Text: Mark 2:13-17, Matthew 4:1-11
Recently, I was on my way to Palm Desert to speak. I struggle with anxiety when driving alone, and I was not looking forward to the drive. The abyss of grey asphalt, cement walls, and red taillights of stop-and-go traffic unsettle me, and I knew once I made it through that traffic the desolate, dry, and brown desert would surround me for miles.
I get nervous to be alone. The stillness tempts me with voices that say I am not a good enough wife, mother, friend, leader. I am haunted by the “what ifs” and “should haves” and silence.
I was driving through that desert, sensing the welling of anxious thoughts, when God came close and met me. As He gently shifted my focus off my self-imposed discouragement and onto His promises of acceptance, forgiveness, and love, the desert transformed before my eyes. The brown became a brilliant bronze, the blue sky glistening against the horizon. The cactus and Joshua trees reminded me that life emerges out of barren land, and the wind whipping up dust prompted me to know the Holy Spirit comforts and transforms our thoughts. The desolate desert came alive when God came close.
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
– Psalm 145:18
Levi’s anxious view of the world changed the day Jesus called him to follow. Sinner, come as you are—broken, weary, shamed, and rejected. I see you, accept you, and will call you my friend. Come dine with me. What a beautiful invitation. I wonder if Levi’s world went from black and white to vibrant color that day.
Jesus extends an invitation to come close at any time and to follow Him, no matter our condition. He calls us to come close minute by minute, every day. He heals, He redeems, He saves, He invites, He accepts – He changes us and our perspective, which draws us into greater understanding that He cares about every detail of our life.
There will be desert days. Even Jesus endured seasons in the wilderness. In those seasons, He fasted and drew close to His heavenly Father. His physical weakness did not succumb to the Tempter’s plan because His Father nourished Him. The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word. Amen!
Friend, the Word of God has the same power in your wilderness. Come close and fast with Jesus, cling to Him and His cross when the Tempter tries to steal your true identity. Like Levi who found his true identity in Christ, you are also invited, chosen, known, and loved—just as you are. As you come close to Jesus, the world around you will transform and become more beautiful and radiant because you are changed.
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198 thoughts on "Come Close"
I loved this mornings readings. God has been tugging on me to draw close to him. I am finally hearing him with my spiritual ears.
I just keep promising GOD that I'll not let the sins some closer to me, but it happens daily and still I don't leave this habit, because it's a part of our lives.
God came close and met me. As He gently shifted my focus off my self-imposed discouragement and onto His promises of acceptance, forgiveness, and love. ❤️❤️❤️
I really needed to hear this one. :)
Wonderful! Come as you are broken, weary, sinners I love you and I accept you.
thanks admin for the cool post, its really great one
thank you for the honesty: “the stillness tempts me with voices that I’m not good enough… I am haunted by what ifs, should haves and silence” this is what I have been feeling for weeks as a new mum but couldn’t articulate it. I love being a mum, but I know god has multiple purposes within me and I feel my life is at a standstill out of my control. I keep thinking of all the things I should have done before my life became absorbed by routine and caring for another, like I’ve wasted time. it’s the silence that attacks me with these thoughts.
17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Amen to this truth!
I’m new to this she reads truth app and it’s seems to be the only thing getting me through each minute.. My boyfriend of almost 4 years has chosen a path of drugs and alcohol when he knows it’s wrong and believes in Jesus.. Thank you for these encouraging comments and little things
Yessss!!! When our day seems c’est arbitrair….he says ‘follow me’ . To walk talk and learn from Jesus is to know God and his deep love for us.
Perfect love casts out all fear. Everything that was counted against us was placed on Jesus on the cross. He has reconciled us to him! We can know him! Best news ever.
Lord, help me to remember to call on you when I am tempted to stray. Help me to worship You and You alone!
Satan is by nature a liar. His casting of doubtful thoughts into the hearts of Adam and Eve is what caused the first sin. The reminder for me here is to trust who Christ said I am to Him despite the evil one’s planting of poisonous seed in my heart. I I accepted, wholly and dearly loved, as I am. Nothing can change that.
Amazing!! Lord help me to draw closer to you. Thank you Lord for choosing, saving, and loving me.
What a beautiful truth that I needed to hear!!!
What a blessing you are, Debbie.
He makes beautiful things
Great post, but I want to be honest in this community. When reading the author's opening paragraphs, my initial thoughts were "why in the world would driving alone cause anxiety???" And as I thought those thoughts and continued to read, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, has things/issues/situations that we battle and it looks different for each person. As a follower of Christ, my job is not to judge it or even try to understand it, but simply to recognize another believer's struggle and to pray for them. For all the ladies struggling with anxiety (for whatever reason), I pray that your hearts and spirits are calmed with the love of Jesus Christ. That your minds are at peace because they are stayed on the Father. And that the Holy Spirit guides you daily to overcome those feelings of anxiety because you are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Hugs and Kisses to you all! Be blessed.
Thank you for that prayer. As someone dealing with anxiety, I appreciate your sweet words and prayer.
This post is amazing, never thought of things this way.. Or have I but didn’t notice it because I haven’t been thought this. Because I thought too why would the desert make anyone feel this way but I read further and I could relate in so may ways other than her way. But at the end of the day it’s all the same. I should judge but like the comment I read before pray for her.
Thank you so much. As one who has struggled with anxiety my entire life, your words mean more than you will ever know. Xoxo
I am currently battling anxiety right now. It’s a hard struggle fighting these evil and terrifying thoughts daily. I have anxiety about anything and everything but God has blessed with some wisdom this week and that’s I have to fight!! I can’t let myself sink deeper and deeper in these lies the devil feeds me. I have to fight satan! So here I am still in counseling and trying my best to fight and be okay every moment of every day. I thank you for you praying. This means so much to someone who loves God and deals with this constant fear and doubt. And not doubt in God, but doubt in myself.
Thank you for being willing to be convicted by the Spirit on this! As someone with chronic clinical anxiety I struggle daily. Today just got a little easier after reading your sweet words :$
:) rather!
So thankful that our identity is found in Christ, in what He has accomplished for us, not in what this world tells us we should be. In Christ we are chosen, redeemed, reconciled, loved, freed, rescued, forgiven, graced, accepted, adopted, sealed with the Holy Spirit, and have been given the most wonderful inheritance!!!! Everything we need and long for we already possess in Christ Jesus! It is finished! God loves us because of what Jesus has done, not because of what we do or don’t do.
Amen Nansta!!
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Thankful our Redeemer is not just always with us but he is always carrying, comforting, & encouraging us! Clinging to him. Preaching his truth into my heart is the only way to live with joy and in freedom!
