The Bible In A Year 97

Open Your Bible

Numbers 32-34, Mark 6:1-29

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55 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 97"

  1. Reylena says:

    **moses’ faith and the people’s faith moved

  2. Reylena says:

    What strikes me in both of these passages: is faith…
    Moses had the people’s faith moves them forward into the promise land & those who believed in Jesus were healed.
    Those that had unbelief were not healed and died in the desert without ever seeing the promise land. Out unbelief can move us into Gods promises and our unbelief can keep us stuck in the desert. lord help me in my unbelief!

  3. Samantha Dorsey says:

    I am amazed by all the places they slept in the Old Testament but what really whichever me was be heading John the Baptist can’t wait to read more tomorrow

  4. Debbie says:

    5 And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. 6 And He wondered at their unbelief.
    Jesus “couldn’t ” do any miracles because of their unbelief? Yikes. Lord, help my unbelief!

    1. Jessee says:

      I’m with you Debbie, the wording here is striking. The fact that their unbelief was so poignant that there was so nothing to build a miracle on, Jesus could have done miracles, but he always used a vessel, usually a faithful person who asked for something (healing) or as a gift to those following him (the loaves and fish) but without a faithful vessel who would he perform a miracle for or on? So interesting. (Agreed Lauren on the GOT flashbacks with John the Baptist)

    2. Hesaved83 says:

      Unbelief is sin the very opposite of faith…James 1:5-7

  5. Heidi Wray says:

    I had to pull up a map and follow it as I read numbers 33 this morning. What an amazing journey, especially in an area that can be tough to survive in!!

    Anybody struggle with the New Testament reading? I know we’ve read this in church, but I don’t ever remember a sermon on it. It’s a tough read! Lust can cause so many terrible things, though I can’t imagine choosing a persons life over a carnal desire. Disturbing.

    1. Lauren says:

      Perhaps she was concerned that Herod would be worn down and start to believe JtB? In which case, she could lose her place as queen, be cast out with nothing, or even be killed as a seductress. I think it was probably a power move, to prove to Herod and the followers of JtB that SHE was in charge.

      (Flashbacks of Game of Thrones…)

      1. I thought of GoT too

    2. April Czach says:

      Right? Also, pride. He wanted to save face because he’d made the oath in front of his guests. It’s a sad and scary story, and it makes me think of all the things I’ve done because of the people watching me.

      1. Gabrielle says:

        Herod almost seems like Pilate. Both Herod and Pilate believed these great men before them. Initially, Herod and Pilate didn’t want to kill JtB or Jesus. But it’s sad how little of a push they needed to ignore their heart and make a political or personal move to save face.

  6. karen says:

    What a relief, that the Sons of Israel have finally arrived! What lessons they had to learn along the way….I’m thankful that most of our day to day lessons are much less violent. I pray for those who are still being persecuted in the name of Christ.

  7. Can't says:

    I took note of verse 23 as well – “your sin will find you out” There is not a thing you can do that he will not find out.

    1. Lauren says:

      This stood out to me as well

  8. Yana says:

    23 “But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.
    There is no hiding from Our Father. I’m glad He is compassionate and forgiving to us.