The Advent season overflows with longing. Some longings linger like a slow burn while others ambush us revealing a surprising mix of nostalgia, sadness, gratefulness, and yearning. One minute I’m calmly sitting in my car at a red light, and the next, I’m wiping away tears triggered by a tender Christmas tune. It can be powerful and bittersweet to hold memories from our past along with hopes for our future. It can be a lot to hold.
Today we learn about Abraham and Sarah and why God called this childless couple to leave their home to follow Him to the promised land of Canaan. God said, “Go from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you” (Genesis 12:1).
Consider the longings of this ancient couple as they may have wept, saying goodbye to home, family, and friends. Remember, they also turned away from false gods and idol worship to orient their entire lives around the one true God (Joshua 24:2). Abraham heard, believed, and obeyed the call of God. This was no stroll through a winter wonderland; it was a trek through a desert wilderness.
Surely Abraham and Sarah felt sorrow for all they left behind, but they walked on, fueled by God’s promises of land, blessings, and a large family. Despite their years of infertility, Abraham and Sarah left all they knew and trusted God’s radical promise to birth a nation as numerous as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:2–5). What a promise to long for! This revelation must have pricked their hearts and unearthed deep wounds, hope, and wonder, as well as confusion and fear. But God promised to be with them and to provide (Genesis 15:1).
The astounding truth is that all believers are part of this radical promise, including you and me.
Those who have faith are blessed with Abraham, who had faith. —Galatians 3:9
Over 4000 years ago, Abraham and Sarah looked ahead for God to reveal Himself and make a way for His people to be reunited with Him and each other. This hope was fulfilled at the cross of Christ. Believers from all nations, more numerous than the stars in the sky, are united in Jesus Christ. Together, as a family across time and space, we are fueled by our ultimate longing—for Christ to return, make all things new, and complete the redemption and renewal of all creation.
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164 thoughts on "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Day 3"
God bless you all – Merry Christmas
He is so good and he is a promise keeper!
Thank you Jesus!
Like many on this string I pray my faith to be as strong as Abraham and Sarah’s. I have seen God do wonderful things and the promises He gives me through His Word I believe in. God is so good
Great connection from old to New Testament. The truths of the Bible never get old! ❤️
Praying to have the Faith of Sarah!
It is kind of neat to think of yourself as having the same fair and being part of the same story as Abraham was so long ago.
I love how all of the OT points to the coming of Jesus! I love how the promise God made to Abraham 1000s of years ago still benefits those of us today: “in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed”
Better late than never! When I read Genesis 12 I am always led to Hebrews 11:8 –
“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.” This past year has been a ver challenging time when I have not know what Godbis doing in my son’s life. Just as Abraham did not know where he was going but trusted his faifthful Father, the Lord has shown me I do not have to know or understand what He is doing in Jonathan’s life, but I can trust Him because He is holding my precious son in his mighty and merciful arms!!
Better late than never! When I read Genesis 12 I am always led to Hebrews 11:8 (NKJV) By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.
Praying boldly for the same faithfulness from God to give me a baby just like Sarah!
Amen and amen!!
Beautiful! Thank you Jesus
@Monica. Amen and praise God for His grace!
3rd time
How beautiful, praise the Lord♥️
The amount of time between the promise of a son while they left and the birth of Isaac was 25 years according to scripture. I cannot imagine the faith this took. It is a reminder to me that this strength is in all of us by our connection through the Lord.
I’m behind on my reading so I just read this today. I can’t imagine how they must have felt at their advanced ages, being childless in their culture meant something very different than it does in ours. But I know how it feels to be childless and the ache of wanting that so much. But I met my husband and helped raise his sons and then we adopted two children. Now I have 4 kids and 5 beautiful grandkids. God has blessed us more than I ever could have imagined.
I love it!
Oh to have that much Faith! How wonderful that must be. To feel that amount of peace.
I like how the writer mentioned all that they left behind for Gods promise… they dealt with infertility and yet he promised numerous children as many as stars. I was thinking that they must have had a lot of faith to move forward but all the faith we need is that of a mustard seed.
What a beautiful promise we gave in Christ! It all started with Abraham having faith and following God. Even though Abraham was not perfect, God use him and bless him. Through Christ we all are considere His children and one day we will meet our Savior
With continued faith…anything is possible
Prayers for comfort and peace…
I long for you Jesus. I long to be reunited with you and all your children worshiping and praising you forever. I long to meet you and sit with you and the father in complete peace and surrender. Thank you for your spirit that fills me today. I love you deeply. Amen.
