Text: Romans 3:21-26, Luke 5:27-32, 1 Timothy 1:15
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
– Luke 5:31-32, NIV
My husband Ryan hates to go to the doctor. Hates it. Would rather overpay on taxes while drinking room temperature coffee with sand in his teeth than find himself in the exam room.
But, this fall I finally took the bull by the horns and made a call to schedule some long-overdue health maintenance checks. Y’all, they didn’t even know his name. He wasn’t in their system. He’d never been seen by a doctor since we moved to Nashville more than eight years ago.
Once the dates were finally on the calendar, he was really sweating it. Ryan lost sleep for an entire week worrying that the doctor would uncover some terminal illness or lecture him like he was a child about regular well-checks and diet and exercise. He’d waited so long, it felt awkward to show up. He set up camp at the intersection of “ignorance is bliss” and “I can’t bear the judgment” and lived there for years.
I laughed at him then and I still chuckle about it now—so silly to be afraid to be seen by a caretaker. But when I zoom out to a larger picture I realize that, in a lot of ways, I’m just the same in my relationship with my Caretaker.
Lord, could we please postpone the “examine my heart” prayer until I’ve got something worth shining your headlamp on?
Father, I’m a mess right now. I promise you don’t want me walking around proclaiming your name – I’m a PR nightmare.
God, I don’t really know you very well, but I’d like to. Let me see if I can get my act together a bit, then let’s be friends!
Friends, we are all sick with sin. Every one of us is diseased with iniquity. We hear each other saying, “I’m broken and guilty,” and we think to ourselves, “If only they knew – it’s me. I’m the worst.” We live in fear of shining a light on the very darkest parts of our hearts—afraid to whisper those dark parts by name, let alone hold them in our outstretched hands in plain sight of the One who bled and died to redeem them.
Jesus our Healer, says, “Come.” Yes, you are very sick, but that’s why I’m here!
Jesus our Justifier, says, “Come.” Child, you are ill, and I am the only One who can make you well.
We live in shame and fear, afraid to come into the light until we we know the Physician will be pleased with what He sees. We’re worried we’ve waited too long. The author of the hymn “Come, Ye Sinners” echoes Christ Himself when he says, don’t wait another minute!
“If you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all.”
“Let not conscience make you linger,
Not of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of him.”
Do you need Him today, Sisters? Come to Him.
Are you waiting to be better on your own? Come to Him.
In Him you will find not condemnation, but healing.

by Joseph Hart, 1759
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and power.
I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
O there are ten thousand charms.
Come, ye thirsty, come, and welcome,
God’s free bounty glorify;
True belief and true repentance,
Every grace that brings you nigh.
Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
Lost and ruined by the fall;
If you tarry till you’re better,
You will never come at all.
View Him prostrate in the garden;
On the ground your Maker lies.
On the bloody tree behold Him;
Sinner, will this not suffice?
Lo! th’incarnate God ascended,
Pleads the merit of His blood:
Venture on Him, venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude.
Let not conscience make you linger,
Not of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him.
Find an exclusive hand-lettered print with lyrics from “Come, Ye Sinners” in the She Reads Truth shop!
Click below to hear the traditional melody of “Come, Ye Sinners” on the She Reads Truth |Hymns Spotify playlist. An additional version of the hymn is also available on the full playlist.
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1,050 thoughts on "Come, Ye Sinners"
Thank you Lord for being there for me even in my sins. Thank you for loving me like no other. Thank your for your grace. Thank you for your mercies. And thank you for forgiving me. I praise your holy name. Amen!
❤️ He came to save us, may we let Him do what He came to do. And realize we can’t do it on our own.
Thank you God for sitting with me in all my sins and imperfections. Thank you for loving me and forgiving me and being there for me always. You are so good and I praise your name! I love you! Amen
“If you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all” I read this in tears. I’ve been in fix it mode for some time thinking I need to reach a certain level of holy before being worthy of His presence. I’m being reminded that it not only makes it worse but shows what little faith I put in the sacrifice He made. I act as though His death wasn’t enough to save me, that I have to clean myself up before coming to Him.
“in the arms of my dear savior, oh there are 10 thousand charms”
I am no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of God.☺️ I am surrounded.
I just noticed something in this reading. The legalistic approach folks, who were asking about why Jesus was eating with the other kids, the way it is told: they were there, so they were condemning themselves with their own questions.
needed this. I too often think of let me get my act together first… The Father just wants me to draw near to Him. What an Awrsome Father we serve sisters
Come to Him and lay all your sin at His feet❤️
I am encouraged by this devotion. I always feel the shame and fear the judgment of other Christians. But I will never be perfect enough to come to God. Yet, He came to me.
I’ve haven’t heard this hymn til this morning. I did like the line “I’m a PR nightmare.” That how I feel at times as well. But no matter what, I know I’m a daughter of the King and He loves me regardless.
I’ve never heard that hymn before. There is a rawness in it of the price of our sin. Jesus is better…and always will be.
I am grateful for the opportunity to come to Jesus even though I know I’m not worthy
Thank you Jesus for giving me the motivation and courage to pick up my Bible today✝️
Ur love Jesus is enough
Jesus comes for all. Thank you Lord for knowing and loving us enough that we can come to you in every time of life <3
“Sinner, will this not suffice?” Man, that line got me right in the gut. Why do I wait for God to do something when he’s already done SO much for me (and will keep doing so much for me)
We over-complicate our walk with the Lord by holding ourselves to impossible standards of perfection. Jesus came because in this broken world we cannot be without sin. The only one who could died on the cross for our sins. That was of course, Jesus the son of God! We don’t have to wait til we are perfect to come to God. All he requires is our faith!
How beautiful it is to know that we cannot do anything except accept Him in this healing. It is strangely relieving to lowly surrender to the One Who is able.
Great start to this study!
Thank You, Jesus for loving us no matter where we are in life. Thank You for making us whole again. Amen ❤️
This is such a goo way to describe it❤️
Very powerful words to remind us to come to the Savior just as we are and He will make us whole and clean of heart. Thank you Jesus!
I was in a rock and a hard place I could not get out not by myself I prayed and prayed when I finally opened up to family about it so they could help in prayer that’s when God swooped me out and he is taking care of me.
Thankful I can come as I am! And Jesus came for the sinners to make us the righteousness of God! How powerful! Thank you She Reads Truth
I receive in the name of Jesus
Thank you Jesus for coming to save me from my sins.
Such a good reminder today! I really needed this. ❤️ Lately I’ve been feeling like once I’m healed and better, I’ll be able to spend more time with God and just comprehend the Bible better. This encourages me today to still come as I am. God wants us to come to Him as we are, where we are.
Don’t linger in your conscience and dream of if you are fit enough for God’s kingdom… all he requires is faith and a soul yearning for him.
Oh my goodness! This is perfect. Our church is doing a women’s conference called broken and mended. This so perfect for that and me!
This was just what I needed today! Amen!
All the fitness he requireth is to feel your need for him ❤️
You make us whole Lord
Thankful for a love that covers me
Grace is a gift & it is more than enough
I am so grateful that God loves me no matter what shape I am in.
I love the way you love me Lord
What a great reminder. Love the concept of zooming out to the greater picture. Grateful
Thinking of my earthly father as I read this today. He has a Jesus shaped whole in his heart and he is trying so hard to fill it with everything but his savior. Reach him today Lord. Touch his heart and stir his soul.
We are all sick with sin and can not be healed on our own. I am so grateful God is willing to embrace me while I’m sick.
Thank you Lord for not pushing me away due to my sins and making all my bad good
I sent part of this to a friend that bound with addiction. Please keep him in your prayers. This is actually the kind of love he needs to heal his heart and break his chains. Please keep Eric in your prayers! ❤️
Thank you for being the great Physician and not having me clean myself up first. There is nothing I can do to clean myself. You ultimately change hearts and I am grateful for that Lord!
Thank you Lord for taking all my brokenness and making it good
Thank you Lord for your everlasting love and for always forgiving us when we break your heart.
Oh how I need you Lord
To feel our need of Him is all He requires, then He will do the rest. Truly a refreshing thought
“If you tarry till you’re better, you will not come at all”….wow such powerful words that hold so much truth.
Wow- I love how God, our caretaker, always wants us back in his arms no matter how long it has been or what we have done. We are redeemed and loved through Christ Jesus!!!
I’m so grateful for this reminder today ❤️
How do you read through the study; on my screen I can’t see other days in just fix on day one , how does the study work **** reading through the day? Thanks
Amazing ❤️
Sang this hymn my whole life growing up. Never stopped to honestly think about what each verse means and how it applies to me today. Thank you for sharing!
Amen! My first time hearing it today. The words are so true and genuine. God bless you, sister
This hymn holds a huge part in my story, as well as the chosen verses. Words that God used to make me uncomfortable for years so that I might finally understand my shortcomings and why He came.
understood ❤️
I never really thought about the lyrics of this song, including “if you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all”. It’s so true. I can delay things for so long and then think or assume I’m probably better. But I need my Father.
love it
A way I would not have translated those verses. True and beautiful!
This is what I needed today ❤️
Beautiful! ♥️ I need you, Jesus!
The beauty of hearing “follow me” this morning—not “get ready, clean up and handle your mess then meet me…” just “Follow. Me.”
Thankful for a Great Healer, Father and King that loves me and makes me clean.
This is my first study in SRT. I guess I’m putting it out there as a way to be accountable. There’s no reason why I can’t dedicate time to full my cup of all that is good so that the overflow is good too. These comments were really encouraging. Thank you.
I really needed to read this today and be reminded it’s okay to not be okay. This was just what my heart needed to hear.
So encouraging for my weary heart today-
Beautiful words. I will be starting this year journaling Hymns!! I’m elated!! Want to join me?
I love this song on apple music by Norton Hall Band
I love the truth in the statement, “we live in shame and fear, afraid to come into the light until we know the Physician will be pleased with what he sees.”
How often I think that if I just do better and try harder that my relationship with God will improve when I cannot do those things alone. I can only do better and try harder and make real change when I have Jesus in my life now, not just when it’s good.
I’m going to be reading various plans this year. The last 2 years I’ve read the Bible through. I’m just not feeling it to do it again this year, but I still want to read from the Bible each day.
I love how when Jesus recruits his disciples, this is always used: “And leaving everything, he rose and followed him.”
They left EVERYTHING. They left their boat, nets, food, money, even their DAD! And they followed someone they barely knew. I just love that ❤️
Love these old hymns- they are so rich in doctrine and such faith builders- thank y’all!
Literally, 10 minutes ago I was thinking about another’s sins and comparing myself to them. Lord, You are so kind to convict me, even me. Because You care about even my heart. And want it pure. Thank You Lord for conviction.
I don’t have to get better to go to the doctor. I don’t have to clean before the maid comes. I don’t have to have the perfect situation to enjoy life. And most of all I don’t have to “save myself “ before coming to my Savior!
Thank you Lord for reminding me that we are all sinners, no iniquity is bigger than someone else’s. I pray for healing and strength this season.
I loved this. It spoke to me greatly
Sin is sin & we should not compare ourselves as worse or better than others based upon that. We are all sinners & need Jesus to fix us. I pray I’ll be the type of sister that helps another out of the pit while realizing I am in there as well.
I am so glad I am able to come as I am.
Thank you Lord!!! take me as I am because if I wait until “I have my act together” I will never come
This is exactly what I needed to be reminded of. I fell into a rut of not having quiet time and kept pushing it off because I felt I wasn’t ready or good enough to go back, but that’s the point. None of us can ever make ourselves “good enough”. We all fall short but that is exactly why Christ came.
God tells us to come as we are, and that’s just so beautiful
In HIM we are saved
Thankful for this study right now
Hola, hola!
This study is so good!
It looks great!
I need you your fill oh Lord!
“on the bloody tree behold him, sinner will this not suffice” wow, i never thought of it that way. why do we keep looking for more and more when he’s already given us everything?
I have only ever heard the first few verses of this song, I love the depth of the others!
For WEEKS I’ve been pushing off starting a study because I hadn’t in a while and I didn’t feel ready and I felt behind. This was the perfect place to start and the perfect way to realized I can start now and tomorrow and everyday for forever.
This is such a good study!!!
Love this. Great perspective!
Love this ❤️❤️
Love this!♥️
Jesus WANTS me to come to him even when I’m sick and hurt. I don’t need to be perfect to receive His great love.
Wow enjoyed nice little devotional , I can’t wait to read more and continue to grow my relationship with God ❤️
Every time I walk away from God, He is always just waiting for me to walk back into His arms.. and He never fails or will never forsake me. Beautiful.
Amen ! We are never to late for Yeshua !!
Great story. It’s never too late to begin a new. Trust in HIS name.
I forgot he was my physician, to go to when my heart feels weary.
I’m honestly terrified. Even reading through this it was a sucker punch to my stomach and can’t even begin with words at how lost i feel.
Praying for you, sister!
Y’all bringing me to tears reading in Target/Starbucks this morning! My husband and I have been having a hard time getting pregnant, and the story of your husband hit me so hard because I’m not pretty terrified myself of going to the doctor….
Yet I’m not afraid of my healer, or am I? I’m sitting here wondering. Or perhaps I don’t always fully believe in His healing and ability to make a way for us. So sometimes I find myself avoiding the situation in my prayers all together.
Thanks for bringing my health back to my savior’s feet this morning.
My pastor just said on Sunday “the kingdom of God is not a country club for the elite but rather a hospital for the sick. We are in the ICU and were never leaving.”
I would always see him as the great physician. But I would take it to far and say that I don’t need meds because God is the great physician
This is so needed right now
Romana 8:28 !
One thing we all need to think about
Such a great reminder that God always opens his arms to everybody, no matter how sick with sin they are!
2 Corinthians 3:16-18
Another few verses on the subject of letting God see our brokenness before we have time to clean it up. This verse has been really close to my heart recently as I try to remember that God sees us as unveiled and beautiful in his sight even if we have made mistakes.
I love this song!!! I have sung it in youth group many times but never heard all of the verses. Thank you!!!
Amazing. God really spoke to me with this one. I’m trying to get close again after rejecting Him for so long. Thank you for this.
I love Christian music! Thank you for the Hymns studies!!
So many times I fall into the trap that I have to clean myself up before I come to Him, but that is so not true! He came to the old rugged cross for who we are, not who we stress to be. He is SO good and deserves our everything! I am so thankful for His Perfect Love that sees no stain on us!
Needed this as I begin my journey again to be closer to Him.
I needed this today. Many times I forget that God wants me to come to Him because in my mind I need to be perfect. Thank you for this great devotional.
I definitely know I’m not perfect. My prayer life is almost nonexistent. What a reminder to go to God.
Feeling too ashamed to come to Jesus to unveil the deepest struggles of my heart is a feeling I know in this season. Grateful to know a God that shows us open arms!
I have never thought of this hymn as a cry to come to Jesus, even though we sing it in church all the time. I will remember this whenever we sing it at church now!
Praise God that His kindness and love isn’t based on my righteousness but by His character. It is in Your character to love me wholly. What a great God we have.
Great Devotional, I’m excited to be starting it!
I’m happy to be shown such a lovely Hymn. I’d never heard it before. God bless.
Such an amazing song and what an incredible truth that Jesus has loved us with our wounds and scars included!
Love this
Love this!❤️
Love this
Love this!
I have sung this song before but never really paid attention to the words.
When I started my freshman year of college, I fell out of faith. I had a new freedom that I had never had before and I wanted to do what I wanted. I ruined a lot of great things for myself as well as some relationships with family members. For a while, I was so afraid to go back to church or to pray. I was afraid that I wasn’t good enough or that I would be judged for falling out of faith. But I finally stepped back into church after a year. Reading this devotional made me realize that I shouldn’t be afraid to come to Him. I’m not perfect and I never will be, but in His eyes I’m a masterpiece created by Him.
Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t have to wait until we’re “better” or perfect for Jesus to want us? He loves us, sin and all, and stands ready to redeem us and call us His own.
Yes! He is calling us today, just as we are. Amazing
This was wonderful!! ❤️
For most of the past year, I have spent all of my energy holding my family together. It didn’t matter how lost or alone I felt, my job was to be the glue for the sake of my loved ones. However once things began to calm down and we started this new chapter of our lives, I realized I could finally turn my focus inward and begin to repair the damage that I had been ignoring for so long. But as soon as I realized how deep the wounds were, I got scared. For the past few months I’ve been neglecting my relationship with Christ so that I didn’t have to face the painful realities of my soul’s state. It’s time for me to return to Him, and find healing.
Stacia, I absolutely agree. I’ve been thinking I can do it all, but in reality I can’t. I need Jesus. I need someone who washes away my brokenness.
I think my word for this year is come. This really hit me. I have been trying to fix myself up before coming to Him. What a great reminder that God doesn’t need us to do that, the mess doesn’t scare Him, He is ready to get His hands messy and helps us!
Yes! I love that. Mine is blessed. Sometimes I forget how fortunate I am. ♥️♥️♥️
Double yes! Mine is behold! Oh to see Jesus clearly.
needed this.
Everything in this is so true. So often we try and become better before coming to Jesus when all He wants is for us to come as we are, but not to stay as we are.
“Jesus ready stands to save you” Amazing message!
There is someone who cares for us and we just have to come to Him
it’s comforting knowing God is here to heal all of us from our sins -ellie
May we recognize the infinite worth of divine blood that is shed for those who will humble themselves and cast their faith upon the good Lord.
Great reminder for all of us. ❤️
There is such relief and comfort in the realization that Jesus does not expect me to come to Him with all my brokenness fixed and all my ugliness prettied up. I struggle with “waiting for perfect” in so many areas of my life — the line from the hymn, “if you tarry til you’re better, you will never come at all,” rings loudly in my mind right now. I must lay aside these unrealistic expectations of what “good enough” for God should look like — I can never attain anything close to that apart from Him!
Thank you for writing about this. It is something I️ have been struggling with a lot lately, which is part of the reason why I️ downloaded this app. My prayer life (or lack thereof) has been so heartbreaking, and now I’m seeing it’s because I️ was trying to wait until I️ was “better” before putting myself before God. Now that I’m really thinking about it, that makes zero sense. How can I️ get better without my Healer?
It amazes me how we can disregard how much we still need our Lord and maker even after we’ve asked Him into our lives. We hide from Him as though He cannot see and plead with Him that once we fix ourselves then we will be worthy to praise Him. Yet, we will only be fixed and find healing if we have a personal relationship with Him and allow Him to guide us through life.
This is so lovely, and really spoke to me. A few weeks ago, my in-laws visited (they live in a different country, and we don’t see them often). While here, they completely took over my home, and let their children (my husband’s sisters are 6 years old, 16 years younger than him) wreck the place, trash my things, and draw all over the house with sharpie and pen. I was left feeling small, disrespected, unheard, and the most angry I have ever been in my life. As soon as they left, I cried my eyes out, but I couldn’t pray. I refused to speak to God because of my anger. I didn’t want to come before him broken, angry, and with some horrible thoughts going through my head… instead I just cried and cried and cried. While reading this today, I cried again, but it’s because it was such a beautiful reminder that Jesus doesn’t expect me to be perfect and polished. He wants me to come to him with all my crap. Thank you for this. <3
Thanks for sharing this story! When I read reminders like the one in this devotional I have a hard time connecting because I don’t feel an overarching temperament in myself to need to perfect myself before going to the throne. I definitely do have moments like yours where I am so angry that I feel like God is just waiting to tell me how wrong I am for feeling that way. Thanks for helping this hit home!
It’s funny how when your going through something in life, and you just need to hear or need God to speak to you.
I was just praying to God about what I’m going through and I’ve had this app on my phone for a while
And for some reason I was crying and felt to open this app and I had already saved this plan, so I said to myself, “your relationship with God needs to start somewhere” so I started here. Sure enough! Theirs is what I needed in this Moment! A reminder that we are sinners but he is our healer! And he will take care of it all! God is amazing! And I am in Awe with him❤️
This is the exact situation I’m in. I’m deal with a sin I have for a long time. Since I was a child and I cant seem to over come it, but then again I’ve tried to do it on my own, knowing I can’t do that. I’m praying for you girl!
