Christ Conquers Death

Open Your Bible

Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 7:11-17, John 11:17-44

Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 7:11-17, John 11:17-44

In Matthew 9, we encounter one of the strangest miracles recorded in the Gospels.

A religious leader sought Jesus for help. His daughter was near death, and he knew Jesus could heal her. “Come and lay your hand on her, and she will live,” he begged (v.18). Jesus immediately got up and went to the girl, healing a woman along the way. “Have courage, daughter,” He told the woman, then He continued on (v.22).

When Jesus arrived at the religious leader’s house, He made a startling pronouncement to the crowd that had gathered there: “The girl is not dead but asleep” (v.24). And do you know how that lamenting crowd responded? They laughed. We may chastise them in our heads, but can we blame them? The girl was dead, and this man arrived and proclaimed that, no, she wasn’t dead—just napping.

Then Jesus did what only He can do. He brought life from death. He went into the room, took the girl’s hand, and she got up. The one whose death the crowd was grieving stood up and walked out to greet them, alive as can be.

Miracles do not fit a formula. There is no incantation, no guarantee for the super faithful. The nature of miracles can be hard to understand on this side of eternity. But that’s okay, because the miracles themselves are not the point.

In John 11 we see Jesus raise His friend Lazarus from the dead. But before He does, He pauses for this brief exchange with Martha, Lazarus’ sister:

Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”

Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life” (vv.23-25).

When I imagine Jesus speaking these words, I suspect He put an emphasis on the “I am” in verse 25. “I am the resurrection”as if to pose a direct challenge to the notion that He was merely the means of resurrection, rather than the resurrection in the flesh. Jesus knew the temptation we face with miracles is to desire the gift more than the Giver (John 6:26-27). He was quick to make the distinction.

The Gospel accounts of Jesus conquering death seem like the ultimate of all miracles. But really, they were only a short-term (and yes, miraculous) solution to a long-term problem. The only source of real and lasting hope is not a miracle, but the Messiah.

“I am the resurrection,” Jesus said to Martha.

As glorious and dazzling as a miracle can be, it has only an ounce of the power and glory of the Savior.

This is the message behind all these earthly miracles we’ve studied: Jesus is better. Christ didn’t simply delay death a little while; He overcame it once and for all. Death has ultimately died. This we know to be true.

“Have courage, daughter.” In Christ, our hope remains.



Sharon Hodde Miller is a writer, speaker, pastor’s wife, and mom of two boys. She is a regular contributor to Christianity Today and recently completed her Ph.D, which focused on cultivating the gifts of women in the church.

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114 thoughts on "Christ Conquers Death"

  1. Erika says:

    Such a profound truth! And what a gift!

  2. Debbie says:

    Noelle lean as hard as you can into our Heavenly Father. I am lifting you up in prayer at this very moment, knowing that God is wrapping his arms around you, holding you tightly and rocking you as his child. Noelle, this is an old hymn that I remember as a child…..Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone, Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, just because He lives.
    Know that I will continue praying for you and thinking about you from Florida.

  3. Louise says:

    Noelle, I’m glad youve messaged again. You’re beautiful! He know every hair on your head. God loves you! I’ve felt what you’re feeling. It’s horrid. But God , but God but God he hasn’t finished with you yet. He is in you and with you and before you. He won’t let you go because he has so much he wants for you that will bring him glory. I’m happy to email with you if that would help at all. These song lyrics are lovely (The Newsboys)Nothing can separate:
    Nothing can separate
    Even if I run away
    Your love never fails
    I know I still make mistakes
    You have new mercy for me everyday
    Cause your love never fails
    You stay the same through the ages
    Your love never changes
    There may be pain in the night
    But joy comes in the morning
    The wind is strong and the water’s deep
    I’m not alone here in these open seas
    Cause your love never fails
    The chasm is far too wide
    I never thought I’d reach the other side
    But your love never fails
    You stay the same through the ages
    Your love never changes
    There may be pain in the night
    But joy comes in the morning
    And when the oceans rage
    I don’t have to be afraid
    Because I know that you love me
    Your love never fails
    You make all things work together for my good
    You make all things work together for my good
    You stay the same through the ages
    Your love never changes
    There may be pain in the night
    But joy comes in the morning
    And when the oceans rage
    I don’t have to be afraid
    Because I know that you love me
    Your love never fails
    Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh
    Cause your love never fails
    Much love xx

  4. Noelle says:

    I am absolutely astonished. I am sitting here reading all of these with tears running down my cheeks. You all have no idea what an incredible blessing you are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    1. Katalina says:

      Never forget how important you are ❤

    2. Debbie says:

      You are loved so very much!

