Covenant Circumcision

Open Your Bible

Genesis 17:1-27, Genesis 18:1-21, Romans 4:9-25

Several years ago, I tucked my not-quite-reading-ready son in for his nap with a Lego-inspired picture Bible and a kiss on the forehead. I’d just settled into the bliss of a quiet house when his feet pitter-pattered toward me, Bible in hand. His eyes were as big as buttered biscuits. 

“What’s this?!” he asked. 

There on the page was a minifigure. A bold expression was painted on his little, yellow face. I read the caption and took a deep breath. Determined not to shy away from the whole counsel of God I said, “Well, bud, that’s circumcision.”  

“What’s circumcision?” was, of course, his next reply. 

What is circumcision? Most of us understand the mechanics of it, but why did a loving, faithful, sane God require such a peculiar and painful thing?

The answer, I think, is found in two words: personal and permanent. 

Genesis 17 records God’s generational plan for redemption and blessings. This was a God-initiated, God-executed covenant. Fruitful family, luscious land, kings and kingdoms, intimacy with God Himself—the Lord promised all of this and more to Abram and his descendants, agreeing to meet their deepest and most desperate needs. But the pledge was sealed with that strange requirement: “Every one of your males must be circumcised” (Genesis 17:10). 

Like my wide-eyed toddler, it’s natural to linger here, but circumcision is not the focus of this story. The permanence of the promise is. Take out your pen, and circle the word permanent in Genesis 17. You’ll quickly find a pattern. 

“A permanent possession” (v.8).
“A permanent covenant” (v.13).
“A permanent covenant” (v.19).

Few parts of the body are more personal than the one Abram and his sons were required to remove, few surgeries more permanent. Certainly circumcision at age 99 would have been painful (v.24), but it was also irreversible. God would never renege on His promise to Abram. Likely prone to spiritual amnesia, just like the rest of us, I wonder if Abram was grateful that he carried the permanence of that promise in his very body. 

Of course the Abrahamic covenant is but a shadow of a greater promise. Jesus went to the cross so that we might experience many of the same blessings given to our forefather, chiefly, intimacy with God. To seal the covenant, He laid down His life in one of the most violent and brutal ways imaginable. Because His love for you is personal, so personal He laid down His life for you, and His sacrifice is permanent. No one can ever undo what He accomplished on the cross. 

[This] was not written for Abraham alone, but also for us. It will be credited to us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.
—Romans 4:23 

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84 thoughts on "Covenant Circumcision"

  1. TaMorya J says:


  2. Ashley Banks says:


  3. Sarah Grace says:

    Praise God! I’m grateful for this connection about permanence, as I wouldn’t have seen it on my own.

  4. Darla H says:

    God reiterated His promise to Abraham several times, and Abraham consistently showed doubt. Thankfully, the Lord is faithful. He kept His word even in the face of doubt. Praise God for His faithfulness!

  5. Wanda Woehlert says:


  6. Paula Mourin says:


  7. Sophie M says:

    Afternoon, she’s! Sending love to you all. Permanent and Personal. God is asking for us to have a relationship with Him. A permanent and personal relationship. How fortunate are we to know Gods love for us.!

    1. Wendy B says:


  8. Cathy Miller says:

    For Christians, the there is a parallel between baptism and circumcision. Under the new covenant, the sign of baptism is applied to both males and females ( see Col 2: 11-14). Our bodies are joined to Christ via baptism in which we are also raised with Him via faith — we are in spiritual union with Jesus.

  9. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love how personal God is. He gave such specific and personal promises to Abraham. He also gives us specific and personal promises. I pray that I can walk in those promises. ❤️

  10. Kris says:

    This comes from Galatians 5:
    2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

  11. emma s says:

    Today’s essay was so helpful!

  12. Nicky Winterton says:

    “Personal and Permanent.” Lord may You write these words on my heart ❤️ Amen

  13. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Good morning She’s! …I love how Erin pointed out the pattern concerning the story. “A permanent possession”, “A permanent covenant”, A permanent covenant” and connecting it to Christ and His sacrifice. — I will be mulling that over in my mind.

    Also, going back to Genesis 13:12 & Genesis 14:12 it says that Lot first pitched his tent near Sodom, but then lived in Sodom. What was his intention? Why did he move into the wicked city? He could have had opportunity to share his knowledge of the one and only true God, but did he? In going to the commentary on Genesis 18, something of note was pointed out — Abraham kept asking if the LORD would spare the city for 50, all the way down to 10. Had he possibly thought that Abraham felt Lot would surely have brought six people beyond his own family to God in his time in Sodom? …Apparently he hadn’t…That’s a wake-up call for me, am I sharing the gospel where I am, am I living out my life according to the gospel, are others seeing Jesus in me??

