Scripture Reading: Luke 5:18-26, Matthew 12:10-13, Luke 13:10-17, John 5:1-15
The migraines started in the winter. At times I was dizzy, other times nauseated, but my head was always pounding. In the summer, I sat across from a doctor as he explained that I had a rare, incurable condition called Diabetes Insipidus. Basically put, my body can’t retain water, which means if I drink a glass of water, it travels through my body in about 25 minutes. It’s an endless cycle of hydration, a thirst that’s never quenched.
At first, it was a relief just to have an answer. But over time my morale tanked and my body crashed. I found myself using most of my energy just to get the prescribed nine to eleven liters of water into my system each day. There was no cure. No rest.
When I read about Jesus healing the man at Bethesda, I come a little undone. Not because all is suddenly well, but because I can so easily imagine the man giving up hope after living on the fringe of community for so long. What I cannot imagine is thirty-eight years of a broken body. One year has been more than enough for me, and a lifetime is far too much to think about if I want to keep my sanity.
But here’s the thing that really haunts me: Jesus says to the man, “Get up… pick up your mat and walk” (John 5:8). He tells the man to walk, but He doesn’t just mean physically. There’s always a bigger picture with Jesus.
Scripture tells us a Jewish festival was taking place at that time in Jerusalem (v.1). The healed man was able to attend the feast as a restored member of society, no longer an outcast. During the celebration at the temple, Jesus finds him and says, “See, you are well. Do not sin anymore, so that something worse doesn’t happen to you” (v.14).
Jesus is getting at something much deeper—our sweet Savior is talking about the heart, about spiritual paralysis. He says, in essence, “You think that was bad? There are far worse fates.” Jesus’ charge to walk has a much more significant meaning: to step forward in faith, repent, and believe. The physical healing was never the end of the story.
When faced with long-term devastation, we ache because we feel that horrible tension of longing for better while living with broken. To watch Christ administer miraculous healing to broken bodies in Scripture reminds us that one day, we will all be healed and whole and well. But now, today, we live in both broken bodies and a broken world.
There are days when I go a few hours and forget that my body is broken. But there are also days when I feel myself starting to lose my grip—when I look in the mirror and think to myself, Surely, this is going to stop. And it doesn’t.
So this is what I do: I take slow, steady sips of water. I take one day at a time. And by His grace, I lean into Jesus, through the long-term illness that keeps me close to Him. When I feel paralyzed by what seems to be both a life sentence and a death sentence, I find that He is ever-present in my struggle (Psalm 46:1).
Jesus beckons to me in my broken, crippled body to “pick up my mat, and walk.” He invites me into faith, into a taste of eternity now in relationship with Him.

Melissa Zaldivar is a social in the world of academics and an academic in the world of socials. Ever the Enneagram Six, she likes to dream big, talk herself out of it, and then just do the thing already. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and Bible/Theology as well as a Master’s in Theology. Her passions include eating Jimmy John’s sandwiches, showing people pictures of her nieces, and nerding out over biblical languages. If you ever need to know anything about obscure Puritanical American history or NASA, she’s your girl.
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78 thoughts on "Christ Restores Broken Bodies"
This article hits close to home with me, as soon as I saw the word migraine; lights went off. I have suffered from migraines most of my life, they started around the age of 9, I am now 21. With this said, the pain has greatly affected the way I live my life, I remember days when the pain was the worst, I would lie in my bed in a dark room and ask myself “how will God ever use me if I have this much pain all the time? How can God create a future for me when all I can do with my migraines is close myself off from the world?” Sometimes the thought that migraines would plague my life into my later years scared me a lot, how would I work through the pain to do the things I know God so wanted me to do? I got to a point where I realized that I could have it a lot worse, that I was thankful for the many blessings God had put in my life thus far, I understood that God was and would continue to hold me through the pain, and fulfill the good work He had started in me. I am doing a lot better now, with lots of prayer, and a migraine prevention medicine. I wouldn’t wish the pain on anyone, but I am thankful for the realization God brought unto my heart through my pain, I wasn’t alone, as every one of you is not alone in your suffering whatever it may be. You are loved, you are chosen, and you are a daughter of a Heavenly Father who cares about you more than you can comprehend, just let that sink in.
