Christmas Eve: Immanuel Has Come

Open Your Bible

Luke 1:26-56, Matthew 1:18-25, Isaiah 7:14

Today we arrive at God’s fulfillment of all our longings. Life has come to conquer death. Light has arrived to overcome darkness. Love has come to conquer hate and fear. Immanuel has come to be with us.

As the truth of how Jesus came unfolds before us in today’s reading, we can marvel at the unprecedented, history-making miracles our God unfurled. These miracles were foretold first by prophets, and in the case of these readings, by two angels—both supernatural events in themselves.

The angel Gabriel declared three miracles to Mary. First, she would bear a child, despite being a virgin (Luke 1:31,34–35). Second, this child would be the King who would fulfill God’s promises to Israel and to David, whose kingdom has no end—He is the Son of God (vv.32–35). And third, Mary’s cousin who had always been childless had now conceived and was six months pregnant (v.36). He concluded with a pronouncement that sums it all up: “Nothing will be impossible with God” (v.37).

A second angel also expounded on the first two miracles to Mary’s betrothed, Joseph, interrupting his plans to quietly escape the sticky situation with his pregnant fiancé. “Don’t be afraid,” the angel commanded (Matthew 1:20). “She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (v.21).

What a unique way to save the world. God fulfilled His ancient promise to rescue His people while satisfying the longings of a childless older couple and challenging two young people to entrust their lives to Him.  

We can’t miss two other miracles that occurred here: Mary and Joseph each surrendered to God’s mysterious, unfathomable plan. After being deeply troubled at the angel’s greeting, Mary later erupted in praise to God for how He would deliver the world and bring justice, and for how He had favored her and allowed her to be part of His earth-shattering plan (Luke 1:46–55). While Joseph did not share a song of praise, he quietly obeyed the angel’s instruction to not break off his engagement and humbly surrendered to a life where stigma would surround his family and a son who would be his King forever.

Mary and Joseph’s embrace of Christ’s coming with praise and obedience is a most beautiful miracle, one we also have the privilege of partaking in as we respond to their story. Like them, we get to do the difficult things God has called us to. We say yes to His will, even when we don’t understand. And we walk through our dark seasons with hope. Why? Because Christ came for us. And when He did so, He sent us a helper (John 15:26–27). The Spirit works in us—strengthening us, humbling us, and teaching us joyful surrender until the day we are face to face with Him (Romans 8:26-27). Jesus’s coming led to our once-and-for-all salvation and our transformation from now until He comes again. What a miracle!

(84) Comments

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84 thoughts on "Christmas Eve: Immanuel Has Come"

  1. Regina Price says:


  2. Karen Breaux says:

  3. Jenifer N says:


  4. Rhonda J. says:

    Today’s devotional has been posted!

  5. Alexandria Trelow says:

    Merry Christmas all! I’ve never been able to figure out the app, where I can read the daily comments etc. but Jesus had blessed me today and I finally figured it out! I felt like I was missing out on a powerful part of studying with y’all and now I finally can!

    Have the best day!

  6. Mari V says:

    @Michelle Patire….Merry Christmas sweet girl. I’m praying for you right now. Sending you a tight hug!

  7. Michelle Patire says:

    Interceding**** but sure intercept the enemy’s throws lol

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    It is Christmas and I long for the joy Jesus promises. My heart is broken over Satan’s influence in my family’s life. Pleading and waring in the spirit, this morning. If you feel led, please continue intercepting for our family of 9. Merry Christmas, may the Lord be exalted over all of us.


    1. Teresa Donley says:

      I’m just now reading, but I am praying for you and your family. May God bless each sibling, and may His Holy Spirit draw each one to Him. I pray that God will comfort your loving heart that hurts for your family.