Such a beautiful story of a promise and redemption. God can still use us for His glory even when we choose to take our own paths instead of waiting on His.
Love that–a star of faith! I’ve always loved that simple statement that “Abram went”!
Love this story! This whole Advent study has already really spoken to me. In a time where I find it hard to have a strong faith I know God doesn’t leave us. He is close to the broken hearted. @SARAH D. I don’t know if you’re readying this study but I’ve praying for you and I hope your job and your job search has continued to get easier for you.
When you think about this story we often forget that Abraham disobey by having a child with the slave. Yet God still fulfilled his promise. It gives me hope that even when I try to do things my way and mess up, God’s correct plan will still follow through.
I got a late start today but man, what a wonderful way to end my evening! Abraham is one of my favorite characters to study and I always feel renewed after reading his story and seeing God fullfil his promises to and through him. I love this verse from the reading today: Those who have faith are blessed with Abraham, who had faith. Galatians 3:9
I mentioned a while back that a friend of mine from my cancer group is dying. It is heartbreaking that she will leave this earth so soon and I seriously hate cancer. We’ve been told today that she’s nearing the end. Prayers for her, her husband, mother, sister and niece as well as our cancer group (we’re struggling with this one). Thank you.
This is a good one to remind us that God can do anything and everything
I needed this today! Isn’t He good? ♥️♥️
love this one!
***How good our God is***
I resonate with this, as recently moved from one deeply rooted family to the other side of the coast to another (but different) deeply rooted family. It was God who called me here, and ongoing prayer and trust for God providing in this new area. Thankful that Abraham’s belief (just belief!) was counted to him as righteousness…and I, in my belief, fall under that same wingspan. Lord, I long for deep friendships in this new place, I long for reuniting of family relationships with my brother, niece and nephew. I long health and good quality of life for my parents while I get to enjoy time with them here.
I know!!! It is so powerful
Gods promises are sure and steady! He always comes through no matter what, have faith!
Blessed to have the amazing example of faith and faithfulness that was demonstrated by Abraham and Sarah. Also blessed by the stories of their heirs who were not faithful, yet experienced God’s forgiveness.
It all started from a hard, yet small, act of faith by Abraham. Now we are all united through time and space as we await Jesus’ return. How amazing is that?!
I love that “across time and space” we are all a family and all fuelled by our hope in Jesus Christ. ❤️
I love that we are in God’s family just because of faith in Jesus. I love that God is on our side, and he has a special promised land ( heaven) for us.
I love to really think about the feelings of the people in the Bible, like Abraham and Sarah, and how these were real people that probably really struggled with leaving, just like anyone would. Such a good reminder to follow the One that knows the big picture, when we cannot see it.
We are Abram’s heirs / because we believe in Christ / who is God’s promise fulfilled
We are Abram’s heirs
Because we believe in Christ
Who is God’s promise fulfilled
We are Abram’s heirs
Because we believe in Christ
We are Abram’s heirs
In the Podcast discussion for this week, the “clothed with Christ” verse we read today was shown to me in a different way. Previously I thought of it as clothed with – as in wearing the same clothes, but in the Podcast it was compared to the Genesis verses from yesterday when God spilled the blood of the first sacrificed animal and its skin used to cover or clothe Adam and Eve’s nakedness and provide them with protection before sending them out of the garden. Christ then becomes our clothing and covers our sin. We put off the old self and put on the new self (Ephesians 4:22–24). Just like clothing or a bandage covers a scar so that it can’t be seen, when we receive Christ He covers all our sin and shame and it can no longer be seen. We are protected from the wrath of God our sin deserves because we appear as Jesus who, though completely innocent, has already born the full wrath of God willingly on our behalf.
I don’t post often here, but have been reading with SRT since July 2020, reading the comments daily and praying for each request. Many thanks to all you ladies! You have been/are a huge part of my growth as a Christian.
I would like to share a website which may be of interest. Biola University creates and curates a fantastically creative site – full of readings, paintings, and songs for each day of Advent;
May we all keep Jesus at the center of our universe and as our master passion. Jesus, come.