I definitely have days where my anxiety gets the best of me and I struggle through the day. I needed this. Thanks
My dear friends 17 year old son is sitting in solitary confinement at the juvenile detention center. He has been there since Thursday and is suffering severely with anxiety and depression. He needs to be minister to by the Holy Spirit. Pray for him that God will be close to him comfort him and whisper truths to him through this long journey. My heart is so broken. I love this young man. He needs Jesus.
Praying for him Karla. That he would here our saviors words clearly to Come follow me and I will give you rest… from your anxiety and the world you do not know how to navigate without me.
“The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word. ” I love this image & can’t remember the last time I felt this satisfied by God alone. I constantly think about how I feel thirsty – spiritually, mentally & even sometimes physically. Like I get so busy, distracted & lost that I forget what is important. What’s vital to staying alive.
I feel the same way. This is a beautiful, comforting and humbling reminder indeed.
I love God’s timing. As He has been revealing some hidden sin in my heart, I found today’s devotion and Scripture especially encouraging. He’s still my Friend :)
Same here! Amen!!
Mark 2:17 “Jesus said to them, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners’.” Technically they were ALL sick. But not all of them knew it [yet?]. People can have heart disease for years, but until they have symptoms they don’t seek medical help. People can live for years, decades as “sinners”. But until they have “symptoms” they won’t go to Jesus.
I think this fits perfectly for today. God came to call the sinners (me and you) because we cannot keep his law perfectly. We need him to be our righteousness, our strength. It makes us more grateful for his great sacrifice.
Somedays, okay most days, it feels as if anxiety runs my life. This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I feel like I’m going through this world alone sometimes and this message was very encouraging!
For the second portion if the reading, I wanted to know if Satan was doing this in jesus’s mind or was Satan physically walking with Jesus up mountains and showing him this? Just oddly curious
Me too!!!!! Those were my exact thoughts as I was reading the scripture.
Honestly, me too! In movies they always make it look like some sort of vision. Hmm…
I’m a stresser. School, dance class, my family, friends- my mind can always seem to find something to worry about. When I get the wrapped up in my worries, I tend to block God out of my troubles. I think I have to have it all together in order to enter His presence. But praise Jesus! Because of Him, God meets us in our worries and confusion and anxiety and changes our hearts. I’m guilty of allowing my confusion and anxieties to consume my thoughts. Jesus wants in our thoughts so we can be consumed with His Spirit. Praise Him who took on my shame so I could appear blameless before the throne of God!!
Anxiety is such a battle. There are days when I just don’t know if I can fight it but Jesus is there to hold me up. He calms the storms raging in my mind. I have to keep reminding myself that the same Jesus who had his hand outstretched to Peter in the boat has his hand outstretched to me every day. I just have to choose him instead of listening to the “what if’s” and negative obsessions in my mind.
Lord I am thankful for the wilderness seasons. And I am thankful for your “hard” gifts. Through my weakness, I have been brought so near to the cross. I have learnt to come close by faith alone. And I have learnt that you are already closer than my very heartbeat. I love you and I trust you. What you choose to send my way for my good, I will accept. I will choose to believe that you know best. Walking with you side by side in the darkness have been the most precious, life-changing moments of my life. Thank you for the promise that I can always draw near!!!
Our church sang “Come as You Are” yesterday. It opened my heart again for how much God loves me. Me, with my dirty house and behind on everything I seem to be doing self. Me, who starts each day with good intentions and fails every single time. He asks me to come…with my shame, with my failure. He loves me. I can come as I am. What hope, what encouragement, what renewal this invitation brings. And then, here it is again today. Come as you are. I am running to the feast!
This devotional really hit home for me! I love how God accepts me no matter my condition and how He purifies me and fills every void in my heart! My life feels so full of joy and purpose when I draw near to God! My perspective on life and difficulty is so much different when I invite God to reign in my heart. Thank you for sharing this!
I've read the devo three times today (once this morning and twice during work). Yesterday, I had a convo with God in which I prayed down the anxiety. Those times where my spirit is crying and my flesh is out of control. Those crazy emotions that leave me feeling worthless and unlovable.And whenever I turn to him, he reminds me that I am loved, I am his child. That I'm beautifully and wonderfully made. He tells me to be still and trust him which allows the anxiety and crazy emotions to subside. This devo hit home to me especially during this Lenten season. I am fasting from meat/animal protein and disciplining myself to wake up each morning to spend quiet time with our Father. I'm turning away from something that my flesh wants so badly in order to deepen my relationship with Christ. And during this time, I hope to seek clarity on the will God has for my life and to receive direction and peace. It seems as if I've been going through a desert season. Since I was 17, I've dated and gotten in relationships that were not God's best for me. Men, sex, and pornography was a vice of mines however I have a desire for marriage and motherhood and I always knew that I would have to get rid of those strongholds prior to me becoming a wife and a mother. So 9 months ago, I committed to stepping into a season in which I am intentionally single. This season has been crazy challenging and I've found myself being anxious and doubting Christ, doubting his promises, and have challenges with my faith in Him. Bu this devo reminds me to 'Come close and fast with Jesus, cling to Him and His cross when the Tempter tries to steal your true identity." Whew! Just a reminder that when you come near to God, he will come near to you.
So thought provoking and well put. Thanks for your insight.
I love the thought of how Christ brings such vibrancy to our otherwise dry lives. So so thankful for Christ’s renewing power! :-)
It’s such an incredible thing to know that I can call on the Lord and He will be there. I can call out in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep or when I’m all alone and broken. The Holy Spirit will come join me no matter the hour or the circumstance. That is an incredible thing to be reminded of.
So crazy! Matthew 4:4 came into my mind as I was working yesterday! Now to read about it and fast with Jesus today is such a wonderful assurance that I hear the Shepherd's voice.
I have felt very recent,y how the Tempter has found a way to give me self doubt, sadness and pity. I found myself comparing my life to others on Facebook. I felt like they were having so much more fun in life since they were going out and doing things “that only looked fun”. I was so upset I ended up yelling at my fiancé about how I don’t have any friends, how I feel like a loser, and how pathetic I am. I realized that I was hurting not only his feelings by comparing our friendship and loving relationship to others that I was feeding into false negativity. My fiancé is my best friend, he is the fun I always have. God made me see that I have no need to compare myself since I am already blessed by Him in immeasurable ways. I have just deactivated my account, and while I wish I was still on for SRT, I know how the Tempter can try and scoop me back into self pity. This Lent season is not about giving up candy or something physical that we feel “like we are suffering without it” we should want to give those things up. Lent is not a trial period to see if you can go without a “need (and I say need lightly here as most of the time, it is a want) “. I’m really looking forward to making a stronger relationship with God, not only during this Season but for always.
Amen Lindsay. You put it so well when you said “Lent is not a trial period to see if you can do without a ‘need’…” I think all of us try to give up a physical need that we rely on and then are so happy to have it back after 40 days. I am also being mindful of self-doubt that creeps in these days as I see so many close friends move forward relationally and I compare myself. I am striving this year to continue to press on toward the goals and life the Lord has planned for me and not compare my life to others.
I have challenged myself this year to actively affirm people, since that is my main love language, and see the fruit God will flourish through me.
1. This community is truly beautiful and amazing.
2. The devotional mentioned that God heals, and on this day I am just stopped in my tracks at the confirmation of this. I’ve had some kind of rash on my hand for over a month, and finally last night I decided to really, truly pray about it. I kid you not, as of this morning, it’s almost completely gone. He is very much still in the business of healing. It’s not that I’m worthy of it…it is that He’s showing me to lean into Him and do not doubt what He’s capable of. I am filled with joy at this, and don’t ever want to forget. I don’t want to revert back to “Can You do this, God?” Rather, “I know You can do this if it is Your will. Thank You, LORD!”
This couldn’t have come at a better time! I have been struggling all day wanting to contact someone who I know I shouldn’t. It has been weighing me down and a constant battle between what I know is right and what I want. I can find comfort and strength in The Lord if only I seek it out through him.
Be strong!
I understand your battle! Praying…
Thank you for sharing this, Katie. I know the exact battle all too well. But over time God has given me victory over it. It’s been amazing to see the strength and determination He can give. Praying for you girl
A good reminder of how to fight the dark days that are full of emotions and hard circumstances. Gods light and grace breaks through the clouds of despair to give us hope!
This reminded me today, that God is with me all the way, and no matter, what I feel, or think, and when disappoints come, He is still right there. I just have to remember, to focus on him, and not on the situation, and His peace comes and I am glad.
Thanks for sharing, this is my first time on this website and I am glad I have something new to look at each day to keep reminders to why I do just need to trust in God fully.
I love this because sometimes you just see how awful the world is instead of seeing his creations and his beauty
Thank you for this reminder! A few days ago I told a friend that I was taking part in Lent this year and he sniffed and said, “I recently read this article titled ‘Don’t give up things, give up your life.’ So that’s why *I’m* not doing Lent.” I felt so discouraged in that moment – like what was the purpose of my fast after all? Did Christ even want me to do this? Would it even make a difference in my heart whether I was off social media for 37 more days?
It took a few days to remind me that I’m giving up social media not to be cool or better than anyone else, not because Lent is “fun” or “mainstream” but because I genuinely rely on social media as a stress-reliever and crutch during my day. Giving it up leaves me feeling anxious and alone sometimes, until Christ steps in and fills me and changes my perspective. I am fasting to prepare my heart for Him. I don’t need the devil’s cheap substitution for self-worth – I want to find my value in JESUS alone. Thank you for reminding me of this! <3
Agree! Know the truth behind your holy Lent. And speak with friends candidly. It sounds like your friend wanted to be encouraging or offer truth he learned. However, we do frequently do this in a way that casts blame or discourages. I pray that you cling to Christ in this time. I, too, am giving up social media. It makes me aware the habits I have developed which are social media centered. Keep shining Christ's light, Samantha!
This challenges me beautifully. Maybe it’s time for me to fast and withdraw from social media – for the exact same reasons. Oh how I pray that I would look to Jesus for love and acceptance rather than ‘likes’ and ‘comments’. Thank you for your post.
Amanda I said “no more” to social media, and “yes” to God. It removed the temptation of comparison, which always made me feel not good enough, because I never measured up. Comparison is the thief of joy.
Honestly, I don’t miss social media at all.
“The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word.”
I love that thought. Nothing Satan throws at me can compare to Christ, and if I am filled with the Word, I will be able to resist him!
v for the second reading of Matthew, when Jesus is being tempted and going to the high mountains with the devil, is this purely mental images that the devil is placing in his head, or is the devil physically there , walking him up mountains and such? Sorry I like to understand deeply and odd things!
The first thing thing that comes to mind when I think about how the enemy offers false worth to me, I think about how much satisfaction/disappointment that comes from how many “likes” or comments I get on social media. So quickly I fall into the comparison game that turns into seeking validation from others and ultimately steals my joy. That’s exactly why social media was the first thing that came to mind when I thought about what would be the hardest to give up for Lent. I want to, instead, look for that love and joy through Jesus, who readily gives it to me UNCONDITIONALLY! Social media is not the God I serve, who will open the gates of Heaven for me one day! As soon as I give the enemy a foothold by seeking my worth in earthly things created by man, I will instantly fall into insecurity, comparison, and self pity! BUT Jesus’ worth makes me BRAVE, SECURE, and know that I am STEADFASTLY LOVED no matter the circumstance I am in. How much more comforting and hope-filled is that than relying on an app that feeds you “likes” when you say the right thing, look the right way, and use the right filter?! Earthly validation is conditional while my Father’s is FREELY GIVEN, no matter what. My worth in Jesus is my treasured gift. Amen amen!
Amen friend!!!!!! Thank you for sharing this sweet conviction with the group! I never realized I fall into the same trap on social media, your new understanding has led me into a new understanding as well–thank you so much for bringing this into the light!!
Chandler I gave up social media for the same reasons. I easily fall into the trap of comparison and either feeling smug or self pity depending on the day! How awful and embarrassing to admit that. Thank you for your comment as it gave me such a good reminder of why I am doing this and was such encouragement to me.
Thank you for posting this! I realize now that I’ve been falling into the same trap on social media. I want my validation and approval to come from Christ!
The last line says so much, spoke to me at least:). "As you come close to Jesus, the world around you will transform and become more beautiful and radiant because you are changed." Such truth! ~ Amen ~
This gradual change of heart has been a theme in my life as of late. I thirst for it. I long for it. I desire it. And, I am trying to see that it is His grace that grants that change and not my efforts alone. I pray to be open to that grace, to be aware of his constant and ever so close, ever so intimate presence. “Create in me a clean heart O God and put a steadfast spirit within me.”
Thank you Father – this touch my soul this morning. I'm so grateful that YOU will always be near and that you will continue to love me unconditionally. Hallelujah!!
Lord! Open our eyes to see You and our ears to hear You, because You are all around us, beckoning us to come!
So wonderful! "The cactus and Joshua trees reminded me that life emerges out of barren land, and the wind whipping up dust prompted me to know the Holy Spirit comforts and transforms our thoughts. The desolate desert came alive when God came close." Love this! Thank you so much!
Some days it is so hard to pick up and keep going! The weight of discouragement is so distracting from the Spirit’s comfort.
I have some of those same thoughts…I’m not a good enough wife, or mother, or friend. In these times I just have to remember to cling to God. The enemy can’t invade my thoughts if my soul and my mind are filled with the truth of Gods word.
Today's study hits home with me. From time to time I have anxiety. I know I am a Christian, but I have very real fears about the 2nd coming, I have a lot of what-ifs – such as what if I get left behind? The fear of the unknown is huge. It seems that when I am closest in my walk with God, my fears become worse. On one side, I'm asking myself if this God telling me I am not saved, then on the other side, I'm asking myself is this Satan who is wanting to steal my joy and cause me to be anxious. I need advice, encouragement, words of wisdom and prayer.
To be honest, I think all Christians have these moments. And it is Satan wanting to strip us of our joy in Christ. Satan is the "author of confusion" and nothing brings him more pleasure that us doubting our Saviour. I will be praying for you.
Lori, Satan is wanting you to believe that you and me to have reason to fear the unknown. But, because of our Jesus–He has conquered the unknown! So powerful to know that we have a Savior who took our place so we have nothing to fear.
I was led to the verse this morning where Jesus is about to go to the cross for us all. As he and his disciples prepared for what was to come, he said to His disciples, “I don’t have much more time to talk to you, because the prince of this world approaches.” Then He says something that can ring in our hearts with power and victory…”HE HAS NO POWER OVER ME.” (John 14:30).
When we are followers of our Jesus…and lean on Him in our times of testing and fear…we can be confident that SATAN IS POWERLESS OVER JESUS AND, THUS, OVER US WHEN WE RELY ON HIM.
Jesus knows we get scared of the unknown…but He came to take away all fear of it. With Jesus, we live not in the unknown, but in complete confidence of the CERTAINTY OF SAFETY AND SALVATION IN HIM.
He knows we have moments of doubt and even addressed it in this same conversation with His disciples as they faced certain fear of the unknown rocking their little world…
We can go to this verse every time the enemy tries to plant seeds of fear and doubt in our hearts. Because of Jesus…we can be fearless and celebrate the truth of knowing we have no fear of the unknown. He has conquered it head on for us…He has covered us with His saving grace and gives us a confident hope and expectation in Him.
Praying for you today to embrace His great gift of peace in your heart…all because of Him and His great love for us.
Blessings to you sweet sister.
Lori, I have had the same feelings about the “what-ifs” and I definetly think those thoughts do come from the Devil, he is trying to defeat you just when you are growing the most. God has a plan for us and through the hard times when the devil is picking at us, we can lean into God and be obedient to Him. Just last night at my small group I poured my heart out about how the “what-ifs” come in at the times when I want them to stay away the most. But then today it showed up on the devotional, and we are doing this study together in the small group. Being able to be reasurred that God is always looking out for us and has our best interest in mind is so powerful! I will be praying for you, the devil will not get a foothold in your day, in Jesus name:)
Some of my favorite verses on a day I needed them. I'm dealing with a troubled teen who is coming back from some time with her Dad. She's defiant and built up walls. All I want to do is sit and cry and I'm so anxious about seeing her, my mothering skils, etc. This post helped me realize that I can't face this situation on my own and need to borrow from the strength of Jesus to get through it. And that's it's always within reach.
I’m trying to find my true identity again after being out of a long-term emotionally abusive marriage for 2 1/2 years.
Praying for you Bethany! Our identity is found in Christ, in what He has accomplished for us, not in what this world tells us we should be. In Christ you are chosen, redeemed, reconciled, loved, freed, rescued, forgiven, graced, accepted, adopted, sealed with the Holy Spirit, and have been given the most wonderful inheritance!!!! Everything we need and long for we already possess in Christ Jesus! It is finished! God loves us because of what Jesus has done, not because of what we do or don’t do.
“The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word”. These are encouraging words as I continue to process changes in my family and my role as I shift from a full time home schooling mom to a very part time one. Just keep filling with the truth!
What a beautiful reminder. I think sometimes it's easy to fall into the mindset that our personal sins are just that personal mistakes that we screwed up on and we should be ashamed BUT this is not true. When I sin the first thing I want to do is beat myself up mentally and throw a personal pity party. However it says it clearly in Mark 2:16-17 that we NEED God, he knows we are "sick" and that is why he died on the cross. Sin is not failing, it's turning to God for his forgiveness and his help to turn us from our sin.
As a college senior anticipating/dreading graduation this spoke to me. Yes the desert is around me as friends move farther, school work piles higher, and the reality that I have to leave this place soon becomes more and more real. But God tells me that when I draw near to Him, these seasons of change are less scary. They are guided by the Hand that made the world and made my heart. God knows that scares me and He will not let me walk this path alone
When reading the words, "Come close and fast with Jesus, cling to Him and His cross when the Tempter tries to steal your true identity," it made me think of the verse that says that we should hide God's word in our hearts so that we might not sin against him. As Jesus was tempted in the desert, he responded to the tempter with scripture. If we can get into the habit of responding to situations in life with scripture I think we'll see a much different picture. When we read God's word and thirst for it like water, when we hide it in our hearts and meditate on it throughout the day, it changes our perspective on life… on the situations we're in. Kind of like Debbie described the true color coming out.
Before I started reading this today I prayed and asked God to speak to me… to reveal one nugget that He wanted me to take away from this reading. This was it. This is for me. I love it and am encouraged when He speaks to me in such a clear way. My pastor always says that God reveals things to us by confirming it 3 times. I believe this is scripturally based, but I can't remember where that info comes from. I'll have to ask him. Anyway, scripture memorization is something that's been coming back to me time and time again. Through my pastor, through SRT, and through Sally Clarkson's books (God bless that woman!). I'm sure there are other ways, but there's no denying that God wants me to step up my game in this area. Thank you Debbie for being used by Him to reveal truth to us today!
Meagan I do agree God speaks to us and confirms it multiple times while He is training us to hear His voice. My hope (and I believe His hope) is that once we are accustomed to recognizing His voice then He will only have to speak once before we respond. He says, “my sheep know my voice.” I am such a slow-learning sheep. He is such a gentle shepherd and teacher.
Very interesting Susan. Yes, I too am a slow-learner, but I do enjoy hearing Him speak. I always ask that it be obvious to me as I most-likely miss it often. As you said though… He trains us. Thanks for your response!
What an excellent study thus far! Such a great reminder of who Christ is and all he has done even though we are so unworthy!
What timing. As I read about Jesus's 40 days of fasting — on the very day that I must begin a medical fast for 3 days, it becomes a lesson first that 3 days is NOTHING. Second, when I get concerned that I might become cranky around others, the remedy (and isn't the remedy always Christ) is "His physical weakness did not succumb to the Tempter’s plan because His Father nourished Him. The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word." Yes, AMEN!
