Discord and Harmony

Open Your Bible

Genesis 11:1-9, Deuteronomy 32:8, Revelation 5:8-9, Revelation 7:9, Revelation 15:1-5, Revelation 21:24, Revelation 21:26

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

In the beginning, God scattered people who did not worship Him. In the end, God’s people are one, a multicultural people united in Christ to sing His praises.

In prayer and in the comments, reflect on any images from today’s passages that were familiar to you. What images point to the different or “beyond” nature of what’s to come?

(114) Comments

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114 thoughts on "Discord and Harmony"

  1. Katherine Herrington says:

    Worship takes us beyond our differences and our praise brings us together!

  2. Dori Brown says:


  3. Bonnie A says:

    All nations and cultures will unify together to worship God.

  4. Kendra Qual says:

    It’s our unity in Christ that brings us together, not our works or efforts on earth. In fact, it seems the harder humans try to create unity amongst ourselves, the more we hurt and destroy. It’s Jesus alone that brings change in our hearts and will one day bring all his people together again.

  5. Alayna P. says:

    1. Genesis 11:1-9: The Tower of Babel narrative suggests a human ambition to reach the heavens, emphasizing a desire for something beyond ordinary human experience.
    2. Deuteronomy 32:8: God’s division of the nations and their inheritance hints at a divine plan that goes beyond my immediate understanding, highlighting a higher purpose.
    3. Revelation 5:8-9: The imagery of heavenly beings holding golden bowls of incense with prayers and the Lamb’s redemption signifies a celestial realm where divine actions transcend earthly limitations.
    4. Revelation 7:9: The vision of a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language standing before the throne and the Lamb points to a future unity that surpasses current cultural and linguistic divisions.
    5. Revelation 15:1-5: The image of those who have overcome the beast with harps and singing the song of Moses and the Lamb portrays a victorious and worshipful scene that transcends the struggles of the present.
    6. Revelation 21:24,26: The nations walking by the light of the New Jerusalem and bringing their glory and honor into it suggest a future state where the divine light guides and transforms the nations in a way that surpasses current worldly conditions.

  6. Karen Breaux says:

  7. Alicia Boyd says:


  8. SHALOM BARILE says:

    Okay good to know!

  9. Kerry Rowley says:

    Nashville and many parts of the south are caught in a snow/ice event. Maybe they can’t get into the office. We live in north Alabama and roads continue to be a sheet of ice. We’ve been snowed in since Monday with little hope of getting out until Saturday or Sunday.

  10. Lindzee Creech says:

    No 17 or 18 here either!

    1. Tammy Stecker says:


  11. Lucille Richardson says:

    I can’t even seem to post properly

  12. Karen Sumpter says:

    I also have nothing past Day 16. Good to know it’s not just my phone, at least

    1. Kate Leivo says:

      I’m also stuck on day 16!

  13. jannae sherensky says:

    Same as the rest of you stuck on day 16.

  14. Jordan Shaw says:

    Me either

    1. Ashley Trippett says:

      What day are we supposed to be on? I think it’s 18, I just want to make sure, ha!

  15. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    I posted a few days ago, but my reading is stuck on day 16!

    1. Ashley Trippett says:

      We are on day 18, correct?

  16. Teresa Brown says:

    I can’t access anything after Day 16…

  17. searching says:

    Sisters, I emailed SRT about the app issue yesterday & they replied that IT is working on it.

    In the meantime, day 17 & 18 are available on the SRT website.

  18. Andrea Huff says:

    The readings are on their website https://shereadstruth.com/plans/everything-new/

  19. Juanita Mills says:

    No 17 and 18. I usually do my readings early.

  20. MaryBeth Thomas says:

    No day 17 here either.

  21. Victoria E says:

    I really needed this reminder to not glorify people for doing something great, be it myself or others, but instead honor God. Thank you to Cee Gee and everyone else who highlighted this.

  22. Faith O’Bryon says:

    I don’t have anything after day 16

  23. Alexandra says:

    My image that I got from a personal perspective, is that in this world there’s a hierarchy of cultures, languages, nations and people. As a Chinese woman who is fluent in English, while some respect and embrace different cultures, others don’t or even despise the beauty of multiculturalism. I felt “judged or disheartened” when I don’t have a perfect local accent and people specifically make you aware of it (I live in Australia).

    My heart feels the excitement when all the nations and people stand as one. No one is more superior than the others. We are made equal in front of God and Jesus. But what language do we speak there? I wonder it must be a heavenly language!

  24. SHALOM BARILE says:

    Does anyone else not have anything after day 16?