I know this isn’t the same. But I also long for healing. My problem is my mind not my body. I have bipolar type two and post, my mind just holds me hostage and I feel so out of control. Things have gotten better the last year, but still…I just wish God would take this from me
Praying for you, sweet Mel. Asking the Lord to restore your mind and to release you from this. So, so grateful for you.
– Stormye
I prayed and asked Holy Spirit this morning to open my eyes thru devotions. This so resonated with me. Have been dealing with some debilitating symptoms on/off for the last several years. Recently diagnosed with Sjogrens syndrome. Have been syruggling with fear, body image, fatigue. asking God for healing. BUT GOD ..i am learning at 55 to really lean in, trust that God is for me. would not want to be anywhere else. PRAISE GOD
Yes, moving forward and walking daily. Jesus heals today…. I do not have to wait for my healing . He is the WORD !!
I shared a bit the other day but this study really spoke to me. Background: was in hospital for surgery Aug 30, 5 days later they came and said they had to take my colon. All of a sudden words like Crohn’s and Colitis are being tossed at me. ME! I’m never sick. I have no history that goes with those 2 diseases. They take the colon —do pathology on it-no signs of either…what the heck. Life with an ostomy has been extremely difficult for me and I know the only way I have got through the last 7 months is GOD. Patience, hope, trust!! My mantra. PRAISE GOD, I received good news this week, I am having surgery to reattach in September. Why this happened I don’t know. What I do know is that “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength”, and “In what time I am afraid I will trust”. Hard to trust in the midst of pain and questions but when it’s all you have to hang on to–you do. I thank God for the surgery (never I’d say that) but more important I thank Him for the journey of faith, hope and trust He’s brought me and continues to bring me through.
Peace that only Jesus provides! I am bi-polar and His word is where I go to find peace! Thank you!
Thank you.
Oh how timely considering I had to take my boyfriend into an emergency root canal this morning. He’s been having various tenderness and pain in his mouth for all his life. This is just one of those things for him and it frustrates him to no end because he hates feeling weak. Glad to read this today.
I am so thankful that Jesus is healer. Not just of our hearts, but our bodies too. NOTHING is impossible with him.
I believe Lord. Heal me!
This reading challenges me so much. I have such a heart to see people healed. My greatest fears are linked with sickness and my greatest hopes are to see God heal. In His Word, it’s so simple. Jesus and the disciples just wield His authority, commanding and seeing the glory. I struggle with praying for others because I’ve seen them ‘not healed’ too many times. I’m not sure how to share that healing power of Christ when it doesn’t always feel like it shows up. I still pray and give God the glory, but I’m seeking to see things deeper like He did– more of the heart and less of the physical.
This post blessed me so much today! I recently had open-heart surgery due to a head-on collision with a drunk driver, and I’m amazed at how merciful my God is. My surgeons told me that they were amazed that I didn’t “bleed out” and that I “shouldn’t be here.” Hearing that being tears of joy to my eyes. He is still working miracles!
He is so loving!
Amazed and inspired by your story and your beautiful faith!!
I am at this moment praying for my brain to communicate with my fingers. Thank you Jesus, for being the light. I reside in a broken body. I have MS. I mostly live in my bed. I have prayed for healing. I have hoped for miracle. I beg your forgiveness for my awkward fumbling with words, thought, and grammer. My grace is sufficient, for you goes round my mind. I am recalling a story about two vessels of clay for carrying water, one new and whole, one weathered and cracked. Every day the master takes both pots on the journey to the well. He fills both pots to the brim. The whole vessel does a wonderful job bringing home every last drop of water. The cracked vessel loses about half of it’s contents on the homeward journey and feels ashamed. The master tells the pot that he takes it along because of the good job it does… the pot brings home half the amount of the water, which is just the amount he needs and then he turns the vessel to look back on the path they have traveled to see the beautiful flowers growing all along the side of the road. The Master than thanks the vessel for watering the flowers that make his journey to well enjoyable… I think that my point is that God makes all things work for good… even our brokenness. Nothing is impossible for God.
Thank you for sharing. That illustration really emphasizes that God does indeed work all things for our good.
