Decay and Flourishing

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1:3-25, Romans 8:19-22, Revelation 21:1-2, Revelation 21:5, Revelation 21:9-27

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and called it good. After the fall, creation began to decay and experience futility. In the end, the heavens and earth are made new, and humanity dwells with God in a secure, flourishing garden city. 

In prayer and in the comments, reflect on the images from today’s passages that were familiar to you. What images point to the different or “beyond” nature of what’s to come?

(139) Comments

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139 thoughts on "Decay and Flourishing"

  1. Anna McKay says:

    Glory to God and His creation!

  2. Lexi West says:

    There will be no sun just the glory of god. He is bigger than it all.

  3. Katherine Herrington says:

    I think it’s beautiful that he is rebuilding the city for us! Whatever we do, whatever wrong humanity has done, God still wants us in the end – He longs for us to dwell with Him and make our home in His Kingdom!

  4. B A says:

    Everything will be new! God’s light will light the nation, nothing unclean will ever enter, and there is no need for a temple because God will be amongst us. Amen!

  5. Dori Brown says:


  6. Sarah Henderson says:

    The apostles are his foundation in new Jerusalem, he is our foundation here; if we place our trust and faith in him, he will deliver

  7. Sarah Henderson says:

    Everything will be new. Nothing that is unclean, false or detestable will enter it. It gives me hope, renewed hope. God makes all things new.

  8. Angela Kudsk says:

    I wept when I read the passages in Revelation with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for a creator who has it all planned out, from beginning to end. I really don’t need to worry about today; He has a purpose for all of it!

  9. Kate Naftel says:


  10. Misty Portland says:


  11. Sandra Yoong-Chia says:

    No night, gates never closed, streets of gold… All so amazing. What stood out for me was that the 12 foundations have the names of the 12 apostles. People are the foundation of God’s kingdom, we can be the foundation of His great City. We need to do our part now, sharing His word and love to the people around us, just as the apostles did. Thank you Jesus for counting us worthy to do this work and to enter into eternity with You. Amen

  12. Sandra Yoong-Chia says:

    Thanks for this wonderful insight, Barbara ☺️

  13. Laryssa Hiller says:

    That in heaven we will not need a Sun or light as God will be all that we need. I can’t wait.

  14. Barbara Dittrich says:

    I had the most powerful epiphany in relation to Rev 21:18-21. Eternity is built of materials (jewels ,gold) that are only created in the natural world with much time and great pressure. Our sufferings NOW are the eternal work of producing something breathtaking that lasts forever! ❤️ (2 Corinthians 4:17)

    1. Mariel Waldron says:

      Thank you for sharing, Barbara! Your insight was really eye opening to me this morning!

  15. K Noelle Gardner says:

    The images I see to be different is literally everything being made new. The gates will never close BUT the entire land is safe and secure-that just says to me that no evil will take place. And that’s a place I want me and my loved one to be.

  16. Teresa Serna says:

    I just want my loved ones there with me.

  17. Ruth Long says:

    And JUST imagine how vines and trees and flowers will grow alongside the architecture, but their roots will cause no architectural ruin. There are some buildings in my city that have intentional plants covering an entire side of the walls, but they can never permanently stay up. Heaven will be different.

  18. Ruth Long says:

    It’s interesting that the city will be secure, even though its gates will never close. It’s because evil and threats will FINALLY be done with. It’s going to be wonderful.

  19. Cora Thomas says:

    There won’t be a temple, because the temple is God. We will be able to worship right in front of him!!

  20. Jacquelynn DeSimone says:

    All things will be new, we will be protected and loved

  21. maddie moore says:

    Something that stands out to me in the new Jerusalem is that there will be no night. Nighttime can bring anxiety for me so this is such a beautiful image of no longer experiencing fear, anxiety, or loneliness.

    1. Alison H says:


  22. Erin King says:

    There is an excellent video from the Bible Project called “The Significance of the City in the Bible (and God’s Plan for it)” that provides beautiful perspective on both the decay and futility as well as the restored garden city.

    1. Lisa Goldbach says:

      Thank you for sharing that! I That was helpful in understanding the city imagery!

  23. Rebekah Carlin says:

    The description of the streets of gold and walls as clear as glass makes me excited and nervous for what this might look like in person. I don’t feel worthy to be in that city. I’ve always struggled to feel worthy, but I know I’ll be welcomed in with open arms and I can tour the city with pearls as gates. I thank God that I know I am welcome in his home :)

  24. Kimberly Vohs says:

    Oh there is definitely some beauty here, but we are getting a major cold spell this week…safe travels to you! Where in Montana?

  25. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    Angels’ measurements and structures made of precious stones and gems. Dimensions and materials we don’t find this side of Eternity.

    1. Ruth Long says:

      I love this thought, Krystal!

  26. Kelly (NEO) says:

    TAMI C – The 1000 year reign of Jesus is taught in Revelation 20.