    1. Bessie H says:

      I don’t. I thought maybe it was just me. Thanks for posting

    2. Janelle H says:

      I don’t either.

    3. Shannon Robinson says:

      No!! Was super confused!

    4. Hayley Torok says:

      I don’t!):

    5. Allie Arnold says:

      I have a day 18, but no 17.

  25. Mercy says:

    @KRISTINA: prayers for restoration in relationships and family. The devil always attacks families.
    @ADRIENNE: may the state lady visit go great. I am glad you resume class.
    @TAYLOR: may all go well for your work situation.
    @LAURA DIANE: I am sorry the wait is so long, it is so hard, but God will pursue the hearts of your children by His faithfulness to your prayers.
    @MICHELLE PATIRE: for peace amidst the storm, the change of heart for your family members, more courage and patience.
    @THEBESTISYETTOCOME: oh my goodness, prayers for recovery for your dad’s many issues, knee healing for yourself, and handling two foster children in such turmoil.
    @AIMEE ROGERS: has your friend been found? I pray he was.
    @GAYLE CRAIK: healing from Covid, speedy recovery for you and husband, strength and support for chemo treatment. I am so sorry many things compiled.

  26. Mercy says:

    So many good things stood out today:
    1/ The Lord’s prayer, when we ask God to give us our daily needs, we also need to forgive (cancel a debt) someone owes us. “Give” and “Forgive”- it is a closed circle. We cannot ask and withhold.
    2/ Ask seek knock. For the first time in this parable, I realize we are to ask both men and God, besides, to also explain the bleak situation (in midnight hour, read: “darkest time”), (have nothing to give to my friend after a long journey, read: “extreme wit’s end for the sake of others”). This leads me to say, we need to discern who our friends are. Posing this scenario, only a friend will open the door at the midnight hour. I had knocked and some doors did not open, I had called and some did not pick up the phone (Like the Good Samaritan story, one was left injured on the sideroad while people walked on). This happens if we mistake someone to be our friend… when they are not. Discernment can prevent the heartbreak of rejection, especially at the midnight hour. Bleak times test the heart and faithfulness of people. The Bible’s definition of a friend is, “one who is willing to lay down their life” (Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends-John 15:13). Truly by this, we have a friend in Jesus only. Rarely no one is willing to die for another (Romans 5:7). I pray He brings us true friends who would help us in our darkest hour, by God’s mercies for us.
    3/ “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
    I pondered here, Why did the man and the merchant have to sell everything? Can they just sell half in case they are really really wealthy? Let’s do a cost and benefit analysis for both cases :)). The cost is still everything here, regardless of their various status quo. Bible stands firm on the price (everything, all). This makes me tremble. I used to think it cost my faith only (that is to gain entrance), but as the progression comes on this narrow road, going through the narrow gate, climbing obstacles, enduring valleys, pressing onto the race ahead to keep focus on the prize, well, the Word does not lie. This is a very liberating perspective for me, because chasing after the pearls of this world is very exhausting, they keep moving the mark to keep us in the hamster wheel/ rat race, for the unattainable aspirations- just to deplete us. May God open our eyes, and the eyes of the lost.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  27. Macayla Core says:

    I have loved that in this plan it shows us how God will directly restore the impacts of sun in the world.

  28. Gayle Craik says:

    Amen, we will all worship God in one language! My treatment is stopped this week because I tested positive for Covid. My fever broke early morning and I already feel much better! God is good. Now I need to get this rental another week.

  29. Donna Mitchell says:

    I re-read this lesson. Man started building a tower because they were looking towards “man” as their savior instead of looking to our LORD. A sin we all have to recognize- a reminder our eyes should be focused on our LORD and Savior and not man. What a glorious time we could be having now, by worshipping and praising God.

  30. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Wow, God wanted them to fill the earth, but they didn’t want to. They wanted to build to themselves, rely on themselves. There was no harmony here, so God came and allowed confusion (as He Himself is a God of order). They did this to worship self and God alone is worthy of our praise!
    I’m so thankful for the images of worshipping Together!!! Just amazing!!!

  31. Kendal Ragland says:

    I loved learning to things. 1) I’ve heard of this story but I didn’t realize God came to earth to scatter them. 2) I think it’s beautiful that they were scattered but then we will all come together in the end to worship God together ❤️❤️

  32. Chrysti Miller says:

    @Missy Csonka-the notes in my study Bible say that, “the Tower of Babel was most likely a ziggurat, a common structure in Babylonia at this time. Most often built as temples, ziggurats looked like pyramids with steps or ramps leading up the sides. Ziggurats stood as high as 300 feet and were often just as wide; thus they were a focal point of the city. The people in this store built their tower as a monument to their own greatness, something for the whole world to see….The Tower of Babel was a great human achievement; a wonder of the world. But it was a monument to the people themselves rather than to God.” I hope this helps!

