“Crucify Him!”

Open Your Bible

Luke 23:13-25, Isaiah 53:10-11

Text: Luke 23:13-25, Isaiah 53:10-11

So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah?”
– Matthew 27:17, NIV

Sunday mornings are the living worst at my house. There is no other day of the week that breeds more fighting, resentment, and tears for us. And I don’t mean the children. I am convinced my husband is a tyrant, rushing us all out of the house. I paused my writing just now to ask him to describe me on Sunday mornings. His whiskers bristled and he smiled, “Recalcitrant.” Then I had to get a dictionary, and I found this: “a person with an obstinately uncooperative attitude.” Fine, then, that’s me. We disagree about how to get our family of sixteen (might be just 6) out the door.

The thing is, Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28). It’s His rightful place. Caleb and I are both hugely inconvenienced that we are not lords of the Sabbath. It’s so much easier to make the wrong choices than actually submit my time and my life to Christ. I just like to choose me instead. But who in her right mind would choose someone—anyone—over Jesus?

When Pilate proposes to release Jesus, the people cry out, “Away with this man, and release to us Barabbas!” Who is dirty Barabbas, and why is he even in this narrative?

Ok, so this blows my mind. First, his full name was “Jesus Barabbas.” Pilate is essentially asking the crowd, “Do you want Jesus Barabbas or Jesus, the Son of God?” There is an obvious parallel in the names.

But even more interestingly, the name “Barabbas” in Hebrew is “bar -abba”, or “son of the father.” So the full name of the murderer would have been “Jesus son of the father” (Matthew 27:17 NIV). When juxtaposed with the name of Christ “Jesus Son of the Father”, we can see that Barabbas’ appearance in this story is no accident.

The criminal’s name is an exact mirror of Christ’s name. The people get to make a choice between two “Jesus son of the fathers”—they could chose an innocent man accused of crimes, or a criminal to be released as an innocent man.

It was a clear-cut choice: choose the false man or the true man. Choose the innocent man or the murderer. But the crowd that day chose the wrong Jesus. They chose to call evil good and good evil. They chose Barabbas. It was the ultimate inversion of justice.

Why on earth did they choose Barabbas? It was tradition to let one prisoner go in honor of  Passover, and I reckon it felt pretty generous and righteous to set that prisoner free. And in this case, it seems so forgiving and merciful to let this obvious sinner go. Wildly, this was actually the more comfortable choice. Nevermind that they would all need to hide their wives and kids—they wouldn’t have to change their worldview.

Choosing Barabbas didn’t force the crowd to face their own sin. They could go on living their comfortable lives if they got rid of Jesus. Admitting that Christ is the true Son of God changes everything. It changes how we spend every moment of every day. It feels so much easier to just pat myself on the back and choose Barabbas—”look, I set the prisoner free!”

I’ve got to stop choosing Barabbas! I don’t want to live the false life; I want to stand in the truth! I don’t need to be lord of the sabbath; I acknowledge that Christ is Lord. I choose Him instead of me.

Where in your life do you say, “Give me Barabbas?” Where do we resent Christ’s rightful intrusion into the comfortable areas of our lives?

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115 thoughts on "“Crucify Him!”"

  1. Tyler Manning says:

    Such an insightful and convicting read. Thanks!

  2. Kasey Tuggle says:

    Wow! Such conviction! Lord, please help me choose the right decisions, thoughts, and words. Without you, I can’t. You are always satisfying! Leaning on Christ’s strength!

  3. Jessica says:

    I love everything about this perspective!!!!! God Bless you for sharing !!!

  4. Mrs. Daniels says:

    Stunningly convicting. I don’t want to face my own sin most days. Thank you Lord you are gracious to pursue bringing repentance and healing.

  5. Hayley says:

    So eye opening!! I’m so glad I learned this today about Barabbas. God help me make the right choice daily.

  6. Antonia says:

    Wow. This really spoke to me this morning, I had NO idea that Barabbas’ name meant the same in Hebrew! This post has really opened my eyes to me and a pray to God to help me with the wisdom in need to continually choose the right way, the way of Truth in all my decisions and not to let modern society away me. Stand tall among them and stand strong. Jesus is our Saviour and our Lord and I love him with all my heart!

  7. Kate says:

    This was a brilliant insight :) thanks for being such great devoted followers and strong women of Jesus Christ She Reads Truth! You guys inspire me everyday as a 17 year old dealing with everyday struggles and living to serve God with my life

  8. Lesley says:

    I am so deeply moved and inspired, both by your insights Rebecca, but also by the commitment and devotion I read in all these responses. As a brand new Christian, it is absolutely awe inspiring for me to see what living with the Lord does for people! The desire to be clean, to serve, to live in Love….. This is what he compels us to do!!!
    Not out of fear, or obligation, but out of joy, and Love!!! What a gift we are given!!!
    Thank you Lord for your unending mercy and grace… Bless this dear community of women, and support each of us to keep coming home to you, over and over.
    Remind us that in each moment, you are there, offering your mercies, your forgiveness, your love, if we but choose to accept it. Thank you Lord.I know in the next moment I may forget,but in this moment, Jesus, I choose You.

