Throughout the pandemic, I have attended some very strange parties! There was the drive-by graduation party, the driveway baby shower, and my favorite of all, the tailgate wedding. We may have shut down temporarily, but it seems we cannot stop marking milestones and honoring accomplishments. It’s as if there is something deep inside our souls that recognizes the human need to celebrate. There is a reason for that—it was put into us by God.
From the first book of the Bible to the last, we see God celebrating. In Genesis 1, God creates the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rests (Genesis 1:31–2:3). We get the sense that God was setting aside the seventh day to look upon His creation and enjoy it. The seventh day was, in a very real sense, a celebration of creation, and in doing this, God was writing celebration into the structure of our existence.
God’s people, Israel, understood this. Throughout the Old Testament, they practice God’s priority of celebration by establishing multiple annual feasts—Passover, Pentecost, First Fruits, Sukkot—each of which was a time to pause from work, give thanks to God, and delight in His gifts. Celebration was an integral part of their lives.
Then came Jesus, who was born into this rhythm of celebration. Not only did angels celebrate His birth with splendor and fanfare, proclaiming “good news of great joy that [would] be for all the people” (Luke 2:10), but Jesus’s first miracle was at a wedding celebration (John 2:1–11), and His last meal was the Feast of Passover (Matthew 26:17–30). Both Jesus’s life and ministry were bookended by celebrations. And so is God’s Word. Just as it begins with the celebration of creation, it ends with a celebration in Revelation, which depicts the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19).
What are we to make of this? What are we to make of the fact that celebration is woven throughout Scripture, that it is meant to structure the lives of God’s people, and that it even defines the life and ministry of Jesus? First, it tells us what God is like. God is not stingy, work-driven, or overly serious. God is joyful, easy to delight, and extravagant in His love.
Second, because we are made in the image of God, we can conclude that God created us to celebrate as well. Celebration is one way we imitate God and become more like Christ. Practically speaking, this kind of celebration means actively remembering and enjoying the goodness of God in our lives. Whether it is another year of life, another year of marriage, another year of sobriety, or another baby born, we are celebrating the gift, yes, but also the Giver. We are celebrating the generosity and faithfulness of God.
This is the discipline of celebration, and when we do this regularly, it forms us. It cultivates joy. It proclaims the character of God. And it makes us more like Christ.

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116 thoughts on "Celebration"
Such a sweet reminder that the Bible and Jesus’ life bookended celebration and how I can thank the Giver at each celebration in our family’s life— how could we not? Every good and perfect gift comes from Him❤️
Never thought of celebration this way. It makes sense when we should be joyful as Christian’s having that joy in us through Christ. Celebrating should be a daily thing really, not just on special occasions. We can celebrate the beauty in our circumstances, the beauty in all of God’s creation.
It’s time to party and celebrate.
She’s! I just listened to this podcast and if you have NOT seen the 1985 movie ‘King David’ staring Richard Gere, oh boy. It is A VISUAL of the dancing! Very much like Elaine and Monica, lol. I found it on PureFlix.
I like this a lot- never thought about celebration as a form of obedience, almost. Thank you.
This put things into perspective as we had a small backyard wedding and rescheduled our “set plans” but then had to make so many changes and while it ended up a blast and everyone had such kindness and great words and stories to share after the weekend… I keep replaying the what if’s and being sad about things and annoyed but need to focus on the goodness of God and his generosity and faithfulness- I really needed this today to recheck myself and praise God for the blessings and love bestowed upon us and our marriage!
Thank you!
When we celebrate it forms us!
I love this, Tara! God’s given you a gift/reason to linger longer and enjoy that extra cup of tea!
I loved this and needed this reminder. I’m guilty of simply not placing an importance with celebrations; I’m just a “simple celebrator”. But…It’s been good to see through the eyes of my 3 yr old grandson, who loves to celebrate. Let that boy choose fancy napkins, a balloon and a gift for the recipient and it will be a celebration! The smile and excitement he has is contagious, and now…these moments will be a reminder to me of the great Giver of all goodness in my life! Lingering longer in the moments to truly be thankful.
