Discord and Harmony

Open Your Bible

Genesis 11:1-9, Deuteronomy 32:8, Revelation 5:8-9, Revelation 7:9, Revelation 15:1-5, Revelation 21:24, Revelation 21:26

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

In the beginning, God scattered people who did not worship Him. In the end, God’s people are one, a multicultural people united in Christ to sing His praises.

In prayer and in the comments, reflect on any images from today’s passages that were familiar to you. What images point to the different or “beyond” nature of what’s to come?

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114 thoughts on "Discord and Harmony"

  1. Katherine Herrington says:

    Worship takes us beyond our differences and our praise brings us together!

  2. Dori Brown says:


  3. Bonnie A says:

    All nations and cultures will unify together to worship God.

  4. Kendra Qual says:

    It’s our unity in Christ that brings us together, not our works or efforts on earth. In fact, it seems the harder humans try to create unity amongst ourselves, the more we hurt and destroy. It’s Jesus alone that brings change in our hearts and will one day bring all his people together again.

  5. Alayna P. says:

    1. Genesis 11:1-9: The Tower of Babel narrative suggests a human ambition to reach the heavens, emphasizing a desire for something beyond ordinary human experience.
    2. Deuteronomy 32:8: God’s division of the nations and their inheritance hints at a divine plan that goes beyond my immediate understanding, highlighting a higher purpose.
    3. Revelation 5:8-9: The imagery of heavenly beings holding golden bowls of incense with prayers and the Lamb’s redemption signifies a celestial realm where divine actions transcend earthly limitations.
    4. Revelation 7:9: The vision of a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language standing before the throne and the Lamb points to a future unity that surpasses current cultural and linguistic divisions.
    5. Revelation 15:1-5: The image of those who have overcome the beast with harps and singing the song of Moses and the Lamb portrays a victorious and worshipful scene that transcends the struggles of the present.
    6. Revelation 21:24,26: The nations walking by the light of the New Jerusalem and bringing their glory and honor into it suggest a future state where the divine light guides and transforms the nations in a way that surpasses current worldly conditions.

  6. Karen Breaux says: