day 6

Open Your Bible

Luke 18:1-14

Join us today as we read Day 6 of the YouVersion Prayer plan, then come back here and let’s talk about what we’re learning!

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11 thoughts on "day 6"

  1. ed sheeran says:

    It’s not the case that reader must be completely agreed with author’s views about article. So this is what happened with me, anyways it’s a good effort, I appreciate it. Thanks

  2. Kristin says:

    I've Ben mulling over the second parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector. Sometimes it's easy to get wrapped up in the "motions" instead of keeping it simple and from the heart. I found ths when I first came into the faith….I was so concerned with outward appearances and coming across as holy instead of being myself and having a deeper relationship with Jesus. It is a good reminder because I think I do this from time to time, especially the most holy times of year.

  3. Michelle says:

    Carmen, I liked how you shared your routine with the study. I read the verses and make notes in my journal and then read the comments. At first I was worried about what I got out of the passage… that maybe others got something different. I'm kinda of confused if I'm reading the right passage. I know God likes to hear our thoughts.
    My favorite verse today was: Luke 18:14
    "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted" At different times in my life, I've been in the shoes of the tax collector and the Pharisee.
    A personal story: I'm almost 43 years old. I'm 10 years older than my sister. When I was in my 20's, my sister had her first teenage boyfriend. Before I met the young man, I had already made up my mind that I did not think he was good enough for her. Maybe I was being a protective older sister. I didn't think the family he came from was "good enough" for her. Tragically, the boyfriend died instantly in a single car accident. To this day, I am so ashamed of myself for thinking that I was better than the boyfriend. I can still see his parents' raw grief. I asked the Lord to forgive me for being so awful.
    This passage reminded me for the Lord to have mercy on me, a sinner.

  4. Sometimes I feel like I am whining when I pray the same thing over and over and OVER. But this passage reminds me that I need to continue to pray to Him and that He does hear me!!

  5. Suki says:

    Words that stick with me today: be humble, be persistent, never give up praying or your beliefs in god.
    Eventually we all get what we want if it is His plan for us. If not he’ll give us something else which may be mire important for our personal growth and character. Trust in Him and you will be answering your prayer.

    1. Kristin says:

      Well said!

  6. Carmen says:

    I have always loved the story of the king who gave the woman justice because of her persistence! I have been praying for some people in my life for many,many years, and this passage reminds me to be persistent in my prayer and not to give up hope in Him.
    The way I have been doing the study is to read the daily passages, go back and read the daily devotional ( is there a daily devotional with this study or is it just the comments?), go back and read the entire chapter(s),and then journal. Today as I was reading the rest of the chapter, what spoke to me was the story of the blind man who asked Jesus to restore his sight. Jesus told him he was healed because of his faith.It was a wonderful reminder to me of the importance not only persistency but also faith has in my prayer life!

  7. Kim B. says:

    I am just exciting an 18 month excruciating trial. When I started praying about my trial over & over again I felt like God was ignoring my prayer as my trial just got worse. One day when I went to my prayer spot & started to pray I just sat there in stillness. It was there that God met me & whispered this parable in my ear. Keep praying to me, don't give up. You WILL receive justice, trust me. 18 months later & my husband got a job…halleluah Father, justice has been served :)

    1. Jen says:

      Thank you for this reminder!!! (And congratulations to your husband!!)

    2. Wow that must have been SO HARD!! All you could do was to pray and you did that and I seriously applaud you for that! I'm so happy your husband has a job and that justice has been served!! :-)

  8. Felicity says:

    Isn't it funny how persistency in prayer feels like moaning?