This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll continue looking at the genres of Major and Minor Prophets.
What Is Daniel? The book of Daniel records events in Daniel’s life during his captivity as an exile in Babylon. It also includes prophecies of events that took place in between the Old and the New Testaments, as well as events that are still to come at Jesus’s return.
How Daniel Fits Into the Story: The book of Daniel teaches us that the God of Israel is sovereign over the universe. Even when wicked empires have extensive reign, or we face severe personal trials, the prophet’s words remind us that the Lord has authority and rule over all the kingdoms of the earth.
Reflection Questions:
1. How was God’s judgment on Nebuchadnezzar an act of mercy?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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44 thoughts on "Daniel"
Thank you @Sharon, Jersey Girl and Victoria E! Your perspective on the Revelation tie in helped.
I am soooo far behind. It’s not even close to funny! I was encouraged by an email with a YouTube video of Rachael that was aimed at those who have fallen behind. (I am sure there is an algorithm somewhere that shows I have not opened my app, and I was on a “list” of some sort. But that’s ok!… I’m here!) But anyways, I was comforted and encouraged to be here with you today. How I have missed my SRT sisters. (I know you’ve always been here!)
And on another note… I think it’s kinda funny that verse 34 says “my sanity returned to me”!
Ashley, I’m reading this great book called The tongue a creative force. Everything god did he spoke 1st. We can speak gods word into our lives. Repeat his promises into your life. You can pick your own but here are a few. The lord will perfect that which concerneth me psalm 138:8 The joy of the lord is my strength. The lord is the strength of my life. Nehemiah 8:10, psalm 27:1. Let his word strengthen and comfort you. God bless.
I feel like this is a point that is hammered home a lot; the need for us to turn back to God and realize that all our possessions an be easily taken away. That we should steep ourselves in the presence of the Lord. To Glorify Him and the gifts He gives us during our time here. Whether they are big or small. That things can change instantly. That ultimately we are not ever away from His presence and when we acknowledge what we’ve done wrong and make the necessary changes that He wants for us, we can be better people to Him, our neighbors, and ourselves. His wrath is timely/just, but His everlasting grace toward a people who constantly waver in the presence of his spirit is unquestionable and exceedingly bountiful. I’m wishing this for myself right now. That I remember this underlying theme. Wishing so much love to everyone!
Hey Ashley, I’ve dealt with some similar situations and those feelings of hopelessness and loneliness too so I think I understand how you feel. Know that you have this community to lean on and that I will definitely be praying for you!!
I love that God blessed Nebuchadnezzar after he repented. God didn’t have to do that, but he did it anyway because he loves to bless his creation.
Hi ladies. I would really appreciate prayers. I’m struggling with my mental health and feeling a bit hopeless. Going through a tough breakup and feeling like I don’t have much community to lean on. Someone is also attacking my performance at work. Feeling very lonely in general, but I know God has it all handled. Thank you ❤️
CARLEIGH – Wow! This is truly a powerful message! I love that you highlight God’s ability to humble the most powerful earthly ruler. It truly makes me want to pray for God to humble me just as much.
Sarah D. I am so proud of you for taking A stand on your beliefs. I only wish that more young ladies would think the way you do. Christ should be the most important in any relationship.
It should never be any less than that. One thing I’ve heard and pass it along to my own children and other young ladies is there is no such thing as Missionary Dating. It gives me great joy that you have a great head on your shoulders and Christ is the center of it all. You keep waiting for that man of God that I’m sure our God already has for you.
Loved Psalm 145:13. It spoke to me today. The weather here in Kansas City has been rainy and dreary for the last few days. They are calling for flash flooding. Please pray for me, when it is like this my depression gets worse because it was d/t flooding my oldest son lost his life. I will turn it all over to the Lord.
Father help me and all my sisters who are struggling today. You know who they are and why they are struggling. Help us to remember You will carry our burdens. Amen.
Be blessed sisters.