This is my first devotional on this app, though I’ve had the She Reads Truth Bible for some time. I was raised in the church and quite frankly, I’ve strayed from where I was. I still lead worship, I still go to church, and I don’t have any extreme bad habits. I still believe in God, I just haven’t really felt the same about him as I did in my camp counselor, youth rally, sold out days. I’m aching to get back to that passion. I’ve totally gotten lukewarm and stale. I haven’t opened my bible (other than during a church service) in months, and I certainly haven’t made time to pray. And I used that as an excuse to avoid an encounter…because why would God want to spend time with someone who isn’t passionate about Him? I chose this devotion set because I thought it would be easy to get through. But now I know I just needed that reminder. Jesus came to save the ones of us who weren’t passionate about Him. That’s the whole point of grace and The Gospel. Thank you for that reminder!
I loved the comment,” we are all sick with sin.” It was a great reminder for me going into this week
Really needed this reminder ❤️
I am so happy I read this devotion today. Sometimes I find myself lost in the depths of sin and I feel as if God our Father could never love me or forgive what I have done.
I grew up in a church that taught God didn’t love me. They taught the only way God would love me was if I was good, and didn’t sin. Humanly, it is impossible not to sin, and I found myself believing that I could never reconcile myself to Him. After leaving the church seven years ago, I still struggle from the lies that were deeply ingrained in my thoughts. I am now truly beginning to know the loving, graceful, and merciful God that He is. This lesson was very encouraging for me, and I am so thankful that the Lord wants us just as we are, flaws included. Praise God for His love unfailing and His new mercies every morning.
I am staring it this week, good so far
Welcome, Masha! So glad to have you reading God’s Word with us!
– Stormye
Hello, everyone! I know this is an old series but I’m just starting with She Reads Truth and it looked like a good one to begin with. Anyone else doing it this week?
I’m very excited starting g this new series. The past doesn’t have a hold on me even when Satan tries to use it to get to me, I feel comfort and freedom in Jesus. I did have nightmares of when I blamed myself for everything and every wrong I did do (whether big or small the wrong was, it affected me). The nightmares r now gone, praise God, and the reminder of how my life has changed so drastically is amazing in itself. This is a nice reminder of what He does in our hearts and minds when we learn from our wrong doings and constantly look to Him so that we don’t veer off the path we need to be on.
It’s been a restless night. It is now 6:08 am and I’m still awake. It was on my heart to read some scripture and this is where God lead me. I can’t wait to read more. Now, it is time for sleep.
thanks for trying this! perfect timing
This was great
So needed this
It’s so good to be reminder. Our hope is Jesus and He is enough!
Such a great reminder for me today.
I needed this today. What beauty & truth. Praying God helps me remember this through today.
Great way to start my morning!
Now is the perfect time to make that time to spend in fellowship with Him. A great reminder!
this is truly amazing
First Devotional that I’ve read on this app and it was definitely a good start!! Thanks!
Welcome, Whittney! So glad to have you reading along with us!
– Stormye
Love the old hymns and how they speak so much truth.
The timing of this in my life is so encouraging and convicting.
It feels relieving to know that someone is always on your team to back you up
wow you have no idea how much I needed this today.
This made my heart full once again. Thank you Jesus ❤️
It’s so great to know our savior loves us with open arms❤
This just healed my heart❤️
I love this. Love the last verse. The only fitness needed is our need of Him. Amen.
It’s true ……..Jesus came to heal the sick not the healthy
Loved this!!
It’s amazing how much God really loves us!!!
Wow this relates to me soooooo much. I keep putting off coming to God because I’m too messed up right now, but honestly, I’ll never be perfect, so if I keep putting God off until I am, I will never come to Him.
this is beautiful
I have certainly lost my way in my faith in the Lord, I say that what I believe is just how was raised. Once I decided this IS what I want, I had no idea where to start. Then I remembered my friend telling me about this app, its my first day and I can already tell He is speaking to me in many ways. I randomly chose this because (sad to say) it had the shortest amount of days, but After taking a step into my relationship with God I’ve realized He has a plan for me and instead of making him wait for me to control my life and make it better, I need to work with Him so I can be who I was meant to be in His eyes.
Nichole, welcome to God’s arms :) I am proud that you had the guts to comment about your spiritual life. We sisters are here to lift each other up :) ❤️
This was so good. I chocked up a bit reading this because I’ve waited so long waiting to be “good enough” for God. But no more! I will go to Him immediately
Asking and coming to God with my sins is humbling and convicting. I recently asked the Lord to close a door on something in my life if it wasn’t in His will for me. And He did close the door. Even though I invited Him to move in such a way in my life, it is a hard pill to swallow. I had to label my quiet time this week “Me throwing a fit with God.” But I need Him everyday, so coming back to Him the next day was interesting. I remember saying, “I’m still mad at you just so you know.” And He said, “I know. Get over it.” We serve a God of healing in this life, but also a God of humor. There is no doubt that He desires us to come to Him everyday. Even the days when we have a bad attitude and don’t want to talk to Him. He still beckons and seeks us persistently and deals with us patiently.
I needed to this this morning. Isn’t our God so great, that he knows what I need even when I can’t see it?
I am a nurse, so I know all of the doctors in town from a professional standpoint. It makes me never want to go to them to show them what’s wrong with me, especially because I know them personally. I would be very embarrassed I feel. This is similar too I think with Jesus, it’s easier for those who avoid seeing him, so they can avoid the embarrassment and shame. But those who know him, face Him anyway because they know He can make them whole again. Only Him.
This is so me!! I’ll want God to examine my heart when things are going well, but the times I’m struggling, I’d rather not go to the “doctor.” I’m especially guilty of the, “Lord, I want to know you more! Let me get things right, and I’ll let You come closer.” So sad!! Thank you for this! If I wait, I may never come at ally
This is this first time I’ve done a devotional in over 2 years. My life has been a mess and I have felt like I’m not in the right mindset to do something like this. I can’t believe this happened to be the first thing I read. I’m thankful to hear something like this as a reminder that I can go to the Father, regardless of where I am at or how messed up I believe I am. I pray He can begin to heal my heart through this process and show my just how much I am loved and need His presence in my life.
Oh me too sweets. Kind of out of sight out of mind for me. I’m blessed to have found this app. Gods grace is amazing and I’m feeling happier already. Prayers for you Hun!!!
Kylee, thanks for sharing authentically from your heart: have no fear. It is in our mess, in our darkness, that Christ claims us and loves us. There is nothing we can do, no betterment that will warrant more love and acceptance from god. He already looks at you with lavish love and joy!
Thanks for joining the community of SRT, it’s wonderful to have you!
Beautiful reminder !!
This is very much me. I struggle with going back to Jesus so much. just becauze I feel so ashamed.
Hannah, Jesus took all of your shame and it has been nailed on the cross.❤️
Lord, let me remember that Christ’s death perfectly atoned for me and that you love me perfectly-nothing I do can make you love me more and nothing can make you love me less! THANK YOU!
I want to come to you Lord as I am. I want to feel you present in my life!
Venture on Him, venture wholly, let no other trust intrude!!
I often forget how ready Jesus stands to hold me again. I think, “Keep soldiering on, one day at a time.” That puts all the responsibility on myself to get through day-today trials. I am ready to hold tightly to my Savior all day today.
The three parts that really stood out to me were 1) how silly that we fear a caretaker, 2) standing at the intersection of “ignorance is bliss” and “I can’t bear the judgement”, and 3) I am a sinner which is why I need God NOW, not when I meet some made up qualifier I’ve placed on myself or let society place on me. How much grace am I missing and how much self-inflicted judgement, doubt, and fear am I enduring by waiting to give it all to God not when it is messy and raw but only when everything is orderly and fits inside a nice pretty package? Jesus died for me as I am now! I need to get out of my own way and kneel before God simply as I am. Only then can true healing begin.
Really loved hearing this and really needed it. I find myself trying to fix all my problems all on my own before I come to God, when in reality he is the only fix there is so I should come before him so he can heal me.
That was an amazing devo. My pastor say what she was saying all the time. How can we get close to him if we won’t let him heal us.
This is such a great reminder. I find myself thinking “I’ll give Jesus my problems when I try to fix them a little more” or “Let me wait till this aspect is more presentable.” But, if we wait until we fix ourselves to go to Jesus, we will be waiting a very long time to talk with Him and we risk never receiving the wonderful healing that he provides us just as we are.
This is so true. If we keep waiting to accept ourselves thinking that Jesus won’t accept us until we are perfect / better it will never happen. He loves use just as we are and we can never be perfect. He want to hold us and heal us and we have the hardest time just letting him love us.
This was exactly what I needed to read today. I loved when she talked about not wanting to pray the heart examining prayer until you “have something you want to be revealed.” It is so easy to pus leg things under the rug and shrug it off.
Having just had an ugly cry breakdown with God last night after postponing authentic, transparent time with God over and over again, I feel so refreshed and encouraged this morning knowing I finally handed over EVERY aspect of my life to God, giving Him everything and not worrying about the ugly secrets and past mistakes. These scriptures were just what I needed– i am sick, and God longs to take away the illness and blemish and impurity. I just downloaded the app today, and I am so very excited to continue this journey with She Reads Truth! ❤
Beautiful lesson, cleanse me, Father.
This one really hit home to me tonight. My husband is currently looking for work. While he is still doing odd jobs and mowing, the inconsistent lifestyle has me losing my grip. I can feel my inner control freak trying to take over and I need to take it to Jesus. I know I can’t fix anything and that he will provide the right place in his own time.
I have been caught in trying to “fix it” rather than turning to the only One who can! This was great
I like this particular section a whole lot. really helped me see that I don’t have to wait to go to Him. I need Him to heal me. I can’t do it on my own
I’m a worrier, I stress a lot and overthink a lot, thank you for this reminder :) it’s helpful to see it and read it because I know for me sometimes I have it in my head (like I know scripture) but it’s hard to let it sink to my heart
So thankful for this. I am just starting my journey in faith, and really found so much from this reading.
God bless you! I encourage you to look up the frequency series by Robert Morris. It is incredible. I have been struggling to stay attentive lately and it is a great series!
I am queen of trying to take control of everything. Myself, my boyfriend, my friends. Although it be with best intentions I try to do so much myself. I need to learn it is OKAY to lean on Him.
I’m a fixer. If I have a problem, I try to fix it. It is so hard for me lean into Jesus when I am sick with sin. It is not my first thought, but as I keep working to reveal my heart, not hide it, I can see Him working and it’s encouraging.
I’m the same way! I have trouble giving my doubts, fears, and problems to Him sometimes. May He work through both of us to help us lean on Him more in times of need.
All we need is to need Him. Something easy to know but tough to live out daily, to share honestly with him our faults and to know he is faithful to forgive. We have an amazing God!
I needed this devotion tonight!
isn’t it crazy/funny/sad that we all are sinners and we are afraid to admit it?
this is just what I needed to read tonight. thank you for writing it!
This was amazing !! Amen!!!
Yes! Love this❣
I find in my saviors arms 10,000 perfect blessings!
My favorite version of this song is the Robbie Seay Band version — also on Spotify but not on their list :)
this devotion was amazing I can’t wait to read more
A great reminder that we will never be “acceptable” in God’s eyes due to our sinful flesh! But I’m so thankful that the blood of Christ covers this sin. For it’s by this grace, we can daily live the Christian life unafraid of checkups!
The world always says to listen to your heart and to be strong. But I love how this hymn so beautifully writes it. All we need to do is realize our need for Him and to just go to Him. We don’t have to try and look into ourselves for some kind of strength. In our weakness and sinfulness, Christ is enough and is our strength.
Amazing ❤️ so thankful that God loves us all no matter how dirty our laundry is or used to be
Beautiful hymn, isn’t it amazing that our God loves us unconditionally, we are forgiven
If you tarry Til your better, you’ll never come at att
Amen !
Thank goodness am I saved! I am no longer considered a sinner but a child of God through the eyes of Jesus!!! Thankful for the blood that washed all of that away!! I am righteous and worthy. Our identity in Christ is so important. We must not allow the lies of enemy that we are unworthy sneak in. He is a liar and the father of all lies!! Jesus dies so we can be made righteous and worthy before the Lord!! Praise the Lord!!!
So good.
First day using this devotion and it has been such a blessing to me so far! Powerful message… Amen indeed!!
Thank-you God for loving and accepting even the lowest of sinners like me. I am unworthy. Thank-you for healing my heart and transforming my mind!
This is my first day using this devotional and I was truly touched by these words! Thank you!
Words of long ago that still ring true today. Bless.
First day here… I love music so thought this would be a good place to start… I have a great social life with Christ but it has no depth… I pray several times daily I sing praises constantly but my biblical knowledge stinks… Looking forward to walking more mature with Christ… I got out of this read that our past sinner life God will take and not only forgive it but use it for his good… How awesome that the knowledge or trade we obtained as unsaved sinners can be molded by the Creator hands to not be forgotten or casted aside but used in a different way to showcase His amazing glory.. Wow
Loved your post! I can certainly relate to your situation… I also sing and pray yet rarely find myself making to to read His word Thank you for sharing! :)
I am also very new to this and I thought the same, I love music so I thought this would be a good place to start! Thanks you SRT . Thank you God for blessing me!
This is my first day! thank you!
it is good to hear that i don’t have to be perfect in his image and i am unconditionally loved no matter what i do or avoid
thanks goodness we don’t have to be perfect!
I this reading so much, and the much needed story afterwards :)afterwards
This lesson really opened my eyes to what God truly wants in my life and that he doesn’t want me to delay in coming to him.
I’m going to make it a daily appointment to meet with my best friend and savior because you’re right he does heal. every time I make time with him I feel better about my life, my work for his name, and myself. he heals me and I need to remember that he will always have my back no matter how big of a mess I might be.
Perfectly written!
I needed this today, and everyday.
What a precious truth! We like to be in our own self deception, the Lord is calling us to stop and be. He is calling me, a mom who has known him for 30years. He is still calling me deeper still!
Lord, please help me to always turn to You. May my daily witness only bring others to You. Thank You for not only excepting me as I am, but also wanting me to be my best, through You. Guide me continually. Amen.
Wonderful devotion. Will never sing the song quite the same way again.
I let it click that God forgives me a sinner but a lot of times I live like He’s remembered all that I’ve done which He hasn’t. I have to trust Him continually and remember that what He has said He will do.
This is what everyone needs to understand, the LORD understand were broken but he is the one that can heal us we just need to allow him. This is why our LORD is great his love is abundant, wow!
All the fitness He requires of us is to feel our need for Him. Wow!
Quiero poder cambiar los planes al español. ayuda!
someone knows how can I change the language? I’m from México
I thought this passage was pretty cool [[and convicting]]. I am always doing same sins OVER and OVER again. I cant seem to stop no matter hard I try; this makes me even more ashamed of them. I act like I’m only ashamed of bringing them out in the open for everyone to hear about, when I should really just be giving them to God.
I just got a new job at a senior living community working as a server in the dining room. And I find this passage kind of relating to it. So we have an amazing super funny Spanish man we call Amigo who washes the dishes. And every time I go to bring some dirty dishes to him, I feel bad because all the servers [[including me]] continously pile up all of these dishes for him to clean. Amigo made me think of Jesus. Jesus takes us [[the dirty dishes]] and makes us clean. Even when he knows it’s the same sin, he remains faithful in forgiveness and we keep pushing him off a building every time we sin. So I just hope that he can keep the power in us to do the best we can to give Him the glory in everything we do.
What a great visual! It’s so true! God is WILLING to clean is and wash us. To make us pure. But we have to trust him to do that, to allow ourselves to show him how dirty we are…even though he already knows our dirt. Don’t be afraid to continue to bring yourself before Him. It’s a daily surrendering.
Thank you for sharing such a perfect illustration of Jesus! This reminded me of the verse beyond our reading, 1 Timothy 1:16 – “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who believe on him and receive eternal life.” No matter how many times I make the same mistake or multiple mistakes, He has unlimited patience!
AMEN TO THIS. Thank you Jesus for loving us, the worst of sinners. We come to you and you wrap yourself around us. How precious is that?
I found this devotional this morning as a huge blessing. I needed to hear that I’m not alone in dealing with an addiction to sin. Thank you for sharing this Hymn with us.
TODAY is the day I’ve started to do devos again after 10 years of living in sin, running from my Savior.
What a mighty God, how I’ve missed Him. I truly am a PR nightmare. But with His help, acceptance of His grace, I know we can get me on His track again.
Welcome back Danielle!!
Happy to have you in the family, Danielle :) praying for God’s everlasting love in your life as you get to know Him again.
First time app user. This is a beautiful hymn. Jesus was completely for us when we were completely against him. I am a sinner and he is my redeemer. Praise God for his grace and mercy!
“If you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all.” Love this!!
I’m a new mom with a 9 month old – she’s high needs and it’s been really hard. We had kind of reached a new normal but she recently got sick with a fever and has been so clingy and not sleeping! I’m working on very little sleep but somehow there’s been grace for it – but I’ve also been overwhelmed. It’s so hard to not rant at the lord about my lot in life – “why can’t my husband help more? I have it so much harder than him!!” Ugly things in my heart are being exposed in this season as I’m living on the edge of my strength constantly…and I’ve been seeing those ugly things and running from God because of them. Thinking he must think I’m ugly and terrible too.
But I remember what it was like when I first came to him and the love was so sweet and new and I believed he loved me and enjoyed me.
I want to stop hiding. I want to stop running unless it’s running to his arms.
“Prone to wander lord I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love…
Here’s my hear o’ take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above.”
Take me back to the beginning lord, when I was young and love was new. Help me remember that I am forever clean in you
Crazy that we have a Creator who knows He is the only One that an heal us and He actually WANTS us to bring our junk to Him because He can create in us a new and clean heart. I’m encouraged by your genuine sharing and I pray that God will continue to remind you of your prayer in the midst of this hard season!
This is my first time using any devotional app, and wow! All the feels! I have really been struggling with the feeling that I need to have everything put together and figured out all on my own before asking for help. This study was a fantastic reminder that that is the farthest thing from the truth! Also, as a long-time church choir member, I rarely have the opportunity to truly digest and absorb the meaning of what I’m singing.
I love this line!!!
“We live in fear of shining a light on the very darkest parts of our hearts—afraid to whisper those dark parts by name, let alone hold them in our outstretched hands in plain sight of the One who bled and died to redeem them.”
This describes my life, sometimes I just have to remember God is there to help me. Instead of me trying on my own.
This devotion hit a lot of things right on the head. I think it saddens my Savior that I treat our relationship as if I must have things in order to cry out to Him. I know that’s not true and that even if I tried I wouldn’t have it all together, yet I behave that way. I have “I Need Thee Every Hour” playing in the background and the lyrics to that hymn couldn’t be more true. I NEED Thee EVERY hour. Lord, please forgive me for pushing You away and trying to do things on my own.
I am using this app for the first time. I wanted to start the year off with something different for my daily Bible reading.
What a great first hymn to start this fresh new year! We can have a clean start through Him alone!
This is my first time on this app, as well. Actually, it’s my first time on any devotional app. Loved that I was led to start here. What a beautiful hymn to really dive into! Good luck on your journey!
I am really grateful for this today! Praise the Lord!
Oh, and I’m really impressed at the love and support you all show each other!
I am new to the app. A friend recommended. I wanted to say this really helped tonight. Look forward to reading the others.
How often I put off things that need to be recognized today. Jesus just like the doctor that might scold me for my persistent procrastination will also want for me to know how to heal and be a healthier me {spiritually and physically}. This reminder allows me to dwell on God’s mercies that are new everyday, something in my business I tend to wander from. Thank you so much for the reminder to not put off today what needs taking care of.
This was really amazing and I am huge fan of metaphor type devotionals. Looking forward to completing this devotional.
I love this lesson
Clearly I’m in the archives! But excited to do all five hymn lessons in a row.
The prayers truly opened my eyes and told me, I’m not close with God. Just doing a simple prayer in the morning and night and before dinner and few throughout the day is not enough. We need more of him, I need more of him. My friends showed me this and I’m so happy
At church this past Sunday we talked about being Present during this Christmas season and discussed if we felt God was present. I realized for myself that my lack of feeling God’s presence was because *I* was not present. Last night my friend told me about She Reads Truth and I figured it’d be a good way to start trying to be present again. I think it’s neat that I ended up starting with this devotion.
