our Lord in a tomb. He has risen, just as He said.
Do not be afraid.
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43 thoughts on "Easter Sunday"
BION I’m imepsesrd! Cool post!
I disagree. Read http://www.wnd.com/2017/04/whos-at-fault-for-celebrating-easter-instead-of-passover/
– Sherilyn
happy belated easter to you all and thanks for sharing in this reading plan, devotional time and prayers with me. Looking forward to the next SRT plan I’ll follow.
He has risen, indeed! I could not be happier this Lent… I have learned so much from studying Isaiah, and have grown closer to Him once more. Our God is a powerful, loving, and forgiving one, and I’m glad to know that because of Jesus’ sacrifice, I will always be accepted and loved by Him, no matter how far and how often I stray. Amen!
My sweet 9YO son was baptized today! He had been thinking about it for a year and finally declared it was time. What a glorious day to receive the grace of Christ, the day we celebrate His ultimate sacrifice so that we might be free. Hallelujah!
Celebrating with you!
He has risen, indeed! Happy Easter!
Hallelujah! Because He lives, I can face tomorrow! It is already Easter Monday here across the pond, and I’m still riding on the excitement of Sunday. I hope to be able to re-read this devotional over and over every lent leading up to Easter,it has been such a fruitful journey and blessed not only me, but those I minister to and my family. God has met me every step of the way, even when I fell behind the reading for that day spoke to my very situation. God be glorified! He is risen!
The victory is HIS!!
What an emotional and spiritual rollercoaster these past 47 days have been.
Thanks be to God for being there with us from the start, and for being with us till the end of the age.
Happy Easter, sisters! He is risen indeed!!!
He has risen!! He has risen indeed!
Happy Easter!!
“He has risen, just as He said.” Just as He said. Those four words in verse 6 have been echoing in my mind this weekend as I’ve reflected on God’s faithfulness. Of course Jesus rose – He had said He would! Why were the disciples surprised when He had already told them this would happen?
But then I realized I do this too. I know what God says in His word. I can recite the promises, but yet I am still surprised when He fulfills them or answers a prayer.
Sisters, my prayer for us all is that our trust in Him would be so deep that we will look at His promises through the lens of these four words – “just as He said.” All authority has been given to Him; how can we not trust Him?
As I was writing this comment, I was reminded of the first verse of my favorite hymn, ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus:
“‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word;
Just to rest upon His promise;
Just to know, Thus saith the Lord.”
May we trust Him. May we take Him at His word. May we rest upon His promise. May we remember that He is with us always… because He has risen, just as He said.
Amen, Kristi! So well said!
Yes and amen!
Love this. Thanks for sharing!
He is risen!!
Jesus Christ has risen today!
He has risen, indeed!
Jesus is ALIVE, He is alive in me. The King of Kings has risen, to him all the glory!
Happy Easter to all you dear She’s! It has been a joy to journey through Lent to this glorious day with you all. Thank you, SRT for all of the Scripture and the devotions and the beautiful study guide. Thank you to all who have posted comments. This community is such a blessing! Hope to meet you all here tomorrow to study the miracles of Jesus. Let the adventure begin!
Happy Easter to you,Dear! Thank you for your comments! I read your words every day. Looking forward to studying the Miracles of Jesus with you and our community of Shes.
“You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart!”
Don’t be afraid.
You are looking.
He has been resurrected.
Go quickly and tell.
Fear and great joy.
Ran to tell.
“Good morning!”
Do not be afraid.
Go and tell.
They will see Me.
They saw Him.
They worshipped.
Some doubted.
Jesus came near.
“All authority has been given…”
Go therefore.
Make disciples.
And remember, I AM…
Blessed Easter to you all as we are reminded of His work on the cross and His Resurrection!!!!
This is the ULTIMATE VICTORY. I always see Easter as the day God tells Satan– “Check Mate! Today I take back what is mine; they were NEVER yours. Did you really think I didn’t have a plan after tricked Eve and Adam? I am God and I ALWAYS have a plan.” I don’t know why but on Easter yes I always think about the glorious moment of the Resurrection but for some reason I am always in awe of God–the strategist– behind the scenes and that moment at the Cross that, while painful, it is when God’s plan is revealed in all it’s Glory! So today I celebrate this victory!! Happy Easter, my sisters!!
Checkmate! Ha, I love this! He is Risen <3
God always makes a way! I like the image of Him as a strategist. :) I hope you had a great Easter!
He is risen indeed!
He is risen, indeed!
Now, in the going tell.
Remember, He IS with you always.
He has risen indeed!
Hallelujah! He has risen!
If ever I loved thee…..my Jesus ’tis now….
If ever I loved thee…..my Jesus ‘this now….
Christ has risen!! Hallelujah!
He has risen indeed!
I told my grenamothdr how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”
Christ has done away with death and opened the gate to share in HIs victory.
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
He is risen indeed!!
He is risen!
He is risen indeed… Hallelujah…
A VERY Happy Easter to you all…
He is Risen.