Thank you for these words Debbie.
“The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s word”….YES! So good. Taping that to my mirror.
This was nourishment to my soul. I have been in desert places for quite some time now and am navigating through this desert on truth from the Word. I don’t experience the manifest presence of God like I did when I was not in the desert but He has been teaching me how to trust His presence to be with me just as powerfully in the desert as it is when I experience or feel His presence.
Wow did I need to hear this today as I muscle through a really serious intestinal infection. God wants to meet me here in this desert and lift my view of the anxious world around me! He wants to comfort me, give me peace, and be my healer! I will press into him and continue to keep my mind on Him!
Yes! Learning to draw near to GOD when I feel fear, shame, guilt, anxiety…. Instead of hiding from him , expose my heart to him!
"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth."
– Psalm 145:18
Oh how I love that the Lord is near when we call. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but He is there. Praying today that the Lord fills us all with His truth, so that there may be no room for the enemy's lies. May we all draw near to Him who loves us.
It’s reassuring to know that knowing the TRUTH can really set you free and that the devil has no place in me and those that cling to The Lord!
Praise God that Jesus came for us as sinners, and now He is our righteousness
“His physical weakness did not succumb to the Tempter’s plan because His Father nourished Him. The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word.” Yes yes yesssss needed this!! I can’t tell you how many times i literally let various physical ailments become an excuse for less than Christ like behavior. I am new to God’s word and am excited to start calling on God rather than letting the enemy have his way with me!
Keep digging into his word!
I desperately need to read this today. As I God is working in me to uncover things in me. He is digging through muck, fear, and anxiety. I need to hear the truth that I have nothing to fear in drawing near to the Lord.
It is hard to follow Jesus when you are in the midst of anxiety and fear. I know, because I've been there. I had anxiety knock me flat on my back to the point where I couldn't get out of bed for four days several years ago. But God brought me out of that. And He continues to deliver me. And I find that each time I wind up in the desert, I find it easier to trust that He is good and will bring me out of it because He has done it before.
Favorite line: "The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word. Amen!"
May your souls (and mine) be filled with the truth of God's Word today, ladies!
Absolutely perfect! Beautiful truth!
Our Pastor yesterday asked us the question, “What is our expectation of Jesus?”. And I find myself saying that my heart yearns for less desserts and less buffoons and drunkards. because those places and those people reveal how much I believe the lies that Jesus lives more on the mountain tops and in pleasant people. this devotion and scripture this morning remind me Jesus is in it all. The desert reveals my dependencies and forces me to choose Jesus or me. truth or lies. it is so much more about Him than the desert. His word in me changes the outside… and way too many times my outside effects my inside beliefs and internal conversations. Praise God that He knows this of me and continues to draw me into the deserts and whispers His love for me!
Good Morning Ladies!
So glad to be on this journey with y’all! What a perfect reading today! the anciety from thoughts has touched my heart. I too struggle with those thoughts. Praying for everyone here in their anxieties.
I really needed this reading and devotion today as I go through a tough breakup feeling depressed. I feel a little at peace knowing God is with me through this tough time in my life.
Hey ashD- I just went through the same. There will be ups and downs. I pray for patience in knowing that God has the perfect timing and that all things work together for the good of those who know Him (Romans 8:28 – or read the book “the promise” – really good!). Now I pray that I learn what God wants to teach me in this season, and that he molds my heart to be the heart needed to be a faithful wife, and that he shapes my future husbands heart right now to receive me.
I’m so thankful for having found SRT and the phone app. Even on crazy mornings when I don’t have time to sit down with my Bible and my journal, I still can soak in these precious moments with Jesus whispering to my heart. And i personally believe that the primary reason God wants us to live in community with one another is because seeing Him act in the lives of others increases our own faith. We often forget what He has done for us personally, but we remember great stories of faithfulness that we’ve heard from others. So, I’m also thankful that the SRT ladies saw fit to include the comments in the phone app. Seeing God’s truth radically change hearts and lives and perspectives is So Faith-Building. I’m feeling blessed this morning. :)
Yes! I feel the exact same way. Thank you SRT AND you community of ladies!
“Sinner come as you are”
At the end of the day I need to remind myself that I am a sinner who desperately needs her savior. I have been ruled by anxiety and depression on and off yet over the last few years due to health issues. The image and thought of Jesus in the wilderness reminds me that the enemy wants to rob us of the Glory and blessings God has for our life and yet Jesus overcame! The enemy wants to falsely give us a crown if we bow down to Him and succumb to our feelings and fight them alone but sisters this I know when we tell Satan to get behind us and stand firm on the truth of God, we can come to the table as we are; broken
Sinners, yet Free! What I mean is often we feel we can’t serve God if we are stressed, depressed, weary, anxious etc. we constantly try to fix ourselves and feelings because we feel unworthy to serve a God who wouldn’t want us to feel this way but God tells us to “Come as we are” and he will give us rest and the “bread” we need. He will sit at our table regardless of our messy emotions I needed this today and everyday.
“Jesus extends an invitation to come close at any time and to follow Him, no matter our condition. He calls us to come close minute by minute, every day. He heals, He redeems, He saves, He invites, He accepts – He changes us and our perspective, which draws us into greater understanding that He cares about every detail of our life.”
This was such a good reminder! I get so caught up in the rush and details of everyday life that all I have to do to be reminded that I’ve failed is look around at my unkept house…laundry piled up, dishes in the sink, etc. But when I draw near to Him, I am reminded of His love for me. Reminded that I am doing the best I can. Reminded that he loves me, regardless of what I DO. He draws near to those who draw near to Him. Instead of pulling away when I get overwhelmed, I should draw near. He will change my attitude toward whatever has me worked up and give me peace.
Rejoicing in the "come as you are" this morning! I tend to want to clean up, to be worthy of that invitation to the Lord's table. However, He comes into my mess and sits at my table to pour into my brokenness and feed my hungry soul.
Jesus, you are welcome here. Come sit around my table, cluttered with crayons, homework, crumbs from last night's dinner. Sit with me, clothed with worry, regret, uncertainty, and pride. Speak Truth to me in the midst of the noise of the dishwasher, the crying baby, the kids squealing as they wrestle on the floor, and the lies that whisper at me from the corner of my heart. Let us dine together on the Bread and the Wine. I will wash Your feet with my tears and You will wash my feet with your love.
Yes and Amen! Praying this with you.
Thank you so much. This was everything I needed to hear this morning. I’ve been letting my identity in Christ slip away and I’ve been letting in Satan’s lies. Thank for reminding me how accepted and loved I am by my Savior.
"His physical weakness did not succumb to the Tempter’s plan because His Father nourished Him. The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word. Amen!"
