Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:9, Matthew 10:26-31, Ephesians 2:11-22, John 14:27-31, Psalm 34:1-22

Text: Matthew 5:9, Matthew 10:26-31, Ephesians 2:11-22, John 14:27-31, Psalm 34:1-22

The womb is where I learned that relationships take work. I shared the space with my twin sister, Nikki. With four elbows, four knees, and twenty fingers and toes jammed into such cramped corners, I doubt peace was a part of my prenatal development. I’ve been fighting for peace in my relationships ever since.

You too?

I’m not sure where we got the impression that once life reaches a certain cruising altitude, we can wave goodbye to turbulence. Every era in history is marked with wars and rumors of wars, and every decade of our lives brings its share of tensions, squabbles, and cold shoulders. Turmoil is a constant in our changing world. Jesus was not naïve to this reality. He calls us to pursue peace anyway.

If you read through the Beatitudes as a list of dos and don’ts, you might find yourself tripping on this one: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9).

Are you able to change the habits that wreak havoc on your relationships? If you were, you would have done it already.

Are you able to force reconciliation between your bickering children or squabbling neighbors? Probably not. There’s strike two.

Are you able to resolve the conflicts raging across the geopolitical landscape? Nope. Strike three!

But where we are weak, Christ’s power is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9). The gospel never fails to shoot up a beacon of hope.

This list of blessings handed down from Jesus goes far beyond a checklist for right living. It lays the groundwork for the gospel. We can’t begin to get relief in our relationships or to move toward others in reconciliation without first looking to the cross.

True peace is a byproduct of Christ’s work of the cross. True reconciliation begins with His work on our behalf, then bubbles over into our connections with each other. We can only be peacemakers by carefully following Christ’s lead.

Apart from Jesus, we were once left in a sorry state: separated, alienated, hopeless strangers— alone (Ephesians 2:11-12). “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility” (vs. 13-14).

Apart from Christ, all of life is war. We war within ourselves as we rebel against God’s best. We war against others as our sin sends shrapnel into one another’s hearts. The cross is the only bridge to true peace.

The beautiful message of the gospel is that Jesus Himself is our peace. The cross worked like a sledgehammer, tearing down the wall of hostility we erected with our own sin. He simply asks us to wave the white flag of surrender to His work of reconciliation.

This reminder gives us what we need to pursue reconciliation with others. The grace that has been lavished upon us gives us the strength to extend grace to others. We can forgive because we’ve been forgiven, pursue peace because we serve the Peacemaker, mend broken relationships because we’ve been stitched up with the thread of grace.

This process of pursuing reconciliation also gives us a taste of what’s to come; it’s a preview of an eternity marked with perfect peace. Hostility will end. Tears will dry. Apologies will become antiquated. Those of us who have surrendered our lives to the Peacemaker will be blessed indeed.


Erin Davis is an author, blogger, and speaker who loves to see women of all ages run to the deep well of God’s Word. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.

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61 thoughts on "Blessed Are the Peacemakers"

  1. Mercy says:

    A while ago, one of our she’s mentioned this (it might have been JenniferLovesJesus) that a peacemaker has to go to war/conflict zone to make peace, and not simply just remain where there is peace, or else there won’t be a demand for such job. That really really stuck with me. There is always a spiritual battle and some sort of conflict going on around us, within relationships in families, workplaces, churches, friend circles, politics, religion, nations and so on, even within our own mind. BUT GOD, he equipped us and called us to come forth as peacemakers. That takes dying to self. It was so uncomfortable for me to do this, but I pushed myself pass the awkwardness, the defensiveness of the other party(ies), and by God’s grace, the wall of hostility crumbled down. Just obey and go forth, God is with us as we make peace with words of healing and gentleness that can turn away wrath (A soft word turns away wrath Proverbs 15:1), and blessed are the peacemakers who reconcile the one who goes astray. Consider this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and cover over a multitude of sins (James 5:20). It’s not easy, and oftentimes extremely uncomfortable and suspenseful, with bleak outcomes (temporarily), but we practice. Lifting prayers up for our dear she’s. @SEARCHING: glad to be back from an illness last week. Be blessed dear sisters.