Thank you for your post. I will be praying for you Elle. May the Lord wrap His loving arms around you and bring you close to Him.
Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful illustration!
I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease 28 years ago. Not an easy journey. But I have been in deep remission for the past six years (praise God!). Oh but I am desperate for healing still – healing of attitudes that creep in that are anything but pleasing to the Lord. A critical spirit. Sarcasm. Frustration that turns to resentment. These are far harder to live with and root out than my physical condition. Thank you, Melissa, for your transparency and for reminding me that physical healing is never the end of the story. I’m praying for all of us with broken bodies and broken souls – for complete healing so that we all walk in the fullness of joy found in Jesus.
My SIL has Crohn’s. She is not a believer. She has recently extricated herself from our family. One of my deepest prayers is that God might heal her physically as a means to heal her spiritually as well. She has a lot of bitterness with regards to her disease.
I’m happy to hear you are in remission!
I will add your SIL to my prayers. I take IV Remicade every eight weeks. It works for me. I have a wonderful gastroenterologist. I was diagnosed when our daughters were 2 years old and a newborn. But healing did not come then when of course I thought that would be the best time. But God was faithful to walk alongside and through the valleys. I pray now for healing for what I call attitude ailments. They are every bit as discouraging as the Crohns. I am trusting that He will heal me in this area as well..
I also have Crohn’s disease, but was only diagnosed 7 years ago. I am able to mostly maintain it with medications and diet, but I still have awful flares. It brings me such joy to hear that you have been dealing with it for so long, but still have such a wonderful outlook on life. I’m just now learning to turn my frustration and self pity into gratefulness for the blessings I do have. I’ve even learned to laugh through the difficult times. I attribute my change of heart to the Holy Spirit. Thank you for sharing your story and prayers for continued remission!
Dear Melissa, I have had Diabetes Insipitus for 36 years from the surgery to remove a pituitary tumor. In the hospital I was given medicine to blow up my nose in 1981 and it regulates the water. I took it every 24 hours or when I would start going a lot. Stress can override the med., so you take some more. Now it is available in pill form so it needs no refrigeration. It is Dessmopressant Acetate.
It is not curable but I am not affected by it except to take the medicine. The idea is to keep your body going potty regular amount of time, if it increases, take a partial pill. I lead a peaceful quite life as it relates to taking liquid and elimination of liquid. And please get rid of your Dr., regular drs know of this condition and the meds. I hope you get help. It never caused my migraines, that was BP. Teaching His-Story for Him, Julie Bedford [email protected]
Julie and Melissa!! I really thought I was the only one out there with DI. Mine, too,was a result of pituitary tumor surgery. Desmopressin has saved my life. The pill form is so much easier than the nose spray. I thank God for giving us these meds so we can live regulated lives. Melissa, I recommend you run, don’t walk to a doctor’s office and get a prescription today. It is a game changer. Blessings to you both, your sister in Christ, Karen
Thank you for your added comments to support my story! Yes, dessmopressin is the correct spelling. And people, even on this blog think it has something to do with diabetes 1 or 2!!! I have even had my blood drawn in the hospital to check sugar level! I had to demand they stop taking it, I don’t have Diabetes Militus (sp) at all! Health workers are learning about it but 36 years ago they knew nothing, I would have to take my medicine to the hospital!
I haven’t read any of these daily devotions in this particular one, and have been pulled away from doing a lot of my reading… BUT…. God, He led me back, He is leading me to Him. I am type two diabetic, and needless to say, the lifestyle is hard.. I try to stay on the wagon so to speak, but then life happens.
