The Bible In A Year 71

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 14, Matthew 25:1-30

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97 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 71"

  1. Antimony says:

    I guess it’s just about faithfulness in responsibilities. The 5 virgins didn’t prepare like they should have. They were irresponsible. The servant was given a little and failed to use it appropriately. God expects faithfulness and wisdom from His people

  2. Bev Brandon says:

    God doesn’t resolve all their problems. How can they even remember what to do? It is all about living holy before a holy God. Chilling words from the NT: “I never knew you.” Matt 25 :12. We can be sure here. Keep watch. Know that you know.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Wow. What a blessing this app is! If not for this app I would of just gone on and gotten nothing from the Leviticus reading and learnt nothing. What an amazing gift that I get to hear what some other more seasoned bible readers can take from it! Really looking forward to getting into the Bible more with you ladies!!!

    1. Elisha says:

      it is, Rebecca! Just last night in my evening devotion I read this blessing, “May he surround you with God-fearing, faithful friends and strengthen your resolve to live courageously.” I immediately thought of thos group!

  4. Corinne says:

    Thanks for sharing that perspective Amber!

    1. Olivia says:

      I sometimes have trouble trying to get rid of my sins and I don’t exactly know how. Any comments?

  5. Reading about the cleansing of the house from a Disease gave me a vivid picture this morning of the removal of sin. The removal of sin cannot be taken lightly. Sin often shows up on the surface of our lives in our demeanor, our words and sometimes even on the weariness and hard surface of our face. But it’s roots go much deeper. To get rid of it requires a thorough house search and sometimes in the searching we find that it has set into the deepest darkest corners of our house. God calls for not a quick sweep, or a few Clorox wipes to the kitchen counters, but a house renovation. The removal of deep sin sometimes requires having surgery on ourselves. It’s bloody, messy, extremely painful, and healing can at times take weeks. It’s so serious that the bible warns us if there is another believer we are trying to help restore, keep watch lest we fall into the hands of the disease as well when we enter that person’s house. It made me ask this morning, what sins have I been surface cleaning instead of house Renovation?

    1. Sara says:

      Such a good point!

    2. Kara* says:

      Wow thanks for sharing that. I was just trying not to gag as I read it. This is such a good reminder of the fulfillment that Christ was for us too, how this cleansing and the purification is from his hands, he was the spotless lamb to take care of our atonement. Good prayer reminder. Thanks again for sharing.

    3. Debbie says:

      Thanks for sharing Amber!

    4. Christina D. says:

      Awesome insight Amber. Thank you so much for sharing what the Lord put on your heart.

    5. Millicent says:

      Wow Amber, thanks for sharing your insight!

    6. Angelyn says:

      Beautiful illustration…
      Have to clean my shower today, and it’s definitely not a Clorox wipe kinda job haha. Glad I’ll have deeper things to think on as I’m scrubbing away!

    7. Malanda says:

      Very well put

    8. Fiona Halt says:

      how do you remove sin?

      1. Dee says:

        Only Christ can remove sin. Our part is acknowledging our powerlessness and total reliance on Jesus’ sacrifice, not our own good works. Then, before God we are clean. However, we live in a fallen world… we keep sinning and we do suffer the consequences of sin here on earth (but perhaps by God’s grace, there are times when we are even rescued from some of these??). So God’s “surgery” on us is to allow circumstances or convictions or whatever to highlight those areas that He wants us to hand over to Him, to trust Him more with, to seek His help in dealing with. Sometimes that is painful, slow…. but He is interested in developing a relationship with us, leading us to love and trust Him more through it all.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Hi everyone. I am just starting this plan today and I am new to this whole studying the bible thing. I am from Melbourne, Australia. Is it bad that after one paragraph of the Leviticus part I couldn’t motivate myself to read anymore and then skipped to the New Testament part? What is the point of reading all about these weird rules and regulations that are not relevant? I’m just curious… Thanks! Rebecca.