  2. Nicole Burke says:

    LYNNE FROM ALABAMS- Thank you for asking about harvest! We completed all of our soybean acres so that is such a praise!! We have started back to our corn acres which will take another month or so depending on the weather and rain.

    I’m praying for you and Jack and all the other She’s requests.

    I’m trying to take it easy (besides running after my toddler) I’m 16 weeks pregnant and having bleeding off and on the last few weeks, thankfully baby is safe, but they can’t figure out the cause. I would appreciate prayers for it to stop and continued safety for baby!

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    If there is one thing I struggle with it’s not being hostile and forgiving. I try to always do the “right” thing but often times that leaves me feeling angry when others do not do the same. I have in the last struggled in the past that just because I might do the right thing doesn’t always mean somebody else will do what I think is right or what I think I deserve. Praying to get better at this especially as I enter into a fresh relationship. Power to all you married women who give their partners grace each day haha. Happy Wednesday ladies!

  4. Traci Gendron says:

    I’m not always a good peacemaker. My stepson said “You are a no BS kind of girl.” I don’t deal with bad behavior forever. Eventually I call the person out on it. Am I proud of that…no. I’m glad I’m not a doormat to others, yes but I wait until I’ve had enough to address the issue. And we all know what that means. It doesn’t come out very nicely. I need to first look to the cross before I speak. To handle sin not sinfully. That spoke volumes to me the other day. It’s also hard to expect godly behavior out of ungodly unbelieving people. I’m surrounded by them in our families. So as I have lots to work on.

  5. Mari V says:

    Praying for Allison. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Lynne from Alabams says:

    Good morning, sweet sisters! When we meet each day I wish we could all just sit down together and have a cup of coffee. I would give each one of you a big hug! I am definitely a hugger and I miss being around people (since I am home alone with Jack all the time). SEARCHING—I love the SRT singers idea! ADRIENNE—I love the Point of Grace song you mentioned! I sang in a ladies group for over ten years and we sang a lot of Point of Grace songs including that one. It is one my favorites! It is on my playlist and always brings a smile to my face! It has a great message—Jesus and His cross bridge the great divide between us and God! Praise God there is hope for us in Jesus!

    TINA—I loved what you shared about pacemakers vs peacemakers!

    RHONDA J—Praying for peace between you and your hubby.

    ADRIENNE—Great news about Leo’s improvement!

    ALLISON M—Praying for your complete healing and better rest.

    MARI V—Praying that it won’t cost much to fix your car lock and that you can have more patience with your mom.

    MICHELLE PATIRE—Praying for your upcoming worship event. May God be in complete control of every detail!

    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN—Praying for your parent meetings and wisdom for you as a teacher. How is your plantar fasciitis?

    KIMBERLY Z— Glad you are with us!

    NICOLE BURKE—How is harvest going?

    CEE GEE, TERESA DONLEY, MERCY, SHARON JERSEY GIRL and all others—Your prayer needs are being lifted up!

    Have a blessed day!

  7. Cee Gee says:

    “Are you able to change the habits that wreak havoc on your relationships? If you were, you would have done it already.” This is a hard one! Through God’s grace, I can be changed, but if the other person doesn’t do the same, where is peace? Just a heavy ponder this morning!

    “The beautiful message of the gospel is that Jesus Himself is our peace. The cross worked like a sledgehammer, tearing down the wall of hostility we erected with our own sin.” He is my peace! I can’t do enough, be good enough, say the right thing… to guarantee peace in any relationship. All I can do is follow His lead, extend grace, show mercy, and pray.

    TINA – I have had a similar thing happen before, but not with the noteworthy sermon you produced (by God’s Hand!) Love it and you!

    SEARCHING, SUE DALOS – A splendid idea!!! One day we will all be singing praises together and every voice will be in perfect pitch and harmony! ❤ Thanks for sharing the Scriptures, Searching!