Suddenly, I realized the meds I was on were causing me reactions that were limiting me.. pounding heart, extreme abdominal pain… Here is where God stepped in, I prayed for guidance to restore my body to be what He has in my life plan… I called my N.P. , she allowed me to change meds, but not really wanting too… well those are not working, so where do I go, to the One who created every fiber of my being… I may not ever be completely well, but God will heal me when His timing is right. I must pick up my mat, my comfort place, my life and go to Him… I must listen for His guidance, He will never leave me nor forsake me…Just like the man on the mat, I must forever take the steps that lead to healing…. That my friend is Eternal healing…
Thanks for these daily devotional readings… I grow when I learn, watering my soul one scripture at a time…
This so so much what I needed to hear today. I’ve been suffering with depression and anxiety for 4 months. I finally went to Dr yesterday. He had prescribed medicine for me. I’m needing to trust God this is what I need for this time now. Some of the side effects are kicking in. At first I just wanted to stay in bed and see if I could sleep it off. I couldn’t go to sleep, then I heard God tell me get up and do your devotions. Read this and it really spoke to me to “get up my mat and walk”. I am choosing to believe He will heal me if this anxiety and depression. Please pray and agree with me on this.
Praying for you right now Carol, please pray for me too!
Carol, I believe in prayer with you that you are healed and whole from anxiety and depression in Jesus’ name. May He heal those anxious and depressed thoughts and emotions. I pray He bring peace and wholeness to you! I will help you carry your mat and walk! Love you sister.
Carol, I agree with Lauren. It has worked for me. However, you anxiety and depression might be underlying causes of a medical condition. For me, it was an under-active thyroid. I thought I was loosing my mind. I was so anxious. I dropped out of college because of it. My thyroid hormones were out of wack. Through prayer and change of diet, I have almost eliminated my anxiety. I graduate in a few weeks too! I want you to know, you are not alone. Prayer, song, meditation, rich & nourishing foods, and lots of support will help! Please do not be afraid of counseling either. Trust in the Lord to lead you back to health. I will be praying for you my beautiful, brave friend. Listen (I know it is hard when you have anxiety/depression)(You are stronger than this illness afflicting you!!!) and He will lead!
Yes, my anxiety also stems from an underactive thyroid. I stupidly did not take my medicine for the last two years or so and my body and mind have been out of control since the middle of March. Currently back on my medicine and working through lots of physical and mental issues. I have done more praying and scripture memory this past month than I have in a long time. Praying for peace and healing during this season.
I have anxiety and panic attacks. It mostly happens in the dark of night. I “take up my mat” and my Bible and read until calm returns and then I try to sleep. Sometimes it is several times a night but God is good It’s getting better. I will be praying for you friend
I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since my late teens (I’m now 35). On and off multiple meds, seeing different dr’s and naturopaths, therapy, hospital visits…it’s is exhausting and terrifying. These last few months, its improved some….I believe that’s Jesus giving me some relief after praying for healing for many years. This may be the load I have to carry for the rest of my life, but I’m grateful for every good day He grants me. I’m still just trying to learn to lean into Him…thankful He’s always there to hold me.
Loved the last study question instructing us to read genesis 1 and john 1 and asking the significance of words that come from the mouth of God. I was so excited to open the new SRT Bible and to write in the margins!!! Beautiful work! It is a gorgeous Bible!
Genesis 1: God saw… God said.
John 1: God’s Word is a being. God’s word = Holy Spirit. If we choose to receive Him, we too become children of God who live according to his will. John saw Jesus and he testified (spoke). Jesus saw Nathanael and he spoke to him.
All throughout our reading today, Jesus saw and he spoke. In Genesis God saw and he spoke. In John, the Word is an actual being (part of God) that creates all things. We see John seeing and speaking the Word. We see Jesus seeing and speaking the Word.
God’s Word creates.
I love how in these studies it’s been pointed out that it’s not just about healing physical illness. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Miracles are about bringing you and your witnesses closer to God. They’re about you seeing and testifying (speaking).
Here are the things I wrote down if you want a miracle based on what I’ve learned thus far in this study.l:
1) trust God sees you
2) use your words to tell God what you want, for you are a child of God and he always hears and sees you
3) trust in God’s plan no matter what happens, even if you don’t understand it. Allow your current situation to deepen your relationship with Him. Seek spiritual healing above all else. Pray for sight.
When I was in the 9th grade, I broke my neck. My family put me on the prayer line and the break was miraculously healed. But my injuries were still so severe (mild brain damage, head trauma, back trauma, neck trauma, etc) that I couldn’t go back to school for a long time. In that isolation, I found a level of acceptance and trust in God. So many physical and spiritual miracles took place. God blessed me with a friend who was battling cancer and we encouraged each other (though he was better at it than I was). He didn’t live, but in a way he was healed before me. He told me had achieved spiritual healing (he was only 13) and he passed with great peace. I one day hope to be healed like he was. I also hope to do great things in my life for the Glory of God and also in my friend’s honor.
