The Bible In A Year 91

Open Your Bible

Numbers 18-19, Mark 3

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71 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 91"

  1. Maddie says:

    I was a little confused with the language but it made sense after reading it a couple of times. I believe this message is for me to learn to accept things the way they are and to know that God knows that he’s doing.

  2. Naomi says:

    Sometimes it is hard to follow, but I believe as I keep going I will find that God will translate it into my life one way or another.
    Just starting my Bible journey and I am very excited cited to be in Gods word on a daily basis. tbin

    1. Erica says:

      I agree Naomi but stay the course and ask God to speak to youspeak to youtspspeak to

    2. I completely agree with this, you’re two weeks in now how are you feeling?? I am a little confused as well but I know if I can just keep going daily and pressing into him he will do the same to me.

  3. KK says:

    I often focus in Jesus’s judgment on the religious leaders of his day and forget his compassion for them: 5 And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart…”

    1. Naomi says:

      I have to remember even Jesus loves our corrupt politicians. But He had a plan and it will be seen.

  4. Jesus made a way for sinners to reach perfection. perfecto

  5. Madison says:

    I’m having difficulty understanding these two paragraphs. Could any one explain them to me?

  6. Hannah Senior says:

    As you read the Old Testemant, you realise how much it took to be clean/forgiven of only one sin! And then you read the the New and how Jesus is telling storoes about how everyone would be forgiven of all sins, he doesnt state how at thw rime, but we know it was him who died and rose again! Think that deserves a Hallelujah, Amen! x

  7. Alisa says:

    I find these chapters interesting to read together. The OT chapters are all about the rules of being right with God and in the Mark chapter, Jesus healed on the Sabbath which was thought to be unlawful. Interesting juxtaposition, and it makes me happy we are no longer subject to the OT laws.

  8. Sami says:

    Jesus is amazing. What a perfect teacher and moral compass for us all.