
Open Your Bible

Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 7:10

The author of Psalm 130 knows something. In fact, there are three things that he knows particularly well.

He knows what low is – he calls it “the depths” and he’s talking about his guilt – his depravity. Forget everyone else’s iniquities – all the ways they’ve sinned – he knows he’s no better. (v. 3)

But he knows something else, too.

Take a look at the passage and mark the places where it says “with you” or “with the Lord” or “with him”. What did you find? While the author knows that his sin separates him from God, he also knows the incomparable benefits of being “with God”.

Steadfast love.
Plentiful redemption.
All of the things that make all of the difference.

The third thing he knows – the simple truth that blesses my soul today?

Verse 6 says: “my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.”

Not only is he eager to be “with God”, he expresses His certainty that He will come. Just as sure as the sun will rise, the Lord is coming – and with Him is forgiveness, steadfast love, and plentiful redemption.

What do you know this morning, sisters? Do you know your own guilt? And more than that, do you know the certainty that the Lord is near, and with Him are all of the things that make all of the difference?

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63 thoughts on "repentance"

  1. jenn says:

    What a beautiful message.

  2. jenn says:

    I am going through a time of tribulation for things I have written and said to people who have hurt me. I am humbled that our Lord and Savior can still love & forgive us. And I am thankful to have been guided to this site.

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Oh, Jenn, I hear the pain in your posting. Knowing God will walk with you through this and praying the forgiveness you have experienced will splash over into the hearts of those who hurt you and also allow you to forgive them. Blessings on you today.

    2. LaurenC_ says:

      Hang in there Jenn. You are loved!!

  3. JuneBug says:

    2 Corinthians 7:10 (NLT)
    "For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death."

    I love today's verse about godly sorrow. Aren't you so thankful that God is not afraid of our sorrow?? That it doesn't surprise Him? We can be safely navigate through our sorrow when we stay close to the Father who steers the ship. Plus, it has the potential to produce something truly beautiful in us when it draws us closer to God and His word and develops character in us! AND… don't we just appreciate those times of sweet joy when we've gone through a time of painful sorrow?! God is so good.

    Lamentations 3:32-33 (NLT)
    "Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion because of the greatness of his unfailing love. For he does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow."

    Ecclesiastes 7:3 (NLT)
    "Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us."

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Oh, JuneBug, your post touches just where I needed it today,

      "Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us."

      We need both, but it always seems sorrow strips us bare of all worldly defenses allowing God to cover us with his love and grace, bringing us closer to the image of Christ.

  4. Cecile says:

    Emily, my daughter too is gay but I have learned to love her and to just proclaim the gospel to her whenever possible. Only God can work his wonders on her. We are all sinners and in our despair we cry out and look up and know that he is God and he is in control and "all things will work together for good for those who love him and are called to his purpose." Stay strong sisters!

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Well said. Have a blessed day, Cecile.

  5. Callie says:

    I am new to She Reads Truth, but I am excited to get started on the reading plan – hoping for a little accountability to get me out of bed in the morning! Anyway, what stood out to me today was that though I am so sinful, God does not hold that against me because I trust in Him . . . but also that the "depths" and trials that the psalmist was going through were being used to draw him closer to God! I think sometimes when things aren't going right in my life I tend to wonder what I did "wrong", if there is some sin in my life that God is trying to bring to my attention – and there may be, but it's not a punishment, because God doesn't hold my sin against me any longer. He uses the things I am going through to bring me closer to Him, so that my soul will "wait for the Lord, More than those who watch for morning"! I don't think you get to that same place of clinging to Him when everything is going right. It's comforting to know He is there, and He is working through trials, even if it's mainly in me.

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Watching for morning–how many times in my life I have spent restless nights doing that? I would love to say during those times I was praying, and sometimes I did, but mostly I was stewing over failures, problems, my kids problems, work…you name it..I have stewed over it. Your reflection puts a new face on watching for morning. Not just get me to the light of day, but believing He will be in the morning, pulling me out of this pit, I jumped or fell into, and setting me on His solid ground, in His light. His mercies are new every morning. Blessings on you, Callie, thanks for sharing.

    2. LaurenC_ says:

      Welcome! I've read a few of SRT's reading plans through YouVersion's app, but this is the first time I have participated in the community of this site. It's just wonderful, plain and simple! I know what you mean about wondering what I did "wrong" when bad things happen. I have placed so much shame on myself through the years for this and that but have finally realized, like you said, that God doesn't hold my sin against me any longer. I think the first person we have to forgive is ourselves. The first person we have to love is ourselves. When we can finally be still and quiet and just wait for the Lord – that's where He wants us, not stressed out trying to figure out what we did wrong, not stewing over things as Carolynmimi said. Not beating ourselves up over mistakes & self-imposed shame. If we acknowledge our sin, recognize the lesson He has for us in it, and accept His forgiveness – then we are set up perfectly to extend that same forgiveness to others. Hope you are blessed by this community, Callie!

  6. Emily P says:

    My heart is heavy …for the most part I accept that my daughter is living the gay lifestyle, but then something else comes up. Her alma mater, the high school where my husband worked as well, where we called home for 18 years is under fire for not allowing boys to wear heels with their tuxes to prom, and the girls to wear tuxes. She put this on facebook and it just stings. I have to remember that God is big enough to redeem her. I need to watch for The Lord and not get discouraged. And I confess, I want people to understand that their behavior is wrong. To repent from their sin. Is that bad of me ? Well….am working through it this morning. So glad this site isn't linked to any others.

    1. Emily p says:

      Feeling better. Not loving it…but it just has to work for His glory. And those that will be judged are not my concern. Only God can fix this world.

    2. Carolynmimi says:

      Accepting the road someone we love chooses to follow simply cannot shield us from barbs they hurl. Oh, the barbs are not necessarily directed at us but often at things we respect or hold dear. Sometimes the venom spewed splashes us right in the face. Sometimes the venom spewed results from the nagging convicting voice of the HOLY SPIRIT and may be a sign that He is working to restore. I don't know you or your daughter, but I know God does. And, I know that as today's scripture says, none of us can stand under the weight of our sins..but He forgives. He, too, knows the rebellion of a daughter, me, and He knows the venom I once spewed on believers, and yet I write today that I am forgiven. Praying for you and your family, Emily P.

      1. Emily P says:

        Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your words were perfect…that's exactly how I feel.

  7. jesusgirl71 says:

    Dear lord, help me to rest only in You today, to focus on You. i wait for You. ni Jesus' name, Amen!

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Praying with you and for you. He is our rock.

  8. Sherry_H says:

    Beautiful song, Autumn Dawn Leader! Thank you for sharing with us.