It all boils down to faith & faithfulness—Abram’s faith in God’s promise and God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promise. And it is our faith that grafts us into God’s family. Beautiful! Also @JenniferLovesJesus- love your bringing in “Bridge Over Troubled Water” song!
I love how you put that Jen, this season can be a lot to hold!
I feel that God has taken away my entire old life and that he is preparing an entirely new life for me.. I’m afraid to let go and afraid of all the change that I have to face this season and moving into the next year. Please Jesus help grow my faith and please hold my hand through all of these great changes I have to make
I love how you put that Jen, this season can be a lot to hold! I feel that God has taken away my entire old life and that he is preparing a new life for me. I’m afraid to let go and afraid of all the change that I have to face this season and moving into the next year. Please Jesus help grow my faith and please hold my hand through all of these great changes
God sent Christ to make all things new and He will send Christ again, isn’t that glorious and wonderful news. Praise the Almighty. The Holy Spirit is in us until the second coming, let us go and spread the great and wonderful news.
Be blessed and spread the wonderful news of the TRUE meaning of Christmas sisters.
what I love about the story of Abraham is how the Lord remembers it. When you read through the account of Abraham, there were times where he seriously doubted the promise of God and acted out of his own strength. Yet, when his story is recounted in the new testament, he is the father of faith and in the hall of faith because of how he continued to trust and repented of his unbelief.
How often do I think the times of unbelief are life defining when they are just moments to learn from and be challenged by. They don’t have to define the eternity of my life.
So good, I love the promise that we get to share in the blessing that was promised to Abraham! What an uncontainable hope and joy we have found in Jesus!
Those who have faith are blessed with Abraham, who had faith – Galt. 3:9
Sarah D ~ love your comment today ~ God bless you!
God’s blessing had them laughing & all who heard their story laughing with them. And I get to be a part of that too with my faith.
@Jennifer Loves Jesus– I love that you brought this song up. My mom and brother have a band together- they are quite good, and I am not speaking in bias. Recently, they added two of my high school classmates on drums and bass (I graduated 2011). Crazy life God has me in… anyway, they started practicing this song a few weeks ago. In my house, my mom plays music basically all of her free time. We can get annoyed with it because she always practices in the kitchen which is tied to our family room. Point is, when she has been playing and singing “Bridge Over Troubled Water” on occasion now, something in me starts to well up with tears. And I’m like, “why is my heart so tender to this song? I’m usually so annoyed at her for playing music when I’m trying to focus on something.” (I am easily overstimulated by noise, even though I am a musician as well). That’s a long story to say that song is a gift from God. Something in me breaks at the sound of it– especially when my mom, who has Holy Spirit, is practicing it. Gosh, I wish you could be in the room, Jennifer, lol! Love it including song in my devotionals on occasion.
@Searching– thank you so much, friend and prayer warrior <3 your prayers bless me.
@Arina! You are always here first thing in AM and have great comments. I just want to say AMEN to your post- "we will see Him as He is" – one of my fav promises <3
I am doing better today, thank you for prayers. Still waiting, but I spent a lot of time with God yesterday and He encouraged me to trust in His character and not my circumstances. He will take care of my debt. A friend of a friend says, "God's will, God's bill." AMEN .
Wow thanks for thus reminder. We all belong to God.
Jesus, thank you that you keep your promises! I DO long for you, but give me patience in the waiting. Help me to shine like one of those stars You told Abram about all those years ago. Peace and prayers for all my SRT sisters.
Powerful reminder ❤️
Love reading about Abraham and Sarah… I think it’s also so valuable to remember that while they trusted and had faith and obeyed in so many great areas- they TOO had their doubts! They were human… they took matters of procreation into their own hands for a bit – AND GOD STILL REMAINED FAITHFUL. HE STILL BROUGHT ABOUT HIS PROMISE. We will make the wrong turn, the intentional self-serving, wrong choice at times- but our God isn’t waiting for us to fail so He can move on to someone else “better” to do His work. He’s demonstrating His beauty and provision and trustworthiness in the midst of our inevitable failures. He created us. He’s well aware of our shortcomings long before we prove them. And He can redeem every single one of them for our good and His glory… ✨
Such a beautiful reminder to trust God with every season, every promise, to count him as faithful to his word and to believe he knows where he’s taking us. I’m always encouraged by those who took the long journey with God, hanging on to his promises, some seeing them come to
“It can be a lot to hold.” I feel that this season. As a sensitive person, this time of year can be overwhelming for me and I have been feeling anxious. Help me Lord, to rest in you and your promises.
