David and Goliath

Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 17:1-58, Ephesians 6:12, Hebrews 2:14-18

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17:1-58, Ephesians 6:12, Hebrews 2:14-18

We recently celebrated our 5th birthday here at She Reads Truth, and I’ve been feeling nostalgic about the early days. Thinking back over the years, I can remember a lot of mistakes I’ve made, not to mention the mistakes I made today. Seriously, I don’t seem to be able to make it though one day without putting my foot in my mouth just a little bit.

But I have learned so much, and there is one simple thing for which I am most grateful: I have learned about the Bible. The more I read, the more I’m able to make connections and see the echoes of one passage in another. More than the research and the commentaries, the focused act of reading my Bible has given me confident hope for the future.

I have learned that my own resolutions to achieve and do better will absolutely come to nothing. I know that all good things come by the power of God’s grace, not the resolve of my earnest soul. I’ve learned that fear and worry serve no purpose in God’s economy. And another great perk of knowing your Bible is knowing what God has promised.

This is exactly where David was when he heard that Goliath the Philistine was threatening the troops of Israel. He was just totally outraged that no one had taken up the challenge because he knew that God had already promised to preserve and protect Israel. Not only that, but God had already delivered the giants into Israel’s hands before: when Abraham conquered Chedorlaomer (Genesis 14), and when Israel entered the land of promise (Numbers 13:17-33).

David knew God’s covenant promises to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. He’d heard the stories of God’s amazing protection over Noah and his family. And he’d read the heroic tales of Joshua’s obedience to God. He knew, most of all, that God is faithful, and that He cannot be mocked (Galatians 6:7).

David knew his Bible. He knew God’s promises. So when he was confronted with a threatening Philistine giant, he said, “ Today, the LORD will hand you over to me” (1 Samuel 17:46). Those sound like brave words if you don’t know the end of the story. But the pattern of redemption is always the same: the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain… but the Lord is enthroned in heaven (Psalm 2). The Bible tells us we will always have troubles, but Jesus is the hero and He always slays the dragon in the end.

Know His Word. Know who God is. Remember the history of His providence. Lay hold of His unfailing promises. David wasn’t doing anything new, but he was a man who knew his Bible.

I don’t know that I’m ready to face any giants, but knowing God’s Word and His promises were exactly the foundation for David’s confidence before Goliath. It wasn’t his sling and stones, or his history of bear-fighting. It was simply God’s Word.


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102 thoughts on "David and Goliath"

  1. Shelby says:

    Battles we all face today vary in content; yet we all should love each other despite a “ranking” scale of the sin. Reading through the SRT community for this day. I want those who are in despair, feeling doubts, whom are sick, whom are trying to conceive; to ultimately find peace in our good Lord. He shall provide.

    For me to overcome the darkest aspect of me growing up and overcoming my past.. I guess I shall speak to strangers or sisters of SRT in fear of condemnation or negative responses (if any at all). Growing up I suffered from child abuse (physical and mental) thus leading to my father kicking me out of the house halfway through my senior year of high school. I have not been back ever since (8.5yrs) and my relationship with my parents are slim to none (despite me visiting my 55yr old mother who is intermittently confused after tripping and falling backwards and striking head of cabinet; thus her placement in nursing home for remainder of her life). During the most vulnerable time of my life, age 18-23 my dark years; when I desired someone to love me or to look at me as if I was their daughter or even that they cared for me. Growing up I was grounded for receiving Christ as my personal Savior and I held onto hope that God would pull me through all the abuse; I had attempted suicide twice which ultimately scared me because I didn’t want God to be mad at me but I couldn’t handle the hits anymore and being told I was a mistake. Fast forward to those dark years, I went from boyfriend to boyfriend; trying to ultimately find someone who loved me or give me attention to feel important. I had variety of closeness levels to God; close to far. The darkest was premarital sex (especially one month after being so excited of being Baptized and wanting to restart my life and get closer to the Lord then returning from church camp back into the negative atmosphere of everyday life) and thus leading to a positive pregnancy test; my boyfriend didn’t want it and called me a Bible thumper for always praying and trying to talk about God (relationship had spun into similar to my dad speaking to me)..ultimately I took high dose Vitamin C and I got my period and relationship ended as I was left in a storm outside. Fast forward 4 months, same situation and utter disbelief of myself, pure disappointment of myself.. a new boyfriend who claimed was a Christian and had two children, I thought he would be different and care about me.. one night he flipped out and his eyes went all black and he pulled a knife on me and himself (his kids were at their mothers), I called 911 and he was placed in a psych facility for 3 days.. on the day he got out he had begged me to give him a chance and that he would change and desire a closer relationship with God; premarital sex and positive pregnancy test and I aborted for many reasons: not entirely clear of ‘clean bill of health’ from Cardiologist, relationship was not healthy, not ready to be a mother, not in a situation where I would have been proud of being a mother due to not married. At the clinic, there was no heartbeat prior to procedure. I walked out feeling as if I was a dark cloud.. ended the relationship a couple months afterwards. Altogether thinking and blaming myself for being useless because my parents told me so. I then started to turn my life around and get closer to God and was ultimately blessed with a man who understood me and helped me to not view myself as a burden or worthless. I’ve been overcoming my battle. I rededicated my life to the Lord this summer to rid the guilt of my past especially because I can’t get rebaptized. I’m not proud of my past and wish I would have saved myself for marriage.