    When reading of the encounter between Abraham and the LORD, and it says, “Then Abraham approached him (the LORD, and in vs 27 “I have been so bold to speak” in Genesis 18:23,27 – I immediately thought of Hebrews 4:16…”Let us come (approach) boldly to the throne of grace” …” The Genesis account is Hebrews 4 being acted out.
    I am and forever will be grateful that God allows us to come boldly into His throne room. We have complete access to God Almighty! And not just “come”, but come boldly – just as Abraham did.

    God in His mercy and grace allows me to come to Him with all my doubts, fears, complaints and questions – all while bending His ear toward me, without judgement, but compassion. What a mighty God we serve.
    Praying today for your requests.
    Happy Thursday She’s! ❤️

    1. Maria B says:

      Sharon, I have been thinking about that word– permanence– since I read it this morning. When put in the context of Scripture it just conveys a feeling of solid, unmovable, unchangeable, always present– similar to the nature of God.

    2. Lisa Lear says:


  14. Cheryl Blow says:

    This made me smile! Trying to explain circumcision to a child! They she explained it was perfect. And even though as women we don’t experience this physically, I believe there is a “circumcision” of our heart when we surrender everything to God. It’s personal and permanent!

  15. Christy says:

    It’s very special to see how Romans 4:16-22 shows the progression in Abraham’s faith from all of the questions he asked God in Genesis 15. I loved how on the podcast they explained that asking those questions comes with having a close relationship with God. We can trust Him, but also say “I don’t understand this. I believe you will. I just don’t know how.” Praise God that He is always faithful and at work in our lives.
    Thank you She’s for praying over my interview yesterday. I truly felt the most inexplicable peace wash over me and felt carried by God through my day. The conversation went so well! I’ll keep you posted on the outcome. Praying for all of you. May you all have a wonderful day! xx

    1. Wendy B says:

      Appreciate your thoughts. Thank you❤️

  16. Eileen Dowd says:

    Thank you She’s for praying yesterday for my appointment at Walter Reed. Pneumonia is moving in the right direction which is getting better but they found something on my EKG so I’ll be going back for some more test in March to God be the glory. Have a great day ladies.

  17. Karen Breaux says:


  18. Tanya Evans says:

    “The Lord appeared to Abraham…”Genesis 18:1. This first part of this verse always arrest me,stops me in my tracks. This is not the first time G-d appeared to Abraham in Genesis. The word in Hebrew is ” Vayera” which literally means “And HE appeared.” He being God.
    Jewish tradition teaches us this happened on the 3rd day after Abraham’s circumcision. This is God doing the mitzvah (good deed,) of visiting the sick or G-d checking on the welfare of Abraham.
    What is important God came down to meet Abraham in what many believe was some type of human manifestation. Did He come in the form of Jesus? I don’t know but many times Abraham was in the Presence of the Divine and Eternal One. Abraham recognized G-d when He ( G-d) showed up for him.
    Heavenly Father give me eyes and spiritual sensitivity to recognize you when you show up for me. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  19. Adrienne says:

    I remember a girl coming up to me and my husband after teaching that particular lesson in Sunday School. She asked what circumcision was. We were quite chicken and told her to ask her parents. Heeheehee!
    And I love how Sarah said she didn’t laugh. Um… ya, Sarah, you did. How often do I act like Sarah in that way? Lord, help me to be honest with You. You already know my heart. You are so patient with me when my faith is lacking.

  20. Megan Carson says:

    Anyone know who Abraham’s 3 visitors were? I’m finding different thoughts online. And not sure which to trust. The Lord and 2 angels? The trinity?

    1. Adrienne says:

      I wondered the same thing and did a little searching in my study Bibles. Both notes referring to those three visitors say two “regular” (my word) angels and also the angel of the LORD. I was wondering about the Trinity too. I also visited Got Questions dot org… It said the same thing and discussed theophany and Christophany. (Wow… those are big words!) The article ended with this… “ The story teaches us that God is aware of what is happening on earth, and He is involved. God can even visit or send His heavenly messengers to help fulfill His plans. We may not always realize whom we are speaking with, so we should treat everyone as though they were on special assignment from God. ” We may be entertaining angels, unaware, in other words.

    2. Maria B says:

      Everything I’ve always read is that it was a manifestation of God and two angels.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      The LORD, and two angels – agreed. My go to is also Got Questions, very helpful information there.