    1. Pat Cramer says:


  27. Monica Sheppard says:

    I love the streets of transparent gold!

    1. Patricia Lefner says:

      Me too.

  28. Bee Miller says:

    Max Lucado had a snippet on his podcast talking about the new heaven and new earth & he said he thinks we would have all the beautiful things God created on earth, just without the devastation it endures. I would like the think so, too, but just it’ll be on some level I can’t even comprehend

  29. Wanda Woehlert says:

    To me, every day is a new creation. Every sunrise shows what a new day will be like. When I think of this, I think of what the new heaven and the new earth will be, it will be so magnificent and beautiful. 

    1. Brielle Hebert says:

      I love that!

  30. Tami C says:

    Over past 2 days I have heard about the 1000 year reign. I read about it in a commentary on Fridays reading and then it was mentioned on the podcast. What is this? I never heard of it before

  31. Claire B says:


  32. Tami C says:

    Teresa I will be praying for Abby. My friend’s daughter goes to GW and is very involved with Campus for Christ there. If you think your granddaughter would be interested, I know she would love to connect with her. You can email me if interested
    [email protected]

    Also Mark Battersons church is in DC. I forget the name

  33. Adrianne says:

    I think the “beyond” to me is everything about our new earth and new heaven that we will delight in with our Lord. What was described both in the creation and of the second coming of our Lord seems beyond my imagination, beyond what I could have ever dreamt. That even what we would consider a paradise here on earth could never compare to the Garden of Eden nor will it ever compare to the new heaven and earth we will experience when we are made new. That we will experience such overwhelming visuals of His perfect home. I think an even more “beyond” experience is that we will finally be in our true home. That we will be in his presence.

  34. christy grady says:

    These readings bring to mind a new beauty and holiness we cannot even imagine!

  35. Shannon G says:

    I love the question in the book about what we already see, and on my drive this morning the sun was rising over the river and just the beauty of those moments. This is what I picture that day when the new city returns. Beautiful colors and light that shines through it all. Praise to our creator who made the earth with such splendor and glimpses of his intentions from the beginning to what will be. Amen!

  36. Kendall Painter says:

    I can feel myself groaning inwardly longing to shed this body of sin and decay and put on the new body that God has given me. He will wash me and ill be whiter than snow ❄️. I’ll see Him face to face and spend the rest of eternity in adoration at the feet of my Master. Come Lord Jesus, come!!!

    1. Alexis Gray says:

      Yes!! ❤️

  37. Tan Wallace says:

    A peaceful aura

  38. Mallory M says:

    As someone who does have a lot of anxiety around eternity and what comes after death, these passages are giving me a new sense of comfort that I haven’t felt. I was never taught the idea of God making a new Earth and creating a place that is truly good as it was once intended to be. Instead, I always thought of eternity as all Christians sitting in clouds and singing forever. Knowing that there is something coming once God comes back that is exactly as he intended for Earth to be originally is so reassuring and exciting to me.

  39. Katalina says:

    Trudie, I’m thinking the exact same thing. My favorite part of the day is the sunrise and the sunsets. I can’t imagine never seeing them again so it does make me a bit sad. It makes me want to treasure it all the more while I’m here. But I’ll take the new any day as long as I get to dwell with my Lord and Savior. <3

  40. Kim U. says:

    I love that when we look back to Genesis and hear of what it was like to be in the garden, we have the promise that we will one day with our very eyes be in God’s perfect garden restored. Perfect fellowship with God, restored. Perfect beauty around us, restored. Perfect plants giving so much life and healing, restored. Perfect harmony and peace, restored. Praise be to God! “And it will be so much sweeter for having not have been at once” I think is a quote perhaps from Chronicles of Narnia? Or maybe Little House…anywho- it comes to mind! :) I am so grateful He had a plan to restore, and furthermore redeem, all things and us to Himself from before the foundations of the world. Thank you Jesus, our great Restorer, Reconciler.. our awesome Redeemer!

  41. Kristen Drabicki says:

    I love in Revelation 21:5 that we will be with new brothers and sisters in Christ that we haven’t even met yet, it is such a hopeful thing for me to have read today.

  42. Alexis Adams says:

    I feel like everything in heaven (and rightfully so) is going to be perfect and shiny and new. But it’s going to be like that in such a way that I am not able to comprehend it here on earth. When my idea of heaven is a mountain of crab ragoons with a miss America body it makes sense why I wouldn’t understand what heaven is going to look like. Anything that I could come up with in my head won’t actually be good enough for heaven. It’s perfect in a way that I won’t know about until I get there. And even then I’m probably not going to ask questions, I’ll just be excited to be with God and hold hands!