    ADRIENNE- I loved that song back in the day and that was my favorite phrase in the song!
    So thankful for Leo’s steady improvement; what a first meal…yikes!

    I love this chorus of a song we sing at church: (SING TO THE KING)
    “Come, let us sing a song
    A song declaring that we belong to Jesus
    He is all we need, lift up a heart of praise
    Sing now with voices raised to Jesus
    Sing to the King.”

    Praying with those specific prayers mentioned, for ongoing prayer needs, and for every other need on the heart of any SRT sister. God sees and knows. RHONDA J – I understand! ❤

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s

    I am one that usually avoids all conflicts, I a peacemaker? This scripture today sure rubs. I have been in a silent battle with my hubs for over 2 weeks now. I have a hard time saying I’m sorry. I could explain to you how it all goes down, and how it’s not MY fault, and so on…but…AM I the PEACEMAKER? Lord, YOU know my heart and how I try to stay in unison with you working in me, give me patience and strength, encouragement and words of wisdom. In your son Jesus, that gives us precious peace, amen.

  9. Cheryl Blow says:

    Tina, great thoughts! The verse that just resonated with me is 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility – Ephesians 2:14

    What a timely message for our world now. We can bring the peace of God to our world through Christ!

  10. Sue Dalos says:

    @SEARCHING. I can just hear the SRT Singers as I sit here with my ☕️ and Bible and all of you.

  11. Allison M says:

    I’ve been away a few days battling a bad upper respiratory infection and today is my first day back in my reading. Of course, it’s a good one. I’ve missed everyone in the meantime. I ask for prayers for my cough to ease up so I can sleep some more. I work remotely and I’m going to try working through it today.
    Have a blessed day, everyone.

  12. Adrienne says:

    Good morning, sweet sisters! Some early thoughts…

    1) “For he is our peace…”- Ephesians 2:14

    In Chapel at preschool Pastor often says that Jesus is our peace. This verse really hit my ears differently today. I can have peace and be a peacemaker because HE IS PEACE.

    2) I have always loved those verses in John. HE gives US His peace.

    3) Today’s devotion reminded me that there is an old song by Point of Grace. (I am dating myself!) In this song, the lyrics say that there’s a bridge to cross the great divid, and the next line says there’s a cross to bridge the great divide. This is a play on words that I have always loved. Just change the order of the same words…

    4) I am so glad that God knows the number of hairs on my head! (How is this for a chuckle… can you relate? It seems like I lose a lot more than the standard 150 that everyone is supposed to shed each day. My hair used to be a lot thicker.)

  13. Searching says:

    Peacemakers, sons (and daughters) of God. Wow.

    In the devo it says Apart from Christ, all of life is war. And it’s not just between us and others, it’s also between us and our own selves. Past the beatitudes in Matthew 5, Jesus challenges us in our peacemaking.
    43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

    TINA – ❤️ preach on, sister. Thank you.
    All of you that can sing – LYNNE FROM AL, CEE GEE, MICHELLE PATIRE, TERESA DONLEY and I’m sure many others – what an awesome talent! Presenting … the SRT Singers ❤️
    CEE GEE – ❤️ part of the definition you shared yesterday … unstained by guilt … so thankful He washes us white as snow. Love that song too.
    AZ WALKER – good to see you
    ADRIENNE – praising Leo’s progress

    Praying for:
    KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – endurance and good communication during the grading and parent meetings
    MICHELLE PATIRE – wisdom for event
    MARI V – car lock
    RHONDA J – unspoken request
    DONNA WOLCOTT – friends in Israel

  14. Kelly (NEO) says:

    My peace does not depend on external situations (thank goodness), but on the internal orientation of my heart. (TINA❤️) Turning my inner eyes to Jesus, my focus is above the turmoil of this life. This then gives me the proper framework to speak peace into the lives of others.