Praising Him in all things big + small brings me closer to Him, when I take the time to see Him in the moments it’s such a gift! Celebrating His creation today as I sit + watch a winter storm blow outside my windows!
I love this, we have been given so much to celebrate. I’m so glad to be reminded of this today.
Tomorrow is my first born second birthday and we get caught up in thinking of the cake and decoration and what we need to make it special, so taking a step back from all that and thinking that we are also celebrating the giver is so refreshing and amazing. Loved it.
So true!!! I love this and your reflection of God showing us how to balance all emotions.
‘Choose joy. Be intentional to remember the moments that God showed up to push back the darkness.’ I love that ‘celebration’ came immediately after ‘lament’ in this study. Jesus showed us with his life how to balance both – how to be real in our emotions, while acknowledging the goodness of God!!!!
I have family members who like to ignore their birthdays or not make mention of them except to say oh it’s just another day. I on the other hand don’t expect a big party but I sure do want to acknowledge my day in some form of celebration. A card a present and most importantly a cupcake or two. I never thought about creation and the marriage supper being the first and last celebration.❤️
I have never really thought if celebrating and do not celebrate, wedding anniversaries or adult birthdays very much, however recently I have begun to think of making more of this . Working out how to celebrate is a little difficult in current times
Such a great reminder to celebrate the gift but ultimately the Giver!
Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice! Philippians 4:4.
We had a wedding with just pastor family, bride’s family and grooms family.
Celebration is something that I incorporate into my daily life; but I have never thought of it as a spiritual discipline. I love celebrating my family members’ birthdays, anniversary’s, all holidays really! Every year we have a huge New Years Eve party and 4th of July party with our friends; I love decorating and celebrating Christmas, Easter and Halloween. Love dance parties at home, and every night dinners with my husband and kids even feel like celebrations to me… tonight we played Monopoly together and that felt like one too… I guess I never made the connection about how the Bible and Jesus’s ministry was bookended by celebrations! I feel like I have made a new connection with Jesus tonight; and I am so very thankful!! ❤️
I love the picture of God celebrating. I never thought of celebration as a spiritual discipline – but it is so needed. I love this: celebration is one way we imitate God and become more like Christ.
I like how they talked about lament just before talking about celebration. As I’ve been thinking about these disciplines, I’ve noticed that the seasons of sorrow are what make the times of celebration so much deeper and more meaningful; and it’s the memory of my past laments that reignite the joy and gratitude in my heart because of what God has done!
I love to celebrate!!! I love to decorate for the seasons, make a big deal out of small and big holidays, and find reasons to insert joy into our lives. I believe God created us to take comfort in the small moments and the big ones. We have much to be joyful about.
Lord thank you
What an awesome reminder.
If you haven’t listened to the podcast for this week, you should! ❤️
Celebrate WITH God!!! And with others!! Amen and amen ❤️
SRT podcast was excellent today.
Tina, I too am thankful and celebrate His Love and the BLESSED life he has given me. I kept thinking that it is like wedding vows “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, in health” I will praise and celebrate God’s ultimate gift of Jesus and the path he has led me on. SRT friends I love reading your posts.
I love this!
I love that Lament and Celebration are back to back. I find that I live my relationship with God in between lament and celebration. Holding everything in to myself. I am challenging myself to express more of my feelings with God. To truly share my feelings of pain, suffering, joy, and celebration in my prayers.
I love this! What an idea that God isn’t driving us to work hard without rest or joy but wants us to celebrate and rest! I also can’t help but notice in these stories, some people see joy in other’s lives and are mad. That’s going to happen. I’ve experienced that. But I havv to remember people who are truly happy themselves will never be upset by seeing others experiencing joy. Joy breeds joy not anger. And If I ever catch myself being upset instead of celebrating others success I will need to remind myself of that also.
This was so great!
SHEA, thank you! ❤
MELISSA, celebrating your new home with you. ❤
TRACI, celebrating Tanner with you, and praying that God will hold you both in His loving arms, strengthening you, in your heart, mind and body Tracy, for the journey ahead..