  43. Lakeyn VanMatre says:

    Amen! What an Almighty and Gracious God we serve! We catch proof of His new creations day by day. When a baby is born, when someone accepts the Lord and is reborn, etc. and we don’t even recognize it as God creating new before our eyes. Let’s all open our eyes and hearts more to see the new He is making every single day

  44. Alayna P. says:

    In our world today, you can catch glimpses of the new creation through acts of love, compassion, justice, and beauty. Moments of selflessness, reconciliation, and caring for the environment give us a taste of the divine goodness described in the idea of a new creation. Even though these glimpses aren’t perfect, they hint at the incredible goodness and restoration awaiting us in the future.

  45. Adrienne says:

    What a promise, right?!?!?!

    TRUDIE and MARI V both mentioned the sea. Listen to this week’s podcast. It echoes what SHARON, JERSEY GIRL said.

    It’s snowing like crazy in NW Missouri. We are supposed to go back to school tomorrow, after Christmas break. Don’t know that it will happen. My husband is a retired State Trooper. Pleas pray for safety on the roads for all the men and women in blue. Thanks!

  46. Rhonda J. says:

    Gayle Craik– Prayers for a 2nd miracle!

  47. Tricia C says:

    Oh my word! I just cannot wait! I imagine there will be everything to do that people enjoy. And the most joy will become from worshiping Jesus. Praise be to you, Lord God.

  48. Traci Gendron says:

    You all are going to think I’m crazy. I met with a new friend today for a tea. I never drink caffeine. I can’t even focus on the study or your comments. My mind is going a million miles an hour. How do people do this everyday??! I will have to come back to this later. At least I hope things have settled down by lol!

  49. Annie says:

    The Lord physically (and spiritually) illuminates all darkness in the eternal city. He doesn’t allow for any further darkness at all.

    The darkness is so heavy on earth and I look forward to the new heaven and earth where darkness is no more.

    Thanks be to God ❤️

  50. Jennifer Anapol says:

    We are in between when the earth was made new and when it will be made new again. This in between state is full of decay and sin. The creation can’t wait for when it will be made new again. In this in between state we are being made new inwardly; even as we are wasting away outwardly (2 Corinthians 4:16).

    1. Debby Blake says:


  51. Katharina Ludwig says:

    I have difficulties imagining it like a city…I really do not like cities and the crowdedness…

  52. Rhonda J. says:

    @Teresa O’Donley- Always good to see you and hear from you. I know your concerns, my son majored in Political Science and was taught to lean a little more left through the years and had an intern scheduled in D.C. his senior year, luckily it was covid so he did it online and wasn’t to involved outside his one research assignment. But our hearts always want our kids/grandkids to remember their values and morals we tried to pass down! All I know is the word says “teach and bring them up in the word and they will come back home…the prodigal children! Praise God many of us are holding on to that truth in a world that is upside down to the Kingdom! It is scary..but then I remember not to fear!

  53. Erica Chiarelli says:

    The beauty of earth feels somewhat familiar and the beauty of heaven feels beyond. All of the future, of heaven and the new earth, I cannot wait and it will be beautiful beyond what we can even comprehend I am sure. Hallelujah. I just can’t wait to see my Savior and God face to face. He is all I need, all we need!

  54. Gayle Craik says:

    God is so good! Walls made of beautiful gems, he is our only source of light we need! Amen! Started my treatment today & we feel confident this will be my 2nd miracle from God! Amen I believe! My son also was looking at bibles so I bought him one! God is moving the masses, amen!

  55. Teresa Donley says:

    Reading about the streets of gold, gates of pearl and foundations of jewels brought to mind a Bible study group I was in many years ago (in the early 80s) on Revelation. When studying this passage, one person said they thought that sounds awful — that their idea of heaven would be sitting on the banks of a beautiful river with a fishing pole! Others chimed in with similar thoughts. To this girl who was raised by Baptist parents in a fundamental church, that sounded so foreign! As I matured in my faith and was exposed to theology outside the fundamental Baptist church, I became more tolerant of the thoughts of others. The truth is, I don’t know what heaven will be like. The one thing I am certain of is that Jesus will be there. Everything else is icing on the cake. I still believe there will be streets of gold and gates of pearl, and all the beautiful things described in Revelation. But the details don’t matter as much as they once did. We will be happy in heaven. No death. No tears. No grief. No pain. It sounds like….well, heaven.
    Just a note on my own Spiritual journey….
    I was damaged by the legalistic church in which I was raised. When I first attended a church that taught about the love of God, I was floored – and thrilled. It is so freeing to study the Bible and know how much God loves me. I’m looking forward to the day when I see Him “face to face.” Thank you to everyone who shares your thoughts about the Scriptures we read. I learn so much, and grow so much from sharing community with you.

  56. Teresa Donley says:

    I love reading about what it will be like when Jesus is the only light needed. I need Him so much today as the light in my heart. The world can be such a dark and ugly place, as the nightly news reminds us constantly. There will be no darkness there! It just makes me feel lighter to know that. I also am uplifted by all your comments. It’s so nice to be able to see immediate thoughts from other Christian women about the Scriptures we read. It adds so much. I’m praying for each request and lifting each to Jesus.
    My 20-year old granddaughter is starting a semester in DC today. She has an internship she will start in February in a public relations firm. I’m so very proud of her. I’m also concerned for her. I think about all the dirt and evilness in DC, and about my precious “little girl” being exposed to it. I pray that God will protect her from evil, give her a wonderful learning experience, and prepare her for a life serving Him. I pray she will remember what she has been taught at home and church and to Whom she belongs. I pray she’s safe. I would love it if you could join me in praying for her. Her name is Abby.