    RHONDA J – praying the Lord gives you wisdom in your situation

    ADRIENNE – so glad to hear Leo continues to improve. Keep us updated

    MICHELLE PATIRE – prayers for the event you are planningand that you will find a way to practice.

    MARI V – praying the dealer can fix the door issue at very little cost.

  15. Tina says:

    I know the verse is …
    Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.s But the funniest thing, this morning I read this as Blessed are the pacemakers.. Lol!

    Intrigued, I looked up the word pacemakers.. These two definitions caught my heart..

    1) A person who sets standards of achievements for others.
    2) A device for stimulating the heart muscles..

    I smile.

    A person, JESUS, has set the standards.. He has given us the template of peace.. The cross.

    We can’t begin to get relief in our relationships or to move toward others in reconciliation without first looking to the cross.

    Something that struck me, the Beatitudes are all of the heart. They all begin with a heart change, or a heart shift, or a reorganization of the heart. To be a ” Blessed are… ” person, involves your heart.

    Poor in spirit.. Heart down.

    Mourn.. Broken heart, sadness.

    Meek.. Quiet. Resignation of heart.

    Hunger and thirst.. Desire of heart.

    Merciful.. Forgiveness from heart.

    Pure in heart.. Of GOD. Clean heart.

    Peacemakers.. Calm of heart. Peace giver.

    The cross, on which Jesus’ arms were outstretched, for us, is ‘the device’ that ‘stimulates’ our hearts. It is the reminder, and the source to look for and to, to do right, and make the appropriate and ‘life giving’ decisions to bring Glory to God, and to receive the Peace, the life changing Peace, that only God can give, and is..

    So, though I read the words wrong this morning..God,
    Sure did have something to say and teach to me.

    I probably have rambled..BUT GOD..

    Happy Wednesday Wonderful Daughters of the Most High God..❤

  16. Molly Gilbane says:

    Dear Lord, thank you for this beautiful life. What a wonderful reminder to Be Still and know what You are God— the giver of peace. Lord, please help me to bless my husband, son, extended family, friends, and community because of the deep well of peace that is You.

  17. Ashley McDonald says:

    This is beautifully said!! I love the honesty and

  18. Amanda Holland says:

    Sometimes I wonder if God ever thinks about how simple he has made it to trust and give Him the burdens and negative thoughts and situations in the would but I make it so hard on myself and others. The Lord is good, right, and just so why not fully trust His way?! I am reminded by this to be close and listen to what God is saying to me in this life.

  19. April says:

    What strikes me is not so much the grace, although that is precious, but the fact that peace is an attribute of God. If we are called peacemakers then we are called sons/daughters of God. To know peace is to know a part of God.

  20. ed sheeran first song says:

    Newer gentlemen by using hair could possibly be enticed to make use of gel… yet that isn’t proposed. Carbamide peroxide gel clumps the frizzy hair with each other in addition to unveils this crown.

  21. Carrie says:

    If I don’t have this kind of peace in my life am I not a Christian?

    1. April says:

      Not true. I would not worry about that. We are human I think and will not always have this peace as life is not perfect. It is something to pray for and it is something to recognize as a part of God.

  22. Charmaine McBride says:

    “Apart from Christ, all of life is war. We war within ourselves as we rebel against God’s best. We war against others as our sin sends shrapnel into one another’s hearts. The cross is the only bridge to true peace.”

    What truth and beauty there is in this statement. I have just come through a 2 week period were there was a breakdown in communication with my sister and sadly she fell out with me and it grew much bigger than it was due to long distance also. My heart was overwhelmed and anxious to the point of despair as I couldn’t bear someone being ‘at war’ with me. Thankfully prayer and face to face communication sorted it out and going forward I think we will be closer than ever before. Thank you God for being ‘my peace’ and rest and hiding place this last few weeks.

  23. Amy says:

    Today we sit and wait in a hospital room on this day of thanksgiving. It is hard to see the thanks in this day for us, but that is clearly the message God has for us. On THANKSGIVING. It couldn’t be more clear if it smacked me in the face. Which is exactly what these verses from Psalm 34 did to me tonight. I am desperate for comfort and healing for my husband, and God is desperate to give me that precious gift. Through my thanksgiving and praise I will see God and know God and be blessed by God.