Thankful for you..❤
CHURCHMOUSE, Preach it sister! Truth! Looking forward to thst day..❤
PAM K. Rejoicing today with you!❤
BETHANY B,Thank you for your kind words, and yes by all means, feel free to share..❤
KARRIE, Praying this season for you may heal in the celebrating what was, whst is and what is to come..
CINDYQUILTS, praying your Shelby knows the peace of God, that absolutely surpasses all understandingand thst she can celebrate one day at a time without fear.❤
SARAH RITCHIE, sorry to have made you cry.. thank you for your encouraging words..❤
TRICIA C, DUAGHTER OF THE KING, let’s do this, let’s celebrate!❤
KAYLA, I once read this..’Every day may not be a good day, But, there is good in every day..’ i love this, don’t you? Hugs..❤
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
I loved this reading today, and right after reading about lament. I learned that I do not celebrate enough. I serve a good and faithful God, and I should definitely celebrate that, proclaiming Him to the world.
Yes let’s celebrate everything that is set before us, life is good !!!
It’s so awesome to know that our desire to celebrate comes from God, but it’s difficult to deal with many of the limitations the pandemic has brought at the same time.
Fortunately, I can still celebrate at home during quarantine by praising and worshipping Him, and I can celebrate with my church via their livestreams, too. I can celebrate the end of a long, difficult day with a bubble bath and a devotional, and I can celebrate others accomplishments with words of good cheer.
Great devotion today. Thank you!
I loved this devotional today!! At the beginning of the pandemic it seemed like it was harder to celebrate but as time went on it seemed to make celebrating even sweeter. Christmas never seemed so bright as it did when the world was so dark. Going to church never seemed so exciting until you aren’t able to go for months. I love that even during hard times God calls us to celebrate and maybe he wants us to celebrate even more during those hard times.
Celebrate until further notice! I love that note of happiness shared at times of birthday’s, or anniversary, milestone of achievement. But this celebration tops them all! A friend posted a “born-again-birthday” for her sweet daughter three years ago. “Each year, we’ll mark this day JOYFULLY with a special dinner and dessert asking her questions about her walk, and doing something to show others God’s love. Pray with us that her faith continues to grow and that she’ll walk closely to Jesus all her days.<3 " God bless you, dear friend. #welldone.
Praying price Comfort over you and your family
This was a beautifully written devotional, and I love the thought of God celebrating and wanting us to celebrate too. So often, we think only of the spiritual disciplines like fasting, prayer and Bible study. What a joyous thought to really think about how God created us to celebrate things!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I never considered celebration a spiritual discipline before but I love that thought!!! I love being so excited and joyful that you can’t help but dance and do things that make others question your sanity. Celebrating makes you want to give others good things too. God is such a great God!
This was perhaps one of the most beautiful, meaningful, relevant pairings of Scripture/Devotional content writings I’ve ever read here with this SRT community. Today’s focus on the practice of Celebration could not be more timely. I’m especially thankful for Sharon Hodde Miller’s insightful reflection in pointing the way to the very heart of God and His purpose in showing us what celebration looks like through the very life of His only Son, Jesus…who was, and is, and is to come.
Love that last sentence. Challenged to simply celebrate by remembering!
Tina, thank you so much for sharing. You are right. We should be celebrating. God is our Father. We are daughters of the King!
WOW!! Sharon sure knows how to write a devotion and spread God’s word. What she said about celebration I had never thought of it that way. Yes, I know celebration is something God and Christ want us to do but I never realized just how much it was a part of the Christian way of life it really is and needs to be. There are many times right now I get down d/t not being able to get out and mingle but I need to remember God wants us to celebrate every little thing.
Let us celebrate today that we are able to communicate with each other. Let’s praise the Lord for SRT for bringing us together. But most of all let’s rejoice and shout to the Lord that He sent His only Son to die for our sins and that we are saved and will have eternal life because Christ rose from the dead. Have a blessed day sisters.