Oh, Lana. Thank you for sharing your story. I wrote down your takeaways in the margins of my Bible. I cannot express how much I need that. THANK YOU!
Lana, I just wanted to say thank you for being such an encouragement to me today by sharing your story and your thoughts on the study. God bless you.
Thank you for sharing your story, Melissa! What a powerful thing Christ is doing through you!
Thank you for sharing your story so truthfully.
Lord, I lift up these precious sisters in Christ to Your Throne of Grace asking You to please make their suffering count for eternity. Please,Lord Jesus, draw them close and comfort them that they in turn may comfort others with that same comfort. In Christ I pray, Amen
Thank you all for sharing your stories!
I’ve been sitting with this scripture for about a week and a half since studying it in the Unashamed workbook. I’ve been healed mentally and physically and have seen so much healing in others. But so often I get stuck and don’t take action. I freeze, wanting to take the perfect actions or next steps. (As an enneagram 9 with a strong 1 wing ;) ). I too often sit in a pile of shame while holding my healing because taking up my mat & walking seems exhausting & scary. So, this scripture has been reminding me to be a person of action. I doubt the man stood up from his mat and had it all together and the smoothest gate in town. It probably took him a second to get the hang of walking, but he did it. So, this scripture reminds me to move forward and take steps in faith because even if those are not perfect they are better than staying on my mat.
This is so timely for me. I currently have cancer. I feel fine most of the time and often forget it’s there, but there are times that my body just feels like my enemy. To be honest, sometimes I just want out of it; a new body, complete healing here while on earth. I do long for restoration. To have miraculous healing from this. Reading the healing stories and even seeing the healing of others stirs up this question in me: “Why can’t that be me?” I hate having that feeling, because a bit of envy and sadness comes with it. I look at others lives of having families and relationships and not being sick and that question pops up again. With the same feelings. And I find myself finally opening up to God, which is what He ultimately wants me to do instead of stuffing it. He speaks words of comfort. Words of love. Words of healing to my soul. That I am valuable. I am loved. I am His.
I know God will heal me in His timing, whether it be supernatural healing or healing through the treatments I receive. I know God will restore brokenness in my body and relationships. I just have to keep walking, keep seeking Him and know that someday my prayers for restoration will be answered.
Praying for you! Strength to take it one day at a time.
I love you and I’m praying for you.
May healing be yours in the name of Jesus! Like He said “woman thou art loosed from thine infirmity” keep the faith. Love you. God bless you.
thank you for sharing your story with us! I pray God heals you completely and gives you a supernatural peace in the process.
Thank you for your story. I am praying for you. As you take steps forward toward our eternal destination that God will give you strength, courage and peace to make you walk easier, these three, by no means are all the gifts God bestows to us, but I feel those will be of great use to you… Blessings to you ….
Thank you for sharing this. So encouraged by your words this morning. Please know we are praying for you and asking God for healing!
– Stormye
Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. I appreciate it and I love this community <3
Gosh, I’m so humbled by this reading this morning and I am so sorry for all of you sweet gals who suffer physically.. Jesus, You had such a compassionate heart for those who suffered.. I lift up all the women who have shared their battles with physical pain and illness, for those who have not shared but know all too well the daily moment by moment struggle of suffering.. please, God meet them in their agony.. heal their ailing bodies, restore them to good health.. this is the request in our humanity, when we can’t see what You are doing or why You allow what You do.. but You are trustworthy and Your ways are not our ways they are higher.. we want health and happiness, You want far more than those for us.. Paul asked You three specific occasions to remove the thorn in his flesh.. to heal whatever was irksome to his body, but You replied, “My grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made manifest in your weakness” it wasn’t the answer Paul wanted, it was they answer God gave though.. His concern for us is far greater than we can fathom.. His love gives us what changes us from the inside.. praying His love and His arms of comfort tightly around all who suffer this day.. in His massive never ending love I pray.. amen
Thank you Diane, I prayed this along with you for these brave and beautiful women who have shared their physical burdens this morning.
