Considering Others

Open Your Bible

Philippians 2:1-11, John 13:1-7, John 13:12-20, Romans 12:9-21, Isaiah 66:2

Honor is a word that holds many ideas, depending on your family or culture of origin. It’s not an idea I think about often, but it does carry some implications about how a person is seen by their community. Honor is about good standing and respect, for your own dignity and for your family. It can be defended, lost, and restored. In some circles, it means status, rank, and the respect a person deserves. For such an abstract idea, it can carry a ton of weight, especially when honor dances with shame, its shadowy counterpart.

Preserving honor for ourselves and the people we care about comes somewhat naturally for many of us. But let’s sit for a moment with one of Paul’s commands from our reading in Romans: “Take the lead in honoring one another” (Romans 12:10). The implications of this command are striking. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to not only defend one another’s honor, but to also be the first to elevate others above ourselves. A race to the bottom, in a sense, and a race that Jesus Himself led in His relationship to His disciples.

John’s account of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples is a particularly insightful example to follow. John takes care to include every step. We get a sense of Jesus taking His time—removing His outer garments, tying a towel around His waist, filling a basin—before He kneels and does the grimy labor of a servant. The Messiah, the King, and their beloved teacher is taking on the role of the lowest laborer. In this alarming display, Jesus shows His disciples how He “love[s] them to the end” (John 13:1).

To follow Jesus means more than being nice to other people. It means sometimes doing the caring work that feels beneath our station. This is what it means to “adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus…assuming the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:5,7).

This call is not to a demeaning, oppressive kind of servanthood. Jesus treats His friends like honored guests, even as He presides over their Passover supper. But He’s well aware of who He is, as we see in the telling details at this story’s end. John notes Jesus putting His outer garment back on and reclining at the table in a teaching posture before asking His followers a pointed question: “Do you understand what I was doing?…I have given you an example to follow” (John 13:12–15 NLT). When we know we are beloved and treasured by God, we are free to extend that same honor to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

(101) Comments

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101 thoughts on "Considering Others"

  1. Laurel says:

    “When we know we are beloved and treasured by God, we are free to extend that same honor to our brothers and sisters in Christ.”
    Oh, to embrace the truth that each of us is indeed “beloved and treasured by God.”

  2. Emily Roberson says:

    There are many ways to show love and serve and support one another and it isn’t always the easiest or most obvious way or action. Sometimes it’s painful and it’s not always clear from the jump that I did the right thing.

  3. Verity Pedersen says:

    Thanks for being so honest! It’s something most (if not all!) of us need to work on. I love those words: “pouring from a cup of bitterness instead of joy.” I’m going to remember to ask myself this a lot!!

  4. Felicia P says:

    Reminder to self: the world pushes me in opposite direction. Follow Jesus not the world. God looks at the one who is humble and trembles at his word (Isaiah 66:2).

  5. Jessica says:

    As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to not only defend one another’s honor, but to also be the first to elevate others above ourselves. A race to the bottom, in a sense, and a race that Jesus Himself led in His relationship to His disciples.

  6. Mackenzi Clayton says:

    This really made me say AMEN!!!

  7. belle ingersoll says:

    wow. < another great example of how many times Jesus goes before us && shows us exactly how we are to act! so so beautiful < thankful for this devotional && this community! ✞

  8. Jennifer Lumley says:

    Thankful for a reminder of what it means to be honoring of my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  9. Tatiana Say says:

    You took my thoughts an put them into words Shelby! I’ve felt the same disheartened feelings before but reading the passages from this devo also opened my eyes even more to how deceiving the enemy is. He lies and lies and tells us we deserve this in return and we should get the same thing back and that we aren’t loved or appreciated if it’s not reciprocated. Our true reward and recognition comes from the Lord! He is pleased with us when we fulfill what he calls us to. Thank you for your comment!

  10. Tatiana Say says:

    You took my thoughts an put them into words Shelby! I’ve felt the same disheartened feelings before but reading the passages from this devo also opened my eyes up

  11. Diana Edwards says:

    Honor is to elevate others

  12. Shelby Crews says:

    To be very real…I aim to serve everyone I encounter, yet I also get disheartened because I sometimes feel that no one wants to do the same for me. And that’s not the mindset I want to have. When that creeps into my mind, I try to spend some time in prayer to reset. I don’t serve people with the goal of it being reciprocated. That’s not my heart. But I do need that time to reflect and reset or I am pouring from a cup of bitterness instead of joy. I hope I leave people’s lives better than I found them.

