
Open Your Bible

Colossians 1:9-23, Colossians 3:1-11, Daniel 7:9-14, Hebrews 1:1-4

This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll continue reading the Pauline Epistles.

What Is Colossians? Colossians is a letter written by Paul to counter false teaching in the city of Colossae. In it, Paul encourages Jewish and Gentile believers alike toward a proper understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He also discusses the practical implications of salvation: because they have been made new in Jesus, their lives as believers should look different from their old lives. 

How Colossians Fits Into the Story: Colossians provides one of the Bible’s fullest expressions of Jesus’s divine identity. This is most evident in the hymn of praise in Colossians 1:15–23, which presents Jesus as the image of the invisible God, the Creator and sustainer of the universe. He is the head of His body, the Church, and the One through whom forgiveness is possible.

Reflection Questions: 
1. Jesus is both fully God and fully man. How does the hymn of praise in Colossians 1:15–23 encourage you to celebrate this truth? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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65 thoughts on "Colossians"

  1. Adrienne says:

    Good morning, SRT sisters! I didn’t mention yesterday that Philippians is one of my fave NT books… we memorized it at church a few summers ago. (Martin Luther said everyone should memorize Romans… too much for this old brain to memorize!) I love Hebrews 3 and the reference to His RADIANCE and POWERFUL WORD… may we always see it!

  2. Maura says:

    Friends, Sisters, how blessed I am to pray for all of you. There is much I have been praying this morning. I don’t have time to list my prayers this morning, but please know you, your families, loved ones are being lifted up in prayer. Please know more than that, God loves you and He will meet you right where you are, you can release it, lay it before Him and know that the Holy Spirit is with you. Our God is right there, He provides, He heals, He makes us strong in the battle. Be still and know. I send love and hugs to all of you this morning. Turn on some praise music – I also love Lauren Daigle, forgive me I forget who mentioned her this morning but let the music remind you, of Who He is and how treasured you are as his daughter. Colossians always encourages my heart. Such joy in the reconciliation, the freedom we have in our Jesus. Colosians 3:3 So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Raise a Hallelujah my Sisters. He hears, pour out your hearts to the One who knows and longs to hold you His child close.

  3. Bonnie Smith says:

    Colossians 1:21-22 really stood out to me. “ Once you were alienated and hostile in your minds as expressed in your evil actions. But now he had reconciled you by his physical body through his death, to present you holy, faultless, and blameless before him. That Jesus would do this for me continues to amaze me and fill my heart with such gratitude and love. I was saved at the age of 53, I’m 70 now. All things are possible with God!!

  4. Emily Tyson says:

    Hello SRT friends, yesterday, a good friend (who I’d been on a few dates with) expressed that challenges and sin patterns in his personal life had led him to a place where he get he was no longer able to lead the relationship well. He said he wanted to serve me well but was not in a place to do that. I’m hurt more by his pain and suffering that our inability to move forward in relationship. I feel like I lost a best friend…a best friend who I can no longer support due to the complexity of the situation. If you could pray for me in this position, and for both my friend and his mentors that they can support and encourage him, I’d really appreciate it!

  5. SarahJoy says:

    This morning as my mind ran ahead to the to do list, I choose to read these passages out loud. Why don’t I do that everyday? The section from Daniel was so powerful! Truly every section rings so strongly with truth that makes me long for the day when we will be united with Christ physically.

    Sunday the message was about the Holy Spirit, and we were reminded that Jesus said it would be *better* for them when He left. Do I believe that we have it better than when Jesus walked on earth? We have MORE access to God through the Holy Spirit IN us than the disciples had with Jesus next to them. All of these jaw dropping things that are true of God the Father and God the Son are offered NOW. His kingdom comes through us through the power of His Spirit! Wow.

    Another miracle- my brother and fiancé have worked through the unbelievably difficult struggles they had and announced that they are going forward with getting married in November. My heart is bursting! It is only God that can bring one to true repentance (a full turning away) and another to forgive and trust God in future regardless of past betrayal. It’s more than I could’ve asked or imagined!

    P.S. I try and scroll back through the requests and pray for you all as I do. So thankful for this space!

    1. Victoria E says:

      Sarah Joy, wonderful news about your brother! Praise God !

  6. Melanie says:

    Reading the comments strengthens my heart. I always don’t get the meaning or the depth that some of you do. Thank you for your comments. Thank you to all the teachers who are going back. My school has been silent which makes me uneasy. My kids need to be in school. They need the structure and I need to be at work. Our son is interviewing at a christian school. It was to much for him so God is making a way for that situation. I didn’t sleep much again due to my pain so praying In His weakness I am strong. Blessing sweet sisters

  7. Amber M. says:

    I love Colossians 1:15-23 because we are not only reminded of the divine nature of Jesus but how it effects us as sinners

  8. Kristine Loughman says:

    He is before ALL THINGS and in Him ALL THINGS hold together! I love this verse, so much that some students gifted me artwork of it at the end of the year. Thank GOD he’s holding it all together. I can let it go into His capable hands. Clinging to this verse especially in this season as my preteen daughter shows signs of disordered eating and I’m at a loss as to how to help her.

    1. Stacey Cothren says:

      I am sorry to hear about this happening with your daughter. Have you thought about counseling?

    2. Susie H says:

      Kristine, I don’t know if this would be helpful but look up Meg Flower on YouTube. She is early 20’s Christian who struggled with eating disorders among other things. She is lovely and Australian so would have a strong appeal to a young girl. Obviously check her out yourself. Praying for you and your daughter.