While I don’t think I had to dig as deeply into this discipline as I have for many of the others so far, this devotional – and Tina’s response – touched my soul and brought tears to my eyes. I am usually pretty good at celebrating, both formally and informally! I love to celebrate the milestones in my life and in those I love. Admittedly I have, at multiple points in the past year, felt despair over not having anything to look forward to. Milestone after milestone, gathering after gathering, trip after trip have been dulled or all together snuffed out. After today’s study, though, I want to focus on celebrating even the smallest things. Another day alive. Another day healthy. Another day where my mind and body are functioning. Another day with my husband. We’re celebrating 5 years of marriage next month and had to put our big plans on hold. Despite this, we’re still doing our best to make the most out of this milestone. Today reminded me that it’s not HOW we celebrate things, it’s that we remember to do so in the first place and that we praise God for His goodness in all of it.
My devotional this morning was about this very same thing. The Lord is speaking! Oh, Lord, that I would listen and obey! Psalm 95:1-4 says “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.” Take away quote,
“when the love of the immeasurably great and transcendent God of the universe becomes real to us, the joy should be uncontainable.” Prayer:
“Lord, you are eternal , ever present, perfect in knowledge and wisdom, absolute in power, spotless in your purity, completely just and righteous, beautiful in your glory. You are all this, yet my praise falls so short of your reality that I am ashamed. Accept my praise through the merits of Jesus, my Savior. Amen. – “accept my praise through the merits of Jesus” if that isn’t something to celebrate, I don’t know what is! Praise God!
I am so impressed and grateful that the topic is on celebrating. I realize I have failed to celebrate the things God has given me, failed to recognize even! Praise God for your comments. I am thankful for the new house God provided for us this year regardless of covid, for another year of marriage (my wedding anniversary was yesterday, I attempted to make a roast duck, it’s still marinating), and our healthy and sweet little children God has blessed us with. The passage of how King David celebrated got me to think, he danced in front of people and did not mind if he might seem crazy or his clothes fell off, he was overwhelmed with bursting joy I’d imagine. I am not there yet, but baby steps right? I will choose to celebrate from this day forth, and all that good things that flow in my life. Lord, open my eyes to see all the good gifts You have surrounded me with, help me celebrate with joy and simplicity like a little child.
Celebration is not a discipline I do well. However, praising God for all of His goodness is a discipline that God put into His calendar by setting up feasts. Plan, prepare and celebrate God’s goodness. Practice celebration.
This message truly brought joy to my heart. Sometimes people make me feel like celebrating birthdays and achievements is pointless but this message gave me the clarity I needed to keep celebrating joyful moments. March 2021, here I come!
Oh I love all of this! Celebration is a spiritual discipline!
I loved this day so much! I’ve never thought about how the Bible begins and ends in celebration, but it’s so cool to think about! Such a great reminder to always be in celebration :)
This is a hard one for me. Celebrating does not come naturally to me. I identify as an Enneagram One and celebration feels irresponsible to me, to the point where I graduated from college last year (granted it was in the middle of a pandemic) and I got two cards of congratulation in the mail. That was the extent of “marking the milestone.” I haven’t created a culture of celebration in our family so they did nothing. I have been realizing how much this contributes to a general lack of joy in life. I need to learn to have fun!
Thank you! What an excellent presentation on Celebration. I never quite looked at it from that prospective. There is so much to celebrate each day God gives to us: His redemption, His love, His care, His mercy, His grace, His Word & so much more.
Even though we mourn, we celebrate her beautiful life well lived. We are at peace knowing she will soon be with our Father. Blessings to you and your family.
17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Celebrating is hard for me. As the oldest child of alcoholic parents, I learned to be organized, take care of yourself and others, and keep things steady. That was safe and best. Those characteristics helped as I worked/paid my way through college and became a teacher, although I claim and declare that it was God who provided the finances and strength every single step of the way. His might and His power alone – every day, (past/present/future).
There have also been times, (child and adult) when the amazing love of God’s presence, His joy and celebration simply poured out. I would be dancing on the mountaintop, let my guard down, and things would happen. When I am shining for Jesus the brightest, attacks come specifically to dim or snuff out God’s Light. A former paster used to say, “struggles make you bitter or better.” Another pastor said that the things we deal with are part of our training. Like an athlete trains to get stronger, we train and grow to handle the things of life in the power of God…not our own strength.