  13. Meme Greer says:

    WOW Rebekah, thank you for sharing your thoughts in such a beautiful way. Well said

  14. Laura Finley says:

    Humility, humbleness of the Heart, was God’s plan from the beginning… Jesus born of a country woman, in a stable… And serving the needs of others in His ministry.. the foot washing is such a good testimony and example for us. I once attended a church that had a ladies prayer meeting, and we held a foot
    washing … It was a very precious time…

  15. Ali Hilliard says:

    Such a hard heart posture to maintain. Lord help me to better serve and honor your people!

  16. Rebekah Smith says:

    This is very counter-cultural…even in some church cultures. Sure, we’ll help each other out from time to time, but that honouring, serving one another? Even those who betray and hurt you deeply? We’ve replaced this with, “well, that’s a toxic relationship and I need to separate myself from that person for my better mental health, or my own personal whatever…” What would happen if we took the very nature of a servant and humbled ourselves and truly served each other? How would that impact generations behind us? How would it change the way we are seen in the communities around us? How would that change our own walk with God? Just some thoughts this morning…

  17. Mariana says:

    My relationship with my boyfriend is hanging on by a thread because we both have a hard time humbling ourselves. This was just the devotional I needed this morning. I pray that God can humble me to serve in love.

  18. Skylar Rutherford says:

    I struggle with this, as well with my mother. Wanted to reach out and let you know you are not alone, and I’m praying over you!

  19. Mariah Reed says:

    I’m am really struggling with this. My family has hurt me time after time. I don’t talk to my sister really anymore. It hurts so much but when I go and I have one offense put on me I go running. I am praying for the words and for me to love and honor no matter what.

  20. Mariah Reed says:

    I’m am really struggling with this. My family has hurt me time after time. I don’t talk to my sister really anymore. It hurts so much but when I go and I have one offwnce put on me I go running. I am praying for the words and for me

  21. Mariah Reed says:

    I’m am really struggling with this. My family has hurt me time after time. I don’t talk to my sister really anymore. It hurts so much but when I go and I have one offwnce put on me I go running. I am

  22. Mariah Reed says:

    I’m am really struggling with this. My family has hurt me time after time

  23. Alicia DuBois says:

    Carol- my brother and I have been estranged for ten years. We are just now beginning to talk again. My heart is guarded. He is not a Christ follower. It is so hard. I keep praying for discernment and wisdom. And I keep asking God to lead my heart and control my tongue. I will be praying for reconciliation for you and your son. God bless you, Sister.

  24. Amaya Esquivel says:

    Yes, there is.

  25. Carol Burlew says:

    Like you, Eryn Murray, Romans 12:10 is hitting me hard. I have been deeply hurt by my own son, and I am struggling to do anything besides avoid him and feel sorry for myself. It’s been four months. I need to take the lead. But. It’s. Hard.

  26. Lyndi Goodman says:


  27. Tabitha Vickery says:


  28. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

    Bev, wow this is so me. My feelings exactly. I am loving the zoom services and not having to go into the sanctuary. I’m struggling to have to go back into the sanctuary, but I know this is not what God wants. I am very much an introvert as well. Sometimes I feel like an outsider even though I have a few elderly ladies I talk too. Praying God gives me boldness and calms my fears.

  29. Lisa says:

    Is there a pod Cast I missed for this study? Where do I find it

  30. Beverly Watley says:

    Good ❓ K D would we be willing as Jesus is willing?

  31. Beverly Watley says:

    TY ❤️

  32. Helen S says:

    Rhonda, I’m praying for God to be at work in your marriage and that he will be glorified in your selfless love and forgiveness.

  33. Helen S says:

    Bev I’m praising God for opening your eyes to this and asking him to give you the strength to seek out those opportunities.

  34. Helen S says:

    Welcome Kat. God bless you as you read with us.

  35. K D says:

    What strikes me is that Jesus did not just serve and honor those who were easy to serve, he honored his betrayer as well. Am I willing to do this??

  36. April Wilmoth says:

    I am good at calling out in others the things that I ‘fail’ at. I’ve been trying to teach my 8 year old how to be humble. How to love like Jesus. And the last 3 days have really opened my eyes to a certain relationship in my life where I need to be humble and to have a servants heart.

  37. April Wilmoth says:

    I am good at calling out in others the things that I ‘fail’ at. I’ve been trying to teach my 8 year old how to be humble. How to love like Jesus. And the last 3 days have really opened my eyes to a certain relationship in my life where I need to be humble and to have a servants heart.