I’m just a sophomore in high school but yesterday at my young life club one of the guy leaders quoted the verse in Romans. Yesterday I was too worried about how my friends around me were taking his message, to listen to it myself. this really hit something I need to think about :)
This devotional hit home for me. This is something the Lord has really been trying to drive home for me lately.
this was such a great read. I too am afraid to go see doctors and hate getting tests done. God really nudged me the other day. I had a blood test done for my life insurance policy and everything was in normal limits except, my cholesterol was elevated slightly. it made me see that He is showing me that I am not 18. I need to consider what I put into my body. I think by having me healthy is all other aspects such as my kidney and liver function, and no diabetes is his way of gracing me with health but again teaching me to fix bad habits.
It is such a humbling reminder that in spite of, and yet precisely due to, being sinful and broken that Christ welcomes us to share in his holiness and righteousness. That Jesus willingly achieves for us the perfection we cannot achieve, and suffers the punishment due to us, so that we can be justified is such great news.
this is awesome!! So powerful!
it’s is so powerful to read that Jesus can for the sick at heart and not the sick of body. he came to save us all not just the rich not just the poor but everyone who sins
We sing a contemporary version of this hymn in church but I’d never seen all the words. It’s all very true and powerful!
I always feel inadequate to proclaim His name because I wonder if people are going to look at me and say “she is not living right” and get turned away. I try daily to follow His word and live my life how God wants me too but I know I still have faults. Does anyone else feel that even tho you try to follow His way there are people that condemn you as if you are a bad example? I am always worried that if I make a mistake and someone turns away because of me I am held responsible and I know even tho I try to do right by God there will be times when even fellow Christians have a different view than I do. I keep quiet and try to get my life together before I try to lead others. Does this make sense?
It makes sense to me. You’re not alone in feeling this way.
It makes sense. I feel the same way. Like I’m to inadiquet to proclaim Jesus name because I’m a hot mess myself. But He came for Me to.
Stacey, Hannah and Patty, the feeling of being less than, or not living up to what you want others to see when they know you are a Christian is understandable. But what a blessing is it that we have been forgiven of all of our sin through Christ Jesus! Think of your failures as a vessel to show God’s forgiveness and grace and show the unbelievers just how deep and beautiful his love is – that to be a Christian does not mean you are without blemish but you are a child of God who is forgiven and that you repent from your sins when you do fail and try to do better. Don’t ever blame yourself for another Christian turning away – God’s sovereignty is more powerful than that. Just keep your head up and try to walk in the path he has called you to and people will notice that you have something different about you, and that is Jesus!
First time reading… Why have I waited so long? How marvelous to know that our Creator cares so deeply.
Praise God that it doesn’t matter where we’re at. He always wants to meet us there.
How fitting that we JUST went over this while at a women’s retreat this past weekend! Thank you, Holy Spirit for revealing more to me in my time if needing to take this in my heart!
This was exactly what I needed in my life right now
I never really listened to hymns growing up but as a young adult I have a hymns playlist on Pandora and Spotify now. (I love to have them playing around my home) This devotional is already such a blessing to dive deeper into these sacred songs and the scriptures that inspired them.
I am thankful for His grace. What a wonderful reminder
A lot of my life consisted of hidden sin. I convinced myself that I needed to get better first before I could ask for forgiveness and let God air out the ugly parts of me. Once I did though I felt much like Psalm 32:1-5. Beautiful Psalm about the joy of forgiveness.
I totally needed this reminder
Reminds me of the woman caught in adultery. Jesus wasn’t interested in condemning her but instead sent her away with truth.
I have just come to learn of this place to read & study the Word! Today is my 1st day . After reading about the hymn “Come, Ye Sinners”, it caused me to go back in my mind to confirm & remember that time that I came to Him as a sinner. Thank You, Father, for Jesus’ precious blood that was shed for me…
My first day with this plan and this couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you Lord for letting me come to you as I am, because you are the healer!
I’ve been out of the word for several weeks. My pride and spirit were hurt by some comments made by my very own church, what I thought was family, but they certainly don’t treat you like family. This was my first passage to read and try to get myself back in a routine of devotional time for myself. I don’t know how I’m supposed to teach my children without teaching myself. Thanks for always having great messages that we can learn on our time in our own way.
This was my first devotion on this app and I love it. This has made me understand better that we are all imperfect and we have our inequities but that is ok because God say that as long and we have home and we believe in him we are saved. Also, I know that even when I am feeling bad or don’t feel I’m not good enough I know God know I am.
This was a great reminder and refreshed my soul!
These words were absolutely beautiful.
I’m so down right now and I feel like God is not beside me. I don’t feel Him. Whenever I pray, I really can’t feel Him. It’s because I keep on running away from Him and I don’t want to that anymore. I want to draw closer to Him. I want to know Him more, I want to live the way He wants me to live my life. I’m so selfish and all I think is my happiness when it comes to Jesus but when it comes to other people I can easily give or commit myself to them. I go to church every Sunday, but I don’t feel good. There is something that church doesn’t have and I feel like I don’t belong in that church.
Please pray for me
Hi sweet Abby,
I am praying now that God would make His presence loud and clear to you today. May His peace cover and comfort you, and allow you to rest in the knowledge that you are WANTED and fully and perfectly loved. Sending love your way, friend. So glad you are here.
Thank you for this.
I am in the same place, Abby. You are not alone. So many of us are lost and in need of the same prayers.
Thank you.
Perfect timing… I was very lost and unanchored for about 20 years…even though I have a beautiful little family, a nice home and security I felt very lost….I have found my faith again since being diagnosed with incurable NH Lymphoma and I believe the Lord planned for me to get sick just before I turned 40 to stop me putting off living daily with him! I’m physically not ready and spiritually I’m SO sick but I jumped straight in and haven’t look back since I did!! I’m so glad I didn’t wait. He knows what’s inside us, so no need to hide until we’re ready…TODAY is the day!
So good and RIGHT on time. The word always is.
Amen! Thanks for the encouragement! Loving this study.
Wow totally spoke to my heart. Perfect for what I’m struggling with.
How comforting to know the creator of the world seeks nothing more than to be in relationship with us
Yes you’re sick, but that’s why I’m here. ☺️ #comfort
This is exactly what I needed to read today as I start out on this journey of reconnection with Him.
It great to know that we are loved just as we are. All of our flaws and imperfections. We are LOVED! ❤️❤️
It’s crazy how perfect God’s timing is. Really puts into perspective just how little me and my troubles are and how big and great my Maker is.
It’s a good reminder to know that God isn’t looking to wait until you’re fixed to have a love relationship with you. He wants you as you are!
So much of me here. I seem to have to relearn this over and over again. And I’ve been living my outward Christian life without really talking to my savior in a while. And I haven’t known how to come back for the shame of it. I didn’t want Him to look at me on disappointment. Thanks for the reminder that all he will do is open his arms and hug me!
Bethany you are loved loved loved by the Father he will never look in disappointment as He has a different view of you than you might have of yourself! If you’ve called on Him as Savior before and be broken and repentant You my dear are His child no matter how far you run He’s right there waiting with arms open wide to receive you back! You are loved!
This is me! I have been living in my brokenness too afraid to let anyone see how broken I am. I am thankful for this healing word today
As I read day 1 I found myself nodding yes this is where I’m at in life. I continue to say tomorrow. When really I should be saying right now! Today I said right now is the day. I’m so glad that this spoke into what I was going through. I need to be healed. thank you
This is my first day with She Reads Truth and this perfectly fit what I needed to hear.
Amen to this. I needed the reminder that He is here to heal not condemn. God is good!
This is my first day of She Reads Truth devotional. I love it so far. Excited for a new start and am blessed by His unconditional mercies
Just to come and be consumed in
His undying unshakable love
“All the fitness He requireth is to feel your need of Him”
This sets my perfectionist heart at rest.
I would like to point out that in Luke 5:28, after Jesus said follow me, Levi got up and followed him. I would like to have a trust and faith as strong as that, so when God says for me to move or to go down a certain path, I will, without hesitation. What a difference our lives would be if we trusted God that much as to leave everything behind in an instant if He called us to do so! Thank you for this, I really needed it!
I needed this <3
In Him you will find not condemnation, but healing. PTL! Thanks for this!
So encouraged by this today! Such a blessing knowing the Lord yearns for us to bring ourselves, filth and all, and he will renew us. I am not as patient as I should be, or quiet, or put together, and certainly nowhere near perfect. But that’s okay, he loves me anyway.
This is so beautifully written, and so true. I am a PR nightmare! Shouldn’t I be like those older women who are patient, kind, and hospitable? But he came for the messy and the broken – He came for me. Wow. Thank you for this study!
I stopped reading my Bible for a good two and a half weeks because of this. When life gets crazy I try to control on my own and that gets me busy, but I also tend to ignore God because I don’t want to take the time to go through what (in my mind) is going to be hard stuff with God. I become overwhelmed by how much I need God and by how sinful I can be as a person that I just ignore the one who can heal me altogether. Tonight I finally sat down and opened my Bible and I found the opposite of something difficult. I found verses displaying God’s easy yoke and His deep love. And then I read this too and it all just was such a great thing to step back into.
I constantly have to remind myself that we all fall short and I am not alone in my sin and failures. I needed to read this tonight.
I was like this for so long. You don’t realize how much it hurts your relationship with God until you take a step back && see what all God has f or you.
Just listened to Fernando Ortega & Amy Grant’s rendition of this song. So powerful. I’m beyond thankful for an ever-loving God. I repent that there are times where I act like God should come tag along with my life and not the other way. I need to surrender to him for he has done so much for me.
So incredibly beautiful! The line about God pleading with us to believe the merit of his Blood made me break down in tears! Wow… How many times have I hidden and not trusted him with my sins! He desperately wants to take them and cover them with his blood! Thank you Jesus for your life and for the new life you promise me every day!
It’s crazy how our pride can masquerade as self-deprecation. When we resist the Lord’s call to come, we are saying that we have the power to fix ourselves. Don’t believe the lie. Only God can mend our broken pieces.
And how beautiful is it when we, as a group of sinners, can stand together and sing this hymn together? Perhaps each feeling the burden of our sins is too great, uniting voice to the Great Healer!
Thank you Jesus for accepting us for the sinners that we are.
Always good to hear as a reminder.
It’s interesting because I am JUST LIKE her husband. And in a lot of ways, I think she’s right – I used to be waiting to be as perfect as possible before I came to God.
it happened today. I laid some things down that eat away at me today. anger. resentment. more anger, haha. and He met me right where I was at! me and my sin. all he wants is us to need every ounce of Him and I am so thankful
I’m constantly putting all my worries and fears on myself and trying to heal myself by myself and it never turns out well by seeking comfort in others who can’t fulfill me the way You can. ❤️
I needed this. I do this so much, I want to bring God closer to me in my life but I want to get “better for him first” and be “worthy of his time” but the truth is I’m not worthy of his time, but he’s always there to listen when I need him to because he LOVES me and he makes time for me. I can only be better by growing with him and his word, and letting him be the one to use me to make a difference in my life and others. I’m so thankful for my savior.
This is exactly what I needed to hear. Because I say this all the time to myself and think I have to be this perfect person before I even bring myself before the Lord.
Amen:) come as you are!
“If you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all.”
“Let not conscience make you linger, Not of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of him.”
I can’t stress to y’all how much I needed this exact passage today to light a fire under me to get back into studying my bible. I will forever hold a fondness in my heart for this hymn.
“We live in shame and fear, afraid to come into the light until we we know the Physician will be pleased with what He sees.” This was me recently. I’ve lived in shame until recently when I repented and asked for forgiveness of my sin. I talked it out with a friend, and you wouldn’t imagine the relief I felt once it was out in the open, in the hands of God. Everything that happens, I will forever put it in His hands. I’ve realized that I will never be good enough. I will never get better enough. I need to come to the foot of the cross right now, not weeks or months later when I’m past that point in my life. I need to bring everything to him as it is. What’s the point of a dishwasher if the dishes are already clean? Basically what I’m saying is, why would you come to God once you’ve gotten better, when the whole purpose of Him being there for you is to come to him as you are?
When you said “…let me get my act together and then we can be friends.” I think that almost on a daily basis. I am completely undeserving, but I am the person He longs for. The stray that can’t get her act together without Him.
I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms; In the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms.
Praying for those walls to come down
God, I don’t really know you very well, but I’d like to. Let me see if I can get my act together a bit, then let’s be friends!
This is me recently. I just feel like I am not worthy of Christ. I have failed and disappointed him so many times. Each time I cry out to him, I think I can change. But I never know the steps to take. I am so afraid of failure.
Kristina, this was me a little while back. You just have to trust that God loves you no matter how many times you fail him. God doesn’t call those who have everything together. He calls those who need him and are willing to give their broken and empty hearts so that he can heal them. If you try to lean on yourself to change you will keep failing because God’s given you this so you’ll lean on him and walk with him.
Let not conscience make you linger, Not of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him…. We need only compare ourselves to Him to realize we all have fallen short of His glory. Invites us in this place of brokenness and humility to see we need only lay ourselves at His feet to live.
Lord, you already know the depths of my heart. I know there is no condemnation, and I can approach your throne with all boldness as a child comes to their Father. Thank you for your infinite love that covers all my sin, because there is so much of it. Thank you for holding your arms wide open for me to run to, even when I hang my head low. Help me bring to light what I instinctively want to keep in the dark, and sanctify me in the process.
I realised that I didn’t know the heart of the Father but instead was acting like a slave – working and trying to be perfect. But God was reminding me that I’m His child, all He cares about is whether I know my identity as His child. That is the starting point of ministry, where you operate out of the knowledge of His love.
This devotion holds so much truth and really hits home for me. I am constantly putting God off because I do not feel worthy. I need to realize that I am human and that by waiting around I am missing so much of His message and the light only He can bring to my life. I am ready to be closer to Him. I just downloaded this app and feel like this was an amazing first devotional. I pray I will persevere and strengthen my relationship with my Lord.
I find myself to be exactly like what was described in this devotion. I always want to postpone talking about the tough subjects, the hard things in my life, until I can get everything together. I always think, It will get better and then I’ll talk to God about it. But in reality it is him that can make light in the darkest of situations. We should never be ashamed or embarrassed when praying to God. He will never judge you. He will heal your heart and soul. I’m in awe at his mercy and grace.
I’m in a place where God has given my family a great blessing and I haven’t been as close to God as I should be. I feel guilty for all that he has given me and I want to wait to rekindle my relationship with Jesus until he can see how I have used his gifts for good. But these words are true. I need to come to Jesus now. I may never get to the place where I feel comfortable letting him in. I need to do it now. Thank you for this!
Lord, help me to stop avoiding confrontation. At your feet, I repent. To you I come confessing my need for you to cleanse and heal my heart. Restore me. Only you can make me well.
I needed to hear this. I’ve been a mess and feel as if in that condition I’m not welcomed. I let the opinions of others, the opinion they have on me to dictate my ways. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, ALL you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. What a promise that He Will fulfill but I must first come. I will come. Always
I needed to read this today. It has confirmed for me that God welcomes us with our mess. He will turn our mess into a message.
It is crazy how God works I am planning on sharing my testimony soon and I have been so nervous and then I read this and I really shouldn’t be afraid to shine a light in it because God has been and is fixing me
Here is the Indelible Grace version of this sweet hymn:
Oh how this is oh so true! We try to hide our guilt and shame from God just as we do the people of the World! And we know He already knows it!
It’s so refreshing knowing that we can come to God knowing that He knows we aren’t perfect, and never will be. BUT we are his wonderful children, a child of the one true King. He loves our imperfect selves, I’m so proud of my imperfections because I know God will be here for me always to heal me and lead me down the right path.
This was touching him exactly what I needed today. I have been struggling with trying to wait until I feel perfect to go to God for things. Now I realize I can go to him now
I loved this and absolutely needed it today!! I have been putting off coming to the Lord so long because of my brokenness and imperfections waiting for the day that I am “better” and “more worthy” I can never be better without Him!!!! I can never be more worthy He loves me through my imperfections and faults He calls for me to walk with Him now!!! Love this!! Really needed this!!!!
What happened to the other version of the hymn, I so wanted to hear both
Awesome reminder! Needed this today!
I tell you what God lays before you what you need to hear and re hear and repeat… today we talked of worship in our sermon at CPCC, of what it means to worship, to go all in, and what can come of it, how not to give up, how just because you have a past, or a present that is dark or selfish that God is hear… He is HERE… He is ALWAYS HERE! don’t assume… don’t assume bc you are ‘weary’ bc your a sinner, because you don’t worship physically like other do. you are worthy. he is here for you. Don’t miss miracles bc of assumptions. & this text today just brought it all in even deeper! even if I have a checkered past, even though I sin, I curse, I don’t go all in bc I worry what others see in me… He is HERE for me! I can let go, be a light for him to others, stop assuming, start joining, start jumping, take risks, go ALL IN! AMEN! Thank you for this text today!
Great reminder that he loves us, even when we are sick and unclean. What a savior!
Great devotional! My second one tonight! I’m really craving the Lord!
I really needed these words today. I’ve been ill for a month and the literal feeling of sickness makes the words penetrate in a real way the need to go to Jesus with all my burdens. Thank you!
this really spoke to me tonight. I absolutely love it!!! truth!!!
Great reminder after coming home from a missions trip. The team always prepares for months and goes with the idea that we are better than anyone we serve which is the biggest lie we could ever believe. 1 Timothy 1:15 has it completely right.
Erika I would question as to whether the lord would want you in a team that thinks like that, that kind of attitude can do more harm than good, walk humbly with thy God Amen.
There were lots of really sweet truths in those verses and that poem☺️ loved it!!
This really spoke to me! I have a 5 month old and getting up to take time for myself before work hasn’t been happening. So glad to hear about this app from my friends so I could start my day here!
This really hits home to me because I keep telling myself I’ll do a devotion another day because” I’m too tired” and I feel like I’m going to cry because I keep “rescheduling” my appointment with the LORD and finding this really opened my eyes.
“If you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all.” Couldn’t have read a more poignant truth for my heart today.
I completely agree
the analogy of going to the doctor is most definitely relatable to me. I have a serious phobia of needles, so I hate going to the doctor myself. but that analogy really hit home. because I’ve been doing the same thing with my Creator. I haven’t been giving Him the time of day. even though I need to. that definitely put things in a new perspective for me.
I work at a hospital and we roll our eyes at people who panic over something that we know is not serious. But this is humbling because, to them their problem is very serious to them and that’s why they are there. Our troubles may not be as big as others, but God invites us to come anyway. Our problems are serious to Him.
Thank you for posting what you did. I was very touched by your words.
It’s funny that these verses were mentioned during church, Sunday, and now today. I think the Lord is trying to tell me something.
Thank you for sharing this illustration. I too dislike going to doctors and can see the relation to being afraid to go before God.
I love the idea of breaking down hymns and relate them to scripture. I grew up singing these songs but have never really examined them before like this. So eye opening.
what does it mean in Luke 5:29 When it says “…there was a great company of publicans…”?
In ancient times it’s just another name for tax collector. Reiterating that Jesus was in company of a bunch of sinners like us.
This is the greatest thing yet! I truly love this app! Love with getting together knowing I’m not the only sister in Christ reading and studying about our lord and savior! God bless you all
What grace to know I am a PR nightmare and yet the God who created this universe still wants me to proclaim His name! What an incredible gift!
this is the app I have Bren dreaming existed… day 1, can’t wait to get on track with my bible time.
So thankful that we don’t have to clean up for God, as if we could, and that his mercies are new every morning.
Please help me bridle my tongue and speak with gentleness and love today, building up those around me rather than tearing down.
I’m new on here and it was a great to start on this. Thank you so much
this song is so beautiful! you know, I find myself guilty of this. waiting til I’m “good enough” to turn to Christ. or when my mom used to say, “we need to clean the house before the maid gets here.” I never understood it before and yet I am so guilty of it.
I really needed to hear this today, the reminder that I don’t need to wait to be better on my own, all that I need to lighten my burden and to heal me is him.
Thank you God for my devotional time with you and thank you for bringing clarity that i can come to you anytime not just when everything is peachy fine. But even when things get rough. Thank you Lord. I love you God.
This is just what I needed today. It’s been a terrible few weeks and I need to stop trying to fix it on my own and give it over to God. Thank you!
This truly shows me how much I am in need of HIM daily !! Just when we think we have it figured out he throws us another curveball…right on time this is… I think the next t shirt I make will be THE GREAT PHYSICIAN Luke 5:31-32…www.crossedout.co
Thank you Jesus for loving a sinner such as myself!