  9. Mari V says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS sweet SHE’s! I was wondering what happened this morning and even got confused (happens to this old brain of mine). BUT, now see that TODAYs devo hasn’t posted. I’m going to do what Maria Baer did and not lot the enemy annoy me and go to HE READS TRUTH! Thank you Maria! I went to Christmas Eve service with my kids and was blessed at the very end when the pastor talked about doing our best to be Unhurried (I think we did a bible study like that before) and that word Unhurried spoke to me LOUD AND CLEAR. The service was at 2pm and I had to hurry and get as much done as possible before the service and was anxious during the service thinking about what I yet had to do when I got back home, then I STOPPED! After those words from the pastor, I KNEW I was where I was supposed to be, relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the service. MOST of all I’m SO grateful that both my kids (22 and almost 18 year old),CHOOSE to go to church and are like this church. Well…I better go to HRT, before everyone gets up. Feliz Navidad my dear SWEET SWEET She’s!

  10. Sarah D. says:

    Merry Christmas SRT Family!! My church pastor said this yesterday, “Christmas is the beginning of the completion of the cross…God stooped down to earth, and Jesus, the Son of God, stooped to the cross.” The Bible is so full of Easter eggs foreshadowing Christ’s birth. He was born FOR US. He came at just the right time. The perfect time. God’s timing is perfect, and when he acts, it is overflowing with meaning. Even in the waiting and thousands of years before Christ, there were reflections of the coming Messiah. The Lord desired to dwell WITH his people.
    Not in a tabernacle made by hands…the Holy Spirit would dwell in a different temple – their body. Immanuel, God with us. Who else is like him? What other God would desire to come down to his imperfect, sinful creation? To become LIKE us, and willingly suffer FOR us. What a kind, humble God we serve. He is so detailed and intentional. The Bread of Life, laid in a feeding trough. The Perfect Lamb, wrapped in swaddling clothes, to be the perfect sacrifice, made once, for ALL. May I share him, just like the shepherds. We are so blessed with having his inspired Word. How much more should we share the good news of not only his birth, but also his life, death, and resurrection! And we know know the story ends. One day we will step into heaven and see him face to face. May we glorify him with our lives now and push back darkness now. The Light of the World is with us. May we share his light, so that others will come to know him too. He alone is worthy of our praise. Glory to God in the highest!!

  11. Victoria E says:

    Merry Christmas !! Nothing is impossible with God!

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh! I was going to suggest after reading the scripture for today about the shepherds going to the stable to watch The Chosen’s ” A Special Christmas Presentation- The Shepard!” It is really good. As is The Chosen- “The Messenger” from Christmas 21. You can find on The Chosen’s youtube channel.

  13. Rhonda J. says:

    Merry Christmas SHE’s!
    I am so thankful for you all and the SRT site! It has started my mornings for many years now and brings understanding to the scriptures, strangely forms wonderful and even close relationships with ladies I don’t even know, and keeps me close to Jesus. I find it so surprising that when polled how few Christians actually read the bible. I mean I don’t want to offend anyone (I did not read it either), But, HOW can you/I have a relationship with God if you/I are not reading and learning His very words to us? Too busy, it’s not important, it’s been rewritten so much it’s not even translated correctly….excuses upon excuses is the problem. Or maybe the need isn’t strong enough. All I know is it is the most fascinating, amazing story ever known and told!! The story of God’s people, the ALMIGHTY God that created the world, yet personable that we can talk to and feel and honor.

    I was thrilled that my son that lives back in our home state, got up and drove to our old church for Christmas eve yesterday! (He/we don’t really know anyone there and it’s about 45 minutes from him!) Oh how it blesses a mom’s heart. He said it was about the importance of listening to God’s voice leading you! Perfect! I pray he will make church something that is more that a Christmas/Easter/with your mom/ event! Lord bring your presence on him I pray, draw him to you. Thank you, amen.

    @Kat- Thank you, I was perplexed knowing I had put my name/email and pushed enter!!

    Merry Christmas again, love you all She’s so much! And always going through names in my head at night.

  14. Tiffany Cho says:

    Merry Christmas everyone! I’m in awe of how Jesus came on to the earth as a babe and into our lives. Seeing several different comments from various locations, yet each individual having God with us, Alleluia! It is a joy to worship with you all today and one day we shall be worshipping Him in all of His Glory.

  15. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  16. Maria Baer says:

    I looked for it there but couldn’t find it either, so I read the He Reads Truth and it was beautiful too.

