the breath of life

Open Your Bible

Genesis 2, Ezekiel 37:1-14

Text: Genesis 2:1-25, Ezekiel 37:1-14

Until this point in scripture, the only name used for God has been “God,” or the Hebrew “Elohim,” which means “the God of power.” But in verse 4 of chapter 2, “Lord” or “Jehovah” is added, which means “the God of perfection.”

“The Lord God [Jehovah Elohim] made the earth and the heavens.” He is God of both power and perfection, Maker of heaven and earth, the Lord of absolute completion.

And do you know what I love? When the powerful and perfect God made man, he made something absolutely perfect out of something absolutely plain. He made man and woman, and he made them complete.

He – the great Jehovah Elohim – makes much out of little. He makes extraordinary out of the very, very ordinary. We’re talking dust into mankind here. And we’re talking you and me into new creations.

Yes, Adam is a perfect example of something from nothing, but he’s not the only one! Flip your Bibles to Ezekiel 37:1-14 and read – you’ll find God breathing the same breath of life into another unlikely subject there!

The Lord God takes the most basic thing of all – the dust of the earth – and He transforms it with the breath of His mouth and the touch of His glory and He makes it after His own image. Perfect. Complete.

Sisters, do you feel dry today? Do you feel ordinary, outcast, or rejected? Do you know that the same Lord God of power and perfection who breathed life into Adam can breathe new life into you? Do you know that this same God seeks out the despised and small, and it is they that He chooses? They are the ones He will exalt.

He will make them – He will make you – perfect. Complete.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
2 Cor 5:17


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85 thoughts on "the breath of life"

  1. Aria Lu says:

    Amazing. I'm touched. God is amazing beyond words.

  2. Bekah A says:

    Wow. I was just feeling like I wasn't a special person. I felt like I was ordinary and didn't have any special qualities about myself. And then I read this and I am so glad I did! What a great reminder of how different we are in Christ! I definitely needed to hear this today. Thank you Lord for being a God of perfection and completeness!! :)

  3. kimmie says:

    I love that I'm learning. I love that you know exactly what I need to read to learn what I didn't before.

  4. SunnyeOne says:

    As I read the comments by you all, tears come to my eyes because I am so grateful to have found this community of believers that I want to just shout PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I am just like those bones….dry and lifeless but I haven't always been this way. I allowed the ways of the world to impose upon my mind and I forgot where my true blessings come from. I know the Lord will breathe life into me, and I hope that I am strong enough not to allow the trials and tribulations that I endure to deter me from God's love and mercy. I need your breath of Life Father God and I love you for having mercy on my poor and weak soul!

  5. Annette says:

    Love this idea of God taking the simple and using if for his glory. I'm 4 months postpartum and I have to great honor of staying home with my son. I used to be in full time ministry and then worked at a ministry full time and both of those were great. I confess though that as a mommy living in her pjs and cleaning up spit up I can sometimes feel pretty dry. But thanks for this post. I'm constantly being made new with every day that passes. With every load of laundry and sink full of dishes Jesus is doing a new thing in me. He's using the little and simple to create character and true joy that doesn't come from any other source than him and him alone. Coming out of full time ministry, the tendency is to be a doer so that people will see and you'll be validated. At least that was my weakness so being a doer that only my sweet boy and dog experience is a whole new ballgame. I can't perform, I can only just be. So there Jesus is using the simple dishes, laundry and poop to refine me and I'll take it! With my whole heart I'll embrace it because he truly is making me new and breathing life into the dry places.

  6. Annette says:

    Love this idea of God taking the simple and using if for his glory. I'm 4 months postpartum and I have to great honor of staying home with my son. I used to be in full time ministry and then worked at a ministry full time and both of those were great. I confess though that as a mommy living in her pjs and cleaning up spit up I can sometimes feel pretty dry. But thanks for this post. I'm constantly being made new with every day that passes. With every load of laundry and sink full of dishes Jesus is doing a new thing in me. He's using the little and simple to create character and true joy that doesn't come from any other source than him and him alone. Coming out of full time ministry, the tendency is to be a doer so that people will see and you'll be validated. At least that was my weakness so being a doer that only my sweet boy and dog experience is a whole new ballgame. I can't perform, I can only just be. So there Jesus is using the simple dishes, laundry and poop to refine me and I'll take it! With my whole heart I'll embrace it because he truly is making me new and breathing life into the dry places.

  7. MelissaB says:

    He makes ALL things new!!!

    1. VintageLV says:

      I pray He renews you today & you receive great blessings. Thank you Lord for such great words today.