Text: Luke 23:27-31, Psalm 56:8, Hosea 10:1-8
I’d like to nominate elevators as one of the most awkward spaces on the planet. You can go through most days refusing to acknowledge other people exist if you want to, but step onto an occupied elevator and you’re stuck. You know the other person is there. They know you know they’re there. You know they know you know they’re there. So you have 3 choices: stare straight ahead (awkward), stare at your phone (still pretty awkward), or look at the person (super awkward).
Most of us choose Option A.
Jesus could have easily gotten away with ignoring the women crying out to Him as He walked along the dusty road, beaten and nearly naked, making the painful journey to an awful death. Yet even more remarkable than the fact that He brought His eyes up met theirs, or that He spoke to them in the midst of His suffering, is what He chose to say:
Turning to them, Jesus said, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children.” (Luke 23:28, HCSB)
Jesus shifts the object of the their sympathy and mourning from Him back to themselves.
Why does He do this? Who are these women to whom the suffering Christ delivers a gentle but stern warning in the most striking of circumstances?
The women are noted to be citizens of Jerusalem, a center of religion that fervently rejected Jesus of Nazareth. We aren’t told exactly why they are following Jesus in a situation when many of His own have turned away. Perhaps they recognized glimpses of the divine in His words and actions and were following as unofficial disciples. Or maybe, and probably most likely, they were simply “good” religious folks who pitied Jesus and lamented the extreme cruelty being shown an innocent man.
More important than the motive behind their mourning are these three simple-yet-profound facts about their brief encounter with Christ:
He sees their tears. Jesus looks up from His own pain to acknowledge theirs. Yes, He was the divine Son of God suffering for the sin of humankind, and yes, they were members of that sinful race. Nevertheless, Jesus sees their tears, just like He sees mine and yours (Psalm 56:8).
He acknowledges their sorrow but redirects it to the proper place. Jesus quotes the words of the prophet Hosea when He describes the enormity of the sorrow to come for those who reject Him. In Hosea chapter 10, the people of God respond to fruitfulness and blessing not by turning toward God but turning toward themselves and their false gods. The consequences of this separation from God are severe—so severe that the people cry out for death to swallow them in their misery.
Jesus’ warning to the women on the Via Dolorosa that day was not an empty threat; it was the compassionate prophesy of a loving Savior who knows the natural way of a soul separated from the Father. I like commentator Matthew Henry’s explanation of Christ’s response when he says, “Let us weep, not for him (Jesus), but for our own sins, and the sins of our children, that were the cause of his death; and weep for fear (such were the tears here prescribed) of the miseries we shall bring upon ourselves, if we slight his love, and reject his grace.”
But Jesus does not leave the daughters of Jerusalem with a look and a warning that day. Which brings us to glorious #3—
He answers their grief with the ultimate display of love. The God who sees our every tear, who knows every hope and pain from whence they come, is the God who walked bruised and bleeding up the hill of obedience, called Calvary, and gave His very life to purchase our pardon. As NT Wright puts it, “The cross is the place where, and the means by which, God loved us to the uttermost.”
The God who views our tears as so precious that He keeps record of them in His book is the same God who says, “Don’t weep for me. Weep for yourselves.” For we are the sinful ones, Sisters, and He is all-holy. But through Christ’s work on the Cross, we are hidden in Him and brought eternally and indelibly near to God (Colossians 3:3). Thanks be to God!
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90 thoughts on "Daughters of Jerusalem"
“But Jesus turning to them said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!’ Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us’; and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’ For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?” – Luke 23: 28-30
I’m told that prophecy can have a variety of “distances.” For example, many would hold that in the near term, Jesus was referring to the terrible suffering the Jews would undergo as a result of the Jewish-Roman war that culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem.
But I also think Jesus was also referring in the far term to our own lamentable situation, i.e., the only generation in the history of the world when being childless is regarded by so many as superior to having children (e.g., from an environmental perspective), and that abortion is raised to an almost secular sacrament. God have mercy on us all!