  57. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    Erb thanks for sharing, good to see your comments always, you are missed when not!

    Sharon- good stuff, thanks for sharing! Also, I looked up the book and it is on special at Amazon 1.99!!! Ordered!

    Taylor- Good to see you as always, miss your daily comments! I have been wondering how it is going!

    Forgot name, but the mom who’s son ordered the bible!!! SO Good! It does make a mom’s heart fill over with joy! Definitely recommend a study bible in an easier translation. But HRT should be good. Maybe he can find a church with a good young life group, or on campus there is probably one!

    Michelle- glad you are better, and studing the Armor of God! Priscilla Shirer has a great study, as does her father Tony Evans!

    Thanks for all the comments! As I was reading through, Greg Laurie was talking about heaven on the radio behind me, and then the Chris Tomlin song “Heaven” came on! Little God winks! I look forward to that Glorious Day, when we will live with God in a glorious new heaven and earth! I just always think…what am I doing in the here and now for the kingdom of Heaven!? I love discussing it with groups and friends. We do like to be with like minded people, and I love that we become sisters and brothers instantly when Jesus becomes our Saviour!

  58. Sophia Ayres says:

    God will replace the lights in the sky in all purposes. ‘And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so.“‘
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    With God’s unfailing light he tells of an everlasting season of joy and will be our sole guide (as the stars were used for direction) and tell us that days and years will keep building up to a greater joy.

  59. MARTHA HIX says:


  60. Trudie says:

    I can’t fathom what the new earth and heaven will be, even after reading Revelation! Is it bad that it makes me sad to think we won’t again see the sunrise and sunset? The sea will be no more? I love the ocean! I’m sure theses things won’t bother me, when I see the new heaven and earth, but for now I will thank and praise our Lord for the beauty He has created for us today!

  61. Allison Bentley says:

    ERB- missed your insights! Thanks for sharing today! ❤️

  62. Allison Bentley says:

    Praying over your son that his heart is ready to mold around His Word!!

  63. Jennifer Akers says:

    In the beauty of this broken creation–broken by mankind’s sin–we can see a small hint of the beauty of God’s perfect creation. Can you imagine how much more amazing the new heaven and earth will be? How much more it will proclaim the glory of God? To be in His presence? Just WOW.

  64. Grace Haynes says:

    The descriptions of everything new is different than what we’re used to today. God is light and there will be no more pain or sadness. Only glory and happiness and that sounds amazing to me.

    1. Roxane Richardson says:


  65. Donna Wolcott says:

    At that time we will…1 Corinthians 13:12 “see face to face”, our Lord and Savior. What joy shall fill my soul. The visual leaves one in awe, Lord make me worthy. Blessings all.

  66. Kimberly Vohs says:

    I live in Montana where the skies are big and it feels like you can almost reach up and touch the stars some nights. I’ve cried standing at the foot of mountains in awe of our creator God. There is so much beauty in the creation all around us, and yet this is a decaying world. To imagine heaven and seeing Jesus face to face is a glory I cannot fathom. There are moments in worship I feel like my heart will explode because of how worthy and holy He is. To think that we will experience all of these glimpses in their fullness for all eternity is just incredible beyond words.

    1. makayla passino says:

      i’m moving to montana from virginia this week and this brought tears to my eyes!

  67. Jennifer zoulek says:

    The pearl gates and the streets of gold make it seem as though there is nothing but light. To imagine a world of such light is warming to my soul. It makes me yearn to walk those streets when my time comes.

  68. leanne merryman says:

    Good morning! It’s amazing to think about the creation of our beautiful earth… the land, the seas every amazing creature. It’s also sad to think about how separated we have become from God and the “decay”. I feel like there’s so much suffering in the world.

    There’s so much peace and excitement thinking about the new heavens and earth!

  69. Carson Gilliam says:

    I’m writing this as I wait to hear from my company whether I was one of the 7% they lay-off. I’m scared and anxious but opening my Bible and reading about how God makes Everything New today and in the future gives me hope that no matter what happens, God is at work.

    The picture of New Jerusalem is promising. I’ve never seen such beauty with my own eyes before. Imagining God being the source of light comforts me.

  70. Saiward Brown says:


  71. Mari V says:

    A few years ago I had a conversation with my friend Gretchen about heaven and I was telling her I can’t wait to hang out at the ocean, but she mentioned there will longer be an ocean and TODAY I read it in Rev 21:1….and the sea was no more. You know, its OK, because its not going to matter because we are going to be with JESUS! “sigh” AND we are no longer going to remember the things of this earth. Funny, she texted me this morning wishing well on my first day back to work (she’s a teacher and I’m a para) and I was able to mention this to her about that conversation we had. Happy Monday sweet She’s and wishing all the teachers, principals, school staff and students (including my senior daughter) a GREAT day back! I can’t wait to see the little kindergartners! I missed them SO much!