  21. Wendy B says:

    The whole concept of circumcision is just so incredibly uncomfortable! I found Erin’s devotional today to be insightful and thought-provoking – one of the best explanations that I recall hearing on this passage and the “why” of circumcision. Permanent. Such a fitting word to remind us all of the nature and purpose of God’s covenant with us. In all of the waiting, no matter what or how long God’s plans and ways are at work.

    I also read HRT and this was such a good reminder for me. “The thing to do, when faced with a time of waiting in our own lives, is to remember God’s past faithfulness and trust that He is still at work to bring about the goodness of His promise and make us holy.”

    And this passage from Rom 4: 20-22 “He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to do. Therefore, it was credited to him for righteousness. Now it was credited to him was not written for Abraham alone,but also for us.”

    Lord, thank you for your Word, that it is written for us. Thank you Father that your promises are permanent because you are faithful. In all the ways I have to “wait” in my life, Lord I pray my strength and resolve would be strong. That you would find me unwavering, committed, steadfast, trusting and faithful to you Father, praying without ceasing and seeking to bring honor and glory to you in my life. Thank you for your promises Lord. We love you. Amen

    1. Rhonda J. says:


    2. Nicky Winterton says:

      Wendy – I agree about Erin’s devotional. So very helpful ☺️

  22. Maria B says:

    I love when I notice something new in a familiar Scripture. I never truly noticed that God’s promise to Abraham came before he was circumcised. His obedience was based on faith, not adherence to the law—or what would eventually become the law. It reveals that his righteousness comes through trusting God. This directly connects to Jesus’s sacrifice, which fulfilled the law and opened the way for all people to be made righteous through faith. Talk about a full circle moment. And what an invitation for us to have a relationship with God not through works but through faith in Jesus. Thank you, Spirit for the nudge to slow down and really take on the deeper message in your Word.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, so good! We think of obedience and law so quickly, but this is clearly out of faith and reverence!

    2. Kira H. says:

      Yes! I noticed this for the first time today too, along with the age of Ishmael. 13 years is a long time to wait, but Abraham’s faith and the reminders from the Lord helped to grant him the strength to obey.

  23. Rhonda J. says:

    Personal and Permanent. A tattoo comes to mind for me as something personal, permanent, and painful! And that was not affecting my “personal” space that for a man, is something as a powerful tool for them so to speak. I mean, it’s their manhood, and the way they “relate.” (In reference to what Michelle shared.) So to instantly enact this, showed his reverence and obedience. Would I do this? Do I do this? Would I say…whatever it takes to make me a true follower of God? Despite personal affliction to me, despite the pain to me, the scar, the obvious sign?!

    I year or so ago we did the study Free of Me by Sharon Hoode Miller- and oh was it insightful. Get this—It’s NOT about ME!! I am God’s child (through acceptance of Jesus), and I am here to GLORIFY God, and to be a disciple for Jesus to lead and show others his great love! We are next doing a study called “Surrendered.” I just really want to be sold out to Jesus, laying my own life, wants and desires, worries and fears- down completely. A heart that trusts and follows after Him because He is Worthy, worthy of my all. If nothing else goes my way…He is Worthy of it all. I get to have eternal life with him.

    1. Wendy B says:

      “Would I do this? Do I do this…..?”
      Simple, but hard questions, Rhonda. Thanks for posing those and sharing your thoughts ❤️

  24. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    I have always loved the significance placed on names in Scripture. After the reading today, I wanted to know a little more about the changes made to Abraham and Sarah’s names when the covenant is made. Abram originally meant “exalted father,” which God changes to Abraham, meaning “father of many nations.” Sarai originally meant “my princess,” and then when changed to Sarah is simplified to “princess” without the possessive. While they feel like such subtle changes, the thing that stands out to me the most is the transition in surrendering in faith to the calling of God and receiving a new purpose according to His Will. By removing “exalted” and “my” from their names, their new identities are rooted in the service and care of others by faith in God. It’s no longer about them, or their immediate family, but it’s about the bigger picture and God’s ultimate plan to use them to bring forth Jesus into the world. While it may not be quite as visible or physical as the circumcision, I love the ties to permanent and personal found in the name changes!

    1. Wendy B says:

      Thank you for sharing this. So interesting and insightful

    2. Karen Swanson says:

      So good!!! Thank you for taking that deep dive for us. It really resonated with me

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you for sharing Abby! ❤️

  25. Kimberly Reed says:

    Powerful reading and devotional. Personal and permanent! Wow. Will be meditating on this one for a while. Just soaking in the covenant that was made and the foreshadowing of Christ’s very personal and permanent sacrifice for me.