    1. Mandy says:

      Lesley, it brings me joy seeing a glimpse of your new heart and reading your prayer to your new Father :) it’s so amazing to me how God takes us, dead in our sins and gives us new life, a new heart, and new desires for Him. I’m so glad to know you’re a part of His family now and being led by Him :) hallelujah

  9. Amy says:

    How interesting about the name of Barabbas! Choosing Barabbas is definitely so much easier and less painful. We ‘feel’ good about it, but could be so much better if we only choose Jesus EVERY time. Convicted and thankful!

  10. Sarah says:

    They chose comfort over truth. How often do I do that? God’s way isn’t all sunshine & roses. It’s challenging and forces me to examine my life & heart. But this way leads to healing & soul satisfaction instead of ignorant bliss.

  11. Lisa says:

    I am completely and utterly amazed at the fact that no matter how many times you revisit the same scriptures, each time you walk away with more revelation than the time beforehand. And I am even more thankful and humbled that he has given us teachers that impart knowledge to help us better understand the history of scriptures.

    This has blessed me so!

  12. teamshapeher says:

    "Who in their right mind would choose someone over Jesus?"

    I read that and heard the Holy Spirit's conviction tell me that I do all the time. Those times when I choose something or someone over Jesus is no different than them choosing Barabbas over Jesus.

    Whew – that got me.

  13. Ruth Rosa says:

    I'm one day behind (oops) but man, Rebecca you nailed this one! Thank you for the insight on Barabbas' name— so often we make the comfortable choice over Jesus-The Son of God- which is the right choice every, single, time!

  14. Kathy W says:

    Me too, never knew that about his name. Fascinating! And how we ourselves can choose barabbas, wow…convicting. Good stuff!!

  15. LindsayBehr says:

    Wow! I've been a Christian since I was 3 or 4, and been at church every Easter Sunday, and I have never heard the comparison of their names! I feel like I've had a revelation! Thank you so much for the insight!

  16. Jenise says:

    This was a great message! Semantics gets us in trouble everytime!!!!

  17. thekholtz says:

    Such a convicting devotional! "Choosing Barabbas didn’t force the crowd to face their own sin. They could go on living their comfortable lives if they got rid of Jesus." All too often have I justified my sinful actions or just tried to push the thoughts of God & my convictions to the back of my head when I know I've done something I am ashamed of. But even if I can seem to "live comfortably" for a few weeks or months, I still somehow always end up back reading my Bible because my burdens get so heavy after a while. I realize after a while the life I'm living is not okay and I need help.

    1. Shelley Whitlow says:


  18. Dani says:

    This is one of the best posts, ever. Definitely hit me hard and good.

    1. Whitley says:

      I agree, Dani! It gave me lots to think about.

    2. Shobi Lamb says:

      I agree with Dani!!! Oh my gosh… Today’s reading is so powerful!

  19. Margret says:

    "How marvelous, how wonderful – is my Savior's love for me!" Just feeling so overwhelmed by the greatness of our God! He CHOSE us!! He went to the cross for us; I cannot comprehend His love, and I pray that it continues to astound me, day after day! After yesterday's devotion, too – so blown away, that "Jesus had every right, every opportunity, and, obviously, full capability to protest. And yet, he didn't." & "He let go of standing up for the principle of matter by standing up for those that principally matter to Him. You. Me." This love sets such fire in my heart. I know full well I sin every day, but oh, to strive for choosing Him every day instead of choosing Barabbas. How can we not?! This is not my life – it's His. God, let my life be a living sacrifice to You. Use me for Your purposes and let it all be for Your Glory! Forever thankful for the deepest love and the greatest gift I will ever receive. I love you Lord!! Praise be to Him!

  20. Logan says:

    It's so amazing to me how much more meaning the Bible has in its "native language." The words have so much more meaning and depth and once again opens my eyes to the complexity and mercy that is God. My husband is studying through Genesis and in one of the genealogies he found the Hebrew names for all the people and he found that the genealogy from Cain maps out the Gospel story. His mind was blown and so was mine when he told me. God places the Gospel EVERYWHERE, even in the genealogies (that we usually skip in our reading). Findings like this make me want to search the Bible even more.

    1. Missy says:

      Wait, can you explain that? I just looked up the geneology of Cain and can´t find a connection. Teach us! :)

    2. Heather says:

      I’m convinced that we could study the Bible our entire lives and still not know everything there is to know. But that is how AWESOME our God is!!!