  33. Bee Miller says:

    My archeological Bible says that in the notes, a text from Mesopotamia called the Enmerker Epic indicates that people in that culture also believed that the earth previously had a single language..

  34. joann landon says:

    The more I read Revelations the less scary it is and the more romantic it is…like a long awaited love story. The happily ever after for all of God’s people. Miraculous displays of love and thoughtfulness of the Most High King to his bride.

    1. Krystyn Carey says:


    2. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

      Agreed! ❤️

    3. Terri Bottke says:

      I totally agree with you on this. As I continue to read and study the book of revelation it becomes more of an encouragement to me.

    4. Victoria E says:

      Joann Landon I agree !! It’s so beautiful.

    5. Brielle Hebert says:

      I love that!

  35. Wanda Woehlert says:

    By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. Revelation 21:24

  36. Annie says:

    All are saved by Christ who choose to accept Him! From every nation and culture.

  37. Adrianne says:

    I think the “beyond” nature of today’s passages is the knowledge that the human race started from Adam and Eve in God’s presence, humans then multiplied into the millions we see today with his Spirit and spread across the earth. And one day in the future, we will all come back into God’s presence and into Jesus’ presence. Our great Shepherd brought us up and let us go, and some day soon he will call us back to him.

  38. Jenny Derman says:

    My understanding is that the people building the tower wanted to build it so high as to enter into God’s domain and basically dethrone Him – this is where their heads were at. My Bible says that Gods concern with what His creatures (because that’s what we are) might imagine to do does not express a divine fear, but dismay that people (creatures) unchecked, would undertake extraordinary deeds of evil and defiance.

  39. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh Molly R, love that, good insight!

    @Mercy- Glad you feel a little better today about it all!

    Kris- Love that aout the concert! I too, always pause and look around
    and get so filled up just seeing bigger crowds all praising the Lord!

    @Gayle- Sorry you are feeling sick today as well, hope it’s not the flu on top of everything else! Hope your husband is better. BUT take care of you…and let them!!

    @Michelle- love ya!

    @Traci G where ya been..

  40. Jennifer Anapol says:

    There is so much division in our world, so reading about a time when people from all walks of life are living together in harmony sounds great! I pray that I would see people who are different from me the way God sees them. I live in a place where I am the minority and sometimes this causes me to feel isolated. I pray that I would see those around me as more similar to me than different.

  41. Missy Csonka says:

    In Gen 11:6-8, I am not quite sure why God said “if they have begun to do this as one people all having the same language,then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let’s go down there and confuse their language so that they will not understand one another’s speech. 8 So from there the Lord scattered them throughout the earth, and they stopped building the city.”

    Why would God not want all people to be of the same language so that they can work together? Why would he purposely confuse them? A test maybe? Can someone help me understand this passage?

    Thank you SHES! with much love and Hugs!!

  42. Terri Baldwin says:

    The great multitude have come out of great tribulation, their robes washed white in the blood of the lamb.

    * Great Tribulation
    * time of anguish and trouble
    * great multitude
    * judgments cannot begin until the servants of God are sealed and protected from judgement
    *Christians who died for faithfulness in Christ
    * pure and faithful to God
    * in heaven around the throne of God
    *because they lost their lives for Christ
    * Palm Branches-victory of Christ
    *Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    * fulfilling His promise to Abraham
    * God has the power and is in control
    * Living water which is eternal life

  43. Donna Wolcott says:

    Good afternoon sisters, a little late start as I deliver for Meals on Wheels on Tuesday and Thursday and had to dig out from a snow storm first (my usual time to start reading). The image of everyone united in love and faith, singing to the Lord is truly beautiful. When I travel outside the US, I visit different churches and denominations and once in awhile they will be singing a hymn I know but it will be in another language. Quietly, I sing along in English and join in raising praise. Prayers today:
    Mari with mom interaction (mine was not always good – locked horns)
    Adrienne school will finally open and inspection goes well
    Michelle for home
    Gayle that vitamin infusion helps and flu clears quickly, hugs
    Deanna W. sorry for the loss of your husband
    Deanna R. congratulations on your new grandbaby. My husband is a Opa but I actually have two grandmother names as each family chose something else. I have to constantly remember when sending cards what name to put on it. LOL
    Lifting you all.

