David Gives Thanks to the Lord

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 15:1-29, 1 Chronicles 16:1-43, Hebrews 13:15

Have you ever kept a gratitude journal? Or made a list of things you’re thankful for during a time when thankfulness was the furthest thing from your mind? I don’t know about you, but I always doubt this practice until I’m doing it. It can feel silly at the moment and wholly inadequate for fixing whatever discontentment is taking root in my heart. But no matter how discouraged or far from God I feel, writing down His blessings consistently changes me. 

And it doesn’t have to sound overly spiritual. Sometimes, my journal pages are filled with God’s attributes, and other times it’s as simple as a mug of Glazed Lemon Loaf tea or a voice memo from my best friend. God’s blessings are abundant, and His faithfulness can be seen in every moment of our lives if we look through the lens of belief. 

In today’s passages from 1 Chronicles, we find a similar practice. After David and the Levites found a place for the ark of the covenant in Jerusalem, David marks this holy moment with a blessing for God’s people and a psalm of thanksgiving. “Give thanks to the LORD; call on his name; proclaim his deeds among the peoples,” (1Chronicles 16:8). 

For six paragraphs, we read David’s call for gratitude. Each one is full of action words, commanding God’s people to sing, worship, seek God’s strength, rejoice and remember His works (vv.8–36). Doing so will change them. Unlike other religions, God’s people do not worship a distant or impersonal god but One who is active—and who remains faithful despite our disobedient behavior. 

Like the Israelites, maybe we need a reminder of these deeds. First, God made a covenant with His people. He remained faithful when they were faithless. He continues to speak to them through the words of David and others. And He gave them the hope of a Messiah. 

This kind of thanksgiving-infused praise should be central to our faith today (Hebrews 13:15). Like keeping a gratitude journal, it won’t always come easy at first. But it will change us. It’s also an act of obedience. When we turn our attention to the Lord and remember His faithfulness in our lives, our griefs and day-to-day worries become easier to bear because we remember we know the One companion who helps us carry them. 

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67 thoughts on "David Gives Thanks to the Lord"

  1. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    TINA thank you so much for sharing. I remember that song. I need to remember it more when I am feeling down.

  2. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I really like the verse before the going deeper Hebrews 13:15. This world is not our permanent home. But while we are here, we need to remember to do good, and share with those as the Lord says, in his word.

    “For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.”
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    I also think I might start doing a gratitude journal. I’m not very good about journaling, but may be doing some thing like that would be different.

  3. Dorothy says:

    Father God, I praise You for ALL You have given me. I have had hard times and good times but You have ALWAYS been there. My adoration for You and Christ are immeasurable. Everyday and every night You are by my side. Your love for me is eternal. I PRAISE Your name and RAISE A HALLUJEH to You, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Be blessed and let your adoration, love and praise for God show each and every day sisters.

  4. Mercy says:

    @Kimberly Vohs: what a wonderful idea of devotional with kids. And I agree Jen Wilkin’s study courses are phenomenal. I am doing one with my small group and already blown away at the level of revelation she drew out. Also, I am curious how you conduct the study with your kids (like how long the session lasts to have their effective attention span, do you pose questions and what kind to make it fun and for them to think, what translation version you use, etc.) I couldn’t get my kids to be engaged, or my husband lol. I am so impressed hearing what you shared. Would appreciate more help from you.
    @Rhonda J: praying for your chronic pain group, and prison visits, no pain for you and the leader. Loved loved what you wrote yesterday, just forgot to tell you.
    @Sarah D: may new doors open, for joyful work and meaningful work relationships.
    @Victoria E: praying for peace, comfort and divine strength.
    @Dorothy: healing for your body from the ice slip, hope the talk with property management regarding it went well.

    Sisters, I have a prayer for my family to request, kindly pray for my family reconciliation, softened hearts for my mom and brother Austin, strife to be removed. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind hearts.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  5. Ellen Silva says:


  6. Lulu Franke says:

    i love the idea of a gratitude journal! i think that’s something i need to implicate, and it will help me remember the Lord’s goodness on the days when i am struggling

  7. Kimberly Vohs says:

    After one of you ladies suggested RC Sprouls teaching on Holiness yesterday, I looked it up and listened as I did different chores throughout the day. Just wanted to say “thank you” for that suggestion. Wow it was so so good!!! Secondly, I recently read Jen Wilkins, Women in the Word, and felt so challenged to not just read but to really study. My second reaction was to wish someone had taught me that a long time ago. So anyway after that my husband and I decided to really sit down and “study” the word with our kids. We’ve always done a nightly devotion, but wanted to teach them better how to not just read but study. So we are doing 1&2 Chronicles with them and they keep saying “wow! This is fun! I’m so glad we are doing this!” Lol praise God his word is something we can enjoy!

  8. Cindy Hanna says:

    This isn’t important but I was amused reading the part where David distributed to each and every Israelite, men and women a loaf of bread, a portion of meat, and a raisin cake. To EVERYONE?! Can you imagine the numbers involved? Who did all that baking?! I’ve been involved in feeding large crowds before…they were a daunting task!