  38. Kat Getz says:

    I’m new to this app. I’m very excited to see what God is going to do with me through this.

  39. Claire B says:

    Traci Gendron, my deepest condolences and prayers for peace.

  40. Bev Woods says:

    I am a steadfast introvert, and really try to avoid social situations. I am genuinely kind to people, but rarely LOOK for ways to love others as Jesus did. This study is impressing on me the need to actively seek opportunities that God gives me, instead of trying to avoid the people He has placed in my path. It’s going to be a struggle for sure, and I cannot honestly say I’m excited, but definitely willing.

    1. Nicole Stiles says:

      I have a similar personality. I have to constantly remind myself that when I hear God promoting me to do something for someone else I need to have immediate obedience before I have a chance to talk myself out of it.

  41. Eryn Murray says:

    Romans 12:10 is hitting me hard.

  42. Tracy Reavis says:

    “race to the bottom” I need to remember that.

  43. Kristen says:

    @Heidi, amen! Thank you for writing that.

  44. Mari V says:

    Churchmouse, i’m on my lunch hour and taking time to be back to comments, I needed to hear these words as I’m facing challenges at work. Today’s Devo was so fitting. I am called to serve even the ones that are hard to serve. 

  45. Skylar Hilton says:

    “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.”

    In todays climate we see too many people saying that putting yourself over others is a good thing.. but its not. Life is simply not just about us.. it should be about how we can glorify God in us.. being humble before Him… and others.

    We have to watch what we say, do, and how we treat other people, because God is always watching. One day we will all sit before God and answer why we treated people the way we did. I pray that we would all treat people with kindness and consideration FOR Jesus.. doing it for ourselves pales in comparison.

    No one is better than another person.. so holier than thou attitudes shouldn’t have a place to exist.. I pray that we would be obedient to Jesus’s commandment of loving people and being kind and considerate unto them.

    Let us always pray for our enemies as much as we pray for ourselves and friends. Amen! No other words… I love you to the moon and back Jesus

  46. Janet H says:

    Traci Gendron I’m so sorry to hear of Tanner’s passing. I join this SRT community in lifting you and your husband up in prayer as you grieve. What a blessing to have the memory of him at 5 years telling you he would have a new body.
    Churchmouse I’m so happy that you are back with us and you are okay. So many of us worried about you and prayed for you.
    This is only my second time posting but please know I do pray for all the requests listed every day!

  47. Victoria E says:

    Kristen thank you for sharing and replying to my comment ! It helps to feel understood. Traci , I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I will continue to pray for you and your husband during this time, I am joining in all the virtual hugs.

  48. Mari V says:

    WELCOME Angela Davis! We’re so glad you’re here with us!

  49. Rita Ann says:

    This study has come at such a perfect time (no surprise there) with the holidays and family gatherings. Such a great time to put others first and remember to show each person a Jesus heart of love and caring.

  50. Kim Tania says:

    What stuck to me today is how humbleness is shown through and through in today’s devotion. There is more power in honoring others and always allowing the Lord to use us.

  51. Angela Davis says:

    Hello everyone! I’m new to the SRT.

  52. Diane Richardson says:

    Thank you for this resource. Val Marie was not on my influencer list. What an excellent reminder to pray about everything and to embrace community through church attendance. So many good thoughts in this paper.

  53. Mari V says:

    Traci, I had to go back and read comments. I didn’t know this. I am so sorry for your loss. I can see that you are very loved here. And we are holding you up in prayer.

  54. Maiya K says:

    Jesus example to us in serving is so good/deep/real. Choosing to become “low” and love even to the one who He knew would betray Him. What an example to follow. Loving to the end. Loving no matter what. Loving is costly. I am so thankful for His example…and the way that it challenges me.

  55. Jessi says:

    What a powerful reading and devotional today! I will be thinking about the “race to the bottom”and serving others throughout the day.

  56. PamC says:

    So many insightful comments today! Thank you all. I am so grateful for each one.
    Traci my tears were flowing when I saw the 1st mention of Tanner’s passing. My heart is rejoicing for his new heavenly home & holding tight to his mama here. You are so loved. My prayers continue.

  57. Rhonda J. says:

    Hi! I must post again as well, so much in these short 3 days of this study! But I wanted to tell you guys to be sure to listen to the PDDCAST this week, so, so good!! I know some of you have never listened to a podcast before, but basically you just click on it from the home page, and it will play. It helps to put the readings for the week all together!