Dorothy I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been. I will pray for you during this time. God sees you and loves you
1. Wow! The story of God’s mercy on Nebuchadnezzar was amazing. I think there is so much to unpack about King Nebuchadnezzar at this time to truly understand how great God’s mercy was. The first thing that is so important to remember is that King Nebuchadnezzar was a gentile, He was not a Jew. He was king of a kingdom who captured the Israelites out of their promised land. Although Daniel tells to Nebuchadnezzar about how it was God that gave the Israelites over to him, we can assume that Nebuchadnezzar didn’t act in obedience to God but out of selfish power. Second, I looked up King Nebuchadnezzar on the great Google (just because I wanted to see a secular account of him) and the first phrase I saw of him was that he was the most powerful earthly ruler of his time. Can you blame him for being so prideful? I cannot say that I wouldn’t be prideful either; but the Lord has (and always has had) sovereignty over this whole Earth and He humbled the most powerful earthly ruler (who was not a Jew) to the point where he was singing praises to the Most High. Wow!! Are we praying for God to humble us as much as he did Nebuchadnezzar?
2. In today’s reading we get glimpses of heaven talked about by Nebuchadnezzar. But another way that we see the story of redemption is by seeing that God is in the humbling business. He can make the most powerful earthly king get down on his knees and praise him. He can take a man like Nebuchadnezzar and change him. That same King has promised a renewed life to you and I. We serve a powerful and loving God!!
ARINA thank you for your words today!
Hi SRT fam, well tiny update on the guy I had the date with the other week…we’re meeting up again today, and I’m planning to tell him that I don’t see this going any further than just being friends. Please pray he takes it went and that we can remain friends after. I don’t feel he is fully pursuing Christ, and that is the most important thing to me if/when I get into a relationship. Prayers appreciated, that my words come out in the right way that is kind but honest. Love you all, praying for you guys too!
Sarah D so proud of you!!
RACHEL FROM TEXAS – as hard as it is to do, use this time to rest your body, mind, and spirit. The coming days will be full (as you well know) of things to do! If there are people you know who need encouragement, you could write notes or send cards to them. Even having the time to send texts/emails of encouragement is a blessing for you and would bless others. Praying for you as you wait through these last days and that all goes well through the delivery!
ANGIE your words spoke volumes to me today. Thank you! I pray that I can let go of this world and seek only God’s kingdom. It is hard to walk out into the day and not get caught up and pulled in other directions.
(I have been with SRT since Raechel was writing devotional studies on YouVersion) I almost never post but I do pray over you all and our government here in the US daily as I read your requests and situations. Right now MAURA is heavy on my heart. Today’s scripture reminded me of the 2 or 3 times I have been in a study of Daniel and the impact it should have on us as well as our leaders. We should remember the sovereignty of our Lord over all.
I also would ask that you be in prayer for me and my recovery as I have shoulder surgery on 7/13. 65 see my body crumbing – LOL.
Revelation 11:11 stood out to me this morning- “ a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood” may I be aware of my Abba Fathers presence/breath(I AM) each moment and be able to stand in His strength today and each day!
Dear Sisters, Isn’t God good, when I read about Nebuchadnezzar and the way he glorified himself, God’s punishment of it seems basically becoming a wild animal and then restoration to himself, it so puts things in perspective. That no matter where we are, are we in a mentally unstable place, a pit of addiction, or like Nebuchadnezzar a place where putting self as an idol has brought us low, God can restore that which was lost, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically. He is more than able. It is who He is. Praise God. Praying for you all and all the requests. here, have to go, but know He Loves you, He is with you, and He is listening, He answers, Trust and Know you are not alone, but loved beyond measure by our Almighty God. Thank you Angie, praying the prayer in the end of your comment, may all I am bow before our King. Joy!
I love how God gives every opportunity for us to come to Him. His mercy, His grace is SO abundant! Nebuchadnezzar was a proud man and took all the glory for himself -Isaiah 42:8 says, God will not share His glory with another! Nebuchadnezzar found that out the hard way! But, had it not been for God’s judgement on him, he may never have had a change in his thoughts or in his heart. In the end, he gave all the glory and praise to God, where it should have been all along.
God loved Nebuchadnezzar just as He loves us, and all those He created. His one heart desire is that all those He made would would love and obey Him. He is not willing that any should perish. He loves us that much! “The Lord is good to all and His tender mercies are over all His works, praise His holy name!”
@ Hope – the connection that I see is that in both cases, Daniel 4:34 and Revelation 11:13, after God’s judgement, both Nebuchadnezzar and those who were spared from the earthquake, turned to God and gave Him glory. Judgement then repentance. Also that God alone is King over all and He will reign for ever and ever.