Simply stating; There were Two trees in the garden of Eden, we make choices in life to the extent that we chose where our soul will be in eternity. Having children is a blessing,but, nonetheless,Jesus has preminence over our choice to be directly united tonGod the father through him and him alone. We must let this scripture stand alone ,and have the final say in our relationship to God, and our personal walk with Jesus.
This is a beautiful portion of scripture, “weep not for me”….a soft rebuke……Jesus see a more desperate need for the citizens to weep concerning their sin. As for Jesus, he did nothing wrong, he knew what he was doing was Gods will to pay the price for the sin of mankind.
As much as the woman felt for him in his suffering, his suffering was in accordance with Gods will.
Jesus was only carrying out the will of the father. If anyone needed comfort or prayer it was the citizens of the land who were out of gods will.
We are also demanded according to the law to deny ourselves, carry our crosses and follow Jesus.
Jesus went through so much for us! His love for us is so so so great! He is full of love and kindness to show us! To live is Christ and to die truly is gain! Christ is so much better than the ways of this world! Jesus alone satisfies!
I found that passage of scripture very hard to digest…
28 Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’
As a woman who has struggled with infertility it’s very difficult to understand the “blessing” in that, especially when the bible constantly points to children as a blessing and urges us to be fruitful and multiply. Can anyone help explain what Jesus may have been trying to say?
I found this great resource Hayley.
Jesus is referring to churches & people in the church.
I too find many scriptures hard to swallow, understand and take literally as well.
I have been praying for God to give me knowledge and understanding – As I have been called to women’s ministry this past year.
I am constantly reading His word and searching for deeper understanding. Jesus spoke in parables and many times I re-read over & over – if I can’t put pieces together I search my resources. I have a few I cross reference and find the one that speaks my language and breaks it down verse by verse.
I hope this helps you today.
My sweet sister, Hayley – I also want you to know you are truly blessed! God has great things planned for us all in His way & His time.
Please read with sincerity in my heart & hugs:
Women without children from their womb ARE blessed and can LOVE children & women GOD places in their life for His purpose and gives them gifts of children to rear as their own, either in our homes, church or out in the world.
You are gifted my sister – your yearning is truly a gift and God is blessing you.
See inside your heart full of Love, He is with you every step of the way, God plan is glorious.
Hi Hayley, it is my understanding that Hosea and Jesus are prophesying about the destruction of the temple (both figuratively being Jesus’ body, but specifically what would come in 70 AD as the Romans laid siege to Jerusalem and the temple was destroyed). During this time, the people of Israel were starved as resources were completely shut off and the city was pillaged and many were murdered. Those that remained were taken captive. Jesus is heartbroken for his sons and daughters and knows that in a few short years, they will endure extreme suffering. It is recorded (historically) that some women became so starved/deranged during the siege that they are their own children…..a hard thought to comprehend, but I believe Jesus is referring to this. I hope that helps!!
Ate* their own children (sorry about the autocorrect!)
I was being quite vague in saying churches & people in churches. Sorry.
Yes, I believe it referring to destruction, for Jesus made his warnings clear of the wrong being done & that no stone be unturned.
In references upon references to read of daughter of Zion & daughter of Jerusalem being the church that was where the meaning can be “The temple” being the (churches) of false teachings and children (people/nations in the churches under the false teaching) under destruction /calamity to come.
As I was digging yesterday I came by both. What I found & Brooke’s
Jesus stopping and weeping for Jerusalem. Luke 19:41-44
Hosea clearly saying their hearts are false, w/empty oaths make covenants – The Lord will break down their altars & destroy pillars.
Micah 3:10-12 destruction as well
I see a slight error could by a simple letter can change meanings and those interpreting:
daughter of Jerusalem vs. daughter(s) of Jerusalem
The (s) very well could have been to the literal women & children vs. city/church & people in city/church.
Quite confusing to say the least. I apologize of I confused anyone and in my own way see the meaning as both.
Knowing Jesus weeped for Jerusalem as
When cross referencing verse by verse interpretations vary.
The varying of cross reference I saw was the big picture of destruction, the church refusing Jesus, false teachings and what God will do because of this.