  26. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    This story, the origin of circumcision, the outward sign, in the Old Testament … leads me to the New Testament, where a different, inward sign of the covenant is preached by Paul.
    Romans 2:15-16
    “The requirements of the law are woven into people’s hearts.
    Hebrew 8:10
    “I will put my laws into their minds, and I will write them on their hearts”.
    We learn through scripture how a devout dedication, a permanent mark upon the male body became, and remains a traumatic and controversial act, and conversation.
    A squeamish topic as the devotional writer expresses, but a valid & inescapable one, transcending faith traditions. Especially the word, “faith”, precedent to salvation.
    That’s my early morning, unschooled, takeaway. SRT comments throughout the day will tell & teach me more.

  27. Searching says:

    The importance of and physical requirement of God’s covenant with Abraham – what an impact as we read these verses. Abraham understood the importance of obeying God’s requirement and followed through “that very day” with all males regardless of status – the covenant was all inclusive.
    But what about everyone else? This procedure later became a point of contention that Paul, led by the Holy Spirit, pounded on in his writings. Those following the law (the circumcised) believed that it was physical circumcision that set them apart for God as chosen and made them eligible to be saved. But with their pedigree and knowledge of God’s word, they forgot the important message in verses such as Deuteronomy 10:16 and 30:6 – God wants our hearts to be spiritually circumcised and so we can love Him with all our hearts and minds.

    Going back to Abraham’s immediate obedience- am I as quick to obey when I feel convicted or compelled to speak or take action? Not proud to answer this question…but no, I’m not nearly that quick, and at times I don’t obey at all – so who does He use in my place to accomplish His plan? Someone with a heart more willing than mine. Lord, help me to follow and obey You more closely.

    MERCY – continuing to pray, dear sister ❤️ Such support from your sisters last night.
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – yes, standing on His promises!
    TRACI GENDRON ❤️- I am so sorry. You are in a unique position through your own painful experience of life, loss and grief to understand what this young lady’s family has been through and is going through. Praying for the Lord’s comfort for all, sister.
    EILEEN DOWD – praying for proper diagnosis and healing, and that yesterday’s bloodwork provides answers ❤️
    CEE GEE – “we can trust His promises” Amen, thank you ❤️

    The NKJV translation has a footnote for Gen 17:1, reminding that Almighty God is El Shaddai in Hebrew. Took me back to the 80’s thinking of El Shaddai (written by Michael Card & John Thompson, 1981) and many other songs & artists from that era.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


  28. Michelle P says:

    I did a short Google search of circumcision… even knowing what it is, I never really knew much about, being I am a woman, lol.
    I never considered that Abraham would have to wait at least 6 weeks to be intimate with his wife, Sarah, again. This covenant of circumcision was put in place before the conception of their son, Isaac, who held the promise of God (great nations, the Messiah, etc.).
    Just something to “chew on.”

  29. Aimee D-R says:

    Faith. Please Lord forgive my doubt and reward my faith. In Jesus name, Amen.

  30. Crystal Pitzer says:


  31. Laura says:

    It’s amazing to me that God is still reminding Abraham of the promise He made to him about making him a great nation, yet it is 13 years from when Ishmael was born. That’s a long time! I can just imagine how hard it was for Sarah to keep holding onto that promise when the years kept slipping away. But it is just like God to make us wait so that He is glorified and not ourselves. It would not have seemed like such a miracle if Sarah had had a baby when she was young, but to have a baby when she is old and past the age of having children, that is miraculous and something only God cold do. Like Mary, a baby born to a virgin. Only God, not man. A good reminder when I get caught up in trying to make things happen by myself, instead of trusting God to do it in His timing for His glory.

  32. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “A permanent possession” (v.8).
    “A permanent covenant” (v.13, 19).
    A forever-faithful God!
    By faith, with a circumcised heart, I am in a permanent covenant too!