@ Melanie – praying that God will ease your pain as you await surgery, that you will hear back soon for the date, wisdom for the doctors, and God’s healing hand upon you.
Blessed Wednesday to you all, my SRT sisters!
Dear ERB, Wow, so good your words this morning. I love your insight into the ending of 49. The hard things in the old testament have always been the destruction and death, but as I have grown in my faith and made my dwelling place more in Him and the Word of God over the years I have realized that God is a Holy God and in Christ we see His merciful and beautiful sacrifices that we might have salvation and His faithfulness to us over and over even as His people have turned away again and again. So I am saving your comment in my notes. So GOOD. How wonderful it is to read what God gives in His Word to others, and the fellowship and strength we find here. What else can I say about Isaiah 49, Praise God that He gave so much prophecy to Isaiah about Jesus. This chapter shows so many things. from gathering Israel to Himself to being a light for the Gentiles, to bringing salvation to the ends of the earth, to being a Covenant to the people, (Praise God Jesus is our covenant, what mercy is this) to set the captives free, to all that He does for us – satisfies our hunger and thirst, has compassion and guides us, leads us beside springs of water, makes these mountains into roads, comforts us, never forgets us, carves us into the palms of His hands, restores relationships, contends with those who contend with us, saves our children, destroys oppressors – that we may know He is our Savior, Redeemer, The Mighty God of Jacob. This and so much more is revealed in Isaiah 49. Thank you for staying here a while with me ERB. We can mosey on into chapter 50 tomorrow. What a gift. Praying your day is overflowing in Jesus Love! Got to see my granddaughters last night, it was so much joy for my soul. So thankful!!
been quiet in the comments but I’ve been here!! Would love prayer as I’m 39.5 weeks pregnant with my second girl – had plenty of signs of early labor for 2 weeks now but nothing officially started & im just so ready, already tired because I’m limited physically in what I can do. My last day of work was last week so I have nearly NOTHING to do & that’s tough for someone like me who loves to DO things!
Also, thank you all for showing up everyday & commenting – helps my brain to process what I’m reading even if I cannot! You are spurring on other believers in the body and it’s beautiful to be apart of even in this season where I am lacking mentally and physically. May He bless you today in mercy & grace!
VICTORIA – Praying God’s will and preparedness for your bodies as the invitro is done. I have two friends that the invitro worked for their first child, and then they had pleasant surprises as future babies were conceived without the invitro. I also have a friend who was not able to have a baby. (I don’t know if they tried invitro.) I do believe it was by God’s plan they do not have children of their own, for that beautiful lady is a joy, and strong godly presence, in not only her family’s lives as a beloved aunt, but also in the lives of so many other families. I share that to say as I pray and lift you up I lay you and your life in the hands of the Creator God.
KARRIE – I have been praying for your return to work and the additional stresses regarding the separation and your children’s heartache.
RHONDA J – Yes! Trusting trials for good to glorify God – so much the desire of our hearts. Also praying for Anniston’s pregnancy and the decisions she will be making.
JACQUI – Trusting God’s heart for you in prayer.
MELANIE – May the right surgeon have the guiding hand of God upon him/her and may God’s healing power be upon you. May your body be able to find rest, in Jesus name.
STRUGGLING – to the person who initially cried out for prayer I pray that you will receive a new name by the power of Jesus Christ. To each of us that face times of struggling, (and we all do) may our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits be renewed by the power of our LORD and Savior and may the Light, glory, and praise shine upon Him and no one else. May the struggles make us better warriors in the kingdom of God. May the sword of His Word cut away the pain and leave us better equipped for to step forward in the power of our God, under the protection of His faithfulness as our shield, for He is Almighty! Amen.
Angie thank you for your prayers!
Today’s reading is a comforting reminder of the True King of our nation. And one day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that He is Lord. Amen!
The two main “men” in the book of Daniel are so different.