It is comforting to know that God is with me during this tender season- that others have held all the sadness and hope at the same time. I walked my Mother in Love to heaven almost a month ago, my heart hurts so much, it is a physical pain in my body sometimes. But God has a plan that is set in motion and our humanity is why. Never hurt through a Holiday before like this year…but God will make it all new one day.
They didn’t understand what how what was saying was possible. It didn’t make sense by our worlds standards. But they were fueled by Gods promises.
The Pharisees couldn’t grasp what Christ was saying “saying he had a demon”. He was t making sense to them.
Even when things don’t add up, we can’t make sense of it, we cling to the gift of hope we’ve been given.
If the Pharisees had spent time really knowing God, they could have felt Christ’s authenticity…
They didn’t understand what how what was saying was possible. It didn’t make sense by our worlds standards. But they were fueled by Gods promises.
The Pharisees couldn’t grasp what Christ was saying “saying he had a demon”. He was t making sense to them.
Even when things don’t add up, we can’t make sense of it, we cling to the gift of hope we’ve been given.
They didn’t understand what how what was saying was possible. It didn’t make sense by our worlds standards. But they were fueled by Gods promises.
The Pharisees couldn’t grasp what Christ was saying “saying he had a demon”. He was t making sense to them.
They didn’t understand what how what was saying was possible. It didn’t make sense by our worlds standards. But they were fueled by Gods promises. The Pharisees couldn’t grasp what Christ was saying
The story of Abraham and Sarah is one of my favorites in the Bible. Part of the reason is I struggled with infertility for years and I resonate with both of them. We couldn’t have children and an adoption fell through, however, I have been given 8 amazing nieces and nephews, plus many more surrogate ones. My job as their Aunt is to love them unconditionally and be one of the lights of God in their lives. My prayer is the difference I make in their lives will be handed down to the next generation and the one after that. I believe this is a part of the plan God has in store for me and if I mess up, He can restore it.
Through Faith…it’s easy to have faith when we receive the answer we want/wish/pray for; the test is having faith when the answer does not align with our prayers. However, I have learned (over and over again) that God’s plans are so much sweeter than anything I can come up with on my own.
It was no stroll through a winter wonderland, it was a trek through desert wilderness. Whew!
Yes, I love their version of this song! I also listen to the Meredith Andrews version and the Marcy Priest version.
Amen! I am the same! My focus for Advent is to be present-in every small and great task of this season❤️
God of all power ♥️
They had faith like no other. They waited so long yet still remained faithful. We need the Abraham and Sarah faith in our lives, holding on to God’s promises.
Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to Abraham and through it we have an example. Anticipation and excitement encourage us along the way.
“It can be powerful and bittersweet to hold memories from our past along with hopes for our future. It can be a lot to hold.” Love these words, PATTI SAULS!!! So perfectly expresses what Abraham and Sarai must have felt as well as what we feel today!
Katie this is so beautiful! This is always my hope, that people will be curious about my faith by my actions not just my words. Blessings to you.
I liked that it said that because she was faithful Sarah was able to become pregnant. If she hadn’t believed she was able to because of the promise would it not have happened??
The story of Abraham and Sarah always encourages me. It took 11 years to hold our son and bring him home. God is faithful! And a promise keep. I love the encouragement to keep looking to see what Good will do in our lives.