In conclusion I see both as important to know and understand. Because I had been reading Matthew & Mark recently I focused on churches & people in churches as a whole.
Not what Haley was confused about it being related to her and not able to carry child yet.
Love you all, keep learning & reading HIS WORD going back to understand in sight of confusion.
I was worried I had done wrong by you all, but know I didn’t share enough. Lesson learned.
I was being quite vague in saying churches & people in churches. Sorry.
Yes, I believe it referring to destruction, for Jesus made his warnings clear of the wrong being done & that no stone be unturned.
In references upon references to read of daughter of Zion & daughter of Jerusalem being the church that was where the meaning can be “The temple” being the (churches) of false teachings and children (people/nations in the churches under the false teaching) under destruction /calamity to come.
As I was digging yesterday I came by both. What I found & Brooke’s
Jesus stopping and weeping for Jerusalem. Luke 19:41-44
Hosea clearly saying their hearts are false, w/empty oaths make covenants – The Lord will break down their altars & destroy pillars.
Micah 3:10-12 destruction as well
I see a slight error could by a simple letter can change meanings and those interpreting:
daughter of Jerusalem vs. daughter(s) of Jerusalem
The (s) very well could have been to the literal women & children vs. city/church & people in city/church.
Quite confusing to say the least. I apologize if I confused anyone and in my own way see the meaning as both.
Knowing Jesus wept for Jerusalem in the beginning as he approached.
When cross referencing verse by verse I found interpretations vary slightly.
From the varying of cross reference what I saw was the big picture of destruction;
the church refusing Jesus, false teachings and what God will do because of this.
In conclusion I see both as important to know and understand. Because I had been reading Matthew & Mark recently I focused on churches & people in churches as a whole.
Which is Not what Haley was confused about it being related to her and not able to carry child yet.
Love you all, keep learning & reading HIS WORD going back to understand in sight of confusion.
I was worried I had done wrong by you all, but know I didn’t share enough. Lesson learned.
His compassion! What a good God we serve!
Jesus showing love and compassion to others during his deepest pain is something honestly I don’t know if I can do. I pray that I can turn any suffering I have into praise to God and help to those around me.
Thank you for this study SRT!
As NT Wright puts it, “The cross is the place where, and the means by which, God loved us to the uttermost.” I love this quote and the true meaning of the cross. For the last two weeks I've had to answer the question: why do you call it "Good Friday"? The international students that I work with are so hungry for the Gospel that it is making me take a look at it in a whole new light, especially Holy Week. How do you answer a question like that for someone who has absolutely no background in the Bible? Simply. Using the simple truth, that Jesus died to take all of our sin on himself, to pay the price that we should've paid, because He loves us. I now have an unbroken relationship with my Father because of what He did willingly for me. I am saved! Hallelujah!
“The God who sees our every tear, who knows every hope and pain from whence they come, is the God who walked bruised and bleeding up the hill of obedience, called Calvary, and gave His very life to purchase our pardon.” Reminds me of Hagar in Genesis. How she fell in desperation and cried, “Thou God seest me!” He is God. And He sees me. And He cares. Oh how He cares.
Just want to let you know that I’m reading the daily scriptures most days all the way from Denmark. Thank you to all on “she reads truth”. Bless you all and may you live close with the Father all days.
Hello to you in Denmark! How cool that sisters all over the world are united and blessed through this wonderful ministry. May the Lord richly bless you too Jeannette! :)
We love having you in our community, Jeannette!! Blessings to you, friend!
Can someone explain Psalm 56:8 to me?