The times of celebration may be different in different stages of life. Being a witness to the world-gratitude for the blessings in your life, possible only by the hand of God, needs celebrated. I’m not always good at it. But God is teaching me, growing me, and helping me. (I think it is one of the reasons I love being with my students and grandchildren so much…they know how to celebrate the moments.)
My BSF leader is 75 years old. That woman is a hoot! She is celebrating Jesus for all she is worth, every single day. When my days are complete in this world…what kind of legacy do I want to leave? Certainly that Jesus was my Lord and Savior. Faithfulness, deep love, compassion, serving and caring. But, what if my legacy was to celebrate You, Jesus, with every breath and ounce of my strength? Teach me to celebrate in every moment you provide Father, I am asking. Amen.
I really enjoyed this new way of seeing celebration as a way of worship and behaving like Christ.
This is just what I needed to read this morning. Tina and everyone, thank u for your comments. I have been sitting here and feeling sorry for myself for months and felt I had nothing to celebrate. My husband and I have separated and I continue to try to work things out but he doesn’t seem to want to. I’m living at the family cabin with my children which is not ideal. Though I can go thru the list and feel sorry in every aspect of my life right now, today I am choosing to celebrate it. I have a roof over my head, plenty of food on the table, wonderful friends and family to support me, a fantastic view over the lake, my health, and a quiet morning to sit with this reading. Thank u all for making me look at my life differently this morning ❤️
Traci Praying Jesus over you and Tanner. His love wrapped around you, tangible, that you both feel Him holding you and the joy He brings for each moment. Sending you hugs and love dear Sister. Lean into His arms. Thanks SRT for this devotion, Celebrating the gifts of God’s love, mercy,salvation, forgiveness, miracles, there is so much. My granddaughter use to say to me, I love you too much Grandma. Such joy to this heart. And I think sometimes, that’s how God loves us, He loves us too much, which is just what broken people need. Praise Jesus for such love!!
Celebrating God’s grace! Thank you for all that you have blessed me with. Thank you for all the troubles you have kept from me and for those that you allowed to happen to grow me. Thank you for those with me today and those that have passed on. Father today and everyday, I celebrate you in my life!
I am loving this devotion! So many sweet reminders! God wants us to celebrate the gifts, the Giver, and his generosity towards us.
I, too, celebrate so many things! God is so good to me… even today I’m celebrating that my daughter has been home for a week with us, and we have loved every moment. But also, I ask for your prayers sisters. Yesterday she broke down and sobbed with me, confessing that so many days of her life are filled with fear. Fr
Ear of her Dad and I getting ill (we are generally healthy) fear of COVID, fear that she’s not doing enough to please God, fear that she may miss Gods plan for her life if she makes a wrong decision, fear that she “messes up” and Gid is angry with her… oh so many burdens on her you g 24 year old self. Please pray for her, that God’s peace will reign in her life and she will feel His presence, which she says she doesn’t feel now. This is so hard. Please pray for my sweet Shelby…
Tina, your post brought tears to my eyes this morning. Thank you, as always, for sharing.
I never thought about Celebration in the way it was presented in this session. How more intriguing when today we celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Lord, never let me become complacent in being Thankful and Celebrating you. Let me always rejoice in your Holy name. You are the reason I’m still alive!
Thanks to Tina for her account of all the ways she recounts God’s goodness and celebrates each day. The pandemic has moved me to a similar mindset and habit of thankfulness. While we have had lots of hard and big adjustments this year, I kept reminding myself that the Lord is present and aware of all of it. Therefore, I worked on being grateful and asked for more joy. Our grandkids celebrate little things in big ways- losing a tooth , playing in the snow, having a special meal and it reminds me to celebrate those little things in life. Let’s rejoice today- in God’s gifts to us.
On MLK day, we celebrate a man that lead in love and stood up for the oppressed. Thank you Jesus for MLK and so many others that stood/stand for the right things especially when it’s hard.