    I feel like I have such a loving community right here!! I love all you guys! So much love, bonding, light-speaking women! And I always like to hear from the college/young ladies as well, which makes my heart smile.

    I have been struggling with my husband. Although we have a fantastic love and marriage, we keep going through a revolving door/cycle of turbulence. Those that have been through this probably know, but it’s when you just seem to annoy each other constantly. I have prayed for years to show more patience, respect, and gentleness toward my husband. I am quick to react and downward talking, and basically think I know everything and am always right! Sound familiar to any ladies?! I know God has worked in my heart, but it still pops up so much. Then we go through a few days of ignoring each other, which keeps digging a bigger trench. It is tiring to say the least. It’s crazy to think we fight over nothing basically except our attitude to each other and those little triggers rear their ugly heads. I am praying the Holy Spirit will work on both of us to hold our tongues and think before we speak, only in LOVE! :) This seems so little compared to you all going through so much pain and hardships right now, and I am praying for you all. Instead of counting sheep at night, your names go through my head.
    I am still also praying for the ones that have adult children that have gone astray, I know God will bring them back if we petition for that together. Praying you Martha Hix in your loss. And Good to see you Pam!

  58. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Sure have missed you Churchmouse. Beautiful thoughts this morning.

  59. Annelyn P says:

    Traci Gendron, thank you for sharing your heart with us. You have been a blessing and an encouragement to me and so many others. May God encourage and strengthen you today and in the days ahead. He loves you and will never leave you or forsake you.

  60. Sarah Hanson says:

    This is my first time commenting but this study is coming at such a good time for me! I have always struggled with prioritizing living life with other Christians and reaching out to the Church community but God has been slowly healing some past hurts and is asking me to do better. I know it’s only day two but I’m so grateful that He’s teaching me how to do that (even if I’m still working on practical application). It’s been hard but I’m excited to see what He does since in my weakness He is strong.

  61. Kelly says:

    Rachel from Texas – excellent blog. Thanks for sharing.

  62. Michelle Patire says:

    Ok sorry not sorry, this is my third post, today!! but I wanted to say this because it’s so important!! I often try to post quick before I go on with my day, but after scrolling and reading all these comments, I felt compelled to speak honor where it is due!

    I am so so impressed by the way this community loves on each other. I’ve been on SRT off and on for over a year. I began summer 2020 with a suggestion from my friend Vanessa.. (who, from what I know, also reads weekly with us all!)

    I’m so impressed by the way you all looked and loved on Churchmouse. (Ps. I was always do intrigued by your screenname. I love it!) The Rachel from Texas interaction just makes my heart glow. You guys (inserted heart eyes emoji). I love seeing others love on another like this. Good job, ladies. I think this community is honoring Christ so beautifully. You love each other so well.

    Thank you for all who have prayed for me this past year. It is a blessing to be part of this community. I don’t always have time to comment, but I’m always thankful for when I have the time to read and scroll through the thoughts of all you ladies. God bless you and keep you! Prayers for all those who are hurting, today.

    Be encouraged. This is a safe place to speak your heart. ♥️ It is a privilege to be here. Thank you SRT admin, staff, and Shes!!!!!

  63. Michelle Patire says:

    Traci G,

    God bless you and keep your family abundantly in this time. May You rest so deeply in His love. God sees you and hears your every thought and ounce of pain you carry. May He bless you for your beautiful commitment to honor your Tanner… it is precious to Him.

  64. Michelle Patire says:

    That blog post suggested was fantastic! I hope those struggling to return to church read it, it is very well thought out with a lens of mercy.

    My prayer is that I remain humble. I get so caught up in the words of others, if my eyes are not on God as King. Lord, please help me remember You are the miracle maker, not me. I’m struggling with pride as I see people notice me and God put me in places to lead. I know pride comes easy to me. Lord, please help me not depend on my own strength and ability & know it all comes from You. Help me honor others the way I desire to. How can I look to honor others this week? Will pray on this.

  65. Kathy says:

    RACHEL FROM TEXAS, I read the blog post you recommended. It was so good. My husband is on staff at a church. The past 18 months have been so hard on him and our other two ministers. It’s amazing the lengths they have been to trying to keep our community thriving. God has been so present for all of us.
    The most important thing I have learned is how vitally important community in the church is. The first Sunday we were back live was incredible. The only way we will reach the world for Jesus is by creating a community that is so incredibly different that those outside the church will want to be a part of it.
    Lord, make us all lovely lights to those around us.