Hello Carolekeegan, I wanted to respond. I hope its helpful.. Psalms are usually seen as poetry because David wrote Psalms as songs and prayers. We need to ask if this is imagery or literal. It can be one, the other, and sometimes both! If youre unsure, ask God for help :) He said if someone lacks wisdom they will find, but we have to seek (Matthew 7:7, James 1:5). Asking questions is also another way, so way to go! :) anyway, Does God really gather all our tears in bottles, or is this just a picture to express how God loves us? We can’t go wrong with the heart behind the text; God obviously cares for us so deeply, it’s like he swipes every tear drop and puts it in a bottle, knowing just how much we cried. God is knower of all things (read Psalms 139), and He knows our coming, goings (wandering, or tossing), what happened to us, and how we feel, because He’s God! This passage you asked was a probably a picture of how God loves and knows us intimately. you else cares so much that they’d count every tear drop and step you take away (sounds like a love song i hesrd). Does that help? I hope God will continue to reveal truth from The Word. Keep diving in!
Thank you!!
Oh how I weep, sometimes metaphorically and sometimes for real, on a daily basis for how rubbish I am but He sees me and draws me to Him. He recognises my pain even though it is my sin that nailed Him to the cross. What a gracious God we have
I ask myself daily, “Lord, do you really forgive me?” It’s amazing how much he loves us and no matter the circumstances, he is always there. His love is everlasting. Amen!
Jesus knows our pain. He knows more than we will ever know. This is a great example of what we should be doing daily. Showing love and compassion to others even in the midst of our own pain.
I just don’t even know, I know God is just but I’m confused why He doesn’t heal despite desperate cries. He hears me, so what is He doing with my prayers? My heart is broken for what breaks Christ but what’s He doing with my prayers, I just don’t know, I’m confused to see His purpose in immense pain and struggle when I desperately love Him and want Him.
Dear Jenna,
It’s going to all be alright. Sometimes that’s what you need to hear. That everything is going to be okay. Because it will be. For the present suffering is temporary. And though it is not easy now there is always a purpose even though it is hard to see it. I have my doubts and struggles and pains daily. But the way I see it is: there is not enough room for doubt and faith. Therefore I am choosing faith in an almighty infinite father who loves me and you SO MUCH. The present suffering is to make you stronger. And it will all be okay. :)
Thanks so much for your wisdom and love, you are a blessing
Jenna, He is hearing your prayers and He is so pleased that you are crying out to Him. Sometimes our suffering is due to something we’ve done, a consequence for a choice we’ve made. Sometimes we suffer, unfortunately, because of something someone else has done and we get caught in the cross hairs. And sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be a specific reason. Suffering just befalls us because we live in a fallen world. Regardless of the cause, suffering for a believer can draw us closer to Him as we seek to glorify Him in the difficulties, just as we seek to glorify Him when things are good. Suffering certainly tests our faith and makes us aware of how deep our roots are. It’s good to reach out to other believers for encouragement and prayer support. From the suffering comes a testimony. From the mess will come a message. The devil will try to use time to discourage you and make you think God has abandoned or forgotten you. Not true! God walks through the valley with you. Take His hand. Joseph landed in a foreign land, in a prison unjustly accused of rape. But God turned it out for good. Hang in there. Many from SRT are praying for you. Persevere.
Thanks so much! I appreciate your words and love!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. (James 1:2-3 NIV)
He hears you, and He loves you. He loves you too much to totally shelter your existence. He is refining you. Those who never experience hardships don’t ever learn or grow. Take heart! One day you will get to be with Him in Heaven, but in this world you will have trouble.
Jenna, we do not know God’s plans, but His promise is that He makes ALL things work together for our good. We have to trust Him and believe that He has a plan even though we don’t see a way. I pray that whatever is weighing heavy on your heart is given to God. Surrender to Him. He is our Healer and Comforter. He is a loving God and He has you in His hands. Everything will be okay. I know how it feels to wonder if my prayer is being heard. Ask Him to show you that He hears you. Ask for a sign and He’ll show you. I pray that the spirit of fear, the spirit of worry, the spirit of doubt be released from you in the name of Jesus! May the Holy Spirit reveal to you a promise from God.
That was a wonderful response. It really rang true to me. You inspired me to ask the Lord for a sign for prayers that I continue to ask and don’t feel settled in knowing His answer. May God bless you as your words have blessed me this evening.
Thank you, Julie! God bless you!