Tina, you have been an encouragement to me!!! From hearing your trial in the advent study, I hear the peace you have. Not many people can pick their heads up after a tragedy. You have a testimony and thank you for sharing. Your words today were so real and powerful, would you mind if I use them for a handout I will give to the ladies in my congregation? Let me know if I can use your name. Thanks in advance.
Such a good lesson today. My youngest daughter’s FIL went home to Jesus after suffering suddenly from a brain hemorrhage stroke. The family is in shock and grieving. But even as they mourn, they are planning a Celebration of Life ceremony for him. And last night his wife and kids and their spouses looked through photo albums and shared stories and “celebrated” the life he lived. Such a blessing in the midst of mourning. There is always, always, always something to be grateful for. Hugs to all of you sisters ❤️
GamsieSue, my condolences to your daughter and family. It just amazes me how got works. My 90yr old Aunt just suffered a brain bleed this past Friday. She has not passed but is in the hospital just laying there. (No machines or any tubes). We too are in shock but
Moriah…I struggle with this as well and the Lord convicted my heart this morning. Just last night I was telling a new believer at our church to keep sharing what God is doing in her life because it builds faith in the those that hear it. But when it comes to myself I don’t do it. I’m determined to do better as well! Thank you for sharing!
A party to celebrate…….just His sheer goodness!
I love this devotion! I like everything about this devotion and the fact that God celebrates all throughout the Scriptures. From Creation to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb and so much in between. Thank you for your perspective on celebration. This idea goes right along with another devotion I read this morning about being witnesses to God’s character. Our celebrations in life should point reveal the character of Christ.
Praying for you!
Whenever I read the story about the prodigal son, I always think of myself as the one who stayed home and pleased his father. Today this Verse really stood out to me “you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.” It made me think about how Blessed I am to have a relationship with Jesus. All He has is mine!! He is always with me! I have Him all to myself & He cares for me, do I really tap in to all the goodness He has for me? Do I really celebrate and rejoice in the gifts He gives? What a gift to have the gift of the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Spirit. What a blessing to have Christian practices we can follow that keep us on the path for more intimate relationship with our Savior!
i love the reminder that He is EASY TO PLEASE! i so often fall into guilt when i fail, forgetting He is easily pleased when i repent and turn back to Him❤️
Celebration has always been a discipline that I have struggled with.
I never thought of celebrating in this light before, but we should be a joyful and celebratory people for we have so much to celebrate!!
I can see the celebration of God’s presence and the restoration of that relationship in all these verses. The Ark is always symbolic of His presence. David is celebrating that. Next, his very presence comes to earth in the form of his son. In the synagogue, he stands and says, I’m the one and this is what I will do. The son, in Luke is restored to the father. In Philippines, we can put the name of Jesus in place of each “whatever “ and get a picture of who he is. Lastly, the verses end with “every perfect gift comes from above.” Amen! Celebrating this God who pursues me in relationship.
I’ve never been one to really celebrate my accomplishments. I think I’ve thought that if I celebrate that means I’m boastful or that if I celebrate then that good thing will go away. Obviously these are both lies but I have lived my life in that way. I have been recently convicted though about celebrating not for my own sake but for the sake of giving God the glory. In all honesty it is probably more selfish and prideful to keep it all to myself then it would be to celebrate what God has done. So I am determined to do better and celebrate the big and small things in a way that brings God the glory.
Thank you Tina! Beautifully said!
I had a pastor that taught in Philippians 4:4-8. He said that this should be the filter of all of our thoughts. My husband had an affair. I was obsessively thinking about this. Then, I thought about what he said. Yes, this was true. But, did it fit the other parts of the verse? No, it wasn’t pure, lovely, or praiseworthy. So, that should not be what I dwell on! (I’m not saying that you don’t have to face reality and get help or counseling to deal with real issues, but it wasn’t doing me any good to keep dwelling on this thought either!)