    Jesus Calling for November 24 is spot on, with, get this, multiple references to the heart – the exact reason we are in the hospital today. I love God’s sense of humor. God is good and trying to help us see from His perfect view. Psalm 34 will be circled, highlighted, starred and read over and over again.

    Thank you Lord for sending angels to protect us. Thank you Lord for sitting with us in this room. Thank you Lord for providing care givers for our daughters so that I can be with Seth. Thank you Lord for the amazing grace and mercy that is new and necessary to me each and every day. Thank you for coming after me hard so that I can be blessed by you. Help me to bless my husband and those around me all because of the deep well of peace that is you. Thank you Lord.

    1. Kim says:

      I will be praying for your family!! :)

    2. Christy says:

      Praying for you and your family Amy.

    3. Julie says:

      I too sat in a hospital room on Thanksgiving with my 3 month old daughter….hooked up to tubes and wires and staring at me with big eyes of “Mommy help me! Pick me up and comfort me!” And I couldn’t. I just had to place my hands on her and claim the promise “Be still sweet girl and know I am God.” God’s presence was overwhelming in that cold, sterile room and while it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through, the sweetness of God’s comfort and PEACE made it worth it. Thank you Jesus for your promises we can claim as TRUTH!!!

  24. Jess Gardiner says:

    He himself is our peace… this little verse is my great comfort. In a constant warring family, I learnt early in life to be the good,sweet girl. I thought I could fix my family; keep the peace; never be too loud or too much to be a problem. The effects of trying to keep the peace and save my family have been destructive. Jesus removes that weight off my shoulders. I am not the Saviour, He is! I am a beacon pointing to peace, not peace itself. I find that the more I see my wretched self for what I am and the more I fall in love with Jesus, the more I am equipped to truly loving others and offering them grace and mercy. The reality is I AM is child, therefore I am a peacemaker; not always a bringer of peace, but always a herald of peace.

    1. Charmaine McBride says:

      Thank you for this…’I am a beacon pointing to peace, not peace itself.’ So true. I need to remember this also when I get frustrated with my family. We are not the Saviours, He alone is!

  25. Cat says:

    I don’t usually comment but I’m asking for your prayers. I’ve been sinking in shame trying to figure out how I’ve failed a relationship I’ve been in for 10 years. As I gained some perspective and have been hoping to work towards reconciliation – I found out several days ago his mind was set that nothing could or would change based on past actions. I can’t force peace or reconciliation and I am in so much pain right now. I know God is sovereign and I need to trust Him and run towards Jesus. Desiring His peace in this relationship and in reconciliation , but knowing I need to accept that peace comes from Him alone in His way and His timing. This community has blessed me tremendously- grateful for SRT and the truth, authenticity and diversity of sisters meeting here seeking Jesus and His Kingdom together.

    1. Erin Davis says:

      Hi Cat!

      Erin Davis, here. I too, am having to lean extra hard on the Lord in this season as I wait for reconciliation. I’ve played all my cards and feel the crushing shame you do. But the Lord hasn’t dropped the ball for either of us. Reconciliation is His speciality. I’ve found tremendous comfort in Isaiah 51 in recent days. Praying you can find some time to read it and be encouraged too. I’m especially fond of these words, “For the Lord comforts Zion; he comforts all her waste places and makes her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song” (vs. 3). If this relationship is a desert place, where no life can be seen for miles, hand it over friend. In His timing, He will bring fruit where it seems impossible.

      Trusting Him with you and for you today.


      1. Cat says:

        Thank you so much for your encouragement, Erin. I will pray for you as you’re trusting Him through this season you’re walking in as well. He is faithful always.

      2. Lana says:

        Beautiful scripture, Erin. Thank you for sharing.

