Day 71

The Bible In A Year 71

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Leviticus 14, Matthew 25:1-30

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97 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 71"

  1. Lauren Bourgeois says:

    Such a strange coincidence, but yesterday morning I started developing an itchy rash on my face after reading about leprosy. It’s been itching like crazy, and today’s reading dealt even more with unclean conditions of the skin…
    It’s prompting me to dig deeper, and reflect on how my flesh and my spirit are coinciding. Am I feeding my Spirit daily? Am I as concerned with the health of my spirit as I am with my body? Am I honoring my flesh by honoring my Spirit? Have I placed too much comfort in my flesh and it’s holding me back from something God is wanting me to experience?
    Am I confident and sure enough in my spirit that I don’t question, or link my identity to the condition of my appearance?

    I pray for clarity, in both spirit, and in flesh! (…the itch is so real y’all, oh my goodness. )

    1. Kylee says:

      Prayers for your skin, Lauren!

  2. Alyce says:

    I can’t tick off more than 1 per day either and I want to read 2 to catch up!

    1. Jamie says:

      Me too

  3. nicole.eliza says:

    *don’t not dong!

  4. nicole.eliza says:

    Rebecca, make sure you dong have any verses highlighted/selected. If you do the menu to bookmark, send, etc will pop up over the read tab. I’ve accidentally done that several times :)

    1. Monica says:

      I hate that!

  5. Rebecca says:

    I’m having trouble with it letting me click that I have read the passage for today. It let me tick off March 12th but not 13th. I wonder if it’s because I’m in Melbourne and I am a day before the US?

  6. Molly Long says:

    I see it more as trusting in God and believing that he will multiply what he entrusts in us through our faith and free will.

  7. Savannah says:

    Thanks for all the comments! I love hearing from you guys, it helps my understanding so much! I found the Matthew passage about the virgins interesting, I’m often told I’m not sensitive enough, but a lot of times it’s to separate myself from other’s drama so that I can focus on my own walk. If I get sucked into people’s drama, I tend to fall into depression and loose myself trying to help them. I know that’s not showing compassion though, so does anyone have any tips on striking a balance between helping others and taking care of your own needs?? Thanks!

    1. Amy Schulz says:

      Pray that God will give you opportunities to help people- that he will give you discernment about who to help and when. Spend lots of time In the Word and pray to “fill your own tank” so you’re “full” when helping others :) make sure to make time for your yourself– but remember that you don’t do anything from your own strength so you can do anything with Christ! He is the one who gives you everything, so he is the one who supports you to help others.

      1. Amy Schulz says:

        Remember James 1:27. It’s so important I serve others!

        1. Amy Schulz says:

          ** to serve others

    2. Janeen says:

      Thank you Savannah… I feel the same way as you, but God is really working in my life and showing me life is all about others. The joy of helping others really helps me keep my focus on what God thinks versus what my needs are or what others think.

  8. mhenshaw4 says:

    29“For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.” This passage really confused me, to me it sounds like the rich shall be given more and the poor will have whatever they have, taken away. It seems as though the rich are being rewarded.

    1. Claudia says:

      I think it is talking about faith rather than goods and possessions!

    2. Blair says:

      I think one thing to consider is God’s responses to the man with 5 talents vs 2 talents…it was exactly the same!

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