  66. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord God teach me to honor You by serving others, including my enemies. In Jesus loving name, Amen

  67. CeeGee says:

    “Adopt the same attitude as Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5 reminds me of the old phrase “What would Jesus do?” So much to soak in!

    TRACI GENDRON, I, too, am so sorry to hear about your precious Tanner and pray for your heart as you heal. He was blessed to have such a godly, loving mom who successfully passed on her faith. Hugs and prayers.

    HEIDI!!! I was thrilled to see your comments! I have missed you as much as I missed Churchmouse! Your comments so closely reflect my heart most of the time.

    As we enter this season of Thanksgiving I am so very thankful for this community and the opportunity to share in the prayer needs. For those of us who are still’being careful’ it’s great to have this form of fellowship!

  68. MARTHA HIX says:

    I am praying for you Traci and am so very sorry for the loss of your precious Tanner.

  69. Pam Seipp says:

    Don’t you just love God’s plans and timing? This SRT study and community seems to be written especially for me in my time in life. Such gentle and strong reminders of Christian Ethics: love one another; honor one another; live in harmony with one another!

  70. Lily Ashtin says:

    Something that stuck out to me today was “do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit” which reminded me of the “selfie culture” we live in. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable taking a selfie and I think maybe this is why I get a “check” in my spirit.. c and a “look at me” attitude.

  71. Tiffany C says:

    Grace, peace and mercy to you all. Wherever we are, God knows our hearts and our thoughts. He hears our prayers and sees our tears. May we draw near to Him and encounter Him today.

    He is here, but often I am not ready to meet Him.

  72. Kathy A says:

    @Traci praying for you and your husband. I am so sorry to hear about Tanner’s passing. Praying for comfort, peace and strength. ❤️
    I love the direction from this, “take the lead in honoring one another.” Beautiful

  73. Amber deArmas says:

    Honoring one another. This one can be difficult for me with people who “don’t deserve” to be honored. Thankful we aren’t looking to honor perfect people! Praying the Lord will teach me to have his eyes towards others and humble my heart so I can honor those around me! Happy Wednesday!

  74. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    The verse that stuck out most to me is Romans 12:16 – “Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble.” I think it’s our natural tendency to draw near to those who are a “somebody”. Whether it’s status, fame, fortune- we want to know these people and be close to them probably because it makes us feel like a “somebody”. But that is so opposite of what God teaches us and the example that Christ sets for us. Jesus took the form of a servant – willingly, obediently, humbly. Who am I to think that I am above that? May each of us strive daily (because it’s an on going thing)to have the mind of Christ. To be holy as He is holy. I know I need constant reminding!

    @Traci – I am so, so, sorry to hear of Tanner’s passing. I have been praying for you both and will continue to pray for you. May God comfort your grieving heart and may you feel His presence ever beside you – holding you up and when needed – carrying you. Hugs and prayers for you today. ❤️

  75. Nads says:

    Beloved TRACI GENDRON, I will continue to hold you up to Christ; I am (digitally) wiping your tears, hugging you when you need it, rubbing a wearied shoulder, washing your feet and with them the strain, fatigue, heartache of this part of your life journey…also, being able to say “Hey, how did you get this mark on your foot” and listening to hear a precious, joyous story of your son / His son.
    I will never forget watching a beloved one moments before she passed and the child-at-sn-amusement-park look of elation on her 59 year-old face,…I cannot help but rejoice with my whole heart for Tanner!!

  76. Rachel from Texas says:

    In reply to Churchmouse (& all those struggling to return to church) PLEASE read the blog post from yesterday on the Val Marie Paper website. I would link it but I’m not sure it will post on here. It is wise and encouraging!

    Love to all y’all She’s!

  77. Maura says:

    Oh What Grace our Jesus shows in the washing of the feet. Not just humbling himself to put these His disciples above him, but even the one He had in His midst who betrayed Him. What a God we serve. Love your enemies, even those who have betrayed my teust are betraying me now. God show me how. I weep at the thought of such love and know it is transforming. God help me to pray for those and to remember, but for your grace. Traci dear Sister, so glad you posted that all the love here for you can be poured out in prayer and words for you. You who have given so much in the care of your sweet Tanner, let others care for you now and wrap you in His mighty love. It is good to read these words of love to you. I envision Tanner’s light glorious around the throne of God and your story of His faith as a child so blesses my heart as I imagine how sweet that moment was. Heidi, so good to see you back. Thank you for prayers Sisters, praying His light to shine in the dark places , his protection, and eyes turned inward would have to look around and see truth so healing can take place. I know He is moving mountains and praying all glory and honor, and praise to our Lord. Joining prayers. Tina, how are you feeling? Praying for you and all the requests here. Love to all you lights, we love because He first loved us. Amen and Amen.

