Considering Others

Open Your Bible

Philippians 2:1-11, John 13:1-7, John 13:12-20, Romans 12:9-21, Isaiah 66:2

Honor is a word that holds many ideas, depending on your family or culture of origin. It’s not an idea I think about often, but it does carry some implications about how a person is seen by their community. Honor is about good standing and respect, for your own dignity and for your family. It can be defended, lost, and restored. In some circles, it means status, rank, and the respect a person deserves. For such an abstract idea, it can carry a ton of weight, especially when honor dances with shame, its shadowy counterpart.

Preserving honor for ourselves and the people we care about comes somewhat naturally for many of us. But let’s sit for a moment with one of Paul’s commands from our reading in Romans: “Take the lead in honoring one another” (Romans 12:10). The implications of this command are striking. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to not only defend one another’s honor, but to also be the first to elevate others above ourselves. A race to the bottom, in a sense, and a race that Jesus Himself led in His relationship to His disciples.

John’s account of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples is a particularly insightful example to follow. John takes care to include every step. We get a sense of Jesus taking His time—removing His outer garments, tying a towel around His waist, filling a basin—before He kneels and does the grimy labor of a servant. The Messiah, the King, and their beloved teacher is taking on the role of the lowest laborer. In this alarming display, Jesus shows His disciples how He “love[s] them to the end” (John 13:1).

To follow Jesus means more than being nice to other people. It means sometimes doing the caring work that feels beneath our station. This is what it means to “adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus…assuming the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:5,7).

This call is not to a demeaning, oppressive kind of servanthood. Jesus treats His friends like honored guests, even as He presides over their Passover supper. But He’s well aware of who He is, as we see in the telling details at this story’s end. John notes Jesus putting His outer garment back on and reclining at the table in a teaching posture before asking His followers a pointed question: “Do you understand what I was doing?…I have given you an example to follow” (John 13:12–15 NLT). When we know we are beloved and treasured by God, we are free to extend that same honor to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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101 thoughts on "Considering Others"

  1. Shelby Crews says:

    To be very real…I aim to serve everyone I encounter, yet I also get disheartened because I sometimes feel that no one wants to do the same for me. And that’s not the mindset I want to have. When that creeps into my mind, I try to spend some time in prayer to reset. I don’t serve people with the goal of it being reciprocated. That’s not my heart. But I do need that time to reflect and reset or I am pouring from a cup of bitterness instead of joy. I hope I leave people’s lives better than I found them.

  2. Meme Greer says:

    WOW Rebekah, thank you for sharing your thoughts in such a beautiful way. Well said

  3. Laura Finley says:

    Humility, humbleness of the Heart, was God’s plan from the beginning… Jesus born of a country woman, in a stable… And serving the needs of others in His ministry.. the foot washing is such a good testimony and example for us. I once attended a church that had a ladies prayer meeting, and we held a foot
    washing … It was a very precious time…

  4. Ali Hilliard says:

    Such a hard heart posture to maintain. Lord help me to better serve and honor your people!

  5. Rebekah Smith says:

    This is very counter-cultural…even in some church cultures. Sure, we’ll help each other out from time to time, but that honouring, serving one another? Even those who betray and hurt you deeply? We’ve replaced this with, “well, that’s a toxic relationship and I need to separate myself from that person for my better mental health, or my own personal whatever…” What would happen if we took the very nature of a servant and humbled ourselves and truly served each other? How would that impact generations behind us? How would it change the way we are seen in the communities around us? How would that change our own walk with God? Just some thoughts this morning…

  6. Mariana says:

    My relationship with my boyfriend is hanging on by a thread because we both have a hard time humbling ourselves. This was just the devotional I needed this morning. I pray that God can humble me to serve in love.

  7. Skylar Rutherford says:

    I struggle with this, as well with my mother. Wanted to reach out and let you know you are not alone, and I’m praying over you!

  8. Mariah Reed says:

    I’m am really struggling with this. My family has hurt me time after time. I don’t talk to my sister really anymore. It hurts so much but when I go and I have one offense put on me I go running. I am praying for the words and for me to love and honor no matter what.