Calvary’s Anthem

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 1:7-8, Ephesians 2:13

Text: Ephesians 1:7-8, 2:13

As we walk through this season of reflection and repentance together, we want to provide time and space for us as individuals and a community to meditate on God’s Word and bow at His feet in prayer.

Each Saturday during Lent we will read a brief passage of Scripture and a corporate prayer, both carefully chosen for this specific place in our Lenten journey. Sundays will be dedicated to scripture memorization, one of our favorite habits here at She Reads Truth.

We pray you will not only meet with the Savior on these quieter weekend days, but linger there with Him, in prayer and in His Word.


Thou hast led me singing to the cross
     where I fling down all my burdens
       and see them vanish,
 where my mountains of guilt are levelled
   to a plain,
 where my sins disappear, though they are
   the greatest that exist,
 and are more in number than the grains
   of fine sand;

For there is power in the blood of Calvary
 to destroy sins more than can be counted
   even by one from the choir of heaven.
Thou hast given me a hill-side spring
 that washes clear and white,
   and I go as a sinner to its waters,
     bathing without hindrance
       in its crystal streams.
At the cross there is free forgiveness
   for poor and meek ones,
 and ample blessings that last for ever;
The blood of the Lamb is like a great river
   of infinite grace
 with never any diminishing of its fullness
 as thirsty ones without number drink of it.

O Lord, for ever will thy free forgiveness live
 that was gained on the mount of blood;
In the midst of a world of pain
 it is a subject for praise in every place,
   a song on earth, an anthem in heaven,
     its love and virtue knowing no end.
I have a longing for the world above
 where multitudes sing the great song,
 for my soul was never created to love
   the dust of earth.
Though here my spiritual state is frail and poor,
 I shall go on singing Calvary’s anthem.
May I always know
 that a clean heart full of goodness
   is more beautiful than the lily,
 that only a clean heart can sing by night
   and by day,
 that such a heart is mine when I abide
   at Calvary.

– “Calvary’s Anthem”, from The Valley of Vision

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48 thoughts on "Calvary’s Anthem"

  1. Steph says:

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

  2. Erin says:

    “For my soul was never created to love the dust of the earth.” Wow such a deep reminder

  3. Antimony says:

    “For there is power in the blood of Calvary
 to destroy sins more than can be counted”. What a promise.

    1. Kasey Tuggle says:

      Love that line!! The power of God is exceedingly abundantly beyond anything we could imagine!!! Ephesians 3:20-21 and that mighty power is inside of us!! Wow!

  4. Donna says:

    I’m glad you found it Cindy T. I’ll be honest , it has kept me sane today. My little 16yr old dog passed away yesterday and then I had a big argument with my daughter and felt like crawling up in a ball and staying away from church today because I just couldn’t manage to pretend I’m ok to everyone but then I read my daily SRT and remembered it’s ok to be not ok or I wouldn’t need Jesus. He died for my sins so I could lay my burdens at his feet on the cross not so I can pretend to have it all together SO I’m going to church now to be with my church family, who I NEED to surround me before I slide into depression that will rob me of joy and hope. Thank God we have this community of godly women here at SRT.

    1. Cindy T. says:

      Thanks very much Donna. I am very sorry for the loss of your little dog. It’s like losing a family member. Glad you’re going to church :) and I agree that this community is a true blessing.

  5. Cindy T. says:

    I just joined this group yesterday while in night-owl mode and am so thankful God led me here. I’m moved by how the verse describes the Lord lavishing his grace on us and doing so with all wisdom…beautiful! I think of how I lavish cuddles and hugs on my little dog and how he soaks it up contentedly. I’m thankful today that “my mountains of guilt are leveled to a plain” by the precious blood of Jesus shed on Calvary. “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus…”
    Btw, That lovely spinach photo gives me joy and so relates to the theme…we’re clean, and fortified and made spiritually healthy because of Christ! :)

  6. Sarah H says:

    Heavenly Father,
    Thank you that my redemption and the forgiveness of my trespasses are given "according to the riches of Your grace" (Ephesians 1:7). If it were given according to my ability to repent properly or feel the appropriate amount of sorrow for my sins, I would fail time and time again. Please help me to live in the freedom that this brings! My forgiveness is according to YOUR love, YOUR grace, YOUR sacrifice–not anything that I do or don't do. Help me to rest in this today and always.

    1. Cindy T. says:

      I appreciate your prayer Sarah H.

