Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:6, Matthew 7:7-11, Romans 9:3-33, Romans 10:1-4, Psalm 17:15

Text: Matthew 5:6, Matthew 7:7-11, Romans 9:3-33, Romans 10:1-4, Psalm 17:15

We can’t get Harvey to stop eating green acorns in the backyard. Yes, specifically the green ones, and no, his stomach does not agree.

The main reason our goldendoodle puppy keeps finding acorns is because, well, it’s fall and they’re everywhere. He sniffs them out with the same tenacity I use when looking for a stray piece of gum in my purse. Before you know it, he’s crunch-crunch-crunching away. Again.

We’ve scolded him repeatedly, enrolled him in puppy school, and used lots of bribery. But when it’s not green acorns, he’s gnawing anything from a wooden armchair to a human hand, and at that point, I’ll take the pesky acorn any day. All the while, he ignores his full bowl of dog food, and although I haven’t tasted it myself, I’ll bet it tastes better than all those other things. When will he learn to eat the right things?

Better yet, when will we?

I’m hungry all the time. Of course, my stomach rumbles when I don’t eat breakfast or eye the pint of ice cream in the fridge, but it’s even more frequent than that—I’m ravenous for approval, control, love, and fulfillment. Instagram likes, friendly compliments, and foolproof plans are my foods of choice. Before I know it, I’m crunch-crunch-crunching away. Again.

But even after gorging myself, I am still unsatisfied and on to trying the next thing. Anybody else? Friends, we, too, are missing the satisfaction already set out for us—in Christ.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
– Matthew 5:6

I tend to picture the person who hungers and thirsts for righteousness as a total kill-joy, as if this verse is telling them—and us—to go on a strict righteousness cleanse. But it’s not! No, it’s  inviting us into something so much better. Paul explains the distinction like this: “Because they disregarded the righteousness from God and attempted to establish their own righteousness, they have not submitted themselves to God’s righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes” (Romans 10:3-4).

If we are left to feed on our own righteousness, we will starve. But when we feed on the righteousness of Christ, we will be satisfied. On the cross, Jesus knew He was the only thing that would satisfy, and even in our longings today, it still rings true. We cannot create or earn righteousness on our own; we can only partake in the gift of His.

In contrast to our worldly desires that leave us longing and hungry for more, our satisfaction in Christ only increases with our hunger for Him. The more we seek first the kingdom of God, the more we will be fulfilled by His goodness—a taste of eternal satisfaction in the life to come. 

“But I will see Your face in righteousness;
when I awake, I will be satisfied with Your presence.”
– Psalm 17:15

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70 thoughts on "Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness"

  1. Kristine Loughman says:

    Maybe it was because of the comments yesterday, but today I find myself focused on the verbs. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7
    I think about when my kids hunger and thirst for food – they never stop asking until they finally get that snack! May I be that persistent in my quest for righteousness!
    SEARCHING- thank you for the definitions of meek yesterday. The idea of a broken-in horse makes so much sense. That horse is still powerful, but the power can now be harnessed and channeled. Love it!

  2. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “The more we seek first the kingdom of God, the more we will be fulfilled by His goodness—a taste of eternal satisfaction in the life to come”. AMEN!

    ADRIENNE – thanks for the update on Leo. Praying this trial brings him and his family closer to the Lord.

    HEATHER O’MALLEY – praying the Lord gives you clear direction as to your next steps. Take the waiting time to de-stress.

    KIMBERLY Z – praying your sale goes well!

    SEARCHING – loved “submission (under God’s mission)”

  3. Katie Ford says:

    Needed this today.

  4. Kylie Ho says:

    “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” The God whom we serve alone justifies and imparts righteousness, human efforts and sacrifices without a pure heart that loves and obeys God are but filthy rags before Him. But the poor in spirit and the broken are close to Him in spirit. Before we get too carried away with life, or hungry for anything else, always remember we are here only by His mercy. This is His grace toward us.

  5. Molly Gilbane says:

    This message really hit home today. Some days, I feel consumed by social media and the constant hunger for more likes, comments, followers— I equate these numbers to approval, to success. But in the end, I always feel dissatisfied and empty. Only Jesus can give us the peace and contentment we so desperately need. Lord, help me to keep my priorities straight! Thank you for the beautiful reminder that Jesus is ALL we need.

  6. Rebecca Powers says:

    This was so good to hear today. I have been so concerned with gaining approval and worldly success through school, future career plans, my appearance to others, etc. and this is so reassuring. I will always be satisfied in Christ. ❤️

  7. Amanda Holland says:

    A good reminder to set my focus on God heart and not my own so much of my day. Renewing my faith daily is what I got from this passage today.