Carrying Burdens

Open Your Bible

Galatians 6:1-10, Romans 14:13-23, James 5:13-20, Exodus 17:9-13

The most recent too-heavy thing I attempted to carry was an old TV (the non-flat, anciently bulbous kind) that we inherited from my husband’s grandfather. 

We just moved into a new house and the thing is, other than its girth, it’s a perfectly good TV, and also, I like to get things done quickly and also-also, I don’t like asking for help. I enjoy the feeling of self-sufficiency. I love doing things I shouldn’t be able to do and then going to sleep at night thinking, I did that thing. I carried that giant Y2K-era TV up the stairs all by myself despite the fact that I haven’t worked out in over ten years! 

My dad jokes that the women in my family get things done by sheer force. Of course, that approach is significantly limited. Someday I’ll encounter a TV that’s too big for me. My strength, no matter how much I prefer self-sufficiency, doesn’t go very far. And when it comes to spiritual and emotional burdens, my limitations, and yours, are even more obvious. We can all think of times we’ve tried to carry the burden of our sin or suffering alone, and it just doesn’t work. We fall back down the stairs and our decades-old, TV-sized shame, pins us to the floor.

Here’s the problem—believing you can carry things that are too heavy for you, be it a television the size of a small train or a secret sin, is an illusion that will eventually destroy you. Crush you. Put you on your back or on your knees.

Something I find beautiful about today’s reading is how humble obedience, gentle love, and Christ-focused service are tied into our joy! The Bible makes a big deal about humble, holy living because we serve a holy God who humbled Himself and bent down to carry the things we could not. It’s amazing. We are broken human beings, not capable of carrying the weight of sin. But, incredibly, Jesus stooped to meet us and died to free us so that we could have His power.

Today’s passages urge us to love people from a place of humility. Of gentleness. Of openness. Of service.

“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” —Galatians 6:2

If you’re like me, you might be thinking, “I don’t want people to carry my burdens. That means I’m weak!” But, God tells us yes, we are absolutely weak. That’s why we need Him. That’s why we need each other. Put down the TV. You are not alone.

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93 thoughts on "Carrying Burdens"

  1. Sky Hilton says:

    May we all carry each other’s burdens without complaining. Asking for help and showing our weakness is such a beautiful thing.. it gives Jesus a chance to work on us

    The verse “For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.” really spoke to me. We tend to put ourselves on a pedestal too much in our culture… when, in reality, compared to God, we are dust. But that shouldn’t make us upset.. it’s a good thing because that means we get to depend on God more.. something we should all be doing. In the same breath, in reality, we all are burdens on Jesus… but that isn’t anything to be upset about in the end either… because to Him we are burdens WORTH carrying. So, please don’t worry about burdening others.. its a good thing because when we carry each other’s burdens, and pray for one another…. we are healed. I love Jesus so much!!!

    “Let us therefore follow after the things which makes for peace.” This world is in such a desperate need for peace, which we all know will come when Jesus finally comes back. Until then, may we all act as vessels for God.. so he can spread peace through us.

  2. Amy Parsons says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. I am praying peace for you and a friend to walk through this with you.

  3. Amy Parsons says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying peace for you and for a friend that can walk through this with you.

  4. Margaret W says:

    As I read the verses in James 5:14-15, I was reminded of my 3rd pregnancy in the fall of 1999. I had 2 sons who were premature, one significantly disabled by his prematurity. I read these verses, took them literally, and asked the elders at my church to anoint me and pray that I would carry this child to term. I had never taken such a step of faith before, and even the pastor was unsure of my request. But they honored it, anointed me, and prayed for me. Not only did I carry that child to term, but she has two younger sisters who also carried to term, one of them 41 weeks, weighing over 9 lbs. (My first was under 3 lbs, 12 weeks early.) Today I am convicted that I need to share this miracle story far more often, and especially to make sure that ALL of my children hear it and know that it was something only God could do, because the odds of carrying to term after 2 preemies are about 30%. God did it not once, but three times for me! Praise Him!

  5. Victoria E says:

    I forgot to ask for prayer for the issue I’ve been struggling with aside from my pride and wanting to hold onto my independence! Many of you here know my story – we had a miscarriage in April of this year after finally getting pregnant after over a year of trying which devastated me. God saw fit to answer our prayers with a baby which we conceived via IVF in July. I am currently 22 weeks by God’s grace, doing well, feeling little kicks and flips, but for SOME reason I am still battling this anxiety that I feel is not of God. Please pray for this spirit of fear to leave me once and for all, and for me to be able to continue focusing on enjoying this blessing and not to let the enemy steal my peace or joy on this matter. Thank you all so much

  6. Victoria E says:

    What a perfectly timed devotional and Bible selections today. Just the other day I had an errant thought that caught me by surprise yet illuminated something I knew was there but had not quite understood. Like many here I like to help others, but I struggle with having others share my burden, thinking there is enough pain in this world why would I ask others to help me with mine? Underneath that even is something like what Melanie mentioned- fear of being disappointed. Underneath that is fear of feeling “obligated” to those who help me. I was raised to be extremely independent, and though others have helped me tremendously through my life I still struggle with the concept. I will be praying for all our hearts on this issue. Jas I am sorry to hear about your baby. I am praying for you in this is well. Mari V I am praying for your work situation. I hope your son has fun in SLO, it’s not too far from me here in Ventura county !

  7. Jane K says:

    Oh, Jas, dear sister, prayers are being cried out before our Lord today. Thank you for sharing with us. You are carrying a heavy load and I am praying for healing for your baby too.

  8. Jane K says:

    I think I highlighted my whole study book! I love the book of James, and today this loudly stood out, “The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in it’s effect.” Am I pursuing righteousness in all areas of my life? Do I have some things I need to confess before God? I’m pondering those thoughts today. Praying for you, Traci, and your family. This verse came to my mind while praying for you, “He will cover you in His feathers under His wings you will find refuge.” Psalm 91:4 Praying for all the requests I have written down this week and praising God for answered prayers! Thankful ERB that you have relief and healing. It makes me smile throughout my day. Also praising God for bringing Churchmouse back to us. I have missed you. It is hunting opener in Wisconsin this weekend. Please pray our hunters would be safe. It is my least favorite time of the year, but my husband and daughters will be out hunting.