Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:8, Ezekiel 36:22-28, Psalm 24:1-10, Revelation 22:1-5

Text: Matthew 5:8, Ezekiel 36:22-28, Psalm 24:1-10, Revelation 22:1-5

The doctor’s office wasn’t on my list of must-see destinations in Italy, but it’s the one I got to check off the list just 72 hours into my semester abroad.

I’d intentionally chosen a program without any familiar faces—just me and the open road! Instead, it was just me… and the scratching. And the hives.

The minute the itchiness ensued, I immediately began washing all my clothes and sheets, then used every last drop of my brand-new bottle of soap in the shower. But it got worse, sending me to the farmacia, which was closed, followed by the doctor’s office, all the while accompanied by a translator who did not know the word for “hives.”

This isn’t the first time I’d taken matters into my own hands, working to scrub away my flaws for a pristine exterior. Just today, I’ve held doors, given compliments, and tweeted Scripture—which are all good things, but my motives are off. And do you know what I see when I do these things? Nothing. I’m hiding so well that I don’t see a thing—not myself, and definitely not God.

Sitting in the doctor’s office chair, I listened to the translator and the doctor intensely converse, unable to decipher what they were saying. Then, the translator turned to me, diagnosing an allergic reaction to an ingredient specific to Italian soap and detergent.

What I’d been using to hide and treat my condition was actually the root of my problem. My attempts to outwardly correct my inward shame had only exposed it more.

When I read, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8), I’m sent scrambling, trying to scrub my heart of its impurities. Reading that verse makes me want to work harder and look better. But in reality, I start to hide more, feel less, and then wonder why I can’t see God in the midst of my shame.

I want to see Him. I want to see Him so badly that I’ve shamed my sinful heart into hiding. But Praise the Lord, He is not hiding from us, and nothing is hidden from Him. God sees us and knows us long before we could ever think to seek Him. He saw us first.

For “Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). He sees us when we are impressive, as well as indecent. He knows our hiding places and wants to give us a better one (Psalm 32:7).

While we are busy trying to correct our outward behavior and conceal our inward brokenness, we miss the work God is already doing:

“For I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries, and will bring you into your own land. I will also sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your impurities and all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
–Ezekiel 36:24-28

By His grace, may we stop hiding from Him in shame, and instead turn to face the One who has already blessed us with the purity of Christ and washed us clean.SRT-Beatitudes-Instagram9s


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72 thoughts on "Blessed Are the Pure in Heart"

  1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Teresa Donely – Praise God we now know the truth about God’s amazing grace and His mercy that is new every morning!
    @Aleida – Continued prayers for your house that is in escrow, and praise for your new home and community! I will be praying for Victor’s visit, especially that he and his dad can connect with each other. Praying he will soon have a job that will support him and be able to pay down his debt – but most importantly, praying for his relationship with the Lord!

  2. Cheryl Blow says:

    So thankful for the cleansing power of the blood of Christ! I am reminded of the song “Nothing but the Blood Of Jesus.” We can’t do anything to make ourselves pure enough before God only Jesus can. No hiding, just openly receiving His grace!
    ALEIDA – praying for Victor and your family.

  3. Adrienne says:

    I teach preschool and am washing my hands constantly! I will not think of washing my hands the same way again! He sprinkles me with clean water…

    Blessings on your day, sweet She’s. Remember who you are and whose you are and that prayers are offered on your behalf.

  4. RS says:

    Aleida, I keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers often. May God continue to fortify your heart that you can stay full of hope and strength. The battle has already been won for Victor, I pray that he would come to see that in his life.

  5. Kristine Loughman says:

    When I read “Blessed are the pure in heart” I almost skipped right over it because obviously that isn’t meant for me! Why even bother finishing the blessing when there’s no way I can measure up to the standard. But! None of us can measure, none of us are pure in heart. That’s why God has to remove our “heart of stone” and give us a clean heart. I loved the passage from Ezekiel because it was full of action words, and this tI’ve the action is God’s. He will gather us, sprinkle us with clean water, give us a dwelling place. Maybe the action on my part is to just accept this new heart and use it as Jesus would.
    Ladies, I’ve started my two weeks of grades, report cards, and parent teacher conferences. Please pray for stamina and the right words to say to parents.
    ALEIDA – prayers for Victor’s visit, amidst all the other things you have going on

  6. Searching says:

    Yes, TINA, Psalm 51! Vs 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
    And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
    And KELLY (NEO) – same here :(

    Matthew 22:37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
    If I could always obey this then there wouldn’t be any room for anything else.

    DONNA WOLCOTT Praying for Israel and for your friends’ safety and return home

    ALEIDA – praying for Victor’s visit, renewal of relationships and the right job for his financial needs

    MERCY – good to see you!

  7. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Great question, Tina. For me to have a pure heart is only possible through Jesus. I catch myself frequently framing words and actions in a light that makes me look good in other people’s eyes. It is embarrassing how easily I can turn to this type of manipulation in a situation.

    DONNA WOLCOTT – praying your friend and her daughter stay safe and are able to get back home quickly.

    ALEIDA – celebrating that all is going well with the move/sale. Will be praying Victor’s visit is peaceful.

  8. Tina says:

    Has my heart ever been pure?

    I try Lord God, I try. But Lord, you know, even my best intentions do not a pure heart make!

    Psalm 51, has long since, been one of my favourites..

    Blot out..





    These are words I pray into a lot, these are words I find myself crying out. I am unworthy…

    BUT GOD..

    Oh, BUT GOD.

    He saw me in my mother’s womb, He saw me as I came out screaming. He saw me when I started school.. Through all of life’s ups and downs, He has seen me, known me and though, my heart is nowhere near pure, it is held\nestled in His, even when I have tried to hide, He loves me still, unconditionally.

    By His grace, may I\we stop hiding from Him in shame, and instead turn to face the One who has already blessed us with the purity of Christ and washed us clean.
    Oh Lord God, in your mercy hear our prayer. In Jesus name..


    Happy Tuesday, dear SRT sisters, Be blessed, wrapped in love and hugs and prayers.❤