  78. Rhonda J says:

    Dear Traci, I hope you can feel this big hug I am wrapping you in! You have felt like a dear friend by sharing with us over the years your son’s health battles. The only comfort we can find in loss is the knowledge of knowing the truth that we will see them again. But losing a child has always been my (and probably many) greatest worry and fear. I knew this weekend as God placed on my hard to send extra prayers for you, that he had his precious Tanner with Him. We here love you so much and praying for your husband as well. Let this grief pull you closer together, and have understanding for each other, as you may process it differently.

  79. Sherry says:

    “A race to the bottom” these words spoke to me today. Oh God, help me to be “a race to the bottom” person today and everyday.

  80. Sarah Rye says:

    This is the first series I have joined in with, I’m in the uk so probably a bit different in times. Loving following this, definitely some challenging points coming up to pray over and reflect on and to see where I need the spirit to help me change in my own life

  81. Heidi says:

    “But He’s well aware of who He is” … THAT statement from the author today is what jumped off the page at me.
    Isn’t that the truth! I feel like the majority of our motivation for refusing to be “last/least” is we don’t make the realization of WHO (and WHOSE!) we are. We are making a name for ourselves when our mission is to further the Name that’s already been made. Our honor, respect, recognition has already come, and come in a greater sense than this world could EVER give. And whatever “honor” is given to us here, in title or financial regard, is temporary and fleeting.
    Remember who you are. Daughter of The Most High. Lifted up, recognized, seen, loved beyond the limits of this life. May we allow ourselves the privilege of servanthood for our Creator. What an enormously high calling entrusted to us! :)

  82. Charlie says:

    In his autobiography _Confessions_, St. Augustine says that he did not like the Bible when he was a young man because it was too simple. He wanted something more complicated to follow, so he turned to other religions. When he got his call to “take up and read” the Holy Scriptures, he saw the brilliance in the simplicity. “Take the lead in honoring one another” is to me one of those so simple, yet life-changing concepts. I’ve read that Romans passage dozens and dozens of times in my life, but this is the first time “Take the lead in honoring one another” popped out at me. It’s as if that phrase just appeared in this familiar list — and then Jen focuses on it, too. Take the lead in supporting someone. Take the lead in showing love and compassion. Take the lead in smiling at a stranger. Take the lead in doing the hard jobs. Take the lead in finding ways to value and respect others, so each human feels worthy and loved. “Take the lead in honoring one another.” Lord, keep that in the forefront of my mind as I go about my life!

  83. Melanie says:

    I love this study!!!! Praying for all of you. Traci Gendron- I am so sorry for you loss. Praying

  84. Churchmouse says:

    TRACI, thank you so much for sharing your Tanner with the SRT community. I have witnessed your great love and your faithful care of your dear son. Thank you for letting me know that your prayer for him to be made whole and healthy has been answered. Though I would have loved having him longer on this earth with you, I am grateful to know that you will hold him in your arms again and that I will meet him one day in person. You are loved.

  85. Angie says:

    Aren’t today’s scriptures SO POWERFUL! I just want to soak them in and apply, apply, apply them to life. That is what Heaven will be. Us with Jesus. With each other. Living purely, holy, living-love. Honoring our Father God. Walking streets of gold with Jesus. Laughing with the Holy Spirit over fun things He taught us, ways He guided, and maybe even a little at ourself for how dense we could be sometimes (as least I can be). Praising our God and King with our family.
    But today I am here. Today I have breath on this earth because my God has deemed it so. Today my hands will gently wash, caress, and dry the feet of those God places before me. My heart and mind bowed before my Lord, I will chose to bow and serve. There are things happening this morning that He wants my gentle submission and quiet love to shine in. Things it would be easier to command, than kneel into. I will wash feet this day from a bowed knee. Go before me Savior and King. Empower me Lord God. Thank you Holy Spirit for your indwelling, fill me and pour out I pray, in the all-powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

  86. Paula Golyzniak says:

    If you haven’t already, listen to wee this

  87. SEARCHING says:

    “Behave Like a Christian” is the heading in my Bible for the section in Romans – OUCH! I need to read this section regularly to help me stay on track.