I feel like this applies to so much in my life and not just with my relationship with Jesus! Which everything in my life is and should be a reflection of that relationship! Everyday I need Jesus and I feel myself pushing Him away for other relationships all the time.
I needed this today.
My heart is so messed up, y’all. Despite having been on my walk with Jesus for seven years already, I’m having so many doubts and struggles in regard to my faith. He’s been whispering to me, “You’re still mine” these past few days, and now reading this made me realize it’s okay to struggle and doubt. Because through it all, He will embrace me still – sickness and all. xo.
This is great, especially with everything that’s been going on in America the last few days. I nice humbling reminder that we are all sinners in need of Jesus.
I would never say it out loud, but I live my life in such a way that shows my reliance on myself to “pretty myself up” before going to God. I’ve struggled with an ongoing, persistent sin for many years now. I have allowed it to hold me back from spending time with God. I’m disgusted with myself, so how can He not be disgusted with me? I know this is incorrect thinking, but my head and heart do not always communicate well. I want to be like Levi that got up and followed Jesus with no questions or objections. Who am I to object to the Almighty? The verse from the hymn, “if you tarry till your better, you will never come at all” resonates with me because it reflects my current state. I pray that the Lord will knock me off this dusty bookshelf and that I will let Him.
I love the hymns I am so into music and having to read it in the bible is awesome!
this definitely spoke to me. I was having trouble finding time to sit down and talk to God and this just opened my eyes more to the need I have to do it. that he loves us so much that no matter what our lives look like or our hearts that he just wants to heal us and bring us closer to him.
I’ve been really struggling to read my Bible lately and just have not had the desire to. This helped a lot this morning and I’m feeling motivated to go back and read the scripture again.
Definitely needed this today. I’m a mess, but He loves me in spite of my mess. THAT is a God worth serving.
Love this so much
2 Corinthians 12:9. Thinking of this verse a lot today. I am always feeling like I can possibly be and should try to be good enough for God, but hearing stuff like this, I remember that God chooses us the way we are on purpose. He fixes the broken and the weak and chooses them on purpose so I can boast in my weaknesses because it shows the healing power of Jesus Christ.
One of my favorite verses of all time
I find myself always saying, I’ll come God, just let me fix what I can first. “Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Lost and ruined by the fall; If you tarry till you’re better, You will never come at all.”
This moves me so much
I have just gotten back from a camp, where everyone there was abruptly informed that they all were worshipping false gods, whether it be, money, electronic, or anything else. It really opened my eyes, and it gave me the want and thirst to get to know my Savior more than I ever have. This app has helped me in more ways than I could’ve imagined. Thank you to the creators and collaborators.
Wow. I’m new to this app (downloaded it yesterday) and this was the first selection I read. I’m already convicted. The thought process and excuses I have made came unraveled with my very first post here. I have tried other devotionals, but I have never been able to stick with them. I pray with the love and encouragement I already feel from this app that I will be able to stick with this and come closer to my Lord and Savior. Thank you to all those that had a part in creating and developing this app. It’s already changing me, and I’ve only had it a day.
Lauren Dagel has a song “How Can It Be” and ive been hearing it play in my head this whole time. Also an older chorus, come now is the time to worship come just as you are before your God
This is one of my favorite hymns! The Lord’s timing is always perfect! Even when we try to hide from Him, He is there pursuing our hearts.
I’ve had this plan saved on my phone for a couple weeks now and haven’t read it until now – which just so happens to be when I needed it the most. God has plans and they are beautiful. Thank you
Me too! I’m so glad God led me to start reading it today. I really needed to hear it.
This hymn reminds me of the song ” Come As You Are.” Jesus meets us where we are, and pulls us up out of the mud. We don’t have to get cleaned up first.
15 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.
I have been having some health issues and dwelling on them. I thought this was a perfect reminder for me to seek Jesus!!
Even when I feel dirty with sin and darkness, I know the Lord wants me to come to Him to be cleansed and to live in the light. What a gracious Father we have!
I sure needed this today! Thank you Jesus. Thank you for your sacrifice of Love. I need you!!
Amen !
Reading this, my heart felt less heavy. Life has been so against me lately, I have a new hope with Jesus. Thank you, for your obedience in writing this
This is my first time on She Reads Truth and I am already a fan. This devotion really spoke to me, particularly in Luke 5:27-32. I think it is important as Christians that we don’t worry so much what others think of us, something that I struggle with on the daily. People judged Jesus when he ate with the tax collectors, but did Jesus care? No. We need to be more like Jesus and reach out to others who need Him, regardless of what others may think. :)
I am realizing more and more that my striving to be perfect is closer to satanism than to Christ-likeness. This devo was such a good reminder that the Christian life consists of simply laying myself at the feet of Jesus- fully aware of my sinfulness and fully satisfied in his holiness.
On a day when it seems that God is speaking to me with every step I take, this devo fit right in. I have a deep yearning to confess my sins to God and allow Jesus’ blood to cleanse me of them.
“On the bloody tree behold him; Sinner; will this not suffice?”
How appallingly arrogant I am when I believe, even for a moment, that his sacrifice will not suffice to cover my sins. And I do believe that far too often; not in a conscious way but at a baser level where I allow my emotional responses and my attitude to reflect a belief that I’m not good enough and don’t deserve to be loved. How dare I believe that I’m not deserving of love when He died for me! He gave his life for me WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS. Amazing love how can it be, that you my King would die for me. Thank you for this sweet reminder tonight when I was feeling low and worthless.
Beautifully written. I agree wholeheartedly and struggle with this as well. Amazing Love indeed.
So ironic to be sitting in a doc office while reading this devo.
I so needed to read this today!
Absolutely the best devo to read first!! So grateful I can return to Him!! I don’t have to fix myself up…He’s waiting!!
Because I typically am bent toward the more contemporary Christian music, I often forget how rich and applicable these older hymns are to my walk! They are jam-packed with truth, and I so appreciate this study that gives the opportunity to look at the scriptures that inspired them. Thanks so much!!
This is my first time using this app! I’m so happy that there are these kinds of ways to spread God’s Word! I loved this devotional. It’s such a wonderful idea to relate church hymns to verses and life stories. Thank you:)
Absolutely loved this as a point to start with in She Reads Truth!
this is my first time to use #shereadstruth and I am so glad I started with hymns. amen.
Thanks for joining us, Gelai! Happy to have you here!
These devotionals are such a blessing to my soul! So much truth and conviction.
I am reminded by the verses and hymn that I can be sick and wounded, I have a healer because I am broken.
Amen Heather
Why is the “no condemnation” part so difficult to truly grasp? I have witnessed and experienced so much shaming and condemnation from people in churches that I fear people more than God. Scripture consistently says there is no shame, no condemnation, no fear in Christ… And yet, I feel it and fear it from other Christians. We can say “oh that’s not the true message of scripture” all we want, but why is it so difficult for people to put grace and acceptance into practice?
If my doctor was professional at work, but had questionable behavior outside of the office, then my concern would be how much does that behavior influence his/her work and take it from there. You don't have to have a serious or professional personality to be a great doctor and I would imagine stepping away from that front (ie relax) makes for a better doctor in the long run. It can definitely be easy to forget that doctors are people too, but if the doctor can show it in a realistic way, then it'll be easier to maintain the balance of professionalism and compassionate healthcare.
I keep beating myself up. I keep telling myself that no one can possibly understand or even care enough to. I’m wrong. Jesus cares. I have to remember that when I feel like no one in the world cares God does and He’s waiting for me to give my burdens to him, instead of holding on to them myself. One day I’ll find the strength to let go.
My heart is blessed that all of you needed this as much as I did ❤️. We are not alone, and his arms are wide open, ready for us to come into them and be consoled in his embrace from now and for forever. I’m praying for you all. ❤️
I needed this today- I keep feeling that I should wait until my life is together before I ask Him for help… But He is the one who will put the pieces back!
I don’t know when was the last time I talk to God I think 3 weeks from now. I don’t know why I don’t have time to talk to him this past few weeks. Even I have a lot of time. Thank you for reminding me :) I just need to use my alarm clock this time, so that I would never missed a day talking to God.
Powerful word, today! Much needed!
Never thought of it like this… So very true
I needed this tonight.
This is the gospel. This is the GOOD news!
I’m just joining this community but am so thankful for this today!
Welcome, Brittany! So happy you are here!
I couldn’t sleep tonight so I decided to look at the bible plans. I picked this one because it seemed easy to do. I needed to hear this. This is amazing.
does fitness mean something different than what the traditional term fitness means?
Fitness can mean “the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task.” So in this song it means all that He requires for us to be suitable to come to Him is that we realize that we need to come to Him. Does that help?
I’m new here, but I’m asking for prayer for my teenage daughter. she is lost and I am overwhelmed.
I’m new here too, but I am praying this morning for you and your precious daughter.
I’m ALSO new here, but I’m praying for your daughter too.
this was just perfectly timed for me and I love that we can listen to the hymn!
This is so true and timely, wow!
I needed this today, since I’m dealing with difficult tasks.
Whatever the task,God is right by your side! ❤️ you can do this!
This made my night!
Praying that God will bless those who read this, giving them the courage to face their caretaker sins and all.
This passage and your comment put together is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!
Loving this devotional. Can’t wait to read more.
Thank you for this! It was so wonderful and completely moving! This devotional blessed me in ways I was no expecting. So much truth and so much love!
i love the reading, but I was mind blown when I read the scripture on Romans that said by yrusting Jesus God justifies us !!!
Thank you GOD for healing me!
Blessed and thankful that God sent SRT App my way – was searching for an online community…
God has placed it in my heart to invite more of my friends to join – pray with me for courage to approach them and words inspired by the Spirit when inviting them! This amazing message of healing should be shared with everyone!
“I will ARISE and go to JESUS” and this almighty God will NOT turn me away! Instead he will, not only welcome me, but EMBRACE ME in his Holy arms! He will save and rescue and help and comfort and heal me from the darkest parts of myself! What AMAZING GRACE and what a solid comfort knowing that the Lord Jesus is awaiting us with loving and open arms! Thank you Jesus! AMEN!!!
This was perfect!!
I am so willing to help others yet I fail to help myself by just coming to Jesus. Oh, Father capture my heart anew that I may see your great love and forgiveness and come to you.
I needed these words so badly today; of course God’s timing is always perfect… I just so happened to begin this particular study on this particular day. So often I feel inadequate to share my story or even admit to being a believer because I feel like I’m not worthy. Surely no one wants to hear my story of repeated failure. I find myself shying away from spending quiet time with God for fear that I need to straighten out a few things first- oh how I needed this lesson! Thankful for these truths and a savior who only requires my acknowledgement of just how badly I need him!
This is exactly how I’ve been feeling lately. I hold back on sharing His love and grace with others because of it m Thank you for this great devotion!
So true- if Jesus tended to those who are sick- so should we. What an encouragement to be looking in my own heart for “sickness” but also reaching out to those who are lost and are in need of a healer.
Thank you so much! So true in my life!
I firmly believe that being a nurse is a calling that God placed on my life. As I am caring for my little patients, I don’t scold them for forgetting to breathe or not eating well; that’s why they’re there. So much the same for me…I am the one in need of a Physician. I am the sinner requiring redemption. The care and concern I feel for my patients makes me wonder at the love my Abba physician has for me, longing for me to reach out to him for healing and wisdom.
Come. Ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save me, Full of pity, love, and power. Yes, this pretty much sums up how I feel!! Thank you God that you are here to save me!! Thank you SRT sisters for your ministry. My first time commenting but have been immensely blessed by your site.!
This is the first devotion I’ve done on this app and I loved it! Thanks so much!!!❤️
I just joined today and have already been touched by this devotional system! I love it! I know it will help me grow closer to the Savior and be involved in fellowship :) the connection to these hymns are amazing!!
This was a perfect reminder to not wait for God to seek us when we’re “perfect”. We’ll never get there, but God will love us despite our imperfections.
Wow, this could not have been more perfectly timed! So thankful for these messages.
I’ve never thought of God this way! This is wicked cool! God is the ultimate caretaker and the ultimate healer so why are we afraid to come before him with our struggles? We are so foolish!!
I was praying to God, for encouragement to read His word. & He led me to this. I started this plan, and it is exactly what I needed to hear! So thankful for a God who loves me and cares about what my heart needs to hear. Thank you so much for these words! God knew I needed this.
I am almost always struggling with something in my heart… I crave perfection and I cannot achieve it. It hurts because I want to please my Father. And then I stumble upon passages such as these and I see that God doesn’t expect me to be perfect. He knows I cannot be. He wants us just as we are.
This is my first time on she reads truth and it’s the best! Gods steadfast love is the same in the 18th century or 21st century. Thank you for sharing this hymn series
“View Him prostrate in the garden; On the ground your Maker lies; On the bloody tree behold Him; Sinner, will this not suffice?”
It is more than sufficient, life changing and amazinggg to know and truly know what Christ did on our behalf!
Thanking God today for His mercy!
one door closes another door opens
I have just joined and I am already hook! Thank you
Welcome, Courtney! So glad you joined us today!
I’ve never heard this hymn but what truth it holds and echoes through my soul. I am so thankful for she reads truth! It’s my new favorite app!
Kinsey, it is such a joy to have you in our community! Thanks for joining us!
Wow. For so long I have been putting off prayer and finding myself deeper and deeper in sin telling myself I can’t talk to God yet because I feel so far from him, feeling like he would be upset that I haven’t devoted myself to him fully, telling myself to wait until I’m in a better place in my relationship with him. How foolish! I can’t express how much I needed to hear this and know that my God loves me no matter my sin and he welcomes me with open arms. Me. A sinner. No where near perfection but no need to be because I have a perfect God.
Absolutely loved this! Such a sweet hymn!
Oh how I needed to hear this! Thank you for the reminder of how His grace works–& in of all places, the doctor’s office! I can come to Him with all my sins & burdens & receive just as much love, grace, forgiveness, & acceptance as I did when His mercy first found me & saved me!
This really made me realize that I need to ask God to allow myself to see my sin and work on my sin that I keep trying to hide away and not confront
What a blessing! Excited to start this Hymn study!!!
What a blessed way to start my morning. Tears of joy flow as my hearts gets tuned. Oh how precious & gentle He is. I just love Him so. The lover of my soul..
Thank you soo much for this devotional!!! I really needed it. Its been too long.
“Father, I’m a real mess right now. I promise you don’t want me walking around proclaiming your name – I’m a PR nightmare.” This is exactly my thoughts at times. There’s a calling on my life for women’s ministry but my home life seems less then a godly example….. & then there is His grace
Even as a pastor- the importance of personally coming back to examining our hearts is just as great as the people we lead. Thankful to journey this through with all you readers.
Thankful, because I am a sinner and by only Him I am saved. Such great freedom.
As I disciple a younger friend I often encourage her to work on one area over and over. What a reminder this is to look at my own life and my need to ask Christ to show me what area I might have acknowledged but have kept ignoring Gods pushing in. So thankful for Gods word!
What a great reminder that avoiding the “examine the heart ” part only keeps us where we are! I don’t want to stay where I am.
I’m so glad I found this wonderful app that uses God’s Word to help guide me and all the other wonderful ladies out there :) the devotions are so uplifting and encouraging
I was just sleeping when I had a nightmare, so I picked up my bible.I read verses from psalms saying he will shoot down our enemies,and then I came to this.I loved this lesson because it really spoke to me
This was my first devo and it is amazing!
Mine too! Glad I found this app today – what a great reminder to just come to Him
Welcome to our community, Jacy! SO happy to have you!
This was the perfect devotional for me today and everyday really… I struggle with feeling worthy of Gods love or anyone’s love for that matter. I constantly tell myself that if I just did this or that that I would then be worthy of love.. But what’s so amazing is that God loves me and every single flaw that I have.. He made me and he has a plan for my life and despite all of my mistakes and imperfections he loves me unconditionally. I am a Christian and I love the Lord and even though I know these things I still feel unworthy a lot of times… Even though I still am far from perfect and where I wanna be I am so glad that I can take comfort in knowing that God is with me as a grow and become a stronger person through him :) I am really excited about these devotions! Thank you!!
This is such an uplifting devotional, it help me reassure myself and puts me to ease to the extent that I found contentment in this simply life.
I needed to hear this. I have a hard time showing flaws in my life and it leads to me thinking I’m okey, but in reality I’m not. Thank you sisters!
This was what I needed to here..Thank you sisters!
I love this! I think so many people are afraid to come to God because they do not feel worthy. We do not have to be prefect to approach God, He is here for the sick. How encouraging!
Thoroughly encouraged by this!
This message today speaks so closely to my heart. So many tears, I think it has touched on a part of my soul that is in need of this Truth.
Joining you on your first day, ladies! Praying for you all and anxious to grow nearer to Him.
It’s my first day and I cannot wait see what my Father reveals to me through these readings.
I’m learning a lot .I go to an program which is led and I catch up a lot. Thank you, I can’t wait to learn more about god and Jesus
I’m glad to join
This is also my first day of She Reads Truth. I am a college student worship leader for the praise team at the BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministry) in VA and I think this will be soo incredibly amazing to look at lyrics of a song and break them down even more than I have been so I can worship with my whole heart amd truly mean what I say. I think for so long I have prayed to God saying “Lord please show me how, and guide me to grow in your word. please help my desire to learn more about you grow stronger. ..” but I haven’t even been taking the steps myself to let him guide me. I am really excited to continue with this study!!!
This is my first day of She Reads Truth. As a person who has always connected most with music, I’m super excited about this study!
So true this is and i am glad my co worker told me about it. My health right now is in Gods hands and I true do have to keep trusting in him.
I just did my very first Devo on this app, my youth group leader told me about it and I love it!
This is exactly what I needed. Have been feeling like I can’t get back into church because I’m not good enough because of some of the mistakes I’ve made in college. But I’m not perfect and I will constantly make mistakes if I don’t let Jesus lead my every move and thought. It will be a day by day struggle but it is worth it in the end
My daughter told me about this website/app!! Love it!! Thank you Jesus….just what I needed.
This is my first joining … THANKFUL for my friend who let me know of your site. I’ve felt the Lord nudging me toward reviewing the hymns I grew up with for an upcoming worship event we’ll be hosting, and THIS continues to confirm the Lord’s guiding hand. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s devotional!!
Love this, Jesus always wants to see us, even when we are sick
I was just talking last night with some coworkers about how no sin is greater than another. Whether it is sexual sin or dishonesty or whatever the case may be. We all sin and we all must lay our sins before the Lord to ask for forgiveness. I struggle with this especially in my own life because I know I’m not where I want to be in my walk with Christ, but I’ve learned that it is an everyday job when you walk with Christ. Sin will always be there waiting, you just must be strong enough in your faith to know that when you do stumble God will also be there waiting to help you along the way.
This is beautiful and definitely a reminder for us all.
This goes so well with the lesson from church last night. If I wait until I’m sinless I will never be ready.
Needed this today! Dealing with some relationship problems with family and it’s a good reminder that we are ALL sinners, even if we are the “right” one in the argument. All of us seek our own selfish desires. Seek Christ above all else.
I just joined and it’s amazing
Welcome, Manuella! So happy you are here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for SheReadsTruth
I always tend to lean on myself and try to be perfect before I feel that God can use me. I’ve really been struggling lately with being quick to anger and having little patience about petty things. Before I even really realized I had this problem, I shared the Gospel with one of my guy friends in class. God is really using me in that situation and I haven’t been ‘fixed’ or anything yet! It gives me so much peace. This devo really helped today.
I really needed this today. This week has been very stressful and I’m so glad that God has shown me some things I need to work on. Good to know that even when I’m a mess God is still waiting with open arms for me. ☺
Amazing reminder of how he loves us, as us! God sees us through a Jesus filter. No need for shame or avoidance. We need to throw ourselves at his feet and just tell him we love him!!!
This is very Good. why do I want to fix myself, then go to Christ? It won’t work yet that is what I do, over and over again.
I’ve been praying down on my knees since the past 5 months thanking him praising him whit all my heart❤ and asking him the desires of my heart I believe he hears my prayers. but why is he so quite?? :/
There are times where you might know hear God. These are the times you must hold steadfast to your faith and ensure it built solely on Him without any distractions. God is always with you and He want you to feel the need for Him.