  21. Juli Anna says:

    This is incredible! I love the way you worded the devotion! These last few days I’ve been reading the passage in John that we read yesterday it is hitting me. The selfcontrole that Jesus has in Unfathomable. He knows what God’s will is, and He gets it done. He knows what awaits Him at the cross, yet he allows His trials to pass without a foul word or statement against anyone.
    My week has been crazy. It’s very easy as you said to choose anything but Jesus. However, anything but Him is a waist. Jesus roots for us, waiting for us to come to Him. It delights Him when we take time to spend with Him.

  22. Kendall_S says:

    i need to stop choosing Barabbas……

    convicted and remorseful…..

    thankful for repentance and hopeful

  23. Angela says:

    I found myself awake last night. Again. Insomnia and migraines are my companions, oftentimes. And I was thinking about this very thing. What are the places in my life where I choose to not allow my love for Chris to lead, the places where I do not allow the Holy Spirit to use His power? The one that always comes to mind is how I treat my children…the way I speak to them, the tone I use, the impatience I display, the lack of eye contact, the yelling. These are sweet little children, children who belong to Christ, children he has placed in my care, and I fail every day to show them gentleness, compassion, patience, joy. This area of sin is not a surprise to me…I've seen it for a long time, I've prayed about it, I've confessed, I've apolgized, made promises. And here we are again. Christ offering His life for me, and me failing to choose Him. I don't know what the answer is. I continue to pray. But the moments happen before I have a chance to think, and before I know it, I've fallen again. I'm resolving once more to love my children better, to listen better, to let the Holy Spirit control my mind and mouth…pray for me.

    1. Katherine says:

      Angela, I’m right with you! Your words seemed to come from my own mind. God has been pressing on me in this area. And I’m pressing back. And the battle rages on. I sought out Jesus’ response to the struggle Paul endured, after repeatedly asking the Father to take it away. He said, “my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 cor 12:9) Paul’s example of struggling with sin is so powerful to me, because I feel that tension so acutely. ” I do what I do not want to do!” I know that exasperation. But Jesus says that it’s our weakness, it’s the very fact that we struggle with sin, that proves his power. To us, to our children. When I repent to my children for yelling at them and tell them that it’s sin and that I need Jesus to make things right because I can’t do it right…I’ve been an illustration of the gospel to them. And if you are clear with them and you don’t give up the fight, you struggle and strain In front of them, they will know how to do it for themselves as they, too, will need to fight the good fight. “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call if God in Christ Jesus.” (phil 3:14 – read that whole chapter and be encouraged!)
      I’m praying for you today and we are in this together!

      1. Angela says:

        Katherine, thank you so much for your response. I'm going to read and party over those passages. I'm so encouraged to know im not alone. And I love your name…Catherine is my daughter's name;)

  24. Sonja Cox says:

    Amazing Love!! Such a picture releasing Barabbas represents all of us and how we’ve been set free as criminals who should die & yet we’ve been given LIFE in CHRIST!

  25. Kerry says:

    Barabbas looked more like their concept of Messiah than the true Jesus Son of God did. Irony! That was their truth that day just like we have the choice to accept and live out truth or choose the false idols. Good reminders, great verses.

  26. Jmamab_fly says:

    Very powerful! I release Barabbas each time I don’t submit my sin to the scrutiny of God’s truth & grace. It’s woefully shocking to realize that I am ultimately calling evil good and pervert His justice.

  27. Karly says:

    I have never thought much about how Barabbas affects this story, so this morning I was blown away. I think it is also a beautiful insight to how Christ died so that we (sinful people who deserve death) could be set free. WE ARE BARABBAS. We deserve the death that Jesus paid, but by His blood we are free from what we deserve and can live.

  28. Kelcie says:

    This was amazing. What an insightful way to look at this passage of scripture. I never knew that about Barabbas' name either.

    "And in this case, it seems so forgiving and merciful to let this obvious sinner go. Wildly, this was actually the more comfortable choice. Nevermind that they would all need to hide their wives and kids—they wouldn’t have to change their worldview."

    May we elevate Jesus to his rightful place in our lives and stop putting even our "good works" above him.

  29. Susanna Stoltzfus says:

    It’s easy for me to look at a story like this one and criticize because the Jews chose a lie instead of the Truth. Yet, I do the same thing repeatedly in my life. May we always choose the Truth, Jesus Christ! Good words today.

  30. Sarah says:

    This is incredible to me. It is the perfect picture of the choice we are offered each day. To choose Jesus, Son of God, a man without guilt or blame, we would have to face our sin, change our ways, give up ourselves, and live for something greater. To choose Barabbas, son of the prince of darkness, a child of wrath and sin, we can give in to the temptations of the evil one, have a lesser fight in the here and now, yet face the kind of consequences a man like Barabbas brings, death and destruction, later on. So the question is, which man will we choose? May we not live according to the flesh but walk in the Spirit! May we be the kind of Christ-followers that lay ourselves down and CHOOSE CHRIST.