    1. Kristi Kavicky says:

      Oh Shelby! You have the befinning of a story written all about God winning your heart. I’m so sorry for all the trials that have been set in your life. But, I hope, as you read your Bible daily, that you grow with hope. Do you see how God has continued to call you home to Him? I hear it in your story. He loves you!! He loves you like no human is capable of. I would love to send you a copy of Jesus Calling. It’s another short devotional that speaks so much hope into my daily life. If this is something you’d like, email me at [email protected]

    2. Trisha C says:

      Shelby, thank you so much for sharing your story. What Kristi said is so true. God loves you desperately and sings over you. His grace covers the past and He bore our shame on the cross. Praying that this truth encourages and blesses you today.

      1. Shelby says:

        Trisha, thank you!

    3. Teresa H says:

      Oh Shelby… You are so brave to share all you have been through with us. I am so so sorry that you have had to take so much abuse in your life. Your God has seen it all. When you ask Him to forgive you…your sins are at the bottom of the ocean floor. You are forgiven! I’m a lousy one to speak about letting the guilt go as I struggle daily with walking in the freedom that Jesus has forgiven my sins. But sweetie…oh the pain and struggle you have been through your whole life. You are a beautiful daughter of the Most High and He loves you!! He knows your suffering. He forgives your sin. He is calling you to Himself. He wants a relationship with you, His precious daughter. I WILL be praying for you Shelby..daily. YOUR name is on my white board and I will be praying to our God for you…because You my dear are worth so much more than you know..than this life has dealt you. I am So so happy that you have found a good man to treasure you. I hope you will read Jesus Calling everyday. I have heard from so many…how this little book I gave them, has helped them through the day, the week…the rough season they are going through. Ultimately, remember…Jesus loves you and He meets you right where you are. To love you, to help you, to carry you through when you need to be carried. Bless you my sweet sister. If you need someone to listen..my email is [email protected]. I hope you feel a burden was lifted from you after sharing your story with us. Please continue to study His word and to seek His face. Praying for you sweetheart!

    4. Cari says:

      Oh my dear dear girl. I’m so glad you have this safe place to lay out your story and receive love and encouragement from this community. My earnest prayer for you is that God puts good people in your life who will reflect the love he has for you into your heart and soul. Walk with your head high, your story isn’t finished, you are a beautiful ‘work in progress’ God Bless xxx

      1. Shelby says:

        Cari, I am too because I was iffy on if I wanted to put it out there. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!

  2. Abby says:

    Day 12, where are you? Here it is on He Reads Truth http://hereadstruth.com/2017/08/11/david-and-saul/

    1. Barbie Oates says:

      I can’t find either. Day 12?

  3. Louise says:

    I’m struggling at the moment of being on my own and desiring to be a Christian wife and mother. This is my battle. I’m so done with it. Endless prayers that are not answered. I’m becoming an age where children might not be possible anymore biologically. And this is something I never expected to happen. Wondering why God seeks to keep me on my own when it’s so not my desires. I feel like an anonymity (this word has just come to me writing this) in Christian life, where do I fit in and how do I do this.

    1. Erica says:

      I recently read the book “Not Yet Married-Finding Joy in Singleness and Dating” by Marshall Segal, I highly recommend it. It biblically speaks directly to what you are facing and has given me a new perspective.