Also, I learned some things about the prodigal son parable from Tim Keller’s teachings that I never thought of before. He said that the son that left would have brought shame to the father by what he did I believe people said it would not have been seen as a wonderful thing for him to welcome his son back in the eyes of the other men in that culture. He permanently lowered their economic class and his actions disgraced the father and his reputation . Because this cost the family financially, this would have also cost the other brother. I believe he said that he would have to use the resources that would have been the brother’s inheritance after his father passed.( I am not explaining or saying this exactly the way he explained,) However, the point is that God’s love is truly amazing! No, none of us are worthy, but He rescues us anyway. It doesn’t make sense for a Holy God to love us, but He does. We too have done things that are shameful Then, a price had to be paid by the other brother in the story. Jesus had to pay the ultimate price to pay for us. He paid a debt that we could never pay. The brother in the story is angry and begrudging. Jesus comes willfully and with love. He left Heaven to be born in to a poor family, put in a trough, live around selfish, self-centered people, and go through a death filled with such torture that we can’t imagine after being beaten beyond recognition, mocked, spat upon, betrayed, denied, and abandoned. Like a sheep led to the slaughter, He opened not His mouth. Amazing!
Here is something I just read about Jesus’s Sacrifice that is so moving.
Also, here is a link k to Tim Keller’s message:
I should listen to this again myself
Have a great day and celebrate!
Celebration is a spiritual discipline…amazing! Thankful for this devotional and this community. Dear Churchmouse – you’re comment is spot on, as usual.:)) Have a blessed day Sisters!
On this MLK Day of Service, let us celebrate his life & all the good he accomplished! I pray everyone finds a small way of being in service to others today & also celebrates their accomplishments & milestones.
Good news for a Monday!
I don’t think I’ve considered the practice of celebration as a spiritual discipline before! And the fact that Jesus’s ministry was bookended by celebrations is so interesting!
The lost son parable reminds me how often I can be like the older son! I can get wrapped up in comparison and jealousy and not celebrate those around me. I’m glad for this reminder to rejoice with others and the beauty of God writing celebration into our lives in the big moments and the small ones.
Thanking God for the new home he has blessed us with! At the same time, many of my friends are buying new homes too and I want to celebrate with them in God blessing them without comparing!
❤️Amen Churchmouse! Have a blessed day!
I’m not a morning person, yet I couldn’t sleep. In recent comments I read about saying verses, talking to God so I decided to do my lesson. Watching my son struggle with decline from his illness has not given me reason to celebrate. I’ve realized I need to celebrate every single day that he is still with me. I pray for God to strengthen me. To give me endurance & strength. To recognize the need for celebration. To celebrate Tanner’s life even while my heart aches. Tina your words always help me. I’m very thankful.
Reflecting on Philippians 4:8. How often do I think about everything: my worries, stress, fears, to-do list, lack of time to get it all done… but Philippians 4:8 says to think about what is good and pure and commendable and worthy of praise!!! Lord, help my heart + mind celebrate. Help me look for the good and find it today. You are worthy of praise. Amen.
Lord we celebrate you!
Loved this definition of celebration:
“Celebration is one way we imitate God and become more like Christ. Practically speaking, this kind of celebration means actively remembering and enjoying the goodness of God in our lives.”
…and I love too, how Sharon points out that both the Bible and Jesus’ life & ministry are bookended by CELEBRATION!!!! For some reason my mind hadn’t made this connection quite so clear and relevantly as it did this morning!!! SO Awesome!!!
I love and cherish noticing the “everyday miracles” ie: spider webs, birds nests, the way nature never worries about tomorrow, how you can’t see the wind but you can feel it’s both gentle and powerful, the different seasons and how they morph/change and give way for another to come, running water, heat, electricity, the way the body is made and how it works (did you know the human body has nearly 45miles of nerves!) ..acts of kindness, understanding/comprehending something for the very first time, etc… these miracles are expressions of God’s love, His care, His creativity, His completeness and His faithfulness, and they are all around us!!! We just have to take the time to notice them!
Thank You God for surrounding us with little miracles that celebrate who You are!! You’re an Amazing Father!!!