    1. Sophie Kelly-Ng says:

      So grateful you do meals on wheels for your community. And wow a snow storm! I’ve never seen snow. Glad you were able to still make time to dig into God’s word today. Keep on sharing God’s light beautiful xx ❤️

  44. Kris says:

    The main idea here today is that ALL NATIONS will praise and worship God someday. I was at an Elevation Worship night a couple years ago. There were about 10,000 people there. A couple of times I just stopped singing and scanned the arena and was in awe that this is what heaven will look like (except much bigger). All these people, so diverse, so many races, so many backgrounds, so many age groups….. all these people in one accord, worshiping and praising our Savior at one time. It was just so beautiful!!! I wept at the thought of being in one accord with millions of people in the very presence of our Lord and Savior. There are times on this earth I can’t get along or come into agreement with just one person. But think of it, millions and millions of people in one accord. All nations, all tribes, all colors, all sizes, all ages….. everyone in agreement with our Jesus. What a beautiful sight that will be!!

    1. Mary Satterwhite says:


  45. Cee Gee says:

    I thought this was cool (one of the examples given with the definition of harmony) –
    an arrangement of the four Gospels, or of any parallel narratives, which presents a single continuous narrative text.

    What I was drawn to today –
    opening of the scroll reminded me of Jesus in the temple when He was handed the scroll and read from Isaiah.

    The pride of Nimrod wanting to make a name for himself. How often do we magnify people for doing something ‘great’ (according to our world’s standards) instead of magnifying the Lord?

    The use of the palm branches – I learned a lot there as some of you did. ☺

    And of course the joining of nations and people in praise!


    SHES – Praying along with each of you!

  46. Mercy says:

    The story of Babel always fascinated me about the daring ambition of people. How tall of a construction it must be to reach heaven? I would think it is an absolute futile attempt, don’t you think? But the Bible says they got a good chance here! shocking (“nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them”- Gen 11:6 ESV), implying they can succeed in reaching heaven. For God to come down to scatter them and confuse the language, it is something huge. I need to think about this, and the power of man that God allows. The word I saw from several comments are “diversity” and truly it is God’s design to weaken and fragment human’s attempt in their utmost rebellion and arrogance. Amen to what MOLLY R says, diversity is the result of our rebellion, more specifically in language and communication. My ESV Bible study notes add some background context, the tower is humanity building a city to congregate in one place, it’s their desire to be sedentary and not nomadic, Yahweh demands just the opposite, so that the earth would become populated. While this happened, now when we abide in God, God encourages us to be of ONE, to remove the diversity in faith and in thinking, to be of one mind, one conscience, one body, one spirit, one hope (Ephesians 4:4), one new man, one faith, under One God who is through all and in all (“make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose”- Philippians 2:2). I see redemption when unity happens. The mending is still going on. What’s the beyond nature can we see? Unity beyond language and ethnicity based on faith- it is such a beautiful thing. Sometimes I wonder how it is possible, but it is when God is centered and worshipped truly in people’s heart and mind, the Oneness. “with diligence to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). I pray for unity in our nations, in our communities, in families and relationships, and every heart to have the Lord.

    Thank you so much dear sisters for your encouragement and prayers. I am feeling better today, thanks to you and your strength and perspectives. I am incredibly grateful and appreciate how we are of different walks of life, locations, age groups, time zones, but gather here because of love, and we can lend one another new outlooks, build each other up with our stories and experiences. What a wonderful “beyond” nature of what is to come. It is already here. We have it. His mercies are new every morning, to make things beautiful in His time.
    Be blessed dear sisters of beautiful hearts!

  47. Misty Portland says:

    So thankful we are not alone and because of Jesus we are a part of a bigger family in this life and in Heaven someday.

  48. maddie moore says:

    One of my favorite images and ideas of heaven is that all people from all nations will worship together. One way I experience God is through the beauty of other cultures/people/places and it’s such a beautiful reminder that one day there will be no separation or “other” mentality we will all unite in the worship of our creator!

  49. Kim U. says:

    I can only imagine! All the nations together praising Jesus. Wow! How amazing!

  50. Gayle Craik says:

    Singing praises in one language all together. I can’t even imagine that! How wonderfully holy will that be? Thank you for all the prayers, keep them coming as it seems like I’m coming down with the flu my husband had. Chemo is scheduled today but I’m sure they will give me my vitamin IVs today instead as I had a high temp last night. One of my Drs gave me a mini sermon yesterday about ‘I am’ made in his image so I need to love myself unconditionally & put myself & my health first.