Such powerful words. I long for the day my soul remains so full the lies have no place to dwell. I long for the day I seek fulfillment in only what Christ can offer and not of things of this World.
Am I the only one that can go on for so long, full of Spiritual Truth – riding the high (so to speak) – and then one day just CRASH! Right into a lie filled wall that depletes every Truth that carried me for so long? Its like a roller coaster ride. Nourished one day – depleted the next. Healed one day – sick the next. Thriving one day – barely surviving the next.
Am I the only one who needed to hear that the enemy (the World) has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the Truth of God's Word? That only Christ can offer what the World can not deplete?
May we all find at the Well, the Living Water that satisfies our thirst, and may we never look to the World again for what only Jesus can provide.
Janee, A resounding no! You are not the only one. The devil is crafty, nasty, a fiery dart thrower, liar, and deceiver (just to name a few). He will do ANYTHING to make us crash.
I found this article helpful title, "Don't Give Up" http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/dont-give-up
If you have time give it a read, if not, my take away from it is this—
Sister we are in a spiritual battle and we daily must put on the full armor of God–especially on those days when we feel all is well, life is going easy peasy. If we think we can take a day off from armoring ourselves, the crafty serpent will find a way of surprise attack. And well…you know what happens next. We can begin to doubt God’s goodness, timing, trust for answered prayers etc. etc. "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day…in all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one." (Ephesians 6:13,16) ((hugs)) Valarie
I love the thought that the closer we come to Jesus…more of Him is seen in our lives.
Also, as I look UP to Him instead of AROUND at my circumstances, I can see the things around me with new eyes! I pray too that I’ll be reminded throughout today to be in constant communion with Jesus and bring my cares, worries AND praise to Him!
Reading this truth his morning makes me want to cry out with relief and joy. I’ve been drowning under the weight of criticism of others. For weeks, I’ve been holding onto little jabs taken at my character and I’ve been believing those lies. Yesterday I cracked under the weight. I felt so helpless and alone. Isn’t it amazing that Jesus gives us truth at our most helpless moments and pulls us out of those slimy pits? I don’t have to listen to what others say about me. Jesus has told me that I can draw near to him and he will tell me who I am, in Him.
Your words speak to me, Tricia. I, too, feel so much from the words of others. Too much. I pray that you draw near to Christ and know that you are so loved. Be strong in that knowledge:)
Thank you for sharing this. I am in my first year of residency to become a physician and the amount of care I put into my patients drains me for when I come home to my husband. I’ll be praying for you and me and others who are struggling with this exhaustion. May the Lord be our strength and energy upon returning from work! Stay steadfast friend, for the Lord knows our hearts and will not leave us!!
This was a post that has shown me I am not alone I have been struggling with depression for the past 2 months because my fiancé broke up with me 2 months ago because he fell in love with another women and I have been very low …. This reminds me that I am not alone and I am not going through this by myself Jesus is by my side all the way holding me up!!!
Praying for you during this time, we will probably never know what/who he is protecting us from, but we must rely in Him and trust his plan for our lives, even when we don’t understand ourselves. I have a similar story and luckily with prayer and patience God sent me the most wonderful husband. A true man of God. Praying for peace in your heart today!
Anna! I am praying for you this morning. I pray peace over your life during this extremely difficult time. Depression is the enemies way of robbing life from us. I know because for the last four years on and off I’ve struggled with it due to health issues. Continue to keep strong in the word of God tell the enemy to get behind you when the moments and feelings come. God has a plan and a purpose for your life and a new love will come your way. Praying for you and all my sisters who are weary and struggling with depression.
And that you are worth more than rejection. He chose you to be the bride of Christ. Praying that you feel His love, His perfect love that never disappoints or breaks your heart!
Praying for your this morning Anna….
My prayer is that everyday I , like Levi, will pick up my cross and follow Jesus. I pray that no matter what my life looks like on the outside, I’ll hold onto to his promises and truth. Let me not be tempted by the darkened of the devil, but to live in light with Jesus! Amen!
*darkness :)
‘The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word’. What a great truth to breathe into my life this morning of anxiousness. Lord Jesus please help me to lean into you more each day. Fill my days with prayer and focus on you. I know with more of Jesus there is less and less room for the enemy to take a stronghold in my life.
After a “wilderness” night of anxiety and sleeplessness, I opened my SRT app and read: “The stillness tempts me with voices that say I am not a good enough wife, mother, friend, leader. I am haunted by the ‘what ifs’ and ‘should haves’ and silence.” Exactly how I felt, questioning our move last year to a new state that has been much more of a struggle than my husband and I imagined. So today, with His mercies new, I repent of my anxiety and draw close to Jesus.
Praying for you, Lyle. I have been in a similar life season – moving to a new state (across the country) and having doubts about it along with my Husband… It was challenging, but produced SO much growth. In my faith, in our marriage, in maturity. Through the challenging times, I held on to Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Thank you for sharing your experience and for the encouragement, Beverly!
I love this post. It is such a sweet promise everyday no matter what the day looks like – good or bad – that He always comes close, always pursues us. Resting in that promise today and everyday.
…I also absolutely love the picture of the cows….coming close :)
put this quote as my WhatsApp-Status today!
“The enemy has nothing of worth to offer a soul filled with the truth of God’s Word.”
i long for my soul to be filled with his truth not summitting under the lies of the enemy but soaring above all dark clouds of doubt, holding my face into the bright, warm sun….
today i take the step and believe that he loves me. just loves me.
I’m not facing any true enemies today. Just the anxiety of going back to work after an unexpected week off. The anxiety comes from being away from my daughter again. I fear the weariness that comes from the work week and the energy I lack at the end of each day. I want to save my energy for her, but it’s gone each afternoon. I am 6 months pregnant with her sister and have been praying for time and rest. God answered my prayers with snow, a week off, and time with my girl. I am praying that the evil of exhaustion and day-to-day frustration does not take over again. I’m so thankful for answered prayers and much needed rest in a time when many were troubled with the weather. Much of my state was in turmoil without heat, power, or water. I never suffered one minute. Praying this anxiety and sorrow away. He must have a purpose for me outside of my home and my family. I’m saying prayers that I do HIS work today, with others and with my own daughter. May God be with those who are truly faced with evil.
I am in the same boat. After a week away from my kids (I’m a teacher) I’m nervous and tired about going back. I pray we may both have strength from the truth of God’s love for us AS WE ARE to dive deep into our lives this week.
I wouldn’t normally do this but I am a stay at home mom of my 2
Little ones and cannot imagine the anxiety I would feel if I had to leave them on a daily bases I just found a job I could continue to stay at home without stressing about money. I feel like I am meant to share it with you… You can email me if you would like (I feel silly putting this on here and I’m sorry if I have stepped outta line) [email protected] is my contact.