  31. SusieT says:

    Yet again today – another wonderful post! Isn't is absolutely amazing how even every little detail of the Scriptures comes together to hold meaning?! That, of all the people then in Jerusalem's jails, the crowd would exuberantly demand an inmate – a convicted murderer – by the name of Jesus Barabbas! Thank you for pointing out that his name, translated into English, is 'Son of the Father'. And then there is Jesus, the Son of the Father: What a contrast….
    There's another interesting angle: Jesus commonly referred to Himself as the 'Son of Man'. Taking this name into account, we have the innocent Jesus, in his humility – Son of Man – taking the place of the prisoner 'Son of the Father'. Indeed, in what appears the most terrible injustice, the guilty Jesus is set free. …And, yet, we are each children of the Father – and this Heavenly Father loves each human being He has created and has provided for them a way out of sin's prison. Once again, it is through Jesus Christ.
    Barabbas was simply the first to walk through the Door to freedom….

  32. tracy says:

    This devotion today has blown me away. Several things struck me…..Pilate spoke to the crowd for the third time and Jesus rose on the third day. Also Barabbas was set free so Jesus could be crucified. He sacrificed himself to set Barabbas free before he even went to the cross. He died for his sins as well as mine….wow!! The whole history behind the name of Barabbas is incredible too!! Allow me to be a living example of John 3:30…..He must become greater and I must become less. Praise God!!!

  33. ShannonNichole says:

    And even though Jesus was expecting the response, I always picture him in this moment. Head bowed, with the hatred of the crowd washing over him. Truly, like a lamb to the slaughter. Thank you God for a Christ who took the abuse we doled out so readily, and walked the road to Calvary.

  34. Incredible! I love learning more as scripture unfolds. Thank you for sharing this. Scripture and God’s ways are so rich with details.

  35. Emilee says:

    So interesting! I did not know the details behind Barabbas’s name. Wow. What an amazing selfless God we serve!

  36. Bethany says:

    The details of this story are amazing!! It is a crazy thing to think what would have happened if Jesus was set free that day. Thankfully God had a much bigger and better plan! Just like he does for each and every one of our days!! Thank The Lord!!

  37. tina says:

    I choose Jesus…I choose Jesus…
    I choose Jesus…
    I choose Jesus…


    Has not always been the case…if I'm honest it probably has not ever been the case….I may have convinced myself that I was choosing my Jesus, my Saviour, but actually , what I was and have been doing was/is choosing the fake, the false, the imitation…forgive me Lord, ah, forgive me…

    Ah, convicted of how false I have been in my walk, how I have justified certain actions with…I was lead by Jesus, or it is for the Kingdom, when in fact it was for my kingdom, my gain..me..me ..me..forgive me Lord…forgive me…
    Lord I pray my eyes are open now to the imitation out there, the fake, or the false…that I am grounded in YOU enough to know the difference…help me Lord, guide me Lord, teach and show me the way I should go….in your most precious and life giving name, Jesus I pray….Amen….x

    What a conviction and eye opener today….praying we check the 'credential' before we do what we say we are doing in the Lord's name…
    Love you guys..and thank you so much for this study Rebecca….xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  38. Rhonda Barnhouse says:

    The parallels between “The Son of God” and “son of the Father” . Wow! God is completely in control of EVERY detail!!! Mind blown!

  39. Claudia says:

    Can you imagine what it would be like if they had chosen Christ Jesus over Barabbas? Would we even be alive today? So thankful for them choosing Barabbas on this day, so Jesus could die for our sins, that we may have repentance. Blessed be to God!

    1. Susie T says:

      Yes! …And I wonder, too, how Barabbas chose to live out the rest of his life? Was he a changed man?

      1. Claudia says:

        That would be an interesting biography to read!

  40. Jenny says:

    Does anyone else find it hardest to choose Jesus in the face of those closest to us? I always seem to choose Barabas. I allow so much of what my family does, or doesn’t do, to have a negative impact on my decisions. So frustrating!

    1. Bonnie says:

      Yes! I was just thinking of how easy it is to show my faith to a total stranger. But my family who I love dearly? So, so hard.

      Fantastic read today.

  41. Pam says:

    The Word of God becomes clearer as I have this study an this group to share so much. This section hits home more to me learning the information on names. Thank you, I choose Jesus!

  42. Nancy says:

    Wow!!!! Today’s readings and devotional have rocked me to the core Rebecca. I think this is my favorite ever. I constantly choose Barabbas…. I constantly chose myself…. Thank you sweet friend for your honesty. I want to choose HIM every day.

  43. Melody says:

    I choose stinky sinful Barabbas all. the. time. It's easier. It's comfortable. I don't have to think when I choose Barabbas- when I choose to ignore someone in need of help because it's too hard to help them, when I choose to withhold grace and/or mercy to someone because I don't think they deserve it, when I choose to throw myself a pity party for myself because I think I've been wronged, when I choose to tell a white lie to myself or to someone else because it's easier than just admitting the truth. Thank you for sharing this truth today. May I be conscientious of the times when I am tempted to choose Barabbas and may I choose Christ instead.