  51. leanne merryman says:

    Good morning! Thankful for all of you.. we come together every morning to read the word of God and praise Him together. This is my first time joining in on the guided reading I also was able to get a SRT bible second hand. You all have made it easy to follow along when I don’t fully understand the readings so thank you!

  52. Michelle Patire says:

    @DEANNA WARKENTIN- God bless you ❤️ I am glad you are here with us, leaning into the Lord. May He continue to bring you healing and comfort in this time and help you live with His peace and grace.

    @Adrienne- wow, she will be glad to know she has a new subscriber! Thank you for sharing and for your prayers ❤️ I know, I can’t believe it’s been a few years since then!

    @Searching – thank you ❤️

    @Mari V- I remember you telling me you were a runner. I think 50 is great running weather for where I live. Right now, we have snow on the ground so not great for a run, lol. Enjoy it!
    Praying the Lord help you with your relationship with your mom. I pray He gives you wisdom and guides you in your interactions.❤️

    @Mercy – thank you ❤️ Praying the Lord bless you with hope, strength, and encouragement as you walk in obedience to Him. I pray He bless you with confidence in what you do and help you navigate your work and family life one day at a time. Peace to you and your home ❤️ May His light shine in the darkness of winter that surrounds us.

    If anyone feels led, please continue praying for me and my interactions with my own family. I am home this week with my car in the shop getting some major rust repairs done to pass inspection. There is snow on the ground… So we are stuck inside together a lot, those who are here. Thank you ☺️❤️ God bless us and help us walk in His strength.

  53. Deanna Warkentin says:

    I recently lost my husband. Today’s reading from Revelations gives me a glimpse of the glory he is witnessing now, before the very throne of God!

    1. Jessicalee Timperio says:

      I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. May he Rest In Peace.

  54. Sophia Ayres says:

    Thank you Lord for healing and saving my soul so one day I could worship you with others from around the world without hindrance. Amen

  55. Adrienne says:

    And, MICHELLE PATIRE… I was not a self-proclaimed “podcast junkie” when you had written about your “scales” appearance on Brenna’s podcast, but I am now. I subscribed to Brenna’s podcast, after praying for her… and I also went back and saved the episodes you were on. (I can’t believe it was in 2021!)

  56. Foster Mama says:

    @ MOLLY R — BRILLIANT!!!!! That resonated so much with what I thought as a child (and sorta even now) and really seeing God’s reasoning more clearly….was so, so useful to me!!

  57. Adrienne says:

    A couple times recently I noticed the word “us”. We’ve commented before on Jesus being with God in the beginning… “Let US (emphasis, mine) make man in OUR image” (Gen. 1:26). I also noticed it today… in Gen. 11:7, the Bible says. “Let US go down and confuse their language…” I had not noticed that one before. Nice.

    I think about how unbelievers were scattered, yet the disciples believed and were scattered too. And I think about how we are scattered throughout not only the US, but the world. (I’m thinking about TINA and KAREN ROPER, especially!) We will be together someday, singing in harmony. (And I’m glad for that… don’t feel like I am the best singer! And, thank you, KRISTINE LOUGHMAN for teaching me a new word today!)

    And, thank you CEE GEE for the video reference. It was powerful.

    DEANNA RASCH… congrats, Oma! (My boys have an Oma.)

    Prayers for me, please? It’s minor, for sure, but I have a slight case of cabin fever., yet I don’t want to go out. (It feels like negative 17!) My solar panels and I love to see the clear, sunny sky. But, did I mention, it feels like NEGATIVE SEVENTEEN?!?!?! We were supposed to go back to preschool after winter break on 1/9. With the snow, ice and cold, however, we have only been in class one day since then. I hope we are back tomorrow. I have a scheduled visit from our state lady tomorrow at 10:30, central. She is a new one that I haven’t yet met. Pray that our appointment goes well.

    Thank you, sweet She’s!

