prayer and petition

Open Your Bible

Psalm 123; Philippians 4:4-9

“Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.” ― Erma Bombeck

I’ve been reminded of this saying so often in my life I must mumble it in my sleep. Worry – the all consuming, life changing, body morphing, confidence destroying part of our thoughts that causes absolutely nothing to change. At all.

Yet there it is. I’ve struggled with it in my life, only to look back and think, “What was I worried about…?” Even things that I worried on that did happened ended up out of my control anyway.

In Philippians, Paul encourages us not to “worry about anything, instead, pray about everything.” (Philippians 4:8 NLT) And knowing that God is omniscient (all-knowing), I can’t help but wonder why we bother to pray at all. If God knows the outcome of our lives, the choices we make, the path we will wander down – what good does prayer do?

First and foremost, prayer directs our thoughts to heaven, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. We see Jesus in the Gospels pray and the only reason that explains why he must is that he needed to direct his thoughts from earth to heaven. We see Paul commend us to do this in Colossians 3:2.

Prayer causes us to humble ourselves. We begin to find the things we think we have control of, or perhaps will have control of if we worry enough, are completely in God’s hands. That we are His children, therefore we are also in His perfect timing and will.

Prayer reminds us to give thanks. We are so busy dwelling on what we don’t have, what we still need, what has gone wrong, that the many blessings poured on us are often lost. Coming to God in prayer gives us a chance to simply breathe a “Thank you.”

Perhaps a little known part of prayer is the way it can change the constant onslaught of positive thinking we hear time and time again to perspective thinking. Positive thinking too often focuses on us; on our ability to change our thought process to an ideal or outcome we would like to have. It can act as a buffer in facing reality. Perspective thinking takes that focus to Jesus, letting His Word be our mind’s guide. Prayer focuses us again on how any situation, any outcome can be used for the glory of God. Not only the ones we wanted or think equaled happiness.

So while prayer isn’t a way to get what you want, or to become a more “positive” thinker, it’s part of our journey as Christians to draw closer to our Savior. It lets us have that time with Him and start to let go of our worries and begin to pray. Each time a fearful thought enters our minds.

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43 thoughts on "prayer and petition"

  1. Ellen MR says:

    I sure understand Casey!
    I, too, am floundering with my worries and perspective. Today I began counseling with my son, who has been very troubled lately. With a diagnosis of asberger’s and major depression all wrapped up in puberty= nightmare! He’s acting out in all kinds of crazy ways, including dabbling in Wicca! This weekend he even got physical with me and it’s escalating more and more. I’ve been working with the youth minister at church about this and my son really likes this church, but he’ll turn around and go right back to this witchcraft crap! I KNOW he’s testing me- he’s chosen the ONE thing I despise to see if I’ll still love him! Nothing seems to be getting thru…that I WILL love him and do anything to help him. He knows that I was terrified growing up with a brother who messed with the supernatural and had horrible experiences because of it…so he’s walking a fine line, seeing how far I’ll go to save him from Satan’s clutches. What his immature 12yr old mind doesn’t understand is the unimaginable risks he’s taking!! I/we’ve tried to tell him, but he’s right back at it again. I hope this counseling will help him, and me, to deal with this and all the other issues raging thru him at this time. I don’t seem to be able to direct my prayers/pleas beyond “Please protect us and keep the darkness away! Please Lord, reveal yourself to him, so he knows You are there and will always be there for him!” I keep trying to tell him too that although he’s disappointed in his biological father, God is and can be the best Father for him- Ever!! His Dad will be going to counseling too, to try to work on their relationship,
    but it seems all his anger and defiance is directed at me now instead…I don’t understand, but there it is…
    Thanks Sisters, for listening to my rambling. Today’s devo sure applies-I really do need perspective, especially in my prayers. Yesterday’s verse from Romans keeps repeating in my head also…and I DO have Hope….knowing my help comes from the Lord!
    Wishing all of you a Blessed day!

    1. sue says:

      Prayers for you Ellen, and your son. You know we feel safe lashing out at the one that we hope will love us no matter what, so just keep on loving him. Smother him with the love of a mother, and the love that God allows to shine through us. Just keep calling on the lord with your armour. __I pray that our father will send his legion of angels to protect and surround your son and your family, that he will breathe his holiness around you and yours. May his protection overflow and make your home a place where there is love and peace. In his name I pray, Amen.