God gave a pagan king, NEBUCHADNEZZAR, power, strength, influence, wealth and sovereignty. In a dream Daniel would later interpret, Nebuchadnezzar was the gold head, the top, the strongest. This king witnessed time and again the power of Yahweh, the only true God, and at times required respect be given Him. Those times made me think…maybe he was getting it, except, when faced with the choice of who sat on the “throne” of his heart and kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar did not abdicate his throne to God. His pride would seep in as he held tightly to the glory that should not have ever been his. Until of course our God decided to show him just who really was in charge. How merciful and gracious of our God to allow him to basically become like an animal for a time, losing all his “glory,” (for a time), and then restore him when Nebuchadnezzar recognized where the true glory belonged.
Taken captive by the enemy as a child, DANIEL (our 2nd person) was trained and grew up in a pagan culture. Yet, he (& some of his friends) remained faithful to the God they learned about as a child, the God whom they trusted more than all they could see around them. Think about it, they grew up in affluence, the richest foods available to them, the highest education, advisors to the king. Many times challenges were brought before Daniel and his friends, (to eat the “king’s food”, to interpret dreams, read the writing on the wall, bow to an idol, and even forbidden to pray to God), every time they chose to trust their God and not what was around them. God’s answers and power that lived in their lives was noticed by the kings and could have brought them power, respect, & lots of stuff. Instead, they chose (it is documented mostly from Daniel’s life) time and again to remain humble, open-handedly laying ALL the glory before God.
The throne of earthly power transferred to leader after leader in Daniel’s lifetime. Some were worse, some were better, but always, Daniel remained faithful to the only One who sat on the throne of his life, Yahweh, the One True God.
I am weepy and broken as the Holy Spirit brings this on my heart. I recognize my tendency to climb onto the throne of my heart and try to “share a part of the seat,” instead of remaining worshipfully at His feet or held lovingly in His arms. Even in the living out of the minutes of my day, so often I allow the pressures of this culture to ware me down and I end up spending time on those things that do not matter instead of the eternal. Asking for Christ to redeem the Nebuchadnezzar in me, I long to be a Daniel. Thank you Father for your love, mercy, grace, forgiveness and presence that never leaves us where we are but lovingly guides us closer to your heart moment by moment as we bow before Your throne. May ALL the glory, honor, and praise be Yours alone. Raise up an army of “Daniels” for your kingdom LORD I pray. Amen and amen.
Good Morning MAURA! I read your comment from yesterday… when you talk about being confused with the ending of Isaiah 49.. I am assuming you’re talking about verse 26 “ I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. Then all mankind will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”
..To be honest when I first read it my spirit REJOICED!!! To me, it was symbolic, and it is all about FREEDOM!!! …as I re-read it, and looked up different commentaries on this verse, I got the same sort of feedback, that this verse IS symbolic. I can definitely see where you’re coming from…the people’s own sin devouring them..which I think is true and it does happen, but for me, what I see happening here when it talks about “oppressors eating their own flesh” is the utter COLLAPSE of the SELF-DESTRUCTIVE struggles of those who oppress the God of Jacob!! God is DECLARING who He is here!! The One and ONLY Savior and Redeemer!!! In battle, you don’t look for mercy for those who are trying to kill you, you look for PROTECTION from those who are trying to kill you!! And this is what I believe God is saying in this verse… HE is our Deliverer, our Protector, our Savior!! HE is providing a way of FREEDOM for us, for His people!!
…I also took this away as well: “eating” away fleshly desires and “getting drunk” on them, might be a symbolic way of realizing the extremely powerful hold our flesh and sin have!! The more we take part, the more we become consumed… and through this consumption we can realize our utter and complete need of a Savior & Redeemer, or we cannot.. it’s a sobering thing!!
…another way you could look at this verse: your “flesh” is getting stripped away, so you have nothing left, except to turn to God.
Honestly there are so many ways this verse can be interpreted and looked at.. asking God to reveal what He wants you to receive from it is probably the MOST important and impactful thing you can do!! Hope these thoughts/perspectives help give you some clarity though..
I do think, that it’s important to note & state that God DESIRES that none should perish (He has GREAT mercy) but He WILL destroy if necessary (as we’ve seen countless times throughout scripture and through reading Isaiah as well) …God always gives us a choice: to follow Him, or to turn our backs on Him, there is no inbetween (very sobering)!! He looks for TEACHABLE hearts, not stubborn and stiff-necked ones… anyways.. I hope this helps!!