Christ covered brokenness like a bridge over troubled water. As I thought about Abraham and the promise of God in our Advent reading today, a picture of family was met with brokenness. Most of the families I know do not twinkle like the stars God showed Abram on that covenantal night back in Genesis 15. But God made good on His promise, and Abram became Abraham “the father of many nations”. And the seed of his faith became ours. And we became part of God’s family along with him through Christ. And Christ covered our brokenness. And God covered us with Christ. So when I heard that Simon and Garfunkel song in my heart this morning, I looked up the lyrics. Although not meant as a Christmas song at all, the story of Jesus surely rings through it. “Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down”… “Your time has come to shine, all your dreams are on their way, see how they shine“. Oh how those stars must have been shining on that night God promised Abraham a family that would be everlasting and pure. And we are heirs of that twinkling promise. Our family shines with the Light of Christ. It is beautiful and redeemed. All division and chaos crushed and covered with the peace of Jesus. “Sail on silver girl, sail on by… I’m sailing right behind”. We are not alone in this journey through the desert wilderness. We have a family built by faith, and we can rest secure in the hands of our Father, Who art in heaven. Holy is is name, and we are His! Our family shines with Jesus as our eternal light in the dark night. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
@Searching, thank you for your prayers!! It means so much to me. I am learning a lot about how to be joyful even when my circumstances are hard. Work has been better recently, especially since it’s the slower season, and I am trying to focus on all I have to be thankful for and on God’s character that never changes. There is a Christian Youtuber I follow who recently had a miscarriage, and although it was so sad to hear this, I was so encouraged by her perspective. She said how even though this happened, God uses is still with her. She compared to how wildflowers sometimes have to go through intense heat in order for their seeds to bloom. After CA wildfires, there were patches of flowers along the hills. So encouraged that God is still here in the hard times, he is still faithful, he is still my joy, he is still constant. He uses the intense heat to make something beautiful. So show who he is. He keeps his promises. He is trustworthy. Nothing and no one compares to Him.
Praying for you and your husband Anna. I struggled with infertility too and now have 5 daughters and four grandchildren. The waiting is hard, BUT GOD!
…than I do :)
Putting myself in Sarah and Abraham’s shoes, it would have felt super understandable to me (a fellow sinful human) for them to doubt and question God’s promise and plan. Not only did they have a personal challenge and yearn to be pregnant and start a family, but God’s promise itself to make a great nation from their offspring also hinged on that longing and unanswered prayer. It would have been really easy after waiting for years to just get tired of waiting and hoping, as the energy it takes to have constant faith in something that seems less and less likely over time is really hard to keep up. I admire them a ton, for pressing forward in faith by trekking away from their homes and community to go where the Lord was leading them…and I love that Sarah laughs in doubt at one point because it reminds me that they were also just human! They struggled and knew all the complexities of their longing and waiting that I feel for them, yet they still kept on keeping on in faith. And God held true to his promise. That’s my takeaway – that I don’t need to obey in faith and act like I don’t have doubts or struggle with timing, but rather press on despite those struggles because God ultimately just knows a lot more than I
We are all longing for his return.
Thank You Lord that I am blessed with Abraham through faith. What I loved most is that everything was done by faith. Abraham’s believed God and that made him righteous. Not any effort he could exert nothing of the sort. Wow
One thing that struck me in today’s reading is when Galatians said the law came 430 years later, it reminded me of where I had previously read that there were 430 silent years between the last prophets and John the Baptist. God’s timing is unfathomable, but perfect.
Thank You, Lord, for the example Abraham and Sarah are to us of walking in faith. It was not a perfect walk but as they learned to trust You more and more, You met them at every turn with grace and love.
As I long to grow in my faithfulness to You, Lord, may I see how You are meeting me at every turn with the same grace and love.
We can have hope in the waiting, for He who promised is faithful <3 Much easier said than done, especially as I feel like I'm really struggling with waiting right now, feeling like my longing for marriage can be all-consuming at times. I want to be open to what God is teaching me in this season. Reminding myself of Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing."
So amazingly beautiful and eye opening to the requirement of trusting in God!
Father renew my faith. In Jesus name, Amen
We celebrate the “already” of Christ’s birth with expectancy, having HOPE in the day-in-day-out living. We wait patiently for the “not yet” of Christ’s return, having HOPE in the waiting, too.
We have become Abraham’s heirs because we have faith as he had faith. We have faith that God is the Architect and Builder of a City with foundations. We have faith that God who promises many things is faithful to accomplish what He promises. We rejoice to see that Jesus has come and we rejoice to see that Jesus will one day come again. Because we have faith in the Faithful One, we listen to His voice, we obey His Word, and we call upon His name.
I celebrate Christ’s birth by rejoicing in the promises He has already fulfilled and looking forward to the fulfillment of the rest of His promises. I celebrate His birth by reflecting upon who He is — the faithful Promise-keeper, Redeemer, Lord, Savior, the Eternal I AM, the Heir of all things — and what He has done to accomplish reconciliation between His Father and mankind. I celebrate His birth when I obey Him in faith and call upon His name in faith.
Despite circumstances He is worthy of our enduring and wait. Pausing to pray for you!
Amen! With God as our foundation like Abraham and Sarah and their Faith we can see all the good God is doing in and around us.