    2. Robin W. says:

      Totally standing with you in prayer, friend. My marriage is proof of the power of God’s reconciliation. I believe this for you, too. ❤️

      1. Cat says:

        Thank you ❤️

  26. Zoe says:

    I needed this today! Been finding myself quite anxious about the plethora of political propaganda I see continuing to play out in the media. Strikes fear to my core if I don’t keep my eyes on the Lord Almighty!

    1. Christina says:

      I am experiencing the same kind of anxiety, Zoe. Praying that we look to the One who has it all in the palm of His hand…. and maybe that I, for one, will stay away from media/social media a little more! Not to be uninformed, but to stay rested in the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

  27. Keri McCue says:

    As much as I try to be the peacemaker in my relationships, I constantly fail. There are still relationships that need mending, relationships that are strained and broken. Praying that God can give us all the words to say and the guidance we need to bring life back to hurting realtionships!!

  28. TinaW says:

    Oh my, today, this is just perfect for me… thanking God for Christ being the bridge to my peace, no war will overtake me, because I am His… Happy Thanksgiving to you all! There is always something to be thankful for, no matter what is going on… war time or peace, we have a God who sees us through!

  29. Diane Huntsman says:

    The holidays are here and so are the magnified broken relationships.. the hard part of the holidays is the realization, so much louder than normal , that love has pain, broken people and estrangements make their way into these 6 weeks totally uninvited, and yet they faithfully come anyways.. to haunt us, to make us uneasy, to drive us to the only One that can restore that which is completely blown apart.. please pray for the miracle of restoration in the brokenness of many family relationships in my life.. tragically these people who no longer speak to me are Christians.. I’ll pray for you too, that God would heal hearts and restore the years the locusts have eaten.. it ought not be so, the believers warring amongst one other, and yet it is often the reality for so many.. breaks Gods heart I just know it.. blessed are the peacemakers.. may we do what we need to do to fight for peace..

    1. Robin W. says:

      Praying for you, Diane.
      Father, I ask that this holiday season Diane would turn to you. That you would be the one she asks for strength, for acceptance, and for love. And Father, when she comes to you I ask that you would give her a peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace that seemingly shouldn’t belong, but a peace that is there nonetheless. When that peace comes, Lord I ask that Diane would recognize that with you, all things are possible. Father, begin the healing process this holiday season, even if that means that no new wounds are created. I ask for JOY, unspeakable joy in Diane’s heart this season. Thank you, Father. Amen.

      1. Diane Huntsman says:

        Oh my goodness!! Blessed my heart so big! Thank you so very much for this prayer, it seriously meant so much to come back here and read it! I’m super touched!! Bless you!!!!! Xoxo

  30. Leslie says:

    The whole of these scriptures is very instructive. Jesus addressed peace because He knew the lack of it would always be reality while we are here. Our great desire for peace is evidence that we were made in God’s image and designed for His Kingdom. Thank you SRT for teaching and encouraging me to continue the pursuit!

  31. Christina D. says:

    “We can forgive because we’ve been forgiven, pursue peace because we serve the Peacemaker, mend broken relationships because we’ve been stitched up with the thread of grace.” This was the line that pierced me today. Honestly, I always want to experience God’s peace but I don’t honestly always want to be a peacemaker. Right now I’m in a season of life where I’m exhausted and overwhelmed and the next 6 weeks of life seem 100% daunting and I kind of want to jump in my car and run away until January. I don’t want to be a peacemaker. I want everyone else to be a peacemaker so I can have a break. So things can be easy. Right now being a peacemaker seems like one more responsibility to shoulder. But God. He did it all first. He is the peacemaker. He first loved us. I’m reminded of the grace and peace He extends to me. And not only does He give it to me, but He also gives me His power and the Holy Spirit’s guidance to extend it outward. Once again I’ve tried to martyr myself by doing all things in my own strength. I’m sure there are many other “She’s” out there this morning who feel exhausted this season. I’m asking you to pray for me….and I’ll pray for you. That this season will be marked by divine peace. That Holy peace will permeate our hearts first enabling us to be peacemakers in our homes and in our communities. Lord, keep my attitude humble and my eyes fixed on you.