  17. Maria Baer says:

    The app and website are stuck on yesterday’s reading but you know what? Not going to let the enemy annoy me, so I read He Reads Truth. Happy birthday, baby Jesus! What a day! This study has been such a blessing, and I don’t know about you, but this study has made me be present this season, so it feels like I’m seeing everything through a new lens. Yesterday during our Christmas Eve service, I was trying hard to hold the tears of joy. Carols I’ve sang a thousand times, moving me with their words, at the incredible gift God gave us. He loves us so much that HE DID THAT! Hallelujah, sisters! Jesus is here! Merry Christmas!

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      I experienced the same! Everything felt new, different and wonderful! Merry Christmas!

  18. Donna Wolcott says:

    Happy birthday Jesus! Merry Christmas sisters, may your hearts be filled with His peace and joy. Prayers for those who this season are difficult.❤️

  19. Aimee D-R says:

    Thank you Father God for the greatest gift of all..Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas ladies!

  20. Seeking Understanding says:

    In Elizabeth’s sixth month, and Mary stayed about three months…means her cousin was so close to her delivery day and Mary packs up and leaves.

    Is there any cultural significance to not being present at another birthing? Would you have left? Maybe too many others coming to help and Mary did not want to be seen as the unwed mother?

    Not sure how far away they are from each other. But Mary and family fled to Egypt shortly after Jesus birth. John too escaped Herod’s evil wrath. Did Mary and Elizabeth share parenting tips and stories? Did Jesus and John spend any/much of their childhood years together before again meeting at Jesus baptism? Did John recognize his cousin because he spent tome with him or did he know/react in joy the same way to Jesus’ presence as he did when he leap in Elizabeth’s womb?

    Why do I always have so many questions to ponder. The mysteries and the miracles… God’s ways and God’s timing. The answer is always to trust in Him and His perfect gift to us, Jesus! Blessed by Christ’s birth. Hallelujah!

    1. Tiffany Cho says:

      So many good questions! None of which I can answer, but only speculate lol.
      But I wanted to share some years ago I got into a wormhole of discovering everyone has a different way of reading and understanding. Some people, like yourself, interact with text by asking all the questions! Many people visualize when reading. I don’t often visualize or question, but take in text like a sponge. But on some occasions I suddenly get a visual or a question that I ponder on or remember vividly because it’s so unusual for me. I find it so incredible that God can make our brains so different and bring insight to His Word through the Spirit’s revelations and using His people and their interactions with the Word. I guess this is my long way of saying, I appreciate how differently you read the Word, it is so good and in a way that I can’t read it.

  21. Kat D says:

    @Rhonda J. It was a beautiful post and can be found in the HRT comments… ;)

    Interesting that Christmas Day is posted on their site but not on SRT yet. Maybe I am came on during the process.

  22. Anna Faith says:

    Happy Birthday Jessus! Merry Christmas. We give you all the Glory! Amen!

  23. Tina says:

    Happy Birthday Jesus!

    Thank you God, for the greatest gift I will EVER receive, the gift of your Son, Jesus..

    “A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.”
    Isaiah 9:6 GNT

    Thank you Lord God, Thank you..

    BUT GOD..


    Merry Christmas dear hearts covered in much love and hugs and prayers for you and yours..
    Be Blessed!♥️

  24. Sydnie Smith says:

    Merry Christmas Eve from New Mexico. windy and 60° so doesn’t feel much like christmas today but so blessed to celebrate our saviors birth. ❤️

  25. Shamra Hicks says:

    This season has gotten to me like none other before it. I have cried with the marvelousness of Jesus birth and the miracle it was. He came as a babe and them died for me! He did it knowing who I would become and who I had the potential to be for Him! I don’t know of I am realizing it more this year, if I am more humbled by it this year, or what has me in my emotions, but I pray this newfound emotion for Jesus doesn’t leave me!

    1. Anna Faith says:

      During our candle lit service we were singing and I was just crying. It was so beautiful. Just realized how much Gpd loves me and my family. He has been so faithful. I am in awe of the Love of God!

