Caleb’s Loyalty to God

Open Your Bible

Joshua 14:1-15, Numbers 14:1-25, Romans 11:33-36

The broader narrative of Joshua is about God fulfilling His promises to the nation of Israel, as they progressively inherit Canaan. Within this narrative are accounts that show us how God specifically fulfilled His promises in the individual lives of His people, such as Caleb.

Of the twelves spies, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones who believed God could give them the land of Canaan. God guaranteed Caleb an inheritance in the land of promise because “he followed the LORD, the God of Israel, completely” (Joshua 14:14). Forty years later, an eighty-five-year-old Caleb still displayed an unshakeable faith.

When we read Caleb’s story, we might be tempted to feel insecure about our own faith in God. Our faith journeys include times when we have trusted God fully. Other times, we may have questioned the reality of His presence in our situations. To follow God completely doesn’t mean that we don’t have days of doubt. Instead, we rely on the Holy Spirit to help us push through those days, carrying all of our anxieties and doubts to the Lord. At the heart of Caleb’s faith was trust in the faithfulness of the one who had been with him all those years before, when he went into the promised land as a spy.

Following God completely also means we can ask God to carry out His promises to us. When the time came to distribute the land, Caleb reminded Joshua of the Lord’s promise to him, saying, “‘The land where you have set foot will be an inheritance for you and your descendants forever’” (Joshua 14:9). Caleb didn’t come to Joshua in arrogance or with a sense of entitlement. He came with confidence, trusting that the Lord would give him the land and help him, even believing that he could drive out the current inhabitants, who were giants! This belief wasn’t based on his strength but on total confidence in the Lord’s strength. When we rely on God’s power, we are able to do things we could hardly imagine and gain physical, emotional, and physical victories. Through Caleb, we see that nothing is impossible for God. 

Caleb’s story is a beautiful picture of a faithful God honoring the faithfulness of His people. It shows us that God keeps His word, no matter how many years have passed. Forty years after God promised Caleb the land, Caleb received his inheritance, and the land remained in his possession: “Hebron still belongs to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite as an inheritance today” (Joshua 14:14).

What does our story look like? What promises are we waiting for God to fulfill? As we serve Him and wait for His promises, our charge is to follow Him and trust that He will fulfill His promises in His time, according to His will (Romans 11:34). His presence is with us always, and He has good things in store for us. 

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61 thoughts on "Caleb’s Loyalty to God"

  1. Nicole Reeder says:

    My family and I have been in a long season of waiting. We have served faithfully for 14 years as missionaries in the U.S. We knew the current location we were at was a 3yr stay and that time came April 1st. We bought a home in anticipation of our next chapter..We have two teenagers that we are ready to pour our time into. We sit and wait…We are still currently serving and waiting for our replacements. Praying daily that a couple who loves children and wants to serve with the Kingdom in mind relives us of our position. We are learning to be still on the Lord but remember just like Caleb he will provide.

  2. Paula Strong says:

    I’m also behind in my readings but it’s all perfect in Gods timing. I liked the author stating following God completely does not mean we do not have doubt. We rely on the Holy Spirit during this time. So much going on in my life. I took all my kids to church and they grew up in the faith but my oldest has pretty much renounced his faith. He said that we indoctrinated him with our beliefs. Anyway I know God said to train up a child the way he should go and I am hoping so badly he eventually comes back. He has no contact with us and is having gender issues now. The whole world seems so lost. All I can do is lean on God.

  3. Lindsey says:

    I’m a week behind in reading these devotionals, but I am amazed by God’s timing and how He has spoken so directly to me through this one specifically. I am expecting a baby any day now, and last night, anxiety over everything that could go wrong took hold. But Caleb’s story was a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness to me throughout this whole journey. It reminded me of how God called me to motherhood nearly three years ago and of the season of waiting He’d prepared for my husband and me. It reminded me of the encouragement He sent to persevere when I was ready to give up on His plans for us. And this morning, I desperately needed the reminder that “When we rely on God’s power, we are able to do things we could hardly imagine and gain physical and emotional victories” as we prepare to meet our little girl very soon. Praise God for His unfailing faithfulness and His perfect timing. He is so, so good.

  4. Jennifer Corkern says:

    In today’s supporting passage in Numbers, I had often wondered about God saying basically “I’m done” and then Moses “talking Him down”. But this morning it hit me that God is allowing us to see His heart in this. The grumbling of the Israelites had to be addressed. God knew Moses was His servant and he knew what he would say. And basically his response is our explanation for why God didn’t wipe the Israelites out like He proposed. But if God had not addressed the issue and we hadn’t been given Moses’ requests and reasoning of the ultimate outcome we may not have understood a particular aspect of the nature of God. I may not be explaining this thought as well as I should because I think I am still forming my thoughts on it but it really stood out to me today as a truth I need to think more on.

    Also, thank you to all the teachers and others who go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives around them each day! Praying I can do more of this myself. Give me your eyes and heart, Lord!

    1. Rebekah Glassy says:

      Thank you for that explanation! I was wondering why God (the almighty and omniscient God) would need to even have this conversation with Moses, but it makes sense now!

  5. Christa Strader says:

    Caleb is such an inspiration….. he willingly asked for the land of the giants/philistines… has not been conquered…. the guy was old but still wanted to fight for God :) He could of picked a peaceful part of the land already conquered but he wanted the hardest/scariest part :) Caleb had a great faith in God and I hope I can be the same way instead of fickle …. :)

  6. Cynthia Johnston says:

    ♥️ Caleb’s character which was developed through perseverance. May we persevere in the strength of the Lord!

  7. Stacy J says:

    God you are slow to anger, abounding in love, and merciful to forgive. You are with me always! When I am confused, you have a plan and know what is best for me

  8. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    God is faithful. God never leaves us. God keeps His promises. God is alive! God loves us all. God gave so that we can be free! ❤️