Thank you for this. During Lent I try to meditate daily on Christ’s 40 days in the desert. I loved tying it into literal time in the desert, re-imagining the brutality of the sun, the intensity of the colors, the cracked lips. Reminded me to bring it to life past the temptation and deprivation.
Anxiety is my constant sin making me not fully trust God… This was a perfect reflection for me… When our anxiety takes over the world is dulled but when we lay out Gods promises and trust in them the world fills with amazing bright and old colors!!
the enemy has nothing of worth to offer
a soul filled with the truth of God
thankful for this place and space where we can
be filled with Truth
so we are able to see clearly the lies of the world
and be reminded to keep our eyes focused solely
on Jesus
That was one of my favorite lines. I may only be filled by God’s truth, no lies from this world.
Me too! I pray for the both of you that your souls be so full the lies have no place to go but back to the pit from which they came.
There is a painting from the late 1500s by an italian artist, Veronese, entitled "The Feast in the House of Levi". This painting was commissioned to replace one lost for the dining hall of a basilica in Venice. It was the topic of much debate and even brought an inquisition from the Catholic Church on the artist. They had wanted a Last Supper style of painting and asked him why the painting included "buffoons, drunks, dwarfs and other vulgarities" – their words. The artist explained that he felt these individuals would have been outside the room that our Lord was enjoying His meal in and He felt he appropriately represented the Supper. He was instructed to correct the excrutiatingly large painting, but instead he renamed it from "A Last Supper" to "The Feast in the House of Levi" and that satisfied the inquiry. Interestingly the church's concern was that, at the time, other countries, specifically Germany used images to "vilify" the catholic church and teach false doctrine. The artist admitted that he didn't know the things pointed out and short of inserting interesting figures into his painting he had no real intent. There was no big message, he stated that he painted to the best of his intelligence and from what his masters had taught him.
All of that to say that I think the artist's take on it is important. We live in a world where we think to be a christian is to be perfect. Both Jesus followers and non-believers alike, assume that we have it all together. A reason we are so quickly judged by society when we err. The belief is that we deserve to be at the table, but the reality is that Jesus did come to save the sinners, the broken. "Those who are well have no need for a physician".
Much like the image painted, Isn't it a simple reality that Jesus loved ALL people, and He especially loved spending time with the broken, hurting and straying folk. Is it such a hard reality to grasp because we forget how to do this? We don't know how to truly love all folk, what that feels like or even how to make it possible. Why do we become so enraged when our view of Christ is challenged? His ministry was for the lost, the "buffoons, the drunks", etc.. and no matter how much I change, how beautiful He makes me I will always count myself among the buffoons. I am nowhere near worth saving, but Christ has invited me to the table. I picture that, just as our dinner guest experienced last night, He sits happily amongst my crazy people; my loud children, my boisterous husband, my emotional self, the dogs wreaking havoc under foot, our two guinea pigs squawking in the back room all the while He breaks bread quietly and smiles, laughs even. He turns my craziness, our craziness, into a masterpiece. i don't worry about any inquisition man may have for me, I *know* I'm broken, we all are, but I know that Christ refines me and I know that in all it's confusing splendor, He desires that my life bring Him glory and He can do that. He can turn something I think or others think so unworthy into something profound, something appearing as one thing, into another and something worthy of inquisition into something sustaining. He may let me paint my own picture, but He guides my hand with each stroke.
Prayerful that my daily picture honors my walk with Christ, that it reflects how He sustains me….that it brings forth conversation to skeptics. ~ B
Thank goodness He turns our craziness into a masterpiece!!
Thank you so much for that beautiful imagery. He turns my craziness into a masterpiece…what peace in knowing that. Blessings!
I am challenged by the practice of eating with sinners. I surround myself with people like me (who are, ironically, sinners just like me–only it's cleaned up and hidden). Jesus didn't go to the after-church lunches. He sought out those who were, as you put it, buffoons and drunks. Let this be an example for me to follow. Inviting those with different views, different lifestyles, different morals to sit at my table and engage. That is The Lord's Supper.
We Christians tend to ignore those few verses, don't we? May we quit separating ourselves from the world but invite them in and love them just as Jesus did for us.
Thank you! Your comment is a blessing!
Today I begin a new weight loss journey, and these words are just the ones I needed to hear: “There will be desert days. Even Jesus endured seasons in the wilderness. In those seasons, He fasted and drew close to His heavenly Father. His physical weakness did not succumb to the Tempter’s plan because His Father nourished Him.”
It’s not me, but Him. Thanks!
Praying you find that closeness and intimacy with Christ that fills the gap food can never fill.
Prayers lifted for you as you begin your journey Sarah….
Sarah, I am beginning a renewed focus on Jesus rather than food today. I personally struggle with a food addiction and I know that the only way I can break free is by being in the Word and leaning on Jesus for strength. I hate the power that food has over me and found strength in how Jesus handled temptation by the devil in today’s passage. I love the scripture from Jeremiah (15:16) that says “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty”. Praying for strength for both of us today!
“There will be desert days. Even Jesus endured seasons in the wilderness.”
It’s like they know me and when they wrote this they knew that I would need to read this on this exact day.
And this happens so many times during different SRT studies. This community has been a life line for me to grab onto God’s Word and promise in some of my toughest moments. I am so thankful for this community & the people involved.
So very grateful for a group of amazing people that I have never even met. Xoxo
“As you come close to Jesus, the world around you will transform and become more beautiful and radiant because you are changed.”
I love this so much! I see so much that is horrifying and sad and tragic and so many hurting, trapped, desperate people – and I often feel trapped and desperate myself, and I want to see the world as God intended it, I want to look out of my window and see the beauty and wonder around me, not viewing others as different and scary and suspicious, but as people with souls and lives and who are loved, loved, loved by God, no matter what they have done. I want to see people and the world as God does – a ruin, but a glorious ruin.
Beautiful, Lauren. Thanks for this!
"… a ruin, but a glorious ruin." Thank you for sharing, Lauren. What you wrote spoke to feelings and thoughts that were on my heart and mind. I too, would love to see the world (and myself) as God does.
“Even Jesus endured seasons in the wilderness.” Such a good reminder that there is nothing wrong with seasons of hardship, sometimes they serve a greater purpose. Praying that I draw near to Him, even in the wilderness.
Jesus extends an invitation to come close at any time and to follow Him, no matter our condition. He calls us to come close minute by minute, every day. He heals, He redeems, He saves, He invites, He accepts – He changes us and our perspective, which draws us into greater understanding that He cares about every detail of our life.
isn’t it amazing, that Jesus call everyone just as they are? He never once said “changed first.” Yet today many churches have this philosophy you must be changed before you can join us.