    2. Erin L. says:


  26. Alisabeth Jordan says:

    Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!! I love you ❤️

  27. Rhonda J. says:

    Hello, Merry Christmas Eve! I wrote a post this morning before church but apparently didn’t push the enter although it is not there anymore! It was a beautiful morning at church, even though I want more of church outside the buildings, there is something so special about all gathering together to worship and sing songs of praise together! Plus, knowing we are not getting smaller but larger is very encouraging! It is hope, for a lost world. The hope in Jesus, when we are at our end, He is the healer, the Saviour, the Alpha and Omega, the Lord of lords! We are not worthy, yet in Him we are made anew!! Thank you God! We love you and give you all the glory!!

    @Michelle- keep fighting the good fight! Prayers, you’ve got this, keep going trusting in Him!

  28. HL says:

    Merry Christmas all from upstate SC! So very thankful for everyone’s encouragement and prayers. ❤️

    @CEE GEE I see that you live in the upstate as well?

  29. HL says:

    @MICHELLE PATIRE Praying for you as you navigate this time with your family. Praying that He will continue to use you to shine light in those dark places and bring about peace. Praying that He will continue to show reminders of Himself during this time for you as well.

  30. Cee Gee says:

    MP – ❤

  31. Aja Palmer says:

    You can see my promise
    Even in the winter
    Cause You’re the God of greatness
    Even in a manger
    For all I know of seasons
    Is that You take Your time
    You could have saved us in a second
    Instead You sent a child

  32. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you, Cee Gee ❤️ your posts of encouragement to me are always a blessing!!
    As well as many other Shes here who pray with/for me. Appreciate you ladies!! ❤️❤️

  33. Cee Gee says:

    MICHELLE PATIRE – I just read your post and that breaks my heart for you! I will be praying for strength to fight the enemy’s attack. he must be nervous seeing you and Mario studying the TRUTH together! Stay strong sweet sister knowing we have your back. Hugs!!!

  34. Michelle Patire says:

    Hi ladies. Merry Christmas Eve. ❤️

    I’m having a hard day and I feel like the enemy is doing whatever he can to pin my family against me. I know I am not perfect and fall short, but I’ve had three different siblings hurt me or argue with me in one day. I know the Lord has positioned me to be a light to my family, but I told my friend it feels like I’m walking through a river and the current is going against me… and I’m just slowly wading up stream… feeling the resistance of the water… but still going…
    Some days I feel capable and strong to walk. Today, I feel weak.

    Just wanted to ask for prayers as I continue to face a lot of demonic pushback as I try to bring the light of Jesus to my family. I recognize I am not Jesus. Only He can save them.

    On a brighter note, God did show me he was working in my family with my older brother Mario. He is 33 and does know Jesus, just haven’t seen much growth over the years. Last night we studied the Bible for the first time together and prayed. It was special. So I am aware God is moving. It’s just hard because my family is a family of 9 – it is a lot, sometimes.

    Praying God be with you all.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Michelle Patire I am praying for you! The enemy does not want the Word of God to go out

  35. Missy Csonka says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!! I think about Charlie Brown Christmas story how they talk in the play about the birth of our savior. This brings happy thoughts to mind and smiles. Ladies of SRT….our SHES! May you always remember the hope we have as we wait patiently for our King to come again once and for all! Very Merry Blessed Christmas to all of you and especially those of you that have had loss at this time. Love and Hugs to all ❤️

  36. Monica Wiebe says:

    God is with us!

  37. Susan Bonner says:

    Merry Christmas She’s from soggy north Texas!

  38. Traci Gendron says:

    Merry Christmas Eve!

  39. Candace H. says:

    Amen, and praise to our once and coming King! Merry Christmas, sisters!

  40. Ariana Strickland says:

    Amen! Merry Christmas Eve!

  41. Keli Miles says:

    Thank You, Lord! ❤️

  42. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Christmas Eve ladies! So blessed to have all of you! What a special day.

  43. Rhonda says:

    Merry Christmas, dear sisters ,
    from a little ranch in the Alberta foothills

  44. Brittany Etheridge says:

    Our hope, Emmanuel, has indeed come and is with us forever. ❤️ Merry, merry Christmas to all!