  58. Molly R says:

    They were supposed to get off the Ark and spread across the Earth and multiply. Instead, they all congregated, built a city, and began building a tower. As a child my simple thought was, “they just wanted to get to God.” This morning it hit me, though: They didn’t believe God wouldn’t flood the Earth again. It was unbelief and arrogance. A tower would be above the water they feared because of the promise of God they didn’t believe. And when men congregate in a spirit of rebellion, the potential for more destruction, power, and further rebellion would ensure. The scattering was God’s Mercy. And His Ultimate Grace is shown in the resolute redemptive power of Jesus Christ and the final gathering of that scattering to Himself. Our diversity seems to be a result of our rebellion, our fallen nature mars our ability to see the need sometimes and only the division we perceive, and it will be God that brings harmony – an interweaving of accounts into a single narrative.
    I don’t see how harmony is possible without the original discord. The discord is the cacophony of confusion in our fallen state. The inability to be in a true heart of worship, soley focused on God, is due to that nature we are all born into. Only God could take that state of diverse confusion and blend the parts into the Harmony that was always His intent: being together, in His presence, without fear, pride, or disbelief. Just harmonious worship.

    1. Brielle Hebert says:


  59. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    The mention of the palm branches in Revelation 7:9 also stood out to me this morning, leading me to do a little more deep diving into Scripture to read about other passages where palm branches are mentioned. The most notable that first popped into my mind was John 12, the first Palm Sunday, where Jesus makes a triumphant entry into the city as great crowds (Jews and Gentiles) gather together to celebrate. However, the crowd is still mixed in understanding who Jesus is, acknowledging him by saying “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord—the King of Israel!” When the multitudes shall gather as told in Revelation, there will be no question to who Jesus is—He is Christ, our Lord, our Savior, our Redeemer, sent by God to save us and bring us home. Another mention of palm branches that stood out to me came from Nehemiah 8:13-18, which details the Festival of Shelters, specifically verse 17 which says “The whole community that had returned from exile made shelters and lived in them. The Israelites had not celebrated like this from the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day. And there was tremendous joy.” Oh how magnificent and wondrous and glorious will it be to stand in the New Heaven and New Earth, our most perfect Shelter, and proclaim in perfect joy that our Christ lives and is victorious over all forever and ever, Amen!

  60. Kelli Harrell says:

    Imagine what the people of the world or America or our town could accomplish if they were of one accord.
    After all that has been accomplished, our stubbornness holds us back from what we could be in Christ. I am disheartened to think plagues are still needed in the end as the beginning. But I guess that is us knowing in part now where we will know in full when we are with Christ!

  61. Mari V says:

    Thank you Searching and Sharon Jersey Girl for praying for me. Sharon, Philippians 3:13-14 was my senior quote back in 1986. These past 6 years (almost 7 ) Philippines 4:13 is my life verse. Thank you for the gentle reminder.

  62. Rhonda J. says:

    Great thoughts She’s!

    We were at church two nights ago having worship, and wow, everyone was praising and worshiping together, it was so powerful because there was such an earnestness, angst, and gratefulness, heart cry! I think we could have kept going all night. I didn’t want to leave.

    Prayers for the requests, and will really be thinking of you @Gayle, I just can’t imagine how hard this time is for you.
    Each of you are wonderful and precious! I think we should rally (email them) for a SRT conference so we can all meet up!! Let’s do it!

  63. Mari V says:

    ….every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…. Oh what a day that will be! Happy Tuesday sweet She’s. Prayers are appreciated this morning.

  64. Cheryl Blow says:

    In the beginning, everyone was one tribe and nation, spoke one language and then were scattered. In the new Heaven and Earth, we will be one nation, one tribe, and all praising God and serving Him. Diversity is good in our communities. We need to practice now what we will be doing in heaven. I am thankful that I go to a diverse church. Yet, when I’m there, I just feel like we are like one big family! It’s like a little bit of heaven on earth!

  65. Emily Castañeda says:

    I love it when things go in a musical direction! Thank you for sharing this! :)

  66. Lauren Ory says:


  67. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    Right before this, I was reading the news headline about North Korea’s escalated aggressive stance toward South Korea. We have a South Korean student living with us this year and when he graduates from his American high school, he will have to serve his country’s military for two years during these dangerous times. He is such a gentle, artistic person and I grieve for him and our world that things are looking dangerous. And then I read this passage, and my heart longs for the unification of all people, with all of our blessed diversity. I got a taste of this last night at an MLK Night of the Arts celebration. Beautiful!

  68. Karyn Justice says:

    It brings my heart such joy as I’m at a conference with people from all different cultures worshipping God. Just a small taste of what eternity will be like! I can’t wait for that day.

  69. Taylor says:

    Thankful we serve a God who celebrates diversity and wants ALL people to know how deep His love is for them. I look forward to hearing that beautiful chorus in heaven of all people praising God!

    Praying everyone stays safe in the wintery weather that has seemed to spread across most of the country!

