The Bible In A Year 87

Open Your Bible

Numbers 12-13, 2 Thessalonians 3

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60 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 87"

  1. I hadn’t realized before today that 2 Thes. 3:13 was in the context of working for your wages. Paul is reminding those who have a daily grind that a glamorous life or a lazy one is not what we are called to. I needed to hear that! He has given me the life I need to put me in the path of those who need Him, and has given me a job that provides for my needs. Instead of becoming frustrated that my life or my work doesn’t look like I had hoped or planned that it would, I should be thankful, and never grow weary of quietly doing good, day after day after day.

    1. Jennifer says:

      I found this so encouraging as well!

    2. Gail says:

      Great reminder-thank you Julie

    3. Erin says:

      I too found this encouraging! Thanks for sharing

    4. AnnieB says:

    5. Kaylee Susong says:

      Thank you for this Julie!!!! Loved how you worded this. Wrote it in my journal!!!

  2. Yana says:

    13 And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.

    It is easy to become tired when our society pulls us toward anger, self gratification, selfishness…But the peace that comes with staying in the word and winning the spiritual tug of war is so much greater than succumbing to the ways of the world. Faithgateway has a wallpaper by Anne Voskamp that says “Wear the lens of the Word and the world transfigures to the Body of Christ.” God glasses—always look for ways to show the world the way of a Christian. BE and SPEAK as a Christian so others will follow. Sooooo not that easy all the time! But so necessary to show our appreciation for all He has given us.

    1. Jessica Shafer says:

      Thanks Yana ! That’s great and so true!

    2. Jennifer says:

      Thanks I needed this reminder

  3. Roslyn Wollman says:

    I love where it explains that Moses is a humble man. :)

    1. Julie says:

      Me too!

  4. Taylor Bailey says:

    I am wondering if Moses is so humble because God spoke to him face to face or if God spoke to him because of his great humility. Either way we definitely see God exalting the humble as he made Moses a leader of the people and spoke with him face to face! Matthew 23:12 -Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

  5. Katie says:

    I have enjoyed Thessalonians so much! The verse that got me today was V 5. “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.” What a sweet❤️place to be, to stay!

  6. Leah Swindon says:

    From 2 Thes 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

    I needed to read this today. After getting too caught up in politics at work, the reminder to stay the course and pray to the Lord to help me stay outside of that conflict was very convicting. He is faithful, and what I have to do is lay it down before Him and step forward with a new conviction that if I ask Him to strengthen and protect me, he will.

  7. Shirl says:

    Despite Miriam and Aaron’s jealousy of Moses,Moses was still gracious and asked for her healing. In 2 Thessalonians Paul instructs us not to associate with sinners but to warn them as fellow believers and not treat them as enemies. He asks for the lords peace to be among them. So often Satan tries to sow strife among believers, to make us feel jealousy. Let us continue to work for peace

    1. Jessica Shafer says:

      Work for peace and love one another ;)

    2. Britt Biddinger says:


  8. Elisha says:

    30Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”
    Yea, Caleb!
    And from 2 Thessalonians: 3But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

    In facing giants, I pray that we all have the confidence and trust in God to know that we can overcome great and powerful obstacles before us. He has already overcome the world, why can’t we believe? Lord, help our unbelief.

    1. Elizabeth says:

      Thank you for this!!

    2. Britt Biddinger says:

      amen! We may be grasshoppers, but our God is so much bigger than any opposition!