This is so true!! I have been dealing with his currently in church. Too many people in church "act" the part. I was told if we get the trash out of church it would be better. But if we really got the trash out of church wouldn't it be empty?? Thanks, this hit home and a good reminder that know one is perfect and we need to draw closer to Jesus to get a better out look on life!!
This story reminds me of the tragic events that happened last week of the 21 Christian men who were brutally murdered last week in Libya because of their beliefs and Christian names. This is not a fight against Christians and Muslims, it’s a fight against good vs evil . Join the 7:03 campaign to pray every morning for releasing hate from the hearts of ISIS and those of us who are discouraged by this violence and pray for the families who have lost their loved ones and Christians who continue to fear for their lives in the Middle East. https://www.worldmag.com/mobile/article.php?id=33107
We are so lucky to have our religious freedoms in the US. It makes all of my other thoughts and worries seem so insignificant.
"It's a fight against good vs evil" – – amen amen amen. I pray that more and more people realize this truth! ~ B
The desert came alive when God came close……. Awesome !
Debbie, your message today hit home. After suffering from anxiety for many years, I completely understand your nervousness of being alone and thinking negative thoughts. The devil often uses this opportunity to put ill ideas into our head; however, I have (and am still working hard towards) listening to God during these times. He is able to shift our focus and remind us that He is with us -always. He will always see us through.
Ipage – isn’t it wonderful how each devotional may daily or oftentimes speak to our heart. That’s certainly no coincidence but rather a reminder that God is with us:)
Kylene – I just said a prayer that you and your husband will feel God’s presence this week no matter the outcome.
I feel the Holy Spirit prompting me to post this and I suppose it is a part of coming close, drawing near, and calling on his truth…
But I just wanted to say that I was married to a wonderful, Jesus-loving man who had a pornography addiction and anyone who has lived and loved someone with an addiction knows how difficult that journey is. However, this particular addiction felt more secret and shameful (which is just horrible! I hope and pray that the stigma around it vanishes because it would be great if there was a healthier awareness and discussion about it in the church and in our communities) than others and I felt very, very alone through all of it. I had wonderful and supportive people in my life, but I didn't really have someone who truly got it and understood from experience. I often struggle with feeling like we didn't get the story-book Christian ending of restoration and recovery that we were "supposed" to get, but I cling to, "…and if not, He is still good." So, God-willing, I want to be a resource, a prayer warrior, and a friend to anyone out there who may be enduring the same thing or who resonates with this. That's all :)
Blessings, my SRT sisters. Praying your Lenten seasons are rich and full.
hi taylor
have you looked at an organisation called pornscars, it totally tackles the subject of porn and the church for both men and women
Ill be praying for that :) you will Get the "restoration chapter" sooner than you think!
Praying for you, and thanking you for reaching out on such a hidden topic in the church.
Thank you for your bravery in sharing. I, too, am married to a gentle and kind man who loves Jesus and me, but had a porn addiction as well. Talking about the hurt and pain was heart wrenching but healing over time. There is no healing like letting light shine in the darkness! And clinging to Our Maker for dear life. Thank you for putting out a branch for other women to know they are not alone and pointing to the One who can sustain us!
Yes Taylor thank you for your heart reaching out to others on this very difficult topic… Prayers for restoration, peace, and unmistakable sense of God’s presence continually for you, your husband, and others close to your heart.
Praying for you daughter. I say daughter because I'm probably quite a bit older than you, but have been in your shoes. God brought our marriage through this, Praise God. He has taken us from the dessert into the promise l and. Seek council and support, praying for you marriage healing.
I'm in the same position as you are and I completely understand how hard it is. It's been a year since I've found out about my husband's porn addiction and since he's stopped porn and masturbation completely. He still struggles with temptation and I still struggle with feelings of inadequacy. How can I feel loved when I'm not the only one he wants? But I've grown so so much in God this past year and knowing that I can always go back to him makes everything seem a little bit easier. My marriage has gotten better, our communication has gotten better. It's not easy, it's messy and hard but going through it is making me more Christ-like and that in itself is a blessing. I'll be praying for you! Always hold fast to the Lord and he'll give you absolutely everything you need. <3
Thank you so much for being honest. I completely understand what you are going through. You are not alone. Abide in His love (1 John 4). Be your husband's encourager and fight this battle with him. Get on your knees every night and pray with all you have. God is bigger. God is stronger. 1 John 4:4, "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
God is working with me in just this area right now. While the issue isn’t at its worst, my husband and I both have had issues with it, and bad choices early in life have effected our relationship deeply — right up to this weekend. I really could use prayer, and feel like you were meant to speak to my heart today. Thank you.
I am praying for you! My best friend has walked, is walking through this journey. After 40 years of marriage she discovered the secret that crushed her life. Yet her faith has been steadfast and she is an incredible inspiration. She now helps other women though Bible studies and has even published a book "Diary of an Insane Woman" to help other women through art. I truly will be praying for you. I spend every Friday with my friend and may not be able to relate to her pain but want to be a friend who listens and loves her with a deep and sincere love. I am grateful you have had support and pray you will continue to have others lifting you in prayer. My friend is bring awareness in our community and will soon be speaking at a Christian University. Her battle is difficult and yet God is using her story and life to help others so they don't have to feel alone as you have. Love & Blessings to you.
thank you for sharing. i often feel alone in this journey too. groups you should check out if you are in this journey, (for men) Pure Desire and (for women) Betrayal and Beyond.
Keeping you in prayer!! Im so grateful for this season of Lents devotional….it speaks daily to the situations in my walk!!! Grateful that this allows me to close off the world as I draw near to him!!
Thank you facing a week that may include my husband losing his job I find this so encouraging to just keep coming close to Jesus!
keeping you in prayer for peace, guidance and that you be surrounded with encouragement during this season!!
I'm so sorry to hear that Kylene :( I said a prayer for you and your husband…that no matter the outcome, you will see God's faithfulness and that this season brings you both nearer to Him.
Kylene – I will be prayerful over your family this week. I understand this greatly and hope that Godnprovides a great peace over the outcome. Hopeful that He will provide a glimpse of His plan and knowledge that He will cover and provide all you need….Manna in your desert. ~ B
Praying that God will provide and bless your family.
Same thing in my home. This is the week. My husband has lost his faith, but I continue to feel God's presence and His reminders that even if there is a storm ahead, He's there. I keep praising Him because I know He will magnify himself in this specifically to bring my husband's heart back to Himself. Praying for peace and a mighty work with His hands in your life.
Prayers lifted for you!
Kylene and Meghan, praying for you both!
I have said a prayer for peace, Kylene. We are just coming off a season of unemployment, and knowing prayers were going up for me and my family was so comforting.