Let me know if you want to continue in Isaiah 49 or if you’d like to move on to 50.. Praying for you dear friend!!! May you have a lovely day!! xoxo
I’m a little confused as to how Revelation 11:11–15 fit with today’s reading. Is it illustrating that Christ’s kingdom will endure forever, while earthly kingdoms will all fade away? Does anyone have any insight or thoughts?
Hope, I believe that the connection is the idea of powerful kingdoms, Nebuchadnezzar was king of the most powerful kingdom of his day but was humbled and the visions Daniel explains are about powerful kingdoms being brought down. Christ’s kingdom is in contrast to these.
1. King Neb had all the power at his fingertips. He was the ruler of the known world, and his will changed anything he desired. For God to put Neb in his proper place required a mighty humbling. Mercifully God restored Neb’s power to him after this time living like an animal. At that time God’s glory is proclaimed by the loudest voice of his time and Neb testifies to God’s greatness. (Amazing story.)
2. We can get lulled into seeing ourselves as self-sufficient in certain seasons where life is going well or even just okay. In the midst of that God in His mercy reminds us that He is all we need. Sometimes it takes a mighty humbling in our lives too. Without God we can have the whole world and yet lose our very souls.
I pray that it doesn’t take me “seven years” to see the error of my ways.
Melanie: Praying for you today and thanking God that he led the doctors to the answers they needed to address your issues. Praying also that God will send you peace and rest, my sister.
Hang in there and have a blessed day!
Lauren, I love your analogy of the spiritual “course correction”! The Holy Spirit is like our GPS leading us toward God’s will for our lives. Our sin can get us off course, but God’s love and mercy reroutes us back to Him! Sometimes we think we know the best way and purposefully go “off course” … BUT GOD! He is always nudging us back to Him! Oh, how many times (and how recently) I’ve seen that in my own life! Praise Him that He never leaves or abandons His children! Psalm 145 was very encouraging to me in my “waiting season” and I hope others who are waiting felt the same comfort! Also random side note when I opened my Bible I first opened to the end of Ezekiel and the very last words of Ezekiel say “THE LORD IS THERE” The Lord is with us no matter what we are going too! Have a blessed Wednesday sisters <3
Nebuchadnezzar needed a spiritual “course correction” in order for his heart to be humbled and turn to the Lord for redemption – the greatest mercy there is! Jesus is our forever course correction, The Father’s most gracious and merciful gift to us. I am so very grateful God’s promises to us are always fulfilled! Psalm 145(b) “The Lord is trustworthy in all his promises and faithful in all he does.”
Sometimes it takes being humbled to know how much we need God and our complete dependency on Him. The Lord gives and takes away. It’s always been a hard one to understand for me. The longer I walk and communicate with the Lord the more complex I find Him to be and the less I feel I know about Him. * on a side note I need prayers for healing. I need sleep which I can’t seem to get even with medication. The doctors found why I am in so much pain just waiting to get into the surgeon. Please pray for my pain and rest
Praying for you Melanie.
1. God’s judgment on Nebuchadnezzar was an act of mercy because it was limited. Neb was restored when he acknowledged God was supreme.
2. This is another picture of my redemption in that once I acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Savior, I too was restored to eternal life. My judgment was poured out on Christ on the cross–God’s greatest act of mercy!
ARINA – so true! Love the reminder “But it changes how we see Him.” God never changes. We walk away or pull away, we come to our senses and seek Him, we distort (or ignore) His Word to suit our sins, and again come to our senses. God never changes, His Word never changes. We can depend on Him and on His Word – when nothing/ no one around us is stable or dependable, He always is.
VICTORIA E – continuing to pray
Praying for others needs/requests also.
OH so often we go the wrong way, get involved in the wrong things, get confused. God allows it and waits without judgement with open arms to welcome us back. Renewed and refreshed to do as He asks.
For this I am so thankful
“But at the end of those days, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven, and my sanity returned to me. Then I praised the Most High and honored and glorified him who lives forever:”
Nebuchadnezzar had to learn to see things in the right perspective. So often I’m afraid of learning to see how things really are. The greatness of my sin, my total dependence on God, etc. But it is grace if we learn to see the truth. That doesn’t change God or how He see us, because He already knows. But it changes how we see Him. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. If we acknowledge that, and His Kingship, we will see ourselves and this world in the right perspective
Oh my, so true ARINA