  70. Deanna Rasch says:

    Good morning SRTs – thank you all for your prayers, my son’s son was born early yesterday, mom and baby doing well. Please pray that the Lord would guide their steps as they face the challenges ahead. Still wrapping my head around the fact that I’m an Oma!

    1. Kendra N says:


  71. Theresa says:

    When chaos and discord are reigning, it is helpful to remember that God is working things together towards unity and order. We won’t see full unity this side of eternity but we do get glimpses of what’s to come.

    I was struck today by the images of diversity and the lack of diversity. In Babel, the people were all similar. They moved into the area together, spoke the same language, and probably looked very similar. But in the end, there is tremendous diversity that comes to worship at the throne of God. How much more moving and beautiful will that be?

    The challenge for me in this morning’s reading is to examine my life now. Does everyone around me think and act like I do? Have I made room in my life to worship God with those who might do it a little differently from me and my preferences?

  72. Kristine Loughman says:

    My mind took me in a musical direction today!

  73. Kristine Loughman says:

    My dad is an Dr of Ethnomusicology. Fancy, right? It’s a study of the music from different cultures. He’s also a missionary who has traveled the world helping people record worship songs in their own language, their “heartsound”. We all sound different when we worship God, and we should. When God sent everyone their own way at Babel, maybe he was doing it in part to create harmony, to give us our own distinct flavors. So that when blended together at the end, we would make a beautiful sound. At the end of time, we might realize all our little differences and arguments over who is more righteous…maybe we are all singing the same song after all, we just can’t hear the finished product yet. (As an alto in the chorus, often my part sounded nothing like the actual song until it was all blended together.) Sorry, my

    1. Suzanne Nelson says:

      Love this!

    2. Erin L. says:

      Love this, Kristine!

    3. Ellen Silsby says:

      What a beautiful vision. Thank you for sharing.

    4. Vickie B says:

      Kristine, this is a lovely thought! Thank you for sharing. ❤️

    5. Jennifer Martin says:

      As a violist with a master’s degree in music history, I love this imagery!

    6. Kendal Ragland says:

      Wow thank you for sharing this!! Yes, our blend of worshipping at the end will be so beautiful. It makes me tear up just thinking about it

  74. Laryssa Hiller says:


  75. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    I wonder if the unsealing of the scroll is tied to the tearing of the veil between Heaven and humanity.

    God’s love is absolute. He knows that the best for us is living under His authority, not our own power and ability to rule.

    We were crested for unity but when the motives are corrupt and motivated by wanting to control, we lose sight of the ways of God and the path He has for u.

  76. Searching says:

    It’s easy to identify with discord as I only need to look and listen throughout the day – feeling surrounded at times by conflict, arguments, disagreements, feeling the lure of having the “last word” and being in the midst of it, sadly taking the ringleader position at times. As I’ve aged, I’ve made more of an effort to not engage in back and forth “discussions” and move on. Many times I’m muttering to myself that it’s okay if they think they’re right, or reminding myself that whatever it is won’t matter the next day, week, month …
    TINA‘s ❤️ comment reminded me of the chaotic sounds of musicians tuning instruments before concert, and then coming together as an orchestra producing beautiful music. I long for a time of peace and harmony, worshipping our Lord.

    Praying for:
    MARI V – patience and understanding between you and your mom
    JENNIFER ANAPOL – your daughter’s health
    GAYLE CRAIK – your husband’s quick recovery, relief from your nausea and other chemo side effects, that the Lord would comfort and lift you up in these challenging days ❤️
    MICHELLE PATIRE – Brenna’s healing, and your family ❤️
    MERCY ❤️ – that the Lord would soothe your anxiety, and provide guidance and wisdom in facing the unknown, especially work changes. For encouragement and healing of health in your family, an uplifted spirit.
    ARLENE – comfort and encouragement in the renewal ❤️
    KENDRA M – comfort and encouragement as you wait for the Lord to reveal how He is working things out for good in your life
    TAMARA MERRITT, BETHANY ANNE ROBINSON and others – restoration of relationships

    KELLY (NEO) thankful your back is improving!

    TAYLOR – thankful MRI looked good, and appreciate your winter to spring reminder yesterday. What an amazing transformation every year!

    CEE GEE ❤️❤️ thank you for directing us to that awesome video!

  77. Ada McCloud says:

    All believers come together to worship. AND the beautiful thing is we won’t care about our differences anymore. One voice. Worshipping.

  78. Megan Hadley says:

    What do my SRT sisters know about the symbolism of the palm branch?

    I see it in Rev 7:9. A quick google search brings up a variety of answers but I was curious about what the group knows. It stood out to me that the diverse multitudes had them in their hands standing before the throne and before the Lamb.