A great reminder! This is my longtime favorite version of this hymn.
First devo! Ah this one really hits hard. I’ve avoided God because I am choosing to sin. I am afraid of what he would say or do. Ashamed of my actions, truly . This really helped take a bit of that away. Maybe I can move past this.
I am late to the discussion, but I am so grateful I came across this. There is not a number high enough to count how many times I have wanted to fix myself before coming to the Lord. Shame is a heavy burden to carry, and if you are like me.. you don’t even realize you are carrying it until you read this devotional. Thank you SRT for aiding in this uncovering and the restoration to come. ♡With love, Brittney
My first devotional from this app! My husband and I went on a retreat this weekend with our youth. How much can change in a weekend? I now open my bible app more than facebook. Necessary steps to grow close to our Lord. I also downloaded this app to walk with my sisters in Christ.
Just joined! And reading all the free ones :p thank you for your ministry!!!
I’ve just joined She Reads Truth!
I loved this devotion, verse 31 of Luke just stood out. We also need to spend time with “the sick” – our unsaved brothers and sisters. Sometimes I find it easy to stay in the Christian bubble as I feel many people do!
Also loved “all the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of Him”.
I joined She Reads Truth to try and be active and intentional in my quiet times with God. The plan is after I put bubs down for his morning sleep. I look forward to more. Thank you x
Welcome to SheReadsTruth! Loved scrolling up and seeing a familiar name. I have just read this one today. I love the reality of those prayers, how often do I think ‘let’s talk tomorrow God’ for hope of a better day and a better me. I need to remember the words of the Hymn as it says “he will embrace me in his arms”.. Why would I want to run away from this?! This is truth! Xx
I really loved this one. This paragraph really hit home with me. “I laughed at him then and I still chuckle about it now—so silly to be afraid to be seen by a caretaker. But when I zoom out to a larger picture I realize that, in a lot of ways, I’m just the same in my relationship with my Caretaker.” How true is that? We run from our caretaker due to fear and judgement. When he is the one who will love us the most.
Me too, how true is it though, for me anyway. Even in just getting around to doing this devotion!
Very good!
“View Him prostrate in the garden; On the ground your Maker lies. On the bloody tree behold Him; Sinner, will this not suffice?”
I had never heard this verse of this song and it was very convicting! Do we live each day acknowledging the fact that Jesus’s sacrifice IS sufficient?P
A friend just shared this app and so far I love it. I’ve been focusing on my fitness so I loved the little print, because all the fitness he requires is that I follow Him. that is where my focus needs to be. thank you
“Father, I’m a real mess right now. I promise you don’t want me walking around proclaiming your name – I’m a PR nightmare.”
Hits home. I literally just said this to the Lord, ” You can’t trust me with this task, I don’t always reflect Your Son throughout my day.” To believe my heavenly father wants me to do his work is scary. I feel overwhelmed and unworthy of trust to be a showcase of His work. But He says I’m enough.
I feel the same
I feel the same but I find that the spirit whispers to me that He doesn’t call the equipped, rather He equips the called. So if I feel led to do something but don’t feel adequate or am afraid I’ll screw something up, I remind myself it’s a lie from the pit of Hell.
I just found out about this app from a friend today. Feeling the blessings already, I will be telling other sisters about it.
just found out about this through my bible study groups and I love it so
I just downloaded this app and it has been a blessing to me this morning.. well, afternoon.
Hi LeeAnn,
Welcome to our community! So glad you are here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
so many times we focus more on our fleshy sickness than the spiritual.
Check out elevation church (steven Furtick) new series mood swingers. He talks all about how we guard our physical and not our hearts
Loved this! I found another version of Come Ye Sinners you all should check out :)
Personally I needed this. The lord blesses us everyday! Thank you Jesus for bring into my life what I needed
There is no description for where I find myself right now in the midst of His grace. #somanybeautifulfeels
God made the time and effort to give his life up for me and to preach his fathers word, I should have the decency and care for him as well and do the same.
Love this so much! Particularly got caught on the verse in Luke where Levi just drops everything and follows Him. Simply from Jesus only saying “Come follow me.” That’s it. Oh, how I wish my faith was strong enough to be Levi and not ask a single question.
For those looking up the hymns on Spotify, check out Come, Ye Sinners by Vertical Church Group- it was released this year and I love their rendition. Also, Come Thou Fount by Kings Kaleidoscope. Amazing. And East Coast Christian Center has an incredible arrangement of It Is Well With My Soul. Enjoy ladies :)
God is so on time . Me and a sister were just talking about how you need God to improve yourself, you can’t do it on your own.
Every time I open my bible God allows me to read exactly what I need to hear /read after whatever kind of day I’m having. Or whatever struggles I’m currently dealing with. So thankful for this little study that I just found today.
To be honest my heart is a fragile artifact in God’s museum of heavy hearts. Trusting him to prepare my heart for the bright future he has ahead is so hard when I thought that I was near the edge of the dark tunnel of loneliness. Now it feels like I’ve been taken back many steps and am in that dark, musky, echo of the unknown. My confidence is a roller coaster. My trust in His perfect timing wears thin sometimes. I know God puts things on our hearts that we can handle. I think she reads truth is going to be what holds my hand through this bumpy ride to the future that’s calling my name.
I am new to SheReadsTruth as well as becoming a Child of God. Something I struggle with most is being forgiven for my past sins. Out of all the plans, something told me to choose this lesson. And I can honestly say I get it. I am a tax collector and God has already forgiven me. It’s up to me to trust in Him that he will give me the grace to forgive myself. I needed this lesson.
“Lord, could we please postpone the “examine my heart” prayer until I’ve got something worth shining your headlamp on?” I have thought this too many times, and I never really realized what I was doing. But I now know don’t postpone God until you are clean. We are sinful creatures and will never be clean and pure in the sight of God. But that’s why Jesus is there for us. He is our filter when God sees us.
I love that I was just talking to one of my best friend about how we were convicted about just this and this just so happens to be the devotion I open – God is so good and perfect in his timing and wisdom!!!
This is my first devotional with this app. I think it’s a great reminder that God wants us to come to Him with our feelings of failure and inadequacy, because to Him we are perfect and he loves us, failures and all. Such a refreshing truth, especially in the world that we live in, where we are constantly bombarded with ideals that preach perfection.
It is really making me feel loved by the Lord, now I know I’m not walking alone :)
God uses the broken just as he did Paul/Saul. I’m fully broken but I have a good good Father who has made me complete in Him. Praise be to Him
Come ye sinners
I am literally going through this right now in my life! Not wanting to dig deep into my heart and try to open myself up to the goodness of the Lord. Believing that I will be fine if I just “push it under the rug”.
I am living this right now as well. It’s hard for me to fully let go and give my struggles to God. I want to keep holding on, but I know that He is ultimately the one who will handle and fix the troubled I’m facing.
I’m right there with you. Too many of us go through this struggle but with Him, no matter what may need a push under the rug, God will se us through. We just have to believe. God bless you.
The thing I struggle with most is realizing I need to change. I think I have it all figured out but then God steps in and I realize I don’t have control. But He is there waiting for me to come to Him!
I use these excuses. The main one I use is “I’m broken and a sinner. You do not want to use me Lord.” This was a great way to start my morning.
There is freedom – taste and see – hear His call “Come to Me!”
I pray that we always run into His arms of grace and remember that He will take our burdens carried!
The feeling of inadequacy, especially in leading worship, has over taken me recently. Loved this devotion because it reminded me that He chose me in my sin and that I shouldn’t postpone walking in my calling because I feel “unworthy”.
This is exactly what my spirit needed
Isn’t it just wonderful when God shows us the things we need to hear!?
Needed this.
Definitely for me today, this spoke to me.
This is exactly what I needed to read tonight before bed.
Blessed by this!
This was for me today. Wow praise the Lord
I am so encouraged!
Thank you Lord that you take us just as we are, but love us too much to leave us there.
“If we tarry til we’re better, we will never come at all…”
Myself and some other women from my church are all reading through this plan together and this first one was so beautiful. Before I got saved, I spent years living in guilt and shame. I hit rock bottom at a young age (I am only 19) and the idea of “grace” or “salvation” seemed impossible for me. This reminder that the Gospel is ALL about Jesus and absolutely none of it is about my performance- humbles me and makes me want to chase after Jesus even more!
As I sat down and decided to begin this plan, I had no idea how much it would really capture my heart. I’ve been struggling with bitterness and just feeling so bleh the past few days thinking “how am I supposed to be Christ like when i’m like this? How am I supposed to be a true christian in this type of mood?” This message showed me that’s its okay to not be perfect! God doesn’t want perfect people, he wants you surrendered to him- even your darkest spots you don’t want to admit to him. Like going to the doctor and not wanting to admit that you haven’t been eating well. We are afraid to go to God and admit that we haven’t been very well lately. We are afraid to admit weakness. But God is made powerful in weakness!!
This is totally me in a lot of areas. Exercise, eating healthy, reading my Bible, etc.
Thank You Jesus:)
Too often, I find myself waiting for “perfect” – waiting for the start of a new week to begin eating better, waiting until that new devotional I ordered comes in to dive into God’s Word on a regular basis, waiting until I get my act together to truly start living in community with other believers – always waiting, never acting. Perfect never comes and this devotion opened my eyes to my tendencies to hold Jesus at arms length until I feel ready for His work and Word in my life. I am asking God to remove this hindrance of unattainable perfectionism in favor of His light, redemption, and mercy.
Love this
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. (II Corinthians 5:17-19 NKJV)
I’m so glad that God has made me new! How awesome that He does not put my trespasses on me. Jesus took them all! No need to fear going to Him!
Thank you Jesus for this post , I struggle deeply with building my relationship with God always feeling I need to accomplish more know the bible more , and this was just such a big reality check he wants me now broken and all !!!
This is the first devo I’ve done in a very long time. And for the message to be so clear that God wants us “as is”. He doesn’t want us to clean up our lives before coming to him like we do our houses before guests come by. He wants us to be the perfectly messy, sinful beings we are. Thank you God for loving us, no matter what!
This has touched me. I really don’t want to make God wait anymore. Thank you so much!
I quit going to church as a teen. I found my way back to church for about a year in 2013 and have strayed back away from church. I have been feeling guilty about not going especially since I have a child and keep telling myself there will be another Sunday to start back. This message really touched me and made me want to return to the church very soon and give up all my excuses about not going.
I hear you Melissa. Hope you found somewhere to go this Sunday. I’ll say a prayer for you tonight.
When reading scripture, I tend to pause on certain lines; the feeling that God is speaking directly into your heart when you read scripture, makes me smile inside and out!
“You are my strength when I am weak, you are the treasure that I seek, you are my all in all. Seeking you as a precious jewel, Lord to give up I’d be a fool. You are my all in all. Jesus, Lamb of God worthy is you name. Taking my sin my cross my shame rising again I’d bless your name. You are my All in All!”
Relentless to adore you!!
Save my soul, enlighten my eyes, give light to disguise so that for the rest of my days I may quest to sing your name. Forever and ever – Amen.
❤️❤️love that
What is that Lexie? That’s amazing!!
We are scared that if God sees us as “unclean” that he won’t love us or want us anymore, I guess you could say, but God loves you unconditionally and that’s something we all have to remember. Even when times get tough Gods there, God always knows what your going through even if you don’t “tell him” through prayer. God knows. Be mindful of that. Never be scared to come to God for anything. Some people think that Christians are perfect people who fallow the bible, I personally can tell that’s not the truth. Christians strive to do their best but the devil tries to get us down with rolls in the road and with Gods help we can over come them. If God is for us who could be against us? God is greater than anything.
Never be scared to come to God that will draw you away from him and lead you off the path. Stay with God and your life will be filled with grace, mercy, joy, and love. ♡
God should be your everything no matter what. no matter if you have a boy friend or friends that you hangout with everyday. God should be your main. he is my everything and I am willing do to anything to show I love him. if you have him with you he will do great things with your life.
He came to save us and to CHANGE us. We don’t do it, He does. 32 ‘I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”
To repentance. That’s important.
I think people like to say “Jesus didn’t come for the healthy, but for the sick,” and then just leave off that He MAKES THEM WELL! It’s not just Jesus loving the sick. He changes us.
This is something so simple and easy to do yet we make it one of the most difficult things in our lives. We want to be viewed as put together and in all actuality we aren’t. You cannot be if you do not have Jesus in your life completely and whole heartedly. You have to come to Jesus at your worst and he will help to heal you and make you the best you.
this is just what i needed to hear!
“if you tarry till you’re better then you’ll never come at all.”
so often i find myself doing this, but i need to trust in God’s love for me. God loves me how I am and doesnt need me to be perfect in order to have a relationship with him.
Rather than fearing to come to God when we feel most unworthy, we should be running into his loving arms because he wants to make us more like him! Beautiful.
It’s so hard for us to grasp the simple truth that Jesus came for sinners. Everything around us tells us we have to be “more” and “better”. We strive so hard in our daily lives to be the best, the smartest, the prettiest, the skinniest, the one whose house is always clean, whose children are always well-behaved…ugh! It’s exhausting!!! But today we are reminded that Jesus didn’t come to save the “best” and the “cleanest”. No, dear friend, He came for the “worst” and the “dirtiest”. He came to save ME…and you. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Much needed read.
This is just what I needed on today….
Needed this today. For most of my life I’ve told God “not yet”
recently I discovered that only he supplies me with joy and love. My heart is so full reading this today!
Really needed this. I have been struggling with this for so long.
God is amazing! God, you have changed me eternally. “Emptied and gutted of what a wretch, then filled with grace. In love I am drenched!”
So glad I found this app. Looking forward to studying these topics
Did anyone else feel like the one who says, “I am not sick nor do I need saving?” My prayer is that God would forgive me and transform my heart.
You are in need of healing. As am I. :)
I found this to be extremely powerful. Even now as I go on my own journey seeking God, through this I realize that I still hold back parts of my heart from him. I pray now to the Lord to give me strength to show all that I am to him, willingly and lovingly.
Just what I needed.. <3
He loves loves me so much! And all I try to do is, “fit Him in”. Who am I to try and make time for the Creator of Time?
This was a great reminder that I must always fit Him in no matter what my day looks like.
Reading this devotional and just singing the hymn reminds me how much God loves! I will arise and go to Jesus he will embrace me in his arms – such a powerful message about God saying come to me I love you no matter what.
I read this as my first choice while getting ready to go back to church after not going for years. I’m nervous. This is helping me stay calm and positive.
I came to the Bible tonight because I feel hurt by one of my best friends. Her friend who she’s known much longer than me, has come to visit us. I felt like my friend was acting different with me around her friend and acts as if she is almost embarrassed of me. It hurts. And usually I would confront her only to create a bigger problem for acting so emotional, so I decided not to do that but instead turn to scripture. After reading this I’ve realized why it hurts me so much. I’ve never had a friend like her and I never want to loose her, but maybe I’m putting too much emphasis on her and my relationship that it’s putting God second. I don’t want to put God second and I pray that he corrects my heart to put him first.
wow! I love this. it’s exactly where I needed to start
Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Lost and ruined by the fall; If you tarry till you’re better, You will never come at all.
This verse alone is me. I am totally the type of person who tries to figure things out and fix them on her own. And it’s true. I’m burdened….and it’s true. If I wait….I will never go.
This is me. Always trying to fix things myself for God to put d finishing touch but I don’t need to fix myself nor do I Have the strength to overcome addictions I have struggled with for years!!! All I have to do is come to God as broken as I am trusting that he will fix and perfect me to his glory. Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy. I am unworthy but you still choose to fix me.
This hit my heart in a huge way. It resonates with me in a big way. It is so hard to remember that God sees those busted and broken parts and loves us just the same and is for us in every way we can imagine.
I’m so guilty of this very thing. Trying to arrange my life so I can come to the Lord and connect with him but he wants me as the beautiful mess that I am now. Praise Him!
And to think before I read this I was praying to God about a doctors appointment I have tomorrow morning where they are going to put me on new meds to try and help with my breathing. So crazy how perfectly this fits.
“Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power.”
I feel like this almost everyday, with the weight of the world on me… So happy to know God is there to take all the burdens away.
This hymn devotion idea is perfect for me. Music always resonates with me and I get a LOT from hymns. This was a huge blessing today.
Kendra, we love having you here! So glad to hear how God is blessing and encouraging you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Very moving and makes me think that when God says surrender your all he doesn’t just mean the big stuff He means ALL
I’ve “known” this my whole life but it’s becoming more real. Thanks for this post! Just what I needed to read.
I really needed this today
Love this so much! Great encouraging words for this upcoming week.
This is amazing. How wonderful knowing we have a savior who loves us unconditionally?! The thought of this gives me chills! He wants to hear our honest cries! He wants us to find rest in Him.
I am constantly reminding myself that HE is the only true satisfaction for our hearts.
The past week has been one of high anxiety, bitterness, and self-doubt. This reminded me that God calls me to worship Him through the strongest storms and highest mountains.
So excited to start this!
This is just what I needed! I just downloaded this today and I already love it!
Where he leads me I will follow
This really blessed me today. So often, I look at myself with disgust and shame for my imperfect nature, all the errors I make, known and unknown sin. I know God forgives, but I still struggle with the accuser telling me how much I’ve fallen short and need to fix myself (as if I ever could) before I can actually be right with God. This is a great reminder. I don’t have to fix myself. I don’t have the ability. That would be like surgeon attempting to do a heart transplant on him/herself. That’s why Christ came, and that’s why The Comforter remains.
Thank you, God, for your amazing love. grace and goodness.
just joined today! love it! t.y.
This was so needed! Even having been a Christian for awhile I still struggle daily with this. It’s not up to us to carry both ends of the deal, Jesus will carry it for us! I’m so thankful he died for a sinner such as me. <3
feeling overwhelmed with family trials and a little depression as well as being surrounded with “better” Christians in my life, I have backed away from God, feeling so unworthy to even follow Him. I put my bible down and talked less to God thinking I was just a broken disappointment. and then I read this. He came for the sick, the hurting and the broken. He came for me. a broken sick sinner.
I love how open and transparent your comment is. I feel exactly the same way. What a blessing this devotional is!
Going through the same. You weren’t alone
I had a terrible past semester of school and I found myself continually saying to God, hang on, I’m not ready yet, I’m a mess so with the new semester starting on Monday this was really good for me to read. I know I need him, and this is a good reminder that when I’m feeling most broken, is when I need to reach out and not hide away!
I’m feeling the same, Andrea! Good luck with your new semester!
First day here. I really like it.
This reminds me when I wasn’t sure I should convert. The words sank deep within me but I never given the time to accept Him. I thought I wasn’t perfect and weren’t worthy for his saving. But soon after so many trips to church and Christian camp I saw the truth. God will accept me for who I am and will love me unconditionally if I believe in Him. It has been three years since I have been baptized and I couldn’t be happier. His works have worked in me and made me see things in a new perspective way. I can see what a difference it made in my life. And I am forever grateful to that forever grateful to Him.
This is a fantastic app for women! I can’t wait to read the other devotionals, such a blessing.
I’m so glad my best friend referred this app to me. This is exactly what I needed to read today. Great way to start my year!
I feel the same way!! Spreading the word about this app it makes me day!!
God definitely led me to read this today. its exactly what I’m going through.
So glad someone referred this app to me! Thank you Lord! Best way to start this New Years off. So much encouragement ! Makes me feel at peace.
Zana, welcome, friend! So glad you are here!!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
What a marvel it is that our Savior accepts us into His arms not once, but time after time. I always know that He is near, even when He is silent, but sometimes a tangible reminder like this holds more healing than I could ever predict. Our God is great! Our ever-present help!
Most definitely needed this! The lord is so good. I doubt the lords goodness and everlasting love and forgiveness too much.
This was so refreshing for me to read & think on. My 1 yr old has not had a good week so far & I’m very tired from dealing with her. I usually don’t do a devotion apart from my reading plan but a friend recommended these hymn devotions today for all her friends who are tired moms. I’m glad I followed her advice. Thanks.
This is definitely something that I needed to read! Very good and encouraging stuff!
Such good words! I’m encouraged by them and by all you women!
“If you tarry till you’re better, You will never come at all. ” this phrase of the hymn really hit me. wow
Beautiful ♡♡ and needed!!
not sure if anyone is still studying this, but I sure am happy to have found this wonderful sisterhood. I will try again to register.