    2. Nancy Grant says:

      Praying for you, and trusting that God will show you the answers to your questions in His word, in His love for you, and in His faithfulness to you.

    3. Kristen Clegs says:

      I’m 29 and single, and often find myself wrestling with the Lord over the same issue: why do I have a good and noble desire, but no prospect of it ever being fulfilled? The Lord had impressed on me the concept of sacrifice. A sacrifice is NOT giving up something we don’t want, something that’s easy to do without anyway. A sacrifice is a good, noble, pure offering of something we treasure. It’s laying your precious desire on the altar of your love, and saying, “Father, take this. I love You enough to give this up and go about My Father’s business in other ways. Be the everlasting arms that hold me close, be the lover that knows me intimately, be everything that I need. I trust that the destiny You have outlined for me is better than my own self-focused, short-sighted plans. Because, no matter what, You are good. To me.”

  4. AT Peace says:

    I pray this morning for all of the young women of SRT who are returning to college campuses soon. That is a major battlefield. You all make me so happy that you are studying God’s word and are in this community of faith. May God protect you and guide you this coming year. Remember that He has already won the battle. We are praying for you.

  5. Karen From Virginia says:

    I needed this story. To recall my faithful strong God. It’s been a rough week of grieving and physical pain.

  6. Ellie says:

    Wow….”It wasn’t his sling and stones, or his history of bear-fighting. It was simply God’s Word.” Sometimes I fall into this trap of believing God has so fully prepared me for something that I don’t need to ask Him for faith or guidance anymore. While David was confident, he was most confident in God’s promises. This reading today helped remind me that God should be given all the praise. Thank you!!

  7. Cecilia says:

    Gosh, I read this story again and again & it’s so rich in takeaways to apply to our lives. Just to name a few…..Being responsible with the tasks you are given (before David leaves he takes care of his duties) *we must ensure we leave our duties to trustworthy and capable people* , being confident in your faith and God’s word no matter what others around you think/say (David can’t even identify w their unfaithfulness) *we need to be reminding ourselves of God’s blessings in our lives to keep our faith strong in the presence of evil*.

    Just before he is about to take this giant on, David gets opinions from others – he has to shake off insults *We have to expect and ignore the attempts of others to tear us down * (his bro’s comments, etc), he has to turn down doing it someone else’s way (the ill fitting armour) *God gave is skills to do it our way. Our current place is practicing grounds for tasks God wants us to do, seek wisdom but trust your skills*
    And one I am currently working on is declarations. Look at how David declares victory *before* the fight!?! How many of us practice declaring victory over areas in our life before God brings us through them? I am taking David’s exact words and apply them to my battles. I am so excited to do it! God, so thankful for the richness of your WORD and how it teaches us to live the lives you want for us. Love you SRT fam!

    1. Sheryn says:

      Cecilia, this is SO GREAT and SO TRUE! I love the way you broke everything apart and found all the hidden gems in this story. Thank you for helping to remind me too…I need to declare victory over all areas of my life…even the areas that aren’t so great….yet!!

  8. Tina says:

    I remember those early days too… I remember them well… I have grown muchly through those ‘mistakes’ and have loved and continue to with a thankful heart to cherish my mornings with you..my SRT family…

    Just remembering recently having the small group round to ponder psalm 121 after reading the SRT Devo that morning.. I especially was struck by the line… ‘Where does my help come from…’
    So I posed the question to the group.. and asked what that line meant to them? One member talked about her prayer of a few weeks not being answered and that she wasn’t sure God would respond to her prayers..
    I felt this urge to remind her that in the ten years plus that I have known her, when had God let her down..from the time she needed money for another car…to the time she couldn’t pay her rent…or perhaps even holiday funds.. or a ticket to that conference she wanted to go to…the list went on..God had been faithful constantly in her life.. I had been a witness on numerous occasions… as she has praised and glorified Him who has seen her through yet again…
    We do need reminding of our true and faithful God.. His promises to provide, protect, be with us, are as true as the sky is blue, and as sure as a heart beat..He will never fail us, though sometimes we forget, though sometimes we trust in ourselves, it is God’s grace and help that gets us through… always..
    Living on the promises of God my God, who is faithful, steadfast and sure… for always never faltering…
    Thank you Lord God thank you…
    Sending hugs all round.. xx