  79. Karen Elizabeth says:

    This devotional would have been a good one for yesterday, for MLK Day here in the USA. It reminds me of Dr King’s “I have a Dream Speech.” A call for unity and love ❤️

    I also see glimpses of it here at SRT. Women from different countries and cultures gathering to learn, pray, and worship God. What we have now digitally will be so much greater in person when He returns!

  80. Aimee D-R says:

    Standing on a sea of glass, enemy fully removed from this Earth, singing songs to God in a unified language. What a beautiful vision. I can’t wait!

  81. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    One people, united in Christ – singing praises to Him. What a wonderful thing to imagine! In December I was at a Keith and Krystin Getty Christmas sing. The first half of the concert they sang & gave testimony, the second half was the “sing” where the whole audience sang along. It was truly beautiful. It was held at Carnegie Hall in NYC and was completely sold out. What moved me most was toward the end of the concert the sing-a-long song was “In Christ Alone”. It sound SO amazing!! I thought – this is just a glimpse of what it will be like in heaven when we are all singing His praises together — it gave me goose bumps!…I know we’ll be doing more than just singing in heaven, but Oh what an awesome sound it will be, every tribe and nation singing (I hope) in harmony, to the praise and glory of the one who shed His blood for us so that we could be a part of this amazing future!! He is great, His deeds are marvelous, His ways are just and true — He alone is holy. (Revelation 15:3-4) Praise His Name forever!

    @Gayle Craik – my dear sister, I am so sorry that the chemo treatment is making you feel nauseous and sad. I can’t begin to imagine how hard this must be for you. But God can and does. May He lift your spirits today and give you the strength that you pray for, and may your husband be feeling much better soon…sending you hugs and prayers.

    @Tricia C – praying that your 3 adult children and 6 grands will accept the call of salvation and receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. May God one by one – open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God – so that they may receive forgiveness of sins… (Acts 26:18).

    @Mari V. – praying that you will have patience with your mom, and that through the power of the Holy Spirit – God will help you to forget the past and press on toward the goal for which God has called us. (Philippians 3:14) It’s hard to let go, especially when Satan wants to keep us stewing over the past hurts that we can do nothing about. I know, I speak from experience. We have to “retrain” our minds to think good, pure, lovely thoughts…and fix our eyes on Jesus…easier said than done, but we can do all through Christ.

    @Mercy – I’m so sorry that you are feeling sad and discouraged. Praying that today God will lift you up and fill you with hope. May He take away your anxious heart and give you peace and calmness – trusting all your future to Him…God’s got this!

    It’s a cold snowy morning here in the northeast – may God wrap each of you in His warm blanket of love and richly bless your day! …praying for all your requests. ❤️

  82. Kelly (NEO) says:

    What God divided at Babel, He reunited by His Spirit at Pentecost. Ultimately we will experience full unity in diversity in Eternity.

    GAYLE CRAIK – prayers for you and your husband.

    MERCY – prayers as you wait for the changes to come

    My back continues to get better by the day. Pray I take it easy and don’t cause a relapse. Thank you

  83. Lindsey Bradley says:

    Watching interpreters translate the gospel being preached and people dedicating their lives to translate the Bible into languages that don’t yet have the Bible remind me of the beauty and glory that’s to come when we will all speak the same language again!

  84. Kendra N says:

    We are all connected through God’s power to move nations for his glory. I need to practice this more in my everyday interactions with others.

  85. Tina says:

    The title of today’s devotional had me thinking of a choir. People from all walks of life unite to sing. It is never as easy as it seems on opening night! There would have been clashes of interests, there would have been eye rolling at practice, I’m sure, there will have been disagreements, and no doubt, moments of threats to leave. There, for sure, and without a doubt been discord in the group…

    BUT GOD.❤

    Having brought this group together, brings them to a place of harmony though friendship, the love of singing, the joy of sharing the God given voice, the realization that they all want the same thing.. To make beautiful music.

    Harmony, isn’t always as easy as it sounds, there is work to be done, layers to be peeled away, hearts to be aligned. Voices to be heard, and voices to be listened to.

    BUT GOD..

    He works in each of us to be the best we can be, so in the end we can give, nothing but our best in Praise and glorifying Him!
    All Praise and glory to you O Lord.. ALL Praise..❤

    May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, Lord God, be acceptable to You..


    A bit random.. BUT..

    Happy Tuesday my beautiful SRT Sisters, covered in love, hugs and prayers as requested..❤❤