  72. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love that there will be no temple in the New Jerusalem. No light. That God and the Lamb will be the temple and the light! The description is beyond what we can imagine! So thankful for God making a way for us.

  73. ERB says:

    MICHELLE PATIRE oh I’m so glad!! God is so good to us!! He SEES you my friend!! Big ((hugs)) and lots of love!! To God be ALL the glory!! ❤️

  74. Courtney Parnell says:

    The verses in Revelation are so beautiful. To see in Genesis God speak creation into existence, then from Exodus to Jude seeing the decay (with obvious beauty too) and in Revelation, restoration. Wow. Our God is good from beginning to end. There is so much hope in His promises of restoration.

    Also, if you would like something fun to do, go Google what all of the jewels referred to in Rev 21:19-20 look like under a microscope:)

  75. Julia Kiefer says:

    He is able!!!

  76. Karen Breaux says:

  77. Vera Herrera says:

    In the beginning God created…can you hear the rumbling of creation? Can you see God placing each star, planet, galaxy in the expanse of space? Can you see the trees growing up out of the ground? Can you imagine Him creating each individual animal with such detail and care? It was a process. That is what God is doing with us. He is forming us with such care and detail. Trust His process.

    1. kayla waldron says:

      I love imagining God’s creative process ❤️ and you’re, right! He’s not done!

  78. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Years ago when I read in Revelation 21:1 that there would be no more sea it made me very sad as I love the ocean – the shore is my “happy place”. But doing further study I found out why…”To the Jewish mind, the sea was a place of separation and evil. Already in the Book of Revelation it is shown to be the source of the Satanic beast (Revelation 13:1) and the place of the dead (Revelation 20:13). In other passages of Scripture, the sea is associated with the heathen (Isaiah 57:20) and in a more general sense, with the opponents of the Lord that must be conquered (Psalm 89:9).” (Enduring Word Commentary) It makes total sense as to why it will be absent from the new heaven and earth.

    When God said “I am making everything new!” in Revelation 21:5, He didn’t simply restore the old, He will make them completely new – remade all over again. Not only will it be new, it will stay new. It will never get old, decay or atrophy…What an awesome God we serve! After my mom died I read the book, “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn after which I had such a greater understanding of our future, forever home. It’s a great book to read to get us in the mindset of heaven, and that it is a real place – just like our world today is real.

    @Kelly Neo – Kobi came out of rehab in August. He lives at home with his dad (who is not very understanding or supportive). As of Christmas he was still unemployed, staying up very late playing video games and sleeping most of the day. He still needs lots of prayer, but thankfully he is going to meetings regularly and has not drank or done drugs since he got out. Thank you for remembering & asking!

    @Michelle Patire – good to hear you are feeling so much better!

    @Taylor – it was nice to see you here this morning, hope you make it back each day and are able to get back into the habit of your morning quite time.

    Blessings to all – happy Monday!

  79. Michelle Patire says:

    Erb ❤️ so good! Thank you for sharing that Scripture in Psalm 42 ❤️ so relevant to me …

    @Cee Gee ❤️ God bless you and thank you ❤️

  80. Karen Y says:

    I wanted to see a visual representation of Rev 21. It is almost impossible for us to visualize this otherworldly beauty. The best one I found was on YouTube from entitled New Jerusalem.

  81. Michelle Patire says:

    @Searching ❤️

    @Taylor – good to see you! I am praying you stay consistent with the Word and greater understand the absolute need for it in our daily lives❤️ keep being obedient to those nudges from the Lord! Happy New Year :)

    @Sarah D- are you here? How are things? Maybe I missed your comment, but what happened with the guy from church you were thinking of having at game night?

    @Teachers – yes AMEN to Kristine L – God bless you and your services today and always ❤️

    @For the sick and weary – I wrote down Revelation 21:3-4 and just tried to mediate on those verses in particular, today. Our hope ultimately is in life with Christ where there is no longer death, sorrow, crying, or pain. These verses continually give me hope when nothing in my situation is giving me hope. Christ is our hope. I pray you truly experience that – and let the weights of this world fall off your shoulders. His yoke is easy, His burden is light. He knows our frame. He remembers we are dust. ❤️

    God bless all you, Shes. Thank you always for your prayers. I wish, like I think Rhonda J has mentioned, I could sit and have coffee with each of you. I imagine we would all be sitting with our friend @Tina as she reads from her true life storybook “But God…” ❤️ Love each of you and am thankful for your gift of fellowship and the many who constantly make intercession.

  82. Netta Gentry says:

    I loved Rev 21:9:23 : and the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it , for the glory of God gives it light and the lamp is the lamb.