  44. Laresa says:

    I can tell from scrolling through the comments that I am not the only one who didn't know this about Barabbas. How interesting, Rebecca! It is so amazing how God fit every little piece of history and the Bible together to mean something so significant. It truly is the Living Word.

  45. Gayle says:

    How often do I choose Barabbas over Jesus? Wow, this really hit me today. I choose Jesus today.

  46. Erin says:

    Wow that is so interesting that both has the same name. Very deep and eye-opening. Thank you so much

  47. ~ B ~ says:

    Loved this post. Choosing Barabbas is a struggle we don't even realize we are waging. It's not just in the larger problematic areas, it is also in the daily choosing of joy or trust. Even in my day today, it'll be a fight in my heart. We've been saving and scrimping and planning for this day for what feels like forever. We remain in a season, which also feels like an eternity, where we know the fruits will one day come, we just aren't reaping the rewards now, if you get my drift. In other words, we don't have a money tree in the backyard, haven't ever and a great many stories of our testimonies are in God's persistant coming through in our hours of great need. God provided an opp for our eldest to head to Europe. We knew the trip would help position her in His will for her life as she plans for her future career and after prayer were dedicated to, with God's help, sacrifice and make it happen. She's been through a lot in life and we felt this was a beautiful reward for her sweet spirit. She even said recently "Mom, I KNOW I'll experience God in this". Today, she embarks on that trip. She will be walking into a plane bound for Spain today (and in a couple days a train to France) and I'll be conducting a conflict in my mind over worry, fear, trepidation. So many thoughts swirling; will she have enough money, will WE have enough money – while we eat beans & rice for the week (ok dramatic), will she arrive safely, will she be well, what if she loses her card, passport, and oh, yeah, the plane crash the other day, with kids on board…….NOT HELPING! Those families, those lives, UGH! Oh my gosh, it's begun…..but even in my wrestling today I need to remember that I am choosing Jesus. I am choosing Jesus. In fact, as worry sets in and fear over the next 10 days tries to overwhelm, I need to just say those words to invoke the peace I need. I need to remember my Savior standing before a crowd, before *me*, hearing the chanting – "Free Barabbas" and I want to retrieve in tears and pain over my decisions to constantly choose wrong, to crucify Him in MY sin, my fear, my hate, my lack of faith. Today I don't want to succumb to emotions that overwhelm, I want to shout over the others, from the rooftop of my heart …. "I CHOOSE JESUS" …… My daily choice need always only be "I choose Jesus". ~ B

    1. Beth says:

      Praying for safe travels and open eyes/heart for your daughter and peace for you until she comes home. Hope she has a great trip full of wonder and memories!

      1. ~ B ~ says:

        Thank you so much Beth. I can hear that God is already revealing so much to her even just via her texts as she's just landed on her layover. I can't wait to hear more. I am always praying for you friend! I hope today finds you with ferver and peace. Prayerful for your healing and wellness! ~ B

    2. tina says:

      B, will hold your sweet girl in prayer…and pray Peace over you…I know that you trust God, and your beautiful words echo that, but the Good Book tells us ..if two or more are gathered…He will be there…so let, no, allow me to be your bridge, your prayer partner these next 10 days, until your young one returns, full of her experience and amazing communion with God…Feeling your worry, and sending you a hug and biggest love…Tina…xxx

      1. ~ B ~ says:

        Thank you thank you thank you! I am happy to have a ton of people prayerful over her! The happy I feel for her is overwhelming, but I know you know the worry, so I am so thankful for your thoughts and prayers my wonderful friend! ~ B

    3. Melinda says:

      Right there with you, B. My daughter is in her second year in the Middle East ministering to Muslim students and spreading the Gospel. The Lord is protecting she and the team as He will be with me when I go visit her for ten days next month. BY MYSELF! I was petrified with fear, having never traveled alone. But I’ve been prayed over and blessed with the Holy Spirit’s peace! I choose Jesus. I choose Jesus. I choose Jesus. He’s my rock and comforter. I can’t wait to see His and my daughter’s beautiful faces:)

      1. ~ B ~ says:

        Whoa! I can only imagine the elevated nerves you must wrestle with while she is there….but what a wonderful mission. How awesome that you will be going soon too. I would be ecstatic! I will remember to be prayerful over your trip in April….you will have such a great time! ~ B

    4. Katie_K says:

      The picture of Jesus standing there hearing everyone say "Free Barabbas" really hit me in what you wrote. I don't know why I've never thought about that before, but the heartache in Him hearing those words from the crowds feels so real to me right now I was left in tears…. May we always choose Jesus over all others.

      I will pray for your daughter and your heart while she is over there :)

      1. ~ B ~ says:

        The very scene has kind of stuck with me since we studied John 19 weeks ago. It's painful to consider that I would have been one screaming for His crucifixion. Very prayerful that I choose Jesus. And thank you for your prayers Katie ……. I will take them for her. You are often on my heart, hope all is well your way! ~ B

  48. Waveney says:

    Wow..this is deep, choosing Barabbas…how many times have we done this daily. Thank you for opening our Spiritual eyes to this truth.