    3. I’ve been praying for you all morning. Rejoice in the love! You are loved and cherished!

    4. Trisha says:

      Dear Noelle, prayers for you from California! I am so glad you commented again. May God’s peace that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus this day! ❤️

    5. Kendra says:

      I’m so so glad you checked back in! Praying for you from CA. God doesn’t make mistakes and He uniquely created you with a purpose only you can fill! He knows, sees and loves you ALL THE TIME!

    6. Susan says:

      Noelle, I have been where you are and I feel your pain. By crying out you have made the first step. May I recommend a book by Neil Anderson called The Bondage Breaker. Speak God’s word aloud over yourself. For me, Psalm 139 and Phil.4:4-8 were a great help. It is a moment by moment battle which our precious Father will help each step of the way. I’ve never commented before but wanted you to know that you are very loved and prayed for. Love from Texas!

      1. Kristen says:

        Praying for you Noelle! And recalling the parable of the prodigal Son and the lost sheep. The prodigal son returned home with nothing to offer but himself. And he was rejoiced over and celebrated simply for returning! Praying that you continue to feel the love in your darkness and know that you are rejoiced over not because of what you have done or not done, but because you are His.

    7. Caitie says:

      I’ve been checking in all day hoping to see you back here. Continuing to pray for you, friend!

    8. Sarah says:

      Praying for you Noelle! That you would know God’s grace and love for you. And that your heart would find true joy in the gospel.

      1. Lexi says:

        Noelle, I’m just seeing all of these messages, including yours. I read your first message, and immediately began crying because I know exactly what you are feeling and I’ve been in your shoes. Wrecked, broken, hopeless…and so frightened by my thoughts of taking my life that I ended up in the hospital. And I prayed. I prayed really hard that Jesus would clear my eyes…that He would allow me to see that He loves me so very much…that I’m here for a reason. He makes no mistakes.
        You are here for a reason, and Jesus loves you more than you’ll ever be able to wrap your mind around. He has a purpose for you. He is the only answer to our hopelessness.
        Please know that we all here are praying for you, rooting for you, lifting you up. Do not let Satan tell you blatant lies…he is the ultimate deceiver. Our God is the ultimate Healer! Lean in to Him. Sending you all my love, sweet Noelle! ❤️

  5. Kara says:

    Sweet Noelle, I’m praying for you from Tennessee. As we’ve read through some of Christs’s miracles, a theme becomes clear: its most often those who have nothing left and are at rock bottom where God shows up and reveals His mercy and power. I pray you will experience that today. And your beauty- loving self is not gone – the way you describe “dragged grace through the mud” show you have a God given gift for words. Beauty amidst pain. May God wrap His arms around you today and show you how to move forward ((Hugs))

  6. Terry Anderson says:

    Noelle, I love you! You matter. I came, lived the sinless life no man or woman could live, and then I substituted my perfect life for ALL on the cross. It is finished. You are beautiful, My treasure, My great reward, and nothing, absolutely NOTHING can separate you from MY love. I have freedom, hope, help for you! I am so pleased with your honest admission and cry for help. I will help your unbelief. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. I am the Light who can dispel all darkness. Fear not…I am mighty to rescue. I am for you, not against you. Because of who I am and what I have done, there is new life for you, a heart of love towards you now and forever. JESUS

    Noelle, I felt compelled to speak over you HIS words today alongside my encouragement. There is no valley too deep where HE cannot reach you, save you, accompany you out of the wilderness. HE prompted you to request prayer. HE wants for you to seek the help you need. PLEASE involve others in your battle to overcome depression and self-hatred. Take another step today and find a counselor to walk with you out of the dark and into the light. Praying for your complete healing, and for HIS LOVE to envelop you and see you through.

  7. Eriana says:

    This got me today: “Jesus knew the temptation we face with miracles is to desire the gift more than the Giver.” Wow, I was convicted right here. God has brought me closer, giving me more and more of Himself through a certain situation in my life, and I’ve still been praying—begging—for the miracle. He should be enough. HE’S the gift. I want to be more than satisfied with the Giver, so that the gift is just a bonus if it’s given to me.

    1. CJ says:

      Me too Eriana. Totally convicted.

    2. Lana says:

      That got me too. It was so good and tied this study together perfectly.

    3. Emily B. says:

      I love what you said about being so satisfied with Jesus that the gift is just a bonus. Thank you for sharing that perspective today!

  8. Sarah says:

    Amen! Amen! Amen!

    “The only source of real and lasting hope is not a miracle, but the Messiah.” Lord, I pray that You help me to remember this. I’m so guilty of focusing on a miracle but forgetting that YOU ARE THE MIRACLE. So very thankful for this message this morning.