  45. Donna Wolcott says:

    I don’t know if any of you saw The Chosen Christmas program last night, it was beautiful! The music was uplifting and joyful, the scenes from the nativity brought tears to the eyes! If it is on again (in my area it was on the CW network) it is worth watching. Wishing you a joyful Christmas Eve from RI. Prayers for each of you and your loved ones.

    1. Amber Hastings says:

      We watched it and it was amazing ❤️✨ Highly recommend!

  46. Mari V says:

    Merry Christmas from Northern California. And NOPE its not sunny! Its a chilling and foggy 44 degrees. Brr…..

  47. Ashton Morris says:

    Merry Christmas Eve Everyone

  48. Mari V says:

    “Nothing is impossible with God” This promise stands to true TODAY. Even when all the odds are against us still, NOTHING is impossible. I know that in one way or another we’ve all experienced difficult times. Its inevitable. BUT we have JESUS! The Holy Spirit giving strength encouraging us to LOOK up and TRUST! And as Ginny mentions this morning as we walk through those difficult times…we have hope. I can’t imagine doing Life without my Jesus! Merry Christmas Eve sweet She’s! Please know you are all dearly loved.

    1. Keli Miles says:

      Amen! ❤️

  49. Hannah C says:

    God is with us❤️

  50. Cee Gee says:

    “Today we arrive at God’s fulfillment of all our longings. Life has come to conquer death. Light has arrived to overcome darkness. Love has come to conquer hate and fear. Immanuel has come to be with us.”
    Boy, does GINNY OWENS know how to grab your attention or what???!!!

    So thankful for the truths in these verses that, like Tina said, are timeless and for the TRUTH Who is eternal!

    Love, hugs, and prayers to each one reading with special thoughts for LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, LINDA IN NC, GRAMIESUE, and NANCY S (great to see you today, Nancy) and any other long-term caregivers. Also, GAYLE CRAIK, TERESA DONLEY, CATHERINE MCVEY, and others dealing with serious health situations. May God bless you in your obedience and sacrifice. ❤


    Merry Christmas from upstate South Carolina!
    I love this song! Listen to it today if you can.

    Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground) [Live]
    Chris Tomlin
    What hope we hold this starlit night
    A King is born in Bethlehem
    Our journey long, we seek the light
    That leads to the hallowed manger ground
    What fear we felt in the silent age
    400 years can He be found
    But broken by a baby’s cry
    Rejoice in the hallowed manger ground
    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    God incarnate here to dwell
    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    Praise His name Emmanuel
    The son of God, here, born to bleed
    A crown of thorns would pierce His brow
    And we beheld this offering
    Exalted now the King of kings
    Praise God for the hallowed manger ground
    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    God incarnate here to dwell
    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    Praise His name Emmanuel
    Praise His name Emmanuel
    Oh, praise His name Emmanuel

  51. Megan Sanchez says:

    We do in fact walk our dark seasons with hope even when we don’t understand. Thankful to know Him and trust in His plan! Merry Christmas Eve

  52. Tina says:

    A tad late to rhe table today, because yesterday we had little Lorenzo for a sleep over! Our very own family miracle!

    I love the Nothing is impossible for God truth uttered all those years ago, yet, are so so so true today!

    BUT GOD..


    Hope-filled for a very happy and merry Christmas for all, so absolutely and with a thankful heart for you, dear hearts, wrapped in love, hugs and covered in prayers requested or otherwise..❤️❤️❤️

  53. Searching says:

    Praise and obedience … Amen.

    LINDA in NC – thank you for the update. Praying for you and your husband as you navigate the 24/7 caregiving.

    LYNNE FROM AL – continuing to pray for you and Jack. Hope you feel the love coming from your sisters here! Also, praying for little Banks.

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – how wonderful that you were able to enjoy NYC! Praying for total healing in your knee.

    RACHEL – praying for Eden, her family and medical team.

    GAYLE CRAIK – praying for a safe delivery and healthy new grandson!

    CEE GEE ❤️ thank you for your prayers

    Merry Christmas, sisters!