Love this so much. I’m just starting to read my bible again and reconnect my self to Jesus, and this plan has already opened my eyes and made me long for more of Him in everything I do.
Another wonderful version of this song is Fernando Ortega and Amy Grant. This Bible study was wonderful! I put God off far too often because I don’t want to admit how much I need him and how much I have been putting him off. Just what I needed.
It’s so great to hear “come”, and to do it now. I often worry that I need to wait until I’m “better” sometimes before I can come before God. But He loves us and wants to come to Him boldly without shame! This hymn reminds me of the Crowder song ‘Come As You Are’, kind of an updated version of this same theme. Love both songs, what a precious reminder I desperately needed!
I have been looking for a devotional for a while, and this one really touched me. Thanks, SheReadsTruth is very well done. I will definitely be ordering a study pack soon!
I’ve spent many years trying to fix myself. Learning to let go because I can’t fix me, only He can. And it’s kind of a huge relief to lay that burden down.
Amy, those are exactly the words I needed to hear right now. That was definitely a God moment. Thank you!
Blessings to you! We are all in this thing together. :)
You are a beautiful daughter of the Lord and He loves you unconditionally!
“If you tarry til you’re better, you will never come at all.”
I fell in love with this song about a year ago when we sang it at a retreat I was attending at the time, and I have never understood the significance of this line until now. Now I understand that this is EXACTLY what I’ve been doing for the past few years..delaying a fully submersed relationship with Jesus until I feel like I have my act together. And that’s exactly the opposite of what Jesus wants us to do. I pray that I can overcome this thought that I’ve had for so long and embrace the truth, that Jesus will always take me however and wherever I am. Thank you Father.
What song is that??
Oh nvr mind I foun it haha I hadn’t insides reading it
Wow autocorrect did a number on me found* and finished* not insides ✋
Wonderful! I’m grateful to GOD because HE keeps pounding the fact that HE loves me no matter what into my thick skull. This devotional is another tool in HIS hand. Thank you!
Beautiful, thankful for this devo
“Venture on Him, venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude.”
SO good, and SO true. I’m so eager to buttress and layer my trust of Christ with my trust of self, community, church, etc. But no other trust comes close. All in on Jesus: a wholly guaranteed venture.
This is just what I needed today!
So thankful God takes me as I am and I don’t have to fix myself – cause I can’t
I’ve spent many years trying to fix myself. Learning to let go because I can’t fix me, only He can. And it’s kind of a huge relief to lay that burden down.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t know how to let go. I continue to give God my burdens, but I don’t want him to think I don’t care. I do, I am just don’t know how to go forward after letting go.
I needed this today, very much so.
I didn’t grow up in a church that sang many hymns. It seems that God sends these gems my way when I need them most. So grateful that I don’t have to be perfect to be accepted and loved by my Savior!
There is hope
So often when we sing hymns like this at church we hardly catch what the words are actually saying. This hymn is saying that Jesus doesn’t need us to be any different than who we are right now. All he asks for is for us to come to him, we don’t need to make any last minute fixes before we call out his name.
We sing this hymn at my church occasionally. The problem is, sometimes I forget I am no longer a slave to sin. I dwell on my mistakes and forget that Christ has set me free. I tell Him, you couldn’t possibly use me I’m not ready; I’m not good enough! However, how sweet to know Jesus came for the sick. I am glad for the reminder that God can use me; that he’s not through with me and all I need do is say okay and submit to his will for my life. Because we aren’t perfect but God is and Christ’s blood covers us.
this really spoke to me, I feel like this is exactly what I needed to hear today. I am guilty of this for sure
even though I haven’t heard this hymn before I am so so thankful that the Lord led me to this todah
So guilty of this. I’ll do it tomorrow then it becomes a week, a month a year. time to own up and start living the life God is calling me to and putting it off until I’m ready because if I do I’ll never be ready. thank you.
I have never heard this hymn before, but what truth it rings! We are in desperate need of a Savior. So thankful He came to make us new.
Thank you for this study! I haven’t heard this particular hymn. Wow – powerful. “Sinner, will this not suffice?” It’s like someone grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me awake :)
I’m so glad to find this app. I have strayed far from God and my relationship with Him has been put to the side for years. Just recently I have felt God tug on my heart and begin a much needed healing on my heart. This is exactly what I needed to read tonight.
This is my first time reading the bible, this is my first reading of the first time I am reading the bible. This was interesting and made me look inward. I look forward to tomorrow
Yay monika! So exciting you are reading the Bible for the first time!!!! So glad you are :)
I was touched by this today. God’s deeper revelation that if I wait to come to Him when I feel good about myself I will not come or I will not be able to receive because I will not know that I need to receive. Sigh. I want to feel put together not “ruined” but I forget how the ruining of my “good enough” is what enables me to see my need and receive. Much needed breakthrough!
View Him prostrate in the garden; On the ground your Maker lies. On the bloody tree behold Him; Sinner, will this not suffice?
This. Got. Me. How many times in my actions do I say, “I need Jesus, and….” Jesus and money. Jesus and control. Jesus and perfection. Jesus and a calm toddler. Jesus and, and, and … “Sinner, will this not suffice?” What a kick in the bum. I don’t need anything. I got more than I deserved and everything I needed at the cross. How foolish of me to think something else will do.
I totally agree with you! My thoughts are often, whenever I get ready or better, God can use me. But that verse there hit me! How dare I think anything but Christ will set my life right. Praise God for his love and patience and mercy and grace. Without him, I would be nothing.
I am a complete manager of my own image. How freeing to know that we are all sinners in need of grace and that he came for my ugliness – all of it.
I love the perspective of this article because it causes the reader to realize that perfection is not needed. While knowing this improves my view of God immensely, it also causes me to better understand how to convey the gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelievers. Christianity is often viewed by others as a place where people gather to cast judgement while they themselves live in a glass house, when in reality it’s a place for people to come as they are and be mended by their maker! How wonderful that we can show others that just as they are is enough! Love this!
I sometimes feel I just glance over my shortcomings in order to not address them, but there are days when they completely overwhelm me. Those are the times I lean on the Lord most. I need to work on going to Him for all things…
I love this. I’ve been pressing reset every Sunday at church for weeks, read to just try it again and not truly face God until I feel ready. He’s the doctor, ready to heal and full of grace!
I am a doer to my very core. I love people by doing, I get my value from doing, and I often neglect going directly to God in the name of doing. When I realize it has been weeks since I have picked up my bible or gone to Him in prayer, I quickly make up another thing to “do” to avoid spending time with Him. I want to make sure that somehow I have earned a merit badge before I go to Him. An excuse. A free pass. Or something! But that is not how it works. I am so grateful that my savior asks us to come as we are. He came to save all sinners and I am the worst. And I come anyways. I come to the only one who can truly minister to my heart. The only one who knows me completely. This is a beautiful Him and a wonderful reminder. The cross is enough! I can and will come now and not when I have “done” all that I can to sanctify myself. You are enough, Lord!
He says “come!” Weary, worn, sick, sinful, filthy, dying. Come. He is the Physician of the sick. He is the Savior of the sinner. He is the Refuge for the weary. He begs us to come. Yet so often I want to wait until I’m better. I don’t want to go to God when I’m “a mess”. I want to get the mess taken care of and then go! But I can’t “fix my mess”. I can only dig my pit deeper. Only He can lift me out of it! Oh if only my will would submit to the words I can say. Because saying and doing are two different things entirely!
These lyrics touched my heart. I grew up in a church that sang a lot of hymns but never knew this one.
“All the fitness He requireth is to feel your need of Him”
We don’t need to fix ourselves up before coming to Him. We only need to recognize that we NEED to come to Him, and then come. What a Savior!
So good! Thanks for the touching word!
I have put my relationship with the Lord off long enough, he was rescheduled time and time again. Today, begins and early start to my New Year resolutions; time with my Father and Christ will no longer be rescheduled.
I had the same revelation. I take time for work at home, kids school plays, swimming and after school activities, studying for boards, taking a new class, and working out…but only have time for church 1x a week, reading my Bible 1x every 20 years and prayer at supper, at bed with the kids and driving in my car. I rarely take time to listen.
Thanks for sharing and your post is encouraging.
During the reading I made notes. Not that I’m some great writer. Heck it’s my first time reading the bible in almost 20 years, sadly. These were my notes:
I trust my husband to trust you. I trust my priest and pastor to trust and interpret for me. Yet what you want is me to trust YOU AND ONLY YOU and then seek council and confirmation. I trust others second because you are truly the only righteous one and always honest and consistent. Even in your humanity you were and are infallible and without sin. Who better to trust, God. How do I do that? Prayer and scripture.
It’s so hard to just give everything up, and not worry about it. And I know I try to better myself sometime, or I’ll attempt to better my husband and it doesn’t work. I haven’t came to God for anything in a very long time… Until I felt like I needed him… Not that He might need me. And so much has happened in this past year, that I feel like it’s time for me to straighten up and actually look deeper, into myself and the Bible. I loved this.. I needed to be told that I can’t wait any longer. Other wise, there maybe no longer to wait on. I’m hoping this will help me. I really need this more then I can say.
“If you tarry till your better, you will never come at all” Wow! I needed to read those words today. I need to give every struggle & praise big and small to the Lord!
The hymn’s words right there are SOO powerful. I have never heard this hymn before but I want to listen now. My husband was raised on hymns and prefers them. I used to wonder why. Now I see the truth in them in a simple but directly powerful like to the Word I have not seen before. That phrase hit me so hard too. I tarry and wait and am too busy
It’s hard to hide our shortcoming even from ourselves. It is important to think about whether we would e honest to this about our spouses and is not The Lord our most perfect spouse?
My husband had this fear just last night. Very timely. Praise God – and thank you.
This was such a beautiful reminder that no matter what we are going through there isn’t anything God doesn’t want to hear or handle. We have a very loving Daddy!!! Lately I’ve been feeling like it’s almost unnecessary to come to Him because I didn’t think He wants to handle the small problems of my life. But wow that verse in the hymn of “if you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all” really stuck with me. If we wait too long to come before Jesus we will no longer feel a need to. Beautiful, beautiful reminder.
These thoughts cross my mind every day. I feel so unworthy to bear His name because of all my son, but His grace is greater than all our sin!!!
I definitely needed this! I’ve been struggling with thoughts similar to “I can’t go to Him just yet, I’m too dirty still.” I decided to find a devotional app and try to get myself back on track for Him and I am so glad I found this! I’m looking forward to getting back the relationship I once had with Him and hopefully this will help.
This is so encouraging to me as I struggle daily with the thoughts of “I’m not ready yet” & “I’m not worthy yet”. It’s uplifting to know Jesus is the true doctor of our souls and will lift us even at our sickest moments . Such a great read.
I know I am guilty of this, somwtimes when I feel that I have failed God, I hide from him. I hide until I feel like I have done something to make up for my mistake, but I can’t make up for my mistakes, I can never be good enough on my own. I I could Jesus wouldn’t have had to die for me. I have to learn to accept God’s grace and forgiveness, I have to accept that there is nothing I can do, and I have to give up control and stop trying to save myself and let God save me. I have to let God wash away my sins and stop trying to do it myself, when I know I can’t. I have to give God control and let go of the reigns.
Dear God, help me to surrender control to you, help me to trust you, and accept that you are the only way. it is only through you I find forgiveness, peace, purpose, and the fulfillment of your plan for my life. God I know I can’t do this on my own, as much as I would like to think that I can, I know that I need you. I need you in everything. I love you Lord. Amen
There is no difference between a Jew and a Gentile….. I love this. Such simple statements really make me think. I am in awe of Jesus
This was very uplifting to me!! Just what I needed. I’m really looking forward to this plan! Especially since in today’s world we sometimes find it difficult to understand the meaning of older hymns. My eyes are already being opened to such beauty that hymns bring to our worship.
His strength is perfect in our weaknesses. We need to run to Him when we are down and not try to figure out things on our own. Its easier said than done… Just another reason to continue praying. This was a great lesson!
What a blessing ! I’m so excited about this app! I’ve been looking for something like this forever! Praise the lord it’s honestly what I have needed
“We live in fear of shining a light on the very darkest parts of our hearts..” – This really stuck out to me because I feel the things I need to hand over to God and completely let go of, I myself do not let go of and continue to contain it in my heart. So then I fear that I am hindering my light unto others and within my heart, which effects my walk with God.
Thank you for this beautiful 5-day plan!
This is such a wonderful devotion! I am very much a planner, organizer and I like to think I have everything under control. It is incredibly hard for me to surrender control to God, and it’s even harder to come to Him when you feel so unworthy and like you have to have “it all together” in order to come to God. This devotion is a nice reminder that we can come to Him all the time. Thank you!!
I really loved this. My relationship with Christ has been falling apart lately because I have felt as if I’m not living in the God would want me to, but now I know that I can fix my actions.
Lately my prayers start with “I know its been a while, but there’s just so much…..”
I am so thankful for my friends that have been posting SRT pictures, quotes, & scriptures. I finally downloaded it today after a couple of weeks of honestly being envious of the peace they seemed to be gaining from their daily readings. I am so excited to dig in!!!
how perfectly fitting this is for me right now. first, this is one of my favorite hymns. second, I am very much a person who likes to think I’ve got everything under control. often I neglect that Christ is really the one in charge and fail to trust Him.
This is exactly what i needed. Ive been so distant from The Lord lately because I didn’t think I was good enough right now but now I know that I can come back to God right now with all of my sins and burdens!
Welcome, Jaysie! We are so thrilled you\’re here! Praying The Lord meets you here each day!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
What a great devotion. I always need that constant reminder to come as I am or I will continue to put it off. Glad I downloaded this app.
This was just what I needed to read today. I need the Lord so badly and it’s time I stop putting that off. Thanks for writing this!
I just got this app today and as a senior in high school this was very encouraging!!
Hi Alaina! Welcome to our community! We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
What a beautiful depiction of the coming of Jesus in Leviticus 16. Even then, God was trying to help His people understand the beauty of grace. How much more beautiful is the coming, willing sacrifice, death and resurrection of Jesus! How great to know that there’s no longer a repetitive process of being forgiven… That it’s a one-time deal that continues on until we get to be with Christ forever!
I got this app about 15 minutes ago and I already love it. Thank you so much for making a community like this ❤️
Bentley, welcome to our community! We\’re thrilled you\’re here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I am new here and I choose this thinking it would be ‘light reading’ till I could really ‘get myself to him again’. And behold he spoke to me especially since I’ve been hesitating on coming to him fully again because of how I felt I’ve been living my life. I feel so joyous knowing that the slightest look towards him he has opened the doors extra wide and acknowledged me! Thank you for this ladies!
Welcome to our community! We are so grateful to celebrate His glory with you and hear everything He is teaching you! Thanks for joining us today-the doors are always open extra wide :)
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
This is such a great piece. “If you tarry til you’re better, you will never come at all,” really speaks truth in the fact that we all need to acknowledge the mercy and comfort that can be found when we seek the Lord. All we need to do is present ourselves to God because He is already waiting with open arms.
Hey everyone I’m new here
I hate the feeling of needing to be perfect before I can go before God. This was an excellent reminder that our Father wants us to come as we are. He is mighty to heal!
This helped so much.. I think that so often.. That I must be the worst and that I don’t deserve him.. But I do need him to take care of me.. This gave me a new perspective so thank you
I’m so encouraged by this! God is our healer, He knows our weakness, our sickness and our hurts. We are gaining nothing by holding back from Him. He already knows! I am reminded that in my weakness He is made strong. There is no place I’d rathet be, then in His healing and loving arms!
Lately I have been dealing with a lot of hurt from people. My husband keeps telling me to pray and my response to God is, “I’m a crazy mess and I just need to fix myself. I need to stop asking you to fix what I know I need to fix on my own.” And this devotional really convicted that rebellious daughter in me. I have made things worse in my heart by trying to fix it on my own- I need Jesus to help me. I cannot do this on my own. I still hear him saying, “I’ve been waiting. Are you threw trying to fix yourself? Can I help?”
Thank you for this devotional. Now… If you don’t mind, I have to talk with my Father.
Thank you for putting to words what my heart has been gently telling me for about 15 years.
knowing that he wants me to want him,makes me want to know him more. but i know that i need to thank him every day and this I’m guilty of forgetting to do.
Roxie, me too! But there is so much GRACE! Even though we forget and wander, He continues to pursue us. Thankful for that truth. We love having you here!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Love this!! It’s so easy for us to feel inadequate because that’s what the world constantly tells us. What we have to remember is that His mercy is new everyday and that God saw it all yet He still chose the cross!! He knew that even after he died we would sin against Him but that didn’t stop Him because His love is that deep for us! We are already good enough for Him!
Love this!! What we have to keep in mind is that God saw it all and He still chose to die for us! We are already good enough for Him so come as you are! He’s the only one that can put the pieces back together because he created you and knows you better than anyone else! What an amazing thing we can take refuge in!
i enjoyed this so much! :)
“If you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all.”
I can relate to Ryan, here I am waiting on medical test results. Nerves are in full effect, anxiety, just thinking the absolute worse outcome. If I wouldn’t be going through this would I have come to you at all? Jesus you heal the sick, you are my Doctor. I trust in you …. Thank you for speaking to through this wonderful devo.
This was exactly what I needed to hear. The message is similar to the one I heard in service this morning. Do not wait to give God your attention. Allow him to continue the work he has started in you. I cannot wait to share this app with my small group.
Made me look at my own relationship with Jesus. Don’t just go to him when you need him but all the other times as well, and done wait till you are sick to see a doctor
Such an on time word!
Come everyone! So overwhelming how great His love is for us
a revived and renewed spirit stirs within my after reading this. powerful. bring your darkness any day, any time.
Just realize, we don’t have to remain in this place that says “I am a sinner.” The bible says we are dead to sin and alive in Christ!! When you go to the doctor, get medicine, and are healed.. You don’t still walk around saying you are sick. BUT if we get sick again, then we run back to the doctor for healing again. It’s the same with Christ. He wiped us of our sin. We are no longer sinners, BUT if we sin again, we have an advocate with the Father, who is Jesus!!
I love everything you just said! I wrote it in my prayer journal! Thank you for these Words.
Can I ask a question? I read and agree that it is “so easy to come to God when things are hard” because we need something (healing, grace, direction). I find that for me somewhat true. But, I feel like my heart is hardened like a rock right now especially when things are good. I can cling to Him, but rarely read His word, during bad times because I know He heals. It is when things are easier that my distance creeps in and even then my coming to Him in hard times is still more distant.
Do you ever feel that way? I just feel so hardened even though He has the chisel. I keep rebuilding my rocky layers.
Here’s some encouragement. God hears you when your spirit cries out to Him like this. Remember that He is always seeking us and longs for fellowship with us. Evidence here that your heat is thawing is your very awareness of your hardened heart. Perhaps it isn’t as hard as you think it is.
So blessed by this post. I have realized that in my worry and anxiety I can push away from God, hold off on fully turning my pain and worries over to him. But he knows me best, he loves me regardless and he wants to know us all personally. I am praying for greater trust in the One who holds my heart in His hands.
This truly resonates with all of us, I’ve said it over and over “just a little longer”. I’m so thankful God accepted me, a sinner.
I absolutely enjoyed this devotional. And took allot from it. Thank you.
I love that this comes with a hymn that I can learn and sing throughout the day!
could you postpone the “examine my heart prayer?” wow. could you BE any more en pointe? thankful for your thoughts today
Wow! My niece has been reading SRT and shared and pursued me to try it! Thank you this is like a nice cup of coffee but of Christ’s love and mercy upon us!
I just found this app from instagram and I am loving it ♡
Beautiful! So funny I’m reading this as I’m sitting in the waiting room to see the doctor myself!! We are so blessed that our Heavenly Father calls us to come as we are. I pray that I don’t forget that.
We worship a Mighty God! Oh, how he forgives us, embraces us and loves us unconditionally! This is such a great reminder for me that He welcomes us with open arms under any circumstance. He wants us just as much as we want him!
I really love taking a deeper look into hymns. They’re so rich with poetry & meaning, I would love another hymn study in the future!
Gods love for me is something I can’t fully understand but I’m so glad he has sent his Holy Spirit to work in me. The Trinity is an amazing thing. I’m so thankful for it. I’m so glad Jesus died for my sins that I could be made well again.