Thank you for your encouraging and kind words
I love you Neighbor! I’m praying for you <3 <3 <3
Thank you for this reminder that even while he was beaten and bloodied ,being led to the his death, he was Still thinking of others. Wow,,,what an awesome Lord we have! God bless ladies.xoxo
How can we not trust or have faith in a love such as this…
Beth, praying today is a good day for you…Love you Sis…xx
Thank you, Jesus!!! “Your love never fails, it never gives up. It never runs out on me!!” – Jesus Culture
Amen!!! X
As the Father prayed, “I believe, help me with my unbelief!” We all doubt and have places of disbelief about certain things.. We just have to draw near to God.. It is in neatness we find our faith strengthened.. In drawing near to Him we must choose to withdraw from whatever competes or hinders our faith.. Like from our phones, our TV shows, radio.. Those thing that pull us away from God and fill us with things other than God.. Seemingly innocent they are instruments that rip us off from experiencing God and cultivating our living relationships with Him.. I pray that all of our faiths would be strengthened, our doubts would be weakened, and our testimonies vibrant! Draw near to Him ladies! It’s what we all need in a day where every other thing takes us away from Him!
I think where I struggle most is in believing that Jesus died for ME personally and know ME personally. So many people have gone before me and so many people are here on this earth right now. And He loves them all. He knows them all. He died for them all. I struggle with feeling like “just one of the many”. In my head, I know that I am not. Does anyone else ever feel this way?
Me! Yes. I am not sure why I so often feel this way, but I so often realize that I understand that Jesus loves other people intimately, and died for them, but can't see how he loves me or died for me. I've started simply praying that I would understand and see God's love for me, personally.
Hi Bridget, not sure if you're a mom or not – but as a mom, I've asked my friends this question – how many kids would you have to have before you stopped loving the last one? The answer – you would never NOT love the last kid like the first.
Thank you for that PH413mama… I am a mom and I can so relate to that!!!
Good morning friends…needing prayer today…this Bible study has cracked open part of my heart that has been hardened. I have become skeptical and suspicious of the Bible…I fear I have let the enemy in to weave cords of doubt like way back in the Garden (“did God really say that???”). I am a long-time Christian. I want to understand the Word, but when I read, it flows off like water on a duck’s back. I want it to sink in! I want to be able to pass on the wonder of God’s word to my daughters. Thank you for your prayers…I know you are praying…it warms my heart to know this is a praying community!
I am praying for you, Andrea, as I have a similar prayer for myself.
I will pray for you Andrea. Even those of us who are long time Christians have these times. You are so precious to want to share the wonder of God's word with your daughters! It is something you will always be so proud you did and He will use that to strengthen your faith!
Lord, I pray that you will break Andrea’s heart for you. Humble her and remind her of who she is, and who you are. I ask for you to fill her to the brim with your spirit and not relent until she is fully yours. In your sweet name,
Praying for you. God sees your struggle. Faithfulness is rewarded, in His time.
Lifting you up in prayer Andrea…the Word says…where two or more are in agreement, I am there…trusting God to open your eyes and heart to the amazing love that He has for you and yours…whatever stage you are at in life….remember we were never promised easy…we just have to hold on to Jesus…hold on…God be with you sis…x
I ran across this when looking at commentaries on this passage, and it described my feelings while reading this scripture. "My selfishness, my greed, my apathy, my lies, my temper, my fowl mouth, my impure thoughts, my unloving actions—my sins put Jesus on this Via Dolorosa. My sins put Jesus on that cross. The Bible tells us, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree,” and “The wages of sin is death.” I deserve the curse of the cross. I deserve the wages of death and hell." Jesus chose to die for me, he continues to carry my burdens every day, he loves me in a way I can't fathom despite my sins. He thinks of me and cares for my needs no matter what.
Where would I be without my Savior? I cannot imagine what a day would be like without Him to turn to. Praise God for having the perfect plan for me.
My head faith. I’ve realized lately just how much of my faith is based on what I know in my mind rather than what needs to be rooted in my heart. And as we make our way through Holy Week, I can’t help but think I’m doing something wrong, not worshipping correctly, needing a heart change.
