Day 25

Born Thy People to Deliver Day 25

Isaiah 40:3-5, Luke 1:57-80, John 1:6-9, John 1:15, Matthew 11:1-10

BY Vina Mogg

Every Christmas I enjoy listening to Handel’s Messiah in its entirety. The chorus is often heard in the background: “And the glory of the Lord / Shall be revealed.” 

This melody repeats over and over, a song and proclamation of God’s message of salvation. Those lyrics are taken directly from Isaiah 40:5, the opening passage of today’s reading. John, the child we read about today, was born to do this very thing: to reveal the glory of the Lord. What a beautiful prayer his father, Zechariah, speaks over his child, “you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways” (Luke 1:76).

From the beginning, his father knew the Lord had purposed his son to point others toward the Savior. And from the beginning, John knew his calling was to prepare the way for Jesus. He was the one who was sent “to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins” (Luke 1:77).

Experiencing God’s tender mercy in our lives compels us to share mercy with others. 

As we move our way through the bustling season listening to Christmas songs in the background, may we keep this in mind: Like John, our purpose is to point the way toward the Savior. It may be a small act of kindness. A softly spoken word. A gift card slipped across the counter to a server. A smile or thank you to a weary salesperson.

Everyone is busy at this time of the year. We enter this season weary after a long season of wilderness. Isolation and separation have left many empty and dry like the desert. Small acts of kindness fall on parched souls, thirsty after a desert season. Our voice can reflect His voice with words of encouragement and affirmation to both strangers and friends. 

What Zechariah prophesied years ago, still holds true today: 

Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, 
because he has visited 
and provided redemption for his people.
He has raised up a horn of salvation for us
in the house of his servant David,
just as he spoke by the mouth 
of his holy prophets in ancient times
(Luke 1:68–70).

This Christmas season, may we be a voice for the coming Messiah. One who prepares the way for others to receive the Savior born in a manger. One who reflects His glory in our countenance and gestures. May our actions and words be a melody to others, proclaiming the wonder and celebration of God’s mercy!

Post Comments (59)

59 thoughts on "Born Thy People to Deliver Day 25"

  1. Kyle Hopkins says:

    “Like John, our purpose is to show and way to the Savior” Yes, yes, yes!

  2. Sarah Spears says:


  3. Susan Lincks says:

    God, I want to be a light for You!

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