    1. Caroline says:

      Leviticus is a tough one to start with! But just remind yourself that God included it for a reason in the Bible- there are things we can learn from it. The big take away I think most of the girls would agree is that God is SO perfect and detail-oriented. So for is today that means, we are clearly no way “holy” enough to “earn” heaven by our own deeds. As for his attention to detail- how much more can we pray to God sharing with him all the details of our life!

    2. Leah Swindon says:

      I agree..kudos to you for starting here. I start my reading by asking God to keep my eyes and heart open as I read through these parts and pray to discovered some truths that I would miss if I skimmed. For me, today, it was the part about a moldy house. In literal senses, we can still relate to that as a problem, but imagine a time when you didn’t have the resources we do now? God knew how to instruct them to stay safe. In a metaphorical sense, once sin, (mold) is in your house/body, we go though our high priest, Jesus, to be cleansed. It’s a good parallel to the Matthew reading…recognizing the need for Jesus keeps us on the side of the sheep.

      Anyway..that was long winded!! Glad to have you here!!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        I caught onto the moldy house verses also! Leviticus is pretty hard for me to concentrate on, but it’s neat how God is so detail oriented. Also I love how God understands our needs and sufferings as humans. He understands mold and disease and what needs to be done to keep both of those from spreading. Pretty awesome

    3. drasch says:

      I struggle with the OT for many reasons… Treatment of women, the seeming inconsistencies in punishment of various crimes, the absolute inability of the Israelites to maintain the Law as defined for them by God. I tend to fixate on specific issues (the midwives in Egypt has long been a your one for me). I have to remember that, just as the Israelites couldn’t hope to keep the Law, neither can we expect to gain salvation in actions. I’m struggling with mild depression and really have to force myself away from my “who cares?” attitude right now.

      1. Kara* says:

        Praying for you. ♡♡♡

      2. ShanLeAnn says:

        I’m in a study called Lord, Change My Attitude by James MacDonald and it brought the situation of the Israelites into a new perspective for me in a section about complaining. I’d encourage you to check it out! It helps make the OT more relatable!

      3. drasch says:

        Thank you all… Your encouragement and prayers help so much ❤️

    4. Sara says:

      In tough parts like Leviticus, I find my study bible to be so helpful. It’s easier to just scroll through the reading on my phone but I take away so much more truth when I have a little help from the study bible :)

    5. Pam Blum says:

      Reading all of the Old Testament laws and regulations is difficult. Like other ladies has said it shows us how detail-oriented God is. It also shows what Christ’s death on the cross saved us from. Because of His ultimate sacrifice we no longer have to follow all of those laws and that is a wonderful thing!

      1. Malanda says:

        Didn’t think of it Iike that. Thanks for opening my eyes!

  7. Jennifer says:

    Is there a way we can be sure that we are ready for His return? I’m not sure. I think just continual growth in His grace, coming to Him and maturing spiritually as time goes by. I think it is our transformation process, to eventually reflect His glory completely. To be ready, I believe, is to be ready for the Him to come back, to be matured to a point where we are ready to be “harvested” from the world.

  8. Amanda says:

    Firstly, a little giggle about being the first to start the conversation. One because I have been behind a few days and have been doing a big catch up, and secondly I have the advantage of living in New Zealand where we get a head start on every day!

    Anyway, what strikes me about the verses in Matthew today is: how do I apply these? How do I know if I am ready for the return of Christ; that I have been faithful with what He has entrusted me with? What has he entrusted me with (there is so much!) and how do I invest it so that it multiplies? I know that I am saved absolutely by grace, but how do I make sure I am ready for His return?

    1. Marriannie says:

      Great questions for all of us! John 14:3 says that when Jesus returns he will take us to himself…speaks powerfully of relationship, not a place. The key to us being faithful with what he’s entrusted to us is by abiding in him! John Piper has a great way to help us remember what abiding is all about – APTAT; acknowledge i can do nothing apart from Christ; pray that God would make me love others as Jesus did; trust God’s promises for help and strength; act in obedience to God’s word; thank God for whatever good comes and give him glory. God Bless!