    1. Yes I understand your pain, we try to carry a load that’s already taken care of. Gods got this. Will be praying for you!

  32. ~ B ~ says:

    We must first associate reconciliation with Christ. Our relationship with Christ needs to be fully reconciled first. We must know and receive peace through Him because we can not give away something we do not have. Second, we need to see reconciliation for others in the same way. We need to point them in the direction of reconciliation with Christ, before even full reconciliation with us, because genuine peace only comes through Him. No reconciliation will be longterm without it. Also, we can offer peace, grace and forgiveness to others but they must be in a position to receive it. We must not exhaust ourselves trying to force or manufacture peace for others, that’s where Christ comes in. Sometimes it is easy to fall into a postion of “Savior” because we so desperately want change for folks, instead remember that we can share the gospel, share grace and share peace but true peace doesn’t come from us, it comes from Christ. Peacemakers must be wise in their interactions, we must know our limits and must know that prayer serves all things. We all have folks in our lives where relationships are incredibly challenged and difficult, some where our own emotional sanctity can be challenged … again, this is where Christ walks in. Sometimes, try as we might, some are riddled by pain and problems and are unable to “hear” or see peace from us, don’t mistake peacemaking for peace-breaking. Anything that risks the peace we have in Christ is a cue for us to refocus our direction and recall that we are to share Christ but the saving is for Him alone.

    Prayerful that I practice peacemaking in my daily interactions with those near and far, that even those, with whom I can’t speak, see peace in my actions and words at a distance. That I recognize areas I need to reconcile myself and I heed the word of other peacemakers. That I know the word peacemaker is a verb … it is an “always” moving action, it doesn’t sit idly but instead works in all things. ~ B

    1. Cecilia says:

      Amen! Thank you, B. I’ve learned the hard way, just like many of you. The only way to have true peace overflow is for us to pursue our Saviour Jesus, pray, read the Word then listen to promptings and move & obey….God is faithful to bring peace about, to glorify Himself through us. Even though it is soo hard to bite my tongue, to forgive, to serve in the midst of the storm, to obey when it hurts….Today reminds me God is faithful & by obeying, He will most certainly use the window I have pried opened in me to glorify himself to those around me.

    2. Kendra says:

      Good words! Thank you, B!

  33. Kelly R Smith says:

    Thank you for taking the weight of peacemaking off my shoulders. I cannot keep the peace in all of my relationships, not even in my own heart. But I can look to Jesus. I can be thankful for the grace God shows me. I can fix my eyes on His Word and allow it to transform me. And I can embrace humility and say “I’m sorry” when I am in the wrong–and accept it from others when I am wronged. God, change me from the inside out.

  34. Katy says:

    But how do I surrender to him to get that peace? I love him, I acknowledge him as my Lord and saviour, I read his word and know it’s true and I pray. But still I am troubled and surrounded by people who bicker, talk down to each other, are sarcastic and moan and I feel it exhausting me every day. I try to be the ‘fun up-beat’ one, not reacting to the negativity, guiding my kids to show respect to each other and others but it makes no difference and I’m close to shutting myself off and leaving them all to it. I’m tired of it.

    1. Natasha says:

      Hi Katy. I kind of get where you”re coming from. It is almost as if it is wave, after wave, after wave of almost unrest. I mostly feel like i have no peace. I constantly question if i am doing something wrong you know.

      1. Pam says:

        Good morning Katy & Natasha – I so understand how you are feeling. For many years, I tried to manufacture peace in my family. I was always the one trying to make it better for everybody, but that doesn’t work and it sure wasn’t peaceful for me! God opened my eyes and mercifully led me in a different direction. To be a peacemaker means that I do not do anything that would cause strife and dissension. Instead, I love each and every one of them and lift them up to the Father in prayer. I want them to see in me a life marked by the character of Jesus. They are responsible for their own inner peace – I cannot give that to them. And that peace only comes from one Source – our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying for you sweet sisters!