  49. Michelle Humbert says:

    Wow!Those two texts together are so convicting!jesus is my guilt offering.I am Barrabus,guillty but Set Free!Jesusnis innocent,I am Guilty..Jesus died.I am set free!
    thank you Jesus for setting me free when like Barrabus I am the guilty one!

  50. Brandi says:

    Wow! Right to the heart! Father help me see clearly the many times I choose Barabbus. I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to choose comfort over life-changing, world-changing, kingdom bringing, mercy showing, discomfort! Empower me today to live, to walk in a your victory! I love You Father and I thank You for speaking and for listening! In the Awesome Name of Jesus I pray.

  51. Kat Mueller says:

    This is so truthful. I feel it can be so much easier to choose Barabbas because if we don’t choose to recognize our sins than we aren’t really doing anything wrong. So often when I am reading I think – how could they do this? I am NOT like them. And then I realize how much I truly do fall short and forget to allow God in to areas of my life. Praying to trust in Jesus with all of my heart. Not just parts of it.

  52. Jill says:

    Thanks for your post! It was great. I have also often heard with regards to this passage that its the first big sign of the gospel. Perfectly holy Jesus gets wrongfully crucified while sinful Barabbas goes free, just like we are set free by Jesus’ death on the cross!!

  53. joanne says:

    Wow. Every Word is God breathed. Thank you, Rebecca.

    1. tina says:


  54. LaurieEW says:

    Rebecca, thank you for this lesson. I have learned so many new things today. Your insight has challenged me to do some deep soul searching.
    Help me Lord to surrender to your will, and not choose my selfish will.

  55. Stephanie says:

    I was just sitting here wondering how anyone could look at the situation between Jesus Barabbas and Jesus the Messiah and choose Barabbas. How could you even look between the two and not want the Messiah? Then I realized this is a decision we make every day –
    "Which do you want, this anger, frustration, jealousy, desire, (insert any other worldly thing here) or Jesus the Messiah?"
    It's sad how often I choose Barabbas.

  56. Karen Sue says:

    Never knew that about the names. I love how every word on the Bible fits together.

  57. KK says:

    Amen sisters! It is no coincidence that after a week of not praying, not reflecting, that THIS writing is the one I come back to. Even though I chose Barrabas for the past week–and you can SEE it and I can FEEL it in the lines of my face–Jesus Son of the Father led me here this morning to ask if I love him. I do! And choosing Him really turns my challenges into joy because when my attitude is new, I KNOW Jesus is present!

  58. Jessica says:

    Thank you for this! This was so powerful and may be my favorite one of this study. I never realized the parallels between Barabbas and Jesus. Thank you for your words and how you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you. I felt conviction of looking into my heart and seeing areas where I am still choosing me over HIM and how I can use sin as security and comfort and still compartmentalize my faith.

  59. Abby says:

    I’m trying to figure out right now if my son has a gluten or dairy allergy and would appreciate prayers for him. It seems like he always has something going on with his health. Last year it was upper respitory issues and this year it’s his tummy. He is a sweet little boy named Isaac!

    1. Chelsea says:


      1. Abby says:

        Thank you so much!

    2. MNmomma (heather) says:

      Lord, be with Isaac and his mommy Abby. Lead them and guide them. Provide direction. Be with them on this path to healing…

      Abby, this is an area I have a TON of experience with. I highly recommend Against All Grain. (Her cookbooks should both be at Costcos right now) .Look at her website (same name). GF/DF is a life saver….also check out The Paleo Approach (Paleo Mom) tons of scientific info related to the science of inflammation. There are tons of resources out there. The thing to know is that gluten can be in so many things – things you don't think of: lotion, shampoo, etc….. I have gotten "glutened" from some random things. If you want to talk more, you can email me :) [email protected]

      1. Abby says:

        Thank you for the prayers, wisdom, and resources. I think I am afraid of having to make big changes but it is helpful for me to know that there are so many resources out there. Thanks again!

    3. Alex Evans says:

      Abby, praying for you and your son Issac! Don’t let a gluten/dairy allergy possibility put fear in your heart, God’s plan for Issac is already set and I understand your concerns for him. I have UC which also means for me I have a gluten, dairy, soy and egg allergy; although this does present challenges, God always always has found a way to provide for me in the way my health has demanded. Little Issac is going to be okay, some of our tummies are more delicate that others, but we aren’t given anything God knows we can’t handle and work through, and become stronger for. I can think of all the positive things having food allergies has taught me, try to see as hard as it may be the strengths hat could come from it! Prayers out to your fam!

      1. Abby says:

        Thank you so much for your words and your prayers, Alex. I think it does create fear and become a trust issue when Isaac’s health feels beyond my control… Thank you for the reminder that God has a plan for Isaac that nothing can stop and that the health issues, hard as they are for me, might just be a part of that.

