The Bible In A Year 85

Open Your Bible

Numbers 8-9, 2 Thessalonians 1

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87 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 85"

  1. Lena says:

    This made me reflect on how temporary our home on earth is. That we should hold it loosely and be ready to leave in obedience to God. That our security comes from him and the promise of heaven, not in our earthy dwellings. Oh to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and not wander off when we feel impatient.

  2. Stephanie says:

    This is very literal following of the Lord! Go when he commands and stay when he commands. I need to be more literal in following , trusting and obeying. Thank you all for the comments and sharing your insight. It helps my testimony to grow.

  3. Kylee says:

    What I noticed today? God has long sought after the condition of our hearts. After hearing implicit instructions in Leviticus about the unclean touching dead bodies & how that pertains to sacrifices & feasts, Moses is approached by men who have been marked unclean but still WANT to take part in the Passover. He waits for God’s instruction, and a new law is born: if you are unclean but your heart is in the right place you may partake in the Passover, BUT if you are clean and choose not to participate, you’re done – cut out of the clan, exiled from your people. This shows me He has always looked at the condition of our hearts over our appearance; even when we look the part, He doesn’t want us serving Him unless our hearts are in it, too! Beautiful to me.

    1. Jenna says:

      Love this, thanks for sharing!

    2. Erin says:

      Wow! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Blakers says:

    Interesting in Numbers 9:12 that those who are unclean who are celebrating Passover are told not to break any of the bones of the lamb they eat… And Jesus, the Lamb of God did not have any broken bones as He sacrificed His life for us on the cross. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but it leapt off the page at me. So grateful for Christ.

    1. Reagan says:

      He is intentional through it all! Unfathomable. :)

  5. Emma Berg says:

    God’s peace in our lives leads us like the cloud in the numbers reading. In decisions in life and even in the day to day, My prayer would be that I could peacefully rest under God’s power in the day. How would my day to day life look different if every day I was simply imagining my life as An opportunity to dwell under God’s cloud instead of a chance to check off my to do list?

    1. Rhonda says:


  6. JJ Smith says:

    Numbers 9 was very picturesque to me. They lived under the shadow of God’s cloud, and when and where it moved, they did as well. They couldn’t see the path the cloud would follow, but God knew and they trusted Him. So for us, we are to live under the shadow of God’s wings. If we aren’t under that shadow, spiritually, we should figure out where it is and go to it. We need to be open to God’s direction in our lives if we are His people, moving when and where He directs. This is one area the Israelites showed something worthy of our #faithgoals

    1. Emma Berg says:

      So good! Well articulated. Thank you for sharing :)

  7. Savannah says:

    The Thessalonians faith was growing and their love was increasing. They didn’t stop growing and become complacent. We must keep growing in our faith every day

  8. Antimony says:

    2 Thes 1:3 “We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater”. Their love for each other was proof of their faith.