Today is the first day of a new routine for our whole family which includes getting up between 4:30am-5:30am. What a great way to start our own “new normal” than to start it with a celebration. I NEVER though I’d be celebrating getting up and going before – well, to be perfectly honest – 10am if it was my choice, but here we are! So! We’ll celebrate with pancakes! Those sound celebratory, right?
Put the cell phone down. Do not take one more selfie. Do not post again on social media. Just be in the moment. Be fully present. See with the eyes God has given, not the eye of the camera lens. We can take and post thousands of pictures but are we truly partaking in the celebration? Are we rejoicing with those right in front of us or are we boasting through our posting so others, not in the present moment, can be impressed? Let us take at least one day a week to just BE PRESENT.
Thank you for this beautiful call to celebrate! It reminds me too of Habakuk 3:17-18 “Though… Though… Though… YET I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”
Thank you, TINA, for the reminder that there is always something to celebrate with God! On my worst days, I search my heart and life for some good things to appreciate and am often reminded of something I read many years ago – if everyone put all their problems and worries together in a pile and we could reach in and get whichever ones we wanted … After seeing what other people were dealing with pretty much everyone would grab their own back – the ones they put in. Lord, help me to focus on you and show gratitude every day, and to recognize all the things to be celebrated.
This is not a boast, but a truth… I celebrate every day!
Yes, even in this season we find ourselves, there is cause for celebration..
I praise, I worship, I dance! I celebrate each day given. I celebrate a face I haven’t seen in a while. I celebrate coming here to meet you! I dance for the roof over my head. I celebrate the gift of face time. I celebrated my brother yesterday as he arrived at the age of 60! Though my daughter is no longer here, I celebrate her having been here and all she brought in our lives on her birthday. I sit and remember the goodness of God in her life. On her death day, the heart is a tad delicate, but I celebrate the fact that though she may not here physically, she lives in my heart, she lived, and best of all, she is with the Lord, and when my time comes, what a reunion that will be in Glory!
There is much to be thankful for- much to celebrate..
I believe if you know God’s goodness, if you have seen His goodness, God’s presence and who He is, what He has done, throughout history, and importantly in your life, you have no excuse to not celebrate. No reason to sit on the sidelines of life and say I have nothing to celebrate, because in God’s economy, every day is a celebration.
In one of my phone conversations with my earthly father, I was heart broken, and just sharing with him what I was feeling.. he heard all I had to say, then asked me..”..did you wake up this morning..”
I did. I have done. And did so today!
Worthy of praise, thankfulness, celebration..
The fact that I can swing my feet off my bed, put my feet into those comfy slippers, and make my way to the kitchen to get my first fix of tea..I dance!
Celebration, is not always about drinks, partying,or lots of people.. for me its about gratitude, God’s grace. God’s goodness. God’s love of me and His presence..His gift of His Son..
I see now, and it has taken me a while to get to this place of contentment (more so, than not) these words of Paul in Philippines 4:11-13
.. for I have learnt to be satisfied with what I have. I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough. I have learnt this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little. I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me..
This right here, this truth, when you get it, when it really sinks into your heart.. biblical celebration is not about what you have in the earthly, but what you have in the Spirit, what is in you..
But God..
Contentment fills you to celebrate the bigs, the smalls of lifes rich tapestry, because our God, our God, is so so very good and absolutely worth celebrating!
Amen. ❤
Celebrating you in my life Sisters.. Happy Monday wrapped as always.. in love!❤
The definition of celebration in the study book is”The practice of acknowledging and rejoicing in beauty, goodness, and truth.” That’s where Philippians 4:8 comes in. We are to rejoice in everything that is praiseworthy and all God’s good gifts. That gives us so many things to celebrate! And isn’t it great to look forward to the joyful celebrations we will have for all eternity? Lord, thank you for the many reasons you give me to celebrate every single day! Never let me forget that every good gift comes from you.
As I was reading this, I felt conviction in my heart that we don’t do this well. Something in me just feels bad about celebrating when there is still so much sadness around us. I pray that God will show me how to incorporate celebration into our lives so that we can honor Him and show appreciation for everything He has done for us.