    4. Kat says:

      I have been on this road with myself & my girls. Praying for you & your precious pea! A huge help to our family has been eliminating the gluten for sure, but also an allergy treatment called NAET. You may want to do some research on it.

      1. Abby says:

        Thank you so much Kat. It is nice to know that you are out there, and so many others who have walked this road- and that it is not the end of the world either way. Thank you again for your prayers!

  60. Abby says:

    I’m trying to figure out right now if my s

  61. Lisa says:

    They chose Barabbas over Jesus. When I step back and really think about this it sounds so absurd to me. But, I have been no different – how many times I have chosen me and my way over Jesus? I. Need to choose JESUS over me!

  62. Kelly_Smith says:

    I get so excited to learn more like name studies, tradition, and history. Jesus, son of the father or Jesus, Son of THE Father?! The Bible is so cool! Rebecca, you hit me between the eyes with the application. I choose Barabbas every time I react in my flesh to my family instead of responding in the self control of the Spirit. I choose Barabbas when my to do list takes precedence over my people and prayer. When comfort and cowardice keep me from speaking up on behalf of the Gospel. When I sit in front of a screen instead of getting the rest I need to be a better me the next day. I could go on. I like to think I have a worship soundtrack playing in the background of my life, that it is all about God's glory. But, when I take a closer look, it seems I chant Barabbas' name all day long. Forgive me, Lord Jesus, for making the comfortable trade. Give me Jesus! Give me Jesus, Son of The Father!

    1. Shanelle says:

      “I choose Barabbas every time I react in my flesh to my family instead of responding in the self control of the Spirit.” Oh, yes. How guilty I am of this. Thank you, Lord for your continued mercy amd grace for a sinner such as me.

    2. Nancy says:

      Wow!!!! Ok Kelly, I’m right there with you chanting Barabbas. Today’s reading has really struck me and I think it’s so powerful, I’m almost in tears reading the comments. I’m ashamed of my choices and now just need to make one choice, Jesus. Thanks for our honesty.

    3. Kimberly says:

      Yes! Kelly, you said it exactly. I'm right there with you. Your words say it so well. I like to think my life reflects that I choose Jesus, but in reality I'm chanting give me Barabbas all day long. Lord Jesus, Forgive me.

    4. Nita says:

      I have been reading this blog for awhile and recently added the app to my mini iPad but I have not joined yet. I was feeling "down" this morning and could not put my finger on what is wrong with me… then I started reading different days in this blog. After reading your entry, Kelly, I said "amen, that is exactly how I feel and think" and Jesus has begun to lift my spirit.
      I believe I will now join the blog and begin to read all of the wonderful comments also. I had not been reading comments until today but I have been so blessed by everyone here. What a wonderful bunch of women. :)

      1. Kelly_Smith says:

        Nita, I am so happy to have you as a SRT friend! The words of truth found here in the blog and comments provide such encouragement for the journey.

  63. “Choosing Barabbas didn’t force the crowd to face their own sin. They could go on living their comfortable lives if they got rid of Jesus. Admitting that Christ is the true Son of God changes everything. It changes how we spend every moment of every day. It feels so much easier to just pat myself on the back and choose Barabbas—”look, I set the prisoner free!””
    I do a lot of life for myself. As a grad student and new teacher I am constantly looking for ways to chill out when I’m not at school or make my kids like me when I am. It is all about my comfort and security. I am job hunting for next fall and I’m scared about where God is guiding me because it may make me uncomfortable.
    I think I push God’s intrusion out in two main areas: my money and my food. Both seem petty and legalistic but I try to focus my money on self preservation. So I tithe but ultimately I want my budget to stay safe and secure. I’d flip if God destroyed that. Then I also eat to find pleasure. While eating good food is NOT bad I have a tendency to hide my feelings in food. I have a gluten and dairy allergy but many times ignore them for the sake of pleasure and comfort. Why would I not instead flee to my father for those things?