    I like Jen’s phrasing “a race to the bottom” which is a reminder to me to put other’s needs ahead of my own. A challenge to be consistent with that and to not judge others that aren’t in the same race … a warning not to humblebrag about our performance in this race.

    I grew up visiting my grandmother’s country church probably monthly and “foot washings” were a regular activity. I was too young to participate but remember being puzzled about the why of it. As a caregiver for my MIL a few years ago, I realized she wasn’t able to easily reach her feet and so I set up things for me to wash them. When I knelt down to place her feet into the warm water I had prepared, she began telling me that I didn’t have to help her. I explained that although I didn’t have to, I wanted to. What an awesome, humbling experience as I was overwhelmed with the love I felt for her at that moment.

    BEVERLY WATLEY – Welcome! we are located all around the world so everyone is able to read and comment according to what works with their schedule. I’m a morning person in the eastern time zone so I read through the previous day’s posts to catch up with comments and prayer requests. As Kelly replied yesterday, Churchmouse is a much loved Sister full of wisdom that is back from a long break.

    TRACI GENDRON – much love to you Sister, sending so many hugs your way. So sad to read about Tanner’s passing but love what you shared about his comment when he was 5. I will be thinking about you and continuing to pray.

    JENNIFER FICKLEN – welcome and will be praying for your daughter.

    CAROLINE BRIDGES – same here! I dread being around people I don’t know and trying to come up with something to say.

    KATE – praying for your friend’s biopsy

    MAURA – praying for the safety of your grands. Could the defensive reaction have come from your words being something he realized but had ignored?

    FOSTER MAMA – praying for you!

  88. Churchmouse says:

    Jesus humbled Himself by taking on the form of a servant. Let me just sit with that for awhile. The creator of the universe bends down to wash twelve pairs of dusty, dirty, calloused and malodorous feet. He didn’t skip over Judas Iscariot, the one He knew was His betrayer.

    Would I have done the same? So often, too often, I stubbornly refuse to speak to or in any way reach out to the ones who have offended me. There is no humility in that, no servant attitude, no preferring others over myself, no love. 2 Samuel 24:24 came to mind. (Who would have thought?!) God’s impression on me from that verse is that love isn’t love if it costs me nothing. Oh I can stand back and not indulge in gossip or revenge but that isn’t love. Truly loving must cost me something – the lowering of defenses, surrendering my pride, seeing things from their perspective, owning my faults, saying “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” Swallowing my pride, letting the stones fall from my hand are more than doable. I needed the reminder that loving others will never cost me the way it cost Jesus.

  89. Angie says:

    Traci Gendron you and Tanner have been in my prayers. (The HRT devotional today might be very good for you in this time.) Thank you for the example of considering others you have been through the years to Tanner. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of that journey with you. Please know you will remain in my prayers. I’m excited for the opportunities you will have to use your experiences for good. Please know when you feel the waves of missing Tanner wash over you, you are loved. Share your heart sister, we will love you, and lift you to the Father.

  90. Kathy says:

    TRACI GENDRON, I am so sorry to hear about Tanner. I know how broken your heart is right now, but I am so thankful that we can all rejoice that he is now with Jesus and he’s healthy and whole. I pray that God’s presence will overwhelm you as you walk through this. When my mom passed away a friend shared that grief was like being in the ocean. At first, the waves are coming so hard and so fast you feel like you can’t even breathe. Eventually, the waves get smaller and farther apart but every now and then one can come up unexpectedly and smack you in the face. I findlots of comfort in that.
    Please know that you are being lifted before the throne of grace.

  91. Kelly says:

    All so good, if we could just focus on one of the exortations Paul gives us for 30 days we may be supeised how easy it would be to add another (then another, and another)

    “Live in harmony with one another.” SO BEAUTIFUL! why? Because you cannot have a harmony without different notes being played. Unity is not uniformity.

    Also “Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.” God show us how. Holy Spirit point out when we are not. Jesus thank You for leadinf the way.

    To all those who have and are still working in healthcare THANK YOU for your sacrifices. May the Lord bless you abundantly for your faithfulness.

  92. Kelly says:

    ((((((TRACI GENDRON))))))) big hug for you and your family. Praying for the Comforter to be closer than ever to you and your family. Rejoicing in Tanner’s full restoration in heaven.

  93. Kristen says:

    @Traci Gendron I just went back and read the comments. I’m so sorry and am praying and will pray.

    @Foster Mama in agreement that God will speak as you pray.

    @Victoria E, Heather, Skylar, and Elaine thank you for sharing. I can relate to your comments yesterday even if our situations aren’t the same.

