Don’t Be Ashamed of the Gospel

Open Your Bible

2 Timothy 1:1-18, 2 Corinthians 3:4-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22

My high school experience was vastly different from the average adolescent. It wasn’t filled with exceptionalism or much experimentation, but it was four years of going to the same school where my father taught. I remember one day, as a senior, after almost four years of being the kid that never got into trouble, I decided it was time to rebel. I attempted to skip the last period, only to receive a call from my father who spotted me walking to my car from his classroom window. 

Students who knew of my dad or knew him as a teacher were quick to call him strict. And when they discovered that the school’s scary drill sergeant was also my father, they were surprised to hear that what they knew of him and what I knew to be true of him were vastly different. I spent a lot of time ashamed of being my father’s daughter. A shame that stood on what others believed to be true of him. 

In 2 Timothy 1, Paul sees the timidity that Timothy struggles with and the fear that he possesses regarding the call of God on his life. Paul encourages Timothy that boldness is a gift from the Lord and that when he chooses to put on courage, he will be moved to put off shame (2Timothy 1:8).

It’s easy to forget. At the time this letter was written, following a crucified Master wasn’t easy. It wasn’t something one would specifically find pride in doing. Jesus spent His time on earth teaching principles that contradicted the ways of the world and then died a brutal death. For those who did not understand the good news of the resurrection, the testimony of Christ was one steeped in shame. We, too, can find ourselves placing the good news under a cloak. Both afraid and embarrassed to share about the Jesus we’ve known to be true because we’re more concerned with how others will receive our testimony based on what they know of Jesus.  

But the truth is that when we step into the gift of courage in Christ, we shed shame. When we recall what God has proven to be true, the remnants of shame that attempt to attach themselves to the good news of the gospel we are called to share are removed (v.11). 

When we find ourselves shrinking back from proclaiming the good news of Christ, what we know to be true of Jesus can be the backbone of our courage.

Shame cannot exist in the context of true intimacy. As we pursue Him and allow the Holy Spirit to make deposits into us, we are moved from shame to honor. No longer burdened with embarrassment as we tell others of Jesus, but brought into a place of joy and delight regarding the testimony of our King.

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41 thoughts on "Don’t Be Ashamed of the Gospel"

  1. Tiesha Andrews says:

    Your testimony blessed me. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Khim R says:

    Anyone has a problem highlighting verses in the App? Sorry, is out of topic :). Have blessed day.

  3. Searching says:

    I love these verses from Thessalonians – rejoice, pray, be thankful, be mindful of guidance from the Holy Spirit, listen to those who say they have a message from God or God told them to say something, then test whether it (and everything else) is from God and if not, flee.

    I occasionally look up verses in the Hawai‘i Pidgin Bible translation – sometimes difficult to decipher but the language has enough “English” in it that many times the message comes through loud and clear, and maybe more “in your face” than other versions.

    1 Thessalonians 5:16 Stay good inside everytime. 17 No matta wat happen, make time fo talk to God everytime. 18 No matta wat happen, tell God “Mahalo plenny!.” Dass wat God like you guys do, cuz you guys stay tight wit Godʼs Spesho Guy Jesus. 19 No go jam up wat Godʼs Good an Spesho Spirit like do. 20 Wen some guy go talk fo God, no tink, “Junk, dat!” 21 Mo betta, go check out everyting, den stick wit da good stuff. 22 Any kine bad kine stuff, stay real far away from dat.

    Also love that Paul points out the example of Timothy’s mother and grandmother. None of us are perfect of course, but living out our love for and faith in Jesus doesn’t go unnoticed by our families even if we think/they pretend they are ignoring us.

    BLESSED BETH – what a testimony, thank you.
    LEHUA K – thankful for the improvement for your husband, praying you are freed from the hives soon!
    KIMBERLY ZIEHL – praying for your family in handling the enormous challenges and changes, and especially for healing for your dad, wisdom from the doctors for surgeries/options and moving forward.
    JESSICA TIMPERION – praying!

  4. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “He has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purposes and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.”

    Thank You, Lord that it is according to Your purposes that I have become Your child. You are forever worthy of my undivided devotion. You are worth the “cost” of being misunderstood or shunned by the world.

  5. Blessed Beth says:

    7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear,j but one of power,love,and a sound mind.

    These words got me through so much in my life. I chose them when I was going through ovarian cancer and had a radical hysterectomy . I often questioned my mind being sound when going through chemo, but He was faithful allowing me to witness to a nurse at 3 AM. When I had a double mastectomy it comforted me and when I had surgery for a twisted and buckled deteriorating spine God gave the privilege to witness to doctors. My list is much longer but I will stop as the verse is the same always has been always will be. God Bless You ladies.

  6. Arina says:

    We don’t have to be ashamed because we can rely on God’s power. Our calling isn’t based on our works. We are not competent, but our adequacy is from God. Wha peace this brings. We don’t have to be ashamed because we know in Whom we believe. We have a glorious gospel to share. Because of this hope, we can act with great boldness.

  7. Tina says:

    I have never been much of a ‘shout it from the rooftops ‘ kinda gal, when it comes to speaking of or about Jesus. However, if you ask me, be prepared to be around for longer than the time allocated for my response! I WILL tell you of the great things He has done within and around me and more..!

    I do hope, however, that though I may not ‘shout’ that my words and actions point to Him, to the One who loves me beyond measure.. The One who lavishes my life with much grace, new, each day. The One who forgives me and into whose arms I can run, no matter my shame. The One who died for me, so I can know freedom, and with whom i have an intimate relationship.. The One who brings me peace, beyond understanding, who comforts me, when this world fails me…

    Yes, I could go on, because there is much to be told.. My life story is filled with..

    BUT GOD moments, every minute, every hour..every day.. Psalm 26:7 says.. ‘ I will sing a hymn of thanksgiving and tell of your wonderful deeds..’

    We are not all called to stand in pulpits, or soap boxes, but, we can for sure, lead by example, and tell of what He has done and continues to do, for and in us..


    Happy Friday, my dears.❤

  8. Tina says:

    To my precious and wonderful sisters, thank you for your kind words and prayers yesterday.. One thing I would like to clarify, is that Julee, gave her life to Jesus a couple of weeks before she passed away..( A mere ‘baby’s woman of faith). I am so very grateful for you ALL, and the family we are and have been over the years.. An absolute honour to journey with you..❤

    CATHY KRAUSE, I am so very sorry for your troubles, I pray for you to know His peace and that you will be strengthened in His love and grace as you surrender to Him all your worries and woes.. He is good, oh so good..
    Sending love wrapped in prayers..❤

    TRACY GENDRON, thinking of you and your words and hoping you are knowing peace when those thoughts come. I remember leaving the cemetery one day crying so hard, I could hardly see, asking … Had I done all I could for my girl?. Had I been a good parent? You know what, we make and do the very best choices for our children as parents, we would no more give them a stone, when they ask for bread, because of the great love we have for them.. Stay strong, Traci, knowing Tanners life, was already written in the book, his purpose fulfilled, in the lives he touched, the people he loved, in the way he did life.

    BUT GOD..

    Know peace my sister, He is near..God is always near.

    Sending you much love wrapped in prayers.❤