Because when I think back I have done the ‘right’ things, said the ‘right’ words. But my heart and head are often not in true sync. And so the daily surrender and awe of my Savior’s sacrifice – which I feel are necessary – just don’t always settle so sweetly on my soul. Although weeping for my sins and repenting is needed, I think today I need to weep for Jesus, for His pain, for His willingness to suffer for me. Because – yes, He is holy and I am sinful – yet my messy, wandering heart needs some deep cleansing and perspective shifting, which can only start with Him and His sacrifice.
Praying for a truly humbling Holy Week focused on Him – His life, death, and resurrection.
Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. I pray the same.
Yes, Beverly! Me, too! Thank you for sharing!
Beautifully said. I understand that so very well.
There is such truth to this Beverly. I think for everyone. We live in a fallen world that keeps us going up and down emotionally, it's human nature that we volley on occassion, but absolutely necessary to reroute our thinking when we realize we need to…..that's what you speak of. Sometimes it just becomes habit, more than feeling and you're so good to weep for Jesus, to truly weep. Prayeful over your wandering messy heart and the perspective shifting, because I know that is a continual and necessary thing for me too. ~ B
He walked bruised and beaten up the " hill of obedience" for me. Want to soak that in today!
"…God loved us the uttermost." Those words just ring undeserved beauty to me. Yesterday we finally had a nice weather weekend day and we decided to take a long hike in a nearby park. Throughout the two hour walk the bag I carried and my pockets became full with trinkets my little people found and fell interested in along the way and those things we couldn't carry, they insisted on pictures. When we got home, we had everything from squashed flowers to teeny pebbles and dirt. I have a jar on the living room shelves for their odd little collectibles – mostly rocks, so these will find their home in there eventually. I'll often look at the small collection and smile knowing how these little stones brought a small joy to my kiddos, they're meaningful and yet in comparison to tears …. so minor. The awareness that God treasures us so much that He holds our tears is even more amazing that the massive collection of kids' artwork in our basement. He desires such great things for us, He takes on our pain so personally that He captures an emotional element even after He gave His son for us. He doesn't just wipe the tears from our cheeks and say, "Buck Up. My son died for you. *I* suffered for you. This is nothing." No, He captures those tears, treasures them, weeps *for* us and holds dear our pain too, even at such a great cost. So incredibly thankful for His unending and uncontainable love and grace, I am daily prayerful that in my living I do nothing to slight them. ~ B
Beautiful reflection!
Praying the truth of your words settle over my own heart today. I find it’s been all to easy lately to start hustling and forget how much God sees and cares. Thanks for your wisdom, B. :)
what a fantastic word picture…..thank you!
Just soaking it in…just soaking it in. So good. ♥
Beautifully said. Thank you!
B, you so captured the essence of our tears being collected by our Father…isn't it funny how our wrongs are forgotten, yet our tears are collected….and stored…Oh, how He loves us…Amen…
God bless you B, for this word, and the clarity and truth it carried….
Sending you and yours some love and prayers from across the pond…x xxx
I can't help but wonder what went through the minds of this women. If it were me I would have been stopped in my tracks. I can imagine jesus turning back around and continuing his walk to his death, everything coming back to life around them as they stood still and unsure of what to think or do as he left them. At least that's how I would have responded in that situation. It says later in v49 that they were there at the hour of his death watching from a distance.
Amen. Love this reminder.
Today’s devotional and scriptures filled me with a sense of resting in God’s sovereignty for all the little things that keep is up at night and fill us with fear. Psalm 56:8- I never realized that God keeps a count of our “tossings”, and how beautiful and comforting that he sees and “bottles” our tears.
The Lord is so much more intimately acquainted with my life than I think he is day by day. I live like he’s in charge of the big things, but I am in charge of the little things, which obviously means I worry a lot! So glad for a chance to sit quietly in his Presence this morning and peacefully give over my many worries to him!
I'm still in awe of the imagery in Psalm 56 too, Abby! What a good father He is! Thanks for joining us today!