    I was told by a Christian counselor that I know about God, but don’t know Him. She was right, and still is. I don’t think I am where I was, but I also haven’t arrived. I read His Word, but I need to be changed. There was a post on that I saw yesterday saying that the Bible had zero effect apart from the Holy Spirit. I pray to be changed by His Word and know the truth that’s there instead of being tormented by the lies of the enemy. Praying for of us that aren’t seeing God rightly.

    Some of you wrote that it was hard to love others close to you. I also can find it hard to respond rightly to others that I should love the most. I could give reasons to justify, but from God’s Word, I am called to love and forgive. One
    wrote about pride. I know pride is so dangerous, and I am guilty of that. I can be selfish too. As it was written in the comments to pray: Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me. I need to pray that. I was also told to pray to see others they way God does! Thank you for sharing that prayer and Scripture. I am also asking God for me to see Him rightly and to change me and help me to walk in a way pleasing to Him.

    Thank you @ Heidi. I agree with you. A way to grow to feel differently is to pray for them. There are people that I don’t agree with and someone that was part of on of the most painful times for me, but when you pray for them, something really can change! I know I’m commenting from yesterday. Hope this makes sense.
    Praying for you all.
    Welcome back to Churchmouse and welcome to all the new readers.

  94. Arina says:

    John 13:3 “Jesus knew that the Father had given everything into his hands, that he had come from God, and that he was going back to God. So he got up (…) and began to wash his disciple’s feet.” This verse. He knew who He was, what was about to happen, and still… He got up and washed their feet. That’s what happens when we know who whe are. We are God’s beloved children. We do not have to fight for our own status, to try our hardest that others might think we are the best. We can humbly serve knowing we are His.

  95. Arina says:

    TRACI I’m so sorry to hear that Tanner has passed. Lifting you up in prayers to the Lord who counts every one of your tears. One day He will wipe them away and you’ll be reunited with Tanner. Until that day, cry ou to Him. He is near.

  96. Carol Rimmer says:

    TRACI GENDRON, I’m sorry to read about your loss. I pray that the Lord would comfort you and hold you securely in His arms. Cry out to Him – He cares for you.

  97. Tina says:

    TRACI GENDRON, I am so so very heart broken for you and with you.. I am sorry to hear of Tanners passing..
    Because of Jesus, death will not be the end of Tanners journey. Instead, death will be but a border He has crossed to enter a new land to come. Eternity.. Tanner is with Jesus now. His five year old self, is rejoicing.. no more tears or pain.

    For you, Traci, this journey will be hard, BUT GOD, is but a whisper away, as close as your skin to your body, He will never leave you, even in those moments when you think you are alone, He is near, faithful to comfort, faithful to hold you up.
    I wish I could just hug you for real right now. Know that I am here holding you up in prayer, in love in hope..

    Praying wrapped in love.❤

  98. Nads says:

    BTW: Has anyone else noticed that CHURCHMOUSE is back?! ;) ;)

    I’m kidding, of course! The love for you is dripping from my phone and echoes my own…I hope it’s dripping from yours, @Churchmouse! The “crumb of love to people on my naughty list” really resonated…Thanks

    1. Chris S says:


  99. Foster Mama says:

    In response to some of yesterday’s comments:

    TRACI GENDRON – I’m hugging you right now. I had a feeling on the weekend that Tanner was going to be with the Lord. I’m thankful to Jesus that He gave Tanner an example of faith in you, that Tanner left this earth knowing his Maker. I’m praising God for his new body. Beloved, I am fervently praying for your heart, your grief, your strength, your faith,…placing you in His loving hands. (Please look up a painting by Mark Missman called “Child of God”…it has helped me through a lot this past month.)

    ANGIE, your comments re: His care…wiping out faces…Ugh! Bless you Sister.

    HEIDI – OK, I’ll try :)

    RHONDA J & RACHAEL – loved your comments to our CHURCHMOUSE

    ELAINE MORGAN – That was a courageous and powerful share — thanks for being vulnerable to convict us.

    TINA – I think I want even more of that story. :)

    BY HIS GRACE – It should not be that way…too much weight and pull on you, Beloved! I am praying Jesus carries you in every single way. Thank you for everything you do! Truly!

    MAURA, KATE, ERB, VICTORIA E (and so many others)… for YOU and yours…I’m praying ❤️


    This morning (Wednesday) I have the opportunity to lead a group of foster parents in prayers; I ask that it would be God who speaks.