This was GREAT.
My fave verses are Ephesians 2:1-10, and these go right along with that!! May we NEVER forget or feel NOTHING for His sacrifice. We feel so unworthy but praise the Lord HE says we are worthy!!!!!
This study gave me so much comfort and peace in thinking and praying for Ferguson. We all fall short, but we shouldn’t wait until things get better, or worse, to fall on Jesus to lead us lovingly through these hard times.
Stumbled across this post while sitting in a exam room this morning.. love when God throws In a little extra magic sometimes!
So good. A reminder that we’re never too far gone!
This felt great to read today.
awake early and feel that this gently nudged me about my pride
this was encouraging today as I also remember this is true for me, I need to remember this is true for those who hurt me. may we all be filled with grace for all sinners, of which we are the very worst.
This is just what I needed to read today!
Almost brought me to tears this morning as I was sipping on a fresh cup of coffee! Truly a sigh of relief to know that I am not alone & we are all in this together! No sin is to big for God, He makes ALL things NEW! This has helped me to see that no matter how guilty and shameful we feel for our sins, we must turn to God without hesitation because that is why He sent His son Jesus Christ to shed His blood on the cross! God does His best work on the broken! Thank you Jesus! Xoxox
Love this! So timely in my life right now!
I am in love with how my Savior divinely orchestrates every part of my life. Just the other day, coming home from work I prayed.. “How many times have I postponed what You had waiting for me because I did not feel worthy to receive it?” Truly blessed this morning.!
I’m so scared I keep running to the chains that bound me instead of the father that can set me free.
I was praying this morning about this and God let me to your post. I have been wrestling with my past pretty heavily these past fee weeks and although I’m a new creature in Christ, I haven’t been able to stop looking backwards at my mistakes. Let’s pray together that we are able to let go of the past, take God’s hand and relish in the fact that He will guide our journey from here on out. I felt freedom today for the first time that God chose me to walk in His light, while holding his hand, and while walking in His step. I’ve asked that satan will not be allowed to shift my gaze backwards and that God will focus my gaze only forward. Please know that I am praying that for you as well. Your sister in Christ, Rachelle.
Such a great reminder that I do not have to be perfect to come to God!!!!! He wants our mess so he can shine in us and fix us!!!
This is a great devotional!!!
thanks for that! I was thinking of the dentist!
She Reads Truth is a recent discovery for me, but so excited to find such a beautiful place on the internet. I'll be praying for my sisters in Christ that you won't fear the light of the world, but embrace the only one who can save and transform you. In a time when guilt pulled me down, a good friend told me, "just be a sinner saved by grace".
This post reminded me of the verse from John 3:14.-15 “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” In recognizing we are sick, we must look to the Healing one, who hung on the cross, just as the Israelites looked at the snake Moses had lifted up and then were healed. It’s that simple, realizing we are sick, and looking in faith to our Healer.
Just what I needed to read today. I can start to feel like I am inadequate to recieve such love and feel ashamed of past sins and dark truths in my heart…….but I am only hurting my potential for progress in my relationship with my one true king. I hope each of you ladies has a blessed day!
It is so easy to put off God time until the next day and the next day and the next day…until eventually the next day never comes. It’s so easy to hide from the One who knows every single little thing about us and we forget that He made us. What a reminder this was for me today.
I have recently reconciled my relationship with God and I’ve been craving for his touch and most of all a closer relationship with him
I really needed to read this today. “if you tarry til youre better, you won’t come at all” how true! and lately this has been me. feeling “stuck” thinking I can do it all on my own. WRONG. I need Jesus and only Him to fix my heart and guide my steps.
Praying for a closer walk with god!
I was gonna go to bed a few minutes ago, but I felt the necessity of reading the Scripture. Undoubtedly, God wanted to talk to me! I need to seek Him!
What a sweet blessing to my day! My life is full of disease and illness (sin), but even in that Jesus still CHASES after me. I am in such need of Him in every waking moment… And all I have to do is want Him! WOW. Thank you, sweet author. I appreciate how you write in Truth!
Amen Talia!
This spoke very much to me this morning. A reminder I don’t have to carry it all myself and try to feel better, He’s always there ready to make me better! I know I can trust in Him! A great way to start my day(:
I’m guilty of putting off things as it relates to my relationship with God because I don’t like disappointing him.
I believe I’ve put off many things in life because I’m afraid and aware of my imperfections. I’m aware of how I’ve failed. It’s not good enough, but thankfully I don’t need to be. Because He is good enough. I am worthy of the ultimate sacrifice, and that is not a cheasy thing to say.. It’s the truth and that is powerful! Thank you Jesus for calling me right where I am to love and to be loved.
I’m guilty of playing the whole “let me get better” card, when in reality He is the only way to be better.
This really stood out to me. I’ve been growing in Christ and learning to continually talk to him. But I sometimes I find myself picking things up that I’ve laid at the cross. Battling with the same temptation and feeling guilty. I long for my God and I get so upset with myself for repeating the same mistakes. Sin is indeed a Disease and I am thankful for my healer and my Doctor. I know that God is all I need. I know he loves me and I want to be strong enough to love him how he deserves!
I so needed this encouragement. I have been lost in my own worry and not focused on Him. Lord, let this be my turning point!
This was exactly what I needed to hear today. My heart is overwhelmed in such good way with His love and acceptance. I am indeed a PR Nightmare mess and I’m glad HE wants me just as I am. Nothing more.
Thank God that as a sinner there is one that can rescue me. one that does not judge or condemn me.
Wow! I am so grateful for these words and this wisdom. I struggle constantly with “preparing” myself to be in a place that I can be comfortable with God and his word (and his judgment). I so needed this encouragement that “showing up” is the biggest step I can take.
this was my first reading. I download the app today. it touched home with me. I have been finding myself needing good when times are rough. then when times are good I seem to not need him. But that good feeling doesn’t last to long. these past couple of days I have realized that God never put me or my needs off. so why am I putting him off when things are going well?
Great article! God is so amazing and wonderful.
This is my first reading app. I really want to follow thru this and this app will be helpful!
My first one to read and it’s so amazing and easy to follow. Thank you!
Love this. So often I put off spending time with God until I feel like everything is right. I need to lay down at his feet just as I am.
wow how powerful, Lord thank you for this app
❤️ this is so what my heart ended today. I love the Acapella version of this hymn – absolutely soul moving
I’m always in need of Him even when I don’t realize or think about it. To work in self I will not accomplish anything. It is only in Christ that I can make it.
This is my first reading from this app and I’m so in love with it already! Love this community. And the message today about His forgiveness for all of us is just what I needed.
I think that this is such a great way to still be reading your bible even when you don’t have time. You can just take your phone and you have the bible right there. I also love how she relates her story to the word
I feel like I am like this too often. I don’t get closer to God because I don’t feel like he will accept the dirty in me. But I’m just not forgiving to myself and I lose so many great opportunities to get closer to Him-but I want to be presentable before Him.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEisSxR2cps listen to this!
I feel the exact same way, like if I am not perfect he will not accept my love and he will look down upon me. That’s how I feel about a lot of my relationships with people of the christian faith. It’s really hard sometimes. But when you remember that God loves us no matter what sins we commit, you can really just open up with Him, even though he already knows your faults.
I’m constantly needing reminders to ask for forgiveness and move forward instead of holding it in thinking somehow I’ll get to that later with God. It doesn’t work like that! Our amazing God knows and I need to trust his forgiveness.
This is my first one to read and it could truly not have hit me at a better time. I can’t wait around on things to change anymore, I have to use God’s helping hand to change them.
So needed this today! God is good!
so blessed to have downloaded this app and saw this devotion today.
What a perfect way to start my devotional journey. I have definitely been one to sit back and say “I’ll be a good Christian when I have time, or when I feel like I have everything together” and I forget that I’ll never have everything together or be perfect, but I am loved anyways.
I seem to always be on a roller coaster of having enough time and then not having time. This came at a fantastic time as I am battling struggles and stresses of work, life, and family. I am overwhelmed and this is a great reminder that no matter what I have done say or present, there is and will always be a spot next to the Lord for me. (Sigh of relief)
Wow This really spoke to me. I long for a closer relationship with God I’m a mess but you can heal me Lord
My daily prayer ^^^
“In Him you will not find condemnation, but healing.” Absolutely beautiful, just what I needed to read tonight!
I was just telling the lord last night – give me a few days to get back in line. haha.
Felt like he answered me. beautifully written.
why delay from running to our dear Father who accepts me with open arms!
I’m babysitting and the kids are in bed. I’m reading this post from a quiet corner, and it was exactly what this weary soul needed. I am in need of Him. Thanks.
God keep me reading & getting to know you more. I’m a mess, you know the details. Help me Jesus
beautiful hymn and message. My 83 year old grandfather is in the hospital and battling for his life but I know that the true Healer is calling him to His arms. Just like the refrain says “I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
O there are ten thousand charms.” Praise Jesus for His loving embrace that heals both spiritual and physical ills.
Love this, Bellamy. Praying for you and your grandfather, asking for comfort, peace and healing only He can give. Blessings to you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I just don’t know what to say but wow. I have the bible app downloaded as well and my lesson today was the same for both. Amen
This is my first devotional with this app and what a great place start. Thank you, Lord for the reminder to come as I am.
“If you tarry until you’re ready, you will never come at all” is one of my favorite lines of any hymn. Thank You, Jesus that you came for sinners and say to me, “come as you are.” He welcomes us and loves us.
this really speaks at a high volume. words that our generation really need to hear. thank you and God bless you
So, so good! You can’t believe how much this encouraged my heart. I needed to hear this today. Thank you for this!
Definitely need to be drawing near to God and not push him away. I tend to do that when I’m walking through a dry season, like now. Thank you for this post!
I loved this message! really spoke to me right now!
Jesus loves us just the way we are, but loves us too much to leave us that way :)
A late response, but saw your comment on this and love your outlook on His great love!
It amazes me that I still trick myself into believing that God cannot already see every sin anyway. To think that I can hide it and refuse to let it show is kind of funny and sad all at the same time. This devotion was a very nice reminder that my heart has to be open to the One who made it.
So thankful for this this morning. Praise Him!
Yes! The more we focus on Christ the less time we have to sin!! Or waller in our sin!! Focusing on what Jesus has done for me makes me so thankful for him and motivated me to live for him!!
Love this!! Reminding myself of the depth of my sin, reassures me of just how much Jesus must love me to rescue a sinner like me!! Sometimes I get down because of all the sin that is in my heart, but instead of wallering in my sin, I’m comforted by all the grace the Jesus showed me and shows me daily and I’m just so grateful for his love! I’m so undeserved, but he saved me anyways!! ❤️
I find myself often falling into the trap of preparation. I always dream up plans to enter into God’s presence through bible study, sabbath reflection, journaling, etc. but I can never “nest” enough to feel like I can spend time with God. I think that I’ve been using this as a distraction to help me keep my distance from God. Very good reminder that I need to stop fearing God and just take a step back into relationship.
Amen! I’m too often afraid to repent because I feel like I’m not “ready” yet. I think it’s good to remember that we will never be ready without the help of Jesus.
I try to spend time with God regularly, but I realized that in a way I do it to prevent brokenness, not because I know I’m broken. It’s easy for me to see God’s blessings in me and and in my life and forget that I am still but a sinner in need of grace. I think that if I entered into my time with God not with the expectation that it will eradicate all brokenness in my life, but instead with an attitude of humility, awareness of my sinful nature, and knowledge of my need for God, I wouldn’t be so shaken when tough things happen and I feel inadequate to handle them. Instead I will be grounded in the knowledge that only God can and will resolve them, and that He will use the situation for good. I cannot think that I am at all good or gifted on my own- any good that I do or skill that I have is God working through me and the ability is a gift from Him. This is not discouraging or a negative self-view, but is a strong hope in the Lord and contributes to a deeper understanding of the who I am because of Christ.
I love, LOVE this hymn. What enduring words written so long ago. Our church sings it with a more upbeat tune which I love because it gets stuck in my head. It needs to be on repeat. Thanks for speaking words of truth into the lives of your readers. You are doing a great work!
“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” Amen. Lord, no matter where I find myself, no matter how “well” I “think” I am doing, no matter how many things I check off my to-do list, let me keep the spirit of these words in my heart. Let it frame every choice I make and every action I take. Apart from you, I can do nothing. I praise you for taking on me, this sinner. Teach me every day, Lord.
I just downloaded this app today and I am so happy I did. I love this! God is here for us, we can’t fear that he will not accept us because we have sinned, but we need to ask for forgiveness. God is always looking over you and he is always there when you need to talk. Sometimes I feel guilty when I have sinned, but I need to realize that I am not perfect, no one is perfect and God is here to help me and love me.
Omg, this is me! I needed to read this
So happy that I downloaded this app! This is such a blessing!
I am guilty of not feeling perfect enough for God’s love. But when you think about it who are we kidding?! We aren’t fooling God or hiding anything from him. If there is one person we can truly be ourselves with it’s God.
I forget to be vulnerable, even with God. Today I’m reminded that God’s grace and love is unconditional and I need not strive for perfection to earn His approval. How beautiful He is to draw me near, as i am.
First day with SRT. Thank you. So easy to forget that I am the one sinning. I don’t let God in because I try to fix it myself or I don’t want to bother Him with my problems. God gives us these problems in order for us to turn back to Him and grow closer. I will remember this verse today and allow it to give me the courage to giver everything to the Lord. He deserves it.
I am so so so thrilled to be now apart of this! This has really opened my eyes to that God will never stop loving me, even when everyone else leaves.
It is the reality that I am a sinner. Which as a Christian is good for my soul to hear this. I am not perfect in any way but I forget by looking at the world and judging their sins. Glad I spent time reading these passages. I repent again.
Today, my friend said that our flaws and sins will be used by the enemy to shame us. She encouraged me to be honest about these things and then ask Jesus to heal me of them. Today is when I started SRT. This was such a wonderful confirmation!
I didn’t know how badly I needed this until I started reading it. Jesus is so so amazing.
Love this
Praise my Heavenly Savior and Father that I can never be good enough to deserve saving, but that I am able to accept His gift.
This was really encouraging for me! I have felt distant from God since returning from a month-long missions trip this summer, and have delayed spending time with Him because I felt inadequate. This showed me that because I am NOT worthy to stand in the presence of God, but I am invited, I should run to my Father. Thank you for your words today.
We are so, so self-centered. Even about our sin! We do not point outwardly to discover that we are ALL broken. ALL depraved. ALL “the least of these”. Sin does not single us out, and I find such freedom in that. Because if we are all equal sinners, we can all be equal recipients of that great grace! Who am I to be less worthy of it than someone else, but don’t we always feel that’s the case?
If you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all….WOW! This is so true. We think we can “clean ourselves up” and then come to Jesus when in reality if we had the power to do so He would not have need to die in the first place. Thank you Lord for your “cleaning” power…. your healing power. Amen.
I loved this post! It is so refreshing to see I am not the only one that at times tell God – hold on, let me get my act together and then I will be worthy enough and good enough. But God is my healer and I need to remember that in those moments of weakness and in those moments of temptation, I can turn to Him and ask him for help, and ask Him for healing, and ask him to help me get back on the path that he has laid out for me.
And a little side note, at times when I don’t feel worthy of God’s healing and love, my mom always told me that God doesn’t make junk. He loves all of us for exactly who we are.
God bless.
This was so appropriate for me today this is my first day with y’all, and it felt like it spoke to me so much. I always feel undeserving of God’s grace and I am so short of where I should be. I just happened to stumble upon you app and I gave in. I finally decided that even falling short in God’s eyes and trying to be a better believer, is better than nothing at all. Thank you so much for what you do!!
Mary welcome to “sinners read truth” you are among friend!
Thanks, Taime’!!
I think that this is so true! I often finding myself putting off praying or going to God for things because I think, well I'm not good enough for him today. I'll just wait for a day when I have done my bible study or read the bible. But I just have to remind myself that Jesus takes us exactly how we are right now in this moment no matter how messy and dirty we are. And I have to keep reminding myself that there is nothing that I can do to make God love me less then he does right now. And how amazing it is that he excepts us exactly how we are!
Sisters, the conviction of the Holy spirit lies heavy on my heart tonight. I have been avoiding a “heart check” with God all day after having behaved foolishly and cruelly towards my husband in an argument… Jesus, I come to you now, change my heart, make it clean. Forgive my bitterness and rancor. Help me truly forgive my husband for the mistakes that he has made so that I may approach him in gentleness and respect, just as you have called me to do. Amen.
Wow! This was my first devotion here and it was amazing. All too often do I find myself skipping my bible reading because I’m busy or not close enough to the Lord. He’s so so good.
Just want I needed to hear today! And always!
Pure loveliness! I am tearing up over here :’)
man oh man! I can’t wait for tomorrow, today was amazing.
Hi! I’m a 19-year-old girl from Uruguay, a small country in South America, between Argentina and Brazil. Even though I’m not a native English speaker, I’ve following the plans since last year because I just love the way you guys help me in my daily approach to the Bible. I’ve learned and grown a lot and now that I’ve downloaded the app I couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much! Kisses!
Hi Ale-I just wanted to say that it is so encouraging to know that you are pursuing Jesus on your own! Bless you.
God has been trying to teach me over the last two years that He is in control – He knows every situation from beginning to end – He knows our futures that we often spend so much time fretting over. After reading today’s lesson, another song came to my mind. My husband is a bluegrass musician, so bluegrass is the music of my heart. Anyway, look up this song, the message is so simple, but so important: http://youtu.be/wnK3ac0gYbo
Thank you Father that I may come to you at any given time, even in my sinful ways. It's so easy to feel like we have to better ourselves before we can have a relationship with our Heavenly God, but how comforting it is to hear and know that he is there to help us get better & with no judgment!
I love you dearly Lord and Im grateful that we can come together as sisters to study your Word! Have a blessed evening sisters!
Amen. Christ provided and makes us well. I am a sinner and he saved me
Thankful that we can come as we are to Christ and He makes us new!
First devotion ever done in she reads truth and I couldn’t love it more!
Same! God really spoke to me. Looking forward to the next ones!
This post has truly touched my heart , I’ve wasted so much time thinking To myself “I will start to get closer to God when I get myself together” realizing he wants me regardless . I will praise him ! Amen thanks for this post and God bless you
I allow myself to get caught in the same trap of… “When I get myself together God will smile upon me and be more eager to listen.” I couldn’t be more wrong! Thank you for this message!
I’m new to this app but I think it’s really cool to use! A speaker at a conference I recently went to recommended it and she was right! It’s very easy to use and convenient too. I can’t wait to use it more often. The message was great and not too time consuming with my busy schedule :)
Man Lord I just thank you that in order to be made in your image, we just need to sit in front of you and be occupied with you. We can’t make ourselves to look like you. Our sin is great and our works on our own do nothing. But your process of transformation is so amazing, you only call us to be occupied with you and then you do all the work. Create in us a spirit of just wanting to be with you. First time in this devotional app! Looks like such a community :)
Wow, my friend showed me this app and I downloaded it, read it on my lunch break and I am weeping. Such a SIMPLE message delivered so beautifully and matter-of-factly. Thank you so much!
Andy Mineo uses the refrain of this hymn in his song “Superhuman”! It fits so well…we all are sinners in need of grace…daily, hourly, every second. That realization is so freeing when you know that there is a God who loves you and is ready and willing to pour out his grace on you at all times.
Glad the Lord brought me here today. Thank you!
I really needed this message today. I struggle with feeling entirely unworthy of his calling. Thank you for this reminder that we are called to Him not because we are deserving but because He loves us and redeems us.
Yes! Love this, Gabriella. Thankful to revisit this truth together today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Amen. I truly believe that I always hide from God when I am at my worst and that’s when I need him the most!! He isn’t just there to make me feel better but to save me from myself!! Thank you for this devotional
Thank you for the great reminder! I needed to hear the truth of what healing looks when we are “sick” love this!
Today is my first day to SRT. Found you gals by accident in Instagram.
Just read today’s devotional. Spoke right to my wounded heart.
Thank you.
Welcome to our community, Kat! Thrilled to have you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Even though I’ve been reading SRT since the Ruth study, this is my first time commenting.
“We live in fear of shining a light on the very darkest parts of our hearts—afraid to whisper those dark parts by name, let alone hold them in our outstretched hands in plain sight of the One who bled and died to redeem them.”