    2. Emily P says:

      I am so sorry. May I make some suggestions ? If not, disregard ;). The diet GAPS. Have you heard of it? It's Gut and psychologal disorders. Or paleo too, but gaps really hones in on healing the gut and works for anyone with things like autism, etc. at the very least get him off of sugar and gluten and grains, dairy. And too, a deliverance. For you, to cleanse out family curses. Or at least a book or two on spiritual warfare. People in general do not know what we're really up against. Counseling will be good, but I find they very rarely work on the diet or come up against demonic forces. I will be praying for you ;)

  2. Adeline says:

    Thank you and amen. I love this:
    "Perhaps a little known part of prayer is the way it can change the constant onslaught of positive thinking we hear time and time again to perspective thinking. Positive thinking too often focuses on us; on our ability to change our thought process to an ideal or outcome we would like to have. It can act as a buffer in facing reality. Perspective thinking takes that focus to Jesus, letting His Word be our mind’s guide. Prayer focuses us again on how any situation, any outcome can be used for the glory of God. Not only the ones we wanted or think equaled happiness".
    Perspective thinking vs Positive thinking!!! Awesome.

  3. Casey says:

    This concept is hitting home for me today but I am still incredibly worried about something going on in my life. I keep trying to give it to God, and feel momentay relief and His presence, but then something will cause it to come rushing back. It makes me feel like I'm failing at my relationship with God and I feel guilty that I continue to worry so much. Could I just have prayer for relief from this awful fear and worry and that my bond with God will be strengthened? I'm sure we could all use some of that so I will be praying for you all too. Thank you!

    1. Alyssa says:

      Oh my goodness! I'm dealing with the exact same cycle… Worry, give it to God, take it back, feel guilty… Over and over again! Praying for you! :)

    2. Victoria says:

      You got the prayers Casey. I think we all struggle with this.

  4. "Psalm 123:1-2 I look up toward you, the one enthroned in heaven.
    2 Look, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master,
    as the eyes of a female servant look to the hand of her mistress,
    so my eyes will look to the Lord, our God, until he shows us favor."

    I was curious as to the use of the word "hand' so I looked it up in the original language.

    hand = yad
    hand (of man)
    strength, power (fig.)

    Strength, power. Just as a servant looks to his masters for direction and strength, I should do the same. My eyes should be focused on the power of God – to change my circumstances, to change me. Instead, what do I do? Instead of looking up, Ilook around. When I do that is when "worry" hits me between the eyes.

    I love the tie in between the scriptures. Thank you for the devo. I got a lot out of that, too!

    I'll share the one about prayer changing our perspective:

    My 12-year-old reminded me of this when I grumbled at being stuck behind a bus early this morning. In my defense, it was very early in the morning, I mean even-before-the-sun-was-up-early! He said something about me grumbling (did I mention it was early?) but the people who need it to go to work feel differently – they are thankful for that bus. It's all about perspective, he said. Just like he learned yesterday at Sunday school….Well, I'm glad one of us is retaining what we heard from church.

    Thank you, sisters, for the encouragement and conviction.

  5. Sue :-) says:

    I too, am loving the perspective thinking advice. I am a positive thinker, but I have come to the realization how selfish this can be. So thank you for the perspective Sarah, of looking thru “Christ-colored glasses! How easy is that, & yet not easy; as an imperfect human I cherish these training tools.

    I love the wisdom that unfolds on this site. Wisdom, or rather the search for God’s life altering wisdom, is my prayer in this season, and througbout this earthly life.

  6. Emily P. says:

    You almost sceared me when I read the phrase "positive thinking", it's a huge pet peeve of mine. You see a Freemason actually wrote the book on it, yet so many Christians adopt the belief that our thoughts have power over our circumstances. When my son went missing and had asked for prayer on Facebook someone said "just think positive". I thought, really ? We should've been praying for a Lazereth miracle….lets get serious and deal with the truth. (He was found, but already dead)…. So….having said that, thank you for that release of guilt I sometimes feels in that I would rather live in truth than denial. Love this study and such great woman to listen to !

  7. EmilyC says:

    Wow, I could really use this perspective thinking and prayer today. I have to have a not-so-fun confrontation with an acquaintance today, and it's proabbly not going to be pretty. Prayer would be appreciated for me in the hours leading to it today, and during so that I would remember to focus on God and His grace so that I would be able to give the same to the person I am meeting with. The last thing I need to be doing is dwelling on me and what I want to say, and all of their attributes and failings.

    Letting go of my worries of this meeting!

  8. Brandi says:

    Wow! Forgive before change occurs! That is awesome ! I want that kind of faith! That kind of perspective!