Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Day 2

Open Your Bible

Genesis 3:1-24, Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, Colossians 1:14-23, Revelation 1:8

I remember the sound so vividly—the comforting, staccato click of her strawberry-red heels tapping the tile floors. As she walked briskly toward the door, the scent of her Liz Claiborne perfume remained behind like a floral benediction. Every morning before leaving for her thirteen-hour shift at work, my Nigerian-born mother would take her final steps to the doorway, look back, utter the words, “I love you,” and then remind my siblings and me that she would see us soon. We never for a moment doubted this promise, even when her return felt later than expected. With the purest of childlike trust, we stayed awake and we longed for it. This was because our expectation was birthed out of history—a promise previously fulfilled. She had returned in the past, and with complete confidence, we trusted she’d be faithful to return in the future. 

I imagine when the hymn writer penned the words “Come, Thou long-expected Jesus,” he knew intrinsically of a heart longing so deep and metronomic it keeps you awake—alert to the coming and tangible presence of the one you long for. 

The One we’re longing for. 

This is the rhythmic refrain of Advent—we have a sure promise of our Beloved’s glorious return (Colossians 1:15–20). And while we wait, we have His presence and power. 

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “the one who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” —Revelation 1:8

The existence of God as past, present, and future means we don’t just look ahead in our longing; it is not only forward facing. We look back and remember our longing is birthed out of history—a sure promise that actively propels us into the present. Because indeed, this day is preparing us for the future day when Jesus shall ultimately return, His eternal existence guarantees it, here and now (Colossians 1:22–23).

So may I place a challenge before us this Advent? 

As we cry, “Come, Thou long-expected Jesus,” let us also savor the nearness of the One who is and has always been (Revelation 1:8). Let us allow His eternal existence to prompt our present prayers and propel our future hopes. And let us, with the purest of childlike trust, remember the faith-filled depths of this proclamation (come, Thou long-expected Jesus) that is our prayer. For without such longing, there is no hope.

So let the chords of hope faithfully remind us that, with every borrowed breath, we join in the song of God’s people through the generations as we declare—Jesus has come, and as close as He has come, we sing come again…Thou long-expected Jesus.

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225 thoughts on "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Day 2"

  1. Ashley Koch says:

    I’ve been longing for Jesus even more so over the last few years. Ever since Covid happened it feels like the world is in complete & utter chaos and everywhere you turn there is something negative happening. As a mother, it brings out the mama bear in me wanting to protect my children from the brutal world. It can be so hard to stay positive but this was a nice reminder that God always has our backs and always keeps his promises. He has called all of us for a time like this and instead of focusing on the world we can focus on Him, His return, and His promise. Trying my best to keep that kingdom mindset!

  2. Meredith Jones says:


  3. Faleasha Triunfo says:

    So profound!

  4. Shelby Rosas says:


  5. Jennifer Brie says:


  6. Emily-Faith Captino says:

    Praying His eternal existence prompts my present prayers and propels my future hopes❤️

  7. Callie Pearson says:


  8. Andie Brandenburger says:

    He was and is and is to come!!!