Sorry Sisters, it's back to that hymn again…..When I survey the wonderous Cross…..The line..'… Did e'rr such love and sorrow meet….' came to mind, as I read through this study… Ah, my heart hurts….for this love that I walk away from prequently, that I keep losing Faith or trust in, this amazing, profound LOVE that stopped…that stopped, whilst in the midst of things unthinkable, beatings, torture, accusations…escorted to His execution, to comfort the cause, daughters of Jerusalem/me/us/, the reason for this happening……'Did er'r such love and sorrow meet…', and yet here we are, proof, in our bible reading today…and any day for that matter, love so amazing, so divine…
I have no choice but to stop..
.Selah ..
Lord, if I take away nothing else today from this study, please please please, press into my heart, my soul…the knowledge that Your LOVE for me goes beyond the pain of the Cross, that although my heart hurts, breaks to think and know this, this was the only way for my freedom, my redemption, my salvation… You were prepared to do this for me..me …and if that wasn't enough for this heart to find HOPE in…the tears I shed, in knowing my sin and what I have done have been bought by you and your sacrifices, are collected in your bottles….I am not worthy, yet you Lord..yet you Lord…think me so…
Lord, whatever I do, whatever I say, will not be enough to say thank you…but with all that I am..Lord, I will start here in my small way…Thank you Lord God…Thank you..Thank you..
Love so amazing, so divine..demands my soul, my life, my all…Amen….
Happy Monday…Love to all…xxxx
Just thought I should share these heart piercing words…again..
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
Save in the death of Christ my God!
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.
See from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
I struggle. Really struggle with trusting. Sometimes it paralyzes my life, and my happiness that surely comes from the many blessings God has bestowed upon me. Reading this, and praying fervently about it, I've come to the realization that the only one I NEED to trust, is God. This study and today specifically lets me know He is listening. Because we all know how this story will end. We painfully mourn it for fourth days every year. But we TRUST. We TRUST that Jesus will rise from the dead and eternally sit at the right hand of the father, forgiving our sins and loving us just as he showed these women. Amen, and Lord, thank you for loving me.
Oh Jenna – Lack of trust can be so paralyzing. I know, I've encountered it a couple ways in my life, but I am so thankful for you in that God revealed to you today that He is the only one you need to trust. That is pivotal. You can't control the people in your life, the circumstances or results, but take heart in that God has good plans for you and no matter what the results on this great earth are, He knows your heart and has your needs in mind. ~ B
Jenna – I too used to struggle with trusting – making me feel isolated and alone. But you are NOT alone! Praying you will trust in all God’s ways and that you will trust in his plan to help you through this process. Admitting it is a struggle is a huge step in the right direction. Vunerability is tough!
Jesus doesn’t just see our pain, our struggles,our worries and fears, our tears – He KNOW them intimatlely. He keeps track of each one. Keeps a record of them. Collects and holds onto each one. He is right there beside us. Taking them from us. Bearing the weight of them for us.
Oh how I need to remember this always!
So beyond needed in the midst of tears and pain, He is always right on time
Prayers for you this morning Taylor
Thank you!
He is! Praying for you today, sister. Asking The Lord to wrap you in His peace today.
Also praying for you Taylor! <3
Weep for yourselves…I am intrigued by the last statement in Luke where Jesus says, "If they do these things to a green tree, what shall be done to the dry?" Or some commentaries say it as "If such sufferings alight upon the innocent One, the very Lamb of God, what must be in store for those who are provoking the flames?" Or, for those of us (me!) who need it even simpler… "What is happening to me now is nothing compared to what is going to happen to these people!"
But even that was not His primary focus. His focus was those that were following, those that were hurting to see Him hurt and those that He was about to give His life for. Yet, He died for the provokers and the tormentors too!
The thief on the cross would see Him in paradise.
The centurion soldier recognized Him as the Son of God.
Pilate could find no fault in Him. (and his wife begged for him to spare His life!)
He acknowledged the pain of others when His was at its greatest and most intense. He looked beyond the cross and saw you and me.
Loving this Holy Week. Hosanna! http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2014/04/13/hosann…