Day 4

Open Your Bible

Philippians 4:1-13

While the world teaches us to detox our bodies, sometimes we need to detox our soul.

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9 thoughts on "Day 4"

  1. unareler says:


  2. Brittany says:

    I just got started in #shereadstruth, and hit this day. That passage of verses was exactly what I needed to be aware of how often I think of toxic, negative thoughts, when I need to be replacing them with all of this listed – and ALWAYS rejoice in the Lord!

  3. Dally says:

    This is my favorite passage (Philippians 4: 1-13) It was so lovely to read it today!

  4. Jen says:

    I think in general it is easier to focus on the toxic thoughts. We take them personally, we feel offended, put down, less of a person. We forget OUR VALUE!

    Did you know that it takes three positive things to be said to forget ONE toxic?

    We never focus ont he positive, we pat ourselves on the back and move on. We shouldn't move on. I think we should dwell in those thoughts, relish those, have those be our mantras instead of the toxic mantras that some of us have.

    1. Erin says:

      That's interesting!! Where did you hear/read about the 3 vs 1 thing? I definitely agree we don't focus on the positive. I hear a compliment and brush it off because I usually don't agree, but I hear a complaint or negative criticism about me and it'll bother me for days!

      1. Jen says:

        I read it in an educational magazine this year. It was talking about the damages negative thoughts can do to students and how we as teachers (my profession) have to be careful about what we say. It also stated that if another person hears the "put down" it will take them 8 minutes to re-engage in your conversation and it will take the "victim" 10 minutes.

        1. Erin says:

          Wow, I've never heard these things! I took a psych class.. but I didn't pay much attention, haha. It was probably mixed in there somewhere! Thanks, that's really interesting :)

  5. Erin says:

    I loved it too! This was my favorite day so far I think.. It had so many inspirational verses!
    For the devotional, I was thinking that it is easier to think toxic thoughts because they are usually, at least for me, the first thing that comes to my mind. This is probably because of how much they are surrounding us: on tv, the radio, our friends. Basically we become what we surround ourselves with and when these are toxic things, it gets harder to replace our toxic thoughts with good ones.
    I definitely agree that the truth holds us accountable, too! That is a really good point. :)

  6. Jeni says:

    I loved the question for Day 4. “Why is it easier to think toxic thoughts than it is to focus our minds on the truth?”

    The truth holds us accountable; while toxic thoughts create excuses and blame others. The truth also hurts sometimes.