  7. Abby says:

    Hey Community!!

    We are so blessed to have SRT. I grew up practicing the diciplines (like reading the word, praying, journaling, memorizing scripture, even started fasting in high school). But it definitely became something to measure my performance with Christ. It ended up being very inwardly focused, a very anxious practice. Since then I have started attending Gospel-centered churches where it is clear that Jesus is the one who starts, carries, and completes our salvation. – Hebrews 12:2, 2nd Timothy 2:13 for just a few references.

    But anyway, since really coming to understand justification by faith alone, I have really wrestled with faithfully keeping up with the diciplines. Through practicing Lent with SRT this season, I have realized, again, the purpose of the diciplines. They are meant as tools for intimacy with Christ! Jesus secured our salvation and our righteousness so none of what we do on earth earns us points with God in any way. Yet God knows that out hearts are prone to wander and he lovingly gives us various diciplines to help us draw near with hearts of faith (Hebrews 10:19-25)

    So yeah, I am thankful for SRT for helping renew the practice of the diciplines with a thankful and expectant heart. Having something to check and the scriptures for me to read every day really has rekindled the flame. Thanks.

    1. Melinda says:

      Thanks for sharing that scripture and highlighting the purpose of disciplines…."meant as tools for intimacy with Christ" Love that reminder!!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Barbara says:

    I am moved and humbled by the picture of the 'great river of infinite grace'…

    That He provides water of life without cost, and pours out His Blesing of life, clean and abundant… I have no adequate words to share my melted and grateful heart.

    Thank you, SRT for providing this prayer, these studies, and sharing the great and glorious Love of our God.

  9. I’ve really been trying to combat negative thinking & focus on the love God has for me & His promises. Remembering Jesus gave His life to set me free. He loved me first & when I didn’t love myself. My soul cries “Thank you for The Blood that cleansed me, healed me & made me whole again. I will rejoice & be glad!!” I have a tendency to reflect & look at all the wrong I’ve done, all the consequences I’ve paid & begin to feel down as though I’ve messed up my life & then I hear MY Shepherd’s voice saying “Shameka, My daughter, I knit you in your mother’s womb. I know you for I alone created you & gave you life. I love you & nothing you do, no hole is too deep that I will not find you & love you. Yes I know the sin that you struggle with; the thorn in you side. I know the mistakes you’ve made BUT I AM THAT I AM & I love you. I have plans to prosper you not to harm you. My Will for your life is still in affect. Come to me & cast all you cares aside. My love you & peace I give you.” Awe Praise God for The Blood, redemption, & prayer

    1. Diana Anunda says:


    2. Lesley says:

      Beautifully spoken, Sister!

    3. Anne says:

      Shameka it is amazing to me that the closer I get to God the harder Satan fights with his negative words to try to keep me away. Like you say I too often find myself looking back at who I WAS and letting that distract me. Thank you for reminding us we are all forgiven and God loves us knowing what we have done and who we are and He alone is big enough to cover it all. He does have plans to prosper and not harm all of His children.

  10. Natalie says:

    So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this!

  11. Denise says:

    Such beautiful words that deeply touch the heart! It’s as if I’ve been washed by a clear mountain stream and am resting in the arms of peace now. Thank You Lord for Your sacrifice!

  12. Beverly says:

    “Thou hast given me a hill-side spring
 that washes clear and white,
   and I go as a sinner to its waters,
     bathing without hindrance
       in its crystal streams.”
    What a beautiful, tranquil image of being cleansed of my iniquities!
    And this prayer is on my heart today:
    “May I always know
 that a clean heart full of goodness
   is more beautiful than the lily,
 that only a clean heart can sing by night
   and by day,
 that such a heart is mine when I abide
   at Calvary.”
    All that is required is that I abide in Christ. To rest in abundant grace and unending mercy. Lingering in peace this morning.

    1. Cindy T. says:


  13. Amanda says:

    Right now I feel far far away

    1. Lane says:

      Today I do, too. Just keeping coming to Him. He’s with you no matter what your feelings tell you–they deceive! Keep coming.

