Commissioned by Christ

Open Your Bible

Matthew 28:16-20, Matthew 10:27-42, Acts 8:26-38, Romans 10:14-17, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, Romans 1:16

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

Christ calls His Church to herald the good news to each other, our communities, and the world. 

As you reflect on Scripture today, take time today to pray for those who don’t yet know Christ as Savior. Share how you are praying for them along with your response to the reading. 

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93 thoughts on "Commissioned by Christ"

  1. Carol M says:

    I once took a class on Paul Miller’s book on prayer… he really pushed us to find ways to incorporate the power of prayer into our daily lives… one suggestion was to pray for people who serve us when we are in restaurants…my husband and I took this challenge and often chat with our server, ask their name, and then say, “We like to pray for those who serve us, do you have any requests?” We have received so many different responses… most very positive… we always do pray for the request, but more importantly, that God will bring people into their lives who will draw them to Jesus… Usually we have the sense that no one has ever prayed for them. I should also add, we do not expect them to stop working and wait for us to pray. We keep it very casual, they continue on their way, and then we pray. Another important point… we always tip very well…especially when we pray for them! This has become a very natural way to share God’s light with people we would never reach… and we believe that God is able to answer our requests and draw them to Him!!

  2. Sharan Trotter says:

    It is for this cause we were sent into this World to share the Gospel: the Free Gift of Salvation to Every Person we Meet on the Journey of Life Who doesn’t KNOW JESUS as their Personal Lord & Savior as having a Personal Relationship w/Him NOW & into ETERNITY!!!

  3. AG says:

    Asking for two prayer requests today
    1. My cousin & husband who lost their 5 month old baby to Sids in November announced they are pregnant again yesterday. Please send them prayers for a healthy and safe pregnancy.
    2. I have been searching for a job in a new town and had an interview that went well yesterday. I am expecting to hear back with their decision this week but am struggling with my decision if they offer me the job. It is at a school in a tough area with gang activity & violence so that worries me. But I am praying and asking God if this is where He has planned for me to go.

  4. Carol Crossman says:

    “So faith comes from hearing and hearing the word” …I will share the Good News with all and guide them as best I can. I pray for the unsaved and the uninformed. We must stand for Jesus and not watered down laws made by men. This will cause dissension in our families and communities. We must stay in the Word and share it with all.

  5. Carol Crossman says:

    “So faith comes from hearing and hearing the word” …I will share the Good News with all and guide them as best I can. I pray for the unsaved and the uninformed.

  6. AG says:

    I pray for my friends that I know are struggling with their faith. I pray for all those who haven’t heard Gods word or who haven’t listened to it, to open their hearts to God.

  7. Peggy Pappas says:

    Praying for ally young grandchildren to come to faith in Christ. They are being raised by believing parents for which I am thankful. I am also praying for the salvation of two brothers who live in the same household who are not saved. One has a daughter who ” transitioned” they are as lost as they can be.

  8. Lizzy says:

    My prayer is for those who don’t know Christ and for those who might believe all the answers lie within the idea of finding ourselves and our own wisdom instead of Christ’s I was reminded in todays reading that what He is asking us to do will seem foolish to the world today