    1. Courtney Parnell says:

      Yes! This verse brings me to my knees every time.

  83. ERB says:

    Good Morning dear Sisters!! I know I haven’t commented in awhile..but God gave me much this morning and I felt led to share it with you!! Have a truly BLESSED day filled with His Light and Revelation!! My prayers are with you everyday!! Xoxo

    Genesis 1:24-25 *what stood out to me in these verses was the repeated “according to their kinds” which reminded me that like-minded spirits are attracted to like-minded spirits. In other words, if God and His Way are your focus then you will immediately be able to detect/notice someone else who has God & His Way as their focus!! The same goes for sin..if a self-serving spirit is your focus, then you will immediately recognize/notice someone else who has that same self-serving focus!! Like calls to like… and same-focused spirits gather together and feed on/off each other.. for the good and for the bad!! Which brings us to.. choose this day whom you will serve!! What spirit am I choosing, feeding off of and participating with? Who and what are my focus? Very serious and sobering questions and realities!!
    **I also immediately thought of Psalm 42:7 “Deep calls to deep, in the roar of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and breakers have swept over me.” …this verse has been a staple verse for me since I was a kid!! It helped me realize that
    1. God is ALWAYS there, even on the worst of days
    2. That spirit calls to spirit, and you won’t find fellowship with an unlike-minded spirit.
    3. It’s ok to be swept over, because God sees and He sees you!! I especially found this comforting as a kid when I didn’t “fit in” an adult I still find comfort in it, but I also see that the tumultuous waves, breakers and waterfalls are there to help me see God, to depend solely on Him and see Him at work, knowing He is completing what He began!! Also very comforting and assuring!!
    Love when God gives us connections & realizations like this!! Thank You Lord!! Help us to walk and live this out the way You want!! Amen.

    Romans 8:19-22 *almost everyday I say a few times a day “all creation awaits..” I say it as a reminder, an encouragement, a hope-filled prayer that is lined with anticipation and expectancy…I cannot wait for this day!! I often picture the trees from Narnia and Lord of the Rings… they have movement, voices, power and freedom!! I think too, of how ALL creation is connected!! One of the most impactful and beautiful examples of this that I’ve seen is in a movie called Avatar. Again, I cannot WAIT for this day to come!! I know the labor pains are excruciating and long, but the result oh SO worth it!!!

    Revelation 21:21-23 Lamb.
    *I think of how a pearl gets made… they are made by irritating debris that refuses to be expelled and the mollusk (clam, oyster, mussel) instead of fighting with it, covers and coats it with its own (mother of pearl) shell!! SUCH an example of what God does for us!! ..I’m sure this pearl making process must be painful for the mollusk, but in the end it produces such a smooth and beautiful byproduct!! NO pearl is the same!!! Another AMAZING example of God and what He does for us!! …12 gates each made of a SINGLE individual pearl!! Thinking about how tiny pearls are here on earth and about how they get made, these gates just BLOW my mind!!! Let alone picturing a gold transparent street!! WOW!!!! And these are just the “external” things seen!!! Imagine what the internal will be like!!!! WHOA!!!! I get goosebumps and get rushed with overwhelming emotion just thinking about it!!! It also makes me realize how often we put God in a box, and see Him with an earthly lens! What He is capable of is beyond science fiction’s wildest imaginings!! God please help us “unbox” You and believe, and to be able to see the unbelievable as only You can!! Amen.

    Revelation 21:9-10 *New Jerusalem; the bride, the wife of the Lamb!! Adorned and arrayed with God’s glory, radiance like a completely pure and priceless jewel!! Wow!!! Can you even imagine?!! Lord, if it’s Your will let us be a part of this!! Amen.

    1. Sandisiwe Mdiza says:

      Amen! Thanks ERB ❤️

  84. Cee Gee says:

    God – glory to glory!

    JODI I – Check out Lifeway. Several to choose from, but Experiencing God has always been good. Happy with you for your son’s decision!

    SEARCHING – Thank you for the updates. I have been praying for such news! Your comment today spoke for my heart, too! Thanks for sharing! ❤

    MICHELLE PATIRE- Praying for complete healing soon and for strength to get through the work hours!

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – Joining you in prayer for all returning to school! ❤

  85. Meg Menke says:

    I’m a teacher in Perry and my husband is a principal. Please pray for this week ahead as we continue to deal with the mass school shooting last week. Pray for wisdom and strength for all the administration, strength for teachers, and comfort for students.

    1. Netta Gentry says:

      Praying for you and everyone!

    2. Aubrie Hughes says:

      We’re with you Meg. Praying for you, your husband, and all affected to be able to receive strength and comfort from our God

    3. Kelli Harrell says:

      I retired as a school principal in June. I will certainly pray for your husband and school system as I understand the role intimately. As difficult as it is, it is also a blessing to serve your community During difficult times. I I lost a teacher during Covid. Schools need people of faith at the helm during crisis to give them LIGHT in these dark times.