Praying in complete agreement with you Diane! I love what you wrote … thank you for praying these words, for declaring Gods complete healing.
Can anyone give additional insight into the significance of Sabbath day healings? It seems Jesus is making a point to remind us to never rest from helping and loving others.
That was exactly what I was picking up over these last couple days. My husband and I were just discussing sabbath and what that should look like. I’m so thankful for the Word and how Jesus’s life (just his everyday life) shows us what the Father has for us and how to walk in it.
Matt Chandler recently spoke a good word on the Sabbath called “Work and Rest”.
Thank you! I’m excited to plunge in, Erica. And I was definitely wondering about this but didn’t think to ask the question, K. Marie. And finally, Kristen, we are also in the same season.
Sin for Jesus is not disturbing the Sabbath rest. For the Pharisees sin was breaking the law. One of those laws was that on Sabbath you may not do anything. Jesus makes it clear that you should do on Sabbath nothing that destroys people, makes them small, humiliates them, but helping someone, doing something right for people, that is just what God wants us to do, whether it’s Sabbath is or any other day. (Marcus 3, 1-6)
This is just my opinion, but I hope it helps you. And sorry if I made some mistakes against the English, I come from Belgium.
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of praying for a family who knew the need for salvation. They were about to lose their precious college age daughter after an accident and they knew physical healing wouldn’t come, so knowing that her life choices weren’t quite for Jesus, they were requesting prayer for her salvation, prayer that she’d be let into Heaven. My heart hurt so greatly for theirs and I prayed the entire day before they let her go, that Jesus would meet her while she lay in a coma.
In ten days, my family and I are taking a much needed vacation in a still very “up in the air” season. As we have planned out our vacation “bucket list”, many things have come up that I can not do with my children. I’ll sit sidelined while they enjoy the fun, admittedly, that bothered me a little bit but I’ve encouraged them that I’ll consider those times respites and allow myself to enjoy a sweet dessert or tasty beverage while I wait. The other day a ride came up that had us debating whether or not I could push it, just once. My son was distraught over the idea and expressed that he was afraid of the “what ifs”, so to speak, and I realized that I didn’t need to worry so much about those particular memories here, the best gift I can give my children (and as a child who has lost both parents also received), is the gift of knowing where I will be when I *do* pass away and in the meantime, that I do what I can to not lessen my time here with them, so if avoiding exciting rides, shows and other things does that for me, for them, so be it. My mom had to do the same thing and honestly, I remember those experiences no differently, she was still such a huge part of those days and I am confident that my children will have the same memories. Not to mention, the joy I will get from watching my kids have fun. There is something so incredibly sweet about that luxury, so I’ll consider it a beautiful benefit to this new way of life, the pleasure of just being.
Sometimes healing doesn’t come and our physical bodies remain broken and what we thought our life would look like changes a little bit BUT we can find peace in knowing that Christ knows our pain, He knows the heartache that comes with disappointment, trauma and brokenness and He won’t leave us in it. He desires to walk it out with us and to ease our burdens through it.
The best thing we can do for ourselves, for our loved ones is know, love and walk with Christ. The peace that comes with that is ten fold and His love is immeasurable … It is greater than any experience we could ever encounter here.
Thank you for this. Have a blessed day!
Wow. Thank you so much for sharing this. I really needed it.
diagnosed with MS , I am hyper aware of my limbs most days. I am going to try and refocus that energy into Jesus. instead of groaning that something else in my body is awry, I need to use those time to lean on Jesus. thank you for sharing your heart Melissa.
Praying for you Noami. I love your positive mind!
bless you, thank you
Praying for you, Naomi. Asking the Lord to bring comfort to your day-to-day activities and allow you to focus on Jesus.
– Stormye
thank you, bless you!
My debilitating migraines finally stopped when I removed all gluten from my diet. But then…a chronic disease attacked my system a year later and remains to this day. Your words spoke volumes to me, Melissa. Thank you for reminding me, “One day at a time.”
Praying for healing for you Karen!