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    2. Danielle B says:


  33. Katie Megee says:

    Praying for the peace of Jesus and comfort for your family at a this time Leanna

  34. Tina says:

    I am crossing my legs right now! Ouch,ouch,ouch!
    Being of African descent and part of a family that followed tradition from wayyyyy back when… I accompanied my daddy to a circumcision ceremony for a baby cousin held in the family home..
    There was a lot of libation.. With each drop there was, a promise. A word to the ancestors of long ago. A few words of care and expectation of the baby boy for his growth.. I do remember God’s name, Nyame’ being mentioned, but I can not recall what was said there.. I would imagine, for God’s care, protection and guidance over His life..
    I did not follow the family tradition for my boys..!
    Not because I didn’t want God’s goodness over their lives, but because I did not believe/trust/follow in this tradition.
    I am not saying Gods Word should not be adhered to, but this is an ask in the old testament.. Right?
    I zipped across to HRT, to see what they had to say.. I was pleasantly surprised to find a read that I could understand..
    The authors final paragragh, mellowed my heart, but his final words..
    “The thing to do, when faced with a time of waiting in our own lives, is to remember God’s last faithfulness and trust that He is still at work to bring about the goodness of His promise and make us holy..”
    I don’t need to add anything else..
    BUT GOD..
    Blessings and love being prayed over each of you this fine chilly morning.
    Much love,

    1. Searching says:


    2. Maria B says:


  35. Leanna Thompson says:

    I’m trying to sleep but I wanted to thank you all again for praying for my mom. She passed away today Jan 15th at 2:30 Pacific. God’s ways are best and I’m thankful I was with her and my oldest son was too. Catch up with you in the morning.

    1. Sally B. says:

      Oh Lenna – praying for God’s peace and comfort for you and your family!

    2. Tina says:

      I’m sorry to hear of your mom’s passing, Leanna. Praying for you and yours to know peace and to know God holds you all close.. in your sorrow. He is with you. He promises that, and we, here, will continue to hold you and yours in prayers as you mourn your loss.
      Sending you love and hugs, Leanna, covered in prayers..❤️

    3. Kelly (NEO) says:

      So sorry.

    4. Michelle P says:

      Praying for you, Leanna. ❤️

    5. Cat-tee says:

      Praying for God’s strength, hope, comfort, and peace for you and your family Leeanna ❤️

    6. Searching says:

      Leanna, I am so sorry. Praying for you and your family during this painful time.

    7. Foster Mama says:

      May the confidence in God you express in your message be a true wellspring to bring you comfort and healing. God bless each of you and yours.

    8. Rhonda J. says:

      I am so sorry, prayer and love to you. May you share her love with others around you in remembrance of her. It is a hard loss when we lose our mothers.

    9. Dianne R says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss. May peace be with you and your family during this difficult time.

    10. Wendy B says:

      Leanna…I’m so sorry for your loss. May the Lord’s comfort, strength and peace be near to your grieving hearts❤️

    11. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, Leanna, I am so sorry! May God comfort you as only He can. I am glad your son was there with you. Love and hugs, sister!

    12. GramsieSue says:

      Prayers for peace and comfort for you and your family.
      Hugs sweet sister ❤️

    13. Mia Faith says:

      Leanna, my heart is breaking for yours. Praying for you all.

    14. Adrienne says:

      I am so sorry for your loss, Leanna. ❤️ Will be praying for you and your family.

    15. Carol H says:

      Sending love and prayers for you and your family.

    16. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Leana – so sorry for your loss. Thankful that you and your son were able to be there with her when she was ushered into glory. Prayers for God’s comfort and peace for you and your family. ❤️

    17. LindaK says:

      Leanna may you feel God’s strength and comfort as you walk through this season of grief❤️

    18. Mari V says:

      So sorry, for your loss,Leanna. praying right now for you.

    19. MARTHA HIX says:

      I am so sorry for your loss of your mother, Leanna. Praying for God’s peace and comfort to you and your family. ❤️

    20. Kris says:

      My heart goes out to you. I lost my mother on Dec 28th, so it’s still fresh on my mind and heart. May the good Lord bless you with comfort and strength during these days and weeks ahead. He is faithful

      1. Tina says:

        Sorry for you loss Kris.. prayerful God’s loving arms are wrapped around you filling you with His peace..
        Sending hugs covered in prayers❤️

    21. R says:

      So sorry,we are praying for you!

    22. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Precious Leanna, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Many years ago I had the privilege of being with my mom when she went home to be with the Lord. What a blessing for you. Praying God’s comfort and peace for you and your family.. ❤️

    23. Tami says:

      Leanna, I echo the prayers of everyone here today.I am so sorry for your loss.

    24. Maria B says:

      Leanna, I am so incredibly so Larry for your loss. Sending much love and prayers for comfort and strength.

    25. Cathy Miller says:

      The Lord bless you and give you peace, strength and courage to go through this difficult time, Leanna.

    26. Sophie M says:

      Leanna, sending prayers.. ❤️

    27. Danielle B says:

      Praying for you Leanna.

    28. Gabriella Muñoz says:

      Praying peace over you Leanna ❤️ I am so sorry for your loss