      1. Meg Menke says:


    4. Deanna Rasch says:

      Prayers Meg for you and your community.

  86. Jody I. says:

    Good morning SRT sisters! I love these passages and the imagery described in both. Has anyone found a drawing or painting of the New Jerusalem? I would love to see one. I’m preparing to bring my son to the airport this morning so that he can return to college for the second semester of his freshman year. I’ve always tried to be a good mom to my children, one of the areas I wished I had done better was with faith. I read my Bible studies and I do talk about Jesus, but wished I had done more. This past Friday night, Amazon delivered a package, it was a Bible. My husband asked if I ordered it and I said no… it was my son that ordered it, he wants to take it back to college with him. Oh my goodness, this made my heart sing! He asked me about where to start, and I told him the gospels. I told him about SRT, and he asked if there was something for men so I told him about HRT and he asked me to order him a study book. I ordered Mark as that was the only gospel available to order, and also Matthew which we will all be reading together. Does anyone else have a suggestion for a study book for college aged young men? Thank you!

  87. Carly Lewis says:

    I was struggling to understand the reading from Romans today, so I looked up a few other translations. This one from the Message made more sense to me. “All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We’re also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.“
    ‭‭(Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬-‭25‬ ‭MSG‬‬). Lord, help us to be joyful in our expectancy of your return. May we glow as an expectant mother glows, knowing that good will come.

  88. Monie Mag says:

    Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Cor 2:9

  89. Danielle B says:

    How amazing that the Lord’s glory will illuminate so much there will be no need for lamps. The Lord will be our light. I can’t fathom not having night. What does that mean for rest/sleep?

  90. Taylor says:

    I don’t normally listen to the SRT podcasts but felt called to listen while I was driving this weekend. I love that Jessica Lamb mentions that God is ACTIVELY making all things new, even in the in-between of Jesus coming to earth and Him coming back to make ALL things new. God also wants us to participate in making all things new on earth in the “already and not-yet”.

    So glad to “see” many of you here. I have really struggled prioritizing my daily devotions over the last few months. I want to get back into my routine. Prayers are appreciated <3 Love you all!

  91. Michele says:

    I have been thinking the same thing

  92. Tenyia Hunsaker says:

    Death to Life is a good way to focus. Thank you Juanita

  93. Grace Earnheart says:

    ”Do not remember the past events; pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.“
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭18‬-‭19‬
    Hope for today and everyday! God is creator of everything and one day we will be with him again.

  94. Krystyn Carey says:

    In the Jewish tradition, God sang the world into existence!

  95. Chloe Williams says:

    This resonated with me on multiple levels, but made me think deeper about the idea of vision boards and striving for perfection. It was a reminder that perfection is God and His vision is reality.

  96. Sarah Scheaf says:

    Hard to wrap my mind around all the detail given in the Revelation passages but wowza!!!

  97. Searching says:

    I can see the results of the creations in Genesis (albeit not in the original glorious perfection) as those are all around me – sun, moon, stars, trees, animals. The descriptions in Revelation – although I understand the words, the beauty, expanse and magnificence of it all is beyond what I can comprehend or truly imagine. Will this child of God even notice all of the wonders when I’m worshipping Jesus and LORD of all?

    Reminded of a song by Cindy Walker, Child of the King (1961).
    Once I was clothed in the rags of my sin
    Wretched and poor lost and lonely within
    But with wonderous compassion the King of all Kings
    In pity and love took me under his wing

    Oh yes oh yes I’m a child of the king
    His royal blood now flows in my veins
    And I who was wretched and poor now can sing
    Praise God Praise God I’m a child of the King

    Now I’m a child with a heavenly home
    My Holy Father has made me his own
    And I am cleansed by his blood and I’m clothed in his love
    And someday I’ll sing with the angels above

    Chorus repeats.

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying for 100% recovery
    GAYLE CRAIK – praying for healing

    KELLY (NEO) yes, I have updates today. One has been able to go home with home health coming daily. The other one is still in icu with a long recovery ahead but has gained enough strength to be able to start some PT. So thankful!

    TINA ❤️ Amen and hallelujah, sister! “but by golly I know the joy I feel now as I write will be taken to another level!”

    CEE GEE ❤️

  98. Deanna Rasch says:

    God knew the Fall would occur but made everything beautiful anyways. The human perspective I have for this – why bother? But God does nothing without purpose. How humbling to know what He provided for us “In the beginning” despite knowing that it would begin to decay almost immediately due to our pride and transgression.

  99. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    I love gemstones and was struck with the paradox that the jasper of the New city will be clear as crystal. Also, the gold will be clear as well. How is this possible? It is beyond nature for these bright and solid gems and elements to be clear, and zi love reflecting on this paradox and how John is so struck with the rainbow colors and the clarity of them as well.

  100. Ada McCloud says:

    What is to come? The description of the new Jerusalem in Revelation is incredible. Where God is the only light we will need. He is the light being restored now.