        1. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

          Pam. So wonderfully said. Thank you. I too struggle with all of the bickering I see in my family and around me. It can be overwhelming. My job is to pray for them and for them to know that I have Jesus, the ultimate Peacemaker. If I can demonstrate my love for Him and pray for them gen I’ve done what He is asking of me. Blessed Thanksgiving to you.

        2. Vicky says:

          Oh , how I get where Katy is coming from. Work has not been exactly peaceful for me lately because of certain individuals in the office. I seem to try to make everyone get along and that never works. Pam your words are a great reminder that I can’t control or “fix” anyone else. God needs me to work on me and make sure I’m not causing the problem, but I can’t bring inner peace to anyone else.

      2. churchmouse says:

        Without the Messiah : excluded, foreigner, without hope, without God in this world (Ephesians. 2:12). Well, no wonder there’s tension, strife and bickering all around me. What a miserable life. But now in Christ Jesus, you have been brought near. He is our Peace. He tore down the divisions, the walls of hostility (Ephesians. 2:13-14). Well now that’s better. And that’s the key to my being a peacemaker. I know Jesus. I have all His promises to calm any fears, to give me the perspective on life here and hope for my future. Those who do not have Jesus do not have this. They act the way they do because they don’t know Him. I can look on them with sadness and understanding. I can draw them to Him by the peace I have within. My peace in Christ can be as a magnet. Oh it is not easy but I have the power of the Holy Spirit to help me. And the results of my efforts rest in Him. May I go out in peace to promote peace because I have the Prince of Peace. Amen.

    2. Elizabeth says:

      I think practically speaking, social media wreaks havoc on me atsometimes. It’s a constant bombardment of anger, arguing, opinions given as fact. It is overwhelming!! Maybe challenge yourself to take a break from social media for awhile, turn off the news & replace it with an uplifting podcast. Those are just some ideas. :) You are not alone in this battle for sure.

      1. raschknits says:

        I agree wholeheartedly, Elizabeth. I’ve purposefully dialed back my social media consumption and have instead listened to podcasts and audiobooks (working my way through Eric Metaxas’ book on Bonhoeffer right now).

        I agree with Katy and Natasha; at times, the bickering of my children can make me want to set my hair afire. While I know it’s ‘a stage’ that they’re going through, I know very well the deep chasm of hurt that can follow us into adulthood, damaging sibling relationships. Modeling correct behavior, reinforcing good choices and consequences for bad choices just doesn’t seem to affect my oldest, who seems to be obsessed with belittling his brother and sister.

    3. candacejo says:

      Katy, I was reading another devotion this morning from and it is on the same subject! I think it complements today’s SRT and pray it helps you:

      “Jesus has given you powerful armor for negativity. His gospel makes us all optimists. Rise above. Here is the soundtrack and theme music to run through your head and heart when you feel the energy drain: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near” (Philippians 4:4,5).

      You don’t have to take the negativity personally. You have God’s favor and Christ’s love and the Spirit’s indwelling with you wherever you go. You can recognize constant negativity for what it is—cries for help from a small person who feels overwhelmed, envious, bitter, and afraid. Your desk and phone and e-mails can be a steady source of positivity. People will notice. They may even ask why you are so cheerful all the time. You can tell them why your spirit rejoices.

      Rise above. Perhaps you have been sent on a divine mission from God to that very office to make a difference.”

    4. Meg says:

      Peace making is not the same as peace keeping. Peace keepers bite their tongues, trying to make sure everyone’s happy and no feathers are ruffled. Peace is more than just the absence of conflict. Peace making involves righting wrongs and standing up for people when they can’t speak for themselves. And ultimately, God is the giver of true peace, no matter how much we try to make others happy around us.

      1. Murphy says:

        Well said, Meg!

      2. cj8of8 says:

        Amen Meg. So so true. Blessed are the Peace Makers. They are the hands and feet.