Day 5

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:1-21

While the world teaches us to detox our bodies, sometimes we need to detox our soul.

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5 thoughts on "Day 5"

  1. Cristina says:

    That was all so good… I've also had toxic thoughts about my job. I am still newer to the field so that is overwhelming but I think I was getting to caught up in being successful at my job as far as what I'm hired to do there instead of seeing the opportunities to use my Godly gifts successfully while I'm there..whew, it feels better to concentrate on that. The professional skills will come with time but I can feel success knowing that I'm making God happy who in the end is the boss to please anyway! :)

  2. Dally says:

    I thought about vs. 6-8 a lot where it talks about using your gifts. I was thinking about how maybe I'm not using my gifts well and that is why I have such a toxic attitude towards my job.

  3. Lisa says:

    I also started late and am trying to catch up. My day five was June 8th, when She Reads Truth was on day 23. Romans 12 was the passage for both days! Apparently I really needed to hear that truth and listen more carefully. The part that really stood out to me was verse 16: "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited." As women it's really easy to judge those around us, picking out flaws in others to make ourselves feel better. And that's toxic, even if we don't say it out loud. It's toxic to our hearts, and if we let it out it's toxic to those around us. As a woman who is trying to be more like God, I need to be humble and show love and kindness, and not spew toxic fumes.

    1. Jimmie Lee says:

      I agree… I constantly look for flaws in others (and 98% of the time keep it to myself) it is heart toxic and I wan tot love like Jesus loves.

  4. jimmie lee says:

    I tried to catch up by reading @ least 2 a day but couldn’t keep up so I am a little behind for even my own schedule. Day 5 put some good thoughts in my head about being a sacrifice, not letting wordly things in my life slide, dealing with those toxic thoughts of pride. Good stuff