    1. MNmomma (heather) says:

      Anna, I am right there with you on pushing away God when it comes to food. I too have gluten and dairy allergies. The gluten I know I can't touch with a 10 ft pole….it took years for me to get it thru my thick skull, but finally, by God's grace, I listened. Now dairy….that's a different story. I get sick from it, but not the whole "laid out for a couple of weeks" sort of sick that I do with just a trace of gluten. I get a yucky tummy, symptoms come and go within 24-36 hours. It is more "worth it" "do-able"…..and I turn to it (ice cream specifically …..to be exact: DQ cocoa fudge peanut butter cup blizzard OR if I am in a town with a Cold Stone, the peanut butter cup perfection). What is crazy is that in order for me to feel "healthy/good" I eat a grain-free and dairy free diet – TONS of veggies, a little fruit and high quality protein (think Paleo). I *KNOW* I am going to feel like crap after I eat a mini-blizzard, and yet….last night, after a crazy stressful day at work (It was so bad that I asked my boss to fire me (only sort of joking!….he laughed and said not a chance) I pulled up to the drive-thru. WHAT?!?!!? I knew I was seeking comfort in chocolate and peanut butter. My help does not come from Dairy Queen. My help comes from the King of Kings. I need to remember this. Each spoonful is like pounding a nail into His hand.
      There is NOTHING wrong with a blizzard now and then….I'm not saying that….at all. BUT the reason behind it….THAT'S where my problem is. I was seeking comfort and choosing a blizzard over my savior. What in the world?!?! Written out like this makes me realize just how sad that is….Lord work in me. Help me Lord to turn to you….not to food. You gave us good food to enjoy, but not to turn to in moments of stress and need. You gave me the gift of cooking and sharing with others my love of real, whole foods….beautiful foods. I am dishonoring your gift. You want us to run to YOU. You want us to be hiked with YOU. This load is not ours to bear alone….

  64. stinav96 says:

    "So Pilate decided that their demand should be granted. . . . he delivered Jesus over to their will." Even though he knew Jesus was innocent, he handed Him over to their desires.

    Even though I know my anger accomplishes nothing, I still yell at my children.

    Even though I know I will look back on my life when my end comes and regret my negative attitudes and general cranky disposition, I still give in to the emotions that do not reflect reality and make no sense in light of God's great goodness in my life.

    I choose something that sounds like Jesus, only to hide behind the difference between my choice and the real Jesus, instead of confronting my selfish pride and ungodliness, my hypocrisy. No wonder people choose Barabbas over Jesus! It's just easier!

    Forgive me, Lord. Change me.

    1. Lauren says:

      I could have written your words. Yes! I’m with you. “Even though I know my anger accomplishes nothing I still yell at my children.” I’ve been struggling with this & that just overall cranky disposition & trying to turn it over to the Lord. Help us, Jesus, Son of God.

    2. Melissa says:

      Whoa. This is convicting this morning. Thank you for this response!

    3. Chelsea says:

      Thank you.

    4. MNmomma (heather) says:

      This moved me so much!!! I have been actively working on (with lots of prayer) on changing my responses to situations (VERY much a work in progress…..but God is working in me)….but I never thought of it as choosing Barabas. Man does that truly change things….Lord work in me. Change me.

    5. Shannon says:

      Thanks for your response! Thinking about our actual response to daily life and how it it’s choosing Barabbas ask over again! I needed that!

  65. Candacejo says:

    I had never heard all of that about the name of Barrabas. Wow. And you nailed it here, "Choosing Barabbas didn’t force the crowd to face their own sin. They could go on living their comfortable lives if they got rid of Jesus." No more worrying about sin (or so they thought)…free to do whatever they wanted from then on (or so they thought).

    Sin causes us to justify ourselves in every situation. We can think we are doing pretty well because we didn't murder someone today in a literal sense. So we aren't "that bad". We didn't use the "F" word or block someone in traffic or body slam our next-door neighbor for letting Fido do his business in our yard. We are good. Always good.

    But when we choose Jesus…He causes us to look at our sin and then He takes it from us! He is the One who justifies, sanctifies and makes us righteous. He alone! If we do fall (and we will!) we have a right to come before Him again, confess and receive forgiveness, TURNING from that sin.

    To answer the question, I think I choose Barrabas when I have neglected my prayer time and communication with the Savior. I no longer have the power to overcome or resist temptation and I continually fail. That failure causes me to shrink back from the Lord in shame and keeps me from coming in repentance. Even though I know that is where peace is found I will delay because my communication has lacked.

    It is the same with friendships. When we haven't talked to someone in a long time but yet we need a real favor from them, we feel awkward to call and chat as if we talked every day. But when we have constant communication we are comfortable in our relationship and can boldly "pick up the phone" and name our request.

    Thank you Rebecca! Today I choose Jesus! ♥

    1. Stephanie says:

      Your comment about being good made me think of a book I'm currently reading- From Good to Grace: Letting Go of the Goodness Gospel by Christine Hoover. We, especially as women, try so hard to be good. Good moms, good wives, good friends, good neighbors that don't dropkick Fido when he does his duty in our yards that we want to look good. We become so focused on our strive for goodness that we loose focus on God's grace and what he wants for us. And as you said, we use our "goodness" to cover over what we are actually doing wrong when in reality the only thing that should cover that is the blood of Jesus.
      You've hit the nail on the head Candace (: thanks for sharing!

    2. MNmomma (heather) says:

      This really is so true…..thank you!!!

    3. Alex Evans says:

      Thanks for this response! It really helped me to get a grasp on this choosing Jesus. Especially when you pointed out that saying yes to Christ calls out our sins and how it’s easy to shy away from that but we still need to choose Jesus!

  66. Britney says:

    His rightful intrusion. There is so much truth in that. I have so much life on lock down that needs to be freely opened to him. I choose Jesus!