  54. Gayle Craik says:


  55. Allison Bentley says:

    Thank you Lord for the faith and obedience of Mary and Joesph ! Thank You Lord for Jesus and the forgiveness of my sins. Help me Lord to stay focused on Jesus this Advent season and not the things of this world!

  56. Adrienne says:

    Remember, that as Ginny pointed out (and my paraphrase), whatever is going on in your life, nothing will be impossible with God… Luke 1:37 And, as she also pointed out, He sends us a helper (John 15:26-27).

    Merry Christmas, sweet sisters, from Missouri.

  57. Cheryl Blow says:

    Merry Christmas from Oklahoma! I’m so grateful that God makes the impossible possible! He loves us so much that He gave His son for our redemption! Grace and mercy! He brought light to darkness, love to hate, hope to hopelessness, freedom to captives,

  58. A Walton says:

    Beautiful devotional Ginny!
    Happy Christmas Shes!

  59. Maria Baer says:

    I have so much I want to write as a response to today’s devotional because there are so many layers that move me and overwhelm me with joy and gratitude, but it would be very long. So instead I’ll focus on this point— “Nothing will be impossible with God.” God is with us and God is for us. We thank you God for bringing Jesus to the world.

  60. Raquel Kerr says:

    God with us.
    Merry Christmas!

  61. Eileen Dowd says:

    All is well Our King is coming. Praise and honor and glory to you O Emmanuel!!
    Merry Christmas She’s!❤️❤️❤️

  62. Rita Ann says:

    Hallelujah!!! Merry Christmas She’s ❤️❤️❤️

  63. Tami C says:


  64. Tami C says:

    Merry Christmas from New York!! I loved the devo today! “ like Mary and Joseph we get to do the difficult things God has called us to do. We say yes to his well even when we don’t understand. And we walk through our dark seasons with hope! Amen! Help me Lord to walk in obedience to You Father. Help us all to keep our eyes on You amidst all the busyness this season can bring. 

  65. Jeanette Armbrust says:

    Merry Christmas

  66. June Pimpo says:

    What a blessed hope we have!! Merry Christmas to all!

  67. Nancy S says:

    ‘And we walk through our dark seasons with hope. Why? Because Christ came for us.’ Hallelujah! Merry Christmas to you all, with much love & many blessings.

  68. Laura Dianne says:

    Every time I read this portion of Scripture, I am awed at the obedience by Mary and Joseph. I mean, sure they had angels who appeared to them to confirm that everything that was happening was from God Himself, but still…To be the mother and father of Jesus, God’s Son, what a privilege and also what a responsibility. Flawed, sinful humans, parenting a perfect, sinless child. God. It truly is amazing how God allows us to be involved in His story. Although we mess up so many times, He still uses us and allows us to participate. Oh to have the kind of obedience that Mary and Joseph had this year. That is my prayer.

  69. Sarah Scheaf says:

    What an intricate plan of sending a Savior…one no human would or could have conjured up. Mary and Joseph are examples of obedience to be noted and followed!

  70. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Elizabeth said to Mary, “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill what he has spoken to her!”

    Will we not also be blessed when we believe what God has spoken to us through His Word? The Bible is such a gift of mercy. We can know God and how to live a life that brings Him honor and glory.

    RACHEL – praying for Eden and the doctors.

    LINDA IN NC, LYNN FROM AL, GRAMSIESUE, DIANE MOM, NANCY S, SUSAN LANDRETH -praying your family is able to gather with you and lend a hand in caring for your husbands over Christmas.

    Praying those of you traveling arrive safe and sound.

    GAYLE CRAIK – praying for a safe delivery of the grandbaby

  71. Michelle Smith says:

    Thank you Jesus for being WITH us, Immanuel. You in all your glory choose to be with us, lowly creatures as Mary said. In the big and in the small details of our life you are with us. Thank you Jesus, all hail the king!

  72. Faith O’Bryon says:

    God is with us!!! Amen!

  73. Patricia Ivery says:


  74. Erica Chiarelli says:

    For Nothing shall be impossible for our God! A wonderful reminder right now; thank You Jesus!!
    We focus on You and You alone!!