I’ve been in this season of waiting for what seems like awhile. Waiting for the right timing for children, waiting to be a stay at home mom, waiting for God to give me something BIG to be apart of, waiting, waiting, waiting. Up until recently I’ve been content in my waiting, the desire still exists, but I’ve been patiently going about life and allowing Him to move in His timing. Yet all of a sudden I had this sting of jealousy and discontentment the other day that I couldn’t ignore. It brought me into a terribly murky place and I felt like I couldn’t escape. Friends of mine are starting their families and living dreams that I’ve dreamt of since I was a child and it all hit me really hard and the jealousy that sprung out of me was frightening. I have a good, amazing life, don’t get me wrong, but all of a sudden I wanted more. This study today got me thinking of how little my eyes have been turned upward throughout this season, but instead turned inward. My focus and little faith I have has been for my hopes and dreams, not His. How much have I missed out on because of my selfish heart? I’m praying today for strength to overcome the frustration and disappointment of what seems like continual waiting and point my gaze to Him who makes all things and gives all good things to us who are undeserving.
It’s like you’re in my head! I’ve been in a really similar season for the past several years, and it’s a tough one – especially when “everything else” in life is looking pretty good. I pray for both of us this morning to lift our eyes and be present in the place God has us for now, and that we would trust in his plan. I pray also for grace and hope and peace in the midst of it.
I’ve been in uncertain times of waiting, so many times in just the past decade! The best phrase came to me when I was searching for a new place for my family to live, last year when we got 2 months notice we were moving — in the bedroom of this home we toured where we would eventually live, there was a succulent with this quote: “Uncertainty is God’s canvas for faithfulness and deep growth.” It has stuck with me; hoping it helps you thrive in this season of uncertainty, knowing our Good God is growing something deeper in your life than you could ever cultivate on your own! Praying for you!
Yes! I’ve been in this situation for the past 4 years. Waiting. It’s been so difficult especially when so many people I know don’t have to wait. After 3 years of trying I’m finally 9 weeks pregnant. I’m overwhelmed, grateful and know that this child belongs to God and He’s letting me raise it. It’s still hard because women I know are also pregnant with their 2nd, 3rd or 4th child. I’ve waited for so long and so many are moving along like it completely easy. I’m trying not to fall into that thought trap! But instead praising God for hearing my prayers. God’s timing is perfect even if we don’t always understand it.
Praying for you and your little one! So excited for you.
– Stormye
What a beautiful, although painful, realization to come to. Thank you for sharing. So grateful to have you in the SRT community.
– Stormye
I love your question of wondering how much you’ve missed because of a jealous heart. I can totally relate to that, and it seems like jealousy and envy are more commonplace in those times of waiting, which is already difficult. Thank you for sharing your heart today.
Melissa your story today touched me. Thank you for sharing. I pray for your healing and for God’s mercy. I suffered for 8 years with chronic almost daily migraine. Hospitalized repeatedly. With 2 little ones and my hubby working hard in a Phd program-they were dark days. I once took a cab home from the ER in the middle of the night so my girls could go home with Dad and go to bed. I prayed for healing. Every single day. It was torture. I believe God led us to the right doctors. I believe He held me so close-even though my faith lagged. I’ve been migraine free for 10 years. ( I had a hysterectomy – the migraines were hormonal). This was unconventional (to say the least!) but-for me, it worked. Hallelujah!! Clearly, not all illnesses are answered with a cure. I believe mine helped open my spiritual eyes. I have a much deeper faith than I had before. And so does my husband! We thank God everyday for that blessing.
What a great testimony! Thank you for sharing!
Slow, steady sips of water and slow, steady steps of faith. Thanks for sharing your heart and for the reminder to take each step with him, day by day.
Thanks for being so real, Melissa. Praise Jesus that we can lean into Him, even in the broken. He is near.
Picking up my mat this morning… And walking in faith.. that He who gave, that I might, walks alongside me, whatever the struggle, no matter what..
Holding fast to the truth…that my redeemed lives and by and in His word I move forward… Amen.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you.
Melissa, bless you for this. Praying a miracle for you today…but if not, Lord, i pray it is a good day filled with all things amazing and God ♡
Blessings Sisters.
Thank you Melissa and thank you Tina. So timely.
Many Blessings.