      1. Aimee says:

        This was so enlightening and put my mind to such rest, THANKYOU! What does JESUS mean by the parable about the bags of gold? Is this about sharing the gospel or sharing our blessings?

        1. Moni says:

          Aimee, I believe it is referring to the gifts God has bestowed upon us, and using it wisely. My brother for example is a lawyer, but that is part of His job calling…how he handles his job by interacting with his clients, showing the character & integrity of what we are learning in God’s truth. However, he also is gifted to lead the brass band in his church. He has lead various mission trips in Europe as a result, and through this ministry had united other churches in the process. As a result of being obedient to this calling, others have been obedient to use their callings…a brass band requires many to come along too. And each situation has its season. We are meant to show Jesus in our lives to others, with whatever calling we have. And we are meant to share our blessings too, however that looks for each person.

      2. Shirl says:

        Thank you for that! Learning to trust God will provide. Feeling very anxious right now

      3. Moni says:

        Great points! Anything we try to do “apart” from Christ is futile!

      4. Caroline says:

        Thank you for sharing this! Love it! Added the APTAT notes to my prayer journal.

    2. Moni says:

      Amanda, first off, how cool you are on this app and in New Zealand… (a bit jealous of this fact too…one day I will get to visit there :)

      As far as your comment, the thing that struck me today was how important that we ask God for discernment and wisdom, to accomplish His will with our unique gifts. Also to know when to say no!

      For example, I though how the virgins that had oil could have felt bad for the ones that didn’t, and shared their oil. While it would have been a “feel good moment”, maybe a “righteous moment”…doing so, would have meant they would have not have enough oil to burn for either of them in the end, losing out when midnight came. There are so many points to take from this…

      We are not all meant to give up our lives to go serve on the “mission field”, but rather grow in God’s word, and apply His truth daily (this is hard to do many times!). When my babies were little, I didn’t see it as my most important mission field, rather I dreamed of the “real mission field”… Looking back, I have so many regrets because I missed out a lot (lack of wisdom & discernment during these years on my part!)…the mission was before me, but I was to foolish to see it.

      I am wiser now, but have accumulated some bad habits, but the challenge I believe is applying the new testament reading of today, to everyday life…that is, how we interact in each situation. I can’t change the things I regret about, but I can strive to be better and learn, and continue on… God is a God of second chances (well, really a God of ~many~ chances!). May we learn to live in this moment, with much wisdom, for His glory!!

      1. Caroline says:

        As a mom to a young child, and hopefully more on the way in His time. I really appreciate your words! It can be hard feeling like I’m not “doing” enough to serve the Lord but my service is through my modeling of Christ to the other moms around me and to my young daughter!

        1. Moni says:

          Caroline, thank you for the encouragement. Don’t take any moment for granted, even it is seems mundane. The old cliche is true, they really do grow up much faster than we think. I think if we are striving to do the will of God, it will never feel like we are doing enough… Praying for you, for strength and wisdom through this motherhood journey, and that God will indeed increase your family.

      2. Christina D. says:

        Moni I loved your point about the virgins with enough oil not feeling bad for the others. Also thank you for the words about being a mother! They are an encouragement to me.

        1. Moni says:

          Christina, thank you for your encouragement just the same. Praying for you through this season of life as a mother… It is not an easy road, but such a blessed road, if we stop and refocus in the season we are in. Now that I said this, I am just reminded of my new season I am hitting too…that is, almost empty nester stage. Keep me in your prayers also. :)

      3. Katie Hentges says:

        Thank you for this!!! The point you made about no really stuck out to me! Also, I am in the season of littles so that was exhorting as well!!

    3. Pam Blum says:

      I feel like if we are praying and seeking after God everyday, striving to live like Christ, and showing His love and grace to others to the best of our abilities that makes us as ready as we will ever be for His return. I don’t think there is a checklist that makes us ready for His return, but that living a life that is pleasing to God is all that we can do because that is what He has called us to do.