    2. Candacejo says:

      Amanda and Lane, Jesus is not far away even though we all experience these times of spiritual loneliness. The enemy would love for you to dwell on that FEELING…it is his specialty to make you feel inferior, inadequate and even abandoned. But those are lies. The more we listen to his lies the more we believe them. So grab your sword, the Word of God, and begin to read scripture out loud. The Psalms are good for this. Just claim the verse as your own and pray it out loud. (You don't have to scream, lol, just speak it out) Then bind that spirit of doubt or loneliness, fear, whatever it is that has you down, and then loose the opposite in Jesus' name. Jesus Christ is there, just waiting on you to call on Him. He can love you through any storm and will never forsake you even when you don't have Holy Ghost goosebumps. Remember we walk by faith, not by sight (or feelings). Depend on His Word, lean on His promises and trust Him when all seems hopeless. Praying for you both this morning! ♥

      1. Beth Warner says:

        Love this Candacejo, I’m going to start doing that to! Thanks.

  14. Jenny says:

    Ellie Holcombs album is so beautifully uplifting! I listened to it for the first time yesterday!

    1. Connie says:

      I purchased yesterday … And enjoyed it so much I bought the instrumental version also.

  15. Tricia says:

    Praise His Holy Name!

  16. Catherine says:

    I love this. It is amazing how God works Through scripture and prayer. I was reading through the prayer and began having prideful thoughts. “I’m so good because I’m reading my bible and praying instead of reading blogs and facebook.” I stopper in the middle of this prayer and just prayed that God would change my mindset. I love that God was showing me my sin through this prayer. I am so thankful that Christ’s blood saves me from the consequences of my sin. I want to approach calvary humbly because I know I do not deserve his grace. Thank you Lord for your love and forgiveness. Thank you for your sacrifice.

    1. Barbara says:

      Thank you for your honest transparency. I, too, sometimes struggle with prideful thoughts when I'm focused on my devotions.

      It's quite nice to know that I'm not alone in my sinful struggles. Lord, cleanse us and re-set our hearts and minds.

  17. heather says:

    Thank you Jesus

  18. Angela says:

    "… for my soul was never created to love the dust of earth." – Love this! I need to keep this top-of-mind every single day.

    1. Elene says:

      I agree! So powerful :)

    2. Candacejo says:

      That was what jumped out to me too Angela!

  19. joanne says:

    What a beautiful reminder! Thank you!

  20. Melinda says:

    Praise God that the sin that kept me far from Him has been removed and I have been brought near to Him by the blood of Christ! AND…God help me not to love the dust of the earth…

  21. Libby says:

    I so love this prayer! I want it printed on a book mark! Just beautiful!

  22. Lisa says:

    Thank you Jesus for the cross!

  23. churchmouse says:

    Lord, I don’t come singing to the cross.
    I come ashamed, guilty and humbled.
    My face is down and the tears flow freely.
    I can barely glance at Your face for what my sins are doing to You.
    I lay each sin, name each one, at the foot of Your cross. And I moan aloud as Your blood drops on each one.
    Another glance toward Him who is the source of that blood, and I feel myself straightening.
    My burden, my shame, my guilt – all gone!
    I back away, forgiven, and oh so grateful my heart could burst.
    I cannot stop looking You full in the face. I am strengthened by the love I see there.
    Now. I sing!

    1. SusieT says:


    2. Maderia says:

      I agree Susie…absolutely beautiful…powerful…such a wonderful prayer and beautiful image of my burdens…sins and "guilted stains" being washed away by his blood. And how I am forgiven…strengthened because of his love and grace. My gratitude forever immeasurable. I sing song of praise as I rejoice, for his love…his undying, immeasurable, never ending love for me. What a beautiful, beautiful prayer and illustration church mouse. Thank you!

    3. Liz says:

      Oh, your prayer really landed on my heart this morning! So poignantly put! Even at my best intentions, I found myself dealing with a fresh and unexpected sinful attitude this morning, and I didn't come singing . I am so grateful for the endless river of grace and forgiveness, that makes it possible for me to straighten, and lift my face, forgiven! Yes, NOW I sing! Thank you, churchmouse.

    4. Barbara says:

      And now I sing as well.
      Thank you, churchmouse.
      Your words a balm of blessing today…

      May we all be strengthened by the infinite and tender love of our Lord and Savior.

      "If ever I loved Thee,
      My Jesus, 'tis now!"

  24. Val says:

    Beautiful life giving words

  25. Martina Appelqvist says:

    I love this prayer!

  26. Jenny Tant says:

    That’s amazing! It’s so incredible that though we are the worst of sinners and we were ransomed through His blood on the cross!!

    1. Cristina Galvan says:

      Amen! Praise Jesus!!!