This is so accurate. I feel like I’ve been raised in a church that requires the highest level of perfection. I assumed God had this mentality of requiring perfection as well. Until this year, when I started going to a new church, I believed I couldn’t meet with Jesus until I had my life contained in a neat little box. I’m now learning the extent to which His strength is made perfect in weakness. I’m learning that He loves me, even amidst the pain of imperfection and wounds from years ago. Not only that, but He’s provided me with a wonderful church family who let me know that I’m not alone and that I’m loved. Thank you for this reminder that He wants all of me,not just the “good” parts.
Charrise, we are so thankful to have you in our community. Thank you for sharing your heart with us today! Asking that God would continually remind you of His love this week!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Thank you for this devotional it really came at a great time for me I am always a little scared to bare my soul to God because I am afraid that he will reject me but I am getting better and know deep down that he will never reject me just have my moments every once and awhile
Jodie, I\’ve been there, friend. Asking that God would give you the confidence to bare your soul to Him. It\’s in good hands, sister. Love to you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
oh, how I needed this. beautiful devotion.
Thanks for joining us, Caitlin! We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
New to this study group – today is day one. Immediately touched by His call as I read today’s detail. He is MY caretaker and knows everything about me without me having to say a word! Unlike a doctor who may or may not really stop to listen and may or may not truly get it (whatever it may be). All I have to do is approach and He will hear! He will heal! Thank you Father for your love and grace. I adore you!!!
Welcome to our community, Patti! Thanks for sharing your heart with us today. I love that He will hear us as we truly are. Love to you today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
This is just awesome, thank YOU!
Patti today is my first day too! Glad we both found a wonderful place where we can learn and grow in faith. Blessings to you.
I can really relate to this. I wait until I'm feeling my absolute worst before I take medicine or go see a doctor, while my husband nags me all the while that if I'd just take something or see someone, I'd feel better. No need to be Superwoman, because I'm not. And when I finally do see the doctor, I start to feel so much better. Duh. And I've done the same over and over again on my spiritual life- I've waited and tried to clean up a mess on my own instead of turning to our great healer for help. May we all remember that there isn't anything to be ashamed of when we come before Jesus in need of healing.
My heart is so full of sin. It aches me to think that I am living in sin. Lord, help me to walk in obedience to You. Thank you for this devotional this morning. Help me to come to You and find rest! Lord I believe, help my unbelief!
Praying with you, sister. Thanks for joining us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Absolutely perfect, I always need to be reminded of His complete, not lacking in any way goodness. Not being good enough is a fear that holds me back because I so desperately want to make my Father proud. Thankful for these Hymns and scripture that remind me He chose us first.
Blessings sisters:)
Did you write this just for me? :) It's like you opened my heart and peered inside. I struggle with not feeling like I'm good enough. I would probably say that is my deepest, set in my core, struggle. I really appreciated what you shared here. Definitely copying this hymn down!
This hit me hard this morning. This is ME! I often find myself thinking “when I have things together… when I’m a better Christian, I can come to God. But first, let me take care of this sin”. UGH! What backward thinking. I need the great physician to heal me and help me fight the sin in my life. Lord, help me to come to you now, and not “tarry til I’m better”, amen!
Love this today! There is healing in the LIGHT
Thank goodness we have a Savior! :)
Months ago I sent this song to a friend who was losing her mother….a precious, God-loving woman. She died in June as the Air Force was moving us across the country and I couldn't attend her funeral. I have been so sad about that. Really, inside, I've been having a pity party about leaving altogether and not wanting to be in our new place. This is a beautiful reminder of so many things; mainly, her and that my hurts and losses do not go unknown or forgotten by the one who loves me more than I can imagine. I'm in the arms of my dear Savior. And the best part of 1 Timothy 1:17…."I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost [sinner], Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who to believe in him for eternal life.
He's not done with me yet and He uses me and all my broken-ness and hurt….there is no reason to heap it on myself and lug it around.
Thank you for all the beautiful reminders that came from this song…
Beautiful story. So sorry for your loss ♡ Moving is hard! I moved 3 years ago from a place I loved and I dreaded and hated it here…and then God opened a door I never would of had if I hadn’t moved. I heard about a 2 yo boy who needed a kidney and months later I donated my kidney to him. We are a year past transplant and they are now family. We never ever know what plans God has. Keep your eyes and heart open, He will use you there!
Thank you sweet Jesus, for accepting me as I am. We women are so hard on ourselves sometimes, thinking we have to “have it altogether”. So nice to know, you take us right where we are. Please soften the hard parts of my heart and let me really hear you. I love you Lord.
I really needed this today. I definitely am in that spot where I don’t know the Lord very well and I want too but I just don’t know how. I don’t feel him like I see others feeling him. I can’t find pretty words to share from devotionals and I fee like if I knew God I would have the words to speak and his presence to feel.
Karisa, I find myself in that place sometimes, too. Praying that God would become bigger than pretty words and be so visible to you today, friend!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Read Truth
Standing in prayer with you! I felt still and alone today, I should of sought Him first. Sometimes I think simply the obidence of coming to Him often will create those moments of feeling Him. Through these words on this blogpost I feel Him. Sometimes for me its more of a typical feeling of peace or a sigh or a small hope to keep moving than an huge amazing God moment. our world looks for the BIG moments but He is usually that still small voice for me. Christian radio and Jesus Calling and this she reads truth keep me closer to hearing. May I remember this on tough days!
If you tarry till you’re better,
You will never come at all.
Oh those words ring in my heart. I know how you feel Raechel. I have often felt like I will get my act together, I will get it all done by myself, then I will come. I will come when everything is taken care of. But God is the great Physician and He wants to heal me. So coming to Him when I am broken is the best remedy of all.
Thanks so much Raechel and SRT for such a great start to the week and this series- focusing on God, our Healer. I can't wait to see how much we all grow from this!
I always think that if I can just make it through college, or till I am married… I will be ready to fully give myself to Christ and finally obey him. What a SAD way to live! I pray for this mindset to be changed, and to allow God to work through me NOW. To get up in the morning and spend time with the One who loves me most. Nothing on earth is as great as having a relationship with Him, and although I sin in many ways every single day–He still loves me and He is ALWAYS waiting for me every morning to get up and meet up… That's true love. I want to love Jesus like that.
Amen! This spoke so much truth to me today! I pray that Christ would guard our hearts and minds and we would submit to Him fully just as we are BECAUSE we do not have it all together and have no hope without Him. Thank you Jesus for loving me and and for healing me!
I really liked this old school version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTz1MtQtqTc Thanking God for versions that inspire everyone.
A perfect read after the hospitality series. Just as to feel the need for everything ready in our home, the same is true in our hearts. Thank you , Lord, for embracing me as I am, mess and all!
“If you tary till your better, you will never come at all.” That is so true for me! Always making excuses and making other things more important than the one who sacrificed his life to wash my sins away. I will never be healed if I don’t come to you first Jesus!
Wow, as I sat in front of my computer reading this mornings study (and listening the Robbie Seay Band's version on this hymn) the tears started to flow, because as I read this, "But when I zoom out to a larger picture I realize that, in a lot of ways, I’m just the same in my relationship with my Caretaker.
Lord, could we please postpone the “examine my heart” prayer until I’ve got something worth shining your headlamp on?
Father, I’m a mess right now. I promise you don’t want me walking around proclaiming your name – I’m a PR nightmare.
God, I don’t really know you very well, but I’d like to. Let me see if I can get my act together a bit, then let’s be friends!" I realized I've been afraid lately to have intimate visits with my caretaker, I've not been where I have wanted to be spiritually, I have not been where I've wanted to be mentally or even physically, my heart was so convicted this morning that I stopped right there in tears and cried out to my care taker, I was reminded that HE KNOWS EVERYTHING! It was so beautiful and exactly what I needed this morning! I am so excited about this 5 day study!
Praying for you sweet sisters this morning!
Colleen, thank you for your vulnerability. I can relate to these feelings so much! Grateful for the truth you shared.
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I wish I could put out a public service announcement to all non-believers explaining this truth to them. The perception of our faith is that we HAVE to be perfect, or that we think we are perfect. This lie is so pervasive that we fall victim to it too.
My goal this week is to do my part to communicate this truth to the people in my life who are not believers- Christianity isn't about me being perfect. It's about being honest about the fact that I, like Paul, am the chief of sinners. that the only perfect person is Christ, and that is why I put my faith in him. A seminary student friend of mine summarized it so well once- the difference between a believer and a non-believer isn't that I'm perfect and they are not. I'm a sinner just like they are. The only difference is that I'm forgiven. (Through faith in Jesus. )
Let's commit together, Ladies, to do our part this week to turn it around. To change the perception of Christainity from "holier than thou" to "all broken in need of forgiveness."
I’m up for the challenge!
I’ve never heard this song before! Does anyone know a good modern version of it? I’d love to listen this morning
There is a good original version by Fernando Ortega: http://youtu.be/6q_-jVbpLFM and this updated version is really nice, too: http://youtu.be/nmo6CAvn_dE. God bless!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmo6CAvn_dE – if the link doesn't send through…some blogs don't allow them…search Youtube for Come, Ye Sinners by Cambridge on youtube. It's a great updated version.
Thankful that today is always the day with Christ. Can you imagine being wanted this much? We no longer have to hope that someone would want to take care of us in our messiness — His arms are open and waiting. We are so loved!
I love that image, Valanne! Thanks for sharing with us. We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Beautifully stated!! Thank you!
Thank you for the truth this morning!
We were just taking about this just this morning at my bootcamp class.
Only when we have an intimacy with Christ can we have the result of that closeness- healing, broken addiction, freedom, etc!
today and erryday. how easy it is for me to reschedule the most important thing in my life! I won’t blow off a coffee date with a girlfriend… but checking in with the Lord? straight to my gut.
I've never been hit so hard by one of these devotions. It's really time for a change! Thank you, Lord.
Beautiful!! How I needed to here this!!! Perfection is not required and we can come as we are. Jesus knows we are broken and not perfect! Beautiful hymn too I am going to listen to it now
I love this hymn sung by Indelible Grace, but I never knew the original hymn. Thank you, SRT for sharing these classic hymns with meat for my weary soul!
PS-Here is a modified version of this hymn we sing in Church— http://youtu.be/qfq6rK1h13o
This song written in 1759 is still what we need today! How awesome! God is the same today, tomorrow, and forevermore!
SO TRUE! Truth is always gonna be truth! :)
Yes! I love that, Amanda! So thankful for that truth!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Here is another link to a beautiful version of the hymn http://youtu.be/6q_-jVbpLFM. What a great way to start the week remembering that perfection is not required….come as you are! Amen
Thank you for that link! That was beautiful!!
Ah, the Sacred Harp singing. What an unexpected treat! One of my all time favorite hymns and this takes me back to my grandparent's little country church down the winding dirt road. How excited I would get when the call to sing the Beech Creek tune! What a meaningful hymn and what wonderful memories I have tied with it. For those of you unfamiliar with Sacred Harp Singing, (or shape note singing), it is a dying art, but a truly moving worship experience to be in the presence of. Sacred Harp singing is A Cappella with harmony like you've never heard. You should check out your area and see if there are any meetings and attend one.
I do love the message of this beautiful old hymn. I love how it beckons us sinners to come as we are, and moves one to action with the chorus "I will arise and go to Jesus" with the affirmation that "he will take me in His arms" and receive His mercy and grace. And I love the call to "venture on Him, venture wholly" as this is the only way to healing, forgiveness and the abundant life.
Beautiful, convicting, and SO TRUE. I bring nothing to God but my sin.
I was so moved reading this hymn. This shared experience through time gives us a glimpse of the kingdom. The spirit of worship, the joy of salvation, the precious love of Jesus shared over centuries, oceans, languages, and people. Great are you Lord and greatly to be worshipped and adored! May your day be blessed sisters, in knowing anew the open arms of our Lord. Thank you SRT for this study!
Chris, I love what you said about our shared experience through time as a glimpse of the kingdom. Beautiful! Thanks for joining us today!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
One of my favorites yet. Thank you Ladies for presenting such a truth filled study.
Thanks for joining us, Deborah! Excited to see what God teaches us this week!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I hope it’s ok, I started a spotify playlist for this week. Search for she reads truth hymns. This hymn isn’t in the episcopal hymnal so if I have the wrong versions I can always fix it later.
It’s been a rough few weeks for me as I lost my fiancé to a sudden heart attack 17 days before our wedding. I know he is resting in the arms of Jesus but as is human, I struggle.
Last Friday our diocese held a social event of beer and hymns for our young adults. It was such a salve to my heart to sing (loudly) for an hour or so.
This SRT study comes at the perfect time.
PS-MAKE those husbands and partners and dads and friends go to those check-ups. Now, not later.
Oh, Sarah! I am so sorry. Praying much for you!
May God grant you peace in your heart, mind and soul. You are in my prayers… for days and weeks and months to come! <3 Jesus will help you through this.
Sarah, I am so sorry to hear your news. Praying you will find God's comfort filling the broken places in your heart. May The Lord be very near you today. (Psalm 34:18)
Sarah, I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you.
I am so sorry for the death of your fiance. I am praying for you this morning.
May God work to mend your heart, Sarah. I’m so sad for your loss. I can’t imagine how you feel. Blessings & Peace.
Sarah my heart hurts for you sister. Reading that this morning literally took my breath away. I can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound like a platitude, but your sisterhood here on this site are doing what we can through the miracle of technology to carry that heavy heavy load along with you. Praying that the Lord brings you comfort, and friends and family to stand. With you in person, and that you feel his presence so so fully and tangibly as you grieve.
Ugh, Sarah, my heart is aching for you- that is such an anticipatory time too- I can’t even imagine. Please know you are being held up in prayer- may He strengthen you in each new day. Xoxo
I'm so sorry Sarah. :( Praying that God fills you with comfort and peace in the months ahead.
♥Hugs and prayers to you, friend. We will continue to take you to the throne in the days and weeks to come. So very sorry for your great loss.♥
I’m sorry for your loss. May the Lord bless and comfort you.
Aching with you, dear friend. Asking that God would surround you with incomprehensible peace in your grief and give you the hope of glory. What a glorious day it will be.
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I’m so sorry….May you feel God’s arms of love around you….
Oh Sarah, my heart aches for you. Praying for God’s peace to surround you in this difficult time.
Beautiful and so touching this morning. I know this all to well. The feeling of not being ready or not being worthy to take Gods love and mercy. To take his knowledge and use it to grow. Fear of the unknown if you do open up your heart fully to him and let him guide your life completely. I am trying to do all these things in Gods time, not my own. I want to embrace him fully….xoxo
Oh man, do I understand this. The enemy just loves to keep us in our shame and tell us how horrible and unhealthy we are. He toys with our thoughts and our hearts over and over til we can't bear to look at God or believe that we are even worthy of approach. He forces us to compare our walk with others and tells us how lacking we are. Just yesterday, I had an experience with my 9 year old that broke my heart for her again. We've made major changes in her/our life and she's been doing so well, but the past two days, she fell into bad habits and required loving correction. The discussion of a long desired goal, potentially postponed due to the weekend's behavioral issues. She was devastated and responded as such. She is Autistic, and although high functioning, still at risk for certain long term, depressive traits. Certain depressions are always a possibility in these kiddos and it is unnerving to think about. Yesterday, as I sat next to her, trying to calm her, the words, "Mama, I just wasn't made to be in this world. I'm too complicated. I don't get things, it's too hard", came out of her mouth. The pain of this thought as an adult excruciating, as a 9 year old, I can't begin to process. She feels so different, as if she'll never "get it", or fit in, or be obedient. She desperately wants to, but in her nature, she has to try harder than most and like all, there are times she isn't successful. This hurt my heart so terribly. I just wanted to take it all away and make her see how very special and loved she is. After a ton of love and conversation about God in her life, how He, in her young life, saved her from death, literally twice, that He HAS plans for her, and after prayer, she calmed and felt better. So many times, she doesn't come to me, she keeps it in and I can't help her. So many times, she puts up walls and I can't get in, there isn't even a crack….it scares me so much, BUT there is God. And I am reminded that she is His daughter too, that He will touch what I can't and that His heart is for her. So I will pray, pray that she seek Him in her hurt, her shame, her guilt and fears. That she learn young that Jesus can complete these feelings of lackings in her and that He will show her love. That she is correct, she isn't made for this world, none of us are, BUT we have purpose while we are here and it's for His glory, not our own. In Christ we are Holy, righteous and redeemed…..we need only seek Him….to take His very ready embrace. ~ B
-B- Praying for you and your daughter right now…
Bless you and your daughter. May God protect you both on this journey. I pray she would know how Much God delights in her.
Praying for you and your daughter, today. Asking God to give you wisdom and insight and for your daughter to hear it and remember it when she chooses to be quiet. Keep reminding her how much God loves her and how important she is. (psalm 139:14) Maybe you can share with her that I fell the way she feels oftentimes, too. She isn't alone in those feelings. And that is what I love about Jesus so much, that He loves me despite my shortcomings or my difficulty to change, and he forgives me and lives me no matter what condition I'm in. I can receive His mercy and forgiveness, and I can forgive myself because of that fact. Then I get to dry to tears and move forward with the hope of a future and know that God will use even my worst days for my good and the good of His kingdom. (Romans 8:28). Hugs!
-B- Praying for your daughter and for you as you guide her in love. I pray that she comes to understand that God made her extra-special for a specific purpose.
What a beautiful testimony. I have sent prayers out to you and your family. I know that God will help your daughter find a way to let him in and trust him wholeheartedly. I have faith. God bless you!
a little late, but just know after all this time someone is still praying for you.
Thank you for sharing and I pray your daughter has found positive routines in this new place now that it’s no longer a new thing. God bless you both.
This spoke directly to me. I’ve struggled the past week or so not wanting to deal with an issue because of shame. I am thankful for this message.
So glad you joined us today, Jessica! Praying that God would reveal His grace to you this week!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
As I didn't know this hymn, I looked it up…here's a link…a version by Todd Agnew http://youtu.be/6q_-jVbpLFM I hope it works…..
Thank you Tina! I didn't know it either and listening to that with closed eyes was an awesome way to end the devotion.
I love this version, but you can also sing it to the tune of Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing and it's just as beautiful.
So good to that tune!
thanks for uploading this version of Come ye sinners, poor and needy – beautiful :) <3
I don't just need Him today….I need Him every day…every day…
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and power…..these are my lines…my words…..I own these words…
I am a sinner, …that I am…, poor in spirit, poor in knowledge, poor at being whom I was created to be… and needy, so so in need of Jesus, so in need of the One who gave it all, …weak from living my way, weak from disobedience, weak from walking away, rather than towards, weak from trusting me, weak from thinking I know better,…and wounded, wounded from my own doing, wounded at and by my own hand,…sick and sore from what I do, have done, and desperately, desperately in need of the Saviour….
Praise God, that Jesus…that Jesus, stands ready to save me from me and the life I often choose to lead…that He has pity on me, that He has love in His heart always for me, forgiveness, ever ready…and that by the power of His love, His goodness, His sacrifice, His Grace, His mercy…I can come, sinner that I am…, sick that I am…, weak, wounded and sore that I am…and I could be made whole and well…
I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
O there are ten thousand charms….
Thank you Jesus, thank you…..
What a great way to start the week…knowing where I am at, and giving it all to Jesus…and trusting, strike that, knowing He will come through for me…
Precious sister's Good Morning….praying abundant Blessings for you….xxx
Well for those who were praying for Campfire for me Thank you!! it was a great success. The message from Darrell Tunningley was amazing and touched so many hearts. The band helped us worship our amazing God and everyone helping in our cafe managed to serve the crowds of people brilliantly.
There was this message and prayer we heard from several people leading up to and just before the night was about coming as we are and we were praying that the people that were going to come to Campfire would come us they are to God!! Just amazing to hear that again this morning.
Yay! So happy to hear that, Alison! Excited to hear what God's doing through you.
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
I don’t know how many times I’ve said: “No, not today. I’m not ready.” How many times I’ve “rescheduled” my appointment with the Lord. It’s time to just let go and let God. My torn heart needs mending.
Oh that is so true!! And what a fantastic way of putting it.
This really touched me.
So glad you're joining us, Kayla! We love having you!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth