Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:9, Matthew 10:26-31, Ephesians 2:11-22, John 14:27-31, Psalm 34:1-22

Text: Matthew 5:9, Matthew 10:26-31, Ephesians 2:11-22, John 14:27-31, Psalm 34:1-22

The womb is where I learned that relationships take work. I shared the space with my twin sister, Nikki. With four elbows, four knees, and twenty fingers and toes jammed into such cramped corners, I doubt peace was a part of my prenatal development. I’ve been fighting for peace in my relationships ever since.

You too?

I’m not sure where we got the impression that once life reaches a certain cruising altitude, we can wave goodbye to turbulence. Every era in history is marked with wars and rumors of wars, and every decade of our lives brings its share of tensions, squabbles, and cold shoulders. Turmoil is a constant in our changing world. Jesus was not naïve to this reality. He calls us to pursue peace anyway.

If you read through the Beatitudes as a list of dos and don’ts, you might find yourself tripping on this one: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9).

Are you able to change the habits that wreak havoc on your relationships? If you were, you would have done it already.

Are you able to force reconciliation between your bickering children or squabbling neighbors? Probably not. There’s strike two.

Are you able to resolve the conflicts raging across the geopolitical landscape? Nope. Strike three!

But where we are weak, Christ’s power is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9). The gospel never fails to shoot up a beacon of hope.

This list of blessings handed down from Jesus goes far beyond a checklist for right living. It lays the groundwork for the gospel. We can’t begin to get relief in our relationships or to move toward others in reconciliation without first looking to the cross.

True peace is a byproduct of Christ’s work of the cross. True reconciliation begins with His work on our behalf, then bubbles over into our connections with each other. We can only be peacemakers by carefully following Christ’s lead.

Apart from Jesus, we were once left in a sorry state: separated, alienated, hopeless strangers— alone (Ephesians 2:11-12). “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility” (vs. 13-14).

Apart from Christ, all of life is war. We war within ourselves as we rebel against God’s best. We war against others as our sin sends shrapnel into one another’s hearts. The cross is the only bridge to true peace.

The beautiful message of the gospel is that Jesus Himself is our peace. The cross worked like a sledgehammer, tearing down the wall of hostility we erected with our own sin. He simply asks us to wave the white flag of surrender to His work of reconciliation.

This reminder gives us what we need to pursue reconciliation with others. The grace that has been lavished upon us gives us the strength to extend grace to others. We can forgive because we’ve been forgiven, pursue peace because we serve the Peacemaker, mend broken relationships because we’ve been stitched up with the thread of grace.

This process of pursuing reconciliation also gives us a taste of what’s to come; it’s a preview of an eternity marked with perfect peace. Hostility will end. Tears will dry. Apologies will become antiquated. Those of us who have surrendered our lives to the Peacemaker will be blessed indeed.


Erin Davis is an author, blogger, and speaker who loves to see women of all ages run to the deep well of God’s Word. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.

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61 thoughts on "Blessed Are the Peacemakers"

  1. Kimberly Z says:

    If there is one thing I struggle with it’s not being hostile and forgiving. I try to always do the “right” thing but often times that leaves me feeling angry when others do not do the same. I have in the last struggled in the past that just because I might do the right thing doesn’t always mean somebody else will do what I think is right or what I think I deserve. Praying to get better at this especially as I enter into a fresh relationship. Power to all you married women who give their partners grace each day haha. Happy Wednesday ladies!

  2. Traci Gendron says:

    I’m not always a good peacemaker. My stepson said “You are a no BS kind of girl.” I don’t deal with bad behavior forever. Eventually I call the person out on it. Am I proud of that…no. I’m glad I’m not a doormat to others, yes but I wait until I’ve had enough to address the issue. And we all know what that means. It doesn’t come out very nicely. I need to first look to the cross before I speak. To handle sin not sinfully. That spoke volumes to me the other day. It’s also hard to expect godly behavior out of ungodly unbelieving people. I’m surrounded by them in our families. So as I have lots to work on.

  3. Mari V says:

    Praying for Allison. I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Lynne from Alabams says:

    Good morning, sweet sisters! When we meet each day I wish we could all just sit down together and have a cup of coffee. I would give each one of you a big hug! I am definitely a hugger and I miss being around people (since I am home alone with Jack all the time). SEARCHING—I love the SRT singers idea! ADRIENNE—I love the Point of Grace song you mentioned! I sang in a ladies group for over ten years and we sang a lot of Point of Grace songs including that one. It is one my favorites! It is on my playlist and always brings a smile to my face! It has a great message—Jesus and His cross bridge the great divide between us and God! Praise God there is hope for us in Jesus!

    TINA—I loved what you shared about pacemakers vs peacemakers!

    RHONDA J—Praying for peace between you and your hubby.

    ADRIENNE—Great news about Leo’s improvement!

    ALLISON M—Praying for your complete healing and better rest.

    MARI V—Praying that it won’t cost much to fix your car lock and that you can have more patience with your mom.

    MICHELLE PATIRE—Praying for your upcoming worship event. May God be in complete control of every detail!

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN—Praying for your parent meetings and wisdom for you as a teacher. How is your plantar fasciitis?

    KIMBERLY Z— Glad you are with us!

    NICOLE BURKE—How is harvest going?

    CEE GEE, TERESA DONLEY, MERCY, SHARON JERSEY GIRL and all others—Your prayer needs are being lifted up!

    Have a blessed day!

  5. Cee Gee says:

    “Are you able to change the habits that wreak havoc on your relationships? If you were, you would have done it already.” This is a hard one! Through God’s grace, I can be changed, but if the other person doesn’t do the same, where is peace? Just a heavy ponder this morning!

    “The beautiful message of the gospel is that Jesus Himself is our peace. The cross worked like a sledgehammer, tearing down the wall of hostility we erected with our own sin.” He is my peace! I can’t do enough, be good enough, say the right thing… to guarantee peace in any relationship. All I can do is follow His lead, extend grace, show mercy, and pray.

    TINA – I have had a similar thing happen before, but not with the noteworthy sermon you produced (by God’s Hand!) Love it and you!

    SEARCHING, SUE DALOS – A splendid idea!!! One day we will all be singing praises together and every voice will be in perfect pitch and harmony! ❤ Thanks for sharing the Scriptures, Searching!

    ADRIENNE- I loved that song back in the day and that was my favorite phrase in the song!
    So thankful for Leo’s steady improvement; what a first meal…yikes!

    I love this chorus of a song we sing at church: (SING TO THE KING)
    “Come, let us sing a song
    A song declaring that we belong to Jesus
    He is all we need, lift up a heart of praise
    Sing now with voices raised to Jesus
    Sing to the King.”

    Praying with those specific prayers mentioned, for ongoing prayer needs, and for every other need on the heart of any SRT sister. God sees and knows. RHONDA J – I understand! ❤

  6. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s

    I am one that usually avoids all conflicts, I a peacemaker? This scripture today sure rubs. I have been in a silent battle with my hubs for over 2 weeks now. I have a hard time saying I’m sorry. I could explain to you how it all goes down, and how it’s not MY fault, and so on…but…AM I the PEACEMAKER? Lord, YOU know my heart and how I try to stay in unison with you working in me, give me patience and strength, encouragement and words of wisdom. In your son Jesus, that gives us precious peace, amen.

  7. Cheryl Blow says:

    Tina, great thoughts! The verse that just resonated with me is 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility – Ephesians 2:14

    What a timely message for our world now. We can bring the peace of God to our world through Christ!

  8. Sue Dalos says:

    @SEARCHING. I can just hear the SRT Singers as I sit here with my ☕️ and Bible and all of you.