day 6

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:12

Join us for Day 6 of Living the Surrendered Life and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!

Text: Romans 12:12

(19) Comments

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19 thoughts on "day 6"

  1. Rebekah says:

    I love how the message puts it, be cheerful NO MATTER WHAT and to thank God no matter what. Wow, that is so much easier said than done. I think it is something we have to remind ourselves to constantly do.

  2. Casie says:

    This came at the perfect time for me too! Isn’t it great to know how many others are going through something similar to you… Especially when Satan has made you feel like you’re all alone and no one understands.

  3. Kristina says:

    Could this have come at a more.. well let's just say, fitting time? I am consistently house hunting, and throughout my searches I'm trying to be patient and not get ahead of God. But I'm struggling with what does patience mean to God? My human nature does not want to admit that I am complaining or acting on impulse and selfish desires, it wants to believe that I am hopeful and "going after it", and "getting things done", while trusting that God will provide for my needs and desires. Confused with where God want to take me in this… #messybeautiful

    1. Jennie says:

      Kristina I feel for you. My husband and i are house hunting even though we won't be moving for some time. I keep wanting the big move to hurry up and get here. I keep having to remind myself that God's plan and His timing are far more well laid out than ours!

  4. Nikrose03 says:

    Chip, girlfriend, I am asking the Spirit to help me with the same thing. I have developed a tendency to complain when people don't do what I expect and "deserve". I need to be patient in affliction and be grateful for all I have.

  5. chipchiphooray says:

    Enduring in suffering…hah. That one sure hits home! I'm definitely not too great at "waiting without complaining"–I prefer to air my suffering grievances loud and clear! But I love the idea of asking what I can learn in those periods…it's a much-needed wake-up call.

  6. Rebekah says:

    I think sometimes I make praying more complicated than is. Prayer is simply talking with God. I do take time to notice God's nature and thank him for it. Rejoice always, that is really hard to do, especially when circumstances don't make you feel very joyful.

  7. Lauren H. says:

    "Rejoice in hope!" Sometimes I get bogged down in the day to day work, budget, dinner and I forget that ultimately we have so much hope and freedom in Jesus! We wake up every morning with a brand new day even if the budget is still in the red, dinner wasn't so good last night and the leftovers await! God has been teaching me through this study and several other books that the only way to truly be content is to be thankful for each little thing… that includes trials. But what better way to look at trials than through eyes of hope– GOD IS MAKING EVERYTHING NEW!

    Happy Tuesday!

  8. Jen says:

    I'm seeing a pattern here. Is constancy one of the keys to living fulfilled and successfully? Hmm…