What a testimony is Abraham & Sarah’s strength of faith (albeit with some stumbling along the way) and even more so, a testimony to God keeping His promises each and every time for eternity. Still difficult when my prayers are answered No or not yet, but continuing to have faith that His ways are better than mine.
SUSAN LINCKS – echoing others on apples being good for us. I don’t know what “fruit” was on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but am convinced it is no long accessible to us since God closed the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were sent out.
ELISA LAIRD – liked your comment yesterday
ERYN – good to see you here
LANIE HEFFERLY – thank you for update on your niece, keep showing Christ’s love to her
GRAMSIESUE – thank you for great testimony on answered prayer
ALICIA – I need to remember that as we continue to wait for answers and for Christ to return, more souls are being saved. And every day we are one day closer :)
Praying for:
SHELLEY BENNETT- quiet time in your mornings to draw closer to God. No children of my own but there have been many times in keeping little ones for family that I have prayed Lord please let them sleep just a little longer so that I can finish my devotions.
HEIDI – continuing to pray for clarity in the unanswered questions, that the Lord will show you the next right thing to do or decision to make
MICHELLE PATIRE – for speedy cc replacement! And job opportunities to present themselves that can be done in the waiting, or possibly present a new path for you
MARIE MOE – freedom from addiction for your child
SARAH D – relief from your job stress & anxiety
The God of Abraham is our God, the one who keeps his promises, the one who is with us in the waiting. ❤️
Abrahams faith is a great example for everyone that follows God. He heard God and they left everything they knew and waited 25 years for his son. Abraham died and Gods promise had not been fulfilled. But Abraham kept his faith in God and who God is and the promise God made.
I want to have faith as strong as Abraham and Sarah’s; I want to give all of my doubts and fears to God and trust Him 100%. He is so good.
Lord, please strengthen my faith. I give You all of my fears and doubts; I surrender them all to you. Thank You for loving me and taking care of me. Amen.
I resonate a lot with these passages today. My husband and I have been holding on to hope to have a child for three years and yet we still wait. Sometimes I wonder, is my faith strong enough? But then I realize Abraham’s faith wasn’t perfect either yet it was attributed to him as great faith. So I’m both comforted by this and challenged by this. I still wonder, what is God inviting me to do?
Is to bring as many with me to Heaven as possible.
I feel this deeply. When I am overwhelmed with the world & my longing I remind myself as Paul said “meaningless! Everything here on Earth is meaningless. I try to remember my only job
I am always amazed at the patience in the waiting of Abraham and Sarah. They are such great examples of trusting in God’s plan for my life, even when situations feel impossible.
Yes and Amen! ❤️
Waiting expectantly…
“Power was given to Sarah” to have a child. Isn’t it amazingly generous of our God to give us “power” to do things in this life to glorify Him. He didn’t leave us to struggle, but gives us the power to do it or get through it! What a great God we serve!
We can stand firm on God’s promises. ❤️
The “long expected” part is what I struggle with. Abraham and Sarah waited such a long time for the promise of a child. We are waiting so long for Jesus to return. The prophets gave word of the first coming and things to pass hundreds of years before they happened. Waiting for God to fulfill his promises in my life is so difficult because I wonder how long. It’s hard to be patient. It’s hard not to feel like I’m missing out or that I’m getting too old.
I appreciate Abba’s tenderness with His people, seeing their need and longing and fulfilling it. He knows He is the ultimate answer to our emptiness, yet He gives glimpses of what fullness of joy will be like: seemingly impossible promises kept through a new home, a new family, the birth of a child, etc. It was just a taste of what He had in store. He is so good. He is so kind.
The faith and trust of Abraham and Sarah is so amazing given all they had to give up. They didn’t even know where they were going! With God, what we give up is nothing compared to what we gain. So grateful that God is a promise keeper and that He is so so good.
It is so easy to doubt God’s promises. We only need to look to the world around us, to all the impossibilities. But then we do the same as those Jews in John 8. Saying God is a liar, that He’s the same as the devil, whose nature it is to lie. But that is so far from who God is, completely contrary to His nature. He is the truth. Unchanging. Ever faithful. He came through for Abraham. He will come through for us. We can trust Him, until one day, as He promised, He will come back. Then we don’t need faith anymore because we will see Him face to face, we will see Him as He is.