day 14

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 4:29

Join us for Day 14 of Living the Surrendered Life and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!

Text: Ephesians 4:29

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8 thoughts on "day 14"

  1. This verse is under the header (put in the bible) "Instructions for Christian Living." This verse about only speaking positively towards others is part of our instructions as Christians. It's not just "it would be nice if you did this," it's an instruction, or an order in the way we are to live.

    I am far from an expert on the topic of speaking positive words. I can be sarcastic towards others and I am a chronic worrier and perfectionist so you can bet that some negative talk comes from that. This needs to stop. I really need to focus more on building others up with positive words and to be a blessing to those around me.

  2. Susan says:

    I so struggle with this. At work, a co-worker and I will discuss the actions of another in our department. I've talked about this and needing to stop, but then we agree that we are just "speaking the truth" and how is that gossip or being ugly? But I know in my heart it is.

  3. Rachel Anne says:

    Confession time: This is probably one of my worst habits! I am aware of it and fight it all the time but it continues to plague me. My girlfriends and I in college would even call ourselves the Haters Club when we'd go out at night to the bar and "entertain" ourselves with the things we'd say about others.

    It makes me crazy to even think back on that and crazier still to think of the unkind thoughts and words I have about my neighbors downstairs that come out even today.

    I'm in prayer about this nasty habit and have no clue why I'm so mean sometimes.

    I'm glad I recognize this, though.

  4. Laura says:

    @Megan: This is something that God convinced me of a long time ago. It was shocking to hear how I talked to other people, especially those closest to me. I will definitely be praying for you, as it can be difficult to change the way we talk. But thank God it isn’t us who changes things. It’s God!!! He will see you through! :)

  5. Megan says:

    I was so excited to find out this weeks memory verse… Because its something that I truly struggle with, and have been trying to change. All to often I can we sitting in the car with my 6 month old and hubby, and I'll let a mean or not helpful comment slip out of my mouth about someone outside. They can't hear me and there is no vulgar language, but it's something I don't need to be saying all the same… And then immediately I feel guilty.

    It was good to read today's devo for that same reason. I do need to make that change of only saying wholesome things, things that are helpful, and things that build others up. Others like my 6 month old son who will soon repeating what I'm saying, my hubby, and myself!

    It's also good to read that I need to try, but God will help me. I think in the past, I've been trying to do it all on my own…

    1. Rachel Anne says:

      Megan, I'm in the same boat, but my 2.5 year old is already repeating what I say! I've started to substitute words but every time I hear her say even one of those I feel horrible because I know what it means and it isn't helpful to anyone.

  6. Ashley Ward says:

    Love today’s passage! I definitely reccommend reading all of the Ephesians chapter, it puts so much more context into the verse! One thing that really struck me is how, on my own, I’ll never succeed in making all my words helpful and encouraging. Earlier in the chapter, it says that it is Christ himself who gives us grace, and equips us for this task. He gives us a new self to put over our old self! I think a lot of times I try to use my own strength to change my old self–thinking I can just think better thoughts, or be nicer, only to be discouraged minutes later when I’ve already failed. My goal for today is going to be not just to avoid those thoughts, but to focus on letting Christ shine through me. I also LOVE that in the very end of the chapter, we’re reminded to forgive each other. It’s like he knows we’re going to mess up, and hurt each other, and that as members of this body, we are going to screw up. And he reminds us to give grace!! I struggle with this when someone has hurt me–but I’ve been forgiven of so so so many hurtful things I’ve done against God and others and need to be ready to forgive.

    1. Heidi says:

      YES, this is exactly what I wanted to say. I try so often to be nicer to my kids through my own strength, and when I end up losing my temper 20 minutes after resolving not to do so, I feel like such a failure. Focusing on letting Christ shine through me is so much more effective!