  101. Yvette MattisonBray says:

    I always love reading the story of how our Father “SPOKE” into existence each and everything! He is simply MAGNIFICENT!! The Beauty of The New Jerusalem is more than overwhelming.♥️ I know at this very moment He’s blessing my life with Hus Grace ,Peace, Prosperity and wisdom and increased discernment and i Praise and give You Glory Lord . For You are TRULY a kind and loving God !

  102. Juanita Mills says:

    Wow! The scripture readings embody these three words DEATH TO LIFE, only gifted by the power of a loving Father who gave His Son, and the Holy Spirit who now dwells with us!!!

  103. Aimee D-R says:

    Always makes me wrestle with how we cling to this life even knowing through Gods word the glory of life everlasting to come.

    1. Deanna Rasch says:


  104. Kristine Loughman says:

    ABBY HOPE LANCASTER – yes, my thoughts too, when God repeatedly called his creation, our earth, “good”! We hold onto the hope and expectation for the future while still holding space in this brutiful today.

  105. Kristine Loughman says:

    I love that God looked at his creation, this earth, and called it good. With all the trials and tribulations happening around the earth right now – from wars to discriminations to natural disasters – it’s hard to remember that this earth is still God’s creation and it is still good. I don’t want to give up on this earth while we wait and long for God’s return. How wonderful that each day we are given the opportunity to be a new creation in Him!
    Happy Monday, all!
    TINA – good to “hear” your beautiful voice!
    TEACHERS – holding you tight as you may be heading back to work today (or back for the first full week, if you’re like me). May you shine your light for your precious students!

  106. Kelly (NEO) says:

    This physical world’s upheaval will come to an end. The violence of natural disasterswill be a thing of the past. Nature will be restored in peace.

    SHAMRA HICKS – praying your appt. helped you to rebalance.

    SEARCHING – any updates on the 2 in ICU?

    AMIEE D-R – how’s your mom?

    SHARRON, JERSEY GIRL – how’s Kobi?

    COLLEEN DEVEAU – how’s your dad?

  107. Julie Opheim says:

    With every new day, God’s Grace, mercy and love enable us to start a new when we open our hearts to him. We don’t need to wait to live in His glory with “Gods recreation of the new day”!

  108. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    As I read these passages, I can’t help but be overwhelmed by God’s creativity and attention to detail. He creates the most beautiful things and puts them in motion for us to experience and bear witness to His image. If His plans for the New Heaven and the New Earth are so magnificent, are not also the details and care He has written in my own story here on Earth? God has spared no expense, no detail, no imagination when creating the people He loves so dearly, and one day, He will call us to our true and perfect Home. But until then, I will hold onto these passages as a reminder of what is to come, while also rejoicing and worshipping the beauty that has already come to pass—even the beauty amidst pain.

    1. Felicia P says:


    2. Katie Brooks says:


  109. Mary Ann Graves says:


  110. Kendra N says:

    God’s promises are faithful. Making things new and restoring things is his doing. I am praying for his coving as he makes things new in my life.

  111. Tina says:

    I don’t know about you, but as I read through Revalation 21:9-27, my mind wondered to another time in the BIBLE, that someone(Jesus) was led up a high mountain.. only that time it was about power and ruling, and turning the world upside down. That time it was about control of the world and its people… the forever downfall of an already fallen world..

    The old Jerusalem.

    BUT GOD..

    This time, so poles apart, different! This time, the views were shown as an invite to hope and love and freedom and life Eternal with the Father God..
    The view in Revelation so different to the one in Matthew 3, nothing being taken, just given in love and freedom and beauty and covered in the hope we so have longed for..

    It is not easy living in these times, so much to think about, watch out for..

    BUT GOD..

    He is making everything new, He has started, and what excitement! I may not be physically here, when this finally comes to be/happens, but by golly I know the joy I feel now as I write will be taken to another level!

    I think God’s words at the beginning, in Genesis.. “it is good” will, in that time, be forever true.. in the New Jerusalem..


    Happy Monday dear hearts, as always covered in love and hugs and wrapped in prayers ❤️

    Praying into all requests.

  112. Mary says:

    I was a little confused about ‘creation’ and the distinction between it and people in the Romans passage. This commentary article is long but parts of it were helpful to me.
    “In Romans 8:22, Paul said that ‘the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.’ He’s attributing faith-fueled and hope-shaped groans to nonhuman creation…The ruin and futility that sin has brought into the world is a predicament of epic proportions. The problem has both spiritual and material dynamics, so the solution must impact the spiritual and the material. The remedy to the bondage and decay of sinners and their world is not a remedy that merely restores, however. Glorification is not just restoration. It is resurrection and transformation. It is a move not backward but onward, toward the telos—the end—for which God made creation.”

    1. Saraih Werry says:


  113. Dawn Brisson says